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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1906)
THE DAILY Joiirnal Circulation Z THE WEATHER., , 'PA ' - Shower tonight and i Tuegday; V V . WL TCNT, f ?1jfeFUE$ jtyffil : .W J C I rt outhWerlywind : J . ' " . ' J - - 1 ij) , -r- . . .- - 1 - ',- . -'- - - 1 : : : 1 r 1 J VOL. V,. NO. 71. G 6 ver n "Accused Westenrfedc? ration Officials Begin Battle for. Freedom Tomorrow Every Effort Being Put forth by - Defense - arid : Prosecution , .. Change pfV enue Asked for by 2. Accused, Who . Claim Cannot Get Fair Hearing In Idaho.-! A (Special rHaeatcb to Tl Jeorasl.V . Boise. Idaho, May 28. Notice mi . aerved on fhe prosecution today by the defendants' attorneys that toyr, May. wood and Pettlbcuie must ' be present when court opens at Caldwell tomorrow . morning. - In addition to tho motion for a change or venue, an effort will be made to se cure a chance of the presiding Judge. -A motion has been, prepared . covering many typewritten paces, which acts out numerous reasons why Judge Smith Is .-disqualified from presiding at the trials. 4 It allesee that he la personally . pre judiced agtfnet the defendants." . -" Attorneys Richardson lJereow, Miller --. Snd. Nugent, representing the Westtrn " Federation officials, moved their offices from Boiss to Caldwell today, and will inaJntaln headquarters there until after " the trials are concluded. .. , (Joarnal SneH.l aerrice. -Ida May II. Preparations are complete for the beginning tomorrow at Caldwell of the legal rlaht over the trial of Messrs. C- H. Moyer. W. , Haywood and O. A. Petti bone. , offlclsls of the . Western Federation of Miners, accused the assaaalnat ion of former Governor Frank Steonenberg at Caldwell .Decem ber 0. " . -- --V.,-. S Toirtewc-hT -eTpectetrtB barsr-battter royal. Some of the best legal talent of the west, and. in fact, of the entire country, has been secured by those In ter eat a in the defense, while two of lheleadlng . attorneys otthebaj-jOf Boise, the capital of Idaho, w11L conduct I lite proaet-utlurc iwmr locati--attorneys, also, will ssslet the prosecution. f K.'f Richardson of Denver, for many yaare law-partner of Senator -Xhoats a M Patterson of Colorado, l to bo the leading attorney for the defendants! .while In alt probability his principal as sistant will be Fred W. Miller of Spo kane. Both these mena well-s John afltfltfcJttlveTiaiilli the Irval -1 . I tA.rstern Federstlon of Miners, of which tha seonsed meh" are nfflcXdlSvliava been -spenrtTng their time for months peat preparing -their and' working up evidence on behalf of (Continued on Page Two.) lira Four.Hundred Italians Mob Sicilian Girl Be - cause No Children Have-Been . Born in Colony. Since Her Arrival. v : ' 4; (Jeoraal Ipeelal Set flee. I Bristol, Conn.; Msy St Witchcraft .has coma bark after a lapse of 2I .years, or else there are 400 badly -mis-' taken residents of this city, constitut ing the Italian colony. In -th Jaet two years not a single baby has - come to bless their homes and the blame for it la all. credited to witchcraft. They ' Insist ' that ' some pell ha a been east ever tbero and they loudly demand redress. 1 . - rsrmenelta Mlneto, a Sicilian woman, - who-eaen here Just two years agev bas FOUR-YEAR-OLD GETS BRONZE MEDAL FOR SAVING A LIFE (Jearaal 'pertnl Mrtll Boston Msss,. May tt. Clarenes Os borne of Winchester, only four years old. has. been awarded a bronse medal by the Msaaachusetls Humane society for the heroic rescue frrnn drowning of Ms cousin. Josephine Mullen. of -the same age, :pl January ..' Ke Is the youngest pen to rrci va , recognition front: the society. - " Cleranca was playing with- his coutln, ment I nspector'sR i ii .. . i . . 1 1- .1 ?rs- J t , f T " i The Steamer George W. Elder on i : .. v v AFTER-AWFUL FIVE DAYS' - 1 EX I STE NCE I NT H E ipBiS:SIEBAUg After spending five- days and four nights in the woode and underbrush of the west banlf of Jhe TivTIIamette rive without food or shelter, enduring cold and rain; eelng'ena-realiilng that her diatracted family and parties of friends were- scourtng the? brsh-day-and-jlght In search of her, yet crawling upon her hands and knees through brambles to hide- herself -fromhums neyB, Bessie M. Bauer was discovered at the south ern end of Rlverview cemetery. Che was discovered in a thlcr Top of underbruahr half starved and almost exhausted, from hunger and exposure. her clothes wet and torn and her body bleeding from scratches and cuts, by a party of schoolboys who weresesrchlrw reriKfTA dog whlcB the-DoysTiadr with them- enabled- thennn discover the girl The lnila- ware. with tn ten feet of the ftldln'WOman 'anA-shawwas-'trylngso crawl-away-to eaeas wheui- the- dog. which had been, nosing through the bruxh, began to snarl and bark. The boys pnshed through the brush and saw . I T - IDC - : Tries to Get Away.. Bhe Jumped up ana siiempiea wtoj rT row thewc but stumbled ana fen over-an old ls Tben she-waa caugnt brthe- boys, some Df "whom-renralniBd- with her while others ran to the house of the cemetery sexton and to- the watchman at tha mill oa the river. Both been branded aa a wlteh. Tha Italians harked back recently to the date of ber arrival here and recalled that since that day not one baby lias come to the col ony, s - A committee went to the police and demanded the . woman's a treat as a, witch, but ths police declined to make the arrest." -j ' Feeling sgalnst the woman grew to such Intensity yesterday that the Ital ians attacked her o her way' to mass. The police protected her then, bnt when' ahe van ten red out again today she was set upon-by a mob and badly stabbed. BOY ,1.- . r. , - . . " and wandered on the Ice at Blacg Ball pond. About la feet from tha shore. the girl broke through the Ice, . Clsrenoe caught hold of her hand aa she went through. . He wss Unable to pull the little girl out. but getting down on his knees on ths cracking trs he hung to her arm and kept her head above water, all the while yelling for help.' Hla mother went on the Ice and. got hold of him. Even, then he refuxed to let go and drag god the girt to safety. PORTLAND,' OREGON, MONDAY- EVENING, 'MAY - the Drydock, Showing Great Hole in She Hung for More Than a Year. GirDis()yeidy ' Party of Boys Search- . ihg , the Country for - Her Everywhere were .notified and the girl was rescued. The police and the family of. the girl were both notified. Fred ' Bauer, a Mother of tho girl, rowed, across the rlver f rom hla .home and took his slstef back to their house, where she Is now under the care of Dr-Ae Mr Webster. Whtle the relatives of - theyouns omn. contend "that, she has been suf fering from an attack of nervous de lirium. It Is claimed by people tn-the and the, doctor she left ihnma-wlththe Intention of committing sdrcide. but lost t - net liuurage; and whan heuaawilhat she was-oelns sea rched ior-tried-tokee; hertsir- hidden thTffirgfl fright and shame of being discovered and ber pur pose being learned. , ' Vnad aft Kvemlm. was found about T o'clock In the evening just aa the searchers were about to give up the quest for the night. Notwithstanding the exposure and hun ger .she suffered, tha girl has not even had an attack vf bad -cold, her mind is perfectly- clear and her physician says that "?kle from an ailment from which she ha been SUfferrng fo some time, she Is all right In every wsy.. - i , The young woman remembers every detsll of what she did snd what hap pened from the time she left her home last'Tueadsy morning until she wss found. . TO her mother and 'brother she told In a perfectly clear and rational manner how ahe had sat in tha brush Tuesday afternoon and evening and seen them sesrchlng for her. At I o'clock that night ahe had seen some of tha aearehers paas within 19 feet of her. The next day and night, and every day and night ' after that, until she -was found, she watched the aearehers beat- Ing the woods and dragging the river for her. crawling upon thWr hands and knees through the brambles and brush to hide herself In a more Inaccessible place when aome of lhe party happened to get- hear her.' - . All tbls story snd how she went with out food and weter, drinking only once from a- muddy pool; how she eurl1 tip under an umbrella which shs had with hsr snd slept ; through'tris eoid-rsltiy nights with -only - that flimsy proteo tion. the girl tells In perfect detail. . .."I Jtnew. you, were searching for me," I V'"" NoPlacefor Bourne in ican 1 ReDubi -a Party 4 d itions i n Packing ! - u ' " ..." ' Her Hull , Made by Rock on ,Whici ' .f iYrrv WO O D S .''-.m'f;-.,.'!' .', IS FOUND the young woman said to her brother, "butliilmplj wanted to' hide myself from everybody,. I. Just-wiyited- to get awsy somewhere . where nobody could And me. "Soma of the people passed al most close enough for ma to.touh -them several times t night, but I didn't want to be found;. I wanted to Aide myself." When asked If shs sun t frightened, ahe replied: "No. I wasn't afraid of inrimnr When she Is asked why she wsnt u from home snd why aha wanted to hide herself from every one, the girl makss some reply Irrelevant to the point. Nothing has been gotten from her to throw any light on the cause of her strsnge conduct, her relatives and physl clau declare. r ; : Was HI forTomsTimsT" It ia lesrned from 'the physician that shw had been III for some time. Her eonditton-reoently becamo such that she wss forced to give op a good position In a store In the city .and take a trip to Washington. Bha seemed to improve for a time Dut had a relapse, and returned riomTTrTa-WOrPerstate or health than rore. The morning after her return she disappeared. - - it. Is lesmed from-those who-ltn. I U InlliwHUlu IIl-- - . - diiious, independent glrU who always In slated upon bearing. her share of the burden of keeping up the household. When she wss forced to quit work It seemed' to prey upon her mind and she was constsntly worrying because she was forced to be Idle. ..When shs re turned home In a worse state of hsalth he seemed to be more worries! than efver. It was In this condition snd w hile laboring under such mental strain that she dressed herself in heavy wool en- olothingt took her rubbers snd um brella and walked away from her home. Vo artdaaoa ef Insanity. tr. Webster 'ssys trial In talking to her and examining her In every way ha can detect no evidence. of mental aber ration, ber mind being aa clear as It could be and evidently has been aa she remembers In perfect detsll and real ised all that happening while ahe was away. :. " ' " ." " . : ' '"It is the most remarkable case ; I ever encountered, ssld the doctor. The relatives- say Miss Bauer wss su f ferlng from a temporary a t tack of nervuus delirium. .' CRUISER COLUMBIA TO 1 r PREVENT REVOLUTION - I Jrsal gpectal Servtee. Washington. May- 21. The erulaer Columbia with 400 marines hss arrived at Colon, where ahe will remain until after. the elections are held, in order to prevent the revolution. which la threat ened there." . y.. . . .. t , . 11" in. t , "The lOregonlan never, questioned tho honesty of Mr. Bourne's motives." Oregon Ian, May. 15, ISO?. . -';. ,k ,, ,. , .V..; ,, Oh. no. "it merely thought that he was capable ef tbe blackest treach ery. Listen: . - .. I-"'- " '" ."There la a general demand throughout tha state that Jonathan Bourne slisf) be retired as secretary of the Republican state committee. He cannot be-censldered a Republican, but a Populist, and there ahould be no place found for htm within-Hie Repnbllcsn party. It Is claimed now that Mr. Ronme may possibly resign -before tha presidential campaign opens. Mean while Republican headquarters remain closed. What Is demanded Is thst Mr. Bourse be dismissed now, not next month, or next September. As tha secretary of tha stata Republican committee he rn, ht bis efflclai 'poet-, tion. And ample time .todo such Populist mischief aa ha msy conceive dur ing' the weeks thst headquarter a are ostensibly rinsed and then resign with a laugh In hla sleeve at the mischief he hss worked." Oregeeitan, July I, ' ww WW WWW WW WWW wWWW WWWwW WW 18, 1906 FOURTEEN PAGES. ZiAfD SOLD FOR EIGHT ARE KILLED, OVER TWENTY HURT IN KENTUCKY WRECK! Iulsvllle, Msy II. K broken flange on a Ixulvllle Naah- X - rllle spaaaenger coach caused a wreck this morning in wmcn. i; lees eight Uvea were loaf and oval TWcnty- tHTftfTW HIJHfWl. Identifies t lor. Is dtmcult on-ac-" count; of th ' mangled bodies. "Right corpses are m intr monue. The-nJuredhay.e.JrrenaJiejito-.T 9 the hospluls. The coschss JeftJ the track and craahed Into '. freight. The eoaohoa ware , re duced, to kindling. ; , Governor Chamberlain Received I With Enthuaraern ly People f , ; ;of . Canta . Paaa,! Who; . ; Promise Majority.- " J rail iptttl serrW.J t3rats-Pasv-Or-JlaytLO(3vernor Chamberlain, will arrive here today and will be met by an enthusiastic crowa at tha depot- He wm address the peo ple of Granla Fail at ths opera, house this evening. I LocaT Democrats and cltlxens have anxiously swelled tne coming or me governor .and will ' give him a grsnd ovation. f. A number of miners have come irf from the surrounding mines to hear aad-aee tha state s executive-. and tedoy ia almoet-Sr holiday-In-many of tha camps. Borne have driven all the way from , Wsldo. over tt miles of mountain -roadr-tha t thev mtsht -be-at the ' meelfhg' lonlghr Tlrcomlngof Governor Chamberlain marks the first real enthustsam shows In ' Josephine county-this-campaign, : r : '' -. Though Josephine Is a Republican ciuntylalt llndlcatton appoint tows rdTT large melorlty for Chsmberlsllt. "The so-called "silent vote.' of which I -J "".r , TBft - WHBfiWW said, a prominent orsnty Pass business man and Republlcsn yesterdsy. "will all go to Chamberlain. Oearln and Oal- lowy, as ths 'silent vote' Is cast by peo ple who do their own thinking and who know how beat to cast their ballot for the general good of the state. I am go ing to vote that way, and I know many other Republicans who 1 will do like OFFICERS ON TRIAL FOR GROUNDING BATTLESHIP ' (Jearaal epeelst gefvleO . , Norfolk. Va.. May 21. A court martial was convened todsy with Rear Admiral Slgsbe ss president, for rlal of Captain Perry Garsts and Lieutenant Commander Kdward T. Wlthsrspoon on a charge of grounding .the battleship Rhode lelsnd. - - - INCIPIENT REVOLT - REPORTED IN KOREA fJeeraal Special gervlee.t Tokln, May' 2t.-A. Incipisnt rerplt hss been Inaugurated- at Hongju, Korea, . ths rebels holding the town. Jspanese troops are en route to the scene of the disorder. . , Michael Bavin Sylag. IJonraal aoeel! Service. - "THiblla. Ireland. -- May -" -ts.i Pavitt has hadanother sinking spell. It la thought he csnnot survive. fwffffl GIVE OVATION TONIGHT PRICE TWO Made From QLCholeraRefuse-ls3oldJiL, hmerktt inesr-Jtott Meal - Leaf Seed Oil Many Adulterations (Jonraal tpeclal serrlee.) . ' . - Chicago, May It. The report -on the packinghouses and stock industry made by , aovtrnmeDt"jnapectora Charles . P. Nelll and James R. Reynolds to Presi dent Roosevelt contains startling and sensational exposures of the unsanitary conditions prevslllng In Chicago plant operated by tha trust and goes into .de tails concerning the habitual sale' of unclean and contaminated meate. The report consists of notes and affidavits of employes and patrons. Many of the most shocking statements are backed by- aflldavltSj ' Tha report states that "lard la made from bogs that have died of cholera." And that. the. oil .from hogs dying In transit la used for "sardine oil" ,and sold aa such throughout the. world. Tha unsanitary conditions at the pack ing-houses are described as frightful and revolting.- Refuse Is sold Ss meet In both America and Europe. Meat re jected in Europe is treated with chemi cals and sold In America. . ' . Lump Jaw cattle are butchered with out inspection while hogs afflicted with SENATOR GEARIN REPORTS FAVORING PEHSIDH BIL . 1- ' IndiarL War Veterans Will Get an Increase Upon Passage pf - the" Measure." "u. (Joeraal tsedal tar rice.) - ' Ja sh I n at on. May 21. Senator Oearln reported favorably today before the com mittee on pensions the bill incressing thepenslons of Indlanwar veterans from-tt toi a months The measure will affect 1.000 penalonera tinder the acta of July. 1MJ, and June, 1 to 1. 8anatorrnlton-has Introduced bill I providing that persona who have, pur chased lands shallf be given patents tnereto upon submit- hmll only for grsslng. - . -. The bill wss Introduced at the' re - quest of Oregon people.- lliOEiEIIOBFD People 1 urn Cripriinals After- Losing I Heart Which Is Declared sufficient : (Jennie I Ipertal eerVcs.!. - New Tork, Msy St. A simple method of abolishing vice and crime In New TorK and . other . large - cities Is an nounced by Professor Alexander Halg. distinguished Kngllsh physiologist snd physician, to the Metropolitan hos pital In London.: - - . ---. Criminal classes, according to him. sre recruited from the pauper classes. who, sfter they "lose heart, become un employable and degenerate Into chrome loafers, beggars or thieves. This thing of loslnr heart," Professor Ilalg says. Is not a mere sentimental-or emotionai HAUNTED MILLIONAIRE KILLED IN SAME VAY AS BURGLAR HE SHOT 1 . (Jeareat AseeUI aerelee. Pittsburg. Pa, May 2t. Haunted at- mowT-rorseryeere by the face of a man killed while prowling around Ms howee. Archibald Duff. One of tha wealthiest and most prominent men In Clslvton. suburb of this city, hss met death st the hands of Ms son-in-law, ,L A. Fiurd. exsctly In the same place and fj .riper. 1 l " killed Michael Burke, who w - f 'r a burglar,-on Noven-'-r CENTS.., . 2? ."i"! JKS1 , Houses FRESH mBimms Hogs Which Die Lard Is Cotton trlchonosta are butchered and sold In) the count ryi-----"-v v, ;!,. 80 .called "potted chicken" la not chicken st all, but la composed of the fleetr Of "bob vest;"" "Leaf lard," advertlaed and exploited -for Its purity, contains 20 per cent of cottonseed oil, " v . 1, ; '... One concern hss a chemist to perfect a process for deodorising decayed hams; meat In all the packing plants la doc tored with borax and othsr dangerous chemicals, after 1 having been spoiled? dangerous chemicals are also used for "smoked meats' .. -. : t Many of the employee suffer from 1 tuberculosis snd ars unclean In their work and habits. They expectorate on the meet walk pver"tt and-drag It over filthy. floors. . ' . " ' The report recommends that the build ings be remodeled In order te obtain . better, ventilation and more light: that I amplt facilities ahould be provided for empmyve iar enuugn (nnuTtu 1 rum n ' rooms 1rl vwhlchr meavt - la 4 prepared t prevent contamination,' and -that -there should be lavatories "to insure personal . cleanliness.- - .. '. . LIVEO FOR KIE COriTHS WITItBROXEILK EC K Injured Man Finally Passes Away After Several Futile Surgi . . cal Operations.' ..... New York, May ft. After living nln nrotrths wIUi complete paralyslr of tho body from the neck down, owing to' avr fracture of his seventh cervical verte bra. William Kessler, Ii years old, died, yesterday Jn Bel le vue bospltat--. Ill case was one of "the" most remark able tha surgeons In Bellevue have evee known. Kessler was operated on asv eral times, snd wea m wwbject of. eon. tinned ' interest ' to apeclahsts. Opers- lions fcceeda4 In knitting h broken rerfebrs. butloaucha wsy thst tn' 1 pressure on the spinal cord was nof re lieved and death finally ensued from 1 complete" degeneration of' the - nerroua) system. t to Be Due to In Nourishment state of tha mind, bnt ht an acuta phye. leal degeneration of heart, due to In. sufficient nourishment.: Pro feasor Ha 14 says: : r ''..-..-'- "Following malnutrition the '"heart probably falls and dilates, and Is per haps never again able to keep up the sama blood pressure, produce the same muscular nutrition and the " former strength of muscle end nerve or wilt power. No doubt if such a person were carefully .dieted and rested for month he would return to a normal or approx imately normal condition. Mny poor peopiev however.'practtcany never have this chance." . II. ItAt.' Since the affair grieved over the unfortur-' Hiirke. for whir he w Silly not blamable. ae1 I slo'p, 1 It waa hta h- up from bed and t atxrted for a wlk . w heard hv l.urt pecting bunc:ara. - 1 htllwy, w a f . faiBll)- wounJ-l L , ( r rs I -. T