The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    -V L.
i -
.. .... ,:';;;.;."."., ' ,..-J:..'.l. -J i . ..: -v the . Oregon daily, . jouRNALToirnmj
- I:
Delaware Legislature
in Special Session to
Elect Senator-Revolt
Led by Former Helper
- KnMial MnMi S.rTlr..l
Dover. The legislature met In
special aesslon today to eieci a unueu
States senator from Delaware nJ end
. the deadlock which haa exleted for mora
than a decade. -
ffi .IHn.. Will tMIM't
Addlcks aa potent factor in the poll
;ifca"brTMT)rfttlHHid Mtale. Erer-slnc
the overtures for a compromise and a
special session of the legtslstur start
ed .addlcks hie been . trying to reap
cheap (lory by declaring; that be wanted
a senator and adding- that he was wm-
In for a comoromtse In the hope : it
' would break the growing . powerT of
-Volt- Btetea Senator--J. ; Frank-All,
. a. man whom Addlcks made ' and who
until a year ago exhibited with -prtd
tb Addicka badge ha wore..,.' -
- ', Sad Sta at SUs Merer.:
For more than a decade John .Edward
Charles O'Sulllvaa Addicka . haa held
practically the fortunes of the Republl-
'can party of Delaware. He flrat ap
peared on the scene la 111, when the
H "publican "for the ftrst time la mors
'than 19 years had a . majority of the
' legislature. There was danger of a
deadlock, and Addicka coming direct
from Europe went ta Delaware, and
spiead the wind lha If thw tepqpncanT
were a-olng to hare any. difficulty In
selecting a senator he would accept the
"'"' Inquiry' was made aa to who Addlcks
waa and the replies came that ha. was
a millionaire gas promoter of Philadel
phia, New York. Boston. and Newport,
with homes in al) of these cities and
a summer residence' at Claymont, Dela-
. war. ..' ? '
, .Sad a Stiauaer asm.
This lumBwr Mmt In Delaware, while
waa ao seldom there that It came to b
known-a a -telephone residence.""-A
-warrttngAdillrlia riii'ln Telephone
Claymont and from there learn In which
one of his other homes be was.
The Republicans had no trouble In
agreelng-n- 1I8. and elected Anthony
1 Hiss-ins senator. His term expired In
1196, and again the Republicans won
In the meantime ABdlcka had built up
personal political - machine, the head
. of which was J. Prank Allee, a Watch
maker in the town of Dover. From the
legislature of 1I9& until today Delaware
haa never had-Its full auota of repre
sentative In-the senate. .
y - Created Deadlock. .
" Addicka In the learlalature held four
votes from beginning to end. just
ant , the aleotlea ef a
senator.- The result of this deadlock
. by Addicka caused a split among DU-
war Republicans In 1117 the legisla
ture was controlled by the. Democrat a
and R. R.- Kenney Was elected senator.
Addlcks was continually adding to
This machines la llta he endeavored -to
have his party recognised at th na
tional convention In St. Louts. Jt was
at tikt gathering that ex-Senator Hlg
glna called the gas magnate to his face
"a moral Idiot." 'at' which Addicka
'laughed. This established the fact later
emphasized by Thomas W. Xawson, who
In Ma "Frensied Finanoe' says anyone
could- call Addicka anything or strike
him and he would not retaliate.
i i - i
mm, wm&ddm v
(Continued from fag One.)
1 V'
bearlna in gold and ailver. Then came
11 or me principal outriders, who dl
recti y preceded a line of quaint histori
cal cone nee. zi in number, emblasoned
with armorial bearings, and embellished
with massive gilt ornamentation. The
coachmen and footmen wore brilliant
Louis XVI liveries, and the trappings
or tn horses were f th most gor
geous description.
Th first vehicle. brons-oolored.
drawn by four black horaes, waa occu
pled by four masters-at-arma. After it
cam th so-called "Paris" coach with
aix horaes having; whits trappings and
manes plaited with red -worsted, occu
pled by the court chamberlains, and 13
atate cnariota, whose horses were
adorned with plumes of varied huss,
belonging to the grandees of Spain. In
them were' seated palace functionaries
of high rank. The next carriage, orna
mented with silver gilt, while around
Its panels were a series of paintings by
old masters, having six sable horses at-
Tached ta H. was uccuiiled by the uuoen
dowager Of Spain, Prlnceas Henrc of
Battenberg and the Infanta' Eulalla1
Other carriages followed ' with 1 other
members of the two families.
A detachment of Horse Ouards sepa
rated th foregoing carrlagea from a
very pretty tortoise-shell - coach. In
which' was seated the brid and' her
party -
Turned down at St. Loula and still On-
daunted Addlcks with the power (ft his
money kept In Delaware politic a. In
the leglslaturs or 1191 he lacked only a
few. votes of being elected and, on the
leet day he eueeeeded In. wwa
ll"r ut I'Wiin tings uf lums-pynta-
cratio member.Three:voted for him,
hut -the.()einonratlona -made against
were so -terrifying; that other Demo
cratic members who had been secured
to vote for Addlcks wers afraid to do so.
Two vacancies were now In the. sen
ate and Addicka openly declared no one
ihould he sleeted untH-li wss. ' - 1 -
Freveated Aay Sleottoa.
Throughout all the struggles th de
cent element of the party ' known as
regular Republicans endeavored to elect
senators, voting' for -any aumber of
candidates, the leaders -of - Addlcks"
party, butAddlcks would not I permit
"my men, aa be called them, to vote
for anyone but himself. With twe va
cancies and - Addlcks t controlling the
egUUUuraQfclt01. ..Addlcki.jnadftJala
men. vote-for-hlm-or both term a, t hue
exhibiting - his "dog-ln-th-manger'-'
policy. . No election resulted. -
In 190l after valniytrylng to have
himself elected. Addlcks upon- pressure
from the national administration con-
entd-tn. the election of J. Frank Allee
and K Helaler Ball. Th term of the
latter expired last .year and Addicka
being again in control refused "to allow
anyone to be elected - except himself,
therefore from last March until the
present time Delaware has been' with
out its full quota of senators Jnth
upper house of congress.
During all the years of this contest
J. Frank Allee, the man made by Ad-
There is tut One - Real
Soda Cracker because
there is bat one that
5st(ryottjttst: as it
comes fromtheoven
Others lose their value
by being exposed to the
-air absorbingmoisture :
and collecting dust. 7 7
The real soda cracker
TsUneeda Biscuit kept
Jresh- and clean -by-the
protecting package wm
1 w
- H
Ths Fastest Boat The Bvw Kassed th Waters sf the Willamette aad
Ooluabla Bivers. Bsfaialtely Furalsbed.
. Leaves 'Alder Street Dock, Port-
. land ....I a. m.
' Arrive at Astoria at....;.,.l p. m.
-Leav Astoria for horns at.. I p. ou
Arrtv In Portland at p. m.
Meals Served a U Oart.
Oarry Tear Loach If Toa Wish.
' A delightful Sunday trip a -charming i rid on the grmtnt rivers
,f weatem America th best steamboat on the Paciflo coaet Pollt
.attention t every on.
Sec the City by the Sea at Little Cost
dicks and who was elevated to ths pres
idency of ths unsavory Bay State Oas
company, "remained true to hie master
until .a few months ago. In cloae
touch with th administration and with
promises of 1 Its siippart. Allee broke
owir machln and so well has hd auc
teeded that nelawarr-Tir falM"f"hav
t wb7iffiafor.":r - - " r - -.- - -
And what is to becom of J. Edward
Addlcks? In th past year his financial
methods hava been unrrvlTy scored
by lila old-time partner, -Thomas W.
Lwsojh Hla-JtQBX t-ln Pf lawarj
ttics has . been taken by ths man he
mad..-: -
. r xu Fersoaal Xdf e. - -
. Addlcks private personal life is a
stench In the nostrils of decent people.
How he has treated his second and third
wives and his daughters,, sveryon who
knows the' man knows this chapter In
bis-life. He is now an old man and
more or less financially distressed. He'
is without honor or respect.
polite, with considerable ability in some
dirtctons; - possessed - of a- bulldog te
nacity; a man who doea not chew, drink,'
smoke or swear, yet all the time-there
Is in the make-up of this peculiar maa
those qualities that made ex-Senator
Hlgains call blm at St. Loula "a moral
idiot," - r -
Of ths Faclflc taoadroa Bears of laa
"i Frandsoo'B Slsaster Throufh Amert
oan.l Forest Wireless Telerraph.
United States Paclflp Squadron, Flag
ship Chicago, San Francisco. Cat, May
t. Hot. Mr. J. O. Stlllman, Special Rep
resentative American De Foreat .Wire-
leas Telegraph Company, Ssn Diego, Calf) and the twelve apostlss.
Dear-Sir: There Is no doubt In the
world that the promptness with which
I was able-to. hear the news, while at
sea. on ths 18th of April, of the disaster
at San Franclaco, was due to th ex
istence and activity of the wireless sta
tion of which you are In charge.
I ahall take pleasure In mentioning
this circumstance In my report on the
affair to the navy department. Tours
very truly. C. F. GOODRICH,
Rear Admiral TT. 6. N.. Commander'ln
- Chief Padfte Squadronr- , . .
Mr. Stlllman In commenting on Rear
Admiral Goodrich's letter says: "Th
cago saved the admiral 24 hours tn
reaching; Ban Franclaco. getting' him
Tfiera at a most opportune tlmeT wTien"
and - dynamite all gone. - The admiral
with his freshman and aaupply of gun
cotton stepped into the breach and won
the fight, aavlng what was left of the
once Golden City. They won golden
opinions for themselves end ths Ameri
can De Forest Wireless Telegraph com-'
panywhlclLinadlLposlble f or -them
to reach the scene and perform such
heroic work. . Need I say I am also
proud to havs had a humble part In this
great service?"
(Spertal Dldpitcb to The Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash.,. May 81. W. p.
Lathrop, secretary of ths Dean-McLean
Abatract company, who jhas just re
turned from an eaatern trip, states that
he learned from a member of the firm
of Porter brothers, -contractors on the
north bank road, that. the Northern Pa
rifle will have main line, trains running
throush Walla Walla within It
months. . . . , . .. ..'.
According to this Informant, the Hill
Interests will build a road from Lewis
ton through -Asotin and Garfield coun
ties to connect with th Turner branch
of the Washington ft Columbia River
railroad at Turner, 10 miles east of
Dayton. Connections will cither be
made at Psaco or Wallula.
Elliott's prolonged stop at Lrartaton and
vicinity had eomejbesrlng on the con
struction of th contemplated road by
the Hill Interests, although local North
ern Pacific officials disclaim knowlsdgs
of any such" plans.
Andlano Assembles.. .
Meantime all the audience for the
wedding except the bridal nartv had
assembled. In llie church of fit. Oerotvl
mo. The seen, whan the : wedding
g-ueats assembled was most magnifi
cent, i There was an acre of many-col
ored uniforms arid beautiful gowns with
'(iiig- jvwcis mq giitiering oraera vf
the royal personages and nobility.
' Conspicuous among the f orel td-
resentatlves were th Prince of Wales.
Prince Albert of Prussia, - th Grand
Duk Michael of Russia, ths Archduke
Fran I Ferdinand of Austria. ha 1)uU
ot Genoa, reprshnnVthsrtoBr--Bf l
itaiyj tn crown Prince Louis of Por
tugal. Prince Albert of Flandera, th
Crown Piinc Gustav of Sweden, th
Crown Prince ConsLanUn - of Greece.
General Dubois, representing th French
republic, and representatives of China,
Denmark, . Turkey, Morocco and other
Frederick M. Whltridg, th TTnlted
States. special envoy. In plain evening
dress,' occupied first , place among: th
glittering uniformed envoys.
A roar Of chwern th r. Klnwlng hfnf.lwrtir jrtr
TvajTof thebrldal; partJ:i swing--
1'.. . -11 1! - i .
i '...' ' i -: I
i i i
. ...... .
MM' )
lllJf , l
-ri - I mi l hiw
r- -' - . Ji t Liri- e.
1 'm . v ' saw w at -a w , m r . -v - ,.r w vjaiSjVi --x ... ' w
i -
: - ' AND WE CAN '
Th Grtat Dandirlni Kivir Fills ! Pro-uoi tht Ditlrtd lUiuIU
ISS Lewis' hair was vry tsia sat it was lees thsa tw feet la length- whea
- afa befsa sio Dsaaeria. She ssys her ksir ana1 seals ar now (airly ,
teomlng with new Ufa and vigor. " - ' - -
That's ths main secret (4 this frsst remedy "a auecass as S hair (rewsr. ' tt sa ',
livens, invigorates and (airly electrifies ths halP gland snd tlSU si th
scslp, causing unusual sad anheard-o( activity a th part el thee tw swat Impor
tant organs, resulting In strenuous and oontlnuous growth
off the hair. - .,
; The following ia a. reproduction el Mias Lewis' last IsHert . ? -'j
7 January"3, '1003.''
. Yott know I told you tn my (Vet letter that my hair weald
not reach much below my shout dera, sad that all f it together :
only nads one tiny hreid. - ....--.-. i. ,' 'T
I am aeading you my photograph, which I had take at Stevens
Brea It telle the whole story better than I caa tell k. :''.'.
' Everybody I knew ia using Dsnderiae, s you sea 1 am soug
something to show ny -appreciation, y
Sincerely yours. (Miss) EVA LEWIS. ;
' Danderlne mske th scalp healthy end fertil and keeps t.
so. It is the greatest 'scalp fertilissr sad there lore (he greatest
halrprodUOlng remedy th world baa ever known.
It I a natural food aad a wholesome medicine for bath the heir
and ee.!p. Even a 25o bottle off It will put more
genuine life In your hair than a gallon off .
any other hair tonlo ever made. It shows
.results J rom the vary start.
NOWaiallaraa-tetslataraaalzew. I
ZS aaata, 50 at a a a SI. pmr bottla
Latt Photocraph of MISS SVA LSWIS.
tyt Hamilton Avnu. Ohioaco : '....'. ,
To anew how qolekly Duderlne acts wa wilt send -a
lariesaiple free by return mall to any ons who
sends Ibis advsrtlsemant to ths Kaewltoa Daaw.
elerta Co Chloaaw.wtth thstr nam and a41m sag M 0aU la
auv. or stasBps i pay postage.
Th reception of thDarty at the ateps
of th church and th procession up th
nave was a great spsctacle. Th pri
mate . of Bp in and ths archbishop of
cantlago. in robes covered with heaviest
massive gold croolr and surrounded by
five archbishops and a score of bishops
wearing striking purple and vlolst vsat
raenta, received the bridal party at th
entrance, ' where a white canopy, orna
mented with gold and borne by rive
priests, was held over their heads. Ths
procession, led by an anchorite with a
golden crucifix, passed with 'slow and
solemn pace ' up the central aisle be
tween the olos ranks of brilliantly unl
Th value of th king's sifts to his
brld 1s -estimated at not leas than half
m MllMntt AnUmrm. ThV CQmfirlM a
furmed.' nrlnrea. -grandeea and dlplomata. I t . ,..,. . ... i j i .i. n i.
. V. 4 e.hlM with lw.lafl 4m. I .
their breasts flashing with jeweled dec
orations, -f - - -Th
marrlag 'ceremony waa par
formed by -Cardinal Sancha, archbishop
of Toledo and piimat of Spain, asw
slated by a number of minor prelates.
Th ceremony was brief, but lmprssslvs
In th extreme. For several - minutes
the bride and bridegroom knejt pef ore
th altar,' th sun 'streaming on them
from the great . colored window and
thousands of eyes fixed on them as the
deep. Impressive tones of th priest's
vole rang- throughout th church as he.
repeated th marrlag service. At th
moment when th couple were made on
for Ufa, Alfonso, In accordance with a
untqu Spanish custom, banded to his
bride thirteen coins, which ar sup
posed to symbolls In soma way Christ
letter while spesklng for itself only tells
a part of the grand praotloal work the palace givln
Lie rorest wireless station at Ban Diego
ns-ogne. jana- recora now lor me com- groom
pnnyv My -ui'K worn in gelling tnd
news of the disaster to the flagship ChP) the court. The young queen was flushed
The bridal party left th church with
th sam ceremonial which attended
their entry, and the cosch drove oft
amid hearty cheers and th strains of
th "Spanish Royal March." whlls peals
of bells echoed from every steeple In
' Betara to th Valae.
Th return Journey was a continuous
ovation. Soon after th arrival of th
royal couple at the ' palace there oc
curred a dramatic episode. ThsPlaxa
da-Armas, In front Pf the palace, was
crowded with people anxious t catch a
glimpse of the king and his fair young
queen, suddenly all th windows of th
thrown open and th brld and bride
stepped forth, sccompanled by
th members of Aha. royal., family and
lnar colored lanterns: Free perform an cea
are being given In th principal the
atre, and In th houses of th nobility
all over thr land there Is feasting and
merrymaking. At the palace tonight
ba-ntrner-rakerxiacr, t(rM renewed
by a grand ball to which all the 'great
people of Spain hare been Invited in ad
dittos to tha prince and other foreign
envoys In tha city. These festivities
will continue several days. According
to present plans tha bridal pair will
spend th summer at Ban Sebastian.
- CHfts . ta .oyal
diamond and pearl necklaces, bracelets
studded with diamonds and emeralds, a
diamond diadem, and .a number of
brooches and earrings. Th gems for
ths most part belonged to tha superb
collection of Spanish crown Jewels and
by ordenf th king- they .were taken
from old piece of Jewelry and resst la
Th presents from King- Edward and
Queen Alexandra were a turquoise and
diamond necklace and pendant earring a
Former Empress Eugenia gave a dia
mond tiara, th Princ and Princess of
Wsles a diamond ornament and Princess
Henry of Battenberg a necklace 01 pink
pearls and diamonds. In addition to
soma priceless Jeweled ornaments th
German emperor sent as a. wedding
present soma magnificent , hunting
trophies. Other gifts displayed were
from th Austrian emperor, th king of
Denmark, th csar of Russia and other
crowned hesds. : " '
In accordance with ' th custom ot
royal brides of th Catholic faith th
young queen will send her bridal veil
and lac gown as a present to tn pope,
to be added to th splendid collection
of lac belonging to th Vatican. Th
wedding gown is of white satin, the
Lakirt heavily embroidered In silver and
trimmed wltn exquisite laeo, wnion
alone represents a small fortune. Llght
embroideries of silver, delicate lace and
orange blossoms form tha trimmings of
thJdlq. lb full court tram or
whit satin is a mass of guttering silver
and radiant as she appeared on th bsl-
cony, led by the kins;. A great shout
of welcome greeted the bridal eowplai
the soldiers and firemen were exhausted, i which-they gracloualy acknowledged
with smiles and bows. .-
Today- th populace 1-ilk a mul
titude of happy children.' Thousands ar
( Jenroal special service. )
London, May 1. Spearmint captured
th Darby. for colts and fillies foaled
In 10 yesterday at Epsom track.
Jockey Maher of America rode the win
ner. Spearmint was quoted at a tn 1,
Pic ton, ''that finished second, 100 to t
on, and Troutbeck, the show horss, tt
to 1 on. This was Maher' a third suc
cessful Darby.
"Th Central Federated union . of New
Tork City has placed Itself on record ss
favoring the building of battleships by
th L'aUed Slats tavaromant.
Indigestion cause ths stomach"
to sxpand. .swsll.and puff up
aainst th haart This crowds"
th heart and interferes with
Its action, causing- shortness of
1 ' breath, palpitation of the heart,
- etc . ". ' ; " : ''
- Dyspepsia Cur e
takes the strain off the heart,
and contribate nourishment.
rngth.in4 Jaith.tQTrj
organ of th"body. Cures IndP
gestion, Dyipepsia, Sour Stom
. aeh, Belching, Oas on Stomach :
and all Stomach troubles. '
Denovs, Itwa.
Three years aje I was affllctea
with iadlgestiaa a moch that
, I was In caatinual pain. After
eating mj keert , was affected
' and I bad eotbering senstlon-.
- Twe bottles ef Kodol cored, me, "
tr-3"A stsJar MM cesata --
Usees as assc M tt ttlmltM. -ss.
Preserve sf n f. at.raejry
Th Koyal Brlda.
Prlhceaa Victoria Eugenia of Batten
berg, eecond child of the 4 late Prince
leursland.ot,Jrlnceas Henry' of Bat
tenberg, - was bora October -24. 1887T
Her mother. Princess Henry, Is H. R.
H. Princess - Beatrice, sister ' of - King
Edward, who married Henry Maurice of
Battenberg, a lavorue or yueen vic
toria. Princ Henry died In 189 from
a fever contracted whtls serving In the
Asbante campaign. '""Princess - Ena- Is
fair, blae-eyed and-has a quantity of
rich, wavy hair.' 8h la th god-daughter
of Empreas Eugenie, and Is said to
be her heiress, - .
The rid ef loom.
Ktnar Alfonso XIU of Spala waa horn
May It, 1888. On Mar 17 1902,hlB
minority ended -and he assumed th
throne, hi mother, Maria Christina, re
signing- th regency. Of his two sisters
only one ia living,- Maria Teresa, - who
was born In 1882. Th king received a
liberal aducatlon and speaks English
flusntly. He is a general In th British
army, is a Knight of th Garter and
has numerous other European honora
Creditable Production Gives Ar
ticles Dealing With Each
: Countof"theState7:
- . - "t .'
:V The -annual number of th Paclft
Northwest haa appeared at th local
nswantands.It Js anedltlon jf 100
pages and la printed on plat paper.
The number Is profusely Illustrated
and Is devoted almot wholl to exploit
ing tha resources of th stst of Ore-
on.-r-Ch1ef among th features is . a
series of write-ups of th varloua coun
ties of ths state. All th countiea ar
represented and the story of each la
penned by a man who haa mad him
self Intimately acquainted - wHh th
facta about hi county.
Philip Bates, publisher of ths Ppciflo
Northwest, announces a plsn whereby
be ezDeots to do morln.tb way, of
advertlelng Oregon than haa been don
since th Lewis sitd Clark exposition.
He intends to take to th Jamestown
exposition SI of th fairest daughters
of th state, one from each county.
The jLou&g wpma ta pe chosen wui be,
The Kind Too Hats Iways Bought, aad -which has been -
in use tor orcr SO years, has borne the signature of
ana haa Den made under his per
"Sonal sapervialon since its lnfajicy.
Allow no one to deceive yon In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jnst-as-good' are but
Experiment!; that trifle with and endanger the health of
Intents and ChUdrc nExperlenoe against Experiment
Castoria Is a harmless snbstlta'e for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant.' - It "
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
; embstanee. Its age Is Its guarantee. It des troys Worms -and
allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ,
Tollc. It relieTes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation V
- and Flatulency.-It assimilates the Food, regulates-the
' Stomach and-Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
- The Chlldrenr3 PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought
ln-Use For-bver-30 Year8. -
m, mmm9 i. mmm vm tmb.
Boo 0
The Best Scocrtng Soap Made
A Sconring Soap
"TA MeUi Polish:
A Glass Cleansr -
"T I . "
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencings
Poultry Netting, Etc
Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST- Near Third
Tsia slfsatar
ni i rrro cnnr.CACC
A Cerialn Cure' for Tired, Hot, Aching Feel. veervv
Fr -
Trial raCkat. i
Adareaa, aiUa
B. Olsetel, .
, LsRoy.M.T. .
farmers' daughters and will go loaded
with illustrated literature from eacn
beard of trad In th .. county from
which they ar elected. The advertis
ing matter will be distributed from the
trsln sf each stop on the way " ana
everywhere th xouc women o. They.
will be taken to different section of
the aaat, will b treated royally, vn
being taken tV call oa Preetdant Roose
velt. ' ,.'. wr .'"1 , ,...'.
Y m
Preferred Stock Oaaaad Ooodav
: Alien Lewis' Beet Brand. i