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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL" PORTLAND. MQNt)AYT EVErUfcO, MAY 3,' 1S03. I NEW TODAYr IT IS DAr, To carry larre Boms of money In caah. If check la loaf, however. It la a vary almpla-reattar , to order Ua-pajtmant etoppeo, sou ao protect youraeu. . . 'Oldest Trust Company In Oregon' offers special facnitlea for ladles and other peraone deelrtnf to opaa a check aooount BMOTJsCZS OTS $10000k Portland Trust Company of Oregon fl. B. for. M sad Oak mbu Fhoae Fx. T PENJ. I. COHEN ..Pissldent H. L. PITTW K..... ..Vlee-Preeldeut 3j. LEE PAGET.. Secretary J. O. GOLTHA Assistant Secretary v4 Kaar tiro alec trio lines, cheap and oa easy tsnna. CEDERBEROH 111 Commercial Block, fieoond and . WaahlntTtoa Streeta. : $2,200 ' 100x109 feat. Xaaoock aad Baa trwsnty-lcrarth streets, n.w. eornert vary f desirable, f. Improved streeta, cement t trleaJka, water, gas and sewer; taima. ; B. M. Lombard ,. ' 114 CHAMBER 0P COMMERCE. Vestchcster Fire or nw TOU t la paying? lta Baa Frandaeo loaaea la Buls, aw 4 la tmnaaatlwe huslasss . Heretofore, thib old and rallUU HM r pany la represented la Portland. Oraron. Kaaorpoxmtod, Lumber Exchange. , . Op aTorthra ft Oo Commercial Blk. There Is Wealth - In Timber Let tjs show you how to secure an Interest la a timber and lumbar manu- - fevcturlne; enterpriaev The Investment la . avacura. I per cant Interest guaranteed " bank. Larye additional pronto. In ' h-astments 1169 and up, email monthly : paymente. Let oa talk It erer with you. - Call, write or phone.- Kilter, lt Cose J knaraial Id. Hi 1MO. . t . . . AtlV.ontavilla $1,200 AdjoiiiingontaviAla ilroacLStatidi B. M. LOMBARD 514 Chamber of Commerce SPECIAL ST. JOHNS 19 lota, one-half block from car Una. tlZS; 1 lota o.erlooklna; rlrer, two blocka from poatofflce. Houeea built on inatallroent plan, H down and 110 a montaiJot tZ fl"wn and f'a rr-ntb, Eranch OtTicrSL Johns, H. H. Toant, Prop. -THE HOME BBOKEfiAGE; CO. Room 9 Breeden Bld., 3d & Wash. ' Traateee and eonaarravtlye lndlvlduala arbo rlak notblnf but demand - utoLvra nouiiti will find our BaHat-Oold Honda, aeaured I ty riret mortaara and! retired In L, I, I, ' 4 and ( yeara tha moat available form of Inveatmcnt offered. Tba Intereat ia jpayable aeml-annually. -,--w zsvum cxtnnoATii - te email Inveatora of tt.00 and up. Every tranaactlon la eecured by a TI8T -MOBTQAOm en la coma property. Call or write for Information. - Northwestern Guarantee ; :& Trust Company toaateer Xxehanara Bldf, Beooad Tifxrt. 11 Rdoiri West Side i Residence 775-Olisan St. - t Between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, with 1 lot 50 by 100, full basement,-furnace, mod; cm Improvements. B. Al. LOMBARD 514 Chamber of. Commerce ' JOUHNAL AOS ; PAY BEST. . TRY ONE IGEROUS ' Ra AND. SEE. U tKlll'ltltmil Mill , " ( ' . . T 1 THC'tLICK ARTICLE Mr. twafity-f)va yra I hava bam a -nuaiw wan airu Duimo-ataarer. i ". H THE'SLICK ARTICLE Mr. Mark, for ' 2. TW SLICK . AHTJCLE Now. Mr. formed. ' , And ' T UN. T havapir my"avirdaa4ataWrtr frava raaalvad r laaa HIIMIMIMIHtllltMIIIM'IIOMIIMIIItUMHtMlllltMltHIIMtllllllhlMMm WEATHER REPORT. A alatarbaae af Ceclded eharaetar cestral r Ltek eonuola the weather la the Pacific tatee. - It bae eaoeed aioderalely bMTf tela ia California. Nirrada. Utah and aoathara Idaho. Aaocher dlatarbanre. a la ft derlaed rbereeter. eeotral near Norfolk, vtralnla. and It bae caneed (enerel ralna In the Atlantic atatee from Maine ta riocioa. The raine la connactlne wita thla dlatarbanee were braet la Mew VoclaaiL hlah areaaafa..areavfuaxeet vaaaltade oret Ilea Uie aihldla vwt, and (air weather pmvalle hi that eectloa. with lemperatarea from 10 tu IS deareee below aoraikl. The tBdlcatlona axe. for abowere end tbaadrr- atonaa ta thai dlatrlet tonlrht aad Tneeday, with Dine, faery winae. ji win oe warmer lonicui eaat af the-Oeacede BMqntabia. I tahea at a a. ta.? rauirit! time; . Tamp- - . Mai. alia. Prerla. station a Balor-Cltiv eg. . aa O T4 . 44 1.1 Boatoti. Maaeachoaetta..... Chicaae, f1lliiola. 44 42 J- .84 BO . M 4d - .0 M .M winr, voierano no Kaoaaa City, Mlaeoarl M IiOa Analea, California.... a 18 f'ap. LAW c.iai - .o I.OSt Portland. Oreeoa. .......... 04 - Boeehora." OtwB". t i:. t OA 4 at."' txrate. alt Lake. Utah M Mae rraadaeo. Caltfaraia.. rV) , B2 48 44 42 42 4 " .15 1.82 A anokatMt Waahlnatoa. .. ... 42 Taeoina, Waahlnrton AS wane waua, waaoinfioa., oa MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charlee MeOeba. M Ooaeh atraet. 43: llntw Waltera, in. Charlea J. anna, szi Boaa itreet, zi : auca Kaw.ll, 1. , Haarr Krelaer. aos rainar a treat, zi: Maria Llnd. 20. Weddtne Oarde. W. O. Bmltb Co.. Whab Foartb and Waahlactoa eta. lae-toa bid., ear. WaddlaaT and reltlnt rarda enarend or prlntad. E. T. ttuahtoa. a2Va Waahlnctoa at. Wee Bertha Martla. room lit Allaky bids. atamvtne; and flaa Baedlewerki.Jeeaeaa BIRTHS. ITRATHOrSR May rrenk Btratboaaa, . tlrt T. 16 Mr. and Mra. ta Hawtbome avenue, and Mia. Albert T. Kre. K V B Ma J 34. ta Mr. Maternity aoapitai, fin. BVDAKN May 28. to Mr. and Mra. W By darn, 721 Barler. boy. T '. MAT May 23. to Mr. and Mra. W. H. May, 184 berth nfteentb, flrl TKWABT Mar 1. tn Mr. and -Mia. Me Canta Stewart,' 2TI ' Wheeler, flrl. HASH Mar 2H. to Mr. aad Mra, Daniel B. h'eeh. Eaat BcT.Dth. North, flrl. - IXEcrL May 14. to Mr. and Mra. A. F. Ftrcal. Beet Tenth aad Bnlhrook, bny. " WOUa May Ml. b Mr. aad Mra. Heary Wolf. 1700 Penlnaular aeeaae, boy. WHbpI Mar tn. to Mr. . and Mra. Henry Wflaft. ece Oraad aranoe. boy. M08XISTR0M Mar IT. to Mr. and MnvXewla J. Nordatron. MontaTllla. bor. - . tallTH Ta Mr. aad Mra. Albert T, Bmlth. 1701 riake, bey. - POWELL Mar 24, to Vr. aad Mra. Horace R. Powell. 1T1B Pwlfht, flrl. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. - Beby Kllfora, Second and Wlawa. chlckea- POK. Kaai Patrraee. 941 Monroe, rblrkeapOs. Mra. William Doaeea. aU4 hi ljaourl avenae, ararlttaa. 7 r Warae u. Bona tan. naaa aaa macetoa. dlcbtherla. aurtaa away. .uaawie ..ou ajeealee ;--7. z . Aneel Drown, 17oa iMar kutb. meaaiea. Cecil Erirkeoa, 1S nberrett, meaalea. .'ell Richmond. 854 Tanlno, meealra. : rr,sM r. caoeiL esa Temno. meeaiee. Laara Ftmay-lW-eaTla-Iwaina, Mary Mulr. 890 Weat Park." neaalea. -Joha Harrey. 0T Mala, aieaal. Oall Vrera. 87 Commarrlal, ataalef. ' Umw -an i U- (total PertlanA neaalee. - Chlldrea e Hxa. Larr.- 4M Kaat CVmch, Hellry O'D, Dodaey, 18t taet Tweaty-adatb, meaaiea. u.i A. wiatt. Ttl Hawthorn., aaeaelee. Herbert H. Braadoa. tea Eaat SeToateoath, f r-..n n..i. emu Snrnalde. neaalee. DEATHS. BOATMAN May tS. William B. Boatman, 49 yeara. enaaty boepltaU tuberOTiloata aat.rjwIN Mar SB. Jaaaaa B. Baldwin. B4 yeara,-renej -ferrrreoa, !... ERNST May 18, franca Ernat, 44 yeara, 111 ltorlh Ninth, pnenoiooin. KOCH Mar 14, Jacob Kocbv- 81-yeara. BT8 Eaat Twrntr-alrth, epUheimaia of race. GUARASC1A May to. Jeaeph Oaaraada, nontha. Harrleoa, wUmU. JOHNSON May to. Aaaa H-oBaaoe, mn. TB4 LiOTeiOT iwrwv FUNERAL NOTICES. MITCHELL Trteoda aad aeonalnUiiCTa are re- eoeetiullr lBTliea to in. , . lLZT w !L um wiitM a. Mitea.lL which will k k.M at tha famllr- realdence. No. Oolnmbla atreet.'TneadaT, May 20. at 10 . . . i m MRiaterT. E8CHRICHT Tba Mneral arrlcra of Carl Ee - rhrlcbt will be held at Mnley'e Chanel at I p. aa. Taaeday, May ZB. Interaiepi nr view eeaieterr. " UNDERTAKERS. - . ah. A- avtu taarataiaP tViBsTb1 director.? the" i ni. Jbe anest goods, the Soaat ."hie ihJLJLa reeoosaDle prices. Fine hrMdc-wrca eaakeu. 825 and ISO. me sn w"; -f "o 818 to 820. V. .u d ta Tblrd street, aoraar. eauaoa. Portland, Oregoa. - " - ., - . m m. a eneerel dtreetore and anTnalniri eorsee Third aad Madlaoa atreeta. Ofaeer af county coroaer. Telephoae Mala 8. Dunning. M-Entee A b"'.",naB1;rih aed-embelmere; mdera to eey detail. AsTsath aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady aeeletaaC A. B. Beeaetnrk. andertaker and .mhalnii'r, Eaat Thirteenth aad ImeUlla ave. Pbooa Bell- TL - . -1ITI1THW CEMETIET. Blaglc Braves 810. . family tom 8TB to 81.0O". The only remeterf la Portlandwhlja pwr--petnally .maintain and earea for lota. For fll nformifln. apply to W. B. Mackeaate,Wo eeater block, city. W. M. Ladd. arealdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. llBtmaa Blaaer te Lasra D. Harlow, 1 acre, beginning weet line of TroatdAla rnanty rood at the aortheaat comer of tract of land, deed by C. C Harlow f Loe A. Harlow. .A j."V;.' " 1 treacle Fu aad haebaad to H. Blaeer. taemetriBTeriy . . . .L'l'i.': It R. Thompaoh and"wlfe to Rachel B. Herrla. luts 8,ta, block 1, Clifford addl- T80 650 Wl Illi nin m " TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTlTTTTTTTT TrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyT Mark, for noted ton- Mark, 1 hava Kara a "oold brick." Whlla many paoala haw haard aboait thaaa ortml' waa ra- naP artl&laa, faw hava aaen ona of tham. Thla brick east ma ana haadrad doUara to put tha gM p4aa on A I aaad to aall tham far faejr ar flva triauaand dallara. an hanaat RgAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alfred -Blafenthalrr to Emma 81'ieB- -thaler, lot T: block 1. Lof ana addition. . 1 Lou la P. Bene et al. to rrenk Malm- ,j '-i qulat, north .48 fe.t of lot 8, block .-.' Coldamlth e addition w.lfiO Matthmr T. Fan too and wife to Frank Malmquiat. lot 18, block 288, Conch a addltloa 8,800 Ellaaneth A Tbompeoa and hnahand to Ford Metayer, aoathweat at eectloa 10. townaoip 1 aouth, raafa B eaat.,. BilTt feet , tS Samnel Bahler end wife to' Lonla O. Clarke et al., aouth 40 feet of lota , 10. 11, It, block 8. rraah'a eaBare.... 8,800 A. Charnley and wife to W. J. GeBott, , ioha W. Fink and wife to M. A. Bae-. lot 4. block & Kocoelle ..... BOO Raac. V. Smith and boaband to Blnora Mel, 100x22 feet, beflonlnf tntenee tins center line of Cherry atreet with center Uae Hlfk atreet, Monnt Tabor, Central Park : C, Houatoa and wife to W. H. . .... ki - en T -l J2SL A. A.- Undo ley ana wife to Kmaaa i. - Inn, B12 aeree.-aeet e aaetb. ,aw a eeat. ' w .m. irmm i . t A8UftA..i Mlaa Annie Mead Johneoa to Jamea E. Redmond, lot . block 1. Elnael Park 880 Arleta Land coaipany to Anrtata Arm- -' etroaa. tot a, block 8, ArUta Park - ff.' A? Roberta and wife ttf Charlea H." Towce, lot 0, btoca , ttifnieBa -r Dlace 1 Prank Wllllame to Charlee B. Towelee. Oi80 feet, eaat line Lnloo avenne. in feet north of interaction with north line of Athaworta awine .......... 1,400 Lonla K. Ranch et al. to Peter P. C Iod ine, lota 1, X block 23. Piedmont. . to Arleta Lead rompenr to H. K. Broaa, lot 7. block 7; lot a, Moea a, Aneta ran No. 8 300 Cyme M. Bryant and wife te C. V. Jianf ernio. lota a, iu, oioca i, j.rt lev Hlchland Buale J. Landmark and hnabaad to Frenchr A. Ball et al., lo acrea aefin north Una donation land claim of 1. Willie and wife la eeettone 28, 24. townehlp 1 arath. ranee 1 eaat. and eertlon IB. tnwnahto-l aoath. range t eaat, 30 rbatne weat of north eaat cor ner aald claim :.-.-. 8,0TB Tlrtor Land compaay ta .Benry Re-. bmadxrf, let , block IS, uuumoia Hriabta 128 2S0 Benry J. Rebenadorf and wife te A. W. jnnea. mca a. mora av, namuwi Portland lone fir Cemetery company to atepben O. nuntinf . aorra a w 149. block - SO. - eemetery, , . , ...... . . 25 Mary Redmond to James E. Redmond. lot 14. Diock a. nioeni i.noi- nu, lota 18, 18. block 4, same addition.... William Bchmeer and wife to Ijw walker, lot a, oioca o, ecinneeT tion vj'-i- 800 William T. Gardner and wire to i. r, ., . Paneke, lot a, Dloca ix, doom inmi fltat addition 1.XT8 Ann J. Bell and hnebeod to. aaipn - - A ma to, mt 14. nioca i. anaoei...... ow P. T. Welln and wife to H.nryWetier, w e Kle. a UnMln Park Z40 Mary O'Brien b Dennle TrBrleaTTota JB. Z- IS, Dioca , - rwaueiui ............ . WUtUm Jones et al. to Kenneth A. J. Markenaie. lot l". mora a, uo utr Vitm and blocka. Kenllwortt. . ........ - - 1 pai R. Keltr. and wife to Edith M. Aldermaa, lota I. JO, Bwcn o auimj' M. . 1000 Title Gnarantee and Troat company ts J. M. rmnner, an au, oiw -ton's addition 650 Get year lneorance and abetrarte to reel eetate me llie vnaranwe m ""'- 240 Waahlnftoa atreet. eoraer necoaa. NOTICE. - EXECTJTORB NOTICE. -Notlra-ta hereby fieen that we. Rorer Mc A fee, M. P. Ml tor and Newton McCny.-feaTe -beea-appolated -eseoatore-of the eatats.ef r. M. Lirhteathaier, deceaaed. All eerac hTln claims aaalaet said estate are i qnlred to preeent theaa, properly verified;- aa. at the office of ear sttoraey. H. - B. Ntrholae, room TIB Oreeoelan holMInf, niue - Blithend AMer-eta. Portland.- Or., wlthla alz moa tha from thla date. May 21. 1800. ROGER M AFF.B, , . M. F. MILI.RR. NEWTON M'COT, aaaeCntOTaee H. B. NICHOLAS. Attorney. N6CKT"6r"tTOCTCrl6LDER3' MEETINO Tha amraal meeting of the atork holders of the Banker Hill A Boniran Mining A Con centrating cooipaBy, fr the electloa af hoard of direct ore for tha aiming year, a for tha tranaectlon of each other hnalnees aa may regularly come before them, will he held at the office of the company, rami Mil and ft04 Chamber of Commerce bMg., Portland, - Orecon. oa June 11. Itton. at 12 o'clock O BO HO F, HOLM AN. , " Secretary Bnnker Hill A BaUlvaa Mining 'a Concentratmf Company. Portland, Oregon, May 28. 1008. NOTICB OF BTOCKHOLDERB' MEETINa. The snnnel meeting of the etoekholdere of the Oreg'a lroa a Btael Uompanywlll. ha- held at the offlce of the rompenr. room 8DA Bher lock bonding. Portland. Oregoa. June 18. IfKJd. at 11 o'clock a. m., for ths parpnee of electing a board af directors for the enening year, and ths traneeetloa of snch : ether bnalnree as may legally corns before the meeting. A. S. PATTTTLLO. Recretary. Portland, Oregon. May 84, 1808, DISOLUTI0N Of PARTNERSHIP Notice le hereby fires that the partnerahlp heretofore .Tinting between 0. M. McLaren a Boa la thla day dlaeol.ed by mntnal coneent. c. m. mclaren, Portland, Or, May t. THR W. S. Ladd eaayoa ranch. 8 mllre weat . of Portland, ia bow open for stock. Bee or write J. A. Putney, mperinteadeat. By Iras, Or. Eatee 8 eente per day. t MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. Nrt. IX A. F. A A. M- A stated communication this (Monday) evening, 7:;Kl o'clock, Maeonte temple. Third anl Alder ata. Work In the F. C. de- ' gree. All M. M. welcome. By oraer v . jn . - RTJFUS B. BALl Secretary. M. W. A. Evergreen Cemn. B.4n. Wednesday evaninf. Allaky bldf., Third and Morrlsoa ata. rarsiMii.B typewritten letters, addreaalng. mailing, etc. flrcalar Latter Ca.. 88114 stark St. Mala IZB4. M. W. A., ftregnw Orepe Oenp. No. 4.STI Moa, daya. 17th aad Marshall; vlellors reWi me. LOST AND FOUND. LOST At Seirwood, Oregon, pure white Spits nog- haa Borne nair nurnert art. rieaee return ta Homer Ahlasa. Hist and Lma eta. Bell- wood. HELP WANTED MALE. L RARE epportnslty. for a Ma with capital! Investigate aad ? wUl Sara Ureal, fl 110. aaxs J earns!, , aflrBuys a Oasejrtgbt, 1808, kf mmimmiiliiimiintlli t. THE BUCK thla brlok WW b .oHauHaii pf curtoa. I will aall It ta yaw TorflftyatolUraoiT nna-TWrthlnBr7 haa ona fiMndrad an K. . ... . MR. E. Z. It certainty wttl a great ad. dltton to-my-oeNeottotn . I wfll take It, young man. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade In eight weeke; graduates earn from 818 to 828 weekly; expert lnetrnctors; catalogue free. Motor Byetem of Colleges, 8B North Fourth - at., Portland. - SALESMEN WANTED For one af ths Urgeet aoraeriea ha tha weet caeb advaaced weekly; good territory open, Addreaa Waahlnftoa Naiaei j Co, Tonnenlah. Wash, AGENTS WANTED to sell aoperlor. blgb-greds aaraary atock; complete ontnt fornlabed free raah weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, talent, Oregoa. . . . SA-BUHi "eddiofl In the country, address Cbas. L. Meatlcs A Co., wholeeale leather. Front aad Oak gtreta, -Portland, Oregon. ::.'..: : WANTED Reliable aewapeper eaavaaaert steady poettlon for right party; city and soemtr work: moat aire references. Address O. . Wash, k tohls hoard Aa- - 'etaea,.ui WANTED Tsrnlahers, mschlna aad beach banda. Orefon Farultare Mfg. Oa, Macadam road. . - WANTED 'Mae to rMa'wnfertlonery-aiid ctyrt Store and handle real eatate office la St. Johna; HHng-rooma In rear of atore; nnat , hare. 87(iO: can make SMO ta 8200 a month. THE HOME BROKERAGE CO..' Room 8 Broaden bldf ., Third and Washington. WE seenre employment for memhera; iperial niejnheracln-one- i Ja. . U. A., Fourth and VitnhUL WANTED-tAt ones, s good dresser, fender end drawer-la oa plain work; good bay; "Steady work. Addreaa John P.- Wllbor, superintendent I'alan Woolen-Mills, I'alon, ; Oregoa. - - -r : r- - . WANTED B men at Raadle A Klneey's brick- yard. Phone Suburban 2411, BylTan,-Oregon. WANTED Aa- allonnd - office - men:-- bave practical knowledge of bookkeeping; ref . erences required, sbM bonda; ateady position. Apply to J. T. A P. CO., Gresham, Or, IP TO0 sell sccident Inmranoe, eel the beat mat is ours. I man Maiaal Aid association. 706 Marquam bldg. BOT wanted. $8 per week, ateady Work. Apply 48 Front at., corner Darts. GET. TOUR raaor pi ot tn flrstlsss condition for IOC. Bnoo 2M Main at. WANTED For United States army, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 11 sad SB, eitlsene of I'nlted States, of good character . and temperate ha bit a, who can apeak, reed and write Engllab. Apply to Recruiting Of- -Beer. Atnaworth blk.. Third sad Oak ata., Portlaad. Oregoa. WANTED Boy a boot IS for stars. Apply 134 Bixtn tt , WANTED First-class wire mattreoa wrsvers) 8 hour.; ft: ateady Job. Addreaa Wsatera ' Wire Mattress Co.. OakUnd. Cal. W A NTE D By Bcnlcl a Iron Workav- Bcnlrta. C.I., bench and floor ntoldera, $S.!H per day nine boura; ' open shop; posltlvsly na trouble. ... HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 H Waahmg ton St., cor. Scath, nnaUlra. fboaa Mala tent. Pamela help wanted. EXPERIENCED GIRL wasted at tet Everett to attend atom. Call 10 a. am. THE HOME-LADIES' AGENCY, Female help fnrnlabed free .to employer. , ReglatfstloBfea. lOStifonrth at., room 23. Main- 8MB. WANTBD-hl lu aew Biattresatlckar steady work. 48 North Front at., eoraer Davis. WAN TED Compel. ut gill for gtnaral work. Apply 1SB E. Blxteeatk WANTED Experienced girls to make . All" overalls at JB First at. 'Boss af FIRST-CLASS eperatora an power machlnea on shirts and shlrtwalats. Ths Spinas -Co.. 120 10th et, ' WANTED A I girl for re.pon.lhle noeV tloa to go tn a northern Callfornl a t town; moat meuta; good room. Phono Msln '833. WE hare clerks, all ktnde caahlers, Monogra phers. Ths Horns Ladles' Agency. Mala 6V.ifl. EXPERIENCED fhi for general boasework family of two. 804 North 24th St. GIRL for general three la family. Apply 407 Jaekaoa St. X I I L, near 10th. MALE AND. FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. R. Q. Drake. 20BH Waahlngton at. Pacific 1370. WANTED 8 000 atrawberry-plckars and narkera In Hood River; berry-picklnf le Jnat beginning . and .boat May 21 picking win be aplendld; pirkere and packers are expected to come - prepared to camp; gmneis furnishing camp ing ground, wood and water and haul partlea to and from the boat and railroad; growera pay l4e for picking and H e per bog for - packing: either come right sway or if you want farther partlenlere write ths Hood . River Fruit grow era' Union. You re truly, B. H. Bhepard, manager H. R. F. 0. V. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED By married man, lob aa farm k . I can buy small tract of land and turn part wages os land. Addreee E. K. Bageeer, 1ST8 Eaat Bumslde at-, Portland, Oregoa. HAYING Inst wife la 'Ft lace . laet month, thereby having to attend and eupnort two little children. I wlah some work mornings, 111 work afternoon and evenings; references, reliable, responsible, careful end trustworthy. Addreaa ,, Henry, tUBClschamas, esst aide, city. EXPERIENCED newspaper woman deelres ad vertising situation: can do all klnda of steso- Jraphlc work; most havs work; will work or nominal salary for permanent position. A OA, cars Journal. SITUATION wanted by s aasarlmtiona and trustworthy mas ss collector; can famish the best of reference or furnish hood: hare had long experience, .Addreaa B 40, care Journal. v i 1 II II 1 HI II SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A WOMAN rifle 740. wants work by the day. Tel. Pa- WANTED AGENTS.- WANTED Agenta sosaethlng saw) food sailer) big wages. aUtBay bldg . WASTED Energetic and competent agents to repreeent ae la sll psrta of the sort b wast . aaah weaklx. , Capital City. at aery. Lie, x GdldTBriclc. An . . . i . . . . . . . . i . . a 4 . 4 t . . vvtwtwvvtvv.... ....... ....... ARTICLE Mr. Mark, i grut addition to yogr- 4. MRS. rt "ooKt far Kf dolta rar worth of pura geld M It'll t M t M M WANTED XOENTS. WANTED Special saleemea for ths big Oregon - Nursery company; llbsrsl commission; outfit free: choice territory. Writs ta tha Oregon Narsery to., neiem, WANTED Agent.; men or women; 8 to 88 every dsy. Paradox Novelty Co, BM'Valoa are. North. Taks Woodlawa car. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portlaad Employment Co,,-too Moniaaa at. Phone Pad Be 238. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 54 H.' Second si." M,t,pBoaa Usln lBSo. BIO FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help supplied free, IS North Second St. Phone Main 1818V ABLE EMPLOYMENT ' AGENCY,' 184 Burnslde St. Phone Mala 7014. xNTSDTO RI WA NTHB Tr 41SNT HfM'SBN. rfyTTAOBS- FLAT8. ROOMIhO-HOUHES, BTOHES. ETC. "rwr--Tirtst- nepailuiewt hea-kp.a aalargeg and orovlded atth addlttooal staff. " Ws. Invite Hating from LANDLORDS. offer personal attention to and continuous up.rxisiun.otac -all 4catierty . Islrusled to ear care. PORTLAND TRFST COMPANY OP4REGON. - B, E. sue. Sd and Oak its. Phoae Ex. TA WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot la or 7 -room boose. exchanate for equity ta 8 Phone Eaat 864 Ml. WILL bay lot and build to suit tenant on long lease st reasonable per cut oa Investment. B 40, rare Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 8W0 Installment loan at T per cant; 820 per month; good Sell wood property; no - banka. Phons Sellwnod T4. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. E. N. MORGAN, pioneer Sutaysr sad white, washer. Call East 8248. Remember the name B, N. M or gas) H yeara la boslaass la Portland. WE WILL BTTY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, 827 82 WASHINGTON. .PACIFIC- TBA . - FE WILL BUY your furniture any old tima Westers Bslvsgs Oa., 82T Wsshlngton St. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A CO. 1 Ft'RNlTCRB and household worry, lose time or money. cine TBA - roods. Don't ust pboas Pa !BP0T .CA8H- POR FCBNtTTFE AND HOUSEHOLD COODS. PORTLAND AfCTION ROOMS. 21 FIRST STREET. ? . MAIN BB8. SAN FRANCLSCO. Wanted Two mors carioacls of fnrnltnrs for 'Frisco; will pay beet prices for any aee-ond-hand furniture you have for Bale. Call up. Mala 807. Aak for John Oke. . PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees, baeemeots, bams, docks, stc; largest gaabllna . spraying outfit oa ths eoaat. M. O. uorgaa A Co., 822 Union are. Phone East 817. BARRELS OF MONEY! PAID BY J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER, FOR. FL'RNITT'K!. MKRCHANDIB AND ' STOCK 8, ' AT ton FIRST STREET. PHONE MAIN 1424. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU 8HH NORTH SIXTH ST. - Klegaattr THE GRAND, 4St "rth Third at. Rooms for gentlemen 81.28 per week aad ap. ELEGANTLY furnished front rooms. 82 SO per week; back rooma. 81.80 per week; bath, electricity; new. hooae. . The Barnae, 4714 .NortA BUtk st . 188 13TB ST. Newly furnished rooms, new modera house, porcelsla bath, furnace beat, all nice sunny rooms, free phone; a real homelike place at reeeonsble rates. 188 18tb st. Pbooa Mala 8128. . . WELL-FCRN1SHED rooma with board: ona sin- J Is front room; rates very reasonable 441 effereon at. THE PALM, tan 14 Third, under new manage ment, entirely refurnished; 2 comfortable fur- - alahed front moms, first snd second floors; reasonable rates. FURNISHED ROOMS; AAsV-Harrteee etc free phone; fine bath. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL, Flanders and Seventh Rooms, hoc ache, ping and , transtsnt; aaa- venlest; prices rsssonsbls. , fl.uO WEEK IIP, dean, furnlehed fconeekeen. rooms, with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, fur sac beat. 203 VS Stastoa St. V car. BLEEPING and houeeheeplfrg -rooma foe rent. ' Bee B. H. Hlgley, room 80, 827 Va Washlag- toa at. .. . . 1.- - -1 SLEEPING and housekeeping Vista. 247 H Fifth at. Llada I1.2B PER WEEK Large, elesn, furnished Imneckeeplng-roome: laundry ssd hath. 184 Sherman. South PortlanA 8 FURNISHED housekeeping flats for rent. 810 : per month, . Call B32 Seventh at., downauirs. FURNISHED 1 and unfurnished housekeeping. rooma; prices low. B88 Hood at. Phone .' Pactfle 1421. - LARGE elegantly furnlehed housekeeping . rooms; raa range, running water ,. The Lowna dale. BOSH Alder at. a. ROOM furnished cottage. 820. Call 848 East Seventh St., N. Phone Eaat 878. TWO housekeeping rooma; fas, hath and phone. -.428 Stark at. hhim ml UNFURNISHED-ROOMS FOR RENT 8 moms at 808 Esst Ninth St. Inquire on premises. r1. 1 .- rasgsxAasn 1 ' im FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFriCE rooms, aafnrnlsbed rooms aad sampls rooms tor net, Ooodnoofs bldg. Apply ele vator. ' PART of shea tn rent, sultahls for palatev vr plumber. 208 Fourth St.. . . CORNER STORE, formerly armpled by P. Ijiwler A la, at Seeeide, lor rent. Isquka af A. tlubsit, Ji.. aaaslde, Oregon, H t M i I . 8 8 t 8 t . m H . , . . - - - MARK Whatl A bunco-staar. t brk)kl,,Yaii paid ftfty dallara I Ooarad with una hutrad dollar a' mortifying.. Thla la' notttlng but a oomtnon clay brlok and. covered wltk cheap gold ' paint. E. U go tot Oo toi - f M t H4 FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. A GOOD space suitable for reataarant, barber shop,, ate., cheap. ,811 Jeffersoa st. DESK room for rent, bar Exchange bldg. Apply room BIB Lam- STORE for reat, No. lto Sixth St.. near Ollaan. Suitable for blacksmith or rsrpentrr abopa; 831 per month. Inquire Burger's . hardware store, 44 Third St.. near Ash. TWO large rooms, shop front, suitable for res taurant ; good location, no opposition: 310 month; furnished rooms, 83 weak. 808 Eaat Oak at. WANTED 1 or t gentlemen to beard and room, 84.50 per week; private family. -42 Mark st. FOR RENT HOUSES. bPiJELBl, ILXBAKfl TE R-XQiiroMtaBi i 11.1,1. ..,,1 fMrnHiir-mo...... .1-, .toe. hoiiav Msla 4eoA, "if aco 110 N . Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY 3 ,i i aaavsw a si " " INSUBAKCE. - stB.STALH, SEE LIST. NEATEST AND PRETTIEST naw. ' Myrtls Park. Mount Scott ear line: - water, hath, ' electric wired, targe yard. Phone Main e4t8, ". . COTTAGE of 8 re rooms, new snd modern; cor ner naeeaw ana A asms; two oiocaa . steal bridge. Inquire 138 alftb at. . S ROOM, bouse, completely fnVnlahed, for room, era and boarder a, with rooma partly rented, and some tebla bosrders.. Apply after 11 a. m. at 670 Fifth st. - " BOUSE TO RENT 4 room bouse with gaa and bath. . B7 Market at. SMALL-Aroota bouse. 'B blocka from Car, - Isqulra 847 Gentesheta avs. $10. FOR RENT Modera - Market st. Soom , cottage. 171 TWO small bouses aeer Lewis snd Clsrk fair ; grounds, $10 esch. with smployment for gqi lehneers. Portland Development Co., Adminis tration Mdg., fair grounds. FOR RENT Beautiful residence, 8 rooms; gas,' electricity aad modern throughout; furnished or unfurnished. Phone Main 23113. Nob Hill district. . FOR RENT Aroom house ra Hollsday'a addi tion; long lease if desired. Dr. Hawks. Eaat &1A2 or Main 1S12. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- TURE FOR SALE. : 82O0 WILL handle new fiimMore t 9-rmm bouse; nouse ror rent; psrttee muse ieevesity on account of atcknesa; f blocks- from Port land hotel. Phone Mala 7033. FOR RENT FLATS. BEAPTIPI'L-lower- Bet- e A food rooma. full cement basement, sll modern equipment, broad versndss. neat yard, essy wslking die, tance. RBO Columbia St., nesr Park; $30 per month. Portland Trust Company of Oregoa. snntheaaf corner Third snd - Oak. Phone Exchange 7A . ONE 4-room 1270. flat. 478 Belmont. Phone Eaat AN elegant s-room Bat tor rent very reasonable at 28H North 18th st. Inquirs 148 Sixth St. MODERN 8 room flat, tnclndlng fee and steel - range; shades oa windows, too Hslssy- et. - TWO-teoom nnfranUbed flats.-311 -aad 312, . incmdlnt water. S44A4eih Front at. Phone Ula BS44, 1 A FINE FARM meadows, nssr 4.' Twelfth St. with dwelling. Eatscsds; low orchsrd and rent. Apply BUSINESS CHANCES. PER CENT dlvidenda guaranteed. Paid semi-annually. Investment esfe as govern ment bonds. Writs or rail Ths Nattosal Financing Co, 208 Marquam bldf., Portlaad. FOR SALE Hardware " aad bouse furnishing business; central location in good business town; lerge country trsds. Address K 11 A cars Journal. - DON'T come hers first, hut don't any your city property.' fruit snd gsrden lend, whsst. stork or d.lry reaches until you ses as. North- West Land C., toe) Onodnongh Mdg. P. S. We also have bnsineee chance of alt kinds, and caa locsts yoa right. N. "W. L. Os, WRITE ns quick shout recent Important 4s vehipmsnts of ths Hurst Antomstle Switch A Signal Co.; buy stock before big sdvaaoa. J. F. Hurst A Co., 308 McKay bldg. LO NG-EST A RLI SH ED ateam cleaning and dys . Ing plant for eale cheep: doing good huelnee: Ill-health cause for aslllng. Address M II. cars Journal. , . l. WHO IB M. 0. MO ROAM A OO. t - FOR SALE Family hotel of 100 rooma. clear Ing aver 3100 per month: very high eleas. This would be a food hoy for a baalneaa womsa to manage. .Fnrnltnrs of ths very beet: modera apartment. : moat be eeah. For particulars addreee Q 200. ears JoaraaL SMALL RESTAURANT and lunch counter OS Waahlngton at. for sals; lease. Addrees B 1, eare Jouresl. , , - CHANCE FOR YOt. A hotel oa main line of Aoath ern I'acllie railway; everything bright and np to date: good commercial trade; ae op . position: three large lots .and three splen did rows so with place. Addreaa at a ace - Box-14 Heleeyr Or. - SHOE repair shop, doing good boat nesai must leave for England; if you want a maker Inveetlgate. -131 MadleonJt. FOR BALE at s ssertflcs. restaurant, fruit - stand and confectionery store, combined; TS miles from Portland; good location, newry renovated snd ap to date; recelpta svsrags - $ t Bit dally, SatnvdsTS and Bunds ys bet ter: rent 810 per month: bop srssoa will bring big proflta; owner foing asst. A IB, era Journal, ' FOR . 8 ALA rotogrepk. gallery doing gooit bielness; food reasons I or selling, Auurees B 24. csrs Journal FUR BALK Saloon, good loeatlna; muel old sstabllahed; 'boas Woodiswa BA GROCERY STORE and bakery for Bale or trade for city or farm property.. Addreaa Bakery, ears Journal. . FOR SALE Meat market doing foad Bella M I'Biaa a?., aorta, . . ' -BUSINESSCHANCESr GREATEST Isventton la 100 years; patented JCurupe aad America, fully tested. big money tor yoe it you get stock bow. Room Ml Worcester blk. FOR SALE Store snd waiting snd of good ear line) cigars, tea cream, grocery., etc.) Is aaa. 8M Ank.ny at., corner Be.enth.' h J . FOR SALE lake your choice of 143 roomlug . houaee et your own leriua. tVa II. .H. His. ley, room to, 227Vx V. sslilagUm sX. i " FOB BALE A new atork of gtacarles; aa aa cellent location; guo,l certain. .Owner retir ing from bualnsaa. S4B Jeffersoa sC -, BABBBLB OP MONEY I PAID BY J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. FOR' FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE AhO MTOCKS. '. . . AT tog FIK8T STREET. ' - PHONE MAIN I43A CIRCUMSTANCES force ma to eaerlflce a block of .Nicola coal and coke ah area. Audrsea A 70. care Journal. FOR BALE, cheap, for caah. restaurant la good location ony ona tn city snd doing -welli good proa pert for summer. For further to. WuiTo..,dd w- M- All... Ksurn DETROIT HOTEL. 78 rooms. 27th snd Upshur, sdjscsnt to fair grounds; conveniently located for oatronafe of employes of the Portlanj Development Oa., ths Pence Co. and atreet railway; haa one room suitable for small i, grocery, another fo barber ehop; favorable rent of entire building to desirable tenant. Apply Portland Development Co Admlnlstrs. tion bldg.. eipoaltlon grounds. , -' 8H aVALK' 18 room hiclalughouss; rii'W furnl-' ture. new paint, paper; price Hrjv 8171 caah. laoulre- W Taylor St. , , . A CHANCE FOR YOU A flrst-clsse hotel oa the main line of the Southern Pacific railway. " with sveryihlnf bright snd sew snd up to ds ta: good commercial trade, so oppoalfloa; ' three Urge lots snd three fine cows go with Place. Addrees quick, Bog 184, Hahwy, Or. FINE subttrbsn reataarant with living rooms,. In flue wcetion, doing good business; evsry. thing new; thla la s snsp st $373. . Pattaraoa A Stewart. 1O0O Belmont St. " A GREAT bargain near fair grounds, a new prlvats hotel, r t nrosnecta: no aseatau Address B 42, csrs JournsL WANTED To buy bakery B 41. cars Journal. la country town. $ino FOR HALT INTEREST la real estate baalneaa and office furniture; caa easily make $100 per month en Investment. Hlnrh. room T, 133Vh First, eoraer YsmhiU. 10H SHARES In aa old estsbllshsd whole. sale business for sale at par of $100 per share. A-good poaltloo can be had With the company. Call at 107V4 Third at. . FOR SALE REAL" ESTATE." SNAP $460 Iota. B-reom noess. trait and berries: one mile from Oregoa city. L 118." -csrs Jourasl,' i A CUB TH.ffTBI OUR SPECIALTY 18 ACRE TRACTS! TERMS $10 PER ACRE CASH glO 'KaV-AVal--4BB MONTH.' 'Ton go to tbeas . acres on ths same pay the earn. Be fare the lot man naye. car, . Ths tor man is your neignnor, nut ae la - re stricted In 'majority of features that make e tros suburbs u borne. - Open Wednesday and Saturday evenlnga, 0. CHURCHILL A CO., - .110 Becoad gf. IN0. JHO HANDSOME boms, brand aew. well ar ranged, all modern Improvementa, Bne cor-, ner. Ninth and Schuyler. Holla day a addl. tlont beat bay os market at prlc. loA Fourth, ' Phone Psrlfln 1113, or Mala 8980. 81.100 Nice new .Aroom cottage: bats. - Eand electric ligbta. Mahle atreet be a Hamilton ave. and Seymour, I block car snd 'school. Booth Portland; terms. Inquire IDS Fourth. Phone Pacific -1124.- Beoldenee. Msla 3800. B ACRES No. 1 lend. 1 mile from eteetiie Una. i 10 miles esst af Portland: this ta No., t asd. -. laye well snd eeay to cleer: there Is no rook or grsvsl. I will eell 8. 10 or 20 acres at ' . $63 per acre oa very aaay terms. D 108. Cere JournsL SO ACRES. Si mile sooth of Gresham; 12 acres itsts of enltrratloe. balance caa be . la fins ststi cleared reedv for ths Blow for 810 ner acre: tbsre are 500 nesr trees, T years old: this Is very fine fmlt ar potato land. ,WIU eell ' for $1,200 on eaay term., or will exchange ' for city property, I) 108, rare Journal. $10,000 WILL buy fOxlS. centra My located. Income $2,140 per year; pays 1 8 per cent oa $34,000: thla property should treble In vales In the aext 10 yeara. being better eeearHr -than say bank, and three' timet better than ' loaning money on real eetate. Mrs. Bounds. 108. Stsnton. corner Commercial, ATblna. GO today and see that teaatiful t mom house oo Un Inn- svs.i a-.od.rn h every way, tnelud-"" Ing flreplscs. and richly tlntsd; eay terms. See owner today. 833 Caloa are, N. Phons KSSt 34O0. - BELLWOOD LOTS. $8 down and 88 s month I from $73 to $200. Sellwood Townalte Cs, -II. P. Palmer, manager. Phone East 470A BARGAINS. - When disgusted- with old real aetata men, five the live ones s call. Wk havs eigar stores. $140 up: grocery stores. Invoice: res. tanranta, lodging bouses, all slaes aad prices; sll kinds of land snd lots. YOUNG A DEMENT. : : : 141 Madison St. : rail list ntrrsts, nratsg to aark gna ' , FOR SALE CHEAP 4) and Y-eoom hnuaeai esod- , - - ern; part essb. 870 Oirfleld ave. Take t Woodiswa car. Phone Esst tB4L .ALBsValstaalAasaV - - . m. al s s.a . Bge- . . - Tx y bBt TfeYVaajs sj bbs s arer rnTT T' for only $0. if yog want a snap, look this up quick. D 130, cars Journal B0VER, no river from Portland. Located an - dee N.'P. Irrigating ditch end-on new north ' benk railroad; fruit goes oa ths msrket three weeks esrller thee is say ether section, com mending blgheat prices; dally etesmera from . Portland. Sals by the swoers. Horse Land Co., Hover, Washington. - FOR SALE - 8 bits la St. Johns overlooking river. IS lots la South St. Johns an assy terms, e In Portland T residences In different locations. ., Boomlng-noBsea and coofectioaery a torse. , 77 in Country- Farms, farms, farms. .:.... HOME BROKERAGE CO., Room B Brsedea bldg. Third and Wasbtngtoa. FOR AI.B AT A BARGAIN A flns stock range, containing about ABM scree; oh tmder' fence; altnsted uesr ' Rose-" burg, Oregon, on B. P. B. R. thla ax one of the beet atock ranges la tha country: I also " bars another good atock range containing 1.420 acres, which will be sold st a very low' fries. For oartteulsrs addreatJttButher.. la, owner, Roaeburg, OregoB. FOR BALE House and lot st Mount Tabor, Prsttymaa ststlon, $8,800; smsll raah pay aent, belano la .100- equel monthly pay- - - - saenta; ssiaisaslns immediately. - inquirs 71 - uasmnee; of ua WILL aacrlflce A room house, large tot, flns to es tloa, $1,400; owners going swsy. Inquirs Boon st 380 Esst Washington St. ELFOANT qnarter block, cor. East Twenty ninth and Eaat Orach. Tory desirable Iocs tloa. Inquire A38 Wsshlngtoa at. FOR SALE '81,830, B-rnom boose snd jbarn, noxi. ml AlMna avs.; take L. or Johna car. lot St. WHO WANTS A NICE SUBURBAN HOME? $8.Sf0 Half block, with good B room bouse bathroom, room for S upstairs, full basement out of granite, cement cellar, barn, henhouse, variety of fruit, fronting ear line south. Apply IB Kllllngtworth are.. North Albino. I HATE s new B-room snd two Aroom mttsge.. ell complete, for tftoO esch; $30 down snd $30 per month, or $30 down snd $23 per month, or $loo down snd $13 per month, or $200 (lows snd $10 per month; also some lots or arrears; terms or cash. See owner, Jog Nash, at Naahvllle additloa; Mt. Scott car Mine. FOR SALE Ftoa W. Ninth and Beech, $300. rboBa. Woodiswa 218. FOR SALE By owner, modera two-story alt room house st St. Johns Heights: hsth. toilet. 1 .electric 'light,.-, (nil concrete heeement, fln- lahed inaioe io aun; price fi.woti: ease, nr Installmenta. M, B. Kalkenay, 411 Jersey et, St. Johns. - NEW house, one lot, at Highland, full ptumh - tne 'faa. electric light; cement beaementl - price, 12.85"; t.rme. rkone Scott 4.fi7.- . FOR SALE Elegant B room house, strictly nvd era, ales lot. elersnt location; part cash, hsl- - a nee en time. If San R.fasl at., bet. Wll ilAma bvs. gad Rod say ar., t'paet Alhlaa. ; . . , t-. VI ,J