The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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I - -
- f
AflerTHighlyiSuccessflil Campaign Trip He
j Comes to Address Multnomah County
; : ; Voters at Empire Theatre
"Oevemor Chamberlain returned to
Toi-tlend this morning- after a highly
successful eerie of mwtlnn In the
western and southern part of the state.
JI left Eugene" at f o'clockthls morn
' Ing.V stopped off . at Salem. ; where he
transacted considerable omciai business,
and reached here at 10:25 o'clock, going
- at once to hie home on the east aide.
. In the afternoon he spoke at the dedl-
-ato f 4heolilUr' -monument.
- , Jreat preparatlone are being; made
for tho meetlnjrhere tomorrow night.
" which is" to be addressed by tim gov
. ernor.' All signs point to an immense
crowd, aa- the -frlenda of .the chief
magistrals. Irrespective fTarty,are
taking an entbuelaatio interest In the
affair, and are determined to nfake the
closing; tally In hta behalf In this por
tion of the atate a memorable one.' The
(Joeraal Special Service.)
Paris, May 10. Tea men have Just
. settled a duel with the same result that
T usually attenda a French meeting on the
. field of honor, bat It waa more easily
achieved.- . . .
rha challenger, who Imagined he had
i r .7,1 , ,T rn-T7T i arivraarv, a I
.AI. ..uUa. ". liwaa I
newspaper editor, saying: . "One does
Chief " Magistrate 7 Addresses
- Large Audience at Naval Hos
' " pital: at Tidewater. -
Union and Confederate Veterans LJs-
ten to Praise of Army and Navy
and Its Deeds in the Past Returns
rrto Capital Today. . . . '
(Joornal Special Servlee.)
Norfolk. Va, May SO. Never In the
history of this city did tha celebration
of Decoration day attract so enormous
a crowd of visitors from the surround
ing districts as this year. ' Thla waa due
to the fact that President Roosevelt
hsd consented to deltvcr the memorial
a at tha exercises of the Array
i- and Navy union in the navy hospital
cemetery at Tidewater, near Norfolk. .
. President Roosevelt, accompanied by
Secretary Loeb and several personal
. frlenda. arrlvedherelhie mominerTm
- - board -of-he Mayflower -and- landed at
' the pier of the navy yard. Rear Ad
' mlral p. F. Harrington and the mem-
brs of hl. staff .were receive
..the president. After the exchange of
. greetings, the president and his party
seated themselves In carrlagea and
--naval hospital cemetery grounds-at
Tidewater. v In front of the Portsmouth
courthouse, which the president paased
on hla way to the cemetery .a grand-
stand had been erected, which wa
""""Town; Tlif jr leneived the fiissliloiil wllli
cheers and the waving of little flags.
iThe president stopped and briefly ad
dressed the children. A few minutes
: later he continued on hla way to the
; cemetery, where the union and eonfed
' erate-veterana of Norfolk, Portsmouth
rand Berkeley; were already assembled. I
awaiting the arrival of the president.
A salute was fired when the president
entered the cemetery grounds and pro-
eeeded to.- the a rands land from which
. he addressed the assembled veterans
; and cltlius.
At the conclusion of the address the
president returned to- the nsvy yard,
where he was the guest of Read Ad-
r KTrmmnrWit IritheaTtar-
noon, after luncheon, the president will
receive the Officers of the naval sta
" ; tlon and then he will return to the May
flower and start for Washington.
Burglars cet BmaU XauL
(Upwlal Diapatrh-to Tta Joernal.)
Eugene, Or., May 10. Burglars en
; Dunn's bakery and Schweiing tt
Iindley'a barber shop In this city Mon-
day night and took from the bakery tl
; i in cash and a quantity of cakes and
; randy. Nothing in the barber shop wss
' molested. The burglars effected their
entrance by breaking the locks on the
. rear doors. . ;
-ThatrTired Feeling
Thai cornea to yoa every spring is s
sign thai your blood is wanting in
vitality-, Just aa pimples and other erup
lions are signs that your blood is im
pure. '
One of the great facta of experience
'and obserration is that Hood's Sana
pari lis always removes That Tired Feel
ing, . gives new 2 life, , new courage,
strength and animation ; cleanses the
blood, clears themplexoJrtldsjip
the whole system.
.This is one of the reasons why Hood's
Barsaparilla is the Best Spring Medicine.
Accept no substitute for
Hood'o Garcaparilla
Insist on having Hood's, . Get it today.'
' la Uqnid or Ublot form. 09 Doses $1.
meeting is to be eld lirth Empire ftaverai haitda . have been en'
gaged and there will be no lack of goooT
music. Bealdea Governor cnamoeriain.
J the llat of- epeakera-wlU 4ncludeJudge
T. O. Halley of the aupreme court ana
a JCJHenry.who wiU speak aa the per
sonal reDresentative of United States
Senator John M. Gear in.
Prior to his addreaa In this City, Gov
ernor Chamberlain will apeak at a
meeting to be held tomorrow afternoon
In Forest Grove. Provided the floods
'do not cause the suspension of railway
traffic, lie wlIT start Friday foar Umatilla
county, where he la to .close hie, cam
paign Saturday with an afternoon ad
drese at Weston and-an evening au
dresa at Pendleton. He la elated over
the political outlook, and confidently
looks forward, to his reelection by a de
ceive majority. i
not send seconds to a scoundrel like you.
t box your ears by letter Inatead.
Please, therefore, regard them as boxed."
Tba recipient Of the challenge replied;
I regard my ears aa having been boxed.
Cordially I thank you. In the same
manner I blow out your brains with
revolver! Regard yourself aa dead. " I
aatnta r Alt aArnsa " u eaaansaea?aeasaB-
salut your corpsT
w 7"TContlnued from Page One.)
rlter. and ms wnable- te get ouWthe
I building being surrounded hy four feet
or-water; ;
Farmers below were forced to take
to the hllla and many are living in a
little church at tha-forks--of the river.
The river at Milton is three quarters
of a mile wide and baa overflowed a
large area of garden, fruit and alfalfa
land.--The damage to the-garden men
all over the valley will be heavy. .In
Walla Walla many basements have been
flooded and many gasoline and steam
engine are being used to clear the
cellars, . ; . -
SUvoe by Worst Bains la Sis.
:' . tot-y of SeotlOB.
- ' (ftpeef at Dtapetrk to The Joeraal.)
Walla Walla, Waah., May SO. Bridges
washed out. houses wrecked, streete
flooded," electric and telephone stations
out of commission and thouaands of
dollars worth of damage done to grow
ing crops and hay In the fields of the
lowland districts,-!-the-result of the
worst rain In the history of the Walla
Walla valley,
Mill creek and the Walla Walla liver
are bursting over their banks and in the
lowland districts whole farms aref un-
Hr ''", , ,
Brldjfes aad aToaes Jon.-j
' Business was practically suspended
In Walla Walla today. Thousanda of
people are lining the banks of Mill
creek, watching the work of the flood.
- The Clinton, Park and Sixth , atreet
bridges went out early thla morning.
rTh Tear end0f Wo; i Roaa aueet. a
disreputable house, waa awept away,
with the piano and furniture. The in
mates had a nanusr escape:
Mill creek overflowed . Its banks at
Merrlam street early thla morning and
a big stream of water is now flowing
down 'Alder BTrtennTOUgn the business
district. "
The spreading waters flooded msny
residences In the city. In Spring Grove
addition, east of the city, people have
pelled to seek safety in flight.
leaving behind thelr household yoods
J . Towns In Xtarknees.
A foot and a half of water surrounds
St Mary's hospital. .
The -Northwestern Gas a Electrlo
company closed down ita- plant on the
Walla Walla river at 11 o'clock last
wight, jutting o:
1 el-rtrlr power In
Walla Walla, Waston, Athena and Pen
All the newspapera and many manu
facturlng and ' flour mill plants were
forced to close down today, with little
chance of resuming operations before
Friday- -.
A telephone message from the power
plant, a tatea that . It- lalmpoaaible -to
keep the Intake for the big pipe line
clear ef debris, and that entire trees
are being swept down the Walla Walla
A message from Milton statea that
the railaoad bridge la In grave danger.
Work has been suspended on the new
gravity water eystem on' upper Mill
creek, the flood forcing 100 men In the
camp at Wlckersham bridge to seek
safety. The ditch line has been flooded
with debris washed down from the
mountain side. The damage Is estimated
at many thousand dollars.
The reservoirs are flooded with
muddy water from Mill creek. . .
Reports from Dayton state that the
Touchct river Is flooding the lowland
country, causing considerable damage
to alfalfar and garden tracts.
Several bridges below Prescott have
been washed out and others are badly
damaged.. - r--
Pendleton Xaandated by Means of TJn
dargTomad Baoe From Brers'- XCUL
(Special Dlipateh te The Jovrnal.l '
Pendleton, Or., May JO.-The flood
which has Inundated the business seo
tlon of 4he city is due not entirely to
seepage at the levee in, the eastern end
of town, but to the back water from
the river entering through the outlet
from the Byers mill race.
Power for this mill la supplied from
the Intake; at the eastern edge of the
city. The water Is ditched along the
f-eaetern and southern slope toward the
town and crosses to the mill of the
Byers company under the city. It Is
sluiced from the mill by means of un
derground conduits, through the levee
and back Into the river at a point three
blocka above Main atreet.
Through thla alulceway under the
Uvea the high water la the river reaches
- ': : ' ' ' ' i v '. ' , '
At Almost
Factory Cost
Nice, new high-
grade pianoa -7"
. .. . , being doted put
regardless of .
cost preparatory
to turning over
.our business.. '.
- to our successors
: July 1. ' Can you.
use one at ,
following low -;:
rWorth:tJow w
... $5758456 C
8550 $436
$525 $418
$500 $390
We have quite.
a number of
, good second
hand and -'
" used Pianos '
ransrinsr in -
77V price from $50
are almost as
-I; ;,njea,
and worth fully
- twice what we
ask for them.
If you can
uae one, don't .
r be slow about
-itthey are -'-
being picked up -"
by those' who
know a good
bargain, when
they see it.
We are closing -out
all organs
at factory cost. .
Everything sold
. on ourjeasy-
. payment plar
which is so
popular with
Allen. & Gilbert-Ramaker-Co
Corner Sixth and Morrison
the. treets of. thejbu sin ess section. j If
there had been a gate in the archway
under the levee the business section
The East Orwgonlan building is not
affected by the flood and the paper wltl
appear - aa usual. -The vicinity of the
WHrune or rice la under water, ana aa
the -power has been, shut off. that paper
waa not Issued this morning. -
Bank Taxes Bemltted by County Court.
The personal -forthe year 1005
aaaeaaed agalnat 'the Wells Fargo Co.
bank waa $2,471.00, which with penalty
and Interest amounted on May 10, not,
to $2.671.0.
On that-day the fulluwlng orderwas-
In the county court of the state of
Oregon for Multnomah county. u
For the transaction of county busi
ness. -
In the matter of ' the cancellation of
one half the' taxes assessed agalnat the
Welle Fargo a Co. bank.- Order. . .- .
I It ta-hereby ordered that -upon the-f
payment by the Wells Fargo a Co. bank
of the sum' of $1. $75.(6, the taxea
assessed against said bank for the year
1905, be and the. aame hereby la satisfied
and aettled, and that the said sum be
accepted In full payment and aettlement
of all of the taxea due from said bank
for said year.
No cause or reason Is given In said
order or appears from the record why
the sum of $1,376.16, Justly due the
county, waa' thus donated by Judge
Webster and the commiasloners to the
said bank. -
This sum donated to the bank would
have more than paid the expenses which
the county . court compelled Sheriff
Word to pay out of his own pocket to
close and keep cloaed the gambling
houses of Portland.
It is in line with the previous act of
the court In remitting half of the $600
tax assessed against the owner of the
nlckel-ln-the-alot machine.
Such actlona as -the above have led to
Indorsement of John Van Zante. the
Democratic candidate for judge by the
municipal league and to his liberal sup
port by other organisations and Inde
pendent voters and among many other
things account for the widespread re
volt against' the reelection of Judge
Webster. Adv.
' Scout Toung camp. No.; t, United
Spanlab War veterans, held a well at
tended meeting thla morning at the
Armory. . The special order waa tha
initiation of new members, ten of whom
were enrolled. The veterans turned out
in full fdrce this afternoon to take
part In the parade. Tonight there will
be a social aessloa la the cams; quarters
at the Armory, i
- $325 248
$300 S224
S275 $196 .
0 S156
King Alfonso and Princess Ena
Attach Signatures to Paper
Before Court. "
Marriage Ceremony to Be Performed
Tomorrow Madrid In Gala Attire
and People Wild With Enthusiasm
for Royal Couple. , , .
fJaaraal Bnaelal Sarrlet.t
Madrid, May 10. The ante-nuptial
fetes that have whirled along In - be
wildering splendor for nearly a week
past have aroused the people to a high
state of enthusiasm - and everyone is
agog In anticipation of tha royal -wed
ding. Venerable cltlaena of Madrid de
dare that tomorrow, will add to their
Stock of reoollectlone the memory of the
greatest scenes of popular-enthusiasm
they have ever known.
King Alfonso will be married to
Pxlnceea Ena . shortly after ' 11 o'clock
and after the marriage She royal eoupie
will pass before the people In open, car
riages accompanied by tha uaual acces
sories of military and official pomp.
The line ef mareh- lie- beneath seas -of
flaga and red and yellow bunting and
lnda under beautiful arches adorned
With ribbons of roses. Every houatop
and window along the - way naa been
sold for the pageant. Large numbers
of mounted and. unmounted troops
drawn from every part of the kingdom
will pit their strength agalnat the
maaaes of apeotators who must struggle
for positions In the streeta.
Tha people nave entered into the cele
bration- of the - happy national-event
with Intense enthusiasm. "Their mood
Increased as Madrid took 'on fresh ac
cessions, of color, and today it appears
as though everybody has quit business
and lent hla voloe and presence to the
popular revelry. - The city Is filled early
and lata with tha cranh and babble of
veleea, - 1 la like a, gssa elrniis. a huge
bullfight and an endleas succession of
street falre. Wherever the young king
nnBeaxaoaer geeg repeated I atfi. jilL the
warm home ge which distinguishes the
The law of Spain requires the reading
and signing of the nuptial contract and
the 'tomar-. de' dlcbos" a promise of
marriage. This ceremony took place at
thePardo. . thla afternoon ".and
was a most impressive function. It
was 'witnessed by the whole Spanish
royal family, the Prince of Wsleo rep
resenting King Edward, the English am
bassador, the grandees ef -Spain and the
exalted functionaries ef the palace. -
- - When arrested last night on a charge
of assault and battery, John Dunn, a
Syrian, waafound ,to -be In the posses
sion of seven' watches and a quantity of
melted silver. Dunn is well known to
the police end was arrested at one time
on a charge of highway robbery, ... It la
believed that he secured the watchea and
silver In San Francisco and. the au
thorities there - will . bs communicated
Boys Zieave Home. - -
N. O. Taylor of North Yamhill, Ore
gon, has reported to the police that hla'
two sons, Fred, aged It years, and Bert;
14 yesrs old, have left home. At the
time of leavinr the- youths took a double-barreled
shotgun and a, .Jl-callber
Tudge T.
and Chas.
M. Gearin, will address a Democratic Rally
at the Empird'Theatre, 12th and Morrison Sts.
Music by Brown's Military Band.
Bloch-Bauer will sing "The Star
I : Good Carpets well laid
fi -isfacUon.- Carpet-quality and. jieat work- T Yf fA f? p ffpC: ft
JlJ- manship go with every floor covering vrrimjLM m arJ 1 r r . 1 I FL ai kV
tstacuonrvajpet-quaiityjmfijieat .wor
manship go with every floor covering" weT"
lay "without a wrinkle ' is our . motto
we live up to it, too. : Our . Carpet Depart
ment is on the second floor remember,
we're always glad to pull down or out to
I - show them to you. You're
look as to buy
Anglo-Indian' Rugs,' Ixll.. ........
Jtoyal Wilton Rugs, 9xlt
Imperial Axmlnster Kuga, "xlt
'Body Brussels Rugs. Ixlt
- -
- Afghan Velvet Rugate xj I , . . . ,'
Middlesex Brussels Rugs, fxl a..'.;.....,,.
Jngraln All-Wool Rugs, xlt...'...
Axrtlnster, "Oriental and Persian
per yard '
.Wooi..vaivet per yara.......,...
-Body; Brussels, per yard
Cooke Velvet, per yardj.'. .";
Windsor JBr.usaeJs,per yard
, lianeca jsrusseis, per ra ...,.,......,.....
' AU-Wool Ingrain, : per yard . .'. . k .
, ; yTaif-Wool Ingrain, per- yard...;...;.
Granite Ingrain, per yard .........
English Linoleum
E Quality.. ,,,,,,,,...;.,T...., ,
D Quality
rirsC Quality Inlaid
Granite "Inlaid
rine.' They are 'supposed to have come
to this city and the police are endeav
oring -to locate- tba-runaways,
acinlnr team Plea.
: J. C. Wilkinson received a telegraph
message from Salt Lake City today an
nouncing tha death of hta brother-in-law,
W.IL Clark, a prominent mining
man of that city. Mrs. Wilkinson left
Furnish If pf&SRMS XS 0ffce 6
Geo. E. Chamberlain and
G. Hailey, candidates for re-election,
K. Henry in
; - Q -
render several popular selections:
always' give' Mt'
is always a
as welcome to
f 50.00
f 27.50
f 20.00 -f
13.0O -
91.15 91.20
. . . .
14.80 Beaisn
-i f 5.S0 French
u.$7.00 French
rtlv:Velour and
...... ,..i,Br.
$$.00 Tapestry,
$1.64. Tapestry,.
-""tloeo-Tapeatryr.Extrax.ileaTy..jLjb..jiHL.. 1MB,
Sunday for Salt Lake and was at the
bedside of her brother when he died.
' - i
As the result of a stabbing affray In
the O. R. A'N. freight yards at th
behalf of Senator John
QuJ '' ' .;;;,--'.'.
." New Draperies' never come amiss. There'
place where' you can hang fresh ;
curtains or Dngnt new paruerea. r otning
helpa more to "freshen up" the horn .We
'"would like youtp see the dainty- lace tir-
tains we are showing. The prices will -
.please you immensely..; ? : . . .
; $7.50 Lace Curtains. Ecm .94.75 '
tJ.OO Lace Curtains, Ecru ... 95-50 -
18.60 Lac.e Curtains, Ecru .............;a0.25
; 11.80 Lace Curtains, Ecru ...-91.75
. M OO Lace Curtains, White t... ........... 5.75
110.00 Lace Curtains, Ecru .'.V.. ...... ...... .96.75
-tt.T( Lacs CurUins, Ecru ..................93.25 '
"'tJ.Be Lace CurtalnSLEcfv . . V. . .V.'.i ..... 92.25 "
r fs.00 Laos Curtains. Ecru...........r...f 3.75 ...
5.5 Lace Curtains Ecru -93.50 i
$2.00 Lace Curtains. White ......91.25 ;
11.50 Lace Curtains, White .............. ..-.90
13.60 Lace Curtains, White ................ 92.25
. $1.60 Lace Curtains, Ecru .......... .90f
Strips ,
. .. . ..-.?.
Oriental and Persian deslgji. 95.75
Scroll design ....-.; 92.25
foot of RuaaeU ktreet last night Ed
ward Fogarty lies at the point of death
at St. Vlnoent's hospital, and Oeorge
Foley occupies a cell at the city prison,
charged with having committed the aa-aaulC-
Foley- was arrested this morning
by Detectives Vaughn and Hellyer about -
half a mile from the scene or tne crime.
The rasor with which the cutting was
done was found by the police and booked
aa evidence.
. 1
Mrs. Rose