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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
'-;-' ''v --" :" 7"". : 7 -;--:-- -:- THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAU PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. MAY 3. . 1803.' JULIA 17ARD HOWE CELEBRATES" HER LllilD REJOICES . ...... . . . -EIGHTY-SEVENTH -BIRTHDAY OVERiVEODiriG Numerous Ft Whirl Along With Bewildering Rapidity in Spanish Capital- ' ' 'i;'.' : STREETS OF MADRID LIKE - Author of Battle-Hymn of the; Republic Observed Anniversary " Yesterday'-FIood of Congratulatory Messages Poured . in From Xll Sections of the Country. 1 "MULTI-COLORED RAINBOW Under.' Flags' and Banner! Noisy v' Crowdt Hold Revelry Formal Re. aadora From. Foreign Lands. jwriui iiwiaVBHis.f.i Msrtr'd. '?r The fetes preceding the wedding of King Alfonso and Prln ? cess Kna whirl along with bewildering i Impetuosity. They. have, converted ,;, Madrid Into a city diffused with rain bows. Pictures of .th young monarch " a)J hl future consort gleam from al ; roost every.- wall and .window. - Th ' king's patriotic subjects are making bod ... Jam of the streets, and visitors agree that, never before hava they' seen such - extraordinary wealth and brilliancy of . decorations; . ?- Crest silken flags, with red and yel- low streamers, 'pennants at silver' and gold and -festoons --of --i-eweet-oaielltna ' flowers, choke the sir. resolving the eunshine Into partial night. If the king scspes these tokens of popular feeling It can be only by leaving Madrid, for they hang thick In every thoroughfare and drapf every public square. Under the flags and banners merry makers hold .a noisy holiday. Groups of sweet-votced youngsters stray hither one thither, singing popular songs. Man. 1. dolln and guitar players are met rre fluently at the cross streets and la the public squares; with crowds around them. " Brass bands scream the national , - anthem, stirring the hot blood of the i Ppanlarrte until they throw their voices Tnln TIU mil If nwriliiiHe llie city trem ble' with its volum. rWa.tnnftllv Iflnf Ifnnlll tfWHll. pan led by the queen mother orby pnc or another- of the royal guests, drive . peat tn an open carriage, their approach V heralded by mounted officers. -Then fol , lows a scene of headstrong tumult, men. women and children jruahlngjpellmell ""for the "line of marc?). Their clothing V s-ets torn, the'' hats are lost and humar ' Jialr waves chaotically In the breeae , The king, amid a mighty shouting, sweeps by, bowing and laughing. Today's Unkln the halnof regal f es t tlvitlea embraced the formal reception .of a number of "deputations, ambassa dors and other representatives from foreign powers, whd-presented to tho king letters "of congratulation from their sovereigns or governments. Among "those received were the Prince and Princess of Wales.- Grand Duke Vladi - mir of Russia. theMnike. and .Duchere of Sparta, Archduke Ferdinand of Aus ""trta, Prince Albrecht of PrussIs,Tred Tick ft .M'hUrldKethft AmerlcaA vesentattvar and the envoys of Norway. China. Depmark, Italy, Franca and other . countries. Tomorrow the foreign envoyr . will be formally Introduced to Princess "Pna at "the . Pardo -palace. - OVERWORK. CAUSES 1211 : FARMER'S INSANITY :: fgpacUl Dispatch t The learaal.) - - Tillamook. Or., May 2. L. L Bar "hette, farmer living Three miles west of this city, will be sent to the asylum today. He Is married and for years -"has been considered one of the most in dustrious men In this county. It Is : thought that hard work la the cause of - tits malady. It was bJs habit to rise at -S a m;and cont Inue - work until late at ; night. Since his arrest he talks con stantly and Incoherently of imaginary Work he is to do snd contracts entailing 'large expenditures. - Preferred tteek OuaM Allen Lewis' Best Brand. EVERYBODY WORKS AT- 1BAND0NC00S COUNTY tnllla are in prospect her, each with a eapaclty of UO.eeft .feet dallyrrrAir east ern- capitalist Is. e a pec ted won to look over the proposition of building a pa pulp mill. The woolen mill la running steadily and turning out a . first-class product. The lumber and , shingle mills are all running. - The i creameries are operating to their full capacity. The brewery -la working over "llme. In" facX"everybody works alTBah i don. Business in all lines Is good and v.ry proepemus .season is sssured. Now that vertoTF"t!rhe it over, look sharply after the fit of your suit Don't make the mlUke ol , thinking anything will do for ; spring and tummer as long as lilt's eaiy ", ' " ,, ' ' , . We make all oar suits fit b i . fore fhey leave the store, and - our spring and summer goods ' are the best we ever had. Good suits, flO to 25o ClothinnCp vtusnuxinjr'iorr Men's and Boys' Outfitters. . 166 and 16S Third St. '. , Mohawk Building. . - 1 "- - . jUU U11UI UUIllUUiiu iiiliiiuvu ' "'hk ill ' f " 1: A. 'Wff THE PASSING , OF THE FAMOUS : - . J "QXJARTER BDOCKOF FINEPIANOS,lT " Julk Ward Howe, Author of Battle Hrmn of the Republic ' - . " . '" " ' ::. " " ; ' . " . 7 twf 1 apiWl errlce. " law, MsaauMiiir "S ;FrnnX- part of the country a flood of congratu- latlohytS'ner'tln Upon' - Jqtla Waid I Howe, one of the last of the types of America's 1 golden "" age. "who - was . ST years old yesterdsy. The unusual num ber of the felicitous measages la due fTartly'tP"hact" Mrs. -ttowo haaptrtit recently recovered from a sever Illness, The 'past winter 'was very trying, on her. constitution, enfeebled . by bid sge, and her slcknsas took her almoat. to ths door of the beyond. . , The aged author . of tb . Immortal "Battle Hymn of the Republic" lives tn a beautiful home in Beacon street, where she la cared for by a loving daughter and son-in-law. In accordance wjth her custom for many years Mrs. How Is preparing to spend the summer at Newport. It Is a fact not generally CITY HALL EMPLOYES ARE THRILLED Tos. fight ! - That cry this morning waa enough to make every- man In th west side of th city hall hurry 7Tb a window and crane his neck. From th sound there waa at least five dogs engaged In deadly combat From -somewhere out oa Fifth street cam th nols of snarling, snap ping, biting canines. 2 J'Kl-ylp-yi snriliea in voice or a irr- rlen His bark ended as h aelxed th leg of an opponent. - - Deep --and oangerons imraqra n growling battlecry of a bulldog. It was svldent mat h had mixed In th fray to good purpose. -for Instantly there arose a scream of pain from another brute. 1 ' ' - vWow-wow o-o." cam from the throaLof jidog. which. Judging from th sound, waa th also of a Bt. Bernard. "Where's th flghtr queried th men ITilil Windows: ' nTlNTERHAlTlNCISIONS Sixteen Hundred Operations Per formed Under New Method by Inventor. (Jearaal Special Service, t ww' . ' BtrXoTila;"May-tfc Dr. Alfred Duch- ressen, a celebrated physician of the Prussian university In Berlin and dis coverer of th new mthod for intmal Incision fnknrgery. 1 hr for Cfili csgo tonight after performing two suc cessful operations. ' ci.m i fioa ha has nerformed 1.(00 operations on women and has lost only I lVi per cent of his cases. H claims LhlamttoodJ leas dangerous and thdt patients recover more quiti m under the old methods of external In cisions. His clinics ar visited yearly by eminent surgeon, many of whom are adopting his methods. . Dr. Duchressen hopes that his pres ent tour of th United Ststes will re sult In similar action by hundreds of others who have not had an opportunity to see them demonstrated. H haa vis ited Philadelphia Baltimore and Wash ington. ' From Chicago h will go to New York. , WOMEN'S CLUBS GATHER -IN BIENNIAL CONVENTION (Jonraal Special Service.) BtrPaul. Minn., May Bt. Paul has the proud honor, of entertaining the representatives of the General Federation of Women's clubs, who meet her in their eighth biennial convention begin ning Wednesday and continuing on week. Th national membership aggre gates several hundred thousand, and It Is to the representative of thes pro gressiva women that the city Is called upon to extend a' hearty welcome. Tb headquarters of the convention were opened today at th Hotel Ryan, where the register Is already filling with th name of the officers and other lead era of the federation. k . At th . formal opening Wednesday evening th speakers ar to Include Oev ernor Johnson. Msyor Smith. President NoTthrop. of the university of Minne sota and MrsTX'Zi. Waahburn." president of the Minnesota federation. Isually ther la considerable uncertainty-and excitement oVer th election of a president,- but this year th re election, of Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver seems so certain that no other randlCste Is believed to hava any chance 1st tea. office , J DCmDffl QIIDCFHIIQ IKFTrinns Ins. both being directly descended Xio Julia .Ward How waa born In New Tork In ISIS. She waa given a private education, and In 1S41 married Dr. 8am- uel. o. How, an jmlnent phllanthronist. who aieu in one ana ner. nusoaaa conducted an anti-slavery paper in Boa ton before the war.- After the conflict "she waa deeply In terested in such causes aa woman's suffrage, prison reform, peace, .ate., and. sne wss noted aa a Unitarian writer, preacher and lecturer. 8h is also the author of a number of books and poem. Including her "Hymn of Peace."' The famous "Battle Hymn of the Republic was WTlttsnby Mrs. Howe after a visit to the camp of the Army of the Repub lic during th war. j :: BY DOG FIGHT Ther waan't any dog fight" to be seen. Finally an investigation waa made. Under th big atone porte-cocher on Fifth street was - On Ion dogl . ila front. of . him .waaa-araallboy. They had. been playing together, and the dog had been having the time of hla Hf In making - noises. He had - beeiv! enjoying a aog ngnt an by himself, with himself , aa atar and the amali boy as - support. - He. was -an ordinary-appearing caninf, probably on tenth bull dog and th other nine tenths Just plain dog. i But he's a ventriloquist and a good one, too, for either by natural gift or training In th show business he can not only imitate the voloea of other species,- but mix- them together with every minute detail of a dog light that will bring a, -crowd-very-lm TOBACCO 1RUSM0BBYIST RHSTSTATEIEVIDEHCE Developments Expected to Fol low Confessions of Indicted .'' Indiana Lawyer. (Joarnal RperlaL Rerrire.) -Indiana polls, lnd May tt.- It At . pected that developments will follow this week as a result of statements by Arthur 1 Hughes, tb aon-ln-law of Oscar A. Baker, mad yesterday, when he referred t0 letters In his posses sion showing that Baker, aa a paid lob byist of th American Tobacco com pany, . and of certain Insurance com panies, had "dealings" with prominent member of th legislature. While Qovernor Hanley-hrm self-could not promise tmn.unlty to Baker, who Is under Indictment for attempted bribery, th' stat prosecutor could enter into such an arrangement with him aa Hughes suggested, ' and It Is believed that th way will be opened thl week for Baker to make good his charges; If he does not It Is probable that he will be prosecuted on an Indictment found her against him Immediately after his flight , : ' Both stat and local authorities sus pect that Ananias Baker, a member from Fulton county, who exposed th methods of the tobacoo trust 4n respect of th anti-cigarette bill. Is th only member of th general assembly whose vote Bnker attempted to nurchaae. M. STERNBERG LEAVES : r ENTIRE ESTATE TO WIFE (SVeelal Dispatch to The Joarnal.? Albanv. Or.. Mav 18 The will at M 'Sternberg has been filed for probata. H leaves an eatate valued at tit, 000, almost without reservation to hla wife. Th belra-at-law of said decedent ar a follows: " Lena Sternberg, wife; Clara Solomon, New Tork; Albert Sternberg, Albany; Clara Solomon, New Tork; Jo seph D. Sternberg, Portland; Lutl Wolf, Tacoma; - Charles B. Sternberg, Portland'; Eva Sternberg, Albany. He nsmes hla wife aa executrix without bonds. FACULTY NAMED FOR T r KLAMATH SCHOOLS (Ssrrlal Mepatcb to The fnsrnat.) Klamath Falls. Or, Msy IH the h( K whAnl rave a wlt mttmnAmA capuoa Wlosday evening and. toe a- EILERS PIANO HOUSE Th Larovst Piano Concern - - tinue Everything Must Be Sold by June I The Chance of a Generation. Awaits -Fastidious Buyers Wanting the Very . Cream of American Piano. Manufacturer-Costly. Baby -Grands and Uprights, Pianola Pianos, Orch'estrelles, Organs, Fixtures Ail Must Go.-. it 1s with genuine regret that w look -forward to th 'few remaining days of our occupancy of th famoua "Ellera Piano Hous,M now-become ." world renowned as th only place where nearly all the highest grade Instruments ar to be found under one roof. In, th- tarn which affaire- have V takers. we faced th alternative of acceding to. the unreasonable demands ot an arrogant landlord, and pay a rot,whloh would praotlcally amount to our ', entire annual retail earnings, or discontinuing th business. No American citizen would hava submitted to th former and thus nothing remains but to discontinue the retail department. W fully realise that only th most extraordinary tnducementa will move th balance of tb fin s took -of Inatru- menta during the remaining few days of thle month. nf-?vW -"f . - , " - , ' Before commencing the tearing out of th famoua downstairs piano parlors w must dlspos of all of th costly snd specIaPart style Chlckerlngs and Webers and Klmballs, also a number of very fin "Baby Grands." 'The planoa ar cased In choicest of selected mahogany, mottled English wal-' ., Hungarian asn ano otner rare ana cosuy-wooqs. - . - - , - -rvitnmimciha' this Monday) morning we began closing out thes Instrument regardles of Intrinsic valu or cost, . await well-to-do homea to secure on of thes special style pianos at a tremendous saving. Mak your own terms. Everything must go by Jun 1st.' -nanos. Pianola Pianos. Orchestrelles. Church and ParlorjDrgana." and also th genuine rianola which la only aold by Ellera Piano-Houe. jt a ' ". This morning w commenced work In deadly earnest. It you hav any poeaibj us for anything In our line, now la th time to get It.- Put IZI. or ven 111 In your pocket tor a part payment down, and com In. W won't spilt halra about terms or payment. No reasonable offer will b refused." rBut flOTiot pot off eminawJftU end of their entertainments at th opera house on Thursday evening. Commence ment exercises, with address by Pro fessor R. H. Dunbar of th city schools, were held at th high school auditorium, rn "the -new- building. Friday - evening, and on . Saturday a local teachers' in stitute was held In the same place. -Teachers for-nxt year have - been elected as follows: ; County high achool Principal J. O. Swan, Miss Alice Apple gat and J. S. BoothTTh latter. -comes from CoTlngton. Kentucky, and will in troduce a commercial course. City schools Principal, R. M. Dunbar: as sistant. Miss Haseltlne Hayden; sixth grad. Mrs. Frances H. Hes of Weed, California: fifth grade. Miss Stella Camp ball: fourth grade. Miss Carrl Ridings of Oregon City; third grade. Miss Ada lit Horning: second grade, M1ss Mabel Campbell: primary, Miss Alice M. Pool, Grants Pass, OLD SOLDIERS INDORSE -GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN iSeedal Dtapateh to The JoanaLl "Roseburg," Or., May 17. Governor GeOrfft E. .Chamberlalu aril red lu Ruse burg Sunday morning ariU waa met at the train by Commandant W. W. Elder of the Oregon Soldiers' home and waa driven over to the home, where he spent rwng n to fleers and vetersna of the home. The latter expressed themselves, as much pleased with th m ana gem en t and ther la no doubt that th inetltutldn Is in far better ondltlon than vr before. There waa much dissatisfaction with the ad ministration prior to the appointment ot the present commandant by . Governor Chamberlain, and th member of th hom ar almost a unit In favor -of re taining the prent stat executlv for in 1 rwwwii, .... .. . Governor Chamberlain lerx in in ari-efnoori- forAshlantf,-; where he la to peak today. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL PLANS COMMENCEMENT -(Special Waoatek to Tb. lesraaVl Salem, Or., Msy J !. Commencement exercises will be held at the new Salem high school. Th junior class will tender a banquet to the graduating clara June 1. Sunday, June 10, the sermon to the 190S class will be dellv ered by Rev. P. B. Knight. June J student body benefit will be -given to oar off a debt' contracted last -year Tor tnt nromonon 01 "T. ""n' enterorlses. JUne ll.wlll be class day. .In ..the afternoon .the' graduates' have planned a plcnie ana in tne evening me class will present Tennyson's. "Prln- cess." - June IS the regular commenoe ment program will be given. The ad dress to the clasa will be made by Hon. J. H. Ackcrman, superintendent of pub. He Instruction. President A. Of Condlt of the board of directors, will present dlplomaa. - BUILDING ACTIVITY ! AT kLAMATH FALLS (Rrodal Dtopatril to Th Joorail.) ' Klamath Falls, Or., May . This city Is experiencing a great rush la building operations. Three large business blocks are golnr tip onMatn" strsst mnd"- a unique office building Is being erected. The two-story Reams block la to have a third atory added. - Th Carroll syndlcst haa added to its real eatate holding the 1,700-acr An-Keny-Cant ell ranch and prospective purchaser are looking ever the O00 aere Kerns tract, , ( FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS fittF.ATF.K THAN IN SEATTLE OR SAN r FRANCISCO. ' In the West and One of the Bieeest Retail MercantneConcerh"tff .. ;.. ::"Tr;. - axterapoiij&isjtvemn S the . . : " - at TZ.r AA "Benjamin.& Co. have the right to Insist that their " clothes alone reflect the New York fashions the sea son they are created. , . . r - - You can-wear New York clothes designed and nue if you :jamint& Co. ens ; It's the THAT MARKED THE Davis-Patterson Co. Ladies' Toggery '343 'WASHINGTON STREET, . . y ; , Hoursof Sal 9 DON'T MISS THIS SALE OWING TO DEMANDS FOR RENT ENORMOUSLY -r EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 Made rinNe wYork most important makers of service clothes .with a complete tailoring r orsranhation housed in New York, Alfred . mads a Broadway, a minute's Iwalk from Fifth Ave-I patronize the local - agent of Correct Clothes for atioea S Tale of the New Goods OPEN1NQ OP . . a. m. Jo 1 1 :45 a. m.; 1 :30 343 sj u una j Washingt - , . . . ' " " a v the Citvf Portland o-& . .. - , :tff- . - . . and ah unprecedented opportunity Washington Street ready ior ., ... block from Alfred Ben- Men 311 MORRISON ST.; Opp. Postoffke . A elliinig NEAR SEVENTH p. tn. to 5:45 p. m. on St. -if- , t. rv