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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THE -OREGON -DAILY-JOURMAC- PORTLAND. ..THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 31. 1000. WhiU th Advano lrv Sugar- Was Unex pected, Prices Generally Rise When tKtTDe-" mand for' Canning Purposes Becomes Great TODAY'S MARKETS SUGAR MARKET 10 CEHTS HIGHER Unexpected Advance la' Made by r California A Hawaiian Re , - fining Company. .:, ' . " WESTERN SEEMS GLAD .' TO FOLLOW THE LEAD . Gen and Pou.txr--.Are 'Holding - at f , Former Figure, With Good Trade ' '., n the-Latter Cheese Down An .... other Half Cent ;.' 'V;'' 7 ; b-r: .;. --i , , , j, Frcst Street. May SUTba Jnlnclpsl teatnres ff the Portland whulessle markets, today sre: . Ssxsr market 10c advanced. "-.?,.,' sv Car eabLage la from south. ' Heavy strawberry storks offered. , . .. j beversl rara bansnss due today. ' . .. balmoa mark He sdvsoeed. T- , . i Kggs an- holding Just atrsdy. - , i fmiltrf sells wall "at price. .- : .- -Cheese market dowa another -Wheat 1 strong; floor inquiries cum. . . . , '': lunr Marks Tea' Cents Higher1. 4a nneinarted ndvence was Bad 1b the sugar mark.t today. Tha prices are toe per hundred ponnda higher (II nronnd. Kven toe ; repmenlsflvee of the auger reSuerlea IM " rurprterd at tha lateat turn of af fatra and be . future or the marxrr aeema inr ..w- than ever. Tha imini advance n JGURNAL'S-J)AILY. TIPS ON MARKETS 4 Price In the strawberry mar 4 ket are very unsatisfactory on 4 account of the poor condition In 4 which moat arrivals coma. Moat 4 -4r tha fruit now coming la-full 4 , of water and la therefore unfit 4 for canning purposes. Tha price haa-"already- gone "to a "very low . lvel on thia account, but better 4 fruit later 'may bring higher, figures. Tola 1s a warning. Don't use second-hand boxes, for. there la a . law against such usage and a, visit of the market Inspector would result In con Oacatfon, V ' ILLinOIS CENTRAL HAS BIG GAIN Advances Two and Three Quar ters on More Active Trading 1 Bullish News Helps. v NORTHERN PACIFIC - TWO AND A HALF UP x. "moted kr tha California at Ilawaliu nsncry and it did. t take the Weste-a eoncera long to follow, for the Independents aaen -to haw things all their tti - way.-. The ew pries ' are now la' effect. ' - HeaW Strawberry Shipments-- Offend. Very , heavy shipments ' ot-auawhtrrlca- were offered the lofal tratoday. A carload from " waa caagbt ea route tay the washout or ktftui xailroad .hrldcea and . waa , returned . to . tola n.rk.t Nearly ario crates wore offered We " dealerart-'tD1'Blee -e iaiity9he . 'market, howerer. waa la ery roos ahane J ikM offerliiaa....aa aeronat of the hrT P- .""rBlies6efi received' fro-WinttietM"rBity ninra. fulM of eoed storke are reioittd prices ranfinc froa 1 to $2 per erate ef 2 hexes but the letter ure to oaiy reeel'f d . r inuha uil Klir atoek. and eyes then only la "exceptional caeee. Finer Hood- lreroALdlodaya tons the street aa . low a $1.80 per eraTerTSuT-reBWSlly sinsklua the top fissrea were aronnd. I1.S5. a, nut- alderable amonmt . of stock . la being rtwlwl Ma had eondMoa and most of thla Is -4d to ' hawkara at piicss ranalng from sue to Toe n.r . erat. Qnalliy f ft-oit Born arnnnf is no good aa there hi to mora water. Tula can ana - the berries ttr rot after being exposed for sale " ': mora thsa 34 bears. - - Cheese Market Down Aaetbar Half. Another He decline Is shows by the cheese i , nsrket today sad sales ata are reported at 12012te per pooas. bales are aewg -Bjaua . 'at both gares. : The ereanjery batter market Is nnchanged " from yeaterday. the adyance of one city cream. . cry of 1V -not being fcUowed by m oiners. , - renter euia--et the IMes. " Far poultry there le qnlle good demsnd ruling along the etreot today. ArrtyaU are suite liberal bat thus far the trade aseam wl inns' to narebase areaad enoted Baures. Egga are holding Juat steady with receipts quits fresh. Soma more withorswais or ooia .tnefc. .r. rpnrtl made ha thoef whe sre sgala trying to break the price. la this they wars aosnccesstol today., . Haay Iaanirisa far Hear. - . There were many Inquiries for Sour-received br the local trade from the orient today. The jBDansee are the principal Inquirers, not : a-rnam, a moo at of bostnesa la reported. Locally . the market Is hi quite good sbspe and the , trade la stocking op. - Wheat hss a very Arm tone today, despite . the general weakdees dlaplayed by atne east. The report made by The Journal yesterday that but d.Otin.ouO boabrla of wheat yet r. 'msined oat of hsnds of sUlWs caused a mild aensatlea. as It wss. belleyed by moat of the " bnyers ttst snppUes were nearly doable that mount. No changes la price as yet. . . , Salman Karkst a Half Ceat Up. - - A small smoont of sslmen wss received this - morning from down-rlve points. The market is higher today at for chlooeks. - Canned predact Is In a very strong- poaltloa. bat as tha trade has already sold more thsa the -, probable pack business Is light. wsfs of Tsripaa ataxksta. - -- A csr of esbbsce was smong the rsll ar rlrsls from the south this morning. Prtc st $1.10 for beat. siieeral ssw sf hisssas wars CM during the day. Old potatoes are Terr slow with beary offer. Inge by prodacers. who seem to hare loot all nope;ef a demand later on. - - t ' No trade to reported In hops. Wrn offers out from the esst boFprfces do Dot meefVlew. f -the few The trade psys the following prices to Front street. Prices paid producers sre less regslar com missions: ram. Floor aaa Feed. : WHEAT nub, T2T3c( red Rasslsa, TOc; 'bliteetem. T4tf7nr; yelley. TOSjTlc. BARLIT feed, 24.0BJ relied. 128.00018.00) Brewing, . V V TT .u II, " C cracked, f2S.&0 per RTel 11 BS ner ewt. OATS Producers' price No. t white, 130.00 vixc gray. 2.00rl 29.00. . FLOUR New eeatern Orego pateatt, (.1009 'Ml: stralrhta. Ct.40lUS.Mi: etport. $3.15; valley, $3.00: grshsm. Vs. $3. BO: whole wheat, -Min; rye. 50a. IA.O0; balea. $2.16. MILLSTUFrS Braa, 1J.OO per tour mid mtnira, (211.00: ahorta. cnantry, 120.00; city, - (imm: chop. ift.aot2t.M. H AT Producers' price Timothy. Willamette yslley, fancy. $10.O4J 12.0O; ordinary, 7.0a (no: eeatera Oregon, UJmJlA.00; mixed. '. M.0O; rlorer, .003.00; grata, ( .OOi chsat, ,W.0p. Batter.' Zggs snl Fenltrr. SrTTBR FAT F. e. b. Hart Una weet .. cream. lHH20c; eoor, la1Nc. ,'. BIJTTKR :ity rreainery, 2UM 21 "outside f fancy, aoc; ordinary. 11 r; .tore. 1214c , K'H3 Me. I fresh Oregon candled, 1 7 1 t'HEBR Ki 'Tonng America. tHQyic; California gate. 12c. - POULTRx Mixed chlrkena, 12He per lb; . fence bens. 1H13 pet lb; roosters, eld. 10c nee lb: at rft. He nee rbr-frfara. IMtgOet beniu .tera. 18ip2r per lb: Id docks. ItmttlTc per lb: . sprlsg docks, 18li per lb; seesa,' locllxe per in; toners, lie per Full eream. flats, 12?13ttr; UUP! I'llfwMlai flat. 1Jm m; dreae need. XI qoa, fXSOUs.00 per oua; pigeons. 4; tier lb 12.00 I Xepa, Wool and Tfldse. " " HOP Contracts, 180S crop, IvaiOHe per 4lbt 1 Oregca, l2VaiSe. - , . WOtJL IP"" clip Valley, soars, to medium, . . Sc: Sue. JAr; eastern Oregaa. SOOSlaV i MOHAIR New. Dpa., f 8HKKPKINB Sbesrlna. lBQIOc ech abort , wool, : median, wool, 609TBe eech; bmg" Wnrtl.-Te$l.eO eech. ii i -TAIXt)W Prime, per lb, lJ4ci Ke. t and grteee. 22Hc , k t lllTTIM HARK H4Sc per lb. ? B1UKS Dry. Ne. 1. 1 lb. and op. 1SH4 I ITVkt per tbj dry kip, Ro. 1. 6 te IS lbs. 14c; dry calf. Ne. 1. aadar Iba. ISc: ealted hldea. . etaen, sona4, 00 lbs and orer, lOQIle; eews. StHc: stags sod bslls, sound. lu7e; kip, t as rbe. Per calf, -wmiBlt andeTlS Ibsl'llc; .? 1 . i" r ti ilinrn v nmnro i inunouMi rniuco lis f THE WHEAT MARKET e July Chicago ......I ,"2A Pt. Ixuia...... .0S Milwaukee ... .tt New Tork...... .TT'a Itulutli ....... .as 4 Minneapolis ,1A' 4 Knnas.flfy.rM.-74,Ai rfi: '.. e Uverpool ..... - tu4 lllfiw '.-'' .t . Rept. ' ) frees, snaalreci, te less; calls, lc per lb kes; noreehldea. aalted. each. gl.2adl.Tfi: drr. each. fl.ootsl.oo: colt hide.. ;.1Soc; goat skins, rnmniuo, each, lOtlloe; .Angora, .each. SActJ 11.00. , ... . . , . Traiti aaa TegeUWae. POTATO ER Rest sorted. TniaMM tier ssrk: proilucers' price for csr lot," 00c per cwtf ordl D.rr, esc; prod seers" ' price, 60c; .sew wiatoex, laaua s lb. ON IONS Jobbing price Oregoa. No. L II SO: prodncera' price. Ko. I. $2 2r; No. 3, 12.00; ", e par lb; aew California, Sc; garlic, matte per lb. , FRUU FRUITfl' . Annies.' t2.S0tr3.M: "eanges. -fancy- nseel, $.l.Tn4.00: seed U of. 12.7.1: Ifedlletraneah. tS.lMtHJHi. hananaa. Se Ik; lemoue, choice. .4.'ajt4.Cx per box; fancy. e..Kdig o.w per oox; limes.' Mexican, fto per ta; tangerines, ; pineapple., Meiirsn, sa.ia; HswslUa. : atrswhertiea. Willamette val ley. 73CUI1.SO: Hood Hirer. Sl.nniM2.00: Mount Tabor. II 1H) per crate; goDerberrtea, Ac per id; cnerriee. S1.ZTH1.40. a VFUKTABLK Turnips, pew. 1.B0 per ssrk; carrots, -I ) per sack :"beets, per aack; Oregon radl.hes. 20e per dsi; .cabbage, Celtrnrnia. (14tl.Ni per ewt: hell peppers, lftsiaiie lb: Metlcaa tom.toM. 1.32&Q1S0; Florlds. $fi T"'i-facnlp.. cl: string beans, 10c: rsnliriower. II per dns: rallfornla peaa. -ttt'' ner llir OtegnWr 0rWye pee- Mf aorae i raniui. natic per lb: artichoke.. Joe per doe; hotlinuee lettuce. fl.2ft per box: cranberries. Jerapya. f 14.00 per bhl: Coo. bay and Tills. monk. - flO.OOr a.paragns. t'.llfoml.. Ktc per Ih Oregon, T0t7S per dog bunches: Wslla nails, si. za per box; sqnssn. iiaci spinscn. Louisville 4 Nashville and Southern Pacific Complete List of Most Ac tive Ones Reading and Pennsyl vania Lose on Heavy Selling. Atchlsoa Sug.r ,. Bmelter, pfd . .' Car A Foundry Brooklyn , . . Baltimore t'okt, Fuel ..... Bt. Paul ...... V. A N. W f'hesspeeke .... t'auaulan , Colo. South. l'ftlTff e a a aa e Krle Northern Paclnc. Illinois Central. liouteyllle .., Anaconda , , ,j Amalgamated Hmelter net gains.: ,; . Mm lea a Central .. k.ty ..,., Mlaaourl Paclftc... N. Y. Central Ont. a Weetera' .. Pressed Hteel i ar. Rep. Hteel, pfd... Rock Island do preferred...,J Kontnera Ry ..... Nouthcrn PaclSff... 1 Ttnn.Toal i...... 1 Tnlon Pacific. ..... t'. 8. Steel ...... do preterred.. Wabash '. ... 3'4 do preferred..... 1 net Loam kp.. . J 4 PeniieyreaBta J l Reading ......... DAY USHERED OUT BY A SHIP Severe Break Occurs During To " day's Trading in . Chicago"' 1 Wheat Market 0PTI0N OFF TWO AND . ; AlHALFlCENTS tODAYJ July ; Drops a Half and September . and December ' a' Quarter Cent Liverpool Comes Higher Good -Weather Helps, the Bears. - v ' .-a ... ... H ... V eeaFl ... m ... K. 75e per box; green onluna. O-.yon. 12 c perdoa huncHesr eucnmners. 75cf$1 OO per'dos. iikiku rill lan Apples, evaporated. 13 ina per lb; enrtnota, laaiaa aaa Ihi a !22t3Vi per Ih; sacks, e per lb leea; prance. SO to 40. Tt4r- lc dree- on eseb slxteentt smaller else: figs. California black. t7c lh: CaUCcrala white, e pee- R: datee, goldea, a Cuoke Tnulpmiryr per IP! 'aroe, per to rn box. Todsy's stock -market waentiTlWi: TeTter crop reports from the great grain belt, waa one of the principal arguments. The general list shows an a dr. nee. Illinois Central was quite actlm.sod scored; the greateet advance jooay a riae was a points. Other erotn'ttient stocks witn tneir rises were, nortnern. I'scnc H. Ixwt.Tllle N.hTllle and Hotithera Pacific Hi pelnta. Reading and Pennsylrsnla ware both anlrt hasyll-ana. losL .ilurlnx tha. Money rstss were rather high, but tended down warn. .- - v otncisl qnontlona by Overbech. Starr DESCRIPTION. Ruts. Eta. 12.1; fruit granulated, to. 15; dry granulated, t.VIS; mnf. A. 18 1ft; beet granalared. waatern, 4.l)f: Hawaiian. St.Ort; extra C. 4 08: eoldea 0. 4 IW: D yellow; 4.R; bhls, inc; 14 bbK I Anaconda Mlnln. (V IBc; boxes. BOe sdysbce oh ssck be. IS. Sea 2l5 I Arn? rilr ii - --, 1 Atcaisoa. rum. r ground, 100a, 17.00 pee $11.00; 100a. S10.T5; tm. (Ahoys prices a only to aales of leaa rh.e ear tote 4 ar lots at special prices -subject to Suctustlons.1 - JU1 SKY S 60 Npepv crate. COFFEE Pseksge brsnds. f 1 2S, SALT coarse Hair ten: table, dairy. 60s. ported LlTernooL 00s. S17.00: lona. aiaso 224s. 110.00; extra flnet bbls. 2s. Be. 10s. fc-ftoa H.SO; balk. S20 lbs. $4.00(35.00: earke. boT anaTSOc; Urerpool ramp mrk, $1S.50 per toe: BO-lb rock. $7.00t 100s, $.TS. . . GRAIN BACH-Calcutta, OHfllOc. . ' RICK Imperial Japan. Ko. 1: Be?-Wo-" 1 R3oc; New 'Orleans bead, Tef AJax. ac, Creole. St4e. ' REANB Small White. B4.RO: "laree whit. $1.00; plBk. $3.00; bajoa. K.U01. Limes. $0.00; NI TS Peanut.. Jumbos. So per Ih; Vlrnl. SH0e pee lb; - roasted 4He Per Ih; eoeoanats. goftOOc per dosr wslnats. lrisiistsa ier lb; ptnennts, I06tl2u per lb; hlcforynals, Oe per lb; chestnuts, eastern, Maine ner lb: Rrsail nuts. 14c per lb: filberts. 14xtlfic nee Ih; fancy pecans, ISHOlOHe; slmoods. 14Htl ROPE Purs Manila. 14ic: ataadard. uu sisal. He. COAL. Ollr Pearl or Aatral Cases. ISUa nee gal; water white. Iron bbls, 4c per sal: wiwirn. -lie per aai; avnuugnt, iiiMMg, ZJyc per gai. OA80IJNK M-deg. caaea Am- -ar 4k KosihL. com.) 4H,l'ai)'.ii, am. Mugar. nnia. w per gsi Dbis lHVjC per gal. mi t4He per gal, tree eassa SSe per gal, trea TURPENTINE; la eaaea Bite Me e.l! wiMUn bbla 9.V per gal. WHITE LFAD Ton lot.rTHe' per lb) o00-lb lots. Nc per Ih: less lots. te per lb. WIKE nAII Present bssU at $3 55. MNHKFD OIL Pure ran., in 5-bhl ut. Re; I Mil lot, 6.V; cases. 58c per gsi ; genalns kettlo boiled. cssea. One per gal; 5-bbI lots. 54c: 1-bhl tot 6Sc per gal; ground cake, car lota, $20.00 pee - ion; teas uaa csr lota. SJU.ou per too. - - Meata, Flak and Frerialens. FRESH MEATS Front street Reef itnr. 4t.V per Ih; eowa. 81 4e per lb: bogs, fancy. H'farvc: orainary, iannc; poor, iwfie per lb; boll.. Sfe34c per lb;, veal, extra. t,'u)7c per lb; ordinary. Ac per lb; poor, be per lb; mattes, fancy. s.fls.Se per lb: lambs. c. HAMS RAC0N.. ETCU-Fortland wk hama, 10 to 14 Iba. Hike per lb; 14 to IS 1M, !4t4c per lb; break fa it bacon, . lH4J20c per lb; picnic. liHe per lb; cottage,, 0f4e per lb; reanlar short clears, ansmoked. 10.c ner lb; tni-triri1H r " "I ' --ir. snamohia. uuii.1,, im. ....... do oref erred Baltimore A OnkCcam. .ilo tiw preierreu Rrooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian pacific, com. .-. mi. at u. w.. com Chi., Mil. A St. Paul... Chi. a N. W . ... ' Chesapeake Ohio; . . Colo. Fuel a Iron. com.. Cloo. Kojithern. com...,, '.do 2d; preferred..,.,. do 1st preferred, r..! . Delaware a Hutoon-. .... Denver A H. O.. com... do. preferred Erie, com da 3d preferred, .... j do lar- preferred..... . nilnola Centrsl LOTui.viiio a naaaviiie.. Manhattan Railway..... Mexican Central Ry..... Mlaaourl Paelfto M.. K. A T.. com do preferred New Vork Central...... Cotton Oil.- Locomotive Federal Smelter. ..... Norfolk A West., com.. do preferred.......... North American N. Y., Ont. West.... Pennsylrsnla Rallwar.. P. O., L. a C. Co r itwhi nteei t7ar. conm do preferred Pacific Mall 8. R. Co. . Reading, com.. do 2d preferred...... 00 iat peer erred 2Nt, lew. 3lt s1i l7t4!l)M iff! 2W14 107 s. n lieuHipu 10844I107C vmv, 1074 NO 4 Rep. Iron ft Hteel, com. do preferred.......,., Rock lelsnd. com do preferred. ... , Southern Ry.. com...... do prefetred. . ........ Southern - Pacific.. Southern Paclnc, nfn... Rt. L. 8. K, 2d" pfd. St. L. ft 8. W., torn.,... 110 prarerrsa. 214 40 7t4l TPt4 17NVI1N2 147ill48 23 84 8V4 HI e 80 i lllVL Klt iaoA 10a 143 51 U TOU 17R1L 147 ihiTti . '. . . .ijnx 23 w so 140 27 '4 1 vj 27 lOftlloxatiina no vw 10 We ner Ihk smoked. 10 to 18 lbs, ansmoked, Sc per lb lb; Union butts. smoked. Be ; Clear oeiiit. unwmaea, lie per L smoked. 12c pee lb; ahouldera, 1014 par lb. LOCAL LAKD Kettle leaf. 10a. 12Uc iun- pK; oaTla'Sie pef lb; BoMb Una. liTJet'Tbi . tests renoereo. lus. -ie ase-wt-ea, tlae rr in; .compoona, im. sc. oo 1st pi t'ANKED BALJiitn cotoMia nver. 1-ra tsns. I n'u,n r!.i. ft.mrr '. .r-ipTrT - nato. et.nw; -t w nolens n-m tsBcy asts. fi-m: rancy i-tn ovsat.; AUsks tails. Dink. bo&0c: red. $1.60: nominal 2a. tall, $2.00. riHJU Kock cod. tc per in; Oonnders, Be per th- I, 1 1 tin t n nee Hi. frahm - St an A. Striped beeei 124jO per -Tbr -cstnsh. Te per lb; salmon. Commbls river" Chinook. Pt4c ner lb. steelheada ( ) per lb; herring. Be per lb; soles. os pee in; snrtmps, tuc per in: perca, oc Trxsa ft Pacific Tean. Coal ft Ires.... T.. St. L. ft W.. com. Lnwa Pscjffc, com... dw prefeeied. 1 1 1 . . i Central Lrsther. com, do preferred. V. S. Rnbber. com..:. C. R. p.teel OK7 torn...:' oo. prcmrrj WIkcI. ft L. K.. com. do 1st pre fet red . . . . .. oo 1st preferred. 1KB Sit, 1SOU .414 1l4 unit Wl'it 41 40iEf)J 1 AJCT.' ' 1 Fii 1 " T j-ibt f7 ...1,178,000 1,003,000 Corn ,....,, Shipments:. Wheat 324.000 SO4.000 Com 1.093,000- 1, Total clearance.: Wheat, four days, lls.SOo Duaarie; corn, en.ouu bushels; oats. , 39.500 K.I.Ala. riMtm .B .1.1 tmmXm ;i06T.iHB4 l'i Kill Totsl sslea for day. 524,ano .hares. Call money closed 3412 per cent. rE TOROFAK MRIffO STOCXi tips, 10c per lb: perch. 6e per lb; blsrk cod. 7 per lb; tomcod. Te per lb: liver smelt. 7e per lb: lobsters. 15e nee lb: fresh mackerel. Ac per Tb: crawflah. 26a se aos: .bsd, Ac per lb: sturgeon. 10c per lb. OYSTERS Khoalwater bay. ner raL per sack. $.1.7S. iunh Hsrasneu. ear Box. I2.D0: rssor Uais, 12.00 per box. . San Francisco. Msr closing: Rid. 1 81. Of Seisin morning Relroont $3.h2ti ian uoy .m Oolden Anchor., ,HB (Jold Crown..... .3" Home .20 Jim Butler .... KILLERS CONTINUE TO INQUIRE FOR HflfiS Supplies in Local Yards Are Nominal HeavyArrivals of Sheep Fail to Check Demands Macnamara Midway ... Mlapah Et Mootan.t North Star Ophlr Hescue ....... Ton. Exten... Ton. Nevsds . West End Ads .T 3.47t, .20 307 Rise Hell... Ronth Columbia Mt. Conquer , , . . Dlamoedneld Dixie Florence .13 . 1H.12H ... S.MI .07 Portland' TbIob Stockyarda. Mar 81 Uve- stocs recaipta; . . . . Hoes. Today ................. 10 vteek ago lta) Month ago .. . Ieer-.a u, 2 Cattle. Sheep. 17 l,ni ... Sj7 Gold Belmont.. (itildBeld ...... Oreat Head Great Rend An. do Extension. Jumbo do Extenatoa. Kendall 10 .20 .16 .15 .80 3.0OA .60A AH - .6 1.0HA .14 1.30 .37 ".00 Rid. .$ .0$ s!4 .12A .14 1.40 .144 .00 .27 .2.1 .14 18 .TSA .50 .30 .00 .30A ... 1.70A ... 1.00 ... 1.42t4 iMiiaen rtceprre. ,anA Montgomery Mt. .40 O. Run Frog ... .IB Stetntray .35 Tramp . 1.02 Manhattan One. 1 20 Manhattan Co.. .14A Man. Cowboy.., .20A Man. 'Dexter ... .77 Man. Little Joe. .06 Kendall Ex Laguna Lone Rtsic;,.,,. May Queea...., Mohawk Red . Top. Ti do Kxtenaloa.. Sandatorm ..... Silver Pick Jumping Jack... Rronko .,.., ( rut.nt -St. Ives Amethyst ...... Rull Frog Mln. Mayflower National Bank.. Hunaet Denver. ... Eclipse .. Oold Rar r . y I . " .,vn. Hog demand la still very good. Killers con. fibre to Inquire for Bupnlln. But IB head arrived during the pest 24 bonrs snd prices. tlthougb aochanged. w rather stiff.: Weakness In csttie continues, nlthougb but nominal arrivals sre shown In the ysrds today. HnVep remain firm. Heavy receipts of totlsy fslled to affect the 'brie, sod euotattons sre unchanged. -Revere! boreee were among today's arrivals. . I flli lal 11 Tea tor X prices: i. Rest eastern OeVeea. $T 3BWT.SB: T Hieeue blockers snd China fats, $0JM; atorkere and 1 Orsnby feeder., . 0 Csttie Bnl eastern Oregon ateere, $4 Anfs 4,3; best rowstsnd heifer.. a 2Btf 3.50;-tock- ra anit reeoers, s-ov; oniis, ss no. - Sheep Shesrllngs, 4c; umbs, 4ac. BOSTOM COFFER, ITpCKS. Boston May $1. Official copper rtoelBg: mo I Did. Adventure ...I Altonea SS.oo Arcadlaar-rrr. S.M7H Atlantic 21.25 Rlngbam .... S4.00 Calumet i .... BeA.oo Centennial ... 23.25 Copper Kangs.7o SO. Dsly West Frsnklla . . in. 75 lei. ' is. wi A.Y75 l.0r) PI. 75 40.7B Osceola ...... $1V0 Mohawk ..... Nevada Coa., North Bntte., Old Domlutoa. Qnlaey MOO Shannon S.75 Tum.rmce ,., Fll.00- Trlnltv 10.00 I nlted Copper. A3 00 I tah 02.25 Victoria 7 GO Winona . . .... 7.00 Wolverine ... 135.00 I". S. Mining.. Tenn. Copper, 4.1. irt Raat Botte .. 10.25 Fly B75 Pitts ft nnlutb JS.75 Cat. A Pitta.. 27.BSU Cat, A Aria... 117.00 XASTERR HOC! ITXAOT. - TRITXD STATES ROTElsTMElIT BOttBI Chicago. May. 81. Livestock receipts: " lloga. Cattle. Sheen. Cblrsga 23.m0 S.ono l.'i.oiO Ksness City. ........ I2.INKI 4 il n.ntio Om.hs 14 '" 4.5IO. 2.") HosyM Stesdy -with 3. MO ' left over. Re ceipt, g year ago were 24.tM). . Rnllng nrlcea: MUea, good ane nenvy. so.4bj no: rough. .aoae.4o; light, I attle Htrong. . Sheep Rtrong. - ....... , . New M.Sb; Sterling Rates. York. May 31. sterling Demand, 0 days, 4t.U, "' Rew Tofk," Msy II. OoT.rsoiest Nmdst Dste. i Rid. A.k. Twos, reeisterea iwrci - way, do eottfion looa KK1W Threes, mistered loa 102 do coupon.... Jwog 1"2N Twos. am. 1 1 bonds .... 102 W Fours, re.ietered 1007 loau do coupon Itf'7 iinu .10.11. Fours, registered...,..'....... 1025 12 ,120 T no cenpoa . ... ivuft ' izdv ' 120 Pl.trVt of Columbia I5s.. .... 11 Philippine 4s., i. v. loov, 103 tendon Silver Market. , Loadoa, Ma li HUtw, $1s i. KW'4 loj;t, I0.114 iug; i 103 4 RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. '' Close ' - Close . flcae : Thnrs, Tuea; .," 10O4. ' Msy .,.$ .tt2"4 f JM $ July .M2A .KsVaA .W Keptember.;.. .WiA .HIHA .SI December..... .OH ,Sll4 - . Iiss ' Tburs. .W"4 .OU'l .UOt-i T.OO) Chlcsgo, May 81. In wheat the may month went out like a .shot, rinsing with a net loss of SHr. The easy feeling In May and good weather, along with sa Indifferent feeling to ward the market, kept the bulla busy trying to maintain price.. The market In the main waa low, at tlmea being exceedingly dull. We have bsd a reasonable setbsck and the market at 111 riiiltilts quite a little rallying power. It Is trsdlng Bisrket purely. - Cera Ohangea Front. - :. Only just tor a moment after the opening did the corn .market balu thereafter tie Ins atronx. tart la tee la the day., lapsing 1 Into dulluc... though loafs g none of lta alrengthv rroviaKina rniea aun ana lower, witn nnga $He to 10c dowa for the day, - Parker, ware not in evidence st a 11, seemingly being content to tet the market drift for a time. ' ' Official .Quotations "by Overbeck. - 8tarr""A vvusv voropanyr WHEAT. - lular -c- fill nili 1 1 "" OA IT, a e a a .Ol . .0101 .OU ' - r- CORN. - Rent.., DVC a) a f May.... July....r Sept..... - .4Mli .40 .3414 47 S OATSv .83 .334-- 32'4 ---.81 MERR PORK. . ' .33. .3314 s?a Jury..vi0 O ' l t Bent..... 14.10 .Z 18.40 . LARD. May..... 8.73 8.73 ' 873 July-... S.W) - S.HK B.75 o.a-, a.wu . May.n July... Sept.., -R.S5 43 .$0 SHORT RIBS, pxs .sir- r... a. 45 0.37 .35 8.28. i.52A - .404 A.--.41, SB .47 SA .33 T4 -.33, A .824 . 8.72 S.7T SP3A -.85 40 .27 ' L1VERJ00L ORATJT kLARKET. Llrerpool, May $1. Official prices: . . m r WHEAT. " . '. " T Open . Close. Close -Oslo Tburs. Thura. Wed. Tbnra. July 'T...;:. Oa o4d a 04d 8s vf . 14d heptember as BHd s 0',d Bs Oftd ... On All WasHii Press' Matenals CUT THIS OUT PURE WHITE ORGANDIE At 15, 10. 23e and 30e. Write for samples. . INDIA LINON SPECIALS 8, "jlOa - 12H 15f and 17. AVrite for' samples.; COLORED SILK ORGANDIES In solid -rncolorsrdptr- and - figtjresr-graceful -eveninp Vmateriats, put up in two lots' at 15 and Write for samples. .; . REAL. .PERSIAN. LAWNS Swellmaterial for graduating:. Closing out prices 15V ' '21t and 35t. Write for samples. 1 -CHECK AND STRIPE DIMITY Very " ' proper for children's wearrthree great spc-- '.; cials at. 10e, 12 and .15e. Write for ' samples. . ' . , EALJJICilULLrrRich handsoniil styles, this season s importation ; , regular . values 75C. ' While they last 29. 'Write for samples. .;-"-, . . ' r BROKEN LOT PRICES 13,000 yards Zephyr dress Ginghams, Amencan Percales 24 inches "wide and a great range of new patterns in: 24-inch Challies. Closing out price 5 yard. ' Write for samples. ' BLACK SUMMER SUITINGS Fancy Stripe Lawns, sheer, nice quality lZyif, 15e, 20 and 25. Write for samples. BLACK - EGYPTIAN - CLOTH and Indian Lawns, ; cool; for summer wear, at 10V ZI1211e5r7er20i-aiMx . CUT THIS OUT 97c - for samples 1 C n ANOTHER .OFFER LadiesSum-, . "P mcr -weight ; Knit "Underwear, lisle ".V"thread finish,"extra nn6 French ribbed- AtnUong.sIexvrs and no. sleeves; Pants ankle length ana knee r an garments niceiy nnisnca and trimmed with Valenciennes faces antl hand-made ; crochet edgings -tfes"r..r.:-rrrrr.-i Special Offer Standard val- mr f l rfivnvvrrvtvtvwvf'. ' . Year's Subscription to Paris jfodes Month- ly Magazine ' with $?.00 "purchase. Sample -copy free.Write Jot. it. Friday and Saturday- we bunch and piace on sate our enure line oi L.acnes White Shirtwaists. Muslin Gowns and "White Skirts, values ranging from $l.oUup to $2.00 at the remarkable price of. ... . .. .'.ti7a I Crf STILL ANOTHER--Our entire line of Ladies', Vests and Pants ; the regular ,23c grade, all sizes. O C inothersma -" -oi -LadiesTJniorT A-lC SmtsJowJncdcJacetrimme(L,While "''st ;r.,....25e QV Great' range of Ladies'. White Mus yP lln Drawers; lace and embroidery; trim-" ' med, hemstitched and tucks; values 4ip to 50c... .. : ' , ' '. ' Two great Specials in Ladies' .Muslin, Corset :r C6ve at..v;vi.27ir4 and 20 . J7 Here, is something not to' be had OL I elsewhere. ' Confined to us, still we T 3 . offer the erttire line in Ladies-'- high grade White.Shirtwaists, ranging in values (rom $2.5Q up to $3.00..-vFridayvand Saturday ;.;.:, ........ i ;. . .91.47 ii Hopsekeepers i ; Specials m Hemmed Pillow Cases 8,10ff , and ..............................,12V, ernmed-Sheets, standard size, at 38V SOe and . .... - ... . 1 . 1 k . . 1 j,-. . 54jidT rash-TcrwelingS'--4ar5Tr7fr8 1-Remarkable bargains, , "". White Bedspreads at 68, 75r.,03s fl5- "ipecial values in Lcace.andwlss Cu s, Curtain Materials, Table Linens, Towels and apkua5J::..:-.. . :....,:.. Agentsfdr Burson Hosiery r Racine Stocking, Feet, Thomson's, Warner's and Redfern Corsets and Mt. Hood Shirts and .Overalls. Joly septemner 4s 5d - 4s 5d 4s . 4a 4Vad 4s 4V,d 4a 4Vad Ud CHICAGO OKATjr .OAR LOTS. Chicago, May $1. Grata car lots: ' . , Cars, tirade. Est. 1808. Wheat S 0 4 4 Cora BOM 804 401 18 Oats 43 M 12 201 Wheat car. todar: Mbineanolta 2. Dulnth 17. Tear ago: Minneapolis 240, Duluth 13. - " ant ART ORAIX atOTEMXaTT. Cblcage, May 81. Primary recetnts: . : . . , Today lear agsL Huan. - Huan. Wheat 457.0O0 " ao3,tsl0 CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS MARION TO GO FOR Oklahoma Crop Report. Chlcsgo, Msy 81. 111. Oklaboma Crop report as furnished the Oraln Deslers' aeenrlatlon or Topping gives the condition of the wheat crop vo per cenx. , v COTTON FUTURES TEN TO EIGHTEEN POINTS OFF New Tork. M'y 81. Cotton fatttres closed ) ffjl jj Intel ItlWe. - Official Quotations br Orerbeek. Btarr A Cooke company rT !T"r Closing Jsnnsry rsbruary. March .. , Open. High. low. Thura. Tuee. elO.52 in. '.3 10 45 10.48 111.51 10.47. 10.47 10.54 10.64 10.77 10.02 0.!w 10.02 10.4. 10.40 10.80 10.30 O.30 tO.HO lA.r,3 10.38 10.42 10.51 10.47 10.42 10.52 10.51 ... 10.50 .. 10.77 illy 10.7S Augnat 10.00 September ... 10.48 to November .... 10. 3 10.42 December .....10.47 10.62 10.52- 10.50 10. 7T 10.7. 10.00 J0.4S ; 10.. 10.50 10 Ml lO.hO 10.V1 San closing: A MJUrciBCO LOCAL 8T0CES. rrsnclaos. May Sle Official morning Bid. CHAMBERLAIN sentiment that etatemat .Noul. waa the most Interesting; issue to the farmers. . It la apparent that there will be but few straight tickets voted In the Repub lican ranks; The fact that only twu Republican candldatea for the legisla ture have alg-nee statement No. 1 and that one of theae has struck out Alio word "always", has developed much op position among; the more Independent class of Republican voters. epablloaaa-' Idtck Xeaxara.' " There is a general antipathy toward the Republican candidates. At Maoleay last Tuesday afternoon the rally had to be postponed because there was no audi -ence for the spcllhlndera to i 1drexs. The only person present, ft la reported, waa erwoman. .... Thursday evenins the candldatea will address the voters at Oervais and Krl- ..------- ' " evening Linnes v. uaiioway. . tne btCUKb UUUU IUt;itrstO Democratic congreaaroHlirsndtrlayWrH tlie fliat dlatrlt t. sntl tlie-'Tountjfand 1 pgislatlve candidates will hold s rally Strong Sentiment Manifested for Entire List of Democratic ' Candidates-! REPUBLICANS FAIL TO Chiflet VrCallowty,-Accompanied by Legislative and County Candidates, Will Address Salem Voters Tomor row Evening. Contra Costs Water... Spring Valley Water,,. lutuai Kiectric. ...... aclfle Uxhtlng...... (tlant Coa. Co wallas rommerclsl. Ilonokes sugar... niiiwrii nuiir. ......... . Oiiomea Sugsr...... ...... Pssabsn Hagar... In Ion .Sugars Alaska I'ackera'. j..,. Aseorlsted Ol) ... California Frnltcaaners'... California Wine.... PaclSe States Telepbone... ....i.... 4P4 lf' 124 aa a tJ Sea a H0 SO 70 V -40 . 24 20 , lot , 40 - 47 , 4214 SO' son Ask. 421. 2 14 -11 33 Vh 28 . 18 8 00 108 KEW T0EaVOrrElV.MAJlKET. New Terk, May SI.-OfflHtl coffee close: r - Bid.l- - Bid. July ...... ...... .$6.05 December $0.4l nrust e.Krjannarr September B.20 February 0.55 October ......... e.z.1 Msrca oo- November ....... e.ani . Total aales todsy. 23.000 bags. . rOBTLUTO BAVX BTATEKEMT. Clearings Hsu aces .ii..... $000,751 i7 103.028.11 Kaw Terh Urn Mark. New Tork. May Jl. Silver. B7ie. '..Z... , FIVE DROWNED IN " ' : STEAMER "COLLISION Detroit. Mar tl. The steamer Cowle collided with, the steamer F.rln' In the BU Claif " rtveT---thiB morning;, 'almost cutting the latter In two. Two women rooke and three men were drowned. WIH -overcome Indigestion and dyepep ela; srulste the bowels and cure liver nd kidney complalnta. It la the beat blood enrlcher and lnvlgorator In the world. It la purely vegetable, 'perfectly harmless and should you be a sufferer from disease you will use it Jf you are wine. R. N. Andrews, editor and man. ear Cocoa and Rockledge Newa, Cocoa, 'la.. wr11es - "I have used your Ilerhlna In my family and And It a moat excel lent medicine, lta effects upon myaelf here een a marked benefit'' Sold by, UsrkS 4s, CO. . . , - (Snecltl IMspstcb te The Journal. 1 Salem, May SI. The leflslatlve can didates on the Democratic ticket in Mnrlon county spent Memorial day In Salem and rested. They return with enthusiastic? reports of the progress of the campaign and are of the opinion that Chamberlain will carry Marlon county and that Qearln will have a plu rality over Bourne. "Everywhere we have been received loyaUyJ.'jsald, County Chairman W. H. Downing. "I "have" takeh-part tfl'-many A campaign, but let me tell you that It has never looked better for the Demo crat a than It doea now. - "Outside of Salem- there Is a strong sentiment for statement No. 1 and the position of our candidates on that Ques tion is clear. The people of Marlon county favor the election of senators by the people and believe the primary law and statement No. 1 win bring- its real! sation. . 7 , . sTtroTLf Chamberlain lea times t. "We have had larger rrowda than the Republicans snd the audiences that have greeted us are much larger than those that gathered to listen to debates lo any former Joint canvass. Everywhere we Have noticed a strong Chamberlain sentiment." W. T. Slater, candidate for state senator.- who made a oanvaaa of tha county four years ago, says the Interest In the Democratic campaign by the voters. Is unusual. . He states . that he believes Chamberlain will carry Marlon county by $00 majority. He, "too, reiterated the Fresh Crabs 10c, 12!c & 15c Each Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs.....25d Halibut, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . .... .25 Large Shad, each..., ...... 15j Shad Roc, 2 lbs ....,25 Sea Trout Perch, etc. . t Best Creamery Butter Per Roll 45c S BOB. aVsVKCX BCrtM. .......... .46dl Columbia Fish Co. Third! snd Anken eMain 5 here. The Rose City quartet, which has ac companied the candidates, will sing at this Tally. Their campaign songa are catchy and the boys are excellent sing ers. There are some here who claim that Chamberlains will carry tha .county-by " This estimate may oe entousi antic but it shows the sentiment pre vailing. ' CHARGES AGAINST POLICE OFFICER ARE SUSTAINED The civil service commission today sustained the charges preferred by Chief of Police Grltxmacher against C B. Jodon, a patrolman. Chief Grltxmacher testified, as to Jo don's appearance when relieved of hie shield and keys at the police station. The patrolman, one morning In March, sent In a man from Park and Jefferson streets on a charge of "out after houra." This man told Captain Bailey that the policeman who arrested him was drunk. and Sergeant Baty and Officer Johnson were sent- out to look op Jodon. All theae testified. Jodon called . Officer Phillips. Night Watchman fimtth and A. E. Smith to testify that he wss not In toxlcated. ..'. TEN APPLICANTS FAIL TO MAKE REQUIRED MARK " ; - s i - - Not one man of the 10 who recently took the civil service examination for ateam engineer has 'received the " grade necessary" for a plaee'on -the eligible Hat. The commission today announced their' marks -bn the applicants' papers. Every one of tha-10 appllcanta fall down on common technical - questions which every en glnaarlt.. waatliouguVl should be able to answer. The position of steam engineer applies not only to the fire department, .but also the pump, ing stations. ' The 'salaries being paid are from $85 to $100 a month. .. The commission haa marked tha ap plicants for : building Inspector upon experience and -next week will complete msrkfng the papers. PRESIDENTIAL PARTY . RETURNS TO CAPITAL Washington, May tl.-The president and ilfs. Roosevelt, , with their psrty, returned this sftemoorrttr Washington on board the Mayflower. Thelr-trlp was without Incident - .' . i t - - , - zmMMl'k --7 -ttrrf-' W. tl. PATTERSON ladependsnt Xspublieaar Candidate fer OOBTSTABZia (West Side) ; . Mr. Patterson bss snnonnced himself a candidate for th otflce of Constable for the- Portland ""District (West 8idr).He Is a well-known Hepnbllcsn and bu.lneaa snd tieofeenlonal men will Sntl Mm coarts-" ous snd prompt m stttntlon to business. - There Is s feeling fhst his opponent. Mr. Wegner. wss ths slste enndldste of the .Ala i Cohn dab, contrary to the spirit of ths primary law, which guarantees a square d. si to all.. . ... FINE DENTAL WORK AU W0BK OUAmAVTBBX). I SJ6.00 Oold Crowns Bridge Work Full set teeth 4.0ft ......... f Telephoae laala B7BS. aaBwBooTBa , s, v S, Oraad Tbasv- tra BUdar. Opposite) EU erg riaao Open for the Season Parklnn FAMILY SUMMER GARDEN Washington Street, Near City Parlt1 " ' Entrance.""" ".v."."",1-'"' Strictly first-class rhanagerrient. Fine line of Liquors, Beers, Sand' wiches and CigaTA ..CIIASr TILTZ, rroprietor.-.- , ' - ' . .- he