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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
15 ' v DISEASED riEATS . .:iinr nnrinnn - ; lll(t bUMIJUIl ' i 'i . . I . . . Chicago Health Commissioner C Advised Packers to SelljCut- ting Out Infected Parts, : CALLS INVESTIGATION THE WORK OF RADICALS pill Providing for Government In- peerion f AH Meats Offered for ' Sale Introduced in Hou London Still Agitated Over Report. i. .Washington. IX C, May 11. The sen ate today paseedJUie anti-Immunity bill ajwejjttJuilh.eijurrence. of such defeats In.Jhe bourt as the.goyerejra net la the beef trust prosecution. A bill providing for federal Inspection of all meats offered In the markets for interstate or foreign commerce bi Introduced In the house; . Chicago. May 11. Health Commls " nionex Whalen todar said that cattle infected with tuberculoma had been sold te consumers upon bis advice. He ae clared that aU that is necessary Is te cat out the Infected part. The city has no authority te prose cute the packers, ho said. If they grind maggoty beef and label it '-potted ham," -There is no law that reaches them. "I would not aocept a commission te Investigate the packers." be continued. because jll investigators are radicals a nd only foment . tfn" I "' TiiaSecIor at the yards covering TOO seres, who- watches the packers all the time. The Inspection of meets la the -government's business." Whalen continued- "No scientists have yet-Droved to-my satisfaction that ha man beings are Infected by eating such meat. There may be a doubt, but if " t here TsTt" IsTi'ot iunTcWwr-to- isinuie Ihe- Irapnrtant cnmmtrclsl consideration or ths loss of several million dollars' worth of meat annually. - Whalen recommended recently that the city allow the sale of meat from 'lump Jaw" cattle, provided tne inrectea nortions were cut out. ' "It mar be true." he declares, "that ,Ahe American dealers second choice, ana " rhlcsso all meat that Is refused. If " this Is so it. Is the fault of the govern. ment inspectors. - -it is true that the stockyards are '"riot-perfect. Better sanitation can be bad. But you cannot expect us to dy namite TOO acres of buildings to suit the radicals." .. , i . MEAT SALES AFFECTED. --swrllslfc 4senasle - e - asekeiw1 - - eeAeeigT AJTecte Oaaaed Ooods Market. .-..-- (Jeans! Special Service. ' ' London, May IL English newspapers - continue to give prominence to ; -the revelations regarding American packing tiouse practices. While there Is some disposition in regard to the statements in the novel. "The -Jungle." aa sug gested or inspired. It is felt that if a tithe of what 'is told is true a strict boycott cm Chicago canned meats Is - Just lflable. : The sale of -these-goods -Is-already considerably, affected, y London agents of packing Arms havs dutifully. Issued 'combined statements and Dr. Wray. the " United States Inspector, Is out with a - brief foe the defense, in which he says - that If the English public knew the rigid regulations of the American govern ment concerning canned goods and meat generally this meat . scandal would perish in-the cradle. rZT! .T 7rZ " 1 An official of the health department of Iondon says that thorough Inspection observed her of -all ' Imported foods . makea any alarm In this .country need less. On the ether band, an unofficial meat expert saya that no inspection existing in Great Britain can help the public much, except in regard to absolute .. putrlQcatlon. Those ' . whose', faith Is trong enough to enable them to enjoy coined meat must eat It at their own risk. OFFICERS OF FOREST- IGROVITWOMAN'S CLUB '(BpeeUl Dtspateh te The 7a Forest Orove, Or., May JL The Wom an's club of Forest Orove has elected the following officers for the ensu'l! year: i-resiaeni, ,-rs. ma- lonnson, I - r 'lint Mrs g--HMvrTTiT responding secretary, Mra C. J. Corl, recording secretary, Mrs. B. E. Wil liams; treasurer. Mrs. J. T. Shannon; executive committee, Mrs. A. O. Hoff man and Mrs. I A. Wstt. Mrs. A. W. Johnson and Mrs. L. A, Watt will repre sent the local organisation at the state association in Portland next October, at which meeting Mlaa Mary F. Farnham of this place will report on "The Edu cation of Glrln." The club will devote lis time and atudy for the coming year to the development of the northwest. JURY FAILS TO AGREE IN TRAIN-ROBBER'S CASE (Bpectsl Dispstrh to The tarsal.) ' Vancouver, B. C. May II. The Jury in the trial of the train robbers who are charged , with holding up the Imperial limited near Kamloops, British Colum bia, failed to agree, standing 11. for conviction and one for acquittal. A new -trial - will p robabl y - com mence Immedi ately. . . , Warden Kelly of Ban Quentln peniten tiary haa arrived and hae Identified Ed wards aa Bill Miner, who was In ths penitentiary from March, 1181, till June, " HOI. ;.. ,. . - H- : SALEM SENDS OUT; HIGH SCHOOL CLASS fHpecUl Dispatch te The JosnuL Or , May-Jiigrl.namamlere of the graduating claas of the high school are: Ethel M. Bell, Delia C. Clark, Bertha Duncan, Elisabeth F. Harding, Mary Hutchlna. Afcice Judoon, Carrie Magness. Marguerite Mere, Helen Phil ?pa, Oenevisve Potter, Pery Rslglemsn, Ruby Rotsen. Martha Bchindler, Harvey M. Slater, Horace Sykes and Rea Utter. Olean-irp Bay at wvaata l Kneel I Dtenetrii le The Josrssl.) Grants Pass. Or.. May II. The- Urants Pass Commercial club and city oovnrll has deal ana ted as "clean-up day Wednesday. June I. All buelneas will be suspended. Boxes and recep tacles for the rubbish will be supplied arid carted away at the expense of the city. "Clean-up day" Is to be regularly ubAerfed here, and will be one of the important factors In . , making Grants "ass mere beautiful. CLAD IN ADAMESQUE ATTIRE . HE RUSHES THROUGH-STREETS 8ack to Nature?-'-wesChetTRom. son's slogan upon, arising this morning, and lie promptly proceeded to exeewte few stunts that threw a large section f the lty Into a ferment ef eacttement and ended with a'aensatlonal ehaae par ticipated la by -elx bluecoets reinforced hv thm nalral wlarnn Komson te employes aa bartenaer or Ev, Blaster and .resides on Stark street near Twelfth. Shortly before noon he anoeared on the porch of hie residence clad In a nlghtrobe and frantically beat inr his breast. Suddenly the demented manruahed Into the cellar Tif-thead Joining- house, and seisins an ax racen dowa the street. Upon reaching Ninth end Burnslde streets he discarded his nightgown and undershirt and clad in hia .'Adamesaue costume continued bis TRIAL OF BliiGER HERMAKii SET FOR JUnE 18 Senate Land Committee Favor ably Reports Fulton - Claim Bill; 7." Kim,! f The Jeorsatl Wuhimton. May II The trial of Ttlnmr Hermann for destroying gov ernment letter books must bs held by June II is ths decision of ths District of Columbia court. Ths court In reply to the application by ths government to postpone until fall, based upon the rep resentation that witnesses needed here are assigned, to Portland during June, and that the government will be put to unnatiat ost if the-trtat tiers tw set dur ing the June term of. court, iraiea mat i the defendant IS guaranieao. a speoay trial by the constitution and mat na naa incurred the' expense of bringing wit nesses here and the court had no of ficial knowledge of the other trial to which, the defendant Is a party, jne rnllne- on the motion to postpone was that-lha gpyerriment must, proceed on or before June is. The senate land committee naa ra- vorablr reported Senator Jfulton's bill djusting the claims or purchasers or Umatilla, lands. ' - David and M. Moseeeohn are guests at ths capital-today of Senator Geartn. T GOVERNMENTTO BUILD . ....MODEL ROAD. IN. LINN (soeeUl Dupstcb t The JoarmLV ' Salem. May II. Arrangements are being perfected for the mile of road to be built here under government auper- rislon on ths- Sareth-BUverton road. starting at the - fair grounds. A. E. Loder, .assistant engineer of - publlo roads, United States department of agri culture, h" been looking sfter details - of the woik. The other experiment In roadbullding to be conducted by gov ernment ofnclala will be at .Pendleton. Machinery la to arrive rrom i-uuman. ashlngton, this week. .. Rock win be taken from the county quarry.- Since the government will have a portable crusher it is probable that two crushers will be used. It has not yet been de-. elded what width the road shall be. Some favor a lt-foot roadway the en tire distance. Others favor a 1 1-foot roadway In front of the fair grounds only.. the remainder, to be 11 feet. The thing to be done will be the establishing of a grade... which in this case shall be an easy matter. Then will follow an application of crushed rock two and a half inches in .depthV-whiclvjwhen thor-. oughly rolled with a steam, .roller. Ja to bo followed by another layer of crushed rock somewhat' finer, two -1 Inches In depth. When ths roller has been ap plied what Is termed -screenlngs"will be put on. -This is then sprinkled with water and rolled effectively. This method is In a general way followed In building macadam roads. The. condi tion of. the soil and the " quality and gradeT'bf ..the crushed rock may modify the methods. HAMILTONBEATTY Salem, Or., May 11. Ths funeral of Hamilton Beattv; who died Tuesday, aged Tl years, wss held this afternoon Services were conducted toy-Revr-lt."F. Babcock of the. Presbyterian Churchy as sisted by Rev, WUliam-Mosa-of --the Oermah M. E. church. Interment was in the I. O. O. F, cemetery. Mr. Beatty wit a native of - Pennsylvania. - but nty. ,0ttes. holding several offices. He"TotCVPS a wlilow.-MrsBi a son, H. A. Beatty of Santa Barbara, California, and a daughter, Mlaa Mattle F. Beatty, of this city. UMATILLA BRIDGE IS UNSAFE FOR TRAFFIC Information received late this after noon from the offices of the C R. A N. Co. was to the effect that the bridge et-thla-slde uf Umatilla un rHetXR: A N. was not considered safe for traf fic. Trains are forced te turn back os reaching this point. It was said that the company hoped to have the bridge In traffic-worthy shape In 24 hours.. When It Is repaired it will be posslbls once more to run trains through to Spokane.- REPORTS RICH GOtU - STRIKE IN SISKIJQUS '..'....- - ; (Special IMipstrli te The Josrssl. Med ford. Or.. May II. Roy James, just returned from the Blue Ledge dis trict. In the Stsktyous, reports the dis covery by Dr. Reddy and his party of a very rich free milling gold quarts ledge of unlimited extent. The report con firms a rumor in circulation here for several days-and has caused much ex citement. A number of oltisens of Med ford will go to the scene at once. FALL FROM HORSE- MAY PROVE FATAL (Spedsl Dripitrh to The Jounisl.) Salem. Or,, May 31. Oeorge W. Ishell, well knowa among Willamette vallev horsemen, waa thrown from . a horse yesterday at- the fair grounds. He fell on his head. Ir. Byrd, the physician In attendance, believes him fatally Injured. HEALTrfOFFTCER VISITSTT : l NEW YORK MARKETS f Josrssl special .Rer-fre.) ( New York, May 11. Dr. Thomas Dsr. ling-ton, president of ths department of health, today began a personal invest! gation Into the local meat ' establish meme. trace through the leading thoroughfares. Captain Moore dispatched Patrolmea Burke, Riley and. Sergeant. Baty In the patrol-wagon to couch and ueventn streets, where Rolllson had been laat seen. -He was1 discovered racing-across ths plasa dowa Park street with a large crowd or men and boys In bis waae. He finally doubled In bis tracks and rushed ' into ths home of . Mrs. Anna Parker, a colored woman, at tit Couch street. Mrs. Parker was engaged In preparing the noon meal when Rolllson raced into the kitchen and demanded her apron to cover hia nakedneoa. She complied with his .request and he then repaired leisurely to the parlor and was found by the police reclining on a sofa. A Navalo blanket was furnished by Mrs. Parker and Rolllson was bundled Into the patrol wagon. BOGUS CHECK MAN PLEADS FOR MERCY OF COURT Instead of Getting JtHelCet . Sentenoe of Two Year r , "in Penitentiary., 1 was never la Jail in my life before, Judge, except for being drunk,, or some thing liks that," said John cooper, anas James Bfown, allss James Morris, to Judge Sears in the circuit court thl morning. Cooper was srralgned. on i charge of passing a worthless check on the proprietor of ths Standard saloon. IIS North Sixth street. Judge Sears asked him If he wanted a lawyer to de fend him. . . . -"WelCThTywant a lawyer te plesd Id Ooepew "1 will not deny paaalng the check." 1 Tou can plead for mercy ror your self." remarked the Judge. he Judg ment ef the court is that you serve two years in the penitentiary. Cooper on April paid for a drink at the Standard with a check for 11 1T on the Canadian National - bank - and - JT- sslved change. Tha.checka.aawn to James Morris and. signed J. II. Benson; When pressnted at ths bank it was pro nounced worthless. - Pleased with his success. Cooper went again to the Standard on May 17 with a check for 114.70 on - the- sams - bank, signed with the same name, but payabls to-Jamea Brawn Ha. picked nut a 1 ferent bartender, but while they were discussing the check the man who had eaahed -the" flrst .one .came-.up.and-Jn- vited Cooper to go to the bank and prove the worth of the check. Cooper started, but his escort led hint past the police station and stopped him there. BOYER CONCERT AT HEILIG THEATRE TOGHT-- Chorus of Fifty Voices and Com- petent Soloists Will Be r : on Program; " v The Boyer concert " at r the-Hetltg theeter tonight promises t' be one ef the musical events of the eesson. Fifty well-trained voices will bs' heard In the chorus work and wrmpetent-artiste-will handle; the solo parts. - , The recital will Include two selec tions by lore! composers, "The Beautl. rr:t fx?. Charles Cutter, Baritone. ful Willamette," composed bv Father opera. "The Grand Nasar," by Frankle Rlchter. " The choral piece of the evening will be Verdi's Requiem." ths most diffi cult work attempted by any lockl chorus since "The Golden I,egsnd" wss produced . by Mr; Royer. The soloists for the evening will be Miss Eula Ben nett - eoprano; Miss Jessls McConnell, mezzo-soprano; Charles Cutter, bari tone. The program its ss follows: . Selections from "Robin Hood" (De Kovens fornuartet snd orchestra;' se lections rrom Tne Otahd - Nasar" (Frankle Rlchter); 'Mr Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," from "Samson snd De lilah" (Saint Sams), Miss Bennett; "Beautiful Willamette" (F. Dominic); .Enough," f rom "Elijah". -tMen? delssohn), Cltarles - Cutter fc selections from "Requiem" (Verdi), solos, chorus of (0 voices, orchestra of It pieces, FILTERING CRIB AT ; , SALEM WATER PLANT (Special DUpstch to Ths Joorssl.) Salem, Or., May II Ths Salem city water plant has a new crib for filtering the water supply. It Is ISO feet long, with a rapacity of 15,000 gallons. The crib will be of special benefit In the summe,r time when water In the rivets Is so low that It Is difficult for ths com pany to get ths proper suction for their pumps. The quantity -and quality of thewater will be Improved. ... i. i m '.. ' - i - - i ' ' ' . ' - EARTHQUAKE ALARMS I. SANTA ROSA PEOPLE (Josrssl Special serrkf.) Santa Rosa, Cel., May II: A sharp earthquake shock st t:6t this morning lUarrneil the 'residents of this city. Many rushed from their houses, but no damage rcsulud. ,. ; 1 -;;'s-J CALDWELL TRIAL COfllKIED Judge Smith Announces That "" Motion for Change of Judge and Venue Must Wait.7 LARGER CROWDS PRESENT THAN ON THE FIRST DAY Legal '.:,Tusal in Canyon County " Court Shows Strong Array of Counsel on Both SidesFrequent . Exceptions Taken to Rulings. 1 " fSpUI TH .petes te Ths Jesraal.) Boise, Idaho, May II Whan conrt eonvined at Caldwell-thia morning even larger crowds wer preeent than on Tueeday, eager to learn what action would be taken on the peculiar situation which had arisen. ; President Moyer, Secretary Haywood and Committeemen Pettlbone of the Western Federation of Miners were present and nothing In their expres sions would indicate that they were charged with ths commission of one of the most sensational1 crimes in the his tory of ths United States, - . , Attorney -Ekarrow of " Chicago. Rich ardson of Denver. Miller of Spokane and Nugent of Sliver City - occupied seats at the defendants' tsble. behind whom sat their olienta. Mrs. Pettlbone and Mrs. Moyen were given chairs within the railing. For the prosecu tion Connty Attorneys-Van- Durn. W. B. Borate and W ELJS tonawere- present.4 Judge Smith in celling tht- cgaa r ths stats ' Haywood. Moyer Petri-- bone and Slmpklna state that the pros. ecution had filed a motion for contin uance. . Mr. Nugent for the defence' secured the attention of the court to esk that a record be made to show, that the mo tions heretofore filed for a change of juage ana a change of venue applied to only the first three named. It being whether-the defendant WmrjUaceaXha.c!jirn-111 make an effort to sine DDjunn 10 ine juoge or venue or not, aa he had not been before the court to plead. The. court directed that the record ne made. - udga Smith stated thatlie had looked up the authorities represented by the prosecution In Its motion for a cpn- tlftUahc'.aniC5nuchal he" regretted the necessity ror such action, he felt that he could take no other course than to rranrtti'"iaoilBtir"" " . Aiiomey . Kicnaroson asksd that en exception be allowed to the ruling of the court, which was granted. 'Thereupon the defense renewed Its application for balL.. ... ; 1..:..- : - Richardson stated that . the jupreme court had set tlie-tiahes g-mrpua ca se for hearing on October . ' It has been his - experience -that It reaulred from 1 three Q four, months to get ki after' a case had been argued end sub mitted. This would cause a delay of six months. - Hs urged- that It was an Injustice not warranted by the meaning of the statute to keep these merr im prisoned during this time when their ap peeranoe would be guaranteed by a bond In eny sum fixed by the court. The court denied the aoDtloatlon. fol lowing the decision of the supreme couit of California on a similar Question, al lowing an exception to the ruling. - Tne-metter-or- framing an orders to' cover the condition presented provoked considerable dlsctissiont.ThadefeneeWalla river dld much damage In that argued "that If the prosecution wanted continuance, the Order should state that it be for a definite time.' while the. prosecution had a record.made showing that the proceedings ' were stayed until the cases now pending in the supreme court in reference to these defendants had been finally determined, which order was made. Defendants ex cepting to the ruling the judge an nounced that it Is his present Intention not to adjourn ths May term of court until such action becomes necessary. but to keep It open so that If conditions should enable trial to proceed it could be done. The motions filed for change of Judge and cltangs of venue were passed to be considered and determined when the case is again called. ARD0N irSECUREO - FOR-IDAWILLIAMS Thron gh -the - efforts - of M rs. - ftf, Daggett an of fleer of the iuvenll court, the promise nf nardon for Id Williams haa been secured from Oov ! ernor George Chamberlain. The Will- Lnrobablv the esssed for lall rsslrtaTtfTAggrf'esTfTint. Melancholy Be- ! in ronmnu. 11 tu psm ini new oeen months. She . is now sfrvtrg a term of . six months In the county Jail for larceny of some perfume. . Her sen tence will expire September II. Mrs. Daggett became Interested In this much-arrested waif and thinks she has discovered many good qualities In her. The pardon is expected to reach hert next Tueaday. 5LEEPJNTTi " EIGHTEEN INCHES HIGH 1'.. ' Seven children sleeping- In a small attlo whose roof Is only II inches above ths floor wss a case reported to Dr. C. H, Wheeler, city health officer, today. It la .declared that this condition pre vails in the home of John -Sandy,- who Uvea on Humboldt avenue, nesr Fatton avenue, on the peninsula. Dr. Wneeler Is todsy making an in vestigation of the case. To enter the attic it is necessary -for-the children to crawl through a hole In the celling of the room below. . It Is exactly Ilk sleeping on a shelf. FIVE KILLED BY BOMB HURLED AT ALFONSO (Josrssl Rpeelel Service. ) Madrid, May II. It Is reported now that five persons ' were killed by tha bomb hurled at King Alfonso snd Queen Ena-and 10 injured Five- arreete have been made. The bomb was thrown soon after the procession left the church. Oar Kit roUoemaa. ' A westbound Mount Tabor strestcsr ran Into a pleas of loose lumber at the east end of Morrison street bridge at 1:10 o'clock this afternoon and was thrown over -on the opposite track, striking an eaetbound car. Policeman Pichenor, standing on the step- pX.the westbound car? was thrown - to the ground and sustained, injuries . to his legst A womsn was cut by falling glass Ths passengers .wers badly shaken tip. ' ' Stamp Sale Shows Oala. The stamp sals of the Portland poet eirira in UH exceeds that of the cor responding month in 1101 by 14,700, A CLEAfline UP CITY FROM FLOOD Men at Work in Pendleton Re moving Debris From the" ''V Streets. ;: NO REGULAR RAILWAY '. SERVICE FOR SOME TIME -V- : : . ' . Only Way Out With Mails "It VU W, ft C. R. to WaUa Walla and Thence to Spokane and Eastern Points. i (Rperlkl THsostcb te Ths JoaruLl Pendleton. Or., May 11. The hesviest loss -from-recant-floods is sustained by those below the break at Ladow's place. O. I Ladow's boms Is ruined.'- He will euffrr a loss of tl.eoo. Several hous have been flooded and yards damaaed. Household goods were nearly all moved from those housss In the west district Mayor Fee has men out at wprk and inv ciij oeing cieaneo as rapidly af possible. . Mounted police are watching to keep depredations from the flooded district.. It' will be at least thres or four dava Derore regular , trains .are running out of Pendleton on the O. R. A N. All telegraph IJnes Into the city srs out except the Stsrbuck." Wsshlngton, wire, by Which all work of the local O. R. If. offices is transacted. x Thia morning a long message was re ceived from La Oram hv w.v nt P... telro and-ean Francisco. ;n-Franelsco. a dlstsnce of a.eoe nines. I'umaming Inlurmatlon that heavy-rains have occurred all along the ltne and thres passenger trains are tied up there. .The wires over the Blue mountains ars tn'bad condition. - Reports come from Bingham Springs, where the flood started In this district, stating Jthat 40 people , from Pendleton and vicinity are camped there and run ning short of. provisions. Supplies are short among ths ranchers In many assist the sufferers. . The only- mall train now running in and out la the regular V. C. R., wljU h Is running on schedule time. The local post office today made arrangements to send all malls destined for points west nf Vmatllla by way 'of the W..oV:jC. It; to Wallula, where they are taken by the O.-R- N.- for- points -west." Mall to point, .east . of . I..,arande..U.aent..out by way of the W. eV C R. to Spokane and from there to eastern Oregon points by way of Butte, Pocatello and Hunt ington. Water Is gradually going down In the ITrnatiHa-today. Reports from- lha In dian reservation tell . of - large stock losses by Indians. The city , council met' today to order special police -nut ' on duty. Walte nopinmniyoHawaaplaced - In charge - of ths street reoairlna. iTTwais ordereit thotTtOrilgTii n. Webster, j. E. .Werlein special precaution! be taken to prevent typnoia rever and that all basements be thoroughly -cleaned.. The streets will not be peved this summer as -Intended on account of the big expenses resulting from the floods. .. , It Is very wsrm todgv and the streets are-rapidly ' drying. . Dr. - W. O. Cole, health officer, urges that no used untll first boiled., otherwise there Is danger of Illness. At this time there are no definite reports from Milton. As far ' as can: be learned . the Walla section to stock and homes. A man was caught . In a tree for several hours and rescued by ropes. - . ' T " Athena wsgj-eryJJttle damaged.. Helix waa not affected," neither was Umatilla City. . -- VICTIM OF-FLOOD, John Carroll, Aged Kllkman,' Among - Missing at Walla Walla, Walla,-Wallaf-Waah.i-May-H. John Carroll, an aged milkman, living on Gar rison creek, south of this city. Is re ported missing, and It is feared that he has been lost in the flood. Carroll re turned home somewhat Intoxicated last night. Sines then he has not been seen. Men ere at work this afternoon scfirch- iiigXTaiTTsuil Ul 1WK lOf rUf Dodr?' LOOKS INTO MIRROR-AND LOWS OUT BRAIN .auofJ.llne3S,Takes . His Own Life. ftneellr.g before a mirror In n se cluded - upstairs " room, August V. Krutschke, aged 73 year, living at ISO Twelfth street, took' a revolver and blew his brains out shortly After. 10 o'clock . this- morning. His wife and several of their children were working about the lower part of Th6 li(5use, but failed to hear the report of the re volver. By accident, the aged wife dis covered the remains of her husband u few moments after ..the fatal shot had been fired. Krutschke, who was a cabinetmaker by trade, had been In 111 health for more than two yeara end for several months had been, unable to do any work. His enforced Idleness, - his - lll ness and the fact that he and his fam ily, consisting of s wife and seven children, were not , In . the best of cir cumstances appeared to affect his mind, e lie frequently threatened to commit suicide snd only yesterday hia wife took a revolver-from him and hid It. -Thia morning he succeeded lrt rttiatnit the weapon, and while the 'wife wax (.busy about the bark yard of the house he stole to an upstairs room. Closing ths door and setting a mirror In front of It, he knelt before the mirror, placed the - muscle of the revolver against his right temple and fired. -- The shot was not heard by any of the family, but Mra Krutschke hsd oo- csslon to go to the iwm and found the bmiyrnf neriiOTband-TrTOlbefore mirror. Dr. M. Fried was summoned, but found that llfs. was extinct. Coroner- Finley was - notified and decided that" no Inquest would be necessary.. . ! ' , Building- JHrmlts. A. F. Burkhardt will soon erect a Iwo story frama building, which will bs used ss a store snd dwelling, on Twenty-third street at the corner of GUssn. According to the permits Issued, - the coot will be 13.000. " . " Other permits have been Issued ss follows: F. H. Agnew, one-story dwell ing, ' Rhine between East Ninth Rnd East; Tenth, streets, cost $1,000; Dan Downte, two-story dwelling, corner of Esst Fourth and Taylor, streets, cost 11,100; Fred Rathbone, one-story dwell ing. Bowdoln near McKenna street, cost 1700; P. M. Boyles, , shop, .East Twenty. 1 first near Holladay avenue, cost $700, I'JITIIYCOLIOE C0II IT III SIGHT Schiller, the Cigar Man, Says He "Has Failed to See the Color r ' of Any. ' .Jj. CAMPAIGN RESULTS IN VERY LfTTLE BETTING County 'Committeei Map Out Plana J for Closing Pays of the Campaign Several Important Meeting! Are Still to Be Held in Portland. V , "Mostly bluff.; .....' Thus Sohlller, the cigar man,' charac terise the talk about chunks of money going a-begging on Wlthycombe at odds of two to one.: v; - -,).:; We have had some money offered to be placed on even terms,", said Schiller, "but onlyv one man has come . around saying ha would give odds. I told him to bring , his money,-' but " he . never showed up, sd I guess it was all talk." The "cigar man declares there Is very llj tie betting being done In town, and, Wdeed, very little money being offered. He has not placed' a single bet on the gubernatorial candldatee. All placed upon the candidates for sheriff Vers small. Ths betting In this case as always at even money, After the bis state rally tonlsht. the Democrats will hold a few large meet 1 nis cy oeroro tne election. ings in 1 iJ""'"t nnstrstton Is ernruuien for Baluidiy nlgnt. of meeting has not vet been flkfed. It is possible thst the rally will be held in the- open air. ; The Pairvlew meeting tomorrow night is expected: to srouse cphslderable. en thuslasm in that section. The. principal1 speaker will be Hoii. C'eT. S. Wood. There Will also be short addresses hv John Van Zante. candidate for county judge, and Ed Cahalln and K. N. Em ery.' candldatee for the house of reora- sentatlves. - ' Graham Will Speak., The people of -the eaat aide will have an opportunity of hearing the i vmo cistic nominee for -congress, James Harvey Graham, tomorrow night. The U-w4U take vlaio at Oiilllcx-BuTr TfT addition to the other features already announced Mtr-.C: Johnson will KeT Friday night there will also be thresh street meetings in this city, one at the ) " corner oi rourrn sna Washington, an- 01 her at the corner of Madison ta nil First and the third at the corner of -and-Burnslder-A nomb:trf4 ?r&WX? - '"j . The Republicans havs arranged for! three- more meetings In this sect tonrTnT Odd Fellows hall at University. Park ana a. A. nauey are acheduled to speak. Tomorrow night ths gubernatorial ca atdate will appear at Burkhard s hall on the eaat slde'snd Saturday night he Will be the principal attraction at' the final tally' to be held at the Empire the atre, Ex-Governor Geer alao speaks b'th nights.; . U COURT OF APPEALS WILL " REMAIN JN. SAN FRANCISCO - Judge William B. Gilbert of the Uni ted States circuit' court stated. this-i morning that the United States court of appealswjiuldinieet again , in .ISan Francisco, as formerly, and -would rot be transferred JtQ some .other-city, Byi iwmi iiiiuib Ddn rrancisco is maur? the principal meeting place of the court of appeals, .but It is also provided that the court may meet In two other cities within the district. These wocitles areiPortlsnd and Seattle, taking ad-vantage-ef San Francisco's proxt ration, Seattle made an attempt ti have the principal meeting place of the court of appeals transferred to her own city. The attorneys of Ssn Francisco pro tested against this move so strenuously thst Sesttle gave up the attempt. Judge Gilbert said that Judge Hunt of land fraud caaes that wll , b presented by Francis J. Heney, "Heeir. .hnnlrt um . . ntirs, , , nn swig riniB" morntnf,rDy: July 1. He has a great deal of business to attend to at-Washington"butr-I think that he ran finish hy J.hat time er pos sibly earlier. Then the land fraud cases e -.begun at .onca."-- - ... . : GAS-MAY-GAUStDEATff 01 IOOMINGOtJEttDGER1Ti"iriBi-r movtd riapr Mi,,t" Jack Lewis, an employe of the OrcgoaiTJ. ijQa . YlrtRMCCDCD'O Railroad Navigation company, waaiUIAH oALUUIM-Mltr tri J discovered In an unconscious -condition-! n rUniUlinCnYnf h HJHTCTI"" this aflernoori In a room at the. Apple-! , i, ll uu w, . . vs tat a 1 1 w apartment waa filled with gas. from an escaping Jet. Lewis was removed to the Good Ssmarltan hospital and grave doubta are entertained for his recovery. Lewie-rented a mmiiii st the ludgtng-- house early last evening and went out shortly afterward. Nothing more waa seen of him until Mra M. K. Hicks, the housekeeper, detecting the odor of gas, opened the door to the room and found Iewls- lying - on the - bed. Detective Vaughn made an Investigation-and could find no evidence of attempted suicide. It Is the opinion of the police that upon returning -home In an Intoxicated condition he accidentally turned, on the gas. AGED PIONEER COUSIN- OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY V V a a irillthom. or..' Mr,at Mr A. J. Hamilton, ss aged pioneer of this -count.!-. 0ld la Hits dtr Taeanar t the home of Hon. W. T). Ifare. Mra. Hamilton was born In New York Mur 14. 1S28. in 170 ahe rente to Vi nnhlnslim connty snd resided In Bsverton tint II about eiie rear ao. wli.n Mr. Hamilton died. Mra Hamilton then came to tllllahoro te lire with her utater, Mrs. W. T. Hare. Mra. Hamilton. wboe aialdea name was Crr thla I,. Anthonr. waa s cousla of the late B. Antbonr. sod haa been s prominent woniiaii i Cntisreratli iwrTirm wvrfr rviu iw rfninriir" 01 jir,n. W. D. Htv Kct. (illpitrlclt of rirfatlng. Tl body wm tikn to tb rrtmatarliim. .. . r a. i a . a. a . I m m mm CHAMBERLAIN CHEERED BY FOREST GROVE MEN Forest Grove, .Or., May SI. Every ow In. Forest Grove Is a Democrat to day. Governor Chamberlain was met at the depot this morning by Mayor Peter son and '"Other prptnltieniCltliene. In eluding both Republicans and Pemrr- .Mii Tin. sriernnnn ine nwarnr spoke at ths.'chapel exercises In Pacific university snd wss most heartily np- plauded bv the students and faculty Governor Chamberlain speaks at Vert s hall t oltisens at 2 o'clock this afternoon, i . SAUICEIISEJMS- HELPED TOlVri r -' -" '-; .. ,- -r, ; ' ' St. . Johns People Explain the Liquor Situation In That .i.;.:..:,-; ALLEGE LOCAL OPTION LIQUOR LAW- IS UNFAIR- Call Unity of Two Precinctg Trickery V, ' Mayor an4 - City -Officials' Sign '.' Comuhlcation Explaining Conditions Are Better.' That The Journal haa received a communl cation in regard to the liquor question in St Johns, sighed by'lhe msyor.'clty council snd other officers, of thst town. After setting forth .what is declared to '' be' the Unfairness of the. local .option " liquor law and pointing out -the "trlcki . ery" of uniting precincts 6 and 67 for a , vote on the local option law, the com- T-" munlcation continues ss follows: ' Now as to the merits of ths matter . we would say;. St. Johns is almost sur rounded 'by saloons. ... Before a license ' ordinances was passed the city was full of "blind plge. snd -'bootlegs," all of J which is well known to both the wet . and dry e)mnt. Ten cents would buy a round trip ticket In several different dlrectiona where liquor could be had In abundance. The' result was that St. -Johna was simply a dumping ground for the drunks who came here loaded with Honor nrocurerf at other nlaei It ! rtlffl.,li f II. II,. . M. to .control the situation. But now that we have saloons, each, paying 11.000 per. year in advance, run ning . under a very" stringent ordinance. the "blind pigs" rnd "bootlegs" have dlsappared,-tlie sakmns .seem to recog nise their accotintahlllty to the publio and a mora eatisfartory condition pre vails. The abominable conditions that formerly made Ht. Johns ridiculous ami a laughing stock for our neighbors have certainly been Improved by high license. - Mayor. W. H. KING. S. C. NORTON. -1 k-B-Wa LK KRt W. W. RASKR. A. ltRP.It.t,.v; L DOBEU " " S City- CounclU .K.L.-.IIlpRS:DVKK.- 1- Recorder. " S. It GREF.NE. CltyAttorney. i - V, ! APrMCim TIMOTDIlsCM .'" - riV V :l .. """"'"-n " - TDENY GRAFT-CHARGES- . eee4 - J(flperlsl 'Dlspsteh $o The .Jnurstl,) e . Oshkosh. Wis.. Mav II The - e &HSh .Thomas Daly, Janus Doughty.- 4 Benjamin Doughty ' and James - Bray, charged with- alleged land w frauds In Oregon. Is In progress today In the United States court, w This mornfng James Doughty' -and .Benjamin iHinahty were ex- amlned and both denied all charges In the Indictment and salrt thst they tisd hart im deal.. -.'ngts-lnQregrin 'land . since, Hay. -4 and that tho company had not w employed Black of Hhanlkn or . e w sny-Oregon - people - to purchase - e -- -r-sell Is ml, and thst there had -e never been any Intent or effort -to defraud the government. - The s - hearing was resumed st 3 e - -o'clock. e e e e e e RELATED PHYSICIANS HAVE FAMILY FEUD - ,.-4- (Roei-tal niipatch. te The Jnurssl.) Grants Pass, Or., May 1 U Because they threatened to take the lives of Dr. snd Mrs. Williams of Placer, north ern Josephine county. Dr. and Mrs. dive Mqjr rl r Pleeee; 'Were .iiarli4 ta th 1 ftt anrl a r tiliacffrt Uind(!r noo bonds each to keep the pe. ! T tJl jui lurl, jj l.i . tin i n In lus and liave bevu nefghbois for two yea t-s-. Recently trouble arose and the two , phyalcliins carried loaded revolver a. -Ncighbora Insisted thst WHIHms swear -nuj; a" warrnntTor The-srfesmif-lrrr: Major and his wife, as both openly-dt clared they would shoot on sight "If th'eW r. or MrsWiUUunaS33Jaior.. wiia;: fnfm.rlw nrarf If.ina. nhvslrlun In this iiuifii. 1 u i iinim i uw (SneHsl Plrtcb to The Jonrfeiil.) Payson, Utah, May II. Early this morning In an attempt to murder Jo seph E, Crook and his family a five the front porch and exploded hy a time fuse. The explosion wss downward ami wrecked the porch snd front wall of the house. None wus seriously, hurt, but the detonstlon arqtised the town. Two men were seen driving away in a buggy. Crook Is a saloon-keeper end has never been In trouble, rxcept lhat he Is disliked by the prohibitionists. . ; SEATTLE CANAL BILL REPORTED FAVORABLY V-- a.wu.1 -1 fil.M!, an Thai jAnrttat.) - Washington, May II. The bill for the canal between Paget sound snd Jike Washington lies be?n reported favorably by the senate commerce com mittee. James A; Moore, who applied" for permission to build the csnal, Will bv. required to build and .maintain it for three, years, st ths expiration -of which time he will. turn It over to the government, w " TRAINMAN DIES AS " RESULT 0F1NJURIES"- (Special Dlapstch to The Jesraal.) . . - Olvmpla. -Wanlw-May 31, Conrttd Freltag. who was fearfully ' cruslie.l whlla coupling cars on. the Port Town send railway yesterday, died at the hos pital at 10 o'clock lust night. He was IS -yeara of age and was a brother-of I.uls Freltag of Baker City, Oregon. " FEDERAL TROOPS ARE " LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO . . , Washington. May 1Oeneral Greeley at Ssn Francisco. repoHa the practlcnl withdrawal of federal troops there, be. glnnhig todhy, the local aufnorltles having agree upon a plan for proper and adequate policing of the city. Bet gain of II per cent. - - - j -. ....' : : -' J