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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
r 'tlld ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. ' THURSDAY EVENING. " MAY 31. ISCj." s iSBIIIIEJIEHllBD , FOR COBS r, fc . t . . i . , t3oth Democrats and Repub- ' Hearts Plan Vigorous Fight ;. ' for Coming Election. ;, LA FOLLETTE IS AFTER REPRESENTATIVE BABCOCK Tariff Reform to Be Featured as an Issue' by Administration's . Op r:z ponents Bitter Contests in Many ; Western Statea. , : 1 : : '. v- ' V, '. fjoarlal flnaeinl Berries.) ..Washington. May SI. James B. Sher man of New Tor and Jamas M. origge Ltf. Georgia, chairmen, reapectlvely, of ne Republican and ucmocraiio eo ... . greaalonal ... committees. .... are getting ready to open tha active campaign ' aa ., . Boon aa congreaa adjourns." " '".7."".r While the Republicans have a ma jority In the preaent houae in exeeee of 100 members and are -therefore rea aonably .expectant of retaining control - .In the alxtleth copgreas they intend to -take no chances.. There are unmistaka ble aigna of discontent In a number of . Republican strongholds, and dosens of mtmbera who ware swept into office . by the momentum of the Roosevelt iandrhle-tn-lOt-ar) not certain of re-election next November. . - With the possible exception of Massa- chusetts, the Republicans are not appro ' t .henslve over conditions la the East. '.The people of Massachusetts will be treated to a feaat of oratory thla year. The moat flnlahed Bpellblnderia of both zr-jArUe-.wlU-iour-tiiaU.taiid Maaaa-i chusetts probably will be the rnoit fiercely debated around of any state In the union...... . . - y La roUetto After aUbooek. ;- Republlcana are Juat a little con- rerned over conditions in a number of w eatei netatea that heretoforehave Ten" ' "eons'ldereo" atfongBoTda" ef"lheIF party. Practically every congreaaman In Wleeonern will have aharp opposition "Jor"renoinlnatlon thla " fall. " The fac- -1 lona I w r "between--La - Fol h-tte and f Spooner plays no email part In the trou ble,1 and "the La Follette men are en deavoring, by securing the- defeat of congressmen who favor Bpoonar. to snake the people believe that the senior senator has, ln.t Tula Jn fluence. For some years La Follette haa been -after the scalp of Representative Bab cock, former chairman of the Republl enn congressional campaign committee. Jilt purauitof.Vr.Babcpck 1a keener ,thle year than ever before. Two yeara ago La Follette threw hla aupport to liabcock's Denocratlo--pponsnt, -andV-he probably will do llkewlae in the coming campaign. The only Wlaconaln con greeamen who - front preaent - -appear-' anoea will have little trouble in return ing are Each of the aeventh district, tpavidaon Of. the eighth, and Minor of the ninth. The. reat will have to look closely after their fences. . - In Michigan there are no iaauea of a ' national character that promise results ronne TX-mocrata.- i practically alt tha congressmen now In office are assured "f renoralnatlon. - The-only cloud on the Kepubllcan horlson is the growing sen timent against bosalam and machine politic, and naturally it la directed agalnat the dominant party. : right U Other SUtee. ' Booth Dakota has two Republican representatives 1st congress. The -can- dldatea for congreas, aS well , aa the candidates for atats' offlcea Wltf lui named at the. state convention nexttamnh'aTitttedtr1oTr , month. A-bitter fight s- on between the two faotlona of the - Republican ' paVty lfdtf Bena tors Gamble and Kltt- redge, .respectively. There is said to be some danger leat the defeated faction bolt the party ticket,, in which event the elate may possibly go Democratic and send two representatives of that party to the house. . '- The Democrats of Minnesota are hope ful of carrying, two or three congres sional districts . this fall, but the Re publicans are not worrying much over the outlook in' that state. Neither do ""conditions In Indians, Illinois or Ohio give them serious concern.. Both -congressional--campaign rnana- sw-wiu probably Jjarno worry along short of funds this year. The insurance niscl""rm unnPMlMilly erared aeme of the contributors, -who- will probably be chary In the future about placing money in tna - - The Democrats intend to feature tar iff revision as an issue. Public ownership may affect ' the results in some of the iarge cities, but this Is not ; expected - to anssme prominence " this eajAulet:canYara has. been made recently to ascertain liow many of the .members are for tar iff revision and how many are for mu nicipal ownership. ' It has not been publicly disclosed who la back of the canvass, but it Is certain nevertheless that the work haa been done with un fsual thoroughness. : -- - The registration In Crook county numbers 1,741, lot more than two year ago. ' :. ! STOPS ANY ITCHING lpotn' Ointment Cares Eczema and. Itching Ptfcs Portland People Recommend It. '' One application of Doan s Ointment atops any Itching. Short treatment cures ecsema, itchtiTg piles, salt rheum ny akin eruption or skin itching . It ' is the cheapest remedy to use, because. so little of it Is required to bring relief Jii4 eure. - Ilere-lo Portland testimony 'to prove it: :' , ' W v . : ' Jacob Heaaong, farmer, living at the 7 corner of East Twenly-elghth street and Keelly avenue. Portland, Ore., ssyt: i "In recommendtng-Poen'a Ointment e .those who suffer .from hemorrhoids I ran only repeat the statement I made some three yeara , a go. I had suffered from this trouble for some years, and . In hot weather it was a great worry to ' ma. I could not sleep at night Other :: preparations having given me little or .no relief t finally began using Doan'e Ointment and it required only a few applications to bring soothing and heal- Ing relief. The facts above stated are I told them" Just after my first trial or the remedy. I think Just as much of the preparation today." . ( ... For sale by all dealers. Price IS cents. 'Fostar-Mllburit Co.v Buffalo,. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remembe S"U&e DOAN'S -and laka tie et . n - i n 1 1 i : 1 ,i i: ' PEI1DLETOU HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES : . ... L -' . ; . Reading From Left to Right, Beginning at Top Frank Pierce, Furnish Slater, Rae Vogel, Elmer Storie, Carl -Spellmejrery Herbert Thompson, Loren Harris, Clara Boylen, Groyer Swaggart, Edna Thompson, Clarence - Bouerman, Edith Johnson,. Herbert Kuppe, WUUe Mime, Koy ueser, 'belle Reynolds, Dean Goodman.- 1(10111114018,10 BE Romance of Grand Ronde Reser yMonMIIBeachithe De-v 7 sired End ' GIRL GOES HOME TO ' GET WEDDING GOWN After Trials, and. Tribulations Young " Buck Wm BeAUored to Wed Girl Who Refused, to -Testify. Against --Him' Because He Loved Her. Amanda Jeffries and Andrew Rlggs are to be married' early next week. Thi announcement, of the coming .wedding was made this morning, and tha pretty Indian belle has depicted foc Jies borne on the .Grand Ronde reservation to pre pare her bridal g6wriCKersrTstd"Be" no romantle marriage under the tall shadows of majestic pines, as was that of - Minnehaha and Hiawatha so many years ago, when a northern wind played the wedding march upon i a thousand tuneful pine cones. Indeed, she will be compelled to take the marriage vow either within the MVltnomah county lall-AC In tha office nf . nn of th gov ernment officials. -But in, her heart she nappy ana on ner war to ins reser aong. She is to be united with th bronse buck of her heart after many troubles and dark days, and little she cares . where the ceremony Is to take place. Story of the Bomanoe. Amanda Jeffries and Andrew Rlgga are ..both Indians. " Both, live on the Grand " Rondo reservation. Riggs fell in love with the pretty Amanda and apent long hours at the Jeffrlea family tepee, basking in the sunshine of his loved one. Amanda loved, too, end they promised each other that the wedding would take place - as soon " aa family consent could be obtained. ' . But the - Jeffries-family- balked and orderedRlggsto betake himself away from their tepee. They preferredHDlhef pectlve members of thetr-famtty-- - Lover-like, Rigga carried on his visits I secret. He and Amaada would mael and take long rides together on Riggs' own cayuss. Those were happy days for them both. When . the Jeffries family learned of these meetings they determined to pre- Amanda's own statement, they took her to Dr. Kershaw and made her swear out an information against Riggs, charging him with assault.'' t Rlgga was promptly arrested and in dieted by tbs federal grand Jury. He was placed in the Multnomah county J- . : - "But when the " day for' his arraign-' ment came the prosecuting witness was nowhere to be found. Amanda had fled rather than testify against the than eht lovsdVThe offlpers ofthe government hunted high and low . and last week located her In Bay Center. ...When she appeared before the officers here she declared that there had been no as sault. . I - Marriage was the settlement agreed upon by all ' concerned. , Amanda was willing;- Riggs always had been ready The. only, question. was.. about- the Jef fries. - They have given their consent. and when the wedding hour comes they will be present to give the bride sway. VALE SCHOOL CLOSES : SUCCESSFUL SEASON (Special Dispatch to The ImtraaL) Vale. Or.. Ms y . t U . The publH schools of Vale have closed a most suc cessful term. Exercises consisting of essays, recitations, pantomimes, marches and' muslo were attended by the largest audience ever assembled in Misses Edith Scott Carrie Luce and Maggie Hughes received eighth grade county certificates; Mlsa Ora Curtis promoted to the eleventh? grade and Mleaea Mand Glenn, Florence Dun- lop and Alice Curtla were . advanced to the tenth grade. t Tha- Vale school ranks among the highest in Malheur county and Is .the peer of any school in the state in or ganisation. ' VALE-MALHEUR ROAD - ' FINISHED IN JUNE ' .. . ; ' ("serial THesetek ts The JnereaD Vale, Or., May II. Stephen Carver, promoter of the Vale A Malheur Val ley railway, la reported to have prom ised that, the road will be completed , on MID 4c before June Xt . ' t- i. HEXf FEDERAL GRAND JURY WILL BE DELAY Hermann-Trial and Other- Pend- rrrg-CaseCxpectect io r:r Cause Delay. .. The calling of the next federal grand tury will be delayed for some time. One reason for this is the Blnger Hermann trial in Washington. D. C. The Her mann case Is to come up on June II, in stead of June 6. as wee at first planned. Many wltnesaes from Portland will have to be gathered together and aent on to Waahlngtonj r The delaying of the grand Jury call wtlLglve Platrlct Attorney Brlatol a chance to clear lip all of the lndictmente that are now out There are also ad mlraHy eases -an-revenue oases -which are still on the calendar. The criminal cases have nearly all -been cleared up. The last two wllTbe tried next week. William Frater,. the former postmaster of Roseburg, convicted of embezslement last week, haa filed a motion for a new trialand there are several raors mo tlona'of one kind or another before the courtr --"These' maystiU' further, delay the callrn g of f the ' grand Jury, - The hcarThg'of theWll of "exceptTons" in me Williamson case is still to come. It is believed, however, that when the next grand Jury does meet there will be much sensational evidence brought before It The nature of this testimony is not known, but it is generally be lieved to be more evidence of Viand frauds which will land the principals. SPENCER IS MAKING IGHTFORJflSTTBERTY " (Speeicl DUpstrh te The JoaraaM ' -Walla Walla. Wash., May It Put ting . Edward Bpencer, the young-Spokane murderer, behind the bars of the penitentiary to complete a 11-year sen tence for killing Ella Mundt is proving a bigger task than Governor Mead bar gained for when he ordered Warden Keea to rearrest Spencer and convey him to the state prison again. In the habeas corpus -proceedings " Instituted by Spencer in an effort to regain his liberty,-Judge - Brents yesterday ruled that It was up to Governor Mead and the state attorney to prove the allega tlons that Spencer violated the terms of his pardon before he would, femand him to the penitentiary In accordance with tne"thprr--jf the- aureriiur. Assistant Attorney-General Macdonald, who - la representing the stste of Washington, : tin a granted until today to prepaie li case agalnat spencer, in. the meantime Spencer's attorneys are rapidly acou mutating evidence to prove than bftlf UvedJuP'io every condition Of the par. don. Spencer flas been placed in the cttirt-rJatt-4tr-Tdoe--tlowav tomeys and friends every opportunity to consult with him in the preparation of hie case. ' NETWORK OF SUBWAYS FOR PEDESTRIANS' USE (Joeraal gpecial Ben he.) Paris. Msy II. A network of sub ways for the use of pedestrians only is possibility .of the nesr future here. The-Wea is -the outcome of aw-appll- eatlon to the authorities to allow eon structlon of .subways to connect the Odeon - theatre with the Underground railway. The application was granted. and the managers of other theatres and of many big department atoree imme diately followed with similar requeata. which were all It is now con templated to link these subwsys and create a system of underground foot ways connecting those parts of the city which are most obstructed by vehicular traffic , - ' . - WIRELESS STATIONS FOR NORTHWEST STATES . . ?Joarear Biwrlal SerWs.l --. Wasnlngton. May II. Senator ; Per kins has succeeded in getting an item of S,000 included in the naval appro priation bill for. wireless telegraphy ata- tiona alone the eeaat ef California. Oregon and Weshlnston. This Is a better provision than has been obtained by any other section of the country. Peataaaatsta, Bobbsel Q. W. Fouta. poatmaater at Rtverton, la., nearly lost hla life and wae robbed of all comfort according to his letter, which aava: lFor 20 rears I had chronic liver complaint, which led to auch a severe reus or Jaundice tnat even mv fina-er nalle turned yellow: when mv doctor prescribed Rlectrio Bitters, which cured me and have kept me well for eleven yeara" Hure cure for Bilious ness, Neuralgia. Weakneae and all Stom ach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derange- menta A wonderrui Tome. At a k lo rn ore Prug Co.. E ceata .... liana Zimmerman, uien ocon, ja: RICH STRIKE MADI SEARillOLlE: Four Hundred" 0oari"IolHrPa7f Is Latest Sensational '-"'TfTeporirrT"' ANCIENTBEACH IS ' - - FOUND NEAR CITY Wonderful Strike Causes New Stam pedeAll the Land Staked by Pros- I pectors Miles of Beach Being In- vestigated by Those on the Scene. -- Four, hundred dollars to th pan Is the newest sensation' from Nome the magic city- uf the far north What Alaska coast Another burled beach has been found,,., Nome la aaid to have produced that will' place that camp on 'a broadet and better financial position than ever before. An Alaska government official, .writing to a friend In Portland, says: This winter baa been a record breaker for rich strikes. - It haa been discovered that about three miles back from Nome, along the foothills, for a Isngth of about II or 14 miles, there exists "an-ancient beach, now covered with 10 to 100 feet of muck... When they sink on thla. and getthe -Streaky It is ss rich aa the d L Already it baa been found running in practically . straight line from Anvil to Little Creea, ebout four miles. The dirt runs all the way from tl to It cants a pan, and a lot of it In places it goes as high as ISOS in a single pan. It la a wonderful atrlke, and is far richer than the prea ent beach ever was. ,, ' "There are two old beaches the one I have described, and another about ball way from it and the present beach. The last-discovered beach le also- rich, and there msy be others. Of course, atl this ground is staked. But it is not difficult to get a lay' that la. the privilege 't work, ground by paying the owner say from IS to 9 par cent of the proceed!, according to how rich It may turn nut to be. The high beach la the richest, and there ts an 1 liiiiueiise amount of prospect work being done for milesv The writer says there is not a great rush tJ Noma cat the present timer There la no vacant land except whets some miner haa neglected bis assess ment work, and that ..Is a rare occur rence. Of , the woethei1atlioroe-j says: --Thelmateseutttfc fait better In my life.- Much that you hear about the severities of the climate here Is overdrawn. I believe It le not much wore thairyou have seen In tha eastern states only perhaps ihere , is a little more of It here. Today (Marco IS) the weather Is warm and thawing, and the eun ahlning bright" . DEVELOP WALLA WALLA GAS AND OIL FIELDS tdpertal DispatcB te The JesrsaL) - -Walla Walla. Wash May II. The Blue Mountain Oil company baa been organised tn this city by prominent Walla Walla and Dixie people to de velop the ell and gas fields located in the Dixie and Dry Creek valleys by Professor Samuel AOebayr the Spokane expert. - The new company la capitaiisea . at flOO.OOS and Sufficient stock haa been subscribed to""start development work on lines Indicated by Professor Aughey. The offlcere of the company are: J. D. Lamb, -president; H. a Blandford, secretary and treasurer. 'The incor porators are J. A. Owlnn, H. a Bland- ford, J. D. Lamb, orianao uemane, r. T. Potters. W. T. Lamb, Oren Demarls, Henry Kckhoff. W. O. : Roberts. W. A. flhelton, John Stone. It D. Eldredgo, W. M. Scott and DWooten. The com pany la negotiating for a modern well drilling outfit and will employ an east ern oil expert to superintend tint drill ing ef a eeiieswOf wells In the vicinity of Dixie, where work will be com inMaCtl GRANTS PASS FAMED FOR SPOTLESS THINGS ----- -r. J--, - (Special Ma-letch to The Jon-rant) Cottage Orove. Or, May. IS. Oame Warden Baker has secured a white raccoon akin and bad it on exhibition yesterday. It le from a large animal and wae killed near Orante Pass. It Is somewhat, the nature of en -albino and the fur le very aoft. It Is remembe red that a snow-white deer was killed wear Grants Pass a year ago and was ' exhibited . at the Lewis snd Clsrk exposition. - Orsnts Pass seems to be a favored spot Xor spotless tUnca SMiinnKirani 170OED .lEXICMS Section Foreman Attacked, Makes Gallant, Defense and Mows Down Assailants. ' - (Jeareal Special gervlee.) - San Bernardino, Cat, May II. There wis a bloody encounter at Afton, a aid ing on the Salt Lake railway, 10 mllea eaat of Daggett, Wednesday morning be tween Section Foreman Williams and a Mexioaa crew. Wllllama waa badly in lured with knlvea and rooks, while two Mexloane were killed and numerous othera wounded. f ' Three Mexicans had been aent to Af ton from Loa Angelea. They were .In en ugly mood when, they arrived-and atlrred up trouble among the remain der of the- crew When Williams Inter fered the Mexicans made a general at tack upon him. He wae knocked down with rocks and had a hand-tyvhend en counter with his asaallants armed 'with knives. - - . t Williams shot the leader of the revolt through the head after he had been cut with a knife, and continued firing until the ground waa strewn with wounded Mexicans After the battle he eur ren dered to "Deputy Sheriff Smlthaon at Desa-ett, who then wired for tha sheriff. Hotel Eaton com. koibmso Aim wxrx tau its. NEW - Baadasmely faraUhtd, elegaatly asalpsei. fli-eproot, Sts minutes' walk troai heart ( hopplac sad hiMliuss Slstrlrt, aU Urf. alrr, outside room a, steam heated, electric lights, telepboee In each apartment, ate. Lars- efneaa, hmnslns. SBoklne, wrltlas. ladles' reeeptlee parlors.. aWoaaa resarved br mall er talapbone. yii-mU eaaaihaa atasta trains aad atasmsrs. Hoomn 91. OO to $3.00 a Day Special Sates te Ceauaereial. Mas, MES. MAI ZAJ5 .' ' - '. . (Formarl of HotaTPIflliaai. Ipoiaaail QNBYi in work sruaranteed for tea y Lady attendant always present i All wek.doas.abaoluteljr,..,itb?ut pain by apeciallata of from, li to 20 years' ex perience, : ' i Ckl rimngs, - Bridge - Work, - Oold Crowns, Artificial Teeth. BOSTON PAINU5S fcNTISTS II1H Morrison Bt, Opp. Meier Frank and Postoffloa. Every Vcnan MAJtVTL vMrHe Sprmr I mv Tejam srnssa, Mjt. Haw ess eat Moat cenreaMBV. HOaaaat laalaallT. cannot saialr the BVEIm aouapt ao etbar, hot aaod ataaap fc lliuairaied booh m JiS. It great fnll Mrtlanlara anil dlrtjnna In. vauiaal to uutiaa. at aaVesi. rex u ac asa as1.: a voaa. - . a. SKIDMORK CO., 11 ,MU ISTSZU. AMP- WOOSAEO. C 1.1 SHE 00. ar . oa" " n : m f ftusrs,! i aaayasreiasi-aiiwia. jv a-i-a t It ha cannot olT the T Ju. 5 . " I Maaeab. aouept bo r arr-; , t. M a. a - at 1 M MDD.ES) . -' tr THE BURLINGTON ROUTE . . .1 WILI SKLl TICKKTS TO gA8TBRN ' - - - POINTS AND RETURN ' ' -JuheiithrSlh, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES - BIST SKRVICS LOWEST RATES illlllll III! Where to Go TAaTTTI, the OAJtDM XgXAaTS In tha SOUTM SBAa ' a moat at tractive place to spend one's summer vacation. a a MaaTTOSA sails from Ban Francisco, July 1; with a party of happy people ea their way " to witness tha unique native fetee that take place -July Hi- Tit a a KAsUPOSA will remain over In the harbor six days, affording ample ttmo to make the trip around the island snd visit the naUve villages. Clement Wracge, the famous writer, in his "Romance of the South Beaa," - says "Tahiti is one spot worth while In a tour of the world." lilt Is the . first-class rats San Francisco to Tahiti and back. Good hotele lu Tahiti at 11.10 to II per day. Write for circular to , OCEANIC S. aW-WEATHERLY. i -3 t, X :'SsjB.'" C 1 4 w- I(V we assure our cusTO:r.3 rr.oTzcTicu r.zcAr.D xes3 oa .co:ir:::r cr'::::::::i 1RAKSIORTATIOW- N0L1E ROUTE S.1 SENAT02Jur.c2 Seoure Tlekste srew, AX4jnca,l som From Seattle at t p. m. for Ketchi kan. Juneau. Skagway, White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. B. 8. City of Statue. May Hi June IS, io. so. S. 8. Humboldt. May 14: June , 1. 33. S. S. Cottage City (via' Sitka), June 1. It. 11. ixamnoTMOim. a S. Spokane. June t-Hl July S-I0; A o rust I. ' fob sajt rmAjrciaoo bxbsot. From Seattle it I a m. 8. S. Umatilla, May I. II, 10. a a Queen. May , It; June S. S. S. City of Topeka, May 11. 31 X- rotrUaad Offloo, S4S waaningw -aa, 3CaU Stti -.:.T- V atUl, vase-a 1V V e. n ntTM atvn. a. p. a- e y - ie Markst St. San yranciace . Vanaat aa tha UveT The only steamboat making a round trip PORTL AfiD end ASTOIUA ASTD WAX -rvjarr-a Leave Portland. ............ .T: a. m. Arrlve Astoria V'l. m Arrive Portland .3:00 p. as. UtLB SERVED A LA CARTS PcrUaj-d Zaaalag, Alder tr Soos. Astoria landing, CaUeades Book. - B. B. SCOTT. Agent PhOne Main . "REGULATOR LINE" The Dalies, Portland S -Astoria-flavlation Co i. Boate leave' Portland and-The-DaTiee aweent Sundar. at I t m., arrlV" r .V, t n m . pirrrhr frelrht ana -iseengers. Splendid -aooemnodaUoas for outfits ana iivesioca. Mer-osr-Br-j of Oonrt e-tk, was vsuta, frboae icau !. AlrASKA yS7? and romruaa stiamshits leave Seattls 'rrnmnioir,'' May tri use , "DOLPIUK," May U Jaae 1, U, CAlXIKd At '' " Retchlksa. JBseaa. Dneglaa, Balsas. Bk as war. Coaaeets with W. P. T. teste set Atlia. Dawaoa, Taaaaaj Kasae, ate, . roe AH Boettueastara Alaska Parts. Call ar sead fneTrlp te Weaoarral Alsstraw" -Indian Baakatrf." "Totaal Potaa.1 I"-';4'.;:..; xxx aiasxa a a oo - ., . Frank Waelsey Os Aetata, -S3 ak st fortlaad, Or. S. SF. A- Kilburri . Par Osaa Bay, Sweks asd Saa ytaaetsas. ' afeart Sailing from Portland, TuiiSUAT, j una a-- --" P. U. eaBBNOUOH, AsrU amawichScck Ha. S. Phoae Mats lot. QUICKEST . TIME .1 CHOICS OF ROUTES ;ALriK)rf-Olc-WltITB xjfs ' OITT-KHASnBaT $35e7o R. W. FOSTER, Ticket Aste". w No. 100 Third St, Corner Stark . PORTLAND, OR. S. CO. iooS Broadway, Oakland, CaL T IlA.NSrCnT Al : Z ". mi 3 TralM to the Cast DaHy 3 - Ttuavgh Pnllnsaa staadard lad tsarist alses-. lS-rarn eallr to Osiaaa. Chiaajn, esa4ana tourlat slaaolne-caia dally te Kansas CUr. naroa-rh raciiniu caalccara (seats tree) aa e ttaat Sally. y-"-am t'apv teste. Ai-rtva. - ChlcaaoPnrfa.a tu.l ' . L tSrt "" Huatlnston. Sir. tiBOaai S:00 nt 5S.nt-"'' ktatera , t'ee-BBB; - Want - WaUa. - Lewlnton. Oaur r 4 lean si-d ,.,Nohrm Mnta. eallr. :1S S.0S Sat AtlanHe Bivraas toe the Baat ' via Bnatlnatoe. Sally t:U Till sal Pol n to ;,.,,,, -ocai, ror an . Blfxa- end "rtlaad. dallr SrlS ant S 00 ate "OOtCWtSlAl-tlTBa DITISIOlfT" .tJlliK foii"sc snd North Baaeh. atea-a r. nw4?-' .4'k. Ihtm S . at. Sally, Saadar j Setardav. 10 a. av Antrtd , shout I b ., oteapt Kaaday. A . , -----aMBnx atvra aorra. . - Krwr Dartaa, Orasaa City and Tamkrtl rtrv Bts. steamera Bath and Modoe, Aah. eeeh. -iJ-lv ""r. exaaa Saadar (water far taaday. T;IO . p. aa. laily. eseepl . '': kttkts Boirra EZ,r,H lttht' nd war folata, ee "Iparlt. Waah., tteastars gpokaoa sad tawle. I? ""7,:4 a. na , ar apes sirlral Trale ZiSJSS Arrtv. . - TlckH OfSca. Third sad WssbJagtaa sts. Talepboa Mala Tl. . a ' .7 f""01 ty Tlctret Agaatt A. Ik CBAIO. Central Fasataser afeat. ,. , EAST VIA SOUTH W- - tfnloa - TlenAt, Lears. Arrive, verland It press Trttrt . ror BaTrrn. Ronaburf. A ah- land, Sacrnaiaata, Ofdea, . Mew OrleaBa sad tha east :M SSI MaralBg tiala maatcts at Waodbnra dallr f:Hs uaday 'VtfS Irtfa " fne Moaat Sngsl, SUrartaa. I 1- BrawnnUlav- . garlss-aeleV - - WandUng aad Hatroa.... ; tn 1M S Bnraaa snaMiw eoa- . aecta 'at Wood burs with ' Moant Aaaal . aad Sllrar. . tea el U:Vt hat, " 19m set Owvallla pa an afar. , , v 1:M ata . ao a at . Shtrldta paaaanaar. ...... M-SO ma 8:1 aa roraet Srarr pasaeasar. )10:4S pan liMnai Dally. IIDatlr ezreet Saadar. j-trrgasonTRirr statiow. " Per Dallas sad tnternMdlate polata - dally 4:10 S. at. Arrlre PortlaaS 10:10 I. aa. , Tar time sad card of Oeartge eahnrbas tralaS apple at-TIty Ticket fSeav e atarhm. Tirkete te Batters point aad Emoeal alas Japan. China. Honolnla aad Anatralia. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Wis tug atnetn. Phoae Mala Til a w. s-rmoteB. a. t. CBATd, : City Ticket Agent Oes. Pans. Aaeaa, TJMECARD TRAINS Portland: rales Depot . Leave. - Arrrra. rtllowatose - Park-ganaa -Clty-St. lBta Special for , Chehalls. Centralta, Olyat- -' ' - - pla. Cray's Harbor,-1 Sootk"- - z Bead, Taeseia. Seattle, Spa tan. LewUtoa. Bntta, Bll- , ... HtM-Desver, fiataha. Kate----' ass City, St. basis aad -,' ' Roatbaatt, daily SJOsat 4:SSaal North Coaat Limited, elea- -We lighted, tor Tneoma -Seattla, Spottne, TSatte. " ' Minnea nolle. St. Paal'aad tha Basti dally .t.. . .-,-. . B- 7-00 eat paaet sooad UBnTeo. roe Claraswnt. rhthtlh), 1 Cea- - trails. TacoSM ana statue - - ealr. datly 4:S0W, . S:a)ssa Twta Cite Kiprasa foe Ts. , . , , coma, Seattle, spoaaae, Raleaa. Batte, it. Pant nlaeeaenlls. - Unents. BU weph. Kanaaa aty. OnM ha. BL Loots. trlthoat chance ef ears. Ptreet ron- -' Bectlooa tor . ail., pntaia - Bast tnd Sooltwaar. dally.. ldS pet M SB pat a n.-rsiiw.- d -rXhlre. aanglf Afent, SM Marrlsos atrtac. Part lane, ureaoa.- . . Astoria SnSTuifiBTa River Railroad Co. tTaloa Deeet ' Lea re. - . Antra, Per Maj-fra. Bslaler. Clara. haste, Wattport. CUftna. Aaterls. "IVarraatoe. ris- :-- . . ' - -.. . aL Htmpxieit: fur I Siera tnsrOe-u-hart ilrrSatinr-S- ire 11 :SS is - Astoria and Seashore. ea prene dally tM pa S 40 BOS All trains dally. 1. C KAYO. O. T. aad P. A.. Aatarta. Or. C. A. STBWABT. OoBmerelal As eat. MS Alder street. 2 Overlasd TrxInsBiHy X aThe Orteatal UniHad. the Past sua VIA SSATTLB AND SPOgANa ... - Dattr. " ' Laare. ' Antra. Portias rlsie erjedsla ' Te snd front BpeksBO. St. Pnal, MlBaoapnlla. t " - Inilath and all potato Bast vU Seattle I SO as f-eeast U-eepta S.s0 aat TV aad frnaa Bt Past - . ... , r,. Mlaaeopolta Dalnth .,' end all polata Bast via Spokane . ....... stS psf re-ee ata Verthera Staasuhtp Oa, Samag rroaa Seattle la Japae aad Chlaa ports sad Manila, serrylag Bae seagare aad freight i ,. a 8. Dahota. uao T. , a a Minnoaots, Jnly SS. BIPPOV TtTIIKB a-.AlSWs. ilanaa hlall Slaaaaklp Co.) , kaeaa Mara will sail front Saltlo thont J na IS for Jaftaa snd Oilna ports, sartylag psasensars aad freiaht . ror Hcheta ratee. herfh anoarve Hoea .. call as or address K. STdtSOB. 0. F. I. A. 1S T-d St., Portlaad, Oraeae. Fheae IbaJS - S9rr rs op ras c;"7 ' 1,4 ,,ti Oah-rt Daitaa and w.r bo I p. at. ; rt. -a land l' " ' .!!. ..oe taaca a a a i 1 - v mm iq ntoomroKlMMs,we. - J , . it