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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY 1 JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, MAY- Eg. 1800. PfllCE EXPLAIHIUG r HIS SCHELIE Tells of Municipal Dock Idea at Citizen' Meeting This - 1-; Afternoon. . . PLAN NOT ORIGINAL WITH LAFE PENCE Auditor D.vlin Proposed Similar Im- provement Five Years Ago In Ad- I dress Bef ort Economic League .'; : Mayor Lane Expresses No View., afe fenee Is this afternoon owplsln. Hie; his schcma .-f.or.. municipal docks at the meeting of cltisens in tha city ball called to discuss tha Front atreet elee trio Una franchisee. At thla meeting th . committee of the; Initiative Una Hundred whose suggestions on- tha Front atraet 1 franchise tha council refused to bear Wednesday will have an opportunity to apeak. ' "I have not looked into Mr. Pence's proposal," aatd Mayor .Lane today. . "1 . expect that he -will explain the whole thine this afternoon. I have always been Interested In tha subject of munici pal docks, but 1 havep't given:. any -thought to thla plan yet." According to tha written propossl to the city, submitted through Mayor Liana, : Pence's scheme for city wharvea la cor relatlva with his application for a fran chise on Front street.- lie plana to bring electric cers from tha south and from the north Into the city and unload them at 4ook -be owned by-the city on , Bwan Island. Tha municipality la to re- relYaaiKpxlloiL-Of Bwan island in pay ment for the.. Front atreet franchise. Pence to construct ,t bridge from tha mainland to the ".island -scroas the shal low water on the west aide, x " r - Bahama Is Vol IT aw. : Tha scheme of municipal aooutsltlon is lint 'mi. UUy AuaUarUevlia r DEEPER YSTERY GROWS JOUES DISAPPEMOCE CASE Relatives Still Think Young Man Met With Foul PlayPolice v and Detectives Unable to Find Trace of Missing Boy Searchers Are Without Single Clue. - ' r Y A proposed publle acquisition at ... water ... front at a lecture five years ago before - the Eoonomlo league. Ha favora trana " forming Guild's lake"' into' a shipping basin, tha Northern Paolflo tracks to be - changed so as to skirt the lake Instead , of crossing Its outlet as at present. -j While the franchise of -the United. .Railways company and the Willamette Valley Traction company have been passed by the council they have not yet received the signature of Mayor Lane, "and it 1 probable that his action upon them will be largely Influenced by the " sentiment of today's meeting. Tha com mittee from tha Initiative One Hundred which was denied an opportunity to ' speak by the counellman laat Wednesday will now present Its suggestions. CITY MAY HAVE TO PAY !: : FOR THE1MPR0VEMENT -- Because - the ' apeclflcatione prepared :by the city, engineer's department were v" unsuitable to the character of the Im provement, it la probable that the city -Instead - of -the property owners will 'have to pay' for the work done on Mor . ,'rls treet between Delay . street and "Vancouver avenue. Thls-wlll coat the -Ity-about 11.000. The specifications called for Improve . ment by river washed gravel and sand. It Is alleged by the property owners -and even admitted by officials that Morris street la now nothing but a "mud " hole.-for the andweshe-away instead of -packing and the gravel Is to loose that the street Is Impassable. When a steam roller sot on the high way It sunk so deep that, a rescue was made with difficulty. , - The property owners ars preparing to -take the case Into, the courts snd 1t is evident that the city will lose the case. There is no complaint as to the manner In which the contractor performed the workt" the specifications - are held -- to Mama.'1 The work was accepted aa com plated by the city over a month ago. : (.'. - - V t ' r Borace J) Jones Jt " Sixteen days have passed since Hor ace D. Jonos Jr., contractor, disappeared from Ms Fir land home. la all this time his dlatracted parents have evefry nook and' corner of Portland, and the police of the cities of the coast have aided In the effort to locate the young hian. RUNAWAY GIRL FROM : F THE DALLES IS CAUGHT rrTv-Tsller-S-ie-Tear-old-girl. -was ""taken Injo custody at First snd Colum T:hla streets thla morning bjf Uetsctlves Vauahn and-Jlellyer. . and will be held pending the arrival of relatlvee from -The Da Ilea. A- telephone- measa ga -was : received from JMierlffcrSatw-at - tha pointlothe effect that the girl hacTleft home on the excursion to thla city. Bhe "ran away Shout" a month ago" and was located br" Detective Day" and Carpen ter at that - tme. - Miss - Baldwin, of -heTr-WCLA took: her In charge then and sent her back to The Dalles. REV. E. H. MOWRE BACK FROM EASTERN TRIP J "7" Rev." K." H. Mowre has returned from an extended eaatern trip, during which 1 he attended tha sessions of the general conference oC the M. E. church, south, - st Birmingham, Alabama. While east Tha atorr of Jonas disappearance waa first told In Tha Journal of May IS, but at that time it was thought hs had prob ably suddenly left the olty on buslnesj and would . return In a day or more. Days have paased and the mystery deep ens, and with It 1b developed the grow ing belief .hat the contractor mat -with foul play. . .. On Baturdeyr-May-llr-Jonea,. wno was engaged In the cement contracting busi ness -Intnia lty with JYQarrlson. made collectlona on his personal ac counta. amounting to about 180. Ha re turned to hia home end left $30 with his mother and then came back to' town and settled several small bills. In the evening he visited Miss Berntoa Curtis, whoae home Is within 10 minuter walk of the Jones residence. At about -11:41 o'clock, according to Mlas Curtis, Jones bade the young woman good-bye. saying ho would see her the following after noon and that he waa going straight home, aa It was getting along toward midnight. This was the last seen or hrd of htm; ' -The Portland polios were notified on May 11 of the young man's atrange dis appearance. - and : detectives - were : sent out with Horace Jones Br. to go over tha ground between Flrland snd Wood mere, where It wsa thought that Jones Jr. might have been waylaid by a thug and . atruck down. Every . bit of road and woods .between the Jones home and the home of Mls Curtis' was carefully examined in the hdpe that some clue to the missing man might be fdund. Port land resorts were acoured, -although' It waa known that the young man was not Iw-the hablt-of vlslUng saloons snd tha low places -of the city for there re mained Just the faintest possibility that he might have fallen from grace. The only evidence that tends to show that Jones may-have been alive on tha morning of May !Sa that a clerk In tha clgn restore at First and Morrison; jrho claims that he knew the contractor by stgpt, says that he thlnka he saw Jonea In ihe cigar store.. early in the morning of the date mentioned. It is possible that the young man, "who ' IS an ardent admirer .of army life and who was a member of the Oregon National Guard, may""havegoneawsy-to' enlist" In the regular army. Friends of the family say that It Is likely that Jonea and Mlas Curtis quarreled, and that Jones deter mined to tske some rash step to clear his mind of sir thought of Portland and his sweetheart. "Mr. Jones snd TTwere on the best of terms." says Miss Curtis In answer to this theory. "He could not possibly have taken offense at anything I had said .or done. -The - missing man' a parents have looked over the recorda of the army re cruiting offices, and thus far . have found j no descriptions . of , siryr-fclml among the - recruit papers that would answer to those of their eon.' They still aanere to the theory of foul play. Mono PAY SCHOOLS VISIT Pupils Will Hear Personal Stories jL,.. of Civil War Tomorrow Afternoon. - CHILDREN WILL TAKE PART IN CEREMONIES Interesting, Programs Have Been Pre pared and Schoolrooms Will Be Appropriately , Decorated List of . Veterans Who Will Visit Schools, In accordance with the usual custom. there will be aumotlal-aay eieius tomorrow afternoon lit all' the Portland schools. Interesting , programs have been prepared by pupils, and the ma' lotity of the school-rooms will be ap propriately decorated. At 1:11 o'clock every room will be visited by civil-war veterans, who" will make a raw remarks on the proper meaning of the day and tha mariner. In which It ahould be ob served. . The' list of those who will visit the schools la sS follows: Alnsworthschool S.'Ttr-HarTIBgton. M. W. Aldrlch, D.-K. Bills, I N. Ouy, H Pr-H;lXv- Atklnaon aehool T, M. Anderson. L. B. Brooks, J. w. Currsn, W. H. Blaney. J. W. Thomss, Charlea A. Williams, Oeorge A. Tllden, J. R. K. Irwin. Brooklyn school Russ T. Chamber lain, William Bates, O. N. (Driver. I. A. Brown, Elijah Hawklna. Oeorge Older, Theodore Webber, F. H. Merrill. Chapman school J. A. Braden, F. P. Candee, William Bracken, Henry Yeo man s, C. C Pratt, H. M. Plttinger H. C, Eins. ' " "- Clinton Kelly school J. 0. Fos. M. BeckeivT.-a. .Davidson. J.. WBrock, a P. Lockwood, Philip SUcher. "Nathan Bprague, J. A. Leahman, W. M. Cham bers.. ...... . . . K, Coui'h school O. Bummers, S I. Bsr. TiTac"Ktrrwett' fir-k. a . - w iu loriH, Jttmes-pwkrmnr - Davis- echool W. -A.-' Blttner, Darr, C: W. Cottel. A. Bower. Nflloane.- Kaepar KohleV,-H. Ttrt psnlal Clarke, Martin 'Riley, Hermsn Baumhoer, C W. Tracey. . Bt. Joseph School, Fifteen and Couch streets Peter Newberg, Charles Mueha, J. H. Schwelnhart. Precloua Blood School, Montavilla A. ' -C. O. Canfield. Faillng school Delos D. Neer, Z. A, Bryant. Ney Churchman, M. A. Mimes, H. Butcher, J. R. E. Selby, M. T. Rna yon. N?.'P.- WiU1ngf J.-WrWare. Fulton Park Q.t, A. ' Prentiss, J. II. Kuts, J-W.' BSyior." Hr C King." Fred Neiriermsirk, O. H. Keene. T. C. Swag gar tCTapscotUS. Jlftchell . Hawthorne," school Henrjr- K. Doach, W. C. Powers. .U R.'Traln, D. Butler, W. H. Wetherbee, T. T. C. Wilson, J. A. Newell. Mr. Mowre visited St. Louis, Washing ton.' New Orleans and other, eastern cities, soliciting funds for the eomple tlon of the handsome stone church" now building st the" corner of Union svenue and' Multnomah street. Ha aueeeed securing nearly 19.000. There la now in the building fund $20,000 In cash and subscriptions. It is expected that the church building wllta rco.mpleted by January !..'; ... UMAT1LLAPI0NEERS: TO MEET AT ELGIN BnMlal Dlatrk ta Tbe lonraal.V La Qrande, Or-TMay-lt.' The-trhloti Cbunty-ytoneer association has-deetad to hold the nwxt reunion of tha I'matilla plonsers-st' Elgin,- Thursday, - June , T. A. Rlnehart, one of the earliest pion eers, was Invited to deliver the address, A" peclat"program-1-belng-preparel for thla occasion. Slstrlot Ooafsreaoe to Meet. rSpedal Dtonitrh to The Jmnnal.) ' Joseph. Or., May 21. The district conference of the La Grande district of the M. E. church will be held here to morrow, -Wednesday and Thursday, In the M. El church. Ministers from tha various churches In the district .will be present. " ' . Will Rlove June 1st To 329 WASHINGTON STREET : Imperial Hotel Building" fete Latest Designs in Summer - Wash 1 : '. Vests and Flannels - $1.50 to 7.00 288 Wash- -ington1 . ' Street M E N'S S H O P; - ! Between j Fourth ana Fifth ' 6000 PRICES FOR MUTTON -AND I'OOL IN MONTANA CrowertTTumlng-to- Flocks - as BettenRevnuPj-oducers Than Beef Cattle. ".Twin Bridges. MonrrMay-2S. WhneT1 Maaieon eount y 4a-st 111-larirel y ar-eai tie f country.- ah eep are ateadlly- gaining grouna and the wool crop thla aeaaon w - eaiiroaiaa . ai . xuny one third over laat yearorabout 750,000 pounds. This cfiange, according to aome of tha laadlngflocknaatersJs prlnclpallydue to tne advanced price of wool and reut ton and If the price of cattle does not Improve there la apt to be a decrease, at least among the large herds. - Wool growers of this section of the slate, aa far aa can be learned, have not contracted a single-pound of wool on the sheep's back, although some of them were approached last fall. , At that time off era were made from 11 to 11 cents. Growers ,for the most part are stsuncn in tneir peiicr that x cents will be about the minimum price for ordinary-wool, while wool f extra long staples rree rrom breaks and reasonably free from dirt will bring 1 or 1 cents better. The past winter was favorsble for sheep and the fleeces will be heavier and of better quality. The bulk of the wool will be shipped to the eaatern sea board without delay In transit for bal ing. Experience has taught both grower and buyer that baling is unnecessary and causes needless delay unless the wool comes from a territory where there Is a baling- plant In operation. High school AE. Bnrthwlck, Charles H. Campbell. W. B. Cutler, W. M. Mart sell.. W. 8. Powera. CH. Wilklns. Highland school Charlea A. Cogswell, George N. Faucett, Jacob Deckenbach, Thomas C, Smith, W. T. ISherwood, b. P. Doty. " ; V ----- Holladay school-kl. K. Gauklii C. H. Dauchy. O. Bt Clair 8gur John De merit, Stanley Stafford. W. HrM. Taylor; T, C- Bell. J. T. wmiamir. - Holman aehool Adam DlllerD. W. Bebrlng. T. T. Btrubler-A. H. Barlnlsret, N. C . Dale, MIlea Trowbridge. O. W Thomas. F. L. Wtegsnd, J. at. NIc Irvington school f. M. Johnson, C. Kdmundsr Thnothy Kelly. Rllsv boltonr-Martin- Foster.. C F"."" Parker, J.N W. Wrigley. . Ladd aehool MUton Wiedler, William Hamilton, F. H. Bheppard, O. W. Evans, Dr. Oeorge Kottage. J. El Taylor. T. C Bhreve. J. L. Jackaon. J. Elklnton. J North -Ontral "school rr-BrDush,' SA W. Campbell, Ada m Faulk, Henry A. Barden, Richard Price. Occtey- Oreen: School Rr-Si-Hummet August Dlppel, C. A. Dibble. J. Aber- nathy, J. E. GUI Is. Paul Trultt. - Peninsular School J... Worlck.l ELM. Caraon, David Flnley Lbq Bmll Slaughterback. J. L. Holtem. J. H. Par ker. F. N. Kollock. Mr. Reynolds. Portsmouth School I. N. Benner, John- Gatchet.C- H. Jsmes. J. Storan nnd Comrades of General Compton Post. Sell wood School R. 8. Oreenlesf. J. r. enaw, k. uuiette. m. ts. urant. Mark H. Myers, .all comrades . of - Pickett Post. " . ShavetJBehool-r H.:.8utcllffe;- Mtsenheimer, Joseph Olessner. George W. Merrill. C. B. Powell, W. Wheatlev, Bhatturk" School J. HT Woodward," George wmiams. s. Vlexey ' J.' x. Bladen, 1 C. 8 homo, Frank Glltner, James Jackson. U. 8. A. - L J : J Stephens School C. E. CllnerjiW.j R. Merchant. J. Redmond, J. R Chamberlain Henry Worden. Bunnyalde School R. V. Pratt, W. 8. Drake, G. B. Hartmus, J. J. Hersch- aimer. J. Sprlngmler, Joseph Forbes, A. H. Arnold. Thomas Burdin. DENSE VOLUME OF SMOKE IS CAUSE OF FIRE SCARE Considerable - excitement " Was occa sioned In Flolschner. Mayer Co.'s es tablishment at Ash and Flrat streets at 11 o'clock this morning by a dense vol ume of smoke pouring from the base ment of the building. A telephone message brought out the fire depart ment and It was discovered upon an In vestigation that an open flue waa re sponsible for the trouble. Employes were burning rubbish In. a stove on the third floor snd the back draught drove the amoke through the opening In the basement making It appear as If the tore wss. afire. SINGLE GRADUATE TO HAVE CLASS HONORS (Ssaelal Tnapatrk hi The JoareaJ.) Bumster. Or., May. tt. Miss Nellie Louise Forwood ,has the honor Of being the single graduate, from the Bumpier High erhnol this year. She will, be so corded ,Isbb honors, however, and a program he ben. arranged for vVednes - Terwllllger School Wr-CVWenderson, B. K. Ullheil, Gwrgs II. Kllner. Qeorg Dorfler, WT. W. Jaques, J. L. Stevenson, rsncls Miller. Thompson School A. F. Seats, Enos Swan, B. M. Hawthorne, Phillip Law- ton, H. A. Severance. Williams Avenue School C. P. Hollo- way, Joseph E. Hall. Henry Jones, O. O. Shurtllffe, Perry Tomllnson, J. J. Walt ers. ..' Woodlswn School B; P. Thompson, J. La hey, J. F. Johnson, Joseph Bom mers. E. W. Maxwell.. G. F. Dash lei, John Thompson J. W. Graves. 1 1 " Woodstock School M. J. Morse. R W. Poole. R. W. Mathews. Peter Knob lock, W. K. Diiscoll, Jeremiah Paulaell, A. W. Miller. Mount Tabor. School D. K. Illffe, Charles Kennedy, C. W. Wheeler. M. H. Kllburn. A. W. Powers. J. N. Voorhles, F. A. Colman,, W. W. WIckHne,. Ell Creekbaum. - Montavilla School W.- N. Morse, H. C York. Oeorge Pierce, Rosatl MU1J ueorge f rice, u. p. rotts, II. F. rates. ' St Johns School A. Mstteson. A. Thuman, I. I. Horsman. August Wenn. East Twenty-Eighth Street School William St. Clair. W. J. McAllister. W. C. Keith. J. L. Randies, Jscob J. Miller. N. B. Smith, L. T. Pierce. A. Mitchell. Jonathan Moaner, J. W. Wllliagton.- - Olencoe- School J. O. Wlgglnton. - J. H. Vaughn.- George Lucke, 8. P. Mc Kee, R. A. Frame, J. M. Harkelroad, 8. N. Alfred. Portland Academy H. H. Northmp, F. K. Arnold, Rev. Robert Mclean. Columbia University, University Park D. J. Ilaynes. Patrick Holland John Rlner. J. E. Michael. C. H. Hunt . St Mary's Academy and College -T. A4 Jordan, E. Martin, Ji-WVOgllbeej J. L. Wells. Newton Clark. Academy of Holy Names, Twelfth and East Oak streets T: R. Nerle, J. B. Gardner. Charles A. Malarkey. Blanchet Inatltute. 10 Fifth stret T. B. McDevett. J. T. MoHollsnd, W. M. Cake, AndrewMcMaster. ' Bt. Lawrence nrnooi. zi nnerman street M. L. Pratt.1 J. E. Courtney, William Steadman, D. Cavsnaugh, V. L. Tracy... St. Patrick s Schom. lfl savter street Charles Duggan,- rhllllp Brady, J. H. Way, - ,,.. , St. Mary s Brhool. ( Williams ave- fiue H. H. Pierce. A. D. Bhorno,- R. T. Schomp. CJeviatHt Rockwell. "5 Phenomenal irl -Fysfo-MAT; - Spseial Thf ee Days Mon., TvcsC and Thurs. For three days beginning today we will give some stunning hat values in fine Crushers. All the smartest shapes and colors, including pearls and steel grays 75c values special at . 55c $1.25 values special at ie5QjueaSpecialt-$lg $1.75 yaliies $2.50 values: special at $1.30 -special at $1.85 MUtry. U. -9. Butkluf 4IAJ liigmbj'i -The Qrawd-Asasy- memorial service .will be heljl lnLone .cemetery at 11 o'clock a. m., Wednesday. May tO. Tha O. A. R. and all old soldiers will fall In Una at 10 o'clock a. m. to march to tha cemetery; carriages will be provided for those unable to march. Organs Mutt Co.Too; Everything must go. We have some famous Kimball and Burdetta, etc. In fancy octave, and also - superb regular piano-cased styles, the reductions on which equal Just exactly S& centa on the dollar.- A few In a little plainer eaaes st still greater reductions. Pay tt or IK caah, IS or f 4 a month and take choice. We must dispose of them within the. next few daya. We're selling out. Ellers Piano House, J61 Washington street, . Bassos Opeas at Baadoa. Bandon, Or., May." 21. The first of the summer visitors hava begun to ar rive. - Bandon beach 1s one of the most delightful places Jn Oregon -tor spend a vacation, but on account of the lack of means of tranaportation, only, a limited number of people are able to spend their vacations here. When the rail road reaches thla section Bandon beach Kwlll become one of the .moat popular resorts on the Oregon coast. .lISSINu PROSPECTOR DIED OF HEART FAILURE Body of J. MrRowelTToinTwo - - Miles From Lucky Boy Property. . - . Istlng below the bed of the river.. It Is dred wells, from which the water, will, be pumped and discharged Into a col lecting conduit. -jsi-gsaelrt-Dlapateh to Tme Jsarasl. cugene. ur., &imy ii. in ooayii j. M Hnwell tha nroanector who hai heen verx-cholce - Parlor, rgans thworld- lwlaslng from . the Blue BJver l mines since may 10, was found Saturday In a clump of brush two miles from the Lucky Boy power house. He had evi dently died from heart trouble, as no evidence was discovered of violence or of accidental fall. Ha was subject, to such attacks. The body-was brought to Eugene today for burial. J. M. Howtll was a pioneer of Ore gon, having come across the plains in 1843, and settling" with, his parents In Marlon county at Howell pratrle. - He was ased 71 yeara and leavea a widow snd Jour small- -children. - ; . day-svenlng at the opera, house, - 4. Sacred Heart .Behoof, 111 Milwaukee TO IRRIGATE FROM RIVER UPSIDE DOWN " (Jonraal Special Bervlee.) Chicago,. I1J.. May 21. Bids are to be opened here today for the contract for fumlshlng-4he maohlnery for the Garden City Irrigation project. In western Kan sas. Thla Irrigation project Is attract- lhg considerable attention on aocount of novel featurea Involved In Its construc tion. The water must be recovered front the underflow .waters of the Arkansas Til graral . dtnlta a'f. DECKHAND DROWNED r AT ""ALBANY "WHARF iu (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) --- --'. . Albany, Or., May IS. While the steamer Oregona was loading on Sat urday, H. Jones, a green deckhand, lost control of a truck and was thrown Into the river. He arose to the aurfaoe once, but was immediately drawn -under and hia body , has not been recovered. - COTTAGE GROVE WILL -CELEBRATE THE FOURTH (Special Dlspatek to -The JoaraaL) " 'rs Cottage Grove. Or., May VL Onttage Grove la making - arrangements for m " celebration on the Fourth of July. Tha' Merchants' association haa taken up the matter. A good program will be ar ranged and nearby towna are ionted to participate. ' Ample funds hava already; been secured. -1 mi vimx&w ixik White ShirUvaist have secured several choice lots of Celebrated -QUEEN" Ladies White - High Grade Lingerie-Waists 63 on the $1.HJ. We have classified them, into two lots at Another Great Deal In Ladies' White Muslin Gowns and Sldrls Remarkable Bargain The entire line, andr there are hundreds . of them, swell gar ments, values up to $2Take your choice Tues. and Wed. for 97c. EXTRA ! Clpsing out prices on Ladies and Children' summ Knit Indcnvcar t5, 7, 10e 15 and 25. Every garment i worth double the price. At 12f4c Indian Head, soft linen finish, by yard or bolt, while it lasts 12 fx. st if xx- xx j rrn v x IS Mr l I S'' IAX l'l " -V ' .11... 1 CORNER. TI2IHD AIID MOrICCIl