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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
ilEOREG 31. 18C3, 12 NSW TODAY. iw--astt- FULTON WOOD CO. Make hay while the inn . ; Vi . shines.' Green Slabwood, per load a ..--?l75 Dry Slabwoodf-per . load ?2.25 Inside SJabwood,'per load .......;?2.25 "GreenSproce-Sfalmood.-per- load .... . .. ....$1.00 nd specul prices on - all ; l green lQ-load orders. 2 epricesfof Soutlr -rortfand-onlyr-; . i Phone, Pacific 994 For Building Purposes and ri yon .opportunity of ra- covering A period of from two to ten i years.- 111.10 par month will pay off a f $1.40$ mortgage in -94 montnav t-st us , know yonr want. . Trust Co. '" LTJMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. V4 Near two electrlo linos, cheap and on easy terms. . . , i ,.-;'. CEDERBEROH 114 Commercial Block, Second and r waaninipon Btryta. There Is Wealth m W2Tlmber ' Let us show you how " to secure an Interest In a timber and lumber mnu--j lacturtnc enterprise. The Investment is secure, I per cent Interest guaranteed i-r bank. Large additional profits. In - vestments II 40 and upr-amaH monthly . payments. Let over.. with soil Call, write or phone. Klllsr, Sit Oom sasrelai Bid. Mia 1844J. 48 Lots AtMontavilla r Adjoining Montavilla. 2 Railroad Station B.-M. LOMBARD 514 Chamber of Commerce .t v A Fine Lot On Grand Ave.,- near- Market" -93Q0Q. B. 82, Care Journal. I 1-4 Block Sixth and East Clay Streets ilj Cara JrnirraTrl Northwestern Mutual Life or imwurni, wnoovsnr, t rris-THir BEST.X0MPANY S.T.Lockwood &Son 0aral Ai ABta. Blda.. VertUad, Oraaaa, WEATHER REPORT. Raav ralna ernrrad atrday la smth. " aura Waabuwtne and llghtur amoants tVH la sortbeaatera Waablnton. Idaho, aatara Or t na and Moataaa. Tha baromater la now blah 0rrr tb aortk Paie atate and th rain bT praettrallr T"a 1b tbl dUtrk-t. Tb . riaronatar la rlatlTly low oaar Artma aad v, thenr eastward la Oklaboaia and nnrtk to Mlniwnta. Within thl are rh w.a(h-r la unaattW, bnt ae rale of aanangui u naa a .yet neraiTWl. ' A blab vr'm. trm orerlte . the aoatb Atlantle atatea and the waat her I i iair i mm imm. uoeai rain ar. aemrrei rwwia ."""i" m r w a,ngiano; tate. The ndlratloa ar tar fair weather (a tbla ! Ve Loan i I Money 1 Ow raUarkeUats l ettaaed ' . awinn rnaer wiie tiainf tewparatare, Olian iittoaa- taka at I a. si., ParlSa tlsw: : . . TeaiD. atatlens - " ' Mat. Mia. Pterin. Pater city, Oreaoa 42 . .m '. jmatoa, Maaaarkaaetta. ' tkleaM. llllaota...... ft? . .0 , 44 ' . , T 44 0 S4 T T to M 9 IeaTer, CVlor'1o . . , I Kaaeaa nt. Mlaaoorl. ta Anaelea. I allfflrida TS KA 1 ew ftrleaaa, Loallna,.. as : to New York, Hew Jfork..... . M ' Pnrttaml, Orea M ' ' Hoaeewrf, Orm.....,,,. M . ' M St. 1eala. Wmri. ....... a . 4 Slt laike. I tah.' . 40 Paa Praartarn. ( allrVirBla.. "4 on Ppokaae. Waeklnatnn...... M 4S Tamei, WHblnvton M - AO . Walla Will. Waefcteatea. M . 4 . V-ahnaton, It-C tl . . T - .as .nj .23 .A 1.14 ,n DEATHS. MTT Mar ta ia Heery Katt, T font of Wmmt rtrnvle aertuaala. 1.1 tr H a. R -Mar l. U laearhr. -44 . years, ku Tkafaat'S heaplUit, casoar Of stear- t MltHMMMIMMMMMMIMtfMIMMMtMMMM Xpiz fMnsttS; Bte amp h r4juux uditz mil at msai smm xthb otii aks MARRIAGE LICENSES. William i. a.prlft. 80; Mary K. Kllar,' . J. B. Jonra. T7 Ut vtjoy atreat, M; Katbertae Mulranln. XL Cart Halrnqnlat, 10S aat .Bisklh atraet, 34 Anna niun A. 'C. Wflaroatia, SOTH roertk atrt, ; Martha Wolf, 28. - - HoacMi O. Walana. Ooloaadala, Waabuurtoa, M: Iraa i. Caratena, 3K. A. yniinpe. i nmaiina, uraeiMi in Lronla Cral, . WMInv Carda., W. O. Smith Jr Co.. Waak- tartaa'bldc.. cor.roortn ana waaMnrtna at WMldlnc aa nlllnc farda raaraTed er prlatad. E. T. Ruabtoo, 334 Waahlnctoa at. Win Bartha Martin, roan 811 AUaky bids. Umptnc and fine acadlawork; laaMoa tlraa. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. W. D. Oricaby, 839 Eaat Ttnta, aortk, aoaall- Parrraon. 242 Monro, cblokenpni. Haart- BafebMt-,- aiaat-aaaaaiy! IITfl. . . . -., Hrlra Wolalffw, a ill cawitBrra. mraaira. Chlldrra of Mr. Caaclata. 5 roortb. waalae. Aiiharrt .Hrrarr,, 8S7, Mrrtla Kaetmjrar, Jo swaale. . . .. ....... . . ..... Harry DrlmlmaB. Ml Bacons, amain. Willi Uordoa, CnlTaralty. Fark, sieaalca. Wlll Tluwr. t Waat Park, aaaaalna. Wallac Urlfaa. S30 Albwta. swaalra. Bttth Hanarli. Ml Baat Pari, SHwalei. Hrlam Parnr'lTO ElctatMBOl. Haaal Brown. 480 Heond, mttaalea. ktra. Mary 11lk.-iBJ Orand itnut, dtphbrta. j..MIn. M.r xut Irttrrmam. nwaalea. Vora Irw. tnlrrralty Tark. aiala. Willi-rllwkBMa, t'olTaralty Park. BMaalaa. Ml'nnl Klrkpatrlok, UnlTwalty Park, meaalas. "Wait Wild. M9 Pron. awaalaa. Nathan Bcbwarta, Til Baaer, awaaiea BIRTHS. t TATI M May IX - to Mr. and Mr. Harry". Tatam. bo4 rin. a Boy. OTIlt May 2S. to Mr. and Mra. Moatgoowrf Otta. kmH Raletpb. a lrl. PRIKlSMAS Alay Sfir to MrrTfnaHraTrAM Friedman, otn rourtn. a ooy. WIKKI.IMay 28, to Mr. and Mr. Jobs Wldell. Ktl Kaat Ttnth. north, a boy. OWEN Mar 33. to Mr. aad Mra. Barry C. Owen. 21 Eaat Sllteenth. a boy. ' GRANT May 2N, to Mr. and Mr. Prd 8. Orant. 280 Malaey. a Koy. SAN May IS. to Mr. and Mr. Marin Ian, HVl Uarehell. hov -- CARET May 21. to Mr. aad Mra. Prank Carey. fit. Vincent koanital, a firi. AMIES May 2fi. to Mr. aad Mr. Erantt Ame. 2SI Twenrr-foorth, a hoy, LANDER rV ay 24. to Mr. and Mra. William - !nder 964 Clay, a trl. . BA RTLETT May 24. to Mr.and-kTfc--H-W, Bartlrtt. Montarllla. a lrl. BT'NDT Mae 2a. to Mr. and Mra. 0 for ye A. - Rnndy. 104Conre.TTrlrM. TIAI May 24, to Mr. and Mr. Panl J. Vial, Portland Maternity hoenltal. a rlrl, - scillxiTll Mar 2(1. to Mr. and Mra. Rdmand A. BrttMUUFort land Maternity, noap sin Nltach, n.'i0 Thiirmaa. a fir). UNDERTAKERS. Kdward Itolman j Co..-tb lea dins toaeral director, have the net Mtabltabment. tha 4et rood, th Sneat Tehlcle nd th Bloat aoaable Brlce. rin BroaacaiiBHwereo eaeketa, tZS and 3A. Th snot wood (ond siadc. trt -HI -to. 120 Parlor 220 and 22 Third (treat, wraer Salnwa. Portlaad. Oaayoa. - -r -v - - , , -, - J. P. Pinter fan. funeral rnreetor and amhalmera,-corner- Third and Madlaoa atraet. in t aar tinuv. .'! ' - nnnnlnf1. M-Entae A - 011b(rlr. ndertker nd enha timer; n- rtrr la every detail. BaTentk aad Pin. Mais 430. Ldy aaalataat. A. B. Rematack. nndortikar and amhalmer. Eaat Thirteenth and Umatilla T. Phoa Bell. Oark Bro for Bowrra. 28t Morrlaoa atraet JTTIATIEWCTjtETEET Slnrle ararea tin. Pamllr Vita ITS to tl.nm. The -only cemetery la -Portlaad which per pettially malotalna and care for lot. For fall InfiM-marloo apply to W. R. Mickenile, Wor eeater block, city. W. M. Land, prealdant. 0t Tear tnaorane and abstracts ta real eata ta from- th Title Guarantee A Treat nmour. 840 Waahlngtoa atraet. earner Second. "NOTICE. SPECIAL NOTICE. The hoard of . director of the Matonle Rulldlng aaaodatlon fraternally laaltas the Maater Mason of th city, and , all brethren Intercated la th erec. tloe of tb new Maaoolc temnle. to attend a meeting to lie held tn 1 i'taff old J'njpl oa Saturday evening, June I "2, ii,"at tJO o'clock. Th plan which tb board propuae I Anally adopt will h o nhlbltloa and any enicreatlon which my dd . to tha arrangtb, beauty or convenience will be cordially . cooaldered. AU Maater Maaon ar urged to attend, whether ub crlbera to tb a tuck or aot. ' J. M. Hondo!.' Preaideat afaaonle Building Aaaorlatloa. HOTICE OP STOCK BOLPEM'"' MP.ETINO Th annual meeting of th tnck bolder of th Bunker Mill SulllTn Mining A Con ' eentratlng company, - for the elect In f " hoard of director for tha nulng year, and for lb tranaactton of rack ntlier rmalneni ja . may regularly com before them, pill he held at the office ef the company, room Mil and fvA4 Chamlier of Commerc hldg.. Portland, Oregon, ea Jan tl. Item, at 12 o'clock noon. - Geomn r. iihijiiv try Bonliet.aillL A llalllna, jjlalasi I 'ofMeelretlne Pniinin, " 1 Portland. Oregoe. May. 28. U0(. . KOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS,' MRKTINtl Th annual meeting of tha tocknolder of th Oreaoa Iron A Steel Company wll) h heid at tb of Ac f th eomrany. room IMS She.. . wr panatug. foruano, - ur.acm, i 1004. at ,11 o'clock a, m., tr th of electing a board ef director Portland, .dragon. June - la rmrprai fnr th" nanlng rear, and th tranaaetioo e othr kuaior amy bfor tb SMctlag. . . : lATTri,M. SecraUry. 'Portlaad. Oregoa. May 34, 1S04. . TH? w-, eeaywn ranch. mile weet ef Portland. I sew epea fnr crock. Se J writ J. A. ratney, nrerlnteBdant. B.i... Or. atea S coat per day. MEETING NOTICES. WEBPOOT CAMP Do. SS, . Woodmen of th World, nl Pridar algtit kt W. ' O. W. ball. Tenth and Waahlngtoa at. All as tin ner reoiieeted t he trc. nt.- . Vlaltnr welcome. , r . n. v A. L. SABBta, C'krk, HH&MO THE, ' MOJVIC 4- WH7 THlt smul: - .- - -- mt wifiv w fake '-- yXxnvs iH&t rKx all ! K aV T 'ba-P Ckimteal or r-' MEETING NOTICES. roU MBtA Taare. Ke. A ' A.' M Special communt ration m la t'rnaraoayi Tcning, n cioea Maaonle tempi, Work la M. hi. degree. All H. M,, Inrtud. K fkhmeBt. . B. S. PAGUm, Secretary. Krerrreea Camp. ,406, Morrlaoa ta. FACSIMILE; typewritten letter. aditreMlng, malUng. tr. Clrcalar Latter Co.f2lH Stark at. Mala 284. W. A.j Oregon Orp Camp. No. 4.ST5. Mea. ;.vaya. izta and Marsaau: rial ton welcome. MACCABEES Portland Tent. No. 1. every Thuraday niaht In K. of P. hall 11th aad Alder at. Visitor are welcome. , m. m. lancs. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A- nay- mawJf htlibtaaa.4b, -randcd-S 'oa-Iaftrp. Phone Kt t. POUND A para n 14th ud Salmon. Owner caa bar hum by calling at Journal of Oca. "WaiKlDgbti' at".", contain- t an am hy Identifying and paying for ad." Journal offic. . Tb HELP WANTED MALE. A HARK opportunity for s man with net -eapltal; Investigate aad year will ear Invest. 0 110, car Journal. - MEN AND WOMEN to Icere harber trade In , lght wek; graduatea earn from $10 to 925 - weekly; iprt Inatructor; catalogue free. Moarr System Collagaa, 83 North, fourth at., Portlaad. SALESMEN WANTED Tor eea ef the largest aureerie fa tb weet 1 cash advanced waek It : - rood territory open. Address Waahlagtoa Rurssry Co, Toppealsh. will. AGENTS WANTED to aell irnrlor. hlrb-rrad aoraary atoefct-eefnplete -owtftt fornl.hed free? ' n.ii w rr .it, write xrmmj i it iimra ok Ter ritory. Capital City Kurury OompaDy, Bakm, Orecoa HARNESS and addlmekr waattng good Mm In th country, address (Visa. L. Mastk-k A , Co., wholeaale leather, rroat aad Oak etrets, Portlaad. Oregoa. , 1 ' WANTED Reliable moiiuim cavar: tdy pa1tkB for right party; city aad country work; most glv reference. Addreaa O. t. Agent, Vancouver, Wash.' - WANTED Varnuhers. machine aad bench hand. Oregoa Paraltare M fg. Ce Masadsm WE aecnr mpkiyment for member:, apodal memneraEip one. moots 42. I. M. C A., J-Fnnrth and Tamt.HI. , WANTED4-4 men at Ranfll 4 Klnaey'i brirk- yr. i-eoa- aaoucsaa noil. My Iran. -Oregon. GFT TOTJH numr put Tn first -class con dittos for 10c. Shop 384 Main at. IP yes play pool, go to tb Wellington Par lor. Allasy bids.. Third and Morrison. BRIOHT young mas tn enroll atndent In a aborthaad arbfloi. Addreaa B S9. Jonrnal. WANTED One granlt-cnttr., one marbleut- ter and one tnarhle-pniieher. Address Watta MarBls 'Worir. "Th" T-fTTrS, Oregoa, WA.NTfcD Boy with blrycle to carry package. -.irvnjna a rs. 'intra sag TVanlag(on ata, ever Peldenbalmer'e. ggnEBaJlaroiiml printer fnr mnntry OrT 413 per week. H. O. Kemp. Rainier, WANTKDBlaeksmltb for general btaCksmltV ing wora, at once. Aoarra B. S. A L. Co., Ha.rcreek, Oregoa. LA ROE ROY fnr tore work. LWiB Clothing (Si.. 1K Thud all ' IONPAINTKR with Kaalneee ability to take complete casrg or anon fnr season: Interest la profit. Addreaa B Ta, ear Journal. MAN for tackrng nva end ealdmlntng. at once. Aak for Ireland at Hale a Tour Car building at the Oaka WANTED An errand! tiny: light work j ware 4H per week. Addreaa H 2O0, jrar Jonrnal. Glv phone number. : ' - - WANTED Toung man, about 1ft year old, fnr collector and oroc aseiatant: glv ' ralrr ence. Address B 84. car Jonrnal, w A rTTEDBovV about ,TTr tdywork, 44 Fronr, corner uana. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRI.S abnnt 14 year of age to work In fac tory.- Apply- r once. Ames-Hwrla-NevUla Va., Fifth )nd Davis sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S44t4 Waahtng. ton at , cor. Seventh, nnatatra. Pboae Mala 2on2. Pemal hlp wanted. BXPERtRNCED GIRL wanted at tr Eraratt to attend ator. Call 10 a. m. " THW-tOMV LADIES' AOBNCY. " Pemal help fnrnlabed fre to employer. Rertstratloa Pre. 1n4 4th at, upatatra. room 3R. ..Main 1W2Q, WANTED Competent girl fnr general work. Apply 144 E. Hiiteaath. WANTED Glrle to make all at t5 ririt at. 'Bos of All" ever- WR have clerk, all kind cashier, etenner. plier. Tn Home laidl' Agency. MeHa-KNIr. WANTED Neat, waltreaaea at , Hobkrt-Cortl. lath and Jefferaon. e ' WANTED A lady t learn . dermatology and .. chiropody! we will teach yoa th Duel nee and aell yoa th satSt for Ice 4ha coat; In flne, location; a vrentael bnalneaa grid a mneay-maker: th blggcat snap aver offered tar route a, care wide-ewaka woman. Jonrtial. 7 Addn GIRL going tn acbool to work for board la email family; permanent home; - a bard work. Apply 882 Washington at. sTTENOGRAPHER, several year- experience, dcalrca position; moderate salary. , B 40, care Journal. WANTED Lady solicitors for the city, ply 2 iloorinoTigh bldg. Ap. OoM PETENT girl for general boeaework; small family, 4u4 wag, 4t Bast IstIs at, , . to.- M M M M t M ,jnarTiit.jtni $ mii t 6JXX7H& (TO fllWTOAP 70SA7 THtff AE - -cms. oulp ww F0fi ff Tm flf Qim ANOTHER KEY Oraftcr He Yet Wears the HELP WANTED FEMALE. small rcaUaranL I'bon Main 44M4. WANTED Otri for cooking and general bouse. . work; no cbtldrea. 413' North 24th, scar isorthrap. ENERGBTI0 LADY with bo In ability; short hour, pleaaant work, good salary. . Ad- rlraaa a , t. IfrlaiA, .nerl rtellierg .ally WANTED Stenographer; wge wanted and addr Stat experience, . B 4SV Journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED " AT ONCE Aa experienced party wltk 100 ta run a paring laandry. Pnr w particulars call JoT Pourth St., . upstairs, suite 23. Mala 0824. .. HELP wanted and supplied, male er female. R. O. Drake. S064 Waahlngtoa at. Pacific 1870. SITUATI0NS.JWANTED JEMALE 5WtSt "ejWltST1" S women, with experience. . Tries to take charge of kitchen and dining-room la camp. rafereoce. Addreaa locatloa wltk particulars. MOTHERLY care ef children, by weak month. 404 Williams av., eaat, city. WANTED AGENTS WANTED Agenta; aamerMn Sew; good aslleri big wages. 20S McKay blag. WANTED EnergetJe and eempateat agent to represeat In ll part of the Borthwaat; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery c. WANTED Special a lee men for the big Oreroa - Nursery, company; liberal commission; outfit 'fre; choice territory. Write to the Oregon Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. WANTED Rrlght, nergetlr lady or gentleman to do soliciting; a alary - 42.40 per day and commlaalon. Call at 1A.1 rjeventh t, Friday, zrbetwerr; pn S p."nT. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Employment Co.. 30SH Morrisoa st. Phone Pad to 339. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrFICB ' . : poB MEN. ' 34 N. Second at Phone Mala ' 1434. BIO POt'R EMP. AGENCY Help supplied free. - 14 North Second at. Phone Mala 1415. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES,,! r LA TS JtOOMINS-HOI SRS, STORKS. ETC. Our rental department baa been enlarged aad provided with addltloeal taff, " W Invit Hating from LANDLORD", offer personal- attentloa to and eontlnaoo unertisloa over all property tatroaUd to ear i - car. - - - - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP 0REO0N. S. E. cur. Sd aad Oak ata. Pbon Ex. 73. ' WANTED To rent a bonne with 3 er more lota, or small acreage, with good nam; muat be cloee In ami near carllne: will leas or Surrb If term ar suitable. Addreaa B 7. car Jonrnal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot. eaat ld; ata to location and srlre; muat no cheap. Aaareea a it, car Journal. , WANTED Lot ta exchange for eanlty ta 4 - or t-room boose. . Phona Eaat 464 L vl'ILL bay fnr cash Portkind real atare. If price is rignt. air. ise, . oi t iumoer ax change. WANTED-Hons and lot. from 42.000 to 4.1,000; - most be a bargain: atate eaaa price aaa oea tlcn. R , car Journal. WANTEDS-FINANCIAL. WANTED 4(100 to open up new copper mine; will give an extra gooo opnorrnnity ant .in ducement.. Call la forenoea Jon' Book Store, 3U1 Alder -t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer and wbtte - washer. " Call - East 4344. Remember - the name B. N. Morgans 11 years la boelaesa In Portland. i ' ' WE WILL BrY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD Tfiinw. nitniiBA DjtLTKun tv aw 424 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 784. WBWILb-aiUY- yuai furtillnra any old time. Western Salvag C., 427 Waahlngto at. . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A OO.t SPOT CASH" -' ' FOR ' rTJRNTTTRB AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, 31 FIRST STREET. . - - MAIN B6BB. BARRELS OP MONEfj , PAID'BT J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER, IXIR FL'BNITIiM"!. MRRCHANLlSk. AND i .- STOCKS, i. . -AT V FIRST STREET. ' ", PHONB MAIN 1424. ' , PA 1 1TI NO, apraytna and whitewashing tree, baaemeota, barna. docks, etc.; largeat gasoline praying outfit oa the coast. M. G. Morgan ' A On.. 423 Union av. Pboae East 41T. rURNITt-RE -efid-aoeeehold-sood. Pon t worry, lose time er moasy. Just pboae Pa- cite n SAN FRANCISCO. .. Wjnted Two mot carlo da of fnrnltar for 'Fiiaeo; will pay beat price for any aee Ond band furniture yoa hv for Bale. Call Lnp Main 401. Aak tat Jobs Oka ( RtMlMINO-IIOUSB. 12 or 14 rooms; meat be In good condition, good location and reasonable price. Phone Private Ex. 7fr. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THJ RIUHELISU MS NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegaatly furnished, steam heat aad hatha THE GRAND. 4ft "A Nirth Third at Room tot geatlsmea 41.88 per week and Bp. . NICELY ftirnlahed front mora In private family; gaa. bath, phnee; 44 par month. 304 14th at. - Phone J Psdflc 137T. NEATLY fornlahed mom. walking taUetanea, went aide, .4I.40 PT. week. Call evening 410 Hoyt t. . ,j FOR RENT A finely fnrnlahed mom' to man nad wife, $10 a soatA( ckjee la, 38 Ever ett at. V M M H vim, rmAFs.fp otm Badge of Fdonr.- t UNFURNISHED ROOMS. I UNFURNISHED rooms; lnk. pantry-katj. stwvk irs ana Mill u. 1 LARGE nnfuralsbad room, (round 4oor, Pboae .aex 9woo. FOR ' RENT HOUSEKEEPING. tna MffcnEix.PUnd hoosu). bouackeeplng and traaaleati : renlent; prices reaeooable, - $1.00 WEEK UP, Clean, furnished boosekeep. rooma, wita yarn, parrar, aunory, aata. rnr aacs beat. - 303 V SUatoe at. 0 eaa. - . SLEEPING - aad bouaekMpuig roams. Vlata, 447 H Fifth at. - . Linda $1.28 PER WEEK Large, clean,- furnished bourkeeplng-room; laundry aad bath, lad - Sberaaaa, South Portlaad.. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeeping. rooms; price low. 484 Hood at, Phon I'10 142A-,, ; , 1 z . ..ex. LA ROB elegantly ' fnrnlshed Jbonsekeeptatj " nmuai tor nngwruTinlng dale. B08H Alder st. ter. The Lowns- 3 FKRNWHBP -liouaekeeptnrTatl' ToT rentrilO' . -i. 1 11 . v . vue wtvhub u, wwwuiin. , Mala. 4MB : L0WKR Sat, 4 rooms, nicely1 fnmWhed, good location. 893 Jefferson St., cor. 10th. : ROOMS AND BOARD. La RON room with board, handsomely farnlabcd parlor ' floor, modern conveniences; suitable . for twe gentlemen; $24 each monthly. Sen 14th st. - FOR RENT HOUSES. KADPERLY-TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plB and furnlture-mbver: lo atcr age. Pbon Mala 1445. Oface 110 N. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 344 STARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS, SE1 U3T.: NEATEST -AND PRETTIEST new bungalow; , Myrtle Park, Mount - Scott - car ' line; hot ' water,- bath, electric wired. . larg yard. . Pboae Main 4VBM. . . - $4 ft ROOM boose, large heaement. Key at u inch grocery, corner Mood and urant. FOR RENT 4-room boas in HoJladava ad dition: mug -lease if desired. Dr. Hawk. st or Main mix. at' for rent. Call Mam 117 or Pacific 17: FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 4-room Sat. Including gaa and tel Taagrbads en windows. 204 Halsey st. IW0 B room : anfomlahed flats. HJUaiuL 412.4 Tncnuiing water. S4e-o4SW Front at. i'uon Main i&4. FOR RENT A new modern nicely fornlahed flat of three rooma and alcove; private belli: to quicr people; no caiinren. Wi cast lain t- cornea W aahlngtoa.- Phone Kt 40WO. FOR RENT 43 modern .flat on Fourth and Clay. - covTsge on niawrnome are., six, . s room riat on aientavuia carllne, 410. OTTO A CROCKETT, - - - 346H WaataUigtow at. FOR - ' RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB rooms, anfm-nlshed room aad earnpl room for tent. Osedaoagh bids. Apply ale PART of bop te rent, tnttabkt, for painter er piumoer. sua aourta a. - FIXE Ruaaall st, corner. Ilvlns rooma, built-in cooler! suitsbie rot deiirstessen. cigars, meet tparaet, etc.; sin. nNi r.aat iiac. ncott 72. -AUCTIONS.- ATT AT A W aq sua waninrtjoa - av- aj 1 rv-x e ana iai uaj,T- aj vcww ax Xjr.irci saa aaiev at ni, rommlaslon and real estate bnalneaa; will pnrchase for cash beasebold furniture and stock of merchandtae. or aell upon commta ton; have regular aalca at aalearooma, or any part of th city; bv baaementa for storage; delivery wagons at moment's antic to any part of city. Pbon Main 2474. Cash advanced at Oilman', No. 418 Washington at. BUSINESS CHANCES.- ( PfV TENT dividend guaranteed. Paid eml-ahrmally, Investmt InveatUMBt fe ae govern. ment bond. Write or call Tb National . Financing Jv BOB Maeonaax bMg., Psrtlasd. FOR SALB Hardware and bones fnrnlsblng bualnessi central locatloa tn rood bnslnea town; large country trade. Andreas K 113, car Jonrnal. "v DON'T eon bore first, but doe't boy year city r property, fruit ens garde lano. waeet, stora-r or delry ranches until yoe eee as. North west Lend Co., 304 Goednough bldg. P. 4. W aleo hare buslneea ebsncc ef all kinds, aad caa kjcat yoa right. N. W. L. Oa. WRITE n tralrk abont recent tmportant de- vempmeata ef the Hnrat Automatic swuca a Slrnal Po. I bur atock before big advance. J. F. ITnrst A Co., SOS McKsy bids. LONO-RSTABLISHED steam cleaning and dye ing plant for sal cheap: doing good ouatneea; Ill-health can for selling. Address M 41, care Journal. 1 FOR BALE ramify hotel of 100 rooms, clear. tng over aouo per montn; very oign cisss. Thl would be a food bny for a bnalneaa woman t msnsge. Fnrnitnre of the very beat: modern apartment: muat beb. For particular addreaa Q 300. car Journal. FOR SALE Meat market doing good knalness. 884 union ire., north. r ' - FOR SALE Store and waiting end ef good car- line; cigars. Ice -cream, grocery, etc.; lease. 8.11 Aakeny at., corner Seventh. FOR SALP) A new atock of groeerteet ajr-'ex- cell en t location: good nsrgsin. uwnsr retir ing from bnelness. - 414 Jefferaon at. - BARRELS OP M0NEY1 PAID BY J. T. WIMON. AUrTTONJEPTt, FOB FURNITURE. MERCHANDISE AND . . STOCKS. ' , AT an FIRST STREET. , PHONB MAIN 1424. V A GREAT bargain near fair grounds, a new private Hotel, greet proa peel, no . agents. Address B 43, rare Journal. WILL sell cheap, rooming -house; also dear and confectionery store la Bt. Sonne; oa location. THE HOMB BROKERAGE CO.. Bona Breeds bldg., Third aad Waahlngtoa. M Ml 1 1 M I M M H 1 -ptL, x BUSINESS CHANCES.- FOR -SALfj, --CHEAP Nice restaurant, Iras: 4 rooms Included. 1004 Belmont at.. Sua nyalde. . . ,' FOB RALE Cleaning and dyeing eatahllahment. Inquire 414 Mala at.. Oregon City, Oregoa. $75 WILL buy half Interest lawell-loctd real eatate office: must sell on-account of sick- trees. eifl-rhirnelde st. ' FOR SALB Country store with noatnfflre. In center of rich wheat belt country 1b Wash ington: will Invoice: abont $150.. Address Bux 10, Fletcher, Washington. . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN OO.t AN excellent chance to -buy a wcll-etaMIhed real eatat office. B 74, car Journal. ' BOMEAEEKERS' EXCURSION overland la - being organised to go to Hsrney county, Oregon, For luformatina. inquire tr Com mercial block, corner Second aad Waahlng- Ua.. tta... . or- pom-. pal oa Washington st,. -cbesn.T- St.tXax- Addrej j 4-44-.--carer-- Joornat ' "' V " " $200 HOWM and terms bur g rooming hooaa 1 "block frost Portland hotel. . See 11.. U. Hlglcy. room 80.. 227' Waahlngtoa . t, '., WANTED AT ONCE An experienced party with $100 to run a paying laundry. For particular can lnni-rourta at., upstair, suite za. -Msia ssadV . ; -- FOR SALE Saloon: paying proposition: - on corner, AUOrees Lay. ts so. cars journal. $15,000 TO invest in good timber tract or acre age property auttanie mr unaiviaing, nr. I, 817 Lumber Evening. - FOR SALE REAL 'ESTATE.' 4-room cottase. nartlv flniabed. and B mta. ge, pertly flu $4fMr-4140 raMi, Dp In nee go per month. t-rewns aiodcrn collate, hot and cold water, - nickel plumbrng; 8 lots,- planted to gsrden: annd barn and ehtrken-hnua. hearing fruit: 42,000; terms. W. B. Towne. Laurelwood, B2 Fir at.; Mt. Scott ear. FOR SALE Modern 4-room house. 171x100. cor. per lot. Nob Hill, esat aide? easy ter ma; also atao T-room house - tns rent ui Eaat 8204. - FOR SALE by-owner, who needs money, free tmslnee lot on union IV. n. tall or aa dress 1008 Eaat 14th at N. DO SEE PIEDMONT Don't - bny before fos " aee the best tract la Portland.- ; ' Re Piedmont It will be money Bated. 'Take Wnodlawa, St. John or U car. INSTALLMENT HOMES EXCLUSIVELY. Pay Rent to Tnoraelf.'' Wa owaand offer for Immediate occupancy on easy monthly peymenla the following new 4-room boueea, with, all modern Improvement a: House, Borthwest corner Hawthorne are. and B. Slst st. 43.000; $2no down, $25 per month. Gray house. 47.1 L'pehnr at., price $2,800; $230 down. 425 per month. " vellow nonso.- e iwnavTn r" rrr . giai., 4"': iLTiTSi'Tfo7 DtdTtTfi." 404 Commercial blk. Pbon Mala 447. FOB SALE New t-room bona, pantry aad bath; plaster wood nnre, lares Basement, lot - ooxino. - oa iiiuusaita -er.r nr. eoai A SNAP $1,100. 8 lota In Cherrydal. oa Me lt ereher at.. Between zn an asa St., sear Mala. C W.' PaUett, 804 Fsnton bldg. J T JOHNS, We make a specialty of thl property, and w hav at thl time exceptional bargain 1 I In,. Jyt. .1m AA ,1 IWUIII , . I "U ' , "-v. . HAGEMANN A BLANCHARD, .. 41 Fifth St, m I 200 FARMS, small tract nd'ots:brgaln on ifTTxiifn, laws sw, v-, THOSE who want mt to select choice railroad lend la Albert mt them ehonio 1st me snow befa our next rrtr geei June 11, H, L. Brlgaa, J44Vk First at. MACADAM ST., corner lot BOxlOO, overlook ing Willamette, only 47m. Bellwood. eoraer lot loot 100, well located, for $ot)0. TYSON KrNSELTj, 03 CotnmercUl blk. Main SR23. $2.ano 4 block, Holraday's addition, close In: strecta l m proven, sewer ano water in ana -paid: wotildsell In 8 pieces. Culver, , ma Cbsmber of Commerc. e FOB SALE OR TRADE 4 lots centrally Va cated In the town of ooldendal. Wash. Write owner. Jams F. Nixon, . Harris nsrg, Oregoa. SNAP 4o50 4 lota, 5-room house, fruit sad berries; one mile (rota Oregoa City, fa 114, car JonrnaL ACBB TBACTBI OCB SPECIALTY IB ACBB TRACTS! - Full-Slsed street, wator ts esck sere, TERMS $10 PER ACRE CASH - - $10 FEB ACBB PER MONTH. Ton tso to thee acres ea the earns ear, pay (he same 5c fars the lot man pays. The Yoa iso to tbes acres lot man Is yonr neighbor, bnt be Is re stricted In majority of features that mak S true an burn a horn. i- Opea Wednesday sad Saturday avsalnga. - - A," a CHURCHILL A CO., INU. -, 110 Bseond si $4.sro HANDSOMB borne, brand nsw, well ar ranged, all modern Improvements, Sne enc r'ser. Ninth and Schuyler, Hnllsday' ddl- iiobi neat nny on market at price, xtaj Fourth. 1 Phone Perl Me 3125. ar Main soon. . $1.200 Nice ntw 4-room cottage. . bark. fat ana electric lights, Mahl afreet he weea Hamilton are. and Seymour, I block from B car and eehonl. South Portland; term. Inqnlr 204 Fourth. Phos PaclB 3144. Real de nee. Mala 4000. ' IF yon want to bny a bom have a talk, with I have a ti bl.kj" M ceovrslly l. a. rinemer, i:io Altaky hi.. Main SIM. 410.000 WILL bur 40x145. c ultra Me -nested. Income J. loo per year; pays 4 per cent os 8H4.000; this rnsert should treble la value In the next 10 year, being better security then any bank, and three-tlmee better than loaning money on real eatate. Mra. Bound, 303Vt Stanton, eoraer Commercial. A Ibis. 00 today" and are that beautiful 4-rson boast on Union ave.i modern In every way. Includ ing nrepiace. bus neuiy tintso; Res owner today. 4.12 Onwa are. tlntsd; esey terms. , N. I'hoas Bttt 8464. SEI.LWOOD IXXTS, $8 dnwa snd $5 a atenthi from $74 to 42no. sellworar Townlt Cj U. F. ralavar, mssagar. rbeas Baat 4704, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 60OD I -rooai bouse on Sne corner lot 00xlO, room balld 8 mors Ikiuss; thl pises will tsooa bring omibla, th monei ; price ' 4. 100. Se J. K. Hontr. 410 bldg. -Main tlMC- . - --. TAKB U, Wnodlawa or St. John carllne for Piedmont, Second snd Waahlngtoa ts; leave vary 8 to 4 minetes. -J ' . . I ' BARGAINS. ' Wbea distasted with old real estate atea, give th live one a call. W bare elgar atorse, $140 p: -grocery atoree. lavolce; res taarsnts. lodging house, all slae aad Afleaai all klada of land and lota. 7 "N- ' , T0UN0 A DEMENT, ' 843 Madlaoa t. FOB BALE CBBAP 4 aad foom rn: part eaaa. - STS Oarfleld ere. Wood lawn ear. Phea Baal 464 L Take PIBDM0NT Lots $400, $o00T $400; cash as ta ta) linen ta. HOVBR, as river from Portia od. Located se der N P. trrigstlng ditch and ea aaw sort - bah railroad; fruit gees ea th market three -week earlier than la any other aeetloa. com ma od Ins hlahaat price; slally atea mere from Portia nd. Sale by the Swears, Mover Lead - Co., Mover, Wiahlngioo, BUY a 4ne home la a beeatlful country place; food school, fruit, front Sihlng,. asuat health. -ul climate, spring wafer, 4ns gsrdsn; 42.400. J. E. Hoamer, 810 Allaky bldg. Mala 8184. FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN - A- 4ns stock -range, containing alamt -8.444-. "acres; all sunder renre; altuaud near Boas.' burg, Oregoa. ea 8. P. B. K. ; tbla kt one of ' the best stock rang la tb country; I aleo . hav anotaer good atock rang containing 1.42i) acres, which will bs sold at a -very low r rlce. For psrticaiare address J. R. Butbar. -la, owner, Bosebarg, . Oregoa. A GOOD, 4-room plastered . house and tot 40s . 100. B Kaat Msrrlsoa St., only $U60; this la . e snap, v alter sua at ntawarr, lutw 0ei. : BS. - 1. - WILL aacrtSre 4-room he, larg lot, an lo. cation, $1,400; owner going away. laoulrs aooa at 440 Kaat Waahlngtoa at. I HAYB a new 4-room aad two 4-mom enttagee, . all. complete, for 4490 sech; $3 down snd ' 4-10 par month, or $40 -down and $24 pet month, or $100 down snd $15 per month, off t ?M0 down and $10 per month; also eome fct . or Acreage; term or cash. See owner, Jo iNaah, at Naakrllle addition; ML Scott car. FOR BALE Fine lot. Nlntk sad Beech, $400. Phone WoodlawB 818. - . . , MARRIBDt Buy a home! J, B. Hoamer has ' SiIsbI'I1" a- salf 810 .Allaky bldg,. Mala . THB best buy In the city, B to 4 finely ton." proved lota; fruit, new barn; ale modern cottage. By owner. Union 1321. . BUY where the property will Increass In vara, t $3,600. on very easy term 4 lota with alee, fruit trees, cement cellar, sew 4-room colonial bouse. F. FUCHS. 148Vk First St. . ... PIEDMONT Finest restricted residence euburk In the city: lot only $400, $400 and $duu; cask or Installments. FOB -SALB . By -smdeiB'ttt story l mom bona at St. John Heights: bath, toilet." electric light, full concrete basemeot, tin- sssa II k i BsBBBaaaBi rs 4a 4 MaSswar hsfcsimweSBwVi - ayFvev-TBr- -varw vrceraa v "axTsjaeeT(- I. B. kelkeaay, 411 Jeraty Installments. St., St. John, V---1-'--T GOOD 4-room bouse aad Sne lot, en Belmont between Baat 45th and 84th, only $1,500. Patterson A Stswart, lOOOVk Belmont at, ; JUST' s Wfthr- chesnsr tkea the ether felhw I the way w sell yoa real eetate ta Snn- ayalde; If yoa pay mure It'a yonr ewa fault, Petti at Stewart. lOOOV Belmont at. FOR BALK 0B- EXC-H ANGB-FOB POBTLAK PROPERTY IB screg with f-room ben. Mg sew barn, beautiful mounUls stream (trout) wltk ex. - reliant waternowsr ilS or 30 feet fall), level, land. Sue fruit, good soil, located, In suburb in uiiamton. ursgonc big Investment at $4.5flo. j. E. HOtiMER. " . - 810 Ailky bldg. Mala 818S. FOR SALB Big bargain for trnlck tale; 4-roors . suburhss cottage, ground looxion feet, fruit and sbrabhery; by owner. O. W. P. Tow. . side Co., 314 Alder at., la 0. W. P. A By. waiting -roots. - , - - . PIEDMONT- LOTS for sale $400, $5O0, $400, Investment To., B44 Stsrk. . 471 Msia, . - ' FOR SALE. CHEAP Nice nearly new S-renm cottage. 3 porches snd pantry,' sntnev furniture.- lot 50x100. ' Address er sail at . 111$ Eaat-Harrlsoa St. - 1 blocks, over look Ink liver, S block frets postofSce; best buy InNotgn. 10 lots, close In, 8125 per lot. . 3 acres seer carllne, $1,080 psr sere. , Pine rooming-house ' f 4-room . koaea .verkoeklag rives, . $l,B0O hltch. , THB HOMB BROKERXGB CO.. Knnm 8 Rreda bldg.. Third and Waahlngtoa. Branch Office ins Jersey ST. , at. joeua. FOR SALE FARMS. MAKE MONEY RAISING . APPLES .AND . STRAWBERRIES AT HOOD RIVER. J 40 acre. T4 mile from Hood River, 10 j--fW.a tw.ertng frntf BW- hOUSe,- good OUls building. $4,000, $1,000 eaaa, oetaaea wag time. . 40 acres. 4 miles from "Hoed Blear, large bouse, teem borse. wsgoa, harness, back. 4 eowa. 45 chicken and all other Imple . Slants .ascaaaarp -to-ruaalng A fartsvS aorea "in fun bcarliig-apples, new- tree, rscsstly Mt Mt. BT rkHi eeav teems. SB acres.- 4 V4 miles front Hood River. acree bearing orchard. 10 acres In 1 and 8-year-old tree. 1 acre - strawberria, water foe Irvteattn - th entire lae. f-room " boas, hot and "cold water, bth. Urge barn, aa Ideal eonntry borne. $7,500; eaay term a. 10 acres, miles tn Hood River. 8 seres -to young apples, 4 acres wheat. $1,800; sa east terms. " Will enow other W'lWWtlee. -- - EPPINfl, . ' hlgii Saetad snd 1 Mierteuna i FOR- SALB-OR- TRADE A- floe farm of -137 1- acree, txat location In tb vlly. Addr W. B. Lord, Irving, Oregoa. FOR SALB CHEAP 1.000 term. 300 eel-- tlvstlon. wltk crop, tools and atock. ' B. L. Smith, Springfield, Oregon. Appip- FOR SALB 814 pec ai la . 145-aere stock farm. 4 mile from town, on county road; telephone: nd B. F. D ; 00 acre plow land, good crop. orchard, garden, good sotaee, a hams, good pasture. Qutnry JC. Crams, Carltea. Or. 140 ere. 4 ml let west of Cerlton; 80 acre In . cultivation, good buildings and Bernard, trail watered -end-fenced;-- price. with - present - Crop. $27.50 per ecve. - Address Mr.. 8. A, Murphy, But 8, Carltea, Or. . IMPROVED firms, $90 to $100 per sere: 8 U 10 mile out. - 0. B. Addlton, Leats, Or. Take Mt. Scott ear. 8 eenta. STAMP bring 8S-nag eatalogn at eonntry i Jim, . rturr-rauwu w., ew niw, " . land, California. 10 ACRES or more beet land, 8 mile out 1 silnut walk ts ar. chssp far: la cultiva tes and crop. A tf, care JonrnaL FOR SALE TIMBER. stsasasaBka'aatBBse CERTIFIED - scrip, any tla piece prices. W. O. Howell, Chamber at Ooaf . FOR SALEl.ano era yellow plan tlmbet land; Lk county, Aiidrsss W. Bwaard. Step Jefferson t. ' v FOR BALE A very nice togging lob tight ea the bank of the river. Umber can sll be bsnked for $2.40 per M. - About 1L000.000; kits mors can be bought close by. A 41, cart Journal. WANTED Timber lands; must he well located - for logging either by rail er water: a larg tract preferred; do aot e newer nnleaa yea ea detreer deeds; no tlm to waate. Ad dree Yellow Fir, Bog B 44, rare Jonrnal. I0RSES "AND" CARRIAGES."" FOB SAIJt Team, 4.004 pound; 1 team. 8S1 wiunas. sou i caeap new, i,ew reM, Phone Baat 8548. 834 Russell st. HORSES AND COWS ef sll kinds fnr 1 at very reobw Slice. Inquire 276 Front St. HOHSB for at It, 1.000 lbs. 444 Umatilla- sea. Bellwood. . - TO EXCHANGE. FOR BALE' or tvehanga, land for city pea. srty. 444 B. 7th t. aorta. : i WILL exchsng for either good timber land. farm or city property, on or tne very nest grocery store In tb city; stock complete, all csah business; locetloa th best; fin snow window.' This tor Is aot a shop with II. Ing room, but a flrtt-alast hnslnee he, A 40, car Jeuraal, .. ,