The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Idaho, and. iviontana
; ( - Spokane on
"Th Spirit of Spokane 1 th' topic
' "77" f enthusiastic conversation- of -a-dosen
' Or mora of Portland leading ulna
men today s ih result of th trip of
. the executive commute of
' Jand Commercial club, with
the Port
a number
of members, to the eastern Washington
,'clty. , The party returned thla morning
.and each member la singing the praises
.ijt. lhe spirit that has mads Spokane
ipno of the most'progresstv -and thrtV'
tng cities In the west.
Th party left Portland Friday yn
" tjng over the O. R. A N.' and were the
.guests until yesterday of the publicity
1 V committee) of the Spokane ' chamber of
commerce. The chief object of the trip
' was to discuss ways and means of best
. , .exploiting the resources and advantages
,vOf the northwestern f states, in tnat
'connection it was proposed to establish
.closer relations,, socially and in. a bul
nesa way, between not only Spokane and
Portland, but between all the towns
, ' ' within the territory tributary to the
'Columbia river, as well as those la west-
-- The result of ths trip was the calling
' - of a meeting of representatlvea of the
i.our northwestern states to b held :n
. Snokane. October 1. Delegatee-- from
Bractlcally every town In th atatea of
Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Mon
: tana will attend. The meeting will be
held during the annual meeting of the
fruit fair in BDokane and wtu be an im
r"'-"' vrit in the hiatnrv of the
Those Wk Made Trip.
-vr "voa Jornmeecial elu b" w li mad tin
trip were: 'Theodora B. Wilcox, preal
dent Portland J.euring Mill company
i " J. C Alnaworth. president United Stnte
i 'r Nalonal bank.-J. Frank, Watson, preol-
-. dent MerchanU' National bank Waiter
. "S". Burrell. president Burr ell Investment
i company ; 4V N- flelschner, of Flelsch-
near. Mayer ft Co., wholesale dry good.
- Other members of the party were: Kd
. ward Ehrman, treasurer Portland Com
- ' uercial club and manager Mason, Khr
jnan A Co.; Hugh MoOuirs, -member
i board of governors of th Commercial
. ' club and president of tha Paclfla Paper
' company; Tom Richardson, manager
. CommercliI club; Whitney L. Boise,
'. president East Bid Improvement so
. elation; A. . Biles, manager W. P.
... . jrnji,, a -to.. wholesale paints and oil:,
, C g. Jackson, publisher Oregon Pally
. ... Journal; W. P. Olds, president Olds.
Wortman ft Kmg: A. H. Devers of Clos
et ft Devers. ' wholeaal coffee and
v : apices yF. D. Glbba, secretary and traaa
urtr of Tull ft Olbba. furniture dealer;
I :. ' .. . .W. W.i Cotton, general counsel for the
. JIarrlman linea in Oregon and Washing
. ;ton; B. W. Wright. . assocuit . dltor
, (Special Dlasateh" to TiT6ornaI.T
I' Baker City, Or..J May tt. The fol
J lowing -teacher -hav- been - elected, for
' thenest chool -term: ;
J. "A. -Churchill, - city superintendent;
ITmu Neltta taek, pTtnelpsof-the- High
. acboel; Mlaa Edith Preacott, music and
drawing; Miss Orsce Murray, principal
South Baker achool; Miss Jessie Olllt
. fllan, ; principal Brooklyn school. High
V school teachers, J. A. Good win. Misses
Christine Thorosen,' Margaret Bannard,
" Adelta, McMurren and Bessie' A. Bow-
ers. . . .
Qrad Teachers Edna Prescott, Anna
"TCasebeer," Ineg Pepew, Lnla Grave.
. Ethel Handroan. Olive Chenault, Edn
Bement, Jeanett . Wlmberly, Ida Ash.
TatM ailltspl. tiella Thomas,-Kdilh
1 Alderson. Lydla Grave, Netie Canady,
Ella Moulton, Myrtle Bratton. Wllla
-aanfon, IxlaDale. , Maud - Lan ahead.
Maud. Kagon, May, Denham7Mary Mo-
sler, Amy Haines, Mary M. Moor, S.
v Pea, Mry Brenboldt. ' . .
Tillamook. Or., May tt. Bualness
men have organised th Tillamook De-
valopment league, ' which la to be a
branch of ' the Oregon Development
, league. Th officer are: -Irwin Harrl
: eon. president; Ralph Ackley, secretary.
- ; and E. T. Hajtom, treasurer. - The ob
, ! Ject of th league 1 wn line with the
- (principal organisation and th . adver-
.-Using o this particular section, -
Impure bleo-rna you down m&kei
you an eay victim for organic dl sea sea
' Burdock Blood Bitters purlflea the blood
t ures the cause builds you up, i '
- fevery mother in Oregon and Washington will be interested in
at least one feature of -The Sunday Journal next week: , The page
containing the firit installment of pictures received in the pretty
baby contest.
From all over the two states portraits of some of theTiand
aomest children in the northwest hsve reached this office, and many
of them will be reproduced on Sundav. It is doubtful if anv nther
section of this coontry could show
ilmc iiiti utcu irtvivea y inia ouice since tne announcement
was made of the valuable prizes for the four prettiest children
in Oregon and Washington. i
f-r ' -The prises are well worth winning. - The- first is a deposit of,.
7 $20 in a savings- bank to the -credit -of the- boy-or-girl under- ix x
years old who is declared the handsomest; to three others beautiful
.silver mugs will be given. v . ... . . ; .
One thing has been clearly proved in this contest, and that is that
the parents of the prettiest children in Oregon and Washington do
2 -mot seem to care so much to get the valuable prizes as they do td
hare their babies recognised as the prettir'jt in the two states. The
I prices, thoush. everyone knows are worth winning a deooait in a
2 savings bank of $20 to the credit
silver cups lor three others, iso cniid under 6 years old ts barred. If
you think yours is the prettiest send a picture, with the name and age
of (he babe and the address of the parents on the back.
Till June 30! every. mother in Oregon and Washington will be
given tha chance to prove conclusively that her baby is the prettiest.
A committee of competent Judges will study each picture sent in
and pais Judgment on it fairly and unflinchingly. -All you have to
do is to aend in your baby's picture before June 30 to. the Baby Con
test editor of Th Sunday Journal, with the name and age of the child
and the parents' address. All children under 6 years are eligible, (
' The'rictufes hi some of the pretty babies In Oregon and Wash
ington will tbe printed in next jjunday'a Journal, ..'
ASKea to meet in
October 2 ; ;
Oregonlan, and Charles E. Ladd of Ladd
TUton ;
- - - - Vplrl' of Bpokaae."
"Tv.. - n. f m f -,,m4i.ihia feature - af
Bpk.n. I. th. .nirit that pervades the
i t . S nMnarfltlAH
plica and th f eeilng of cooperation
that exists on all sides.' la the general
expression of 'thoaa-WFho mad .the trip.
Every ana wants to boost Spokane,
and even 1 there ' is keen business
rivalry ' among the. business men It is
on a high plane and they all work for
the betterment of Spokane rather than
the betterment of any special Interest''
At a luncheon at the Spokane cham
ber 'of commerce Saturday noon Mr.
Wilcox told of ths purpose of the trip.
His address met with surh hearty re
sponse that he spoke further that night,
and It was the result of his talk that
the-meeting of the representative of
tha four-, northwestern state was. arranged.-"'
- "- ' "
Mr. .Wilcox- Insisted upon tn neces
sity of opening the mouth of. the Co .iv.. it la in absolute neces
sity, h said, rot for Portland, but for
IK entlss- wilaart amptr aaarcases
wars also made by Tom Richardson and
Others Of the party. ' ',
ifThe results an trip win prm-
nent, I believe," said Mr. Wilcox, "we
found a spirit In. Spokane that J
t..KT. whm T iM them in a straight.
unequivocal way that we were not on
a Junketing trip, but were there for
business, they met us in the same open
iy. urges npnn innm me iinYvrf-j
proper care to the Columbia i river, l
iinl.Ttf TKat Tfwa not for1 the benefH
city thai la iociu un w j.
h river. Wi here In Portland live on
the Wlllemette, while they live on the
Spoken river. But It Is the sams caua
which will inspire us, ana tn pwpia
there seem to ream, now mat it is
really for the goo of the northwest
explained no-wa wars jiot irying
to raise money that w merely wanted
their - frlendahlp and Influence. Port
lam! Itself la nerfectly able to take care
of tha river from thla point to tha sea,
and I told them that if they would help
us get proper attention for the mouth
of the river, we woujd help them by
getting proper attention for the upper
river." .. '. ' "
Sunday tha party took a trip to -i-oeur
d'Alen CltyV mlle-P-4ha Jpokana
river by trolley. The city Is situated
on Ooeur d'Alen lake.- The party
lunched there at the Idaho- hotel as tha
guests of tha 8pokane Commercial club.
It la one of the most beautiruu bud-.
urban trips on the coast. The .hospi
tality of th Spokane Commercial bodies
was enthusiastically ' Commented upon
by all th members of th party.
eaSBjBBBBSaawnassasBSBSBW ...,
tSperiri -Diipatcs" te Tbe Jooroal.)
Athena, Or., May 21. Th first an-
"Hl Wt'"g "f th Vmatllla Ttap-
tlat aasoclaUon., with delegatea from
church In all parte of Umatilla coun-
ty. which WM nt-thrirat-BapUatl1tllt,f -...jmb
church In thl city last week, was very
successful and well attended. ... Rev. A.
L. Wadsworth of Pasadena, California,
field reprasentatlv of th Pacific Bap
tist; RevrW. B. Page, formerly of Colo
rado, now generar missionary1 for Ore
gon; Jama Edmunds, Sunday achool
missionary, and - Miss Carrie O. Mills
paugh, represents tlva of the women and
Baptlat young people of Oregon, were
offlcera 1 mere elected
for th ensuing yesr: " Moderitorr-Pranar
K.JWell, Pendletonasslstantmoderai.
tor. . w. - w. . Harrah, Pendleton; treas
urer. J.TrLleuallen, Adams; "clerk. Q.
L. Hall." Pendleton. T Tha next meeting
of th association will be held in Pen
dleton the third Tuesday In May, 107,
(Rpeiial Wapatch to The Journal.)
Milton, Or., May . The Umatilla
County Development league will be en
tertained by the Milton Progressive' as
sociation la thl city tomorrow. : A
strawberry dinner Will be furnished all
th visitors.- Bpeclal trains will be run
from all parts of Umatilla county.
speakers will be preeent, among whom
are Mayor Gilbert Hunt of Walla Walla,
John T. Whistler of the United States
geological Burvv-of . Portland. A. P.
Stover and A. E. Wright of th gov
ernment experimental station.
fc i iju-i T, .i . i
pictures of as many charming , T
of the .prettiest babe, and beautiful
Newnd Used Pianos
From $100 fo $150 Saved on Each
If you are m ncedof 'a.' piano, new or second- ,
'hand, now is the time to secure it. We have them
at all prices ranging from $50 up, and sell them on
terms to suit the customer. We are anxious to
close out'all used and second-hand pianos before
turning over the business to our successors the first
of July, consequently we put a price on "them at
rabout one half their true value. Come in and look
"' them over. -' '
All our magnificent stock of new pianos are being
'dosed out at a big reduction. If you want a nice
high grade piano at a big saving be sure to call now,
for- you wiH never have, another such opportunity.'.
;Might as well buy'. now. and save some money. It.
is just like finding it or receiving it from home.-
Well Pleased With Result of-
Their Efforts.
Pemocratln r nun tr committee is
greatly .pleased at th succees oX Uj
meeting given under it auspices Sat
urday evening In Montavilla. Warren s
hall held1 a large crowd, a good band
furnished Inspiring music, there were
several rousing speeches and th audi
ence displayed much enthusiasm.
' W. L. Beckner acted as chairman and
to him and James Groom, committee
man from Montavilla, la. due not a lit
tie of th -credit for the auccesa of the
meeting. Colonel Robert A. Miller, can
didate - for attorney-general, wa the
principal speaker. He delivered a vig
orous address and was frequently ap
plauded. - Short speeche were mad by
Oglesby Young, nominee, for circuit
Judge; Dr. W. 8. Armstrong, nomine for
oroner;ATF.Flegel, nominee for Joint
senator, and George L. Hutchln,- nomt-
ne for representative." The sis and
tamper of th gathering was a.- surprUe
to the opposition, it being generally ad
mitted that th meeting was an unusu
ally large one for that section of the
county. ; .
The Traveling Men' Tom Word club,
which 1 conducting an effective can
vass for the reelection of th present
sheriff, "will hold a meeting "tomorrow
night in Boys' Brigade hall, Sunnyside.
8. C. Pier 1 to be chairman and th
McGinn, Senator C.
W. Nottingham and
Sheriff Word.
.. . r
(Bpretal Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.)
Prlnevllle, Or., May t. ids for a
new courthouse In Prlnevllle have been
asked for - and If any- bid ii accepted
Prlnevllle will hav on of the hand
somest afructurei Ini:s l r ll " O i e goa,
coating" In the neighborhood of" 40, 000
. A petition filed over a year ago asked
a new courthouse. It was laid aside.- in
th list of signatures appear th names
of nearly 160 taxpayers, among them
the-heaviest in the county .Th WU
lamett Valley A Cascade Mountain
Wagon Road company, which pays ah
nual . taxes In excess of $10,000, - i
j among the first on th list, which In-
eludes rfnrtf-aMwi-Hrwiiiiii,
rn and northern Crook county.-
(Special IMapatck to The Jooraal.)
- Union, Or., May 28. People living on
the Amaa tract near thl city are mak
ing effort to organise distribution of
water for irrigation. For the purpose
ef outlining a plan a meeting will be
held this evening. Models of meaeur
ing boxes will be submitted and selec
tion mada. - Land owners .are blocking
out a system thst promises to over
coma differences that aria when water
Is at its lowest stage.
RBwial rHapatrh to The Inurnal.) v-
Lostlne, Or May 2. Gideons Bou
dsn has disposed of his holdings In
Wallowa valley consisting Of about 100
acres of land and 4,000 heep to Peter
Boudan for I17.&00 and will leave short
ly for the Alberta country, where he ex
pect to locate. Mr. Boudan. is one of
th many men who came to Wallowa
county a few year ago with almost
nothing, earhing bir living by herding
sheep. Today he is wsll tordo.
(Rpeefal Olapatcb te The Jnnrnal.) "
Grande, Or., May ZS. Contract for
construction of th new La Grande Na
tional Bank building in thl city has
been awarded to J. L. Slater. It will
be two" stories, of red pressed brick,
with cream tarracotta trimming and
grayston dimensions, and It 1 to be
modern In vry respect, steam-healed,
metal callings, plat glass window and
til floor. Th cost of th building
and bank fixtures will exceed 1,30,000.
Damage Suit Begun.
O. Etchlson twgan- ault- m-eha- United
States circuit court this morning against
in crown-voiumnja t-uip ar rspef com
pany for $7,000 dmagesi Th plaintiff
rlslms that he wa badly Injured by
th breaking of a pulp pip several
month ago., .. , . .i
.The .retail grorera at.a.maeting4
of the asseciatlon thla morning .4
i voted to close shop for all day ,
vteoneanay -1
: Memorial day. Thla Is th first
time In the history of th as so- e
.elation that an all-day" closing
-has been observed on Decoration - 4
. , e e e e ,
"(Special Dlapatrh to Tha Jonraal.) "
- La Grande, Or., May ft. Superinten
dent M. J. Buckley of the X R. ft N.
state that a large force of men will
soon be employed between Uilgard and
Kamela.-whlrh 1ler up grad from her
about 15 mile west; Th work Is ex
tensive and Includes a system of drain.
age tunnels along -Dfy creek. - Th esti
mated cost;isJ500.000. Th object of
th tunnels' it to divert th creak chan
nel so that trestles over present cross
ing" may b filled In. , ' -
-Tracklaylng ' from -Elgin on the
new branch Una Into" "W'airowi "county
will begin at ohca. - A - larg amount
bf-steel and ather track material being
on hand, th tracklaylng fore ia ready
to push th line a far a the grade ts
finished. -
Baker City, Or.. May 21. Graduatlna
xsrclsemf the Baker ?lty High schoot
iook place la th opera-house Friday
evening. Ther are Is In the graduating
class. Miss Llllith B. I son was valedic
torian, her subject being -Baker High."
Rev. J. R. N. Bell delivered the address
to the class. -
Following Is th Ilatrof - graduate)
Oscar Enberg, prealdent; Lata Chandler,
vice-president; Mary Pi A. Gylenberg,
secretary; Lurene Parr, Abble L. Kern
land, Dorothea B. Bement. Ralph t.
Lltlg, Rodger F. Talmadge. Llllith B.
Tsonr-tlaada-M Johns.
(SnecUl niiaatrb to Tna Jon-nal t
ranta Pass. Or., May 211 An m.
presslva memorial was held -at the
Methodist church .yesterday .morningJ
IAM , in,rr)ir of the olty, together with!
G. -A. R.- veterans and friends. - united
In the services. Th local post G. A. R.,
witn tn woman Keller corps, were
escorted to the church by the boys'
brigade. The sermon wa preached by
Rev. C. O. Beckman of - th Methodist
church. : Memorial day will be appro
priately observed Wednesday, exercise
to be1 held at th opera house, -
"(Continued from Pag One.)
their cllenta. - Clarence .parrow "of Chi-,
cago Is ale assisting the defense.' -''
. The leading attorneys for th prosecu
tion will he J. H. Hawley and W. E.
Borah of ' Boise. They hav been for
year leaders, -respectively, of th Demo
cratic and Republican parties, and aro
both accounted very able men. Borah
wa the leading Republican; opponent
thre year ago of W. B. Heyburn for
th aenstorshlp, but a concentration of
tha anti-Borah force In th legislature
defeated him for th. position. 'At tho
same time th Pemocratlo legislator
cast a compllmentsry vot for, Hawley
for the senatorahlp. . ?..-: .
O. M.Van Puyn, the prosecuting at
torney of Canyon county, 1 a very
young man-r-prohahly th your,get man
ever elected to th position of county
attorney in Idaho, lie naturally will
not tako th leading place In so Import
ant a matter as the prosecution of th
man charged with th conspiracy to as
sssslnate Steunenherg. W. A. Btone of
Caldwell, a- close friend of th ex-governor's,
will seal at the prosecution by
his counsel during the trial.
. ..In
Dn Graves'
Tooth Powder
there are combined the elements
of safety and pleasure In kissincr
youi wife or -sweetheart deli
cious after taste. Just ask her
about it. & - , .
.,. In handy metal eaaa ar bottle. SS.
5.T. J-ockwood Declares It
Rains There About as Much
as irt-Portland . . i,
Refus and Filth on Every Sid
Water Does Not, Drain Off Streets
t Local Option Movement la Suc
' ceisful There, -
Mutual .Life Insurance company - has
just returned from southern ' California,
where he spent the pairt. eight month
with his wife, who wk in March of
health. 'Most of th tlfti was spent In
Los Angeles, and though he I enthus-
lastlo over th rapid growth of that city,
Mr. Xockwood ha returned a more eon
firmed Portlander than aver.- t
'Anyone enterlhg th city of Los An
geles." he said., "will b Immediately,
struck with Ite rapid and remarkable
growth, . Portland, too, 1 growing rap
Idly. but Los Angeles seems-to have
about two years' atart of It. ' Much east
ern capital Is being Invested there by
tourists, and Los Angeles' stock in trad
Is It climate. But In reality th dif
ference between her cllmat and ours
xlats mostly in printers' ink. During
February and March It rained more
taadlly In Lo Angeles than I hav ever
een it rain here. Considering th cll
mat Jhe whole year arountl. I should
rather by far live In Portland. . i
"Los Angeles would be a beautiful
city if It wer not for the trta. They
are a disagreeable surprise In a' city, of
it 1. Th mud Is deeper and stickler
than I hav aver seen In Portland, and
there 1 so much filth end refus about
that a Ylty beautiful' mnvsmfinr would
not W out r maw. 11 ll t tllBiiau
fhatKlairbyh cltlen.-r hothlng
Is dona Tho streets- are often so
carriage to take her across the street.
"Any visitor entering th city wUl be
truck at one with th keen civic pride.
Ton cannot- enter into conversation with
anyone for more than five minutes with
out hearing Los Angeles and its superi
ority mentioned. Everyone Is talking
and writing Los Angeles.- and thl t th
source of Its .prosperity. - They claim
that they have gained 60.000 in popula
tion sine th San 'Francisco disaster.
Th .saloon problem 1 an interesting
element in the city growth. Th stat
ute limit tha number of saloon in th
city to 100, and before a saloon can be
opened a petition signed by a large per
centage of th resident of that vicinity
must be presented and due notice given.
Th time la Improved by tha opponents
In getting up a counter petition, and so
aaloona are very seldom een' in th su
burbs or residence portions. Dr. Chap
man a Congregational minister there,
who was formerly a lawyer,' has don
moat effeotive work 4n thla line. . There
1 -a high license, and. though vice is
doubtless as' plentiful as in Portland. It
is more hidden away and appeara more
respectable. The strong Jocal option
movement, which ha been In xttenc
there for many years baa had Its af
fect."' - - ' ,v.
(Special Ditpatch to Tbe Journal.)
Pendleton, Or... May 18. About . tOt
head -of horses were shipped from Echo
to Alberta Saturday by Frd MoLaln. a
well-known buyer. Thes horse hav
been purchased In th Echo and Butter
Creek districts, some of them coming
from Morrow county, and it Is one of
the largest shipments made from east
ern Oregon this year.
Tha animals are an" averaga - grad
of rang stock and will be placed on
th market In th Alberta farming dis
tricts, where ther is a brisk demand
forhorses.--Ther&wlU be IS cars In
th tralnload.
zr tsptctar Olapatek to-Tbe Jcpamal)
1 - Baker City. Or.. May IS. One third
1 of the sheep of Baker county r being
aheared at th corral of Lee Bros, at
Pleasant Valley, and about 60,000 head
of. sheopwlH be clipped in thl lot.
It 1 atlmated that ther are-TTOnTl
ltO.000 to 160,000 head of sheep In Baker
county. Th greaUr portion of thes
will be sheared by machines, altlfough
th regular army of about -160 hand
shearers, who work through the Inland
Emplr from on end to th other aoh
year, will soon Invad th territory, and
are - expected to gat a good ahar . of
tha work. .
.(Special Dispatch to The Journal!) -Ashland
Or. May tS. Th rain storm
which ha prevailed her In varied da-
are for eight days became heavier last
night, and there has been a steady down
pour since. The rainfall in tn iaat l
hours la .61 of n Inch.
: Considerable damage I threatened
to th strawberry crop. No trouble
hss been reported on th railway divi
sion lther aouth or north of hsr today.
I although troublesom llde ar ex
pected. - . - -
(Svaefat tMipatrb to The JoereaLV
Eugene. Or., May tn. Mr. Barah
Chapman, wlfa of E. F. Chapman, died
Saturday of heart fallur. She was re
clining on a couch' when she suddenly
grew falnfcand expired bfor help could
be summoned. '
'Mra Chapman wa aged 8T yar. She
wa a member of the Order of Eastern
SUr and Ladle of th O. A. R., being
a past department , president Of th
latter.--- '-
Cottage Orove, Or., May It Oovrnor
Oeorge B. Chamberlain will speak her
Tuesday afternoon at 1:10 and then go
to Uugen for th evening address.
Chamberlain will draw tha largest crowd
of th season. HI opponent will sot
peak her.' ' - t
Politics; will be active 4hl week. To
night W. C. HawJey, Republican nom
inee for representative In congress, will
apaaJ. - .... ..
UAmmw ouTriftuw oohtastt I Atnag ornirra coi-ysnr
... --- - -'! .".''.: ... r. r.
In the score or more of new P. N. Corset models
which we offer will be found one which, win ;
Just suit you. - P. N Corsets are too well known ;
to need much argument ' in their favor.' Their
constantly increasing sales indicate the fact that
good dressers find in them a combination of
style, comfort and durability at moderate priccsl
Especially strong is our showing ofLingerie nov- '
elties in all sizes for summer wear.50c A WEEK
-PrNcPrfictical Side Corsets
Of recent yean fashion has exacted many changes in corsets.
but season after season she has demanded the P. N. Practical
Side Model for those desiring strong, durable stays. The
deduction is simple. - Women who heretofore failed to find
comfort and style combined in garments , that .wore otherwise
1 substantial enough, upon being acquainted with the patented
feature of the P. N. Practical Side Corsets have made re-
-aide pieces t makea th- breakin
- aible. Thea aida nieces can
wherein ther are set and reversed. from time to tim, without.
.' sewing or tipping, insuring permanent ahapelineaa to tha
V- corset and adding to ita lease, of service. . If a lady wishes
ease in reclining, tha aide piecea may be removed and re-
placed at her 'pleasure--The cork steel protector used in all
' P. N. Coraete will keep the front ateel from breaking and
rnstinc. ASK TO SEE THEM.
Oar stock of Back and Side Comba includes all the late
: : novelties. . ! : '..-
Embroidered Waah Belta, Gilt Belts, Leather Belts, Girdle
Belts great assortment moderately priced.-
Eastern Outfitting Co.
Tha Store Where
The Best $3 Hat in the World
Bears This Label
TAXZTX, th OAmoXaT IIUTO In th SOTTX SSAS, la a most at
tractlv plac to spend one's summer vacation, f. S. BfAJUVOfaA aalla
from San Francisco, July 1, with a party of happy people on their way
to wltneas the unique native fates that take place July 14. Th f. U.
. scAsUPOSUI will remain over In the harbor six -day a. affording ample
time to make th trip around th Island and visit th natlre villages.
Clement Wragg. the famous writer, In hi "Romance of the South Seaa."
, says "Tahiti U n spot worth whll tn a tear of tbe world." $126 Is th .
' fl rat-class rst San rranclsco to Tahiti and back. Oooo. hotel In Tahiti .
at IJ.60 to II Pr day. Writ for circular to . , ,
, oceanic: s. co.. "ss."
bo removed from ther pockets
Your Credit Is Good
and Tenth
. j - . . .... - ......... , ( . .
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