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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
TiisoREGOWDAiLouiirrAtr'PonTLAWP, Monday EVErmfO.MA?,is?ar I ' - l-Totvn-Tdp!gsic Salt Lake CUT about to Install a ur system almost ldantlcal with that of Portland. Tha waters from Big Cot tonwood crack ara to ba tapped far up Jjithe mountains and the water brought 10 sail uni inrousn areai iron, pipes. In formar years people used tha old walla and much typhoid resulted. With This Store Will Be Closed All Day Wednesday (Decoration Day) thla naw ayatem all .danger of thla disease coming" from water wilt ba elim Bkc ! ' Irtc ,T "Hands Ao' roe "A amithera .OWe Loo" ....Xgo Men friend." inated, i Moat of tha old wella bare bean Mir, condemned. Tha use of thta Big Cot ranfaco tonwood water will extend to tha mailer towna near Salt Lake City. Oread .U.i.VaudaTtlle Watches, dlamonda ' and Jewelry1 on At tha annual election of officer of. r- tha Jewish. Free Ioan society, held at tha synagogue yesterday afternoon, all who served last year wera reelected. They are: M. Ostrow. president: M. Keln. first vice-president; I. Brumberg. second vlce-prealdent; Ben Bulling. treaaurer; laaaa Bwett. secretary and legal advlaer; Dr. Stephen S. Wlae, Rev. R. . Abrahamson, B. Nemerovaky A. Fleahman, I. Dantoff, . M. Max. M. Abrama. H. Ooldstaln and W. Feat, eaay payments, tl down and S eenta per week. AU mainsprings tl; all watches cleaned ft. Metager Co, 111 Sixth, at. We are still selling ays glasses at tl: ...... a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co., lit BUth atreet. Great searchlight display between the Observatory and the warshlp.thls even ing. Take Portland heights ear. trustees. The society has four times as" Flowering planta At half price for . many members as It had a year ago .ml lta aaaaU hava trebled. It contrib uted U.000 to the fund raised In PorUand for tha rmjr,f,tfthL Jews ln - Russia. Tha obleet of tha society ratO"to Decoration day. Pacific Seed 3.-,- Front and Taylor treats. y -y-T- C B. Walboro. furniture repairing, pol- tahrngypaeklng, ahtppinav-Tal.faatMl. JtiQneylodeservlng poor people. This money Is repaid at II a week, without Acma Oil Co. sells ths beat safety coal mm "'Interest. "Rev. W. P. Phimer for ths past year ell and flat gaaulliiea. rtiuna Bast ir ' Tiaator of tha Evangelical church of '- Salem, expects to enter ths theological " department of Willamette university, thla fall. Mr. Plumar waa for several years pastor of ths First English Evangelical church,- east side, and at present Is sup Ttytne tne pulpit of tha Memorial church. East Eighteenth and Tlbbetts streets. until the arrival of Rev. 14 C Hoover Irom Ohio. Rev. R. D. fltreyfeller. pas. : tor last rear of the Memorial church .has been transferred at his own request 1 to tha Reardon. Evangelical, church. .,, " ' At ths auditorium of tha T. M. C. A. yesterday - afternoon - George Spencer -.- CIaphamof "New Zealand delivered lecture on "New Zealand's Revolution . .. and Proaxaaaj; Ha told briefly of the v economio struggle In that couhtrjTwTltcht had progressed from an oppressed coun try into one of ths most advanced In Industrial reform. Mr. Clapham came to the United States to attend ths St Louis exposition, but remained to study . conditions. iTha "at noma" of the Toung "Women's Christian Association at Sixth ana u atreets yaaterday afternoon waa at tended hy large itrnwda of women arid irii. inrr-wm piupi iaiih'U sin an excellent program, which Included ' ae. "lections by the quartet ' choir of the "FourtH Presbyterian : ennrciM specially entertaining - features. Mlas Gertrude Metcalfe gave an Jtermlng -tglK on "Mountain Climbing for Women." """"R.'M."Joeepl and R. Juflen, glbba trotters, arrived at the Oregon hotel last svenlng and. left early this morn- I Ing zor tna nortn. i ney are irom rana. Franca, but so long hava they flitted from city to city along tha face of the world that they no longer-register as coming from the French- capital. In - stead, they sign their names, "R, M, Josepl and R. Jullen. travelers." This was their first visit to Portland. H..B. Ilall." assistant superintendent of salaries and allowances for ths post . office department. Is tha guest of Post' master Minto. He Is in Portlsnd on i tour of Inspection. The annual raiaea in salaries for' employes who have worked a certain number of "years' will ba taken tip at this time and a report made to Waahington. , r Geraniums In Bloom. TV hava a fine assortment of large potted geraniums In full bloom. They- ara very suitable tor Decoration day, and besides they will continue to bloom all summer. All kinds of flowering plants. Portland Seed com pany, Front and Yamhill streets. Phone Main 471. " ' Water through boss Tor sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or wsshlng porches or windows, must ba paid for In advanea and used only between tha hours of and a. m. and I and p. m. It must -not ba used for sprinkling streets. It used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will ba shut off. - Nsw apartment house. Third and Mill, three, four and tlve rooms; steam best; hot and cold water: private bsth to H apartment; $26. $21 and tit.' Janitor cleans your windows, . Oregon City Itoats. for Decoration day. River trips Leave Portland I.and 11:10 -a. m-i- ttta-p.; Leave Oregon -City m.j- : an4-;-Prin. Round trip tto. . Butser'a seefls won gold "medals t tha exposition. His lawn grass and sweet peas were declared the best. Ill Front street, bat wean Yamhill and Taylor. Concrete Construction Co., 71 Cham ber - of - Commerce, manufacturers of . concretaat0riC blocks. Contractora-fot all- kinds of cement work. Tel Mala 110. Herman Hanns, city chemist, of Salt -Traits City, Is st tha Portland.- Ha la touring the coaat on a pleasure outing. upon ce ing are Good printing today will ba good F: he -Principles proau dunchanffing: w COMPANY FIRST AND OAK -MAIN 165. WILL ERECT THREE-STORY - STORE ON EAST SIDE - Arata Bros, have received a permit for a . three-story frame - building on Union avenue at the corner of Haw- thomer avenue which pill bs uaUfl u a store. T The cost is given at t,009, . . . J, O. Smith will soon erect a' hand some residence on 'Johnson street be tween Twenty-seCon" and Twenty-third, according to the permit he has received from tha city auditor's office. ; , Othsr permits are aa" follows: ' 3. Brown, dwelling. Union avenue between Wygant and Going, cost tl.MO. Warren Bros., repairs to factory, Nesmlth, cor ner Lorlng, coat, X00; C. K. Harding. fou?oTir-gl'i J dwelHngs. Thled Sheridan, coat 11.000 each: W. 60001, one-atory dwelling. East Twelfth, cor ner Fall'ng. coat tl.0: 3. 3. Kaddarly. repairs to store, First between Alder and Washington; cost $1,000; Mrs. Sa rah A. Morgan, two-story dwelling, Eaat Twelfth, between-Tillamook and Thompson, cost $1,000", Lily Digger, one Ktory dwelling. East Tenth between Til lamook and Thorn peon, cost $50; F. A. ativy dwelling-, nam Tenth near Alnsworlh avenue, cost tsoo. PORTaWCaMISSIONAR U.lS-VISlTING-JN-PORTLAI.a - Rev. Robert McLean, formerly psstor of the Third Presbyterian church of this city, and at present superintendent of Presbyterian-missions in Porto Rico, ar rived In Portlsnd yesterday, and wilt re main In tha city visiting old friends for Mr McLean spent a number of years in Oregon before going to Porto Rico. Ha was stationed-at Grants Pass for some time previous to coming to this city. The minister la a great fisherman, and during his residence In this state gained tha title of champion trout llah erman. On Thursday evening Mr. McLean Willi deliver lecture at jne.imra rTesoy terlan church telling of conditions In Porto Rico and some of his experience there. v " : MAINLY PERSONAL- J James Withycomba. Republican can didate for governor, cams up from Cor v all la this morning, after a days rest at home, and soent a few hours In Port land before leaving for. Hlllsboro, whsra ho speaks tonight- Must Find Fine Homes. nfora w commence to tear out tha famoua 'downstairs pisno parlors, we want -buyers for a number of very oostiy nhirkarinv and Waber and" Klmball Tip- rtght pianos. Instruments In special de signs and known as "art cases." In Pholeat of selected mahogany,-mottled English walnut," Hungarian ash and other rara and costly woods. Triers are among them a half dosen anx-iai exhibition Dlanoa, the like of rhinh eAuM not be obtained under ordl nary conditions for leas than $00, $700, $760, yes and even $1S0. Commencing thla morning wa began eloalna- tham out regardleaa of lntrinslo valuea or coat we'd almost be willing to cut price In two but we'll take that hark. .... Al jjjiy-rfata,- the chanca ofj. gener ation -awaita fastidious buyers wanting tha very cream of American piano man ufacture, and we'll not split hairs about th -terms of payment eitner. Tha fleet thin thla afternoon or ova. nine- la tha time to aea about thls.-Wlll tfcj a few good square pianos or or dinary uprighisIn pl t' payment, to w'r entirely " sold out or ineae nra styles and can find buyers fof a number m tmiupm pubw Houae. ni w llllll II. rj Jill m im.iw .! Ington straet -j printing tomorrow and forever wnicn we I print BALTES The" only whltV ale event7 Portland "worn as worthyyof cohsideration. - While other merchants arc; vicing with- each other to see who can throw the largest! chunks of mud we are busy preparing for the greatest "June White Days" Sale we ever planned "Store doors will swing open tomorrow on the grandest array of bargains in sea- onable-andtylislvmcrchandise ever presented hyLanystorenelwcstWhiteeanng-U appareL for, women, men and cnildren, and household effects of every included The lins, Laces and - FrenchLiAgerie; White Coat for Men Ien' Neckwear. Men's Suspendera, Wiute suits, White Skirts, . White Waists, v. Children's Dresse. Costumes, ; "JZ. Kimonos, Silk Waists, Lace Waists, "Lingerie Waists, Graduation Dresses White" Coats, '". FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED " DY HOTEL PORTER Veteranr Expires Alone .In His Roorru- William J. Taylor, employed aa dla- ftrHator by roster-raBarKlelsarr-ras found dead in bed in ms rporo ai no. i. Fonrth street this morning". Tha dls covery waa made by Wilfred Parcher, a porter employed on tha premises. As waa his usual policy, ha knocked at the door pt Taylor's room at o'clock., an receiving; no - Tesponsa . peered - In -tha window and found the man lying fully dressed on tha. bed, Detective Vaughn was vent from police headquarters, after an Investigation found that death Undoubtedly " ' sTwSsB ultad from natural causes. ' Coroner Flnley removed tha re mains to Flnlejr"B undertaking parlora. -- it has been learned that tha deoeasad wag a tuff erar- from aathma for anum XilT t ant rioath la supposed to hava been superinduced by this malady. From parers -found in the room.- it waa lrr- tv ead man' was t years of ase. and a native of Indiana, A cer tificate shows that in l6t he was ap polntedpotmaster of fimitfavlller-IndU ana. A teacher's llcenaa from Morrow county of the hum state, dated 1160, was also found among his effects. From roomers in tha houae tha Infor mation was gathered that Taylor waa a veteran of the Civil war and fought un der the lata General Lew Wallace. It la belieT -teat ail t hla elaUv aa reside In Indianapolis. Indiana, and Coroner Flnley will endeavor to communicate with thera as to tha disposition of tha body. 1 - ' - " ', COFFEE ROASTING PLANT STARTED IN PORTLAND A coffee roasting plant for tha prepar ation of cofrea for the local market haa been eatabllahed In Portland by Schil ling company, manufacturers of cof fees, teas and spices. Tha plant waa prepared by Cloaaet Dsvers, local dealers. Their demand for coffea to aupply the local trade waa ao great that It waa found neeeeaary to have an establishment handy where nf fee can ba prepared OB the. apot without the delay of being aent to IKa rafUlaT luaauna- v,m"r" agaJiL plant" a awi hy' fnoaaat 4 Devers. Schilling company has rented It, and In It a large portion of tha coffea used In the local trade and for consump tion throughout this section of tha north weat Will be prepared for tha mar ket ... I . . Aftsr. Supper. Our stores ara well llghtadwlth gaa and alecUlclty And Jhosa who desire to examine our pianos and organe and navt no time 4 do ao during tha day can call thla evening, aa our stores ara open for business daring this closlng-out sale from I In tha morrrlng until after 10 at nlaht. Besides. In ths svenlng wa ara not so crowded and can glva our cue tomars better and mora careful atten tion. Ellers Piano House. . rured ma of a . ,k. k.t annnved me a long time. The rnr waa permanent.' Hon. B. W. Matthews, cmnmiaslonar Labor Slatls- 7 offering in Graduate Embroideries arc Mail ordeTSilFbaref nllyUed-atr une Sale prices Men'a Trousers, Waiters' Aprons,., Books, Stationery, Knit Underwear, Bedspreads, Children's White Foot- : wear, Shoes, Oxfords, ; Laces, Neckwear, - WhiteiHosierym Corsets," Children's Hosiejy, White Belts, Parasols, ,' Veilings--... Handbags, Purses, Infants Wear, Aprons, Millinery, Children's Hats, Corset Covers, Gowns, -'. Chemise, Skirts,- Ruchings Neckwear Linings, Sweaters, Drawers,- infants' SAUER TRIAL IS CONTINUED UNTIl 3 Procure Somr Important- Testimony. Jacob Bauer, with hie wife and daughter who were, arrested maay, charged with beating Mrs. Burt Hay- ward of 847 Rhine atreet almost into Insensibility, appeared In tha circuit court thla morning by their attorney. Charles J. Schnabel. and pleaded not gulltyto tha charge. - Last Saturday tha case came up, and Bauer's attorney Insisted on an Immedi ate trtalrwatved -sr Jury-and -said ba would be ready to try tt!Tmar Saturday afternoon If tha district attorney was ready::' The district-attorney waa not readyr at that - time,- but-thla-mornlng Deputy Bert Haney announced that he wsajaadjLtoLproceedJ'lth. thajtiial to day, and waa willing .t. try tha case without a iury. Bauer waa not as anzloua Tthla morn Ina for a apedy trial as he waa Bat- Tirdayrlldniti-counsel announced that they hava evidence wnicn cannot u pro cured before-the last of tha week. And after" " consultation with-his client, Mr. BeKnKbel Informed the court that ho believed they wanted a Jury. "Why I thought you Baa waivea a Jury," aald Judge Beara. in aurpnse. - "wa did, - repuea Dcnnawi, m think now we want one." Tha trial waa set for June II. - BEATEN BY HUSBAND THEN PUT IN JAIL why, hoth eves blue from tha beating her husband gave her more than a week ago. Mre. Harry Fehd Is being held at tha county jail as a witness against him. "I Ilka this lots." she aald thla morn ing. - "We were burned out at Ban Fran cisco and lost averythlng wa had. My husbands came to Portland to look for work; and found a place with Mitchell. LeW la Btaver. Ha wrote to ma to coma up, that everything was all right. Well, I came, and he got drunk . and beat ma up, and here I am In jail." Mrs Fehd fays she will go back to her people In Ban Francisco after the trial. They hava been married about eluhnhofitRs. Fehd was arraigned In the circuit and aakad-fasa week In which to secure an attorney to defend him. Judge Bears auowea mm till Thuraday morning, when ha will enter a plea. . . - . . . Players Strike Bottom. Tha genuine pianola, aold only by Filers Piano House l sold tha world vr for imo. It te the only Inetrument employing tha Ingenious phrasing device called tha metroetyle. This-morning wa commenced work In deadly earnest In tha Aeolian department. Our contract with tha makera preventa tha quoting f nrn cut nrlca on theae ao wonder fully and deservedly popular Inetru menta. but coma tn - and aee. Every pianola and pianola piano must find a Knma hefnra the aala ends, and our prea- nt reduced r-rloae will do It. v Ellere Piano .Houae, 141 Washington street ' i i i i ' a . ', ' ' Preferred attoek Canned Ooeda. AUen Lawla' Beat Brand., Outfits, June Wedding Gifts, Table Linens, Undcrmus- -particularly worthy of yo u r v c a re Gloves, - Handkerchiefs, White Lawns, Swiss, - Nainsook, Linens Table Linens,.- ' Toweling, Flannels, , L Towels, Bath Towels, Napkins, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Stationery,"-"- White Sundries Dresses, MEMORIAL WINDOWS TO BE DEDICATED TOMORROW Have Prepared Appropriate - Progrartv? or the-0 casion. - The two beautiful memorial windows presented ta Portland lodge, B. P. O. F. No. 1 4 i,- by two of tha membera of tha order, will be formally dedicated at the lodgeroom of tha order at I o'clock to morrow evening. Theaa wlndowa ara magnificent works of art, and of an ele gance and design In perfect keeping with the other splendid appointments of tha lodge. The wlndowa cost $200 each. On them wtlj. ba engrossed the names Of departed membera of tha lodge.. - Tha dedication of : tha-wlndowa will be Inaugurated with the rtgular me mortal tablet service, a part of which service will consist of an eulogy spoken In honorof tha departedmembersof the wflpr "Ahvr W. fhapiaiw of tha cruiser Chicago, now stationed In tors of tha evening, and several .of ihe officers of tha warahlp who ara mem ber of the ordtr wltt t present. Tha donora of tha memorial wlndowa will oocupy seats of honor on the stage during tha aervlcea, and tha thanks of tha lodge will ba extended to them by tha chairman of tha board of truateea. ' Tha lodge quartet and an orchestra will furnish tha muaio for tha oocaalon. Following these services In tha-lodge-room those taking part, tha vialtlng members and fuests will adjourn to the clubrooms of tha lodge, where n In formal mualcal program, followed by re-( freahmanta, will ba rendered by tha or chestra . NEW LIMITED TRAIN PUT ON ASTORIA-SEASIDE RUN Tha Beaaide flyer, a new special par lor car and newspaper train, will be put on ths run between Portland and Bea aide by tha Astoria Columbia River Railroad company, commencing tha sec ond or third Saturday In June. This train takes tha place of tha regular 1:0 train Which baa been run heretofore, and will run on tha naw schedule only on Saturday aftarnoona. Tha flyer will leave Portland at t o'clock In tha afternoon and arrive at Beaalda at 1:80 pm. Heretofore tha trains on Saturday afternoon have been leaving at 1:10 and arriving at Beaalda al 1:50. fcightyThuteerraa"! b: saved by the new limited, which will make only four stops between this city and tha termlnue. Tha train la designed t better suit tha convenience of thoae who desire to go to Beaalda on Saturday afternoon and apend Sunday; alao to carry Saturday afternoon papere to Aatorla and "Seaside and ua intermediate points, dsltvering them Saturday afternoon Instead of Sunday, as they hava. had .to be,, deliv ered heretofore. REV. F.W.WARREN GRILLS STANDARD OIL COMPANY tTnton memoriafaervlee wera bald under tha auaptoaa of General Com peon" post No, It, a. A. R-. In tha United Evanaetlcai church of BL .Johna yeater day morning. The martfbers of tha Evangelical. Methodist and Congrega- White Slippers, Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials,7 llanket JPiUowftv- Dolls, Baskets, Dotted Swiss Muslins. . White Furniture, , ,. t White China, , - Glassware, Silverware, Boys' Waists, : Boys Suits,: r Muslin- Underwear, . Ribbons, -. I BPSBBBBBBBBBBBaSaSBSBpSBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBsBBBBBBJgBfl Enormous Dividends to Shareholders limited allotment of stock;. now offered. It -per cent guaranteed. Should pay over 10 per cent when stores are all esiabllaheu. - PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES CO. (nroomromATBS) - 5, 10 AND 15 CENT STORES; FIFTY STORES NOW BEINQ ESTABLISHED ON PACIFIC COAST ' . Uead Omeea, OAXXaJTD, OAXn, Ualoa, Savtaga Bank Bldf. , X. at. TVOOO, Maaagex, STsw Tork Ofdea. .....-.,. -.- AAdvees All Oommnnlcatloaa to the Oakland Ofllca. - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TTXlXBmPreaidemt, Bs-Baak Oommissloaer, CAP. Capitalist I. M. OAXXra, Blraetov, aaA hlpowaez, Seattie, Waaaiartoa. WIXHSM OBOOXxm. Director, , . i , , s)aa Mana&ra . wantal who can Influence . r : r- -. m rigai PACIHLSYND1CATEJI0RES-C0. TK0BLPATnrBVW;BXO. D.b..TL..i. OrasvaeOa, Kf. The Home ef Higk-Olaaa Stock Trt IQKIOMT Paaala fcwto goeaii PiedMtiaaa. IMS i IX THIS WIBK MATINIB SATCfcPAT. BAKKB THC1THI cuarAni id m praeia la ne : "HAVM ACkOii THI IIA. ' BMatlral aeaaary. maanllimnt aattlaga, ang. reated eat. a . aptealld -atodortkw. Xaat WaaWTbe Staraal City." PANT AO Eft '0,raIHgTAK ATA. AVOTKXS OKZAT flZlrES OF XAJITH QUAKE M0TlS PICTCAIA, Bhawtns Watk of SMtraetloa at lta W ia Baa TnuMlaee. riwcuu ef Ottr is ITaaaea. HOLMIA HOlfcEB. .,233? 4.95" AKTKVB rtWILL. .TOPgT TOEVT TEIO. JOVM gTIEUEO. MOWITOE. Performaeroa All at t SO. T:30 aaA p. m. Caatlaoona unrt.T.. AAmlaakm. toe aad Ave; boa. 3fi. Ladles and chlldraa aay aat at waakaay atatloaM. 10e. BIO) OBPKTTK TAUDEVIU-I. GRAND WUX HAT ts. BROTHERS fflamasae Btetaera, Teat klpley. LUTZ. I Blatare Xaloay. aotb. Century Mgrralgl : Broadway TrU. Hams Kofi, daadlaaopa. tlonal churches mat and wera addressed by Rev. 1". W. Warren of tha Congrega tional church. Referring to tha lessons drawn from tha great rebellion, Mr. Warren Aalad: . : Tha right triumphed; tha wrong was dead. Wa need thla leaaon now. ThaH conflict between capital and labor ts be coming more fleree. The cold deapotic methods of tha truata and their in- satiate luat for gold ara being more clearly Illustrated than aver befora by theractlona of tha Standard Oil truat Tha volcanic flashes of future Judgment ara be fug manifested In tha strikes and walkouts of our present day." Mitwaukl Country Ciubv Memphis snd Louisville rdcee. Taka ellwood and Oregon City cars at Flret and Aid description is fix 1 a 1 1 e n t i o nr Embroideries, . Dress Trimmings, White Silks. . -Dress Goods, - -Men's Ties, Men's Shirts, r Men's Hosiery, Men's Handk'rch'fs, Men's Hats, ' . -Men's Underwear, . Men's Collars, . -: ,,: Art Goods, . ' White Robes, r :Whits Shoes, White Oxfords, SlOaT. Tan.SMAT BBBTBaV Sea. and Treaa, Treaanre of the State or cam ornia. . X. RiTlUB, Director, . ctaaam Afnt, arortners Paeifla . - Sallroad. - j- ' rrsswison. capital. Share of profits and salary . pany. OABXaVSTO, OAIk . LYRIC THEATRE Xvery Aftoraeoa a ad Eroalas PTllasA'A ropaiar staoa uoatpaay. .A eatkars Hultary Praaa ia tma AoU. ' AJouthern Giri's-Lovcl FMlew the Crowd Omtrtnooas . Porfomaara. ADlOaAIO, lOel BEKEVID BEATS, We. STAR THEATRE COliirENCIWO MOKftAT. May la ' , FOURTH WEEK. t STAB. STOCK COMPAET- IN . ' . "TOO lMAfiY FR1XNDS" Ia eoanartlen wltk e Btromr elio. Inclndlag tel. the Uraat Uka, Kmna and ara no. AradeU jootio urr aaa Biaraaoepe. BASEBALL 2& PORTLAND vs. LOS AINQELES "HAT S3,;s BS, SS, if. Oaaaes" OalladTdO p. a. Daily, Oaaaea Or u4 ttSO p. Baadays. ADMISSION 25c grandstand, no CHn-DRex, iu BOX SCATS, Ho -Hotel Tourainc OAKLAND. CAL. f Corner Clary and Fnurteenth St. fltrlrtlv Srst-clasa hotel, right In tha business part of Oakland. "J rooms, with bath, ample ronma. Mod. erate ratea. Heat American and From M eooklng on the coast. . , . E.1 1 .U I- J - . J RHilatoa the nowals. prmnoe . natural movamants, niraa Mni).' ..... Txian s lgul"- V" " aru- ' thanv It cents A ba - , Uss, Aucuata, Ma.