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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
T-. iS OREGONDAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, TIIURSDAV EVENlNGTmY8intCr' T OREGON ATHLETES VICTOR US Lemon Yellow Colors Wave Trl umphiTntly . State Meet. ... : ;' '' KELLY LOWERED RECORD OF TWO-TWENTY DASH Eugene Men Won Sixty-Seven TT feints, Washington Secured Thirty r Nine and Idaho' Came in lor Nine ' teen Summary of Event. , .-. . ; rKnul 1 , Th. ImikmI I Seattle, May 81.- The University of Oregon athletes woi the trt-state track and field meet yesterday from Washlng ton and Idaho. - This victory atampa tht sultana men it champloni of tlie north west. . Kelly. was-the atae of tha meet Ha won tba two short aprlnta aid In tne 120-yard da ah clipped one nith or econd off tha northwest record. Bum wary of eventa:- . ; 100-yard daah Kelly '(Oregon). Smith (Waahlngtoa), Moorea (Oregon); time, - 0:10 1-6. - r -- - a at A t tLvj sirtr KOUy ... (Oregon), Moorea (Oregon). Smith (Washington); lima . - . . 440-yard dash Fawcett (Idaho), Will -(Washington). Oberteuffer (Oregon); time. 0:64. " ... 3IO-yrd . run Parker .UWaahlngton), Matthews (Idaho), Edmundson (Idaho) time; 1:14. .,; Mil run Parker (Washington). Mat the we (Idaho), McCroaky (Washing ton); time. 4:84." ' Mile relay race Wort by University of Washington team (Tibbala. Will, Parker 1 R FmMV)i ''''-n aurnnil; i-llme. 1:34 l-s v ' 120-yard -hurdles Moores (Oregon) Kuyfcendall (Oregon) and Frlesaell (Oregon) tied for, first place; time. :TrT-o7 110-yard hurdlea King (Washlng- ton), Moorea (Oregon), Frteeaell (Ore- , con ).;. tlm,. u:ZS . Z-S. Shotput - McKlnney (Oregon). 43 - feet 4 Inch; Hugg (Oregon), 41 feet 3JnchirHeMeT-tWastilngton)r-r-feet. - Hammer-thr6w Hue (Oregon). 133 , feet t Inch; McKlnney (Oregon), 11K feet; Moullen (Oregon), ill feet. Discus-throw Hug (Oregon). 108 feaUili:. Smlthjjldaho), 104 feet 4 H inches; Mtmllen (Oregon). 88 "feet. " Polo vault Moullen (Oregon). 11 feet SU lnrhes; Harrison (Washington). .14 feet f Inches; Hill (Washington). 10 feet2 Inches. ' - iHIgh lump Smlrh f Washington),-- "feet 8. Inches; Kelly (Oregon). 6 -feet ' t Inches; King Washington r- .... feet Broad Jump Frleasell (Oregon), 38 feet 4H Inches; Kelly (Oregon). 21 feet H inch: Frailer . (Idaho), zi ret . Jnehes. . . , ,. "; , . . ; t EAST SIDE MERCHANTS ; irANNUALAME i - - The much talleed about game between the east aide and west side teams of Front street was played yeaterday af ternoon on the Multnomah diamond by tha score of 20 to 14 Tha contest was ' rampant with features and Jhe list of rood plays would extend a 'thousand leagues. .. Tha "Little German Band" -"' fur m occasion and 'whenever a corking drive or a aenaa tlonal atop was. recorded the beautiful - strains of the band buret forth In tha sweetest - and -most harmonious melody appropriate for the play and players. " Each man .scoring a bass hit waa pre sented with a banana; a two-play swat earned Its maker a dosen oranges; a bos of grape fruit went to tha roncocter of three-baae hit. -while the home run fritter watfced-away with an entire, or-. " chard. "1 The man striking out was killed on"thaapot. A playermuffing JaJfly lied to ao home before the game was ovaraoLlhera. weraieUli BIJWWJr The feature of tba game, aalde from the fruit display, the pitching of the first ball by W. B. Olaf ke and tha work of tha German band. - waa. -tha -work of tha .batteries E. J. Farrell and H. O. Far--rlt.Xor the .East Elders and Miller and rRtpper-for thaWeat Sirters; Tha-umi plre disappeared arter ins iaat man waa put - out and has not been "aeon since. Attendance, 423. ? .. PORTLAND MAN fiREAKS1? -7r POLE VAULT RECORD . . -,. 1 in n'T. ... - Portia nders are glad to hear of he remarkable pole vault msde at New York yeaterday by A. C. Gilbert of thla city, who la a aecond year student at Tale. Gilbert wn uompetlng In tha games under the ausplcea of the Irish American A. C. and In the 'pole event cleared 11 feet S Inches, beatipg the world's record, made by Dole of Stan ford In 1004, 11 feet 1.11 Inchea. Mr. . Gilbert Is a son of Frank Gilbert of Portland. ' ; ' '. Wreferred Btook Canned Oooda. ' Allan Lewis' Best Brand. Boom! Boom! ab Tn OTsrai Drop In and we'll show them to you. We're car- . rytng aevcral beautieajin : gun metal , Mission Shoe $3.50 "."awo rmtx wbab" 335 Washington Street BottprP BURGOMASTER CAPTURES BEmONT STAKES Two to Five Favorite Rune Home a Winner in ,Very Fast , Company. ; (Jourael gMclal Berrlce.). ' New York. May 1. Burgomaster" at 8 to t won tha Belmont atakea at Bel mont park yeaterday. - The race waa worth $25,000 and. though the price waa a "very- heavy -one, the -winner waa well played. - Burgomaster won by nearly IV leng tha. Ileaults. Belling; four and a . half furlongs, straight Montfort won. Jaunty second, Orecno third; time, 0:6JVi. Crotoa Iiandlcap, six furlongs Aero naut won, Tlptee aecond, Oxford third; time, l:l 8-8. r .. The Amateur cup, mile Cricket won. ColosHal aecond, 'JUclne, II third; time. 1:43. -. ' ' ' - --; . The Whitney. Memorial steenlechaae, about two' and a half mtlos Good and Plenty won, Beit .Crockett aecond, Del eanta third: time, 5:37. - Tha Belmont stakes, IM.OOO. mile and three furlongs. Belmont course Bur gomaster, 1? (Lyne) 8 to 6, won; The Quail, 128 (Radtke)v- 18-to- t,-econdi Accountant, 1J Martin k, 8 to 1, third Time, 1:20. Pegsus,.X'is8lnL and .Bo hemian also ran. Mile Tommy Waddell won, Ceder- strom second, Vino third; time, 1:39 1-1. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' ' ' Won. ' Lost.1' P C. Portland . . . .. 1 ki.1 Tan Francisco 6 2 .714 Seattle . . . .. 4 - .871 Oakland . . .t 8 6 .376 Freano . . ; 1 -- .288 Los Angeles ". .. . . . : .. . r J I ,hj . Zvea Break at Oakland.' (Journal bmcUI Berrlcu.t Oakland, CaL. May 81. Tha Seals and Tiger a broke even yeaterday, tha former winning the morning, tha latter tha aft ernoon game. Scores: San Francisco-r .0 0 10 8 8 9 8 7 11 ! Fresno ...'.....00 1 00000 01 4 4 Batteries Wnltera and naahwonit' jmetxer and utadbuxy . Afternoon aame . R. H. n Freano , ........3103000 00 4 13' 2 San Francisco, .l 0 6 0 0 0 10 02 7 0 Eatterloa,..,p..XoBan.-4uid Vltgerali Biiea, iiui ana v nson. umpire Ma Donald. . ' "Aatele WlaMialryirst--(8pMUl Dtapatcb to Tne JouraaL) Seattle, Waah., May 31. The first game here yeaterday waa Won by the Angela, but the aecond went six Innings wlUiOutacareand.wicaJilediTh scorea: First game R. H. E. Seattle . . ...... .0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 01 10 4 ixs Angeiea . . .1 1 0 0 o 1 o 0 oj s Batteries Vlckera and' Blankenahln: nopaina- ana ttnmm. -mT , - Second game R. H. F SeatlW ... JUJJa,.l 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 L Batteries O. Jones and Hansen; Stelti ana uiiss. ... umpire i-errine. . AMERICAN LEACUE. ' . -,.-J.. WonLost-PC New York 1 ...... ' 13 , ,8o7 Philadelphia ?l '843 Cleveland .......... .21 ; 11 " -.8Z8 Bt. louis .;...-.;-.iria .514 retrott . . 18 17 .436 Chicago . . .18 18:' .4r3 WMMhlngton . . IS ' 23 .881 Boston -.-r-. 8 1 21 ,237 At Boston. - Morning tame . m. 11. T- ItOKlon . ,- S 8 4 Philadelphia ......... ...... I 8 6 Batteries blneen and Peterson; Coak- ley ana wi'nrecK. Afternoon anmi " 1 K. H. V Boston . . 7 4 Philadelphia , . .......3 6 3 Batteries winter and Peterson: Ben der and Bchreck. . -r At Detroit. R. H. E. Detroit . . i .17 1 Chicago . . ,M .4 7 0 Batteries Allium and Schmidt: White and Sullivan. Morning game poatponed; rain. -AtOlerelaad.- Vlninlng , gnma B H E Cleveiand- St. Louis .7 11 Batteries Rhoades. Bernhard and Ba- mia; feity and O Connor. Afternoon. ajne : R, ILE. Cleveland . . r.7.4 II 0 St. Louis 8.8 3 Bittterlea Eala Joaa Town send and Bernls; Howell and Spencer. A Hew Tork. Morning game rew t ora 8 1 ahlngto.nTVTT.,,,.;..7,:V,AlA -Batteries 1IKK and Klolnow; Hughes, 8udho(I and Wakeneld. Afternoon game ' R. 11. E. Washington . ..... .....8 8 3 New York . ........... r 7 14- 4 Batteries Kmlth, atton and llajden; Leroy and Klelnow. NATIONAL LEACUE. Won. Lost. 16 14 . IS 13 21 PC. .es" 650 .003 .6X1 Chicago .' 30 Mew loric ....i'l Plttahurg'. . 21 PhilHdelDhla 26 St LouiN . 20 .48 Cincinnati ........717 78 Montnn . . 14 2 28 .828 .817 Brooklyn . . . 13 At Pittsburg; Morning game H. IT. R Pittsburg ...7 i a Cincinnati . . .......6 6 2 Batteries Lvnch. . Wlllla and Phli. Overall and Lfvlngeton.-Umplre O lm v. Afternoon game- R. H. E. Pittsburg ... ... 8 14 1 Cincinnati , ,.1 8 0 Batteries Phllllrpl and Glbwm; Wel mer and SchleU 1 Vmpires Pelts and O'Day. -4 . - , . At OlOoatro, Morning game , , R. H. E Chicago . ..........;v..,.i.2 4 2 St. Irfiul . . . Batteries Pfelster and Moran; Brown and McCarthy. Afternoon same . - Tt H. F Chicago . . ,...1 4 "j St. Louis . f 10 1 Batteries Liindgren, Beebe. Reulhnch and Moran r Tn-uhot amt-Orady. t'nr plrea Emails an,d Conway, At Brooklra. . ' Mnrnlnt fame -., R. ft. R. Brooklyn , , . , 'n .... s - 8 0 New York . .0 4 0 Batteries Mclntyre and Bergen; Fer guson. Taylor and Breanahan. Afternoon 'game . R. if, e New York , .4 7 Brooklyn 1 vj Batteries Mathewson and Brenahan; f ran I on and Bergen. I'mplre Klem. i ' At PhlUdelphia. i -MnVnlng game R. H. E Boston . . a ,3 4 4 Philadelphia . . ; 7 13 0 BaUerles PffTer and O'Neill;'. Sparks and lvoln. , . Afternoon ga Ait ; ; R H. K. Boeton . -. 0 I 1 Philadelphia . . 8- 8. 1 ' Batteries -Young and Nemlhsm: Luah and Donovan. Umpire Johnstons. RIBBONS PASSED OUT TO DOGS John Bradshaw and Mayor Tay -r-iot Pase Uporv-Meritt of Aristrtirjatir. Canines. : WATKINS'. EDCECOTE PEER 'I -7. : WINS SEVERAL CUPS Large Crowd Witnesses the Work of - the Judges, Which Is Being Done at -a Lively Rate Awards May Be All ' Made by This Evening. ; v The Judging 'of dogs at tha bench show began ; yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock and, continued until 10 o'clock Iaat hlght. John Bradahaw . of San Francisco1 disposed of ' the winners and collies In rapid tfm and then Major Taylor' took up tha other classes.; Large crowds attended - tha Judging during both sessions, and from tha speed at. tallied by Major Taylor the Judging will be completed In record time. The Judg ing continued thla morning at 10 o'clock. Tha list of winner up until this morning Is aa followa: -Puppy dogs First, Willamette Peer, owned by Hamilton ""Corbett; t aecond, Bobo, owned . by , Howell Jones; third. Duke, owned by Albert H. Levy, Caa- cade Locks. , ' - Novloa-doga Firsts-Willamette Blia- dorn, owned by Henry L. Corbett; sec ond. Peter, owned by Thomas Kerr, Port land; third; Ole Olson, owned by W. A. Ward, Tortland. Limit dogs First, ' Willamette ' Sun dorn. owned by Henry L. Corbett, Port land; aecond, Bush wood Boy, owned by g V Plmit.n Tacnma. Weshlngton. Open dogs Firsts Cht Edgecote "Fr, owned by Prank E. Watklna: reaerr winner. Willamette " Peer, owned by TOrnmoTTCoTbrnTPoffla na". " PuDny bltches-Flrst Duchesa, owned bv J. O. Cleary. cascaoe' lyocas; secona, Mugginav-ownad by A. M.- treueae, ari land. Novice bttchee First, 'WHlamett Sunshlneowned by Frank E. Watklns, Portland ; - second. Newmarket ajueen, owned' by"LancT "End kennels, Olympla, Waahlngton. . t ' l.lmlt bltchea First. Roaemont- Beas, owned by F. Fen wick, Portland;, second, WHlamett Boatrlca. owned Dy ranx Watklns. Portland. Onen bltches-i-Flcst. Willamette Sun shine, owned hyFrank B. Watklns, Port- 1b nil. aecond. Newmarket uueen, ownea by Land End kennela, 01ympla,Wash- Inrton:- third. Newmaraei naoy, owjieu by. Frank E. Watklna, Portland; reserve winner. Roaemont Bess, ownea. wj r, Fehwick, Portland. - " , ' winntrn' class bitches First. Wil lametta Sunshine, owned by Frank E. Watklns. Portland; - reserve winner. Newmarket Queen, owned by Land, End kennela, Olympla, Washington. Boston Tarzlara. T7ovTceBtrFir8t.- Dandy, owned ty Dr. Jamea C. Zan, Portland; second; Patkln, owned by M. K. 'Man, nrande: . third. Jameale, or tne same owner: very highly- commenaea. oir Roger, 'owned by J. A. Beck, Portland; hiirhl commended. Wally, owned by Mltton -C Frohman, .i-oruana; ais Becna, owned by Morris uunne, rorv tnnft Limit dogs Nobska II. owned ty William B Ynung, Portland; sffojdJ.Waagton Dandv. owned by Dr. J. C. Zan, Port landr thirds Teddy-Browned by John W. Conaidlne, Seattle; reserve, winner, Bismarck 'III, owned by Robert Law, Denver; VHC, Patkln., owned by M. K. u11 T nrande. Open dogs First, Nobska II. ownea hw Wllllnm R. Young, rortiana; eec- nnA riendv. owned by Dr. Jamea C. Zan. Portland; third. Teddy B., owned by John W. Considlne, Seattle reaorva winner Blsmarcx 111. ownea oj lAWrDenver; YHCi-Kummn, ownea di wiillmi n. Vowngi nn,4 Tiv-Mliron C. Fruliman.-'ortw. tvtnnera' class' dogs nrsi. noow tt hv William K. loung, x-on land; reserve winner. Dandy, owned by Dr. James win, ri .- Viit.hi hitches nrst. way 1 rue a.. nw frrABkjrJrUand;- secondV u.j.K. owned by Mrs. imuiu n. niavls. Portland; tnira. urenon ui wu inunh Ttnrret. Portland. Novlco bltcnea firm, nuo ., owned byJ. A. Beck., fortiana: aecono. tT,-itT.vnrarvned ty caliim ana Raatabrook. Portland: third, Maude -E.. owned by Mrs. Louis R. piayls. Port land: VHC. Oregon Uiri. ownea Dy Jo seph Barrett. Oregon City. Limit bltcnes rirai. iuj irm o.. owned by J. A. Beck, rortiana; sec SmK Dolly C. owned by. John W. Con- tMeatUeUUrSLrTincess iin os, owned by Oallan and Eastabrook, Port land: VHC. Maude K., ownea py Mrs. Louis Olavla, Portland. flnan bitches First, Moornay jtnse, owned by Robert Law, Denver, Colorado; second. Lay True ., ownea oy J. i. Beck, Portland ; lhiriLDolIy Clowned by John W. Consldlne, Seattle; regerve winner; (Princess ubds, ownea oy hbi- laxandEoatabrook, Portland; VHC, Maude E., owned by Mra. Louis Glavla, Portland. Foa Terriers (Smoota Coated), Puppy dogs First,. Multnomah Blue. owned by W, B. Fechhatmery Portland-. -Novloe dogs First, won by Mult nomah Blue also; second, Norfolk Rus tle, same owner. ' Limit doga nrst, muunnman mue, owned by W. B. Fechhelmer, Portland; aecond. Warren Vicar, owned by W. . Bartlett, Colorado Sprtnga. Colorado. ' Open doga--same winners as limit class . . Winner's class First. Multnomah Blue, owned Jy w. B. Fecnheimerr re serve winner. Norfolk Rustic, 'same owner. , Itinnv bitches First." Frisky, owned by Enoch Brayford, Hood River. . ... - ... Lit . U .. I . . W . IiOVlCC flu lien r uni, ui . iiiMnnn Blue Girl, owned by W. B. Fechhelmer, Portland; second, Multnomah Flurry, aama owner. ' - Limit bitches Multnoman Blue uiri. owned by W. B. Fechhelmer. Portland; second.- Sabine Fancy, owned by Hamp shire Kennels, Los Angeles. Open bitches .First, Multnoman Flurry, owned by W.B. Fechhelmer; second. Multnomah Flirt, owned by W. B. Fechhelmer. Wlnnera". flaas First, Multnomah nomatrBlue Olrl, owned by W. B. Fech helmer; reserve , winner, ' Multnomah Flurry, same owner. " : t. Tax Terriers (White Xairad). Puppy dogs." novice dogs, limit dogs. open dogs First In each won by Mult nomah Stopper, owned by W. B. Fech helmer, Portland. ( , jTuppy bitches First, 1 , ilultaomkh Sprite, own by Mrs.'W. B. Fechhetm er, Portland; second, Multnomah Spike, owned by W. B. Fechhetmer. Novice bitches First. M,adlson Queen, owned by C. H. La Farge, Beat tie; sec ond, Multnomah Sprite, Mrs. W. B. Fechhelmer. -Portland. . ... . Limit bitches First, Madison Queen, owned by C. H. La Farge, Seattle; seo ond, Multnomah Sprite, owned by Mrs. W. B. Fachheimer, Portland. ,, Airedale Tersler. Puppy dogs First, Tna Monitor, owned by K. S. Hall, Woodstock; seo eoaVTuoker, owned by Bobart-W. Low Is, Portland; third, Eben, owned by C. H. La Farge, Seattle. . Novice dogs First, Eben, owned by C. II. La Farge, Seattle; aecond, Bunkte, owned by Mra. K. Beck. Portland. - Limit dogs First, Brlardale Record, wnd-y Brhtrdala karmels-.-Portland; aecond, Eben, owned by C. H. lAFarga, Seattle :.lhlrL TrlmrocP wped by H. C. Webber, Portland. - Winners', claas dogs First,' Brlardale Record, -owned by Brlardale kennels, Portland; reserve winner, Tha Monitor, (owned by E. 8. Hall. Woodstock. ... Puppy bitches First,. Jess, owned by Dalrymple and Dick, Salem.,;. -. Novice bitches Third, . Brlardale ThlHtla, owned . by Brlardale kennels, Portlandt- withheld,-Melrsee, owned . by E. C. Dick, Salem. Limit dltchs' First, Bearwood Bloom, owned by William E. Beaman, Seattle..-"-'. -'., Winners' -clasa bitches Firat, Bear wood Bloom owned. -br.WnHanijB.Bea-man, . Seattle. -lootcb TerrUrs. Open dogs and bitches First. Hum. owned by Frank wilder, j-oruanm seo ond. Badger, owned by Richard, Wilder, rortiana.. . : '. , BCaltese ; Tanteta. " Open dogs and bitches First, JTeddak. ownea oy eux riaaianaer, i-arrniiiaT Toy rerrlera Otha THaa-Torxanire Open doga and bltohes 'First, Pa tience, owned by Mrs. Fannla Levy, Walla - Walla, Washington; aecond. Dinah, earner -owner. . Collies (Sable and Wilta)r ' Puppy dogs First, Barwell Cllmajt, owned by W. M. Wilder, Portland. Novloe dogs First, aame winner aa first claas.' - Limit dogs First, Gallant, owned by Arthur Murray, Seattle; - second, Ever sholU-Poy nta. owned by E. R. ' Rlcketta, Vancouver;' Brttlan Cotnmbia; -third. Jan. - RlM.-- owned: by Miss grancat -G a tcat-Bel 1 1 n gha m. Saiitaii Ington; VHC, Thyrala of Bunny dare,L owncd" oy 3tr Bartlet Colorado Springs, Colorado; HC.iBoonie, ownedty Jr- 0:Wlrey, Portland r-Te serve, winner, Theodore Roosevelt, owned by Mra. M. C. Wella. Portland. Open dpga Firsts Gallant, owned by Arthur Murphy, Seattle; second. Ever- scholts-Povnta, owned by E. R. Rick etta, Vancouver, British Columbia; thl rd. ' Thy rslsr of 8unnyda le,- o wnad by W. O. Bartlett, Colorado Springs, Colo rado. : . i , . ... Winners' class dogs First, Gallant, owned by Arthur Murphy... Seattle; re serve '. winner, Everscholti-Poyntg, owned' by E. R. Ricketts, Vancouver, British Columbia. .. Puppy . bitches First, Sprlngmead Marlon. . owned by Glen Tana. Collie Kennela. -Spokane. Washington. Limit bitches First, Everscholti Gertrude, owned by E. R. Ricketts, Vancouver, British. Colombia; second, Bon Ami. Ideal, owned by Jienry B4r ger, Portland; third. Lady, owned by D. F. rrice. rortland, Open bitches First, Eversholts Ger trude,- owned by - E.- R.- Rlcketta,-- Van- oouver. " British Columbia; . second, Bronade Marlonalaea. owned by Glen Tana . Collie Kennels, ' Spokane, Wash Ington; third, Bon Ami Ideal, owned r Henry Berger, Portland, : Winners' - clasa bltohea Everachola Gertrude, owned by E. R. Rlcketta, Vancouver, British Columbia; reserve winner, Sprlngmead Marion, owned by Olen FaTia Collie Kenneli ColUea (OtliarTnaan3aDleand WbJtaTTf Puppy dog Laird III, owned by J, Hill. Portland. " ; Novice dogs First, Shadeiand. . Mar quis, owned by C. D. Nairn, Ballaton, Oregon. Limit dngs-t-Flrst. westland Duke, owned by Dr. M. C Strickland. Oregon City; second, . Ravenswood Chappie, owned by Henry Berger, Portland. Open- dogs-FlrsL Weitland Duke. owned by Dr. M. C. Strickland. Oregon City;, second.. GlenJTana .Monk ownsd Columbia; third. Ravenawood Chappla,! owned by Henry Berger, Portland. Wlnnera" clajts First, Westland Duke, owned by Dr. M. C Strickland, OTroffCny!"reierve- Wrnftermiver- sholti Gertrude." owned" by E. R. Rick (t.ttvyancQuyerJBrlt lab. .Columbia. Lnr.tT"nog,g-and-rtntctie-JFlrst. Bar well Climax, owned by W. M. Wilder, Portland. . Old English Sheep Boga. Limit doaa and hltche; . opert dogs and bitches First, Doctor Jim. owned oy tu uowen, Vancouver, u. . U, Bloodhounds. Limit dogs and bitches First, Bun- beam, owned by-J-Wesley Ladd, Port land. , Open dogs and bitches First, Sun- besm, owned by J. Wesley Ladd, Port-) land; second, Trailer, owned by Walter B. Honeyman, Portland. Winners', class First, Sunbeam. , Special prlxe Cup offered by Henry Corbett for beat bloodhound won by Sunbeam. Dalmatlana. "tSpsn dog 'ieatr-Snort, owned , by ( Mrs, It W. Corbett, Port- ana. St. Bernards (Bough Coated). Open ddgs First, - Belfast "Buster, owned by B. B.' Brown, Denver, Colo rsdo; second. Star f the North, owned by- W," T. Kerf oof, Vancouver. B. C; third, Bamny Shelby, owned by Miss Helen' Ladd, Portland: reserve winner, Glenwood Boose, owned by Louis Ra"u. Portland; V: H. C. Taaso, owned by H. C. Levy, Caacada Locks, Oregon. St. Bernards (Smooth Coated). Novice doga and bitches Firat Don, owned, by A. R. Gangloff. Portland; aecond, Jack. . Owned by Miss Myers, Portland. . . - . Wlnnera class First,' Don," owned by ATTt.'-OanSloff. Portland. " - Special prlxes Cup offered by Waller M. Honeyman for the beat rough-coated Ml.-. Bernard. won -bv Belfast Buster, owned by B. B. Brown. Denver, Colo rado: cup offered by Max Flelnchner for the best smooth-coated St. Bernard won by Don, .owned by A. R.Qangloff, Portland. ;- ' Oreat Daaea. - Novice dogs First. King, owned by W. E. Gellnsl-y, Portland. Open'dogs First, Lief, owned by Dr. Jamea Zan, Portland: aecond. Jack 1L. owned by Oregon Kennels, lllllaboro. Winners class First. Lief, owned by Dr. Jamea Zan, Portland. J . Special prlxe Cup offered. Jy M Slchel for the best Great Dane won by Lief, owned by Dr, Jamea Zan, Port land. - ' - - . , A thousand head of horses' have re cently ben ahipped from Echo to Al berta.. 7 . ; , "-: V totted-by ' JlOKAN- OAKLAND-DEFEATS THE. GIAHTS Commuters Play Fast Ball and Carry Off Honors la After- ... . - noon. . ; Z '' VAN HALTREN STEALS BASES LIKE A SPRINTER Locals Had Splendid. Chance to Tie Score in the Ninth but Poor Coach ing Causes McHaleto Be Cut Of! - t Third Base.f .Tr' OakTanH-fPortland I.T " ' J , Batteries Cates and T. Hackstt; Ea alck and, Donahue. The Commutara deserved to win yea terday afternoon's game from the Giants. . Tha visitors were busy from the first baU - pitched - until MeCredie fouled out to Devereaux In tha last half of tha ninth, , playing baseball every minute and taking advantage of every miaplay made by.Portland .;. ' The Oakland playera, stung by tha 11 to I shutout In tha morning, donned their war paint and set out to win. The flrst two; .lnnlnswereyinproductlyeof4 Its os aaoltament after Msrlflexi had beVn disposed of Van Haltren sin gled and stole second and a second later stole third. Francka-waa safe on Ea slck'a slight Juggle and Van -Haltren Slid over the home baae by an eyelash. FrancKa. pilfered .second and . Kruger came up and slammed out a double, scoring tha shortstop, but "Oon" Paul was caught at the third awltch while trying to extend his drive Into a triple. In the fourth Inning Oakland scored two more runs. T. Hackett waa safe on a single, but waa forced at second by Devereaux. Jud Smlth'a wild heave gav Catee life and allowed the "Red Dog'Vlo acore. ' Markley's hit ; scored liebell Mtnr-twtesi Tirht ended the visitors'- scoring.' -Tornanrs Brr-Tvineatrn 'in in eighth, although the Giants were within knocking distance several tlmesvMttetrH ell doubled and McCredle singled. On a long fly tor Smith In left 'Mitchell beat I tbethrow In, In tha ninth Portland had an excel lent chance to -tie the soore. but Mc Hale'a ambition spoiled the great oppor tunity," : Moore-tarted outwlth.-a. ain-. gle and Esslek drove out a beautiful double, but waa nipped at third on a aharp relay. " Jud Smlth'a coaching waa responsible 1 for - McHaie attempting third. Thla was silly, as there was no one out when this took place. Mitchell singled, afterward and In all probabil ity the acore would have been tied. The crowd got-aftef Umpire Knell after the game and- threw-euahlona at him. There was not an officer In sight to protect the otnelal."-" Knell's work was thoroughly competent. The. official acore: ...... ,. PORTLAND. 1 - - - AB.R.H.PO.A.E. McHaie, cf.' ......... 6 0 3 I 8 Sweeney, aa. , 4 0 1 3 8 1 Mltchelli-lf, .4i i -- 0 McCredle, rr. ........ 0-1-1 -1 0 Smith, Sb. 0 1 1. later, id. Donahue, a. e 14 0 7 t e 1 0 Moorej lb. . . . Raaick! 2. . Totala i i ..3T J 10 17 IB OAKLAND. A Tt. T? -TT PTl A. V. fan Haltren, t ...... 8 1 ,1 0 0 rancks, aa. .,,i.i.4l4l 1.18.3 TT i .11.. 19 a seo Smith, If ..........' T. Hackett, c. 4 0 1 'LI. 0 1 8 0 11 . 1 t Devereaux. 8b. ..8 Cates, p-.,-, nr I J. Hackett, lb 4 Markley, 2b 4 Totals. 84 4 7 37 18 SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland ....... .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Hits 1 0 10 10 1 13 10 Oakland . . 3 I 0 0 ,0 0 0 4 . una . ,.i......p 0 3 3 1 0 0 1 0 7 SUMMARY, MIPUcK AUI Uy Usslck, 7; by Catee, 1. Bases on "bal la Onr Ess ick. 8 r off Ca tes, 1. Two-baae hlta Kruger, Mitchell. McHaie.- Double play Frahcka to J. Smith. Sacrifice hit Sweeney. Stolen bnsBBVair Tin t tren Sni I IhrKrti gar. Wild pitch Cates. Left en bases Port land, 9; Oakland, 8. ' Time of game One nottr anq- no- tnHwteav-vmtMrojtneH. NORTHWEST LEACUE. Twenty-Three for ntto. (Rpeclsl Dlsimtrh to The Jonraal.) Butte, Mont.. May 31. The locals made 43 hlta off the Grays Harbor pitch ers yesterday and scored a dosen rues. The defeated team waa whitewashed. The score: :s.. " R.H. E. n,it . it imm tit 11 9 Grays ffarbor, .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 7 8 Hatter I oa uoyie and wlndalls: Lewis, Law and D. Beetllnger. . Exciting Oame at Spokaae. ' (lpeHl Wtpetcb te The Jnuraal.) Spokane, Wash., May 81. Tacoma won from the locals yeaterday In an ax- citing contest. Score: , . . . j . . j Tacoma . , 10000000 13 . 8 1 Spokane--: . .....00001000 0 1 8 0 Batteries tllgglnbothsm and Shea; Franklin and Sues. Umpire Dodd. -7'. A Mountain of Oold could not bring aa much happiness to Mrs. Lucia W like or Caroline, wis., aa did one 35a box of Bucklen e Arnica Salve, when It completely cured av run ning sore on her leg. which had tor tured her 33 long years. Greatest anti septic healer of Piles. Wounds and Sore. tno at HKiqmore urun v 01 ( DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY on : .' EA3V PAYMENTS Tess than elsewhere for Cash. Marx &BI0CI1 , ! 74 Third Street rr. IVOoCxoy-'. thitn IIAYNER, no matter how much you pay or where you get it. We have been distilling whiskey for 39 years. We hatra one of. the most modem and beat equipped distilleries in the world. We know of nothing that would improve our product. Perfection la the distiller's art has been, reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery tor YOU, with all of its original purity, strength, richness and flavor. ' It doesn't pass through the hands of any dealer or middleman to adulterate. You thus aave the dealers' big profits. rYon buy at the dlatiller' price, at first cost. . Don't you see the economy in buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as weU as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskey? !, - ., i ! have seed ft AVHKB WHTSKXV fee fcmsS it very satisfactory. I believe it ta be f a-SBfl a FULL QUARTO 1 1 ; . ' at the above amount and we will n CAE II n u w Send BO marks to show contents. Try the whiskey, nsva your doctor teat tt very bottle If yoa wish. If yoa don't And it all right, ship II back to as at OUR BXfBNSB and your money will be promptly refuaded. , Bow aotild any offer be fairer r Yon save money by order! my 10 teach, get a friend to Join yon. Yo anarta Yoa caa Remember we pay the aapreea or freight - , write our nearest office TIIE IIAYKSn DISTILLir.3 ccnPAmf Si. Pawl. Laaaa. rMsnilery.TTCT;'orCapltal. $500.000.0a 121-123 ORAND AVENUE -EXTRA-SPECIALS Lace -Spring house cleaning shows the need of an extra pair or . so of Lace Curtains, and we have prepared some tin- ;. 'yuallsfr6n gaTues linhisrlin e. .' Choice - new -pat- terns, good tun sizes ana at special prices, as iouows, per pair 75, OSe, 91.15, ?1.48, ?1.75, f 2.00, . ?2.35, f2.75 ...;.7...l?35 Good Hammoclis at $1.S0 to S6.C3 "An extra' good lot of Hammocks, every one -'with- pillows and spreaders. .. . ' .. .. .' - " - Special Cut Prices on Go-Carts -. Price cut deeply on every, folding adjustable front and back' " Go-Cart. This includes the newest designs with rub- " "ber cap, etc. - Prices $4.43, 94.95, ?5.35, ?5,75 ; ficrsnscxs TYESTERllAY'SllUNNINGr AT-tATONtA-TRACK (Jooraal Speeitl Serrlee.) Cincinnati. May 3L Results at 1 tonla race track: '- Five " and a half furlongs Robin Mood won, John English second. Toco law third; time. 1:08 -. ; -. Four-and a half furlongs La Velta won, Delia Thorpe second, Mattle Mack third: time. 0:68. Bl furlongs Matador - won." 'Wlnd- IiIfIU aevund. rieseutaieu taieai Haas, Decoration day handicap, . mile and a sixteenth Princess Orna won. airiivain secondU-CoruscaHthlrtli Unit, 1:48 3-. - Four and a - half - furlongs Seven Bella - won. Alvleo-second. Jay- wir third- time. 0:84 4-B. y-truu, LSI aw sniiiiw,' Florlael thlrdr tlma. 1:41 Slxfurlonas OamDrinus.won, rree Boptersecond. Bbscbe talra'Ttlme, HILLSB0R0 NO MATCH FOR FOREST GROVE ' SpeeisI Dispatch to The JWs.l.) Forest Grove. Or.. May 11. Tha looal nine won from HUlsboro yesterday II to 11. . The lineup; Forest-Orox Hlllabojco. Ouy Via V Parker ......- o F. Williams p.. , Gregg Bradley aa..,.. wallen Purdln lb........... Tucker McNamer n.3D. WaUen Baldwlirt-.... 3b Bennett Oott lf Patteraonl Bllllnger Ole son Kertson ...... .iioni RAVENS WIN EASY GAME FROM PORTLAND JUNIORS An easily won game was taken from the Portland -Juniors yesterday, who went up In the air after the aecond In ning, the score being 34 to 1. Lineup: Ravens. . Position. ' : Portland Jrs. Johnson c.....,;A. Oatrander Scott p. 1 1 Andrews Heppe ............ ss 1. .. Carllale Keenan ,..,.lb Carrol Nary ........ ,..zd......d. vatrander Good .... 8b. . ...Carlisle Groas ........... .If ......... Stewart Mundell cf -Stewart Hewitt ..... rf Stewart i . ' . EUGENE GRAY1DEFEAT, SPRINGFIELD NINE (peelaf Dlaps to Tie Jsoraat -" ' Eugene. Or., May 31. In the fourth game this season between the Eugene Grays and the Springfield JBlues yester day afternoon the Eugene team won by the soore of 13 to 3. Thla makes two games each for the teams. The acore by innings: Kugene ....I 8 0 8 8 0 0 1 1J Springfield 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 CORVALLIS TROUNCES THE ALBANY COLTS (aperlsl Pl.pstra te The Joref CorvalUs, Or4 May. II, The Aibany "31 Unites States Seaate, Waehmatoa7B."cT" medicinal parpeesa ia my family aa4 have a aumber-oae medicinal whiskey. Jktmat S. Uarttn. U. S. Seoetoc bom Virginia, .00 EXPnEOO PREPAID .20 TFnEICIlT isPnEPAin ship la a Plata sealed ease, with tnr fralatit. If voti east See ao have either Rye or Bourboav charges. and do it NOW;"" "TV! SOS naytea, O. Atlanta, Sa. faM ta faQ. Established 1888. an EXTRA-SPECIALS 10 A.M. to 10 P. It Exposmon. BLDG. ADMISSION 25 Colts were defeated by . CorvaUls in baseball yesterday morning; by the acore of 4 to 0.The lineup: : . ' . t ... Corvallla Poeltlon. , ' 'Albany. Huff P Scults Long id wesiey Swann , rb... Batlar - Jones .U'.... lb.... Rupert Wilkes ss. Lee Blllyeu . ir. ....... tuanmonn Cooper ....-....c. O Brlen Murray .........! Roopsr .rf. ........ i Herrsoa AMATEUR BALL CAME! A picked team from Sunnyslde beat Richmond yeaterday-11 to 10. , . e- . e , ... . :. ! The Gauld company, nine beat , the Jacobsen nine yesterday 14 to I. - ' e e .. . At . Qoldendale yeaterday ""the Rede, downed the Moroe 4 to 0. a e Newberc won front the Red Diamonds ; yeaterday at Newberg by the score of 33-tO 0. r-:,- : e e - . .. 1 he Multnomah cllib-nine went t Aatorla yeaterday an trounced the Sal. - moa-City- Mnt I t I.- : .---- The Third Multnoroaha beat the High school second tesm yesteiday momlo 11 to 11. - ; - -- e '-' . " .. The Riverside nine got vary busy yesterday -and won two games, tha firat from -North- Portland, 11 te 10; the sec ond from the Beavers, 37 to 8. - - ... e a . The West End ' team Was no match for tha Villas yesterday, loelns to the Monta villa aggregation tT to 11. e e The L'nlverelty of Oregon nine w-1 from Dallas college yesterday 4 l . on the lalter'a grounds. . .- College gamea Wflllams 1..' I; Brown 8. Tale, I; Cornell . vanla 1; Mfr-hlgan I. l:.'innl i referred r'"t ( A,'la ft Lew' i f-aaaanu. . Curtains 'A