The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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; 50c Pictures iorOc ad eney !rbi Special Sale of Bisque Dells
FRIDAYONLYSale-of-ow-WMrtted-Pktur lJil1li5IL .. I L.IJJ CV M II J(T I ll II A-MMi 1 1 1 1 CC J-A fM$J. ' All sisea of Bisque Dolls, glQotntsd, penand jlose
'Surfe "ewrrt th7hihLr?rtn!nlotofjwo?k-tn ' Framing by Expert UfcUMMVjvMy. vx vUU vy HquartersforT botf blondi and brunettes pcUl, Vfl"
value? l8c,P23"3Sc and foc;Vridynfo.,;!?!. ;.9C . , Framers Good Merchandiae Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always Lowest The College Waists 6f, 81. 2f, 5f to.;..7...fT VC
! ' L Z . . A . . L - , I . ... - .. . . .... J 1
xtra FrMy . W Sale Bargain
Portland's jGreatest' Muslin Underwear Sale
'.V-- These price details aj-e only hints o! the monumental value There are hundreds of bargains just as good..
75c and 85c Corset Covers for 59c
' Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, full front and back, embroidered yoke
and ribbon drawn through eyelets; other with one', two and threerows
of fine lacejn3crtionibe3d"g and ribbon, -- ' ...:.
$3.00 and $3.50 Lace Skirts for $2.49 '
-Fine Cambric Skirts, Vith -deep lawn flounce and full flare ruffle of
three rdws'of fine lace insertion and under dust ruffle. - -
$2.00 Nainsook downs for $1.65 : - -
Fine Nainsook Gowns, with circular neck, deep lace yoke, made of
fine lace insertions, edges, ribbon and beading; have the new short puff
sleeve snd lace edging. ' . .7 v
; 75catid85cCambrIc Drawers for'SQc
Fine Cambric Drswers, full ruffle, trimmed with either Cluny of fine
lace, insertion and cluster tucks; others -with embroidered .ruffle and
cluster tucks. - . ..' . : - -7- ... .
CORSET COVERS,- 29c,-3cr 49c, 59c,- Wer5c, $1.10, $1.25 -to 2M
and up.. .7 .. .. . ; ''.j:- .7 . .-. ; :
H:HEMISESr3cy-9er9c5cr Ud, 11.45,11.65, ? 10. 17. t&JLO-liAIL
LONG WHITE SKIRTS,' 85c, 41.10. 11.25. $1.45, $1.65, $1.85, $2.10. $2.49,
12.98, .19, 13.79, 13.98. 13.10, S0.4U up to IBJU.
OOWNSr t5cr 9cV$U0r4lJ $1.45 $1.65, $LB5$2fl, $2.49, $2.98, $3-59...
$3.98, $4 JO up to $14, 85 each. , . . .--
DRAWERS. 25c, 29c. 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c. 85c, 1.98, $2.10 up to $3.49. "
COMBINATION CHEMISES, 8$c, $1.10. $1.25, $1.45. $1.65 up to. $5.10.
FRENCH tlNOERIE AND INFANTS' WEAR at big reductions. .
Women's Kni
-SpeciafPrlcesfor -Friday and -Saturday;
?5c "VESTS AT' 19 Women's
'Richelieu ribbed.' Vests, low- neck,
rsIeevelessT also'Swiss rribbed 25c
"quality.-.- ' 7 7.' ;. ,''.
35c . VESTS AT 25 Women's-.
white libbfd "-Vests.' row neck. taped, genuine; 3oc
Hqual ttv. ; , '-- -
63c VESTS AT 48 Women's
white Swiss ribbedlVgsiskjoick
sleeveless; silk taped, 63c quality.- " .
D8c VESTS AT-79e Women's
Swiss-lisle thread Vests, low neck,
; sleeveless; - hand.-crochet or 7 l?ce
- fronts. !. ;
Extra Friday Sale of
. There is need of a stronger word than "bargains" to cor-
rectly describe these superb values. Here are the choicest de
signs in silk fabrics that are most in demand at present and yet
the prices are lower than those of an end-of -season clearance sale.
1500 yards of best quality 50c Wash
-bilks, -in a large variety pi color-
ingsi jjlihisaeaa9n!jj. j rfi 7'V
styles; per yard.. .......... It I WT
'VWk -J - t " i C" : 1 1 ' ! I
2000 yards fancy ' Silks for -sKirt-
1 waists, all this season's most exr
clusive patterns; regular $1 fXn.
and $1.25 quality; a yard.... 0"
1000yards 36-nchx black" Taffeta.
bes$1.35 qality, a. $1 10
2000 yards Chiffon Taffeta, best
$1.25 quality, jn all the new shades.
plam-nd-hangtall, lor suromcr
shirtwaist suits; sale price 'JQft
per yardrr..... ...... ,...... v
New College
" Blouses
This ultra-stylish and popular
garment is" now obtainable ' in
many distinctive colors and lab-
combinations - in blue
. pink, Jayender and red L also n
-striped and, polka'dot effects. The -fabrics
are Pongee Silks, Linens;
Jnion1 Linens, Brocade, Mercer
i jaed' Linens, Lawns and Figured
'Mulls. .Prices from ,. .
r $1:50 t(T$7;50
Ladies' and Children's
35c DRAWERS 25 Women's
white ribbed ""Umbrella Drawers,,'
- lace trimmed and
well hnished, ail
63c DRAWERS 48t Women's
white ribbed Umbrella Drawgry
- lace-trimmed, all size,s.
Friday Keductions -Children a 25c Hose, 17c Pair..
Children's black lisle thread ribbed stockings, double heels and 1 'J r
toes and double knees, worth 25c pair, for... I C
- " : JLadies White Lisle Stockings.
Ladies' imported white lisle thread Stockings, lace boot, all
"ovef lace, lace and embrpideryr-and - embroidered' Crt
instep; special, value, per pair. . . ............ ... .. ..... uUL
Extra Quality White Lisle Stockings.
Phj wriiiia una inrean ninrKing,
and embroidery, embroidered
lisle, a paifi -.
Lf 4 JlflmiAI
anTl IC1
Liadie.i 1 n
ity, lace
Gray Lisle Thread Stockings.
We have in stock all the new and desirable shades of gra
TTste"1hTf id stoctttngsTbolTrpTaTn or lace boots; : 5QC'
- . it ft I 1 1 I I l,i I 'i'-rj .V'TI rlT UI ll Tl n wcFTik3FwrT 1 I " Va. 1 '
m x-'. '. 'i yr. rimw ri - . .k . la. . . . t
K -iiji ij i w l . j i "i , .
vk vi rrKT5tn 1 - . .,
Reduced Yard Price
pe-Gi anile, all
Albatross, :"iled;adJaiKtehai
Voile, Cambrics j regular-price 50c .yd;
7 Cream and White Yard
and Brill Cambrics, all-woolFrench Batistes and
'40in.ali-wool Yachting Serges; reg.r price 75c yd.
. , . : . 98c
$1.25 DRESS GOODS :"v-;-
In Variety Yard Price " .
- 48-incn chiffon Panamas. wrire finish; 46-inch all-wool Cre-
pellas. ancTCrepc" Granite'; 41-inchJiigh-luster (JhTffonTTolfalfsT"
46-inch all-wool Yachting Serges ; 40-inch' si4k warp Eoliennes
and Crepe de Paris, r " ' s " "
den's Oxford and Pique Vests, in plain white'and stripes, or black and white
igured. These are cut and made in the best possible manner and .tailor finished.
Ypur-choice fttrivn
AVe will place on sale 200 dozen men's pure linen Handkerchiefs of finished grade
pure Irish linen, hemstitched and initialed; regular quality tor .'.xytQ
Ladies' $1.50 Gloves, 98c
- " ' " ' - - ' . . . - .....
f fr4i"' " '-1 olirf nl piii ViA P-Iauh . iirih Parii pnint anA Rpf
point embroidery. . White witn seit and biacx stitcnmg only, ine lot includes
gloves-from the . world's best manufacturers never sold for less than $1.50 a pain
Complete line of sites i while they last, the. pair i8
Hand Embroidered, DemJ-Made
Shirtwaist Patterns
We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hand-Embroidered Linge-.
rieberni-madc Shirtwaist Patterns to prices far below their actual value.
These comprise exquisite patterns on batiste in a large selection of designs,
every sti'tch being carefully done by hand. It is almost impossible to properly-
describe .them. Tliey must be seen to be properly appreciated by you.7
4.38 Regular $ 7.50 values $ 5.98
Regular $ 6.50 values.
Regular $15.00 values.
Regular- $12.50 values. .
Regular $18.50 values. . . . .813.98 Regular $19.50 values ...... 814.98
Attractive Savings In
Household JVecessi t ies
Fancy Crepe Shelf Paper,. blue pink and white. 31
Enameline Stove Folishyreg. Sc; two boxes. . .Bc
Regular 10c size or..T7.v......r;v.i.T,.....Be
Pure Wax Gas Tapers, regular 8c boxv.. 4
Wood Tooth Picks, regular 4c box; two. for 5e
Nickel Towet-Rings,... .. v rr:
Burnshine Metal Polish, 25c sise. . .
IAdae-EyeSteeLNaiLlIamrners2Sc siitMlBf
Paper Napkins, good quality, per 100
Paper Napkins, fancy scalloped edges, pen0015e
Paper Napkins, fancy white design,-per-100 TtOf
Paper .Napkins, fancy Dresden designs, '
per 100 : 28
Men's Underwear
per garment........... f ........ f w
Medium-weight Underwear, suitable for the present or mid
summer wear; 63 per cent pure woolwell"1 finished," and
we consider them anextra.goojlaJuejat-Sl-JFor Friday
and Saturday at. . . ... . . ....... . .'. . ............... . . .79
lMen's BalbrigzanJShirts andDrawersrS0c
The Shirts-are -well finished, with French neck, self fronts
and pearl buttons; Drawers are made with French bands,
double, gusset, suspender tapes jind pearl buttons.- Special
.value at, garment, price of .50
Ribbon Specials
for Tab Ribbons
Thousands of yards of pretty and dainty Tab
BiKtwina full " 1 L- inrrta riAm in wrt rkit
y i ins
Good values at 20c
Dresdensplaids, stripes, etc.
.. yard.
1 for-Tab-Ribbons
' v Worth 25c
This season's best efforts in novelty Tab Rib
bons, full l!4 inches wide, in warp print Dresdens,
plaids, stripes, checks, etc. Great offerings at 25c,
to be closed out at very special price of, yd. 1T
Majro, March 2 S, 1141.
Hla family b-
to Haallna-den. Lancaahir. In 1851. Da
vltt became Interested In the Fenian
movement In 1S8S, and for particlpatloa
thr of Land 1 therein wai sentenced In 1870 to serve
Michael Davitt. Fa
.League, Succumba After Op-
eration In Hoipitalr--
Opposed Charles Stewart Parnell and
Took a ri Active Interest Tn Political
Matters Up to Time of Hia Death
Imprisonmenf Failed to Discourage
(Journal Special 8ttW. )
Dublin. May II Michael Davitt. the
t Irish political teader and member 4ft
parliament, died last night at mldnifttit
In a hospital where he was being treat;
ed for blood .polaonlns; consequent upon
"- an operation for necrosis or decay of
the bones of the Jaw. Hla family, ex
cept his wife, who Is 111 in the same
.'hospital, were wltn him when he ex
r plred. Me had Just passed his sixtieth
birthday and was active up to the time
of hla sudden Illness, which at first he
mnaMered onlv a severe toothache.
purine the day many visited the hos-
pltat -to Inquire for the famous land
leaguer. i .
Michael Davitt . wa born In County
11 years In prison. He-waa liberated In
1177, and with funds, supplied from the
United Btates began his anti-landlord
movement, which later resulted In the
formation of the Irish Land league on
October 21, 1S7S. His collisions with
the government thereafter became fre
euent and in. 1881 he -wee Imprisoned tor
breaking hla ticket of leave. He - was
again liberated In 1SS2. He preserved
an active interest In politics up to the
time, of his death.
Davltt's writings havs been the faun-
dattoji for much of the-dtscusaion of the
ana queniion in ireiana. Ills -Leaves
From a Prison Diary" waa published In
8S. . ,
Other works by Davitt are: , "Defense
of the Land League," 1191; "Life and
Progress In Australia," 1891; "The Boat
Fight for Freedom." 1102.
His views on the subject of land
tenure took a socialistic form, and. ac
cordingly, though a strong home-ruler,
on the auetion-of land nationalisation
he found .himself In opposition to th
Parnellltes. After the split In the party
he opposed the continued leadership of
Mr. Parnell and was returned to parlia
ment in 1191 as an antl-Parnell He, but
waa unseated on the ground -of clerical
and other Intimidation. He was re
turned unopposed for South Maye In
18M. resigning In HSI.r .
in(H)im . Imp.
' A runaway car dashed down the steep
hill on Chapman street last nlgM,
Jumped across the turntable at Jeffer
son atreet. cut av talaphotie pole down,
'" nm.tfc-M.-llfri .T.hf ,
high board-rence,nerrowy : missed
wrecking a candy store and brought up
in a nrlvate vard.
The car. No. 11 of the Portland L'on-
aolldated line, waa standing at .the en
trance to- the barn en Chapman street.
There waa no conductor or motornuut
on it and fortunately no - passengers..
Suddenly the car became possessed with
a desire to move. The grade down the
hill Is heavy and In a moment the un
restrained tar was tearing, down the
track at a record-breaking pace. The
conductor and motorman saw the run
away as It started on Its wild career
snd gave chase, but were left hopelessly
In the resr.
The four blocks between the rai barns
and Jefferaon street were covored In a
flash. -The car waa lumping ar-d wtn
lng bythe time It struck the edge of
lh. tiimt.hl. -. Wlfh - !.! Inln I ... lr
ttr wentTnttrely over the table and
landed against the curb of the sidewalk.
Over the curb It went, mowing down a
telepnoBS p6le U tnougii It were a
straw. Sections of concrete,-idewalk
went - in -every directum and the car
The following ' pupils were the grad
uates: Wslter Liewl. Laurence Lewis,
Hubert- Miller. Cecllley .Starr; Ann
Johnson; Qeorge Altman and 1 Bertha
Pollock. - R. F. Robinson, county school
superintendent, delivered an address to
t he-f red uh t In g laes, He complimented
the principal. Professor CX R. Dlnwld-
dle. and the staff of teachers upon the!
cnaracier or wora aone auring ine pan
year. - There were-140 pupils enrolled
dl-durlng-t he-year, Teachers for the en-
suing year will be elected next Sntur-
I The-Mothers' circle ef-Mount Tabor
will meet at the West Avenue - school
at I o'clock Frldaar afternoon. Mrs.
daahed on. through a high board fence,
completely wrecking It. A candy store
near by was Tarely missed. The run
away ran Into a private yard and mired
Itself In the soft earth. - .
When the motorman reached the car
he found the current " Controller turned
Pn-lndlcatlng that -current hsd enter
the motor and started the car on Its
course. How the controller, happeaaj
to be on, no one appears to know.
The banquet that waa to have been
given tonight by the Montavllla Im
provement league and board of trade to
the Portland city officials has been
postponed until after the election. It
was found that the political engage
ments of some of the city officials of
Portland would prevent their attendance
and the committee In charge of the
banquet decided to postpone It until
suchtlme js a fuU'atttndftncs could, be
had. . . - ,-.-.
- A '- magnificent -organization. - Every policy--holder
ia an 6wner in the company. Clean
Life Insurance conservatively and economic-
. i f.
ally managed, ia furnished to the policyholder :
at actual coat; price is less than h cari buy it
for elsewhere. Perfection in Life Insurance...
. Oeneral Manager.
Assistant Manager.
N. N. Hall, a well-known resident of
Falrvlew and a brother of W. B. Hall
of East Portland, died at his home near
Falrvlew Ut-night of -heart disease.
The funeral will probably take place In
Portland. Mr. Hall had been a resident
of Portland and vicinity for more
than 10 years. He came to - this
city In ISTt and waa well and. favorably
Known here. 7He was for a . number of
years a partner fn the hardware busi
ness of Hall Bros., but his health full
ing about 11 years ago, he retired from
business, and took up hla residence on
a farm near Falrvlew, where he has
since resided. Mr. Hall waa for a long
time one or the school dlreptore-ot
Falrvlew district. He wee a member
of Calvary Baptist church. He leaves
a-wife, two sons and twe daughters.
Arrangements for the funeral will not
be announced until after the arrival of
his son. '
Oeorge Wright Women's Relief. Corps
Tuesday - afternoon presented to the
Brooklyn school an oleograph of the
flag. Miss Helen Packard, patrtotlo In
structor of the Women's Relief Corps,
made the presentation address. She
said that the corps waa placing In ths
public schools of the city oleographs of
the flag, that the pupils might read
the history of the flag. At the close
of Miss Packard's remarks the picture
of tha flag. Klth-Oia JLuULhifltorjcItamed.
and draped with the national colors,
waa unveiled. Mr. --A, , I Dlmlcav tn-
behslf of the Brooklyn school and the
patrons, accepted the oleograph and
thanked the relief corps for the hand
some presents 1 :"""-'v- " ' ' r
The Portland Street Railway , com
pany la going to replace the lightweight
rails on Its East Burnslde Jlnes with
70-pound steel calls. . This work will be
gin at once, so as not to interfere with
the bltullthlc pavement' that la to bs
put on thst street this summer.
The clfy engineer ' has Unladed the
survey lof East - Twenty-sixth street
to that -north-Una of Brush'a addition,
near Tlbbette -street. In his report to
the auditor the engineer recommends
a 10-foot street.
- The Russellville school on the Base
Line road has closed for the year. - The
graduating exercises of the eighth grade
were held Friday 'evening, - May 11.
7 V l A; ,J,;
Bsiisrrau will snare ths meeting- upon
-unity in Family circlee."
(Continued from Page One.)
at Astorls. The traveling, men's asso
ciation, as an organisation,' haa not In
doesed Word-nelLhar -did It. do so. In
the campaign of two years ago, but with
the exception of the whiskey and cigar
drummers, the members of the aaaocla
tlon are Just aa enthusiastic in his cause
ss they were in 1904. It is estimated
that not less than SO per cent of the
traveling men who vote In this city are
working with unabated enthusiasm for
Word's reelection.
'Predictions are freely made that
Word'a majority will run Into the thou
sands. H. L. -Fs-rker. who figured the
result of the primaries almost to. a dot,
haa carefully canvassed 'St of the SO
precincts in the county.
"Word's majority will not be less
than 1. 000," declared Parker today. ,
"I find dearln and Chamberlain sur
prisingly strong, too," said Parker. "I
am not merely making a rash guess
when I predict that both the senator
and the governor will carry the county,
though I do not expect the majority to
be' large. " av.. . . .' . -"
Tom Word's campaign will be closed
In "magnificent" style "by. the" traveling
men. The Marquam theater has been ;
engaged snd there will be a monster
demonstration on Saturday night. The
meeting will be preceded by a jouy-up
parade through the streets, which will
start at 7 o'clock. There will be
"oodles" of band music and at the rally
not i- fewer than seven or eight able
orators will address ths ' assemblsgs.
Among them will be Judge Henry E.
McGinn, State Senator Nottingham and
Tom Word himself. This meeting will
obowivo iori An raora
Mrs. Josle Sumner. Bremond. Te.
wrltearAprir 11, ISOlr "I have used
Ballard's Snow Llnimsnt In my family
foe three vesrs. I would not be with.
out It In the house. I have used It on
my little girl for growing palna and
aches In her knees. It eured her right
swsy. I hsve also used It for frost bit
ten feet, with good suocaas. It Is the
best liniment I ever used." Ho. lOo and Bold by Weodard. Clarke Ce.
The Good Work Goes On
343 Washington Street, Near Seventh
, 1. 1 , - , ,
The crowds are going away delighted with the many, bar-
gains pu rchascd. - - ,
The Stock Is Still G)mplete
'Again we enumerate part of the many pretty things offered
. lnthissale - - . ... 7 r
SUITS-Exclusive Styles
BOLEROS Exclusive Styles
GLOVES Silk and Kid
HOSIERY - , , '
LACES ,' -:.V7 ;
FANS ". . 7
suit casks 7f
be wholly distinct from other Demo
cratic meetings arranged for Saturday
night. The whole program -will be a
Tem word program.
"Whom the gods would destroy they
first mske mad." There are some poli
ticians hereabouts who are evidently
mad at Tom Word. Petty meannesses
are -being resorted to to destroy the
campaign advertising of the sheriff. At
the letter's ofllce It le stated that the
Word cards, tacked along the-streets
and on telegraph poles, have been torn
down systematically torn down all
over ths town and county. Along the
road to St. Jore It Is said that there
Is not a Tori Vera card left hanging.
Along the Section Line' road, alt the
way to Powell's valley, the cards are
also missing. Stevens' cards, ea) the
other hand, remain untouched.
Tesrlng down election cards is a thing
that hardly comes under a violation of
the law. Fraudulent voting, however,
le different. - The sheriff's friends t
ly believe that there will be atle
vote Illegal registration dii-- - '
north-end districts of the
attempta are made t' -
down with a heavy r.
The Ural man "
fraudulently will
looked lies" d
1'orian to. -v.
' Y