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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
4 ' THIS OKKUON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. .MAY 31. .1805. - -I 40 BE-WATCHED ' ...-.... , ... . . . WILL SERVE PEOPLE HONESTLY Illegal Voting Will Not Bo Tol- ' crated by County Chair i '"' ' titan REGISTRATION SHOWS "'A . -TTZ" CONSPIRACY EVIDENCE . Hundreds Registered in North End jrzr preptiyroni' Street Numbers X- Which Are Not in . Existence II T -S legsl Voters to Be Prosecuted. - ; " "If there is Illegal voting at the cotn . , Uig election 'and soma of the culprit ' ': are not enf 'to .tha penitentiary. tha ' mult' will "i)otlrTntnKmptirtjciclTx declared Q. ; H.7Th6maa, chairman, of tha .Democratic ..county' central committee -V, ' today. W ahall have watchere at the poll 'armed With xne ' .necessary data, and if attempt are made to vote illegally there Will be something- doing." ; . 1 " Atcaavass of certain city precincts has demonstrated the existence of a ' . conspiracy to do ballot , box .stuffing. - False registration have been entered, I . . ' especially from north end precinct' con ; 'trolled by the- etaloon element. Thla IS ' the section In which every atone is being .moved to accomplish the defeat of Tom Word for aherlff. The logical Inference - 4a, -therefore,' that -the -falsa- registra lions are a part of tha liquor dealers' v conspiracy jto defeat Word.', ; i. ': . It cannot be merely a coincidence that 1.. . in '. the., fourth, ninth .and ; tenth north , end precincts from one fourth to one . third .of the number of namea placed . upon the registration rolls ahould. be , v . IKtUlvur - ea -do. -art tona-regala r by scores on a vuoant lot, go and register " a residing at such-and-such . a num. Jjer and in such-and-such a room, and ' " then vanish into ' tbln air, at least not for the purpose of carrying an election 'foe-the-pubMo- welfare-; From herhre " , . precincts mentioned several hundred v'l.-T nsmaei whkn never- appeared upon birth " records are registered, many- of them from atreet numbers which have never -.paenin- existence. In .tha ninth pre cinct there, were TS TJe registrations . . out of 401'naraes canvassed; In the fnnrth,, 11 nut rt ytV antl In ttllTTffiTH .the percentage Is as high,, though the canvass has not yet been completed.. " la tha opinion of those conducting the , canvass tha false registrations were first ....,. intended to be used for the purpose of ... defeating Word in the "primaries. .The dummies therefore registered as Demo ' crate.,", Failing In the attempt to beat ! ' Word In the primaries. It Is expected ' that. tha' conspirators planned tJ work the names against bim on June 4. This, -heoenei, will prohshly be defeated by : 'the Democratic watchers at tha polls FRMniAT-PnilSP-ESBMOUN a u sssv. - - mm m . m w an sta i I' - - - ' ' " ?.. -- Ilium i J f .' 't . i t.i " r i ' 1 1 .uv.;-t v'r. -. . , ... . . . X - ijj : V U ; i 2T"ir I am elected judge of the circuit court I ahall-Sccepr-no Oglesbjr Young. ; . ' 'v".v" f '""'"' pentment. to' a i marked 'degree Slid is wldely -feid anil .generally informed B li... tw .11 lln.. ... the. averase urlvatx citizen. I believe that the Judiciary ahould ebove;;cer porate Influence. of every kind.- That is the Tinly guaranty-of absolute Justice In these, times .when corporate questions are among tha leading ones of the day," says -Oglesby- Young. Democratic-. .can didate to succeed Alfred F. Bears for circuit 'Judge, -department No. I. v - Mr. -Toung's : candidacy . is steadily gaining .strength. fn him the people recognise a clean.-iapable-and -euergetlq man.. Ha is a roan of force, character and conrlcttone; has the . Judicial tern- He has' la-en a. successful lawyer for "'the:-,past,:"li'"'y4arS;"ahd'"'lSv'ihorouhiy' American in manners. - Many people are strongly in favor of noniptisan Judl-. clary and the fact that all the preaent members of the Multnomah circuit court are Republlcane, --will, -of -its -own -account, obtain him a heavy vote. A " Grant county stockman protests against the putting of all the bunch grass hills In this locality in the forest reserve, "arid say that-it-wiH -crlppl the stock industry of Grant county.- MIT MflS FORPOIlIlMIt Steamer Line, Would. Result in ; Most of It Coming Here. ALASKA MERCHANTS DO ; NOT LIKE SEATTLE SPIRIT Disposition to Hog. Every thin.Tol. erated Only Because No Other City J Comes Forward and Offers to Fur nish Needed Supplies.' " 'One ofour weakest piling for the Alaska business is In the fact that, there is .no smelter here.-A great proportion of the return cargoes would be crude ore and- It would be a large saving to- have thla sent direct to the amelter, as it would not pay to tranaehln It There la na. reason, why Tine "smelter scheme that was recently talked about here ahould not ba brought ta a head. When you get a amelter and a Una of two or, three comfortable, faat steamers there ia no reason why Portland ahould not - get not only her aba re of tha trade, but most of tha business, for the . Alaska merchant have a grievance against soma of the Seattle merchanta." EXCURSION RATES. Wewport Taenia Say, Brelteabusa, Mot ' Sprints Trosa AU sj. 9. and I o. si Ji. gouts.- ... . I7-Dn aniI"anerJunVinoertha Boulh- ern Pacific, in connection -with the Cor vallls A eastern railroad, will have on sale round trip tickets from point on their' lines to Newport, Taquina 'and Detroit at very low rate,, good for re turn until October 10, lu. (r. Portland already enjoy indLrectly. deal of the Alaska, trade, but aha can obtain the majprltyof It If aha mill go alter it in the right wayt is the opinion or Alaska nuainess men. rred Brandea, who has extenalvclnteresta In the mln-1 Ing district of tha far north, la visit lug friends in this city, and he 1 an ardent enthusiast In tha matter of de veloping Portland's trade with Alaskan cities. V. "I have too much of my own business of mining to attend to to give attention and necessary ' time to the . study of transportation affairs. But it would seem to me that the Portland merchanta ought - not to allow the agitation for a direct steamship line io Alaska to' die ut,"he saldi "I understand that your board of trade through its secretary. Mr, Laber, had an option on a vessel that would have been tha pioneer of the Portland-Alaska run hatl it been, char tered by you merchants. There ara many vessel of the sort and tonnage at Ban Francisco that could be chartered i ' 1 f orhlsuslneJ9ndnow. thaBan -.wr.ionfcAfaJSworU piles for the north and 1 will probably not d rMn every Sunday thereafur, leav be for aome time, I think it would be I . . 1K. . f.,., I , 1 revive, the Portland project and put It through. . - "Ban ifTsncisco rurnisneo a great, aeai Hoi rto'Ataaksrhan people hav-g4ven lt credit- fer-furnlshlng. Beattlr-of heldff-1 he"bulk he t'-n and In all probability will for some time to come, but the frade ' of Alaska ia increasing steadily and In my opinion will nearly double lniShe next five yea rav-Portland baa manufacturing con- ttt-ano pient; class' "cannea'geodi-eS i the aeet that Alaska - demands. Borne or yourout uta go to Seattle and are Bold by .mid dlemen to Alaskan a. This may satisfy the Portland merchanta, but why. not get thla business direct ancLhandla. it exclusively In PortlandT ... r , t : . "I think if your business men would end an agent to . Alaska who - Know how to present tha matter in a right light they could secure a guarantee of enough -buainaa to enable them to put on one or two steamers. . . . . Three-day ticket to Newport . and y equina, good going Saturday and re turnlnr Mondays-, ar also on ... ssle from al east-aide points, Portland t Euaene. inclusive, and from all west i alrta -nointa, enabllna txtonle to . visit their famine and spend, cuinosy anna seaside. . Season tickets -from all. ..east' side -points, -Portland to Kugenar inclusive on sale , to Detroit at very low rate with stop-over privilege t Mill City or any point east, enabling tourist to visit the Santlam and Breltenbush Hot Springs in the Cascade mountain, which can ba reached In. on day. - Season ticket will be good -for re turn from all point until October 10. Three-day ticket will be good going Saturday and returning Mondays only. Tlcketa from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the eaat or weat side at option of passenger. Ticket from Eugene andL vicinity will be good going via . the Iebanon-Sprlngfield branch if desired. Baggage on New port itiekets- checked through to New port; on Y equina . tickets to Taquina lie S a,- m. Rate from Portland to Newport, ft; to Taquina. Ij three-dey rate from Poftland toVKewpoW HT' .r:- PFmininrsEAOMSTr ARE FOUND NEAR M'COY CTrtcher' hrpyard- abouVUMreejnlle. south of McCoy. A largo number have been picked up by George Wis of that place and some have been sent to this city. The apot where tha specimens ara found -ia fully five mile from any fcreekv allowing that at one time all this section of. the country was a part of the Paclflo ocean. Mr. Wise will col lect some of the beat specimens for the city museum. - The clam ahown today looked almller to thoee sold in the mar kets today. . .....v. ' Quality : - Counts With the man that is particular 1 as to ,(his personal appearance our FunrjisnirjGS Represent the highest quality obtainable. y ' The styles are such as the most careful dressers demand, ir Our showing of . Shirts, fek wear, Gloves, iIfeiemc Ooslerya IXj: - !Were selected by us because -we hon--2 estly believe them to be in line with the f demands! of . Portland's - finest trade. AGENTS FOR Knox Dais end Deniccin's Correct Gothes . 311 MORRISON ST., 0pp. Postoffke A8 TO VALUE NONE DO OR CAN OIVE BETTERT An Unsqnalcd Offer A' set of our famous III rale TEETH for flO. . Palnlee extracting frea-wltn this offer. Exam ination .and consultation free. Crown and Brldga work a specialty. Extracting, CO cent-' ,: WISE BROS.; Dentist 3 sum WAgsraroToir. ' - v Open Jtvealag and srandagrs. exasa. sssK asa. I Ssxav m sl .sa gssh. .saw M N W mm SB r ..Bk -vassstssi sssmsa.' esasa asssasnk. - -SBbbbw mm BBXk . XB. sssnasssa, sssa. .- M v f i dTm 1 1 mTVm M i e-v 1 1 ' tr rm ft m - 11 11 grnfc i 1 rri tt rr mwm 1 u attk- i w"m i r . m. m lie. Pfite This Stock Will Advance to 60c aFTMnigM, Jane 9 fcs I to - I It Has Morehan Doubled in Wdue? t 1905 It Will Soon Double-Again JJHteiMerMilli to Makd Millions rr7TT-T " ., Hetty Green, the Richest Woman ; in the forldravs: y'TheW&to-GeVRich Z-s toJnvest in tkcessitiesi JThe JBidwelLCold-Motor-is-one-of -the- greatf st-igcessUicg-of the Twentieth Century: This stock has already taken four jumps tip. Now "iajhe, time to buy.,. It. will go higher in a few days. The 'profit is your. ! Don't speculate inyest. Here .you have, a neces-, airy. ' Look' at this-list' below. Every one of. these people made .iiiSv tortune byupplying";some'great necessifyr: - - PETER COOPER ' PILLSBUR Y M ACK A V JMCCQKM1LB ,,. nTUPKBAKEHZMARS CARNEGIE FAIRBANK8 LEITER 7 ROCKEFELLER VANDERBILT" ARMOUR" 8ENATOR CLARK' OOULD rSWJFT- na.irn, . " ; WH1 1 IMBT rKlwK 7T 1) I 4r EDISON iTANFORIl 4-J MOORED "LEEDS "T H ARRIMAMT. BELMONT . MORGAN Here is the way manufacturing'stocks in necessities jump - ';...'.''.:' " "j I , First told at The Electric Trust............. 15c.. Quaker Oats, common . . . . . ,'. . ....... 45c Anttki", Radiator, common, , TT, ,'irr-33c AHMrtcan tsmeiung.. ...... ........... soc Now sell t . f 1&7.00 S145.0O flOO.OO- - BtK'AA Ta.wv.wv M u And this is, only a ; few. Safer and surer ; : ,than , life insurance or trust stocks. All this - advance , has .been made in I ten : years and less. The Bidwell Cold Motor It will , supply the "greatest '. necessity - now known in the business world. v The demanff is so large that it wilt make all of us rich. If t ' you want to get n ' with'-im on this 'you will ' have to be quick about it. The stock is selling ' vlike hot cakes... . . , ; ; . ., ,..,..; .v .,t.;.'. . t. v.. r . ." ,." ...' . ':-.:-'.v ; v-. iv3:'3s :;'.: - Mm m 1 1 PC 1 '1 ly first invention wa-4he elec trie fan. iust as it is run all over the country in hot weather. I didn't get a patent on it, but see' what a tremendous success it is I . - I next invented ths Trolley Car Systenv just at it is nnvtoday. I mad it perlel-OntrsuccessiuT " since I invented it. Look at- the millions of money it has made for the -tckrwldert.TThe-stock frf -the trolley manuf aeturing- companies sold helow 1S cents a share in 1893 and 1894. Poonnen could buy that stock then. Tfiou- sands oFthem did boyl No Man on Earth ; Ever Lost a i Penny He Invested With Me Text ,1 invented the Railway e:ar Telephoner System- it is., a tvale m Hiv which passengers oMrsinrews cantelephone from still or - moving cars ranyVherer thelsanie as if seated in an office. , It is a more perfect, system. in ooeration than any other telephone you ever saw. This is on the road to- ward millions for the stockholders. J- - I! , rt Inventor of the Trolley, Oar System, inventor of the BaJlway Oar Tele- paena System. . - Iaveatoe ef the BtdweU Oold atetor. zavenio ef the Water Bleotrio ea- erator. This Is My Greatest Invention Now I have invented something bigger and greater than either of the above It is. called the Bidwell Cold Motor. It is "guaranteed not to burn out and is exactly the kind of a motor the steam rsilrosd people have been looking for-H wilt change all ths steam railroad systems over to electric roads, be' cause it will be cheaper to run than steam and can be run faster and more .safely than any present 'l: '-"i.. '.:.:' ltZZJTZ. 'Z" !, - The one drawback the railroads have had in changing over to electricity has been that no motor as at present made can be run 150 miles, at 60 miles in hour without burning out. It would melt the very wires. V . By using the Bidwell Cold Motor a train tf cars could be run from New York to San Francisco without a stop 'at the rate of" 60 or 80 miles an hour and not even warm up and without a hitch. . . ' . Besides running faster they would be more' safe and sure than steam, cost less to operate, and would last longer than any other motor now known. The Bidwell Cold, Motor is the greatest invention out sines I invented the trolley car. - :'. r. ;.' " "y- Tht Opportunity of a Lifetime I wsntto give every man and woman a chance to come in with me on this, for I expect to make millions for the ..stockholders out of this new patenf. : ... . . . . - 4-, .The stock will be sold on the squarerTnere will beno oes-iocttS-DontpTeietreu or common ttock, npr any other scheme, trick .or wrinkle by which snybody can be frozen out. . , ' .. , ,, ' r Every dollar invested will represent one hundred cents of the best stock. Every share will be exactly like veryot her sh?reiJOitrofiLjm.jeveryjhareLjullJ sameas.ibe jtrjjfitjLKeroflfitber shareJnjhortUhere "will Tit nothing buta square deal all around. 'fissr, - - - I have a life long reputation for squsre desling. I will personally see to it that every stockholder gets a square deal on this. This stock is fully paid and non-assessable. - . . In order to make it possible tor every man and woman to get in with me on this big deal I hsve decided to sell the stock until June 9. only at the following prices: " " ' - 50 shares. $27.50; 100 shai'es, $55.00; 250 shares, $137.50; 500 shares, $275.00; 1,000 shares, $550.00; 5,000 shares, $2,750.00. Not over 5,000 shares at this price to any one person. After Saturday night the price of thia stock will be: 50 shares, $30;, 100 shares, $60; 150 shares; $90; 200 shares, $120 250 shares, $150; 300 shares, $180; 500 shares, $300; 1,000 shares, $600 ; 5,000 shares, $3,000. ; Our Monthly Payment Plan V : ; SO shares, Se.SO easa, foni monthly payment of SS.SO eaek; loo snares, SS.SO aaak, six monthly payment of S7.TS ' oaeht SSO shares, SaO.SO oash, seven monthly payments of S17.00 each) BOO eharee, S4S.0O eaeh, eeven moathly pay. meat of S3 4. 00 each shares, SSO eaah, ten ' monthly payment of SS0.00 aeh 0,000 shares, S300.00 aaak, tea monthly payment of S350.00 each r ?1 A1' M01r"T K SBATT, linill atOITXT OBOIB, r. O. OBD1S OS OISTI URSS. ; Special to. Electric Men and Manufacturer. We re now prepare, to fill your orders In our own factory. 4 Wo are now manufacturln th jBldwell Cold Motor. W are taklnx order for cold motors and cold xoneiatore for arc and incandescent llehls on a imnntM nut tA burn out for IS years. Be-aSafeand Sane Investor and Get as Much of This Stock as Your Means Will llov.lf rill Pay You a Life Income in HandsomeDmdends3 More money is "iajc every day by good judgment in investing. moneylhan by all the labor and wages in thepountry. Safe and shrewd.5nvestmehts in this stock will make fortunes. ' You -will never get rich onwages. tin nne- ever rlirl Every. man in this world who ever got big money got it either by specu- " 1attotT"or In : vestmcntTTSpeculatibn ' is "unsafe.- You stand -more 4 chance to ose than you do 4o-make.-Investmentyre-Tight-thenDther Tvay. Make a sale investment and it is sure to bring you returns" Don't he5Ttateaboutthis stock.;lt is absolutely afe and sure. Here Is a Vital Point to Remcniit There never has been a failure of consequence in electrical man-' J ufacturing'Stop and think of that. ( All are immensely successful. " 7 All pay big dividends and have made their investors wealthy. . ' This company will) soon be one of the . biggest in electrical manufacturing in the world. This is bound to be so, because there ' is- not a place-now-where a-motor-or generator is -osed.-Hbtrt it-Tvill have . to sooner ; or later change, for the Bidwell Cold Motor or v Generator,- Why hi Because we make :somethin better than any 3 other kind nowkyiown.' :- :'';. X:':X-:, These -Are Cold lctei-u ist Vj If you want some of this stock-at the present low price yu must come in now. --There is only a small amount to be sold at this price. . ' V : I firmly believe that within a short time this 6tock will be sell ing at $3 a share. : This is your. opportunity, ; It iva case of come Lquiclcof not at all.. . - : v7-'.'- ' . " . -;' -,7. Didvell Electric Company ; - ; , ; vt :;. -: "CHICACb 3,. 3,r 3' fThedersifedsnathorizefhTokert5rrthrsale o in the West. Call and see me and let me explain anything you do -not understand. ' ' ' '-.''J' To accommodate those who cannot call before, my office will " be open every evening-this -week until 9 o'clock and Saturday evening until 9:30. - v '.-.. " ; .-'"f , ".'. : Mail orders bearing postmark up to midnight of June 9 will ' be accepted at present price.' " . ' . , ... . il you cannot call, write and ask for our free booklet. It gives full information.. Address . alj orders and inquiries to in, io nTEL tua,D-;c, ssattlcvach. v.