The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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' ' Bucks .Stoves and Ranges ,
r - v- ; - - hs
i .-v . - ' . ; . . . . ' . ' 7 " - '. ; - t
.1 ' w v ' . . . t
' The Buck's line of stoves and ranges - is - the - most; completer ever- manufactured in -that it covers everything .fa. the .
different - sizes of both" cook stoves f aridHrahgesT'ir has taken ; sixty years to- bring- this famous line to its present .scientific
perfection, with the result-that it possesses today the foremost features known to. the art of stove and range building.
From the. selection of the material to the last detail of the finished product, the same care and skill is exercised throughr-
" out They have the severest tests with all grades of Wood and coal, and from the splendid oven of the Buck's stove or"
"range has beenobtained the very " best " results " in " cooking - and baking. To even see-ohe of these stoves and ranges is to.
Per Veek
J fully appreciate, the convincing 1 merits of this modern line.. We are exclusive -Portland , agents for the Buck's stoves and
y one to be free from all defects, and iwe are backed up by America's foremost stove concern
Do and
The Buck's Stove and Range Co." of St Ix)uis.If-desiredrrwc-wiU-take-inl exchange your old stove or range and allow
! liberally for same. 1; i -4--,"...:,::':.. - ' ...1." '
2Xe-Forcmost- Completer
(Jonccrn oxLtkeCoSLst
.-. - . . 11 - ff w-m5FJ 559 t is . ss&s Gr&i tvr GFrV All : r ?
- -V - - : cg Attention (jiven to All -
" - - ' - , . -r. . ... ... m t - ' .rl-. yr , , . ' - " '-' ,' '. ' ; 1 I . , I ... ,. . , .. . 1 , . ,
Pacific Export Lumber Company
; Engages Big Carrier to Load
Oregon Fir.
LA of Steamer En Route to 'Port-
land Under Engagement to Carry
. j Away Lumber Now Contain! Half
Doxen Names Marino. Note. '
" ' - ' :-.'...'."-..'..."
Th Pacific Export LuraW company
ycaterdajr chrtra th British tramp
steamer M. 8. Dollar to load a cargo of
lumber at this port for China, She will
, carry 3.100,000 feet and will be here In
the latter part of July to load. The
M. 8. Dollar belongs: to the well-known
Pollar line, which operates the Btanley
Dollar. Melville Dollar. Harold Dollar
. and Grace Dollar, all of which hare been
here during -the. pat few years. n
-rr-With ha-ohare -of thJa steamer
there. are now an awrn half dosen large
tramp steamers on the en routs list to
eoms here under ehsrter to load lumber.
For Sale Bargains
1(5 tons hop wire, fit ton.
it ton "Remnant" plow steel
cables.- . i
140,000 feet different slsea pip
ing, i
"10f tons: pulleys,' shafting, eta,"
lietsls. irrtp Iron and Junk of
all descriptions bought. -
First to arrive will ie the Brttleh
steamer Dulwlch, which at present Is
on the dry doc It t EsquhnauU under
going her annual overhauling. She will
Next will come the British steamer Tot
tenham, which left Manila May II for
Portland direct. 8h will bejooked for
antia mouth -bflBeFHvw "'"In a-eouplf
wekgcrThe Rlchmond-and M.- 8.- Dol
lar -ara in oriental - waters and. accord
ing To the program the Richmond will
lead the way across the ocean.
A cargo of lumber was sold a few
days ago to a dealer In Oluckstadt, uer
many, but so far aa known the exporter
haa not yet chartered A vessel to de-
MreTtha cargor
Among sailing vessels due here soon
to carry lumber for foreign destinations
Is the Italian bark Brasmo, which left
MoJU Japan. May. . .
Vsnr atsaaer Barak Dlxoa Makes Initial
Uda to tke Wlllaaaetta Kir ex.
. The steamer Sarah ' Dixon was
launched yesterday afternoon from the
way at the Portland Shipbuilding com
pany in South Portland and. aha will be
ready to go Into commission towing In
a few days, the machinery having been
Installed while -the eraft was on the
Ths launching waa a dry 'affair In the
language of the ship carpenters, for the
customary bottle of champagne was
lacking and the christening ceremony
waa omitted entirely. Thus the steamer
slid Into her element with a clean bow
and without any. particular authority to
th-wTiamiecmder -which she will be en
rolled In the records at . the Custom
house. T
The ' Sarah' Dixon la owned by the
Shaver Transportation company and
will take the place of 1h old steamer
of the same natae which went out of
service several years ago. . " '
hipping tf sm Beaaa Tlslt af Skip Vow
la Trovbla at Vort Tawmsamd.
Waterfront men are recalling the fact
that threer years ago the British, ship
Morten waa in this harbor. "Just at
present she la attracting .attention be
cause of one of her offlcera having been
arrested on the charge of having mur
dered a sailor boarding-house . runner,
who came on board the vessel at Port
Townsend a few days ago. The boarding-house
men. It la alleged In defense
ot the officer who fixed the fatal ball
wer on board
orders to keep
In violation
off." .
of strict
day. She goes to Genoa. Italy.
When here the veasel waa boarded by
"Mysterious Billy" Smith, who waa then
enraa-ed with Iha "White brothers Iff the
sailor boardlng-houae business. andrrfFncinc Lumber Ko,
Smith waa attacked by a negro, who, In
the language pf thesailor boarding
house men, 'wanted to be the bully o'
tbw fac'aal." The negro was veritable
giant and "Mysterious Billy's" purtlistlo
record availed him little In the encoun
ter, although neither of the combatants
was aerioualy injured.
Smith waa arrested by Harbormaster
Ben Blglin and tried on three separate
charges, but a justice court jury ac
quitted him and-that ended the trouble
so far aa the ship waa concerned.
One of the sailor boardlng-houso men.
In speaking of the matter thla morning.
said that the tars had Invited the- board
ing-house man to pay a vtalt on board,
evidently with the Intention of "slug
ging" him, for ha was attacked without
warning aa soon as he cams ovsr the
'But, he added, "we got avsn with
those fellows." ,
Strong Brees Interfered With Docking
af Steamer (teo. W. Xlder Yesterday.
Owing to the strong breese yesterday
afternoon the lifting of the steamer
Oeo. W. Elder on- the drydockT-o'waa
postponed until this morning. The
schooner W. F. Carina was lowered
from the pontoons early in the after
noon, -tut Superintendent Mcintosh
deemed It advisable not to undertake
to raise the Elder while the wind wae
sweeping along with a velocity of fully
to miles an hoar.7- - .
The program last night was to float
the steamer at daylight thla morning
so aa to relieve the steamers Harvest
Queen and Ocklahania, which have been
standing by sine the wrerk waa
brought to t)ie dock Friday night. It is
expected that large crowda will visit
the drydock today to get a glim pee of
th now famous steamers -
Gasoline launches are out " In full
fore carrying vlaltora to ths flagship
Chicago. ". -
The schooner W. F. Oarme, which was
lowered from the drydock yeeterday
afternoon, was ' towed to the . Portland
Lumber -company's mills later In the
day to receive lumber.
Ko confirmation had been received
last night concerning the rumored char
ter of uo British ship Galgata, but it
is generally believed among the ship-1
ping people that the charter waa con
summated. H i
The steamer KUburn wilt finish' load
in g-4umberat-the-nlll;-of tha-North
Astoria, May !. Condition
bar at i p. m., rough; southeast wind;
weather cloudy. Arrived down it I 1
m., steamer Homer. Arrived at t:10
p. m., steamer Asuncion, from San
San Francisco, May it. Sailed,
stwuner Nome City,- for Portland. Ar
rived, ateamer Breakwater, from Port
land. Arrived yesterday, steamer F. A.
Kilburn. from Portland and way porta.
Articles of Incorporation of ths United
Uumber dc Export companw were filed
In ths office of the county ,clerk yestsr
day by C E. Broughton, TB. Edwards
and J. M. Dunbar. They will conduct a
general manufacturing, "Investment and
brokerage business. Capital Stock 160,-
The capital stock of the Mount Hood
Brewing company haa been raised from
tSO.OOO to $100,000 by aupplementary ar
ticles filed In the county clerk's office
yesterday by P. Glass, secretary of the
nany next Tliuis-I I V--'V -W I :- - f S - 2
V 1 I ' w.w .
wL , . , axvf. .XV : ...... .. -mm- r r'' ---
a w g mm m-- w m m m W w 1 1 awe, .ay .- - m . -
The Pulton Improvement 'association
ia discussing the plea of the residents
of that neighborhood for a larger school
building. At the meeting of the asso
ciation Thursday evening the committee
having the matter In charger waa en
larged and will appear before the city
board of education at its next, meeting.
A committee waa also appointed to fur
ther the eatabllshlng of free mall de
livery and others will look after street
Improvement i
A Mountain of ffold
could not bring aa much happiness to
Mr IajcIa Wllke of Caroline, Wis., as
did one ISa box of - Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, when lt completely cured a run
ning sore on her leg, which had tor
tured her It Ions vearS. Oreatent anil.
septto healer of Piles, Wounds and Sore
zee 01 tfnuamora urug 10. ,
We never stoop to
fakeryThe RED
FRONTS word-Is
Its gilt-edged bond
Red Front
N. iv. Corter
) rirst sod Tiylsr
'!',- I
f ;
. 1 .
We sell clean-cut
Clothing at small
est prices and no
T5ho ::
fled Ffod8
rhwl e 1 T