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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
THE 1 OREGON DAILYX JOURNAL. PORTLAND; THURSDAY- EVENINO. MAY 31, 1808. TO EXCHANGE. WB Save thM ; nronertv . place, to trad ..for ranch 'ni'UM, 8 mra, Mt, V"U lln... .!.... .J M' I Jiou-, ioi, MonKfiir .7rr.-rr.iT.ix)o L .111. ...... W - iiouee, a tola, nil at. John line I.Eiil llouae, t lot", Willamette .elation $1.ym Hnuee and tot; very Inc. Ir?lntii. ...f4.nnn Alee 80-arre raurh fnr ctly rn-nncrty.. $1,000 UINC1I KIRKFATRIt K. - Boom T, 181 ft irtrat., cor. YibMIL ' EXCHANGE VOK MERCHANDISE r: Ml ecrce, mod (arm and well atocked, 8 , mllee rmai Muamoulb, tut a clean dock of . Bwrchaadlee. . - , V. PnCHB. 1404 Tlrat at. FOR SALE rMISCELLANEOUS. BILTABD AND POOL tablea for rant er for e,le on aaay (iinuali. , TUB BBUNSWlOK-BALKE COLLENDEB CO. 40 Third at., Portlaad. WESTERN OREGON MINI.NO MILLINQ CO. : beodquartera;. atock for aal and Id tor aaa Ilea m mos rirei at. r Bona Mala lam. BOOKS boutht, aold and exchanged' at tha uin twos mora. SG I, am ill at. POB RALE OK BENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD -.. HKW1NO MACHINE AGENCY. B. D. JONES, WO I AMU ILL, ST. . nr and will mt frill aalua. 2T Waahlngton at. ... . . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order; eeennd-band goode for Bale. Carleoa St Kail r etrora, 2x6 Coo eh at.- Phone Clay BTL SHOWCASES, counter, Sxreree bought, aold or rxrnangea. weetern naivage vo., IKl waea; iuiiuii at ncioc iva . BOLDBN'S RBECMATIO CURS-Sur ' rbeuautlam. Sold by all drngglata. BOB SALE Second-hand upright boiler, eelt eble for woodeaw. Feater A Eleteer. Pllth ana Xraratt ata. Ipt mmn . m . . . " i . i ' i u rot ni tl LSI a Vl hwiii u haalar Wllaoo, Mlnfar, Domaatlo anil , othara. 8. S, Blfal, S3S alorrlaoa at atar- vjuaiD Diaf. PIANO, Mathnahak aqaara (rand, maawood .raaa. coat lM; mica flM. a H. PlfCOtt, , WB artat roar nam aa SO aniline aarda. aarda, aroaaa ina rarda. It. Partlaad. Or. ana ana aiyia. aoei zno oaaiaai A. W. Seta ma La Ca., tas Plrat. -PQR-SALB OB-- EX( HANOEAll kind a at Jiiahold aooda. Kara - Prladiaaa, MS rroat at... I'mrina M. . . , POB SALE Aa alaraat larr rimlar abow ' ' raaa, at aa airramalr low flrnra. Appl to ' Mr. O. H. Laarltt, Ooloaa Eaala.Tbtrd and . .i imdiu ata. - : OOOD aoda fountain worth (300 for SIM. li alra204 MU1 - , - v: rBorSEROl.H, laatanrint and botar furaltnrat r. ona third of coat. Wa will lrar ont tha fnr- nltura bnacht hj oa aftar tha Mtala and J. lan-TAic own tarma. AnnlT at one. Tlma AnctlOR -Cw.&-thtn4 -flrn oa14 - Ca. aouthoaat rorntr Plrat and Barnaldav Aak for John Oka. PREE aanora at 837 Jeffrraoa at.- "TTO'WrTED'liouai'a' or' HaaaB'ar.'C;'l..""lllari' rautractnr and talldar;. ha, aona fair aronnd Inmbar: can aara nv onr an ra pair work. Phona Woodlawa SOS.'-... 1305 ' AlMna a, a. ... ' - . ORIENTAL Bras ranalrrd and - atoanad h nailr aiparta; wa oaa tha orlflnal ti,. dra caahmara wool for our rapalrlng: all worn anarantaad. t'all up Orient,! Rnc Fa n.lrW r,. -P.lfl I'M - T-..l?- .1 E. HENDERSON -Canwntarlnf and Johhln ., waukW at. Eaat 3BM. . JIEW No. 0 foldlnir JKwkat kodk for a1e nearlr naw; $5. w.A. Mark la, St. Jokna Kaviaw. WANTED !w4a IH-rdan matr amt atlaa of l' T'" '.naranlaa A Trnat map. of ji-. I'ormna. iuiaraaa H wi. rare, jmirnar. -. PERSONAL. MADAME ANNA tCCKET -Prlndral of tha Amarlcaa Baaiity Parlor,. Vfaaa aelantlflo traatmant for removing wrlnklaa and farlal Mrmlahaa with tha Prrnch paatat alao Mmc. Karrow'a famoua tanadlaa. 'ElaVtrle and ianor hatha alaan. Patlrnta racalaad. with traatmant. noard mnutala from la, dins phralrlana. Siilta It Iana botal. "lith and Waihlnaton ata. Pboin Main 9011. rTTS praaaad wtitla am wait. Boa. Ladlaa aklru arraaad. SOr. Ollbart. 10U Sixth at, Bt to Qualla. raoaa 1 aatSo JOBS. DR. W0RI.BY BENJAMIN, tha Pnot Sparta lla t. 0i W.iMnatoa ft, Haa Sara lat mada aoand. ANT aiaa or woman ran aa atronf and kiapf br aatna Saalna Pllla. tha araat tonic l artaa -11 a boa. S bnI(. with fall jaarantaa, - addraaa or aall J. A. ClamaMoa. dmrglat, car. Sacaad and Tamhtll ata.. Portland. Or. DBTECTITB AOENCT Ooafldantl.l taraaM. rational raanrta mada aa anr Indlaldaal bat . aaaa or propartrt mlaalnt relatlaaa locatadi bad aabta-aollaaadr-rharsaa-raaaanaHlai aaa r raapoadaaao asllrltad. Oraron Dataetlaa SarrW. afflraa 1114 -815 Oohiirhl, blda MS waaniatroa at. raoaa Mala stla. BfOH-OBADB portralta: avadal offar for faw K , darai rablnat alaa. aarda or faldara. It for - M: - aaallta and work U boat. D. M. itaaana SOS Ooodaaaf k bids.. Ptftb aaa LADIES Tarklak hatha, aaaaaaga, bfdrtatiia parlor,: ,trlctl Sratlaaa plaaa for ladlaa onlr. Plat A, SRI . Waahlaitos attbotwaaa, lath and ITtb ata. ... ' - BOI.DRN'S BBBCMATIO COBB Sura cara tar rhaamattMB. Bold bf all draaaiata. . BfANLT algor raatorad hr Dr. Boharl rh'a- araat aat Aiesta, .Woodard. Clarka i Oa,. ParUaad. Or. Tin o. t. it , dtaiaaaa, kldaar, aaraaoa, akla and aparlal famala troablaa. Call or writ. Offlra 170 S Third at., ear.' Tamhlll. Pbooa Padfla 2Zd. EUkKISH BATHS, (oa Oaefeelaa daya, geatlamea alghta. Mala DR. M. T. COLB, S4S Beat SM at.; maternity er woman. - raoaa laoer 111. "PORBIDDEN 'Store of a PBUIT." "A Oar Lothario, Rlaae." 'Panaa Hl1l." "Aaaea. "Wemaa of fire. BOe each ripe ' Mr each: Uata free. A. W. Schmala Co.. S2S Plrat at. BINO CHOONO. Importer of CI Ineee root awdl. clnea; arlra flilneea tea that la certain car for all dlaeaaaa. 1S1 Second bet. XamktH aad Taylor. DOIX S HOSPITAL Ie pairing , and dreaalag. SSI TamhIU at. BALM OP PIGS for, ell female die Eaat Belmont. Phone Baat 40S. DISEASES OP WOMEN Private maternity hoepltal; quiet location and apodal care. Dr. - At wood. Wo4 Morrleoa at., room S. Phona Paclflc I7M. YES, Palm Tabletn make yea aleep aerfeetlfi tkey enre aerTooeneee and make yon etroagi price BOe a boa. S octree ft to; gaeranteed. All dragglata, or addreoa Brooke Drug C ST . North Third at, Portlaad, Oregon. BEEINB PILI.S car all forma of nereona or mnacular weekneae. Pot men or woman. Price II a boi, S bona t. with full guaran tee. Addreoe or rail J. O. Clemeneoa. drug- flat, Second and Yamhill Sta Portlaad, Or. HOLD ON There la one thing that wll cara rneumetlem. Aek your drurglat for nark - Ionic or addraea or aall J, O. Clemenaon. drag ' glat. Portland.. Or. . PRDP. 0'NEIL, teacher of dermatology, menl- caring and beauty culture: eclentlAc treatment nf the complet kin. hair, aralp and akla: far ' bleaching; ma aria 1 and electric maaaage glean l euperrloue hair and alt facial niemleiiee per- -"lhanantly ramored without leering ecar,: all work noelflTely guaranlreif beet raferancee a Iran. Parlor. 141 Eleventh at., corner Alder. Phone Main 5507. "PREVENTION la Fatter Thaa Care" Antl I eeptlc, . hatmleaa. never-falling, aatl-tronbl - tabieta for ladlee. Call and aa me. Mra. - U. Rllaa 47 S Wllllama ave bet 1 and p. a., Tueedeya aad Saturdaya, DR.' PIEBCE. epeclallat dlaeaaea of women: all ... Irregularlllea corrected: no expneure: advlca free. Call or write. Boom B. BlVt Third at. ART EMPORIUM. 1 PROP EaSOB B, MAX MEVE.B; S4S Aider. Portrait and- landacape arllat and teacher. ATTORNEYS. f .A. H. TANNER, attorney, SOS Commercial blk, . ' Second nd Waahlngton ata Thong Main MS. -ARCHITECTS.- H. H. MENOB. -Architect lla Bceood at. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Car Co, Eirteenih and Alder Agenta for Cadillac, Pierce, Great Arrow and Htevene-Diiryea motor-care) me cbleee routed, repaired and.atorad ASSAYERS. OAHVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION t'O., and Montana Aaaajr Office. 1HH, Morrleon at. rTBUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. RlrlKHNWAI.Ii . 34-0 . Everett at. I.argcal batebcro' aupt'ly houao on tha coa at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KIt.IIAM, loa-ltl Saraad at Blank book manurarturarai asauia inr ooca ' Improved Lonaa Laaf -ladgata; ava tha aw Enraka laaf, tha" bant oa tka markat. ; BATHS MASSAGE. XOUNU lady alraa aapor, alcohol and madlcatad hatha. Parlor 27, juaVt Stark aL t-LAllKS-.Batfc. faro- and aralp -maaaaaa. J0 Plrtn, bat. Tajrlor and Salmon. TWO joanc ladlaa aire maaaacV, Inb arid vapor hatha. 1101, Fourth at., cor. Waahlnftoa. THE SNOWPEN BATH BOOMS, WTH Aldar at., , , batwaan 4th and Stb Tub and aapor hatha, - maaaaaa, aUctriclt. Pbona Main M8S. IfOIJNO -ladr grr m,ar fraatmanta - for rhaamatlam. 208M Stark at., parlora Sl-23, I lromi 'bovaav rrr- :.-r. T"T . ' MAH8AOB, aapor and tub bath,, aal t akrwa, alcubol rnba. 201 Third at. MISS "R A YMO N D irtraa - barhr-and' traatmanta. Tha Coamoa, 3H&V, Morrlaoji at. COLLECTION AGENCY. IHWt ANY ONE OWB TOO MONEY T WB COIXKCT BAD DEBTS OP ALL KIKDS. NOBTHWFHTERN LAW COU.KCTION CO., 122 O.RAND AVE.. ROOMS 14 AND IS, 'I'lTIEENB' BANK BLDU. CUT THIS OUT, PHONE EAST 8i4B. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST A KI'K 1AL H rradlnr for-tl SU- Uaoraa Ormonde, twoaolt - bica - oa loao, oaamaaa, . rhanaaa. marrlaaa, dlrore; trlla - namva, dataa, aaorala, how to get wall, he magnetic, phrelrallr and mentally Ttgorooa, erarconiaa - bad hablta. gtaea good lark, .curea illal loaa, aall Inflnancea, apelle, daafneaa. anaent traat mant, loretra mlaalnr frleada, burled treaaare. mtnae, ore aelna;. telle jau eiactla what jot -wtah to hBowawb-PrULta-araae Waahlngtna at. - . BTTTflraf (lma durlna'hla oroffa,Tonl . . pu.I Phi! KA.n..M 1 1 1 K ...1 ' f TI.I.M . - dead traW-rtaliaiit.-will atra t reaJ- Inga for Aft renin: t hie-week only; bring thla H ADAMB. .XXXVX B..4ba.wondarfnX .ebvlcnwaat and trawe-fliadlain. Refnre undertaking any thing that mar concern yoor futnre life, eon- . an it thla girted medium; pear, preaonc anil fiitnre glaen; palmlatry readlnga 2Ac. 107 Weet Park, near Morrtaoa. - ' - -J- Ahrara Conanlt the Beat. PROP. E. ETIIIMO. ' ' fireateat living aelral dead-tranea Clair' .rojant of ilia are: art.laer on tnaineaa and r'l Tf-lM -a " T""' "'" am .bt oa called for.- whixii rou alll nuu bow to control the oaa you Jore. aaen tboiiKh -mile, away:- reanltea tha aenarated: glaaa ax-reT poena to eoarml: .no, long delaja In waiting. Hnnre 10 to s. dally and Kmrnay, Permanentlr lorated In bla own home... SflS fifth at., corner Madleon at. PROP. 'WALLACE, tha freaf palmlat. telle roa eaerythlng from tha palm: trachea Dalmlarrr: about marriage, lore, mielneea oomphte readlnga fjOc; - acctirata and truth. rui. ane bixib at., near otera. .. . MRS. STEVENS, Pnrtland'a leading palmlat, aatralneer and clilrroyant. 18 Serratk at onp. Hotel l-oriiano. ... JOHN BLATEB aef an rranclaco, the Aadltori mm. Third at.; conaunauona boa re o to e. - - .C0MM1SSI0NMERCHANTS. BVERDINO A PABREUU predaee ead eommle. eloa aaeretjeata. 140 rroat eu, roruaad. wr. raoaa Mala ITw. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and g) a rawer. Prael, Hrgala A Co., 100 te lot Ffftk. cor. Stark at. CHIROPRACTIC t-BHSr MABRHAND - EVA HOGAN. Selllne. Illrech bldg., aulte IS and 20. Phone Mala 6204. boon 10 a. m. to S p. m. it i i i i" h . . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. U. A. GCNST A CO Dtetrlbotera cf L ' PIBB CIQABST ortland." Oregoa. CAFES. THB OPPICB--t" Weeblastaai at.. rhoa Mala TT1. Bamnei vtgaeeaav- HTROPODISTS.- CHIROPODY AND PEDICCBINO. Mra. M. D. Hill. Suite I, Belling Hlrerb Blag. raciBo l. CARPET" CLEANING. ITANDABD Carpet Cl.tnlng re., largaet plant phone Baat 280 Carpeta cleaned. reSttea, . eewed and laid: both ateem and la teat com. praaead air' provaaa; r- rating nattr,aaaa aad leather a apeelalty. - SANITABY carpet cleealng. enctloa aad com- pceeaed arc eombiaeci: eerpere ereaneei on noor without nmorat. Main SB84. Main 8S00. I. HTJrTTEB. item leaaer, SM Jefferasa. Phone Mala 114. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A rLOYD--Carpentara, Jolnera and .carrlage'work. St Stb at. Pboae Paclte Slot. COAL AND WOOD. CHl RCHLEY BROS., 420 Kearney at.. Phona Mala 0P1. Now the largeet woodrard la the city, carrying all klnda nf wood aad coal, . Dry aawed wood a apeelalty. AXBINA PUEL CO. pee lore la cord wood, eoel and greea end dry elabwood. B. B. and Ab blna are., S block, eaat of ferry. Beet ST4, WESTEBN Peed A Paaf Co.. an Preat between uuaaa and Hoyt, dealer a la all klada or bonae coala aad blaekaniltb aoaln. Phone Mala 1018. STEEL BBIDOB PUEL CO. Dealer In eoel. curdwood aad dry elabwood. Phone Beat 484. OBEOOIf PT'EL CO. All klnda nf eoel and 80S Alder at Phone Main S. BOX and planar wood. Standard Wood Oa. Immediate delivery. Pboae Eaat SSIS. 4-KOOT enrdwnod S3.S0 per cord; aawed. $.1.78 aed $4. with a reduction of OA rent until June 4. to eave handllns. 48 Commercial at. Phone Eaat Hit. CLEANING AND DYEING. j - WHITE LILY TAILORING CO. Cleaning, preaalng. repairing; Krencb dry clcanlnc. I'hone . anawerad promptly. PaclSo 419. Alder and Tth. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worka: prac tical katrer In connection. 81 1 4th. Paclflc SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and proceed It per month. I'nlqne Tailoring Co., S47 Waahlngton at. H. W. TI'BNEB, prnfeealonal dyer and cleaner. SOS Jeirereon at. Phone Main 2.HS. DARCINO. BALI. BOOM and fancy, correct method, feeenr Rlngler, academy Sa Alder at. Pro. ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. V0BTRWE8T ELECTRICAL BN0INS1RIR0 Company, 4 Beveath at, Portlaad. O. K. I. for Mala . everytnins w tan oioeirtaai una. IBM. PACirlO EI.ECTBI0 CO. Engineer, fee trie- fnra, repairer,, electric wlrli ataCKtCstaX ' Plrat, sag. Burs, -URNACES. BOYNTON wana-alr fnrnaree eaaa foal. J. Barer Parnaee Co.. S&t See oa d. itu'ml , FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. POrtnAND - WIRt , plaadera at. , eor. I . IBOB WOBKS tat Phona Mala SoOS. FURNITURE FACTORIES-- OKKOON rarnltara Mannraetarlnc Cornea a r Maaufaetarera of faraltara fur the trade. . Partlaad, Or. - i ' riTRNlTllRS a.annfaetnrtne and eoevlal L. Baeeaakr'a fornttare faeterr. STB front at GROCERS.' WADHAMS CO.. wkotaaala aTreeeae, aiaaa. farturera and ea at ml aalua marehaata, . VoarUI ' a ad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, rommlaalea aad predaee mar - ekanta. Preat and DeaU ata.. Portland. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES.' '. Statloaarr aad maiinat "Little Spr-al" Caollne laanrh. 1113; aaeoad-haad eUelrk anchea and nolle. , . BEIEBRON MACniNEBY CO.. 1S2-4-4 Murrteoa -at. HAY AND GRAIN. B L. COOPER A CO Potatoea, feed aad . flour, lit Lnlon are. Phone Eaat 10 IT. HOTELS. HOTEL Partlaad, Araerleaa plant 13. SB per day. BELVEDERE! European plan: 4th,an4 Alder ata. THE BROWN Grand and Hawthorne aaea. INSURANCE, JA8. Mrl. WOOD, eaaplorere Habtlltr and ta. dlrldnal aeddant anratr bonda of aB klada. 47. MS Mr Her Bias. . . - HARDWARE. PorUaad Hardware Co. eollctta, opportaalty ta aaote prlcee. 1S3 let at.. cor. Alder. Main lata. LOCKSMITH.- J. H. RICHARDSON, loekamttr and repairing. SST Boraetde. PadSa loon. - MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHOEN. pnpn of SBTCIS:. elolla leaener. Biooie lao aixia. - ia. maoa mwm ,IfSOJW"T0crIanTjiiftr"rTani BaaddfiiT aioiin matnimrnta rnr aata. rare, aiarua. P S4iH"Plrat. near W.ln. MACHINERY. tHE H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand atacblaari', , etc.' 248 Oread ave, . ; eawmnia, BIPPEIY A MYERS, machlnlete and. elec trielaaa; electrtcxlevatora, electric! machin ery end gaeollne englnee a apeelalty. 834 Oak at. Pkone Mala 110 -MiGJETIC HEALINO.- SEXrAL dlaeaaea of hoth"nieBndwomek cnrei; rrnitultatlon rre. Main 4I7S.. J. V. Diamond. L. H. Heart, 188 Seventh at. MONUMENTS. KEU A KINOSLEY, SM Pint at.. Partland'4 leading marble and graalta worka. OSTEOPATHS. ' DKS. ADIX A NORTHROP, 418-16-17 Deknm bldg , Third and Waahlngton ata, Fkane - -Mara -SaBr Baamlnatlon -free. THE very boat lady oateepatb In town. Dr. L. O. Johaeoa, aulte IS. Selltas-Buracb bldg. DB. PIERCE, oatronath, rlbratlon and the naw light. SI Third at. Pboae Paclflc 887. DBS.OraAHABErr AlTISr"4B"aiaclea Ding. t'Dona racinc inoii. nee. tae uut. MONEY TO LOAN. . MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building porpoeee, for from S to 10 yearn tlma, with prlvlleg to repey all or part of loaa after two yeara. Loant approved front plana aad , money advanced at building nrogreeae, ; auurLgnKB (aaen up ana repiarea. HI Q B. BfRONO, Financial Ascnt 848-Btark at. : . THB STAB LOAN CO. A ay aal, tied employe, wage-earner, can gat on bla nolo, without mortgage . Month. H Month. Week. Renar ta na 818 KX or tn.SO or IS 81 -f 3.00-Repajncrkg i ttrrfiit-w ii 1111.00 Bepey to ue I 4.00 or 2.00 or 11.00 110 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loan, on aalarlea, tnaaranca poll c lea, pianoe. furniture, warebouea re ceipt,, etc. i any deeervlng peroon may aecure a liberal advance, rape; log by eaey weekly or monthly tnetallment. -BBW-F.HA l OAN - A - TBCST- COMPANY, ' 800 Abingtea bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARlE5TE6Pr.B " -And othara. BponlBelr own nemea witnoat eenrtty: cheapeat ratea. eeeleet paymentai offlcea la St principal el t lee; aara joureelc money by getting our tcrme Srat. TOIJ4AN, 223 Ablagton bldg-, 108t Third at HEADQUARTERS POB SALARY LOANS Money caa be borrowed oa eaey pavmeni planeoweet ratee; atrlctlv confidential. I UUn I.W 488 Muhmk lildg.. w. Thlid and Marrlaaa. MONEY to loan on reaT, peraonatand collateral lecunty; apeciai artention to cnariet nwri. :agee; nott-a uongnt., c. w. raiiei. eue-e eat.m bldgna-BUUt-atr: r : UasiUT W .......I. I . W l.l mmA I, I ' f 1 1 I. L 1 1-. I I.I.I. ,11.1. " 1.. w . bh. gena caa borrow TBone-Bit" dlamnnde-aad - Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 208 Waafc. lngton iXr Pboile Black Tl. MONEY to loaa on Clack, ma, county land,. E. P. and r. B. Klley. aos Cbambar ai com merce. LOWEST ratea oa furnltnr and piano. 'Ft- ern Loan Co.. 4 bherlorg niag. racinc xua. MONEY TO LOAN on all klnda of aecurltr. William Hull, room a, wawilngTo eiog. TO LOAN Soma to cult oa chattel aeeurlty. B. A. Frame, 014 the Marquam. WILL loan $11,000 or Irea on real eatate ercorlty at a per cent rarnng'OB, aia inamoer at Commerce. WANTED Notee, mortgagee or contracta aa any kind of real eatate In Oregon or wean Ingtnii; aecemd mortgagee parrhaeed If well aacured. II. E. Noble, 813 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT S PER CENT PI re and caatialty Insurance. Henry C. Prurthomme. j Chemher of Commerce. Phone Main 1H22. PRIVATE money to loan near Portland t reaannanie rate, not nioom, uiamoer of Commerce. PRINTING. TITS MODERN PBINTEBT Arttetle printing. 88 Bueael kldgq ronrta aad Morrleoa. rneae Pacific IfiSS. - ANDERSON A DCNIWAY COMPANY, priatlac. Ilthographlaa, blank hooka. Pbeae llala 17. SOS Aider at WBIX;H. DAVIS A CABSONPrbitlaa that pay the payer. ' Rooroa 80S ana ecu steam Bldg, Sixth and Morrleoa. Phone Mam 4147. : I I TIT ;g PHOTOGRAPHS. CLOS1NO eale offlclal photographic vlewa of ripualtlnn. aourvnlr poatearda, view hooka, etc.. greatly reduced prior . Bxpoaltloa Store. 140 Morrleoa at. PLUMBERS. DONNBRRERO A RADEMAC1IEB, removed No. aoa Bnmalde at. POX A CO . aanltarr rmmhera. 881 Mala and Salmon. Oregon rboae Mela SOOt PINNIOAN BEOS. A CO. 88 Third at. Phona Mala 8BOO. final bare ana Beating engineer. PHYSICAL CULTURE. BINO LB R GYMNASIUM Private claaa Bad In- dividual InauucUaa. VM Aldat at, ISA AO li. WBITB, fire laearaaea. SOS Baksai kids. ; , . ' . ' ., ... FINANCIAL BANKS. u KITED BTATXS NATIONAL jiAKX OP tturuiwaet uor. 1 Tranaaeia'e Bnml -nkli Buaineaa. the Talted Slatee aad kurepe, Honakona and Manila. Collection Maie aa favarakU Xerma. P'1Jr':-.-.,.,J..,..J. C, AI.NSWORTH Vice rreeldent, .JW. B. AYJB Vlce-I"reeldept B. Lea TARNKS Caahler ...B. W. BCBMESB Aaalatant Caahler , A. M. WBI'JHT Aaalanant Caihlev. . .. W. A- MOLT. T'hX BANK OP CAUIOBBLa EataMlehed M CeinllBll Blatlet nana SI A ikfUl UtA - A 4A.A -- w V, . e i , By . wave, cmssi'rai mmi niuriuru ll"U . e aaaa . -raw, - - - - - - v.i . A. UarU Bauklng and Eaebaaae-Boalaeaa- Trenaeete. SAVINUB DBPABTMBNt, oierea,. oa Uaml douoalta. Aacoanla -opened for euma of 10 and anward. Portlaad Braavoa ... Chamber of Commerce building. -WM' afACBAB Manager. J. T. BUBTCHAEIX .Aealataat Ma eager rTlBST BATI0WAL BIBX OP POBTLABTJ. 1 " . Deelgaated Depoaltory end Financial Age at at the VnKad Bl -'-a. ' ,rT,l?'"t. . A. L. MII.IB Ceehler J. W. HrWWTBIC Aaalatant Caahler...., ,..,. C. AI.VOHD Second, Aaalatant Caahler B. P, BTBJVBbB , 1V.f I,1t leaned Ar.n.ble In Europe and the Sa.t.rn State. ' a. V, ''rhanga and Talegrapbla Tranafera aold on New York. Boaton. rhlrage, St Laaan, ' at. Paul Omaha. San Prenclaea and the principal polnta la the Morthweet L Bd time bllla draw la euaae te eult aa London. Parte. Berlin. Prank--- 'Be-bfrta. Hongkong, Vekohama. Clpanhagea. liiiOanla. Stockholm, St Peteraborg, Voaaaar, Bnuiek, - MfMfjol U lYI". - I Lf ATTLT0B, BABKEBB fEatabllahed i SIM.);". ..TJ1,",t r1 Banking Baalaeea; Co(lectlone mode at all aotnta oa .aeee." .,DlI. tarma. Letter of credit leaned available In Europe and all nolnte In the TTnlted !!VV. Bight Eirhenge .and Telerraphle Tranafera aold on New York. Waehlngami. Cklaago, B- i.' D"". On,ha, San ranclaoo and Montana and Brttlah Colombia, trehaaaw aold ea London, Parle. Berlin, frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Rewolnla. MEB0KABTS' KATI0MAL BAJtK, P0BTLAVS, 0BX00B. w. HOYT ....Ceehler OEtiROB W. HOYT.... aal era at Caahler .,"? Oanaral Banking Buaineaa. DrefU and Lettera of Credit laeced Ave liable to All Parte of the WorM. Colleetlooa n Specialty. .. '--7-7- TRUST COMPANIES. . ( - P1TJC4,T.?. Tt7BT COktPBY Of 0REO0B- "Tha Oldeat Traet Ca i ta Oregon." i1.P:fP.rRrM'0TBK General banking. Exckange en all porta at the worlaW--M BAVIN0S ACCOUNTS. Time eertlBcatea, S to 4 per rent; ehort-call a pact J eertlScatee. -BJ00 or over, 1)4 to 4 per cent. Call fur book of "ILLCSTBATIOb'S." Bonthaaet eoraee Third . ! aad Oak ata. Phone Private Eirhang TB. , - m , -Ir2?e'' Preeldent H. I PITTOtTS. Vice-Prael deat B. LEB PAGET Secretary J. O. OOLTBA....... Aeelataat Baoretery SE0TBITT SAYTMOS A TBUST COnTPABT SM Mervieea Street. PertUnd, -j Oregon. ; Tranearte a General - nhlug Buaineaa. SAVINGS DBPABTMBMT. Intereet Allowed . aa Time aad Seringa - .ta. .Aota aa True Me for Eatetee. Drafta r d Lettera of Credit Available In All Parte of the World. . .. . f- AJlva"" ' . . . . . Preeldent L. A. LEWIS. .......... Jlrat Tloa-Preele A. It MILLS ;.v...Becoad Vlce-P.aaldeat B, O, JUBITZ. ......emetary ' OEO. P. HI RRKLL..... Aaalatant Oecretary " nnABiwTva a. e-nrrai 1 General Banking end Tract Baalneea Traaaacted. - Intereet Paid ea Time Depoelta. .CAPITAL ..... ..... 1100,000. 00 0. W. WATXBBUBY. Preeldaal 0. W. MrLLEB..........v..,Ttoa-Pligllinl n. liiuab ha IB Elko' Temple, Seventh and Stark NOBTHWEVTZBB' OUARABTTE A TBTJ8T COktPABT Portland. Oregon. Lumbar Exchange, 8. SL corner Second and Stark Streeta (aaeond floor). '' PISCAL AOEST POB CORPORATIONS. tata. County,. Municipal and Corporation Boada Jlnnced atocka BONDS AND OBXtl BEOS. tM -rtrrt BtreeV Pertlaaa. Qi- ' Offer Ollt-Edge laveetmenta In Municipal aad Baltroad Bonda. . Wrtta or Oafl. ITLX OTABAXTXX A TBTJST OOMPABT MOBTUAUB LOANS an Partlaad Beel atracta D STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bocght PrtvaTo WlraeT "BOOETS THAXBXR OrerteclCg Stair?oIttrtor OKdnr-THOTTrlTOirt--t)lr WE DO A STBI0T1Y O0KMJBBI0M BVSIBXSS. Btarketa by Private Wire. Quirk Beraio. REPBRENCES Ladd A TUtOnV Bank. ' ere, and United Statee National Bank of Portland. Contlna AND COBP0BAT10!tJ . ' Blgbcat Beturaa te Iavaatora K)ETLATt1-A--N81UreSTEBll BOMB PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS, P. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; - wlndow-ala - Bud. BlaalnS. . 1M Plrat at Phono lSa4..- rTNTSST MILLER A CO.; Second and Taylor Wallpaper, paint, all' at markat -nrlcaa; free delivery. , . . ' . RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORES. 84 Alder at., phone Mala TlOt robber eta m pa. aeaia, eteaciie, naggage. tiada check, i aand for eetalna-aie xa. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. A. M. BUTLER 88 Concord bldg. I Mala 1B78. ROOFING. TIN BOoriNQ. guttering, repairing aad general lobbing. . Lawn. XIX eonoraoa ex. -SAFES., DIEBOLD SAFES ALWAYS BEL7ABLB, not In TRUST. Norton and Buckeye Jerke. Metal - OfSca. riitaree. Re pa Ira Pkone Mela low, John E. DavU. Agent. M Third i at ST REETTAVI NOr WARREN Coaatructloa Co., atreet paring, eld, walka and eroealaga, 714 Oregoalaa kldg. THB Barber Aapbatt Pa Ting Co. nf Office 868 Worceeter blk. Portland, SIGN PAINTERS. BOLD 8I0NBV window lettertng, cbtb baaaeea. economical electric eigne and eigne or tu ; klada made quickly. Footer A Klelaar. nru aad Everart .. Pkone Exchange BO. V. P. BEBOER A SON, 84 Yamhill gt Slgee of aU kind. Phone Pert do 288. SCALP TREATMENTr ORAY. falling heir," dandruff treated: ebampe. Ina. manicuring, chiropody, face work. Mr, B. P. Kyne. 188U Fourth, eor Boom 88. Phone Paclflc 80S. SCALP and face maaaage. manulcurlng; agent for Dr ChrUtleon'i Prmck totletartlelea. IMS Oread theatre bldg. Main 84717 Hour, -8:80 to ft. : -: SECOND-HAND GOODS. eonDE S Purnlturo Hooee Hlgbact prlcee paid for aecond-hand furniture. Sit Seen ad at Pbone Pacific 488. h SHOWCASES-AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every drecrlptloc: bank, bar tad a tore Sxtarec made to order. Tke Latka laanfaetarlns Co.. Portland. ' R. H. BIRDS A LI., dealgner; agent M. Winter Lamber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main B3.18. ' ' -, TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brack, one. II per month. Portlaad Laundry aad Towel appl Co., Nlath aad Couck. Phone- 410. TRAN awanj. Wq, aa-at. a ANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plaaoe and furniture xeoved. Backed reedy for ahlpplog and eblpoed; eB work guaranteed; large, 8 -e lory Prick, flre-paoef wareuouee for atorage. office 808 Oak at. C U. Oleen. Pkone Mala 841 THB BAOOAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSEBB CO.. ror. Blxtk and Oak ata. 1 baggage checked from kolel or real dene direct to deetlaatleai pooaongcre tberefore avoid rah and aaney - eeee at denote. Private Exchaaga SS. C O. PICK, office M Flret et.. between Stark and Oak eta., phone 808; piano aad furniture moved and parked for chipping; eommodleua brick warebonoe wltk eeperate Iron re, an. Front and Clay ate. ' OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Milk Phen Mala 40. Heavy hauling and atoraga, POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 80014 Weak Ingtoa et Pkone Mala 86S. TELEPHONES. THB only exctnalve telephone hooee. B.-B. Electric A Telephone ManafacturtuE aea pany. M Plftk at. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tynewritera. all atekee. rented. Bold and repaired Oeeet Agency. 891 Sta.-k. Tea. 1407. WIR2 AND IRON WORKS. BAST PORTLAND PENCE WIRE WOBKS, 148 X. Wstog St, Pkaaa Eaat 8U, PORTLAND, OSEOOB. iBira aad oaa DHATTS IBMIIKD Aaktlehle a AB Clllaa Of lie. Head Ofloe. Se Oaltforata. t.TTOtleS 0BEQ0BY anvaivv am Aeaieiaat nearatarr . Streeta, Pkone Mala 1B4. bought and enld. - New ' eatorprtooa eeganlaad and bonoa guaranteea. INVESTMENTS. 840 Waahlngton Street, Corner Second; , Batat at Lew eat Batn. , Titles inanrea. AW Purnlehed. AJtul-Sold for. Caah and am Margla. - rtatyiBTMiniPB." "TTiona 1t1n1T? tMambera 'Wileasa 'Bunid of Tiaae.) - MS Third St. McKay Bids.. Partlaad, Orarea. ION; "STOCKS -MP -njoejTnt. .---....... Eoome 8, 4 and 8 La Payetta bldg.. ear. Sixth COBPOKATIOM Ooneleta t- With 4 boo mta Safety. TELEPHONB A TBUDORAPH SECTTBrTTBS ' AT THE THEATRES. 4 - Howard RusselL . . The comedy work ei - Howard BuaeeB - aa Tern Baaeett In the play. "Hand Acrcee tha Sea," at tha Baker theatre tbla weak, remlnda Portlandara of tha good aid time of flret Baker atock aeaeon. Raaoell playa poalta Mlae Jewel Poware, the in genu of the company, aaa thaw r'T"' Ing-r-T an tli are axtremaiy fetching. Tha In tbla play la a very welcome feature, aa the Interne nature of tha atory raqulrea aoma relief to the a trained feeling. Tha apaetacalar fcaruree of the piece are anaqualad hitherto on the Baker atage . "The EternAl City." The iPyhHe la beginning to reallae that aoma. thins extraordinary la going on nt. tha Baker theatre tor tha fourth week of the araat Baker atock eeaaon. "Tha Eternal OtU." Hall t'elne1 wonderful play, la to be put on In a manner that will aatonlah tha people, it may aeem n good deal to any, hot "Tha Eternal City" la acknowledged to be on of the moat beautiful playa ever produced. Mr. Baker la going the full limit In producing thla meeter piece. It opena with the regular Sunday mate 1 ieaa I. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ' At the Grand. tuperb Vaudeville ' win be " foond tt the Grand thla week. Every on aayx tt la one Ua keek eandaollle entcetalameata Partlaad area.. Tha Broadway trw baa a lively ntfalirwntrti n lrnltallua of-Oeorg- M. Cbhen la given kinging ''Yankee poodle Boy," from "Johnny J nee." ' Thla la but one of the err eve I atrong fealuiee. A decldad novelty la given by tha Lata brotbera, and eapeclally the armlrca wonder. "Too Many Friends.'' "Ton Many Prtenoe." the moalcnl farce siren thla week by tha Star atock company, ta giv ing the greateet aatlafacltoo to the parroaa of thm Bonaa of mirth.; The Star aback aorne pany baa bat on mlaaloa In Ufa. and that t to make people laugh. Bealdea the moalcnl farce, wtth Ita thiaaa of aaelty et aging and dancing gu-la, tka Star baa a vaudeville ell. At the Lyric. The mlHtarr drama, "A Bonthern OUT. Lore." la probably the moat delightful ; mantle production of tha aeaeon. abounding' aa It doea with many aentlmental acenea, tragic Bltuatkma and comedy part. The member of the Lyric atock company aeem t be fully capable of portiaytns the derli-ate- featnrva and enacting ta - atrons quautlee cf - thia production In a manner highly acceptable. GENERAL BUCHANAN ' RETIRES FROM ARMY - - (Journar-Spoctal Service. 1 Waahlngton, D. C, May SI. At his own request Brlxadler-Oeneral James A. Bdchnnan, in command .of the Vlxayas, Philippine iajands, was placed on th. retired Hat today. General Buchanan ha had a Ions; and creditable career In the army, ti la a native of Maryland and wu appointed second lieu tenant of the fourteenth infantry from that state fit 17.- During; the Spanish' American war he served In Porto Rico, of which country (or a time he was military commander. General Buohanan served on the plains during the Indian wars and was one of the officers de tailed to prepare the war record. It reported that ths president has da- gaa-aenaa. ewMaal For Sale Bargains ' 111 tons hop wire, S15 ton, S5 tons "Remnant" ' plow steel cable. . . - l!0,00o feet different si an pip. ... J00 tons pulleys, shafting, eta Melitla. scrap Iron and Junk Of all descriptions bought, - ,M. BARDE & S0N ' aJosiTx abd OUSAbT. , i i i. I e. , The Doctors Who Cure 4 Of whit TaJua Is mar tampow rary relief to tha man who la a physical and mental wrack, thrcmsh xoaasaa aad dlaalpevtlon -that bar, robbed aim of bla hood, hi atrength. bis vigor and bla usafulneast . - Tha weak, broken-down man who comas to vm Is cured per manently, not simply stlmulatod for a faw days, (o ralspna into a worn)' condition than befora. Wt cura him .to stay cured. . " ' ' bneausa we employ a method that , reduces proetatic . anlargement, - expels, the crms of contracted - disorders, --, and builds up - the wanted issues to a healthy con dition. . wa CTJBVB OoxrrmACTXO -. . BABZB . and sneedlly and permanently. eradicate the polaon from the en- aieo itam. end nnnlnt nnturn ta ay stem. -work her own. certain u ' - " wb ottbb imsTxatax, OBsrrmtrcTTOsr ' by a method distinctly, our own;, a aafa,. caruiln and permanent our tn :rs w" nmra siood Maws' by a harmleea vcgatabla remedy that goes direct to the seat Of the d1s'r aae. No mineral poisons, but a perfect cure,, gathered . from , nature's, own laboratory. " - - v - ' .by our own palnleaa,safe and effectlvs method, after aU othara fall. ..' We Guarantee Core In Every Case, We t'ndcrtake or Charge' No Fee" " Consultation free. Ittere eonfldantlaX InatrucUve book for men M.llul Cma In nleiln w ran nor. . If rou cannot call at once, write mem successiui. All Medicine Offlc hours: - m- to I p. m.; 7 to t p: m.; Sundays and holidays Dr. W. Norton Davis & Go. Ornoas la Taa XT07 XCobnL B9V4 Third t, Oorna jnae, Xortlaad, Or. 4 NOTICE Lunleas-curedLJWcLarcatab w nk Br lished 25 We will treat any jglccpmp cated ailment for $ 1 2.5 0 for the" fee.' ; - 1. - We never disappoint "our patients t.J..-' ' 2. We accept no incurable cases ! r ; v 3. We .never hold out "false hopes ! , '4: Weneveraitin any case-wrtake f . BZ.OOS ioiBOSf, sxni BisaAns, sobiis, irzroams, tsuutujub, Tvazoo ostui. BTTsmooxiJi, ssiToui sstoxan, wTasutsibbV - TOMf om OXXOBIO XtEBXABBB Or tWM SOT)SIXiT ABTD FXiOSlTATXt.' oosuras noon ajto tabtwtt.1. stbutb, xoaTXaAJsri, omaaosT. Wa d not offer yon any PBEX TaJAX TBXATntXnTS, XXEOT8J0 BELTS, WOBTBf. LESS OBATOBS, or other neeleee method, of traatmant. Our ada era our own, and while othera copy ' them, they cannot Imitate our euperkor method of fJtnMat, WBI . ABB THE LONGEST LOOATID AND OLDEST SPECIALISTS IN yoaiuau, Banns been located bore 88 yeara. roa all the reeulta of yeara - for a fair fee-which may be In any way tha Patient de-lrea. IVfXWXlOkTZ OJ METHODS AND LXAEN THAT WB ABE ALL, WE CLA tX TO BE. 9 Jl 5 YOff PLAOX" OTBvOASX IN OOB KANDS YOU 111 BUM 0T wXTTDtO TM BUS -wait . r.rrK.. vnrrni.. cab TIIATHIJT XKAX OAB M oazAAJiaAi mm B0TJB8 4) a. m. to S n. St. Louis "ST Dispensary OOBJfXS BEOOBT) AND) TAJCBTLL Get back your trenjth. enaffy, ambttnn, by uatnt EaASSCTTS NATIVE HEKbS. Costs only 1 far three" months' treatment back If doeaa't cure. Also aUeASe-eVe-OaaXats-. (in black boxea): tf not, Mai kaa PBXX by wnang oennxtf'iKaSecBerWCe. Scott's Sintal-Pepsin Capsulas A POSITIVE CURE For In aemmarlon er Oatarrh of e Bladder end oieaeeea Bla re. B8 0088 BO PAY. Our a Ickly aad permanently th woret eaeee at Unmnrefceea aad delaea, aa matter of how ting cteading, Abaolately araileaa. Sold b druatet. Piio 11.08. er by mail, poae. BeJdVll JM bexaa, (8.18. THEJAKTAL-PEPSINCa w Bel! elded to, fill the vacancy In tha rank of brlsadler-gnneral by- promoting Captain Ward B, Parxhlng. tenth cavalry, for his ooniplcuous sarrtces In tha Philip, pines. OCEANIC LINE STARTS AUSTRALIAN SERVICE (Journal Special Service.) I Bannrancltco. May SI. Ths steamer Sonoma of the Ooeanlo Steamship com pany sailed today for Sydney, via Hon olulu. Samoa and New Zealand. Ths departure of this, steamship marks ths re-establlshmcnt of ths Australian ser vice, which was temporarily suspended on account of ths San pranolsco calam ity. SCurBotul BVapablloams. Excelsior Springe, Mo., Mar ST. More than 1,000 delegates were In their seats whsn ths Republican stats con vention was called to order at 10 o'clock thla morning. The convention will make nominations , for railroad and warehouae commlaalonsr and stats su perintendent of piibua scboola. If mm -ey i LS ATS ( f Jaw IW Baua hr.Wi m ... rrs J w w, NORTON DATTB, SS, S, St, a . i. 0. twaaty-thrns Taais A 8otUC for symptom blank. Boms treat- ' Free Until Cured. WE TfyrcKT CURE XT fl. L! rVe wil&eatysin complicated 7-ailment:-under absolute guarantee.! No pay yeara in Portland. i CONSUl,TATI ON. FREE 1 " 7T.O AID OLDEST BrEOLauam ui ran,u, nnvine Wa do not advartlae cheap, inferior treatment, but we Siva of ripe eiperlene. gained In the treatment of many tboa yon eor aklll aad ability la the treatment; of dlaeaaea at men x w n I a a- I Bvenlag. T to t; Sunday, 8 a. Ba. 8 IS BTBEXTB. POBTLANTA. OSUKMnT, Portland's Widely Known and Successful ChineM Medicinal, .. Root and Herb Doctor famoua roan, dice. fbe Inrredtenta at rroat the Orient In we import airecl large ouantltlea aad prepare aad pat in Bia up-re-eate laoatory. aa I poaaon or eruge of any kind need. vegetable. The Doctor treat. eveceuefaRy and saanuens to cure all atomach troablea, ee terra, aathaxa, lung, throat, rhenmatlem. norynnoaaoe. Uvea, kidney and loat manhood, rZSLAZJI TBOTBLES ' A-- AIX TBTYATal CISSSBTB. . N ' falsa or samleecang' etammaoea te 4nv afflicted. A (era and Inetlag cure bt the aulek. eat poaalble time and at tke Wwnet enat pea alble for bonaat treatment. If you cannot nil. writ for .J mutual MsaaV and circular. Incloae d eanta In aUaxpe. OONSTH-TATION PBXX. - . . Tke 0. Oe We Oh lneee Mad tote (kk, lewkh Pint St., Oar. Sfonrieen, PaetledVOr. Pleae meet ton thla pen". BLOOD P0I80.J rsTOBTTlaTTBTtBTlll w have made the cure at blood eoleea a apeelalty. Pvlaaniy.J.aandei i ecTerteery Bleed Peleen PermaoeoUy Cured, Yea) eaa be treated at home under ansae guaranty. Capital tego.000. Wa aolkoll the moet obeU- sate eaeee. if yon have exhaaeted the eed BMtbodaof tmnmena.nndMlll havnnahna aad palaa. Maeua Patenes In fcionlh. Bee Throat, Pimple. Ooppejr-Ooior4 fieoaa, oa any part of the body. Heir at ws falMna eat, write 11 sre8 af Eyebrows suree, 100-page Bonk Free. . COOK RIMEDY CO. IS8B IISB1I nBPU, tkiniSi, Itl CBd Naaul. VB8 KBOBTg s Pais. J Tnrveat'a Beeewa at (Mat SAl i nan, at, , , Mart la a. sat W- et, I Zetland, Oregon er by man t . ASarraat c-. aa Mumma ax-, xmat x . . k Si 1 Bla which c v1 uzrsrz S. WIN! hebtfb, aTToroey-ai-iew, nm SO Wkeebaatsr kklg. i'bon PaalAa ZUT, v: 't.;';lV : ." ' ' , " "' t T