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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
.23. L TIIE OREGON-DAILY -JOURNAL.-H)RTLAND. MONDAY-EVENINGl:. MAY .23. 1SC3. , or .. - T FflOLl 1IIGELS OF THE DAY , rA Garrison Finish Brought Them ' Victory In the Morning , '' Gam. . ' . " : Stray Bita From All Lines ' and .All Climes Dished Up for You to Read. G1AHTS TOOK TWO SPORIIO GOSSIP SCHMIDT RULED OFF BASEBALL IN ENGLAND MAKES A POPULAR HIT BY UMPIRE KNELL In tha Eighth InnlngEwlck and StelU Had a Pitching Fait, In WhI;h tha Latter Cam Out With Northwcit .Laagua Dropi Umplro Satley German Blama Beer for Their Defeat at Athena American to Try for Diamond Sculla. '. ' - ' ' v.' f c , - i t.- ":- J . Fandom had lot to tok notlca ot y tarda v. . Portland took two game from t,ui Aimitirtim "!' ai thair nw glad rag; th riot call had to .. bo Bounded, and there war otner nap . panlnga, all of which helped . iim to make gladaomo day.; Th cor war ' I to 4 ton th morning and I to I for th afternoon session. " Until th ninth Inning of th inorn " Ing aaaalon ' gam "th hearts of local .'' Twttri wer aore .and heavy. It looked a If th Angara had th corpa id eut and wer preparing thr funeral- notlca 'when, the local took a hook on" thm " selve and with1 a balloon aacenalon --helping th Glanta pulled-through four ... . tallica that tucked, th gam under meir . wing. . The ninth opened with . Moor ., gritting a pas Ellis dropped a hit by Calif f and Moor wnt to aacond. With th bleacher helping him eome Hop klna walked McHale and gavo th aam thing to Sweeney, forcing home a run. Mitchell lifted a doubl Into left and Callff and McHale tallied.' McCredle arof a walk bv nutting nla arm agalnet -- ball ' JffaBmiih.- Jtrat to keep thing moving, touched on agalnat the Ll field fence and Mlk Jtrpued hom - with, the winning ran----'- . Th flnleh.waa ljke a bunch f lira ' cracker. Prevloua to' thl batting and paaalng feattval th locale had tallied one In the flrat. MrHala draw a prom- JUttUA..aafl.,JlUllinf.U?!'L..t.V ' '.'''.'j.. ' a force by Sweeney and a little one Ty .McCrrtl.-whlch Corhoanar. decided -to play to flrat UcHalamade th tally , by a pretty slid horn amid applause. Tproartooa Seamldt, r --. " Th riot call had to he aent In during -th afternoon. Mr. Bah in Id t jarred the nerve of Umpire Knell and th umpire .called the nun with -th ehlld.-The up- - roarlou Schmidt waa put alongside of the water, cooler. Thla waa only , on of th Interacting eventa of tha, Sunday matinee. . ' .' : 1 1 - Everything waa moving eef-e- until ' ' the fourth inning rolled around. Every body, .waa enjoying hlmeelf and Mo lm .wu upsetting Andy Carnegl' declaration that rich men do not laugh. Mae la now rich or rather waa yeater day.. Me la aavlng money. On Satur day night ha gat 11.70 playing a cigar zzaot machine and found a way to aar it. He did it by going home and to bed. He woke yeaterday and the $1.70 waa etlll with him. - It waa such a good - loke that It mad Mao laugh all after noon and it waa a pity that Andy Car negia waa pot on hand to e for one now a rich man arnllea. : . . 1 St. back, to .Schmidt and th. fiery temper, who- also disposed of report. . The releaa h got when tha Angela re- celved their bunch of document waa r. ' ported to hare hit ' him in tharlaw. Breakfaat fooda wer all he waa able to, eat th three time he .walked daily to '.th feed trough. Hie conversation . -waa aald to be thtn, conelatlng of auch word aa it, to. and be. with now and . then a baby goo thrown in. In hi ar ' gument with Umpire Knell the' pitcher tpoe4 of all the report that hi talk-1 Ing apparatus la out of gear. Ha handed OuTaiHeTchou,"Toitw;tton of wordai and each word or group waa accompa- ntd by forcible edjertlvee. - These -were not of tha variety t hat-Mr. McHale. th social lion, hear in th pollt circle 'in which he move. Th umpire re fused to stand for auch lan-ruiige.. es pecially on ' a Sunday and h Ordered .the akldoo tag on th pitcher. Schmidt refuaed th medal and it waa neceaaary to call th cop. Thl settled it and Schmidt with a gentle tu hiked away f rom tb acene of carnage. -. . Oaaa of Trouble. - Thl was th 1 troubl that led - to Bchmtdt" diaappearajic, McCredle had made on of his gentle bunta and beat It. Smith singled and McCredle tor forhlrdBcbmldtwentt6Vcovtrtb sack and he got th ball on the relay about th time. Walter turned up im-rl- jnr artntrtt Itrwas arcaso-cf-nossTinff hc almost - but McCYedt eegwed to bar th beet of it by a hair and Um pire Knell ruled htm saf.- Thla aroused P"r--H end tha Orrmtn In uUnfiiHBCaJackJBi hurl at th unr-T?, of him caused him to plr the choice collection of word and adjective pravtoualy noted, ending with .him and th cop seeking th skldoo xtt. " . This gentle incldenr did not mar th game, but simply put the crowd, wlae to th fact that aomethlng els might be doing. Th aaaembled chivalry and beaut continued to set up and tak notice for the balance ef th game. Th result was that they saw several" thing;. Tin of which waa the little battl In the ihth betweea Esalckwhalh rough out delivered th merchandla in great ahape. and Stelta. who tried to do th rescue act after Schmidt had disap peared. After whipping thre straights In tha seventh, Easlck went for a record. ! retired th Angela in th eighth an nln pitched balls, and on of. these re tirement waa a three-etrllce propoai Mom That waa rolng acme, but Stelta put a crimp in thla performance in hi scetlon of the lghth. He retired Lister and McLean on thre pitched ball, th .former flying to canter and Mao htd to right. On th second ball Moor cracked a hot liner between first, which Delman caught with on hand while running. Orat catch, -big featur and lot of applaua. Thl retired th aldo and Stelta walked away with th per formance to hla-credit of retiring th rlo-oa fly baUa. .' Vaat Kappaaad. . Ixok over thee thing that happened and ar recorded. Ther wer other. and if you ml seed them you have only . yourself to kick for not being on hand. Portland' first tally cam in th up- - roarlou fourth.-. McCredle beat a bunt - - t flrat. went to third on Smith alngl and earn hom when Llater tor off a doubl . Th Angela got th first look la during th fifth. Oochnauer got a walk, want to second When Mc Clelland went out, third to first. Bits , went th aam rout and Qoch waa atili anchored when. Stelta ent a Tema leaguer to center... Thla acorsd Qoch- nauer, but Stelta got left when Braajr4 k1d to McCreata. ' A bootlngfest aldad by a few hit ' in th sixth gar tb Giants three. M ' Credle got a pa, but was threwn out at second on Smith' bit to abort. When Smith started to teai second a bad ""throw by Bltsa help. Listers-hit te - Oochnauer. who handled it ver wild. letting Lister land aaf and paaalng J 'Waahington'a Track Tearn-Top row?: Van dor Veer (coach), O. Horton Henry Smith". Naabttt. Kgyea,. Pra, jZier, Hunter (manacer). Center row: Small, Amatrong; Ioil WadtworthT Denio,?Dea Volgne, Lower ' row: -' Meyera, Matthews (captain), Faucett. Smith to third. ' A double by McLean cored two and Mao himself scored on Moor going out, short to first. On, mora came to Portland. in the Ichth. McHale alngld, went to sec ond on S wttWruUL Stella to Dili Stol third, great applaua. scored when Mitchell ripped off a clean one for two bases that hit -tha "hit ms" froth Jn ths beer mug that adorns centerfleld fence. Mitchell after thla atuot re mained in th sun, MoCredl ahylng to ffir. When the ninth opened ths Angels TOOkd llinS6f fl gtIngto7ISsom thing. ' Dillon singled and wnt to fee ona on a paeed ball. Delmaa waa walked by Easlck and Gochnauer hit a alngla that tallied Dillon. Thing were looking .healthy Two on baaea, on run in and no out. McClelland hit to short and -Ooehnausrwaa "thrown- out' trying to negotiate soeond. - On down and two on th bags. Bliss was whiffed and the heart of th crowd allpped down toward th right place. Stelta hit one to Lister and th gam waa over. .; Th score:, .j- , Komiaff Oam. PORTLAND. - AB. R. H. PC A. E. McHale. cf. I I 10 0 Sweeney, as. I 1 0 4 4 1 Mltchell,lf. 4 0 I jO 0 0 McCredle. rf.Tr..,, .. S 0 1 0 - - 0 Smith, lb. ........r. 0 11 I 0 Mwler. lb. ,.i..4.. 0 OHIO Donahue, a I 0 0 ( I Moore, lb. .......... S 1 ? a-, 1.10 French,-p. -rt.iiT- 0 - 1 -"8 McLean ... ......... .1 . 9 0 - Callff, p.-.i. ;.,uk . 1 -r- - - 1 a Total . ,.!... 0.4 17. IT 4 'McLean batted for French in th nth Inning. LOS ANGELES. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bernard, cf. 4 11110 Kllle, If. t Cravath, rf. I 1 Dillon, lb. .......... t , Delmaa, Jb. ......... 6 0 Oochnauer, ee.- 4 1 McClelland, tb. ....... 4 0 Bllee, o. ...... .v.i- a Hopklna, p. . . . . . .-. -. 4 0 11 Totals- 14 4 1 IB 11 1 . On out when - winning run waa scored. . SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland . . 0 0 0 0 0 44 Hlta .......... 0 0900011 1 4 Loa Angeles . ....1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 Hit . . .i 111-10 10 0 . SUMMART. Struck out By French, 4 : by Callff. 1 : by Hopklna. I. Baaea on ball a 'Off Frnch,-4rff Callff.-tr-off Hopklna, . Two-base - hits Ellis. Smith. Double play Donahue to .Smith. . Sacrifice hit Kill. Cravath 1. McClelland. Bernard. Stolen baae McHale 2. , Ellla, Bills Hit by pitched belle By Hopkins. 1. Possed balls By Donahue, I. Balk Br French. 1. Left on baaea Portland. lJa Angeles, 11. Innings pitched By French,-! Baa bite un: rrencn, . Tim of gam Two houra and I min ntea r; lmplra-Knnll. ; Afteraooa Oam. . PORTLAND. AR R. H. PO. A. E: McHale.- vt. . . .". 4- 1110 0 11 11 Mitchell. If. 4 0 1 10 0 McCreaie, rf. 1 1 1 I 0 0 Smith, Jo. 11114 0 Lleter. lb 1 1 1 11 0 0 McLean, c 4 1 1 1 1 0 Moor.' lb. ion.!,., 4-0-0-1-1 1 Eaatck, p. ........... I 0 0 a. 4 0 ' Total t ..;...ii 11 17.14 "l . LOS ANGELES. , AB. R. H. PO. A. E- Bernard, cf. ellla. If. ... Cravath. rf. 11 99 1 a a i IMllonr-lW- Dalmaa. Jb. ......... 1 Oochnauer, sa 1 ill 0 1 0 0 0 4 a-o ii McClelland, lb. 1 1311 SS C. eea 4 Schmidt,-p. ......... 1 Stelta. p. 1 Totala .......11 1 ' a 14 10 1 SCUKE BY INNINGS. Portland . 1 0 1 I 0 I waa . .........i i i t i i t a n Loa Angle ....0 0 0 04 0 0 0 1 1 - Hit . ,1 1 o rs l SUMMARY. Struck-out By Eslck. I: by Schmidt, I. Baaea on ball Off Eaatck. I; off Stelta. 1. Two-baa hit Mitchell 2. Smith. McLean. Sacrifice hits Llatar, McClelland. McHale. Stolen baaea McClelland, McHal -I, Smith. Wild pitch Eaalck. Left on bases Portland, Or- Los Anrelee, T, isnlega-pUha By Schmidt, 1 14. Baa kit Off Schmidt, 4. Tim of gam One hour and 40 minute Umpire KnelL ." . . " 1 - -- - -.- n leittU Took Two. ; laaedal' Dtapatck t TW JooraLJ " Seattle, May 21. Attired In their watting garment Seattle took two gam yesterday from Oakland. Out Bid of th batting by th hom team th game were devoid cf feature, un less th big. Juicy bunch of error in tb trst gam by Oakland can b count ed. Th score: Flrt game . R. H. E. Seattle , . ......0 4011010 0 10 1 Oakland 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 11 0 7 Batterlea Vlrker and Blankaoablp: Catea, Smith and T. HackatL Second gam . R.II. E. Seattle. 10 0 1 1 . 1 Oakland , . ......... I 0 0 0 01 1 I - Batterlea Jon Hansen and Blank nahip: Graham and T. HacketU Um pire Perrlne. , . ; y FreVerTsa' took . Allea A Lawla' Beat Brandy VMSHINBTON EXPECTTO WIN TRACK-MEET Coach Cutter Figures" That Hie Team Will Capture Points T rrom-Qregon and Idaha, ' rapc1 Dlspstck The loarnal.l Unlveraity - of Washington. Seattle, Waah.. May 11 oach Cutter of th Unlveraity of Waahlngton track team has figured lt out that ,hla team will win by a small margin, tha bfg trlangu laf meef Twen tha-'"uhlverltle -of Oregon, Waahlngtont and Idaho, to be held on the campu next Wednesday. To be mora "aptclflo" Cutter Bays that Waahlngtoa will take 8 -point Oregon II point and to Idaho la conceded II point, Th forecaet mada by th Washington coach aaalgna tha points as follow: Evant. t , . W. 100-yard dash ............ .1 120-yard daeh. ........... r 440-yard dash ...l Mile- run ;rrrn ......... 4 Half mil run ........4 O. I 0 0 0 4 Hammer 6 ........... fthot.-... . ........".r.. 1.. Dlcua -.TC......4: 110-yard hrdl .......0 110-yard hurdle 1 Pol vault . t iTt .i. . High 'Jump ..'4 A.i 9 BroadJump ..1 Relay .......6 Total .11 (1 ; About th lion Baaa. 1 Freshman Wataon. who was. counted upon to win th mile run and aecond -trr th half mile, ha left college but McCory la rapidly Improving In form and' should push Edmundson of Idaho hard in the mil run.- Parker, ha don th half mil under 2:04 and consider ing the fact that th university track Is veryTiTO' crsck runner will hare a hard fight to win thla vnt. Jarvl is throwing th hammer 11$ feet and McDonald while not in condi tion should - b able to do as welL Drowley is doing from 111 to 110 fact in th discus but is very erratlo in his work. In th shot McDonald and Reaer ar patting It at about 40 feet. t . Witt the Short Baaa. ... -Notwithstanding th report of .Kel ly's great wtlrk In the dashes th con sensus of opinion la that th 100-yard dash -wilt not be run here under 0:10 and -th very conservative onea say that 0:10 t-l will win the event. Th hope ful bellev that Captain. . Smith of WaahrngtOTrrha a chanc In th 100 and will win th 110-yard daah. All flf these -eatlmateaarbel -Upon. t he conclusion that Oregon's 'dirt track is much faatef than Waahlngton's "cinder track. .Cutter concede practically all of th colnt In the hurdle and broad lump to Oregon but in the latter" event- Smith la good for 11 feet lnche Washing ton has three men that can go over C feet T inches in th high Jump and on that Jiaa don I. feet .1 1 Inches. Worth wee ChampWra. - Th fact that th winner of th meat ' 'Wednesday will be declared the undisputed champion of th northwest ts causing an unusual amount of Inter- eat In th outcom Than, too, Wash ington haa never won a track meet from Oregon and this makea 'them eapeclally Just what Coach Van d Veer, who wa formerly at th University of Washington Is doing at Idaho la hard to find out but It 1 af to aay -that h will har aom surprises to spring. It Is well known uiat Edmundaon and Matthew ar two of th beat dlatane men that hav ever run In th north, west but th ability of th rest of th Warn" is uncertain. . 1 CAMAS AM EASY MARK FOR THE TRUNKMAKERS Th team of th Portland Truck com pany defeated th Camas team yeatar day In a -one-sided gam by a cor of to 4.;:Tn- featui uf tha-gama waa th heavy hitting of th trunkmakers. they touching Riley for 11 hits. These with -11 error by Camas gar th trunkman their bunch of run Another featur .of th gam we th catching of Jameson, who nailed a number of runner at aacond and third. Tha score by innings: - "" - - - ' R. H. E. Trunk Co. .10111011 111 II 0 Camas ....0 01100000 4 1 11 PORTLAND GRAYS WON HEAVY HITTING GAME Tha achduld gam between th Ma roone and tha Eaat Portland Gray did not tak place yatrday upon th Haw thorn diamond aa advertised, much to th disappointment of several hundred fan Several of th Maroons failed to put in' an appearance and tha gam waa declared off. A aeven-Innlng contest waa then But aa batwoaa tha Qrajra aod a picked team. Thla 'developedlnto a alugglng match, in which th Gray proved th hardeat hitter Hurlbert and Howard atarted th gam a op posing twlrler Hurlbert waa wild aa a aroose anil retired in favor of Henkle. who held th picked team down to one dinky . hit. Campbell replaced Howard and kept- tha -Gray- gueeelng- -until the Anal inning. - Glaring rror were re sponsible for the big soor on both sides. Next : Sunday th Gray go to Woedburn to play the team ef that burg and tha following1 Sunday Will plST 1116 "Bprlngneid"' reatrtyg-gcoT follows : t- GRAYS. - ' ARR.H. PO. A.E. W. Morrow, lb. ..... 6 1 141 1 Paul, lb 4 111 01 Anderson, If. I 1110 0 Prentla a 11- 0-1-1-1 e Morrow,- eft-.-ii ;? -- '-a't Jodon, o ..4 1 II 10 Hurlbert, p 11 10 0 0 Henkl. D..i.iii,iLl .. l. Gatea, tb. 4 0 0 I 0 0 Jeffries, rt 4 1' 1 .0 0 0 Totals .........11 11 11 11 -piCKETTS." " T S ' AB. R. IL PO. A. E. 4 0 14 10 ...rftWl 0 1 6 1 0 Helftv. o. Brock, rf. e. ru'wuru. p.-o n. Trowbridge, lb. Campbell, 2b.-p. ..... Jenkin. a ......... Oalwei ef. iiiTiiiu.. Stohr, rf. ........... Perklna, If. emuni ti.-p. ...... 't Deder, ib.-cl. -Totala , ....IS 10 10 11 . SCORE BY. INNINGS. - Grays , 4 110 0 111 Hit r in a a a n a aa - - W- -V 112 Pickett . . .........1 1 1 1 0 0 0 10 .Hit 11 4 0 0 110 . SUMMARY. Struck out By Hurlbert, 1; by Hen- I kle .ID. UW 1 IU .1 U. . W T VHItUI 1, or nowaro, vj ..ainpueii, e. Bases-on balls Off Hurlbert, t; off Henkle, Z; off Howard, 2; off Campbell. 1. Two-baa hits Anderson. Jodon. Smith. Gain Three-baa hlta C. Mor row 1. Double play W. Morrow to PauL Bacrinc hits Hurlbert, Ander son. Stolen bae Qravet I: Plcketts, 5, faaaed ball Jooon. Helfty. Flrat baee rnra nraya. 4: r-icketta, 1. wild nitch Hurlbert. Howard"." base Gray S; PicketU, I. Innlnas Ditched By Hurlbert, 4: by Howard. 4 by Henkle. 1; by Campbell, 1. Baee off Henkl. 1 ; off Campbell. 2. . Tim of game un nour ana sa minute in plr Selbel . NORTHWEST LEAGUE. Tacoma Broke Zvaa. " (BtwcUl Dinpetrh to The JouraeL) Aberdeen, Waah,, May 28. Tacoma and-Oray Harbor broke even yesterday and - tha- two - game wer attended., by th largest crowds that ever got in the ground, mors than 1,000 being on hand. Tha:-scora: ......... Morning game " R. H. E. iTacoma . r .....0 0 10 0 0 0 01 - - 1 uraya Haroor ..oisoosvo 1 7 0 - Batterte Ftnnejrand" Shear Tonn-4 son and Hurley. . r Afternoon game - RICE. Tacoma-. 10 10 0r0 4-4 T 1 Graya Harbor . .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 - Batteries Ftnny- anJ - Shea, Tumie- aon, Lewis and Hurley. 1. Batt Downed Spokaa. (Bpeclil Puipatrh to Ta JoornaLl - Butte, MonL. May 28. Butt ptit It over Spokan yeaterday by a acor of to 1 lrr a game that wa filled with brll llant play Bo Oakland Oam. (8peUI DUpatck to Tb Joarnal.) Oakland. Cel.. May II. Rain pre vented th gam her yesterday Jfr- tweea Baa franciaco and ireano. Baby won't Buffer flv minute with croup If you apply Dr. Thomaa' Ecleo- tric uu at one it act lis magio. 3 G. A'. R QUALITY ' MISSION BAT SHOE $2.50 "soc $3.50 Ikey wear Saved t j Top 4 Bottom Shop 203 Wcah.'ngtcn Street BBgaBBBBawBBsfBsBBsBaav- bbbbbbbsbbssh 1 Umpire Setley ha been released from the Northwest league and Dedrlck wlU suooead hint. ; . - TaeabanaTj land: Thl l what a London sporting dltor wrote of the Hrat gam he ever aw:' "At th baaeball gam on Satur day between the Oxford university and London team ' 1.000 ' spaotatora wer preaent and thoaa were aufflolant to demonstrate th fact that th gam I eminently likely to catch on. From th time .Yandertee of-Mertoa-ertened ox ford's innings there waa aomethlng th spectator could cheer every mfnut Th fielder wer men of Uf and wr ever working and keeping th pot boll, ing.. Th Dispatch expresaea the opin ion that th organiser of th movement war quit right in their contention that th gam la on of Uf and thrUla." e -nka-gradley, tha l-aton fttl-ponndri champion of England, haa arrived in thl country. - He ha gon to Boston, where ha la promised a fight with Jimmy Walah. ' Oerman writers, in commenting on th failure of th German athlete to carry off signal honor in th Olympian games at Athena, emphatically assert that the- chief cause of th low standard of their physical achievamenta is tha bear drink- liailunal ?lgui. Oeieial wilteia Breventa th German from acquiring- that -tauttieee of muacle which distinguish th American and EngllaH' athlete, and. not only cauaes superfluous fat. - but , aerloualy - affect th heart, which is th sport organ par excellenc German rifleman, through th Bava rian government, hav Invited all Amer ican shooter to participate in tha fif teenth grand eonteat of German ' rtfl men, which la to b held in th city of Munich fsom July la to 11. . - ' . W. B. West, th former cyclist, now a crack oarsman, is in strict training. He will visit Henley and try for the diamond sculls. . West will row under th color of th Undln and West Phil adelphia clubs, of which h is a mem ber. He will sail for England this wee k. Th Prix du Jockey club (th French Derby) wa won yesterdayby William K. VanderbUt'a Malntenon. with Wood land 1 In th aaddl Tb race waa for t-yekf-OIds and tha ataklTTwaa wluedTC'"'?- at 120,000. There war 17' startr . e Mount Tabor had " a walkover with Laurelwood yeaterday, winning by a acor of It to 0. Th. featur of the gam waa th pitching of Merrltt of Mount Tabor, who allowed Laurlwood only ona hit. 1 . Th WoodSurnHbaaehall team defeated th BUverton nln at Wood burn yeater dif aftjirnoon hv a score of 1 to 1. in a wir-ptayd-gamr TW wa-th flrstl'n,-1b- gam on Woodburn new ball ground The Aurora and Woodburn band were praaem and fuenlshsd miisla. DALLAS TAKES SECOND ' GAME FROM CHEMAWA (Bpedal Dtapatrfe to The Joarnal. 1 Chamawa, Or., May IS. Dallas won their aacond gam from Chemawa by a acor of 10 to 1 on Saturday. .Dallas bunched seven of their tght hit In tha fifth and sixth timings and, with seven bad arrora in tha aam two in ning acorad their 10 run Meyer kept hiB-pit-wU-eattrd-nd had good! aupport throughout, while th Indiana had a regular balloon aecenslon in th fifth and sixth. Chemawa hai a hard achedule thla year and must hav better team- work IT they sxpaot to -mat-wUhi uoces Th grounds were aloppy.from th recent rains and many of th arrora wer doubtless du to thl cans Tha cor follows: 1 PALLAS. A B. R. H. PO. A. . J. Boynson, 2b, Teate, C. Boynaon, rf. C. Shaw, If. ... 6 11110 10 1111 t 1 0 10 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 4 11.1 t 0 Meyera, p. , Bibley, cf. , N. Shaw, C. Fen ton., lb. Morton, . Ib Totala i'V. 40 la- t it ii . i CHEMAWA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E I Bagnell. aa. 4 0 tr Poland, p. Hear, ir Casey, lb. Teaoo, a. Bill. 2b Bander lb. David, of. . Sortorr rf. 0 1 1 II Uueahpahma, lb. Totala .14 1 - J2 1S1 J. Boynaon out; hit by batted ball. ' - BCORB BT INNINGS i Dallas . . .......0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 014 Hit . ........ .1 oio e i Chemawa .01010 0 -0-0 1 1 Hit l - 1 SUMMART. Two-baaa hit J. Boynaon. Sacrifice hit Teabo. 8tolen baaea Caaey 1 Mayarftv-Taabo BLruiJtoui ay Poland, I; by Meyers, 1. Bases on halls Oft atever 1. Lrft os oaaxs cnemawa, a; Dal la 1- Tim of gam On hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Dr. H. L. Toney. . ' BEAVERS ADD.TWO GAMES- -T0, THEIR WINNING UST Irf-a" warmly contested gam tha Bea vara defeated the Buckeye yester day by a acor of 11 to T. Th Beav ers alao defeated Slabtown by a scor of I to 0. Th llnaup: Reavera. jlBuckaye Stratton (e). a Long T. Hart ......p........ LafounUln Brow .......... .lb. .....Soreneen e) Reld ...10......... aDonell Karg lb Peteraon Collin .......... .aa. ... . Ittsenretr McCartnay If... -Jamba Saub ......ef Sofaaffer O. Pteron.......rf. Camp .tmplxa Minor. ., Decoration Day It here 4t approach urges you to look through our Im mense lines of Blues and Grays in MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. " - A two or three-piece suit in those colors is the proper attire for Decoration Day. They are made right, fit correct, look good, wear well and cost no more than others. Besides you . can pay us at the rate of l.O0 A WAUHK " STORE CLOSES ALL gg, W&rWW WASHINGTON AND TENTH HEAVY SWATTING WAS -I, " TOO MUCH FOR GLENDALE " (Special Diapatcfe to The Jearaal.) Olendala, Or May 21. Roburg put the koboah on Glendale yesterday by a scor of 10 to 4. Th featurea of th gam war th heavy, hitting of th vis itor and tha pitching of IL Coon. The scQr: . - " ." ' , ROSEBURO. AB. R. H. PO. A. K. McConneltps Pankey. lb. . A. Conrt. cr. 4 11 I S 1 1 1 1 1-1 ill I I 1 0 0.0 0 0 1 : 0 o ooo 4 0 10 11 I 10 1 . I ' 0 4 11 10 0 41-1-10-1 ,4 0 0 1 1 1 Cunningham, rf, It. Conn. D. Huntington, If. .... Gllvin. cf. Btaley, Zb. Mitchell, lb. ....... totala IT 10 13 27 It GLENDALE. AB. R.ILPO.A.E. teveneon, e. ........ 6 Hnyder, cf. 8 McCardy, p. B Snlker. If. . ......... 4 0 12 i 10 0 0 1 I 2 I Roberta, rf. ......... 4 .Wilson, a .. 1 inrxe, zo. .. O'Rourke, tb.' ::::::: i rTonn .-inc. .1-4-1 11 SCORE BT 'INNINGS. Roaeburg 1 1 I 0 1 0 I 0 1 19 Hit i 0 1101110 2 12 Clendal Hlta . ,0 1000011 0 4 ....ajwivvss a a Two-baa liita Pankey S, Btaley. A. Conn, Bplker. Thre-baae hit Btaley. Horn run MeConnelL Stolen beaee McConncll 4, Huntington 1, Pankey 1, A. Conn I. Ollvin Btatoy-O'Rourke a. Clark 1, Wilson, Snyder. Struck out By H- Conn, t: by McCardy, 12. Rases on. ballar-OnT McCardy, 21 off Conn, 1. Hit by' pitched ball By McCardy, 1; by It. Conn. l.'Pasaed' BaJT-i-Stevenon 4. RifHllr, hit Gaanon. Tim of same Two hour and 10 minute Umpli1 Lather. . - ELLIS WON THE INMAN 1 TRAP SHOOTING TROPHY At th ahoot of th Multnomah Rod and uun club yeateroay at in irving- ton trape 111 waa high man, breaking 22 out of a posalbl 26. Thl happened in - tb hoot-for-thw-tnmi pv-anlfwi Kill wnt off wlljLJLhoph--Iwring th days shoot tbo following scores were mad: Shot at. Broke. PC, .ia .ta Elll 100 6 41 3 Wagnar . ............. BO Winter , , .....iuo Collier . . to Abraham 100 Norwood . . 100 Cuiliaori 10 CarlonT 100 Fechhetmer .........100 -74- 7 71 75 .7S .7 7i .07 .40 .0 .0 .4 .42 .24 .20 .20 .12 7 to 14 IS 24 21 10 - t -1 Mr Toun Trenkman . . Willamette . Klernan . . . . 40 ii 10 10 Mrs. Collier . . . . . Walker 2S to ti 25: King . Oleeon . . ...... Manning ...... NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Claelaaatt. . . ' ,R.ILE. Cincinnati . . ....I 1 1 Philadelphia. .....4 10 1 Batteries Chech and. Sahlel; Duggts by and Dooln. ., : At St. Irfiti R. H. E. St. Lout S it l Nw York 10 t 1 Batterlea Hostetter. Brown and Raubi MttUinsity-aad Bresnahaa. : "At Caloago'. I No gam GRAMMAR SCHOOL TEAMS TO HAVE MANY GAMES The Grammar School fvagu will play a number of Important game this week and ther- promlaea t ha lofa dotng among. -tha- young toners. rTh ached ul this week 1 aa follows: May II Highland r Clinton f1 ley, at Highland; Mount Tabor v Couch, at Thirteenth and Kaat Davl May 29 Wllllama Avenue v. Idd. at Eaat Thirteenth and Fremont; Haw thorn v. Orkley Green, at Ifest Tiilr taenth and Davl. .' May ID ilount Tabor ys,' Brooklyn, 1 DAY DECORATION DAY at Eighth and Eaat. Hawthorn. 10 a. m.l Highland v Couch, at Eighth-and . Eaat DaVlsrTra.m.TCTldn"KdWy va Ladd at Twelfth and Eaat Davis. 1 p. m.; Williams avsnuo vs. Ockley Green, at East Thirteenth and Fremont, I p. m May ll-K-Hawthorna . v Couch, at Eaat Eighth and Hawthorne; Mount Ta-' bor v CUnton KeUey, at Moant Ta bor. . ' ..'a - ..'. .r. , . " .' June 1 Highland v Ockley Green, at Highlandr Brooklyn vs. Atklnaon, at Eaat" Elghthr-and - Hawthorn. ; . Juno 2 Hawthorn v Ladd. at East Eighth and Hawthorne; WUliam Ave- , ti ve. Brooklyn, at Eaat Thirteenth and Fremont, , . ,f .;J NORTHWEST GUNS WIN EASILY-AT-THL DALLES Th Northwest Gun company defatet Th Dalle yaaterday at Tha Dalle by a acor of I to 2. The gam wa wit neaaed by a large crowd. Th gun team waa royally entertained and returned) hom with worda of praise of th hospi tality of ThJpalles and th ralrneaa of tha umplr. Th aoor by inning N: W. O. Co ..4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 - Tha iDalles ......0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The lineup: N. W. O. Co. Th Dallas. Smith rf.,,,L..... Murray. rre. 1t. KaymT- lb.M Whistle .....!b. ....... H. Whlta .........If..... Tyler .......,.,.... Balton rnriil I Rico .p...... lb. .... ii. rayon .... Cowron UMPIRE FIGUREDJN THE GAME AT JUNCTION CITY1 Junction eHyOr.iMar-li. -la -well-played gama of baaeball Monro defeated Junction City by a acor of 4 t0v After the flraf" ThnJtg neither " aid scored.-both-Nichols and Wag. gJfrsT?" pitch I ll IP Twi t b a la tlst BaattaJg? whiffing It-men. Ther was considers able objection to tha umplr Th Una; upt- Monro. Junetlon City. It Hlnton ... Pltny Irwin . i i I pfont 2b Bhlsler 3b r a a a AtltjloS Darnellla iymwwr. Nichols' F. Jllnton .ee. ..... . , La Teltler R PrWIr F. Printer Lnoney . . , .ef. Peteren Mllllvrn .....rf. ST. FRANCIS WON FROM ' EAGLES BY "WIDE MARGIN . St,1, Francis defeated the Eaglea in a heavt batting gam , yeaterday by a acor of II to 10. Th featur of th gam was tha brilliant fielding of tha fit, Francis team. Tb lineup: 8c Francis. . Eagles. Haral ............. e...y. ., , lawrenca F. Slnnott'Tirt ...... p O. Georga' Fennell Smltn Munley..... ....... ,2b, ......... Everest Early .2b...... Kor Vn Hormlaen ... . ... ,, Shoemaker J. Slnnott ..........If Uregnr Toung ........... .cf ......... , Horace Keyser rf T. Oeora DEMENTED YOUNG MAN JUMPS TO HIS DEATH ttneclal Dtopetch' te The Journel) - Eugene, Or., May 21 lnn Henedli?t. on of Attorney E. E. ftenedtct of Acme. suffering from a d'Taof fnont of th mind,. Jumped Jnto th Slualaw river near hi homa" Friday nfgbt about' t o'clock, and was drowsed. His parents witnessed th act and attempted ta rex-s cu him, but h tank, before they cuuld", roach him with a boat. Toung Benedict's affliction datrs from tha Spanlah-Amarlcan war,: h'n ha wit Stationed at Saw Fram-tar He wa with a detachment' of recruit for th fecond Oregon volunteera lln transporrjrrffllTlo Ih Philippines, w.i homeelrkneaa an.t, coM weather eaaeed him to "berom inear. H wa brouaht hom and while he grew better lie hal recurring alia. I s. Ha wa aged 10 year Flowering Plants. At half prlr fnv Te-oraticn , cifjo Sl Co r0nt Dl ' Hitxman . .. Pool ....... Emerlck ... McElwan . Price Tlbbltts'l. Fleming .. v..