The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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-a conPETiioii-
Asks Franchises for Roads Out
H Declares They Would Mean Saying f Twenty Cents . J on
; ljvery Ton of Freight Discharged In Portland Has " 7
.' vr: Presented Proposal to Mayor Lane.
Tom Word Club Addressed by
- Judg) McGinn in Chap- -
man Square. , ';
of Tacomato Steilacoom
r '.-"'r - and Olympla. - -
r' . ' ) 1
Traction Ptople Allied With Capital
. lata Who : Have' Announced Inten
tion of Building Line From Tacom
to Portland, Via Chehalia.
:. (SpcrliU niuMtrk to Tbe JaeraaM
-TcQma:3VaaUlIiy:jf. TwoZ.n'w
electrloJllwsy lines will ba built this
summer and rail by tne racino .Traction
. company, according; to the plana sub
mitted te the board or county com
': hiisslohera' today In. an application for
?' franchises or the roads. One of these
y road will connect, Tacoma. and Stella-
coom and the other Tacoma and Olynv
. pla, the state caDltal. '
Filing of these applications u'nmsskd
the intentions of the traction company
'' and. bring it. into the open a a power
ful" competitor of tbe Taooma Railway
- Power company, which bad alao an
nounced )ta intention of building an
eiectrto railroad to Olympiaj
Both companies are rapidly building
to American - laka In the direction of
Olympla. The power company already
baa an electric Una con true ted " to
. Btellacoom and the traction compaay
will baveTo nUV barJrofbUBlnea on
that . branqh , of It proapectlva ya
tem. I T '"
for month It haa been a queatlon
'; hrre the traction. company will ret ita
JowerIJhla jmestion . baa. been aettled
by tha filing by A..E. Rothermel, a
. member of the . company, of a claim
- for 20,000 Cubic feet of water per sec
ond on Chamber creek. It I intended
'. to divert tha water by meana of a
'. flume from tha foot of Laka Btella-
able of supplying the ayatcm with S"f-1
Tlrlanl nnsi In npimli ill II
- - Merger te Oppoae rower Company,
. ' .. . The traction company la -allied with
-L'- tba ayndlcata of capltallata repreaented
. by. E. J. Weeks, who hare announced
t heir-Intention of- building: an -electrle
railroad from-i-Cantralia and Chehalia
--eeuth-io- Portland and-- north to Ta-1
hr Weeks- 4b tha chief engineer of -the
traction company, and it la generally
va" auppoaed here that the intereata ba rep
resents will shortly ba merged with
the traction-company and tba two-will
r make a bis; light against -tha power
T . company,-which la 'also contemplating
' a network of electric tinea extending
through the Sound region and to Port
Tan d."Tn?pO wercbm party "hacked
by Stone at Webster, Boston financiers.
It la not. clear who are behind the
. ftl"f mmp.ny, tt n g rumnrert that
a powerful syndicate, of New York and
London financiers are. putting up the
- money.- - ,- - --
. - (Continued front Page One.) .
i-be sot tae-ttotbtw:T Mr..' Stone even
railL this puralt 'bosh"' and tblnks it
i not worth while spending time Over." .
t ' "It will not make the least difference
y In the world. he protests. It Is rldlc
ulous to think thst It would make a' dif
ference any more than any other lauda
bio enterprise -or. worthy act.".
" But Mra Mary C: Bradford of t)en
ver comes, hot from tha - laboratory
where practical experiments are made
'" ' and reporta to the contrary. She, too,
talks' about" the larger aoul and the
face through, which It will ehfne, - -Better
Tana Cold Cream.
e people who think It
changes a woman for the worse conld
see our beautiful Mrs. Whltmora," aha
acid. ' "She la the president of the
Denver . Women's club, which is the
most Important woman's olub in the
country, and haa accomplished tbe moat,
Mrs. Whltmore is a, noted beauty both
in Denver and New Tork and is nottued
and - complimented - wherever- aha '- goea.
Let me tell juu that Jt ts- unneceary
and bad form to assert equal suffrage
through nyts'cnUns " dresC One ""woman
came out from New York to settle In
Denver as an attorney. She affected
the mannish style of dress and that
"wortodJTier Tallur. In Colorado 'we
have tha substance and do- not need to
clamor for the shadow and wa look
with distrust on any that do. . In fact
It la tha fact that 'women are so totally
""nBlffgrent-frwm men that -makes thy tn
corporationm-or.tneir.iaeaainw. govern
mental action so important.
anaa Acta os Body.
"En large
any one's responsibility.
power, freedom, self-respect and sense
or efficiency end the mind will act on
. I the body. Full responsibility is tha
beat education that is why- American
y men are stronger looking than those of
' -Z any other nation.. The same holds true
with women. ' Give them mora freedom
. of thought and they will grow out The
women of CO years ago were not as
fine apeclmena of womanhood aa we
.have now, and we all know how much
- more enlightened womanhood haa be
come In that time. It will need time
to Show the results, but after we bave
Nearly every parent in Oregon and Washington hat the prettiest
child in the country, and is tending a photograph to The - Sunday
Journal's baby contest editor to prove it. Nothing; that hat been
proposed in soma time has awakened to much-interest aa vthit con
test, in which every boy and girl n Oregon and Washington under
6 years old is given a chance to win a valuable prize.
- - Already portraits of all tortt and condition of little ones bors-
and girls, blondes and brunettes, fat and lean children, short and tall
-fiaber (for thetr-yar)r ttrly-haire,-traitht-4airMn4 -not-4nu-v T
X haired have been received, and it
..had a larger or finer collection of
. TnitrnaL
-X One thing has been cfeafFy proved In this contestTandlhal tsiharX
the parents ot tne prettiest cnuaren in Oregon ana wasnington ao
not seem to care so much to get the valuable prizes as they do to
have their babies recognised at the prettiest in the two states. The
' prizes, though, everyone knows are worth winning a deposit in a"
saving bank of $20 to the credit of the prettiest babe, and beautiful
silver cupt tor three others. No child under 6 years old it barred. If
van think vourt is the (Tfettiest tend a picture, with the name and age
T of the babe and the address of the
e - nvtt t . - in .... :M
Alll JUUG VV CTCIJ IllUfcllCl III UlgUII ,IIU ,r9lllll)(lUII win w
given the chance ta prove conclusively that her baby is the prettiest.
A committee of competent judges will study each picture sent in -and
pass judgment on it fairly and unflinchingly. All you have to
do is to send in your baby's picture before June 30 to the Baby Con
test editor Of The Sunday Journal, with the name and age of the child
and tne parents' address. All children under 6 years are eligible. I -The
natures of tome of the pretty babies In Oregon and Wash-
X ington will ,be. printed in next Sunday's Journal. . . . ..
T ' ' - ..... ..' - '. ' .. It
MuniclpI dock on Swan island.
That is the plan of Late Pence,' who
propoaad to tha. city that it aid in com
pleting the usefulness of' his electric
lines by providing a place where) vessel
may ba loaded from his cars.
'. If tha city doean't favo'r tha schema
Pence declaree ho will build suitable
wharvea on Swan Island himself.
Further to complete tha circuit ha haa
aubmltted a proposition for an electric
railway franchise on Front street. .-
rtriathe -purpose-ef tha Pence., com
pany to run electric car from the Wil
lamette valley into the city, along Front
street to the municipal doks,-where the
freight theycarry" wlirba unloaded Into
deep-water vessels -without -a second
handling, ... '..
' Other cars,- - also - operated by elee
trlcity this to e generated by Pence'a
own power plantwill come into Port
land front the north over tha line for
which ho has aeeured a franchise on the
St. Helena road.. And theaa cars will
likewise dlacharge their content at the
municipal wharvea, going ta Swan
Island over tha bridge which Pence
off era to build.
The, city ia to own a portion of the
channel side of Swan laland, for" Penco
of fera to deed tMa property to tha city
of Portland in partial payment for a
franchise on Front street, his gateway
from: tha;' mthi :--irr.r'iriz.";
' . Socks Woald Mean Saving.
-- Munlolpal docks -wllL-mfiaH-k-Saylng
of it cents on every ton of freight dis
charged in 'Portland, Pence aays. ' "
It will mean the upbuilding of tha
coaat shipping industry and will ba a
tremendous impetus to foreign trade.'
If the proposal la looked upon with
favor by tba oltlsens of Portland tha
matter will be put up to the eouncll
within a ahoTt.tlmo.'i: Mr. Pence called
upon Mayor Liana yesterday afternoon
with, his proposal embodied In writing.
It-ts addressed to t her mayor-moA.. will
go before, the publ
"t Mffldtty,"tWr'n6dn Br 1 d'tilScKdIscHsS
the franchises on Front street which
have been granted to tha United Rail
ways company and the Willamette Val
ley Traction company by the council.
-,a.havebcen..negotlatlngMfor Swan
island, for several months," said Mr
Pence -last- evening. '"BwanIsle.nd-liaa
a elosed channel on . this side, but an
open channel on the other,- the eastern
Bid. It la the only chance for muni
cipal docks, for every other piece of
Iaterf ront property is' already owneo
r some large Interest which will hold
to It. Martin wincn ror tne a. u. ana
Amanda Reed estates and Oskar Hnber
helped secure the signatures. r
'If the couneir wont help -in building
these docks I will do It myself.;. Mo
Fortlani 'naa'lneprle- winning stick -
He is 'Joseph Zalln-
ekle. .. .
Chicago baa her wheat brokers ' who
leave, their' off lets for seven jnlnutes
at luncheon' time, drop 10 cents "Intd a
nickel-in-the-elot machine, receive there
from a piece of pie and a cup of Chi
cago river coffee and then rush back to
theiri tickers; New Tork has her Wall
street financiers who do not leave thetr
office desks but who seise their noon-through--
a pneumatio tubti London
bankers "merely swallow a drop of
Scotch" from a bottle once In a while
throughout the day and to not take any
time for a dyspeptic-producing lunch
eon. But Portland has them all left
at the pout with her Joseph Ealinskte.
Joaeph la an east aide barber. He had
a shop at East Sixth and failing streets.
had a whole new ' generation or two
tha -women will be finer, stronger , and
blgger-eouled than now."
' Mrs. Bradford referred any one who
la irr-doubt about the efTeet -of euffeaa
to the men of Colorado, who aha: aaid,
boast that they have the prettiest wom
en In tha country. And yet there Tire
always two sides to a question, and Pr.
Wilson asserts thatibe would be'sorrf
to1- aee " Oregon's- beautiful - women-be
come like the hard-featured women of
Colorado, who go about managing men a
business. But "Oregon's beautiful '- may
have been merely a touch of blarney te
eaaa tip tbe conclusion..
(Waihlnstoa Banao ef The Joaraat.)
Waahlngton, May2. Earl K. Knight
of Redmond, Oregon, has been appointed
assistant engineer in the reclamation
service and assigned to duty , on the
Huntley project, Montana.
is tafe to tay that no paper ever Z
pictures than this of The Sunday
parents on the back.
tnM -.4 liri.lil.MAk .:tt V.
maratlmo city can aver ba complete
without aucb accommodations to encour
age the ahlpplng bualness. San Fran
cisco baa found such wharves of tbe
greatest value to her. There tbe wharf
age charges are cente per ton. Here
they are It cente, and there is no reason
why city docks here should not be
operated as cheaply."
' Those cltlsena who have Insisted that
the Front street franchises contain
clauses providing that the city may take
ever the lines at some future time may
find objections to tba Feme Front street
proposal, It - does not contain a - word
about the purchase of tba Front street
rnad hy the mnnlclpslltyJTlllaJirrltten
proposal, however. Is not in formal shape
and cbangea may be agreed upon at the
meeting Monday.
Pence already baa in the hands of the
street committee of the council a fren
chlse ordinance for his road to occupy
streets connecting the St. Helena road
with tha city's thoroughfares. He now
seeks a franchise from Nicolal street
over streets to be determined to Front
street at Flanders or Hoyt, thence along
Front . street to - Jefferson, thence, to
Water, along Water to Hood and finally
out to the southern city limits. '
The Pence proposal says: .
"We ere willing to haul over the
tracks on all the streets granted cars
'from connecting line at some fair and
reasonable rate to be agreed upon and
specified in the franchise, and In that
reapect wlirhow. atate that we are will
ing to give twice the length ef haul for
tbe sum specified in the pending fran
chises of the United Railways company
and the Willamette Valley Traction
company aa Is required of them In that
franchise, and to give the same haul
they undertake for one half the sum
Two dollars and aTtalf per car la the
sum specified in the franchises men
tioned These have already been granted
by the" wi i n"TT"" nS-Twht - yi--TjL:
tianau ma muiiuii! ui maiui LH".
The Pence company offers' to deed to
the city the east end of Swan island,
giving It 4,000 eet of waterfront on
the channel side. However, the city is
to bulkhead to the harbor line on the
north- sides and dredge , the channel to a
It is proposed to operate the FronT
treat trackaon tne -Common user
principle. In thia way care from the
Willamette valley will come through the
city along ' Front atreet and bo taken
directly to dock to be constructed .on
tha municipality-own propertyon
Swan Island. The Pence company offers
to biilld a bridge to meet the demands
of both city and federal authorities
toaaa Swan Island tn IhajmalnlandLand
fretgnt- wouio) - oa j-conre;HLyw. iui
bridge. . -. r v -
j - But Ja .aaw,a better, bunlnes corner at
l.'nlon avenue and Falling streets, and
he determned to move.
He secured the movers and they told
him to close up shop and they would
move him. .. :
. "Close upT7Not " much!" said - Joseph
Zalinpkle. "Tou fe-on with the moving.
This shop keeps working."-
It did. Customers entered the mov
ing barber shop and Joseph shaved
them with an air aa icalmly as though
he were at work In the Waldorf-Astoria.
K a euetewns was eut. ' i -
:wtWben Joseph.. hadjhaved fiye men
and out two head of hair the movers
announced that they bad the shop on
the new location.
"That aof said Joseph, "I waa too
busy to notice."
Back. Chicago. ' To the wooda. New
Tork. Fade away, London. Tou have
no" Joseph Zalinsklel 4
Rival Spokane Railway -Lines
Contest-Ownershipflf Large
Acreage in Idaho.""
Deed Given Inland Empire Company
Held Invalid by Spokane-Pend
d'Oreille Lake Rapid Transit Com'
pany Long1 Legal Battle In Sight.
Spokane. -Wash May 2. A lively
legal battle Is In prospect between ri
val railway companiea wishing to oper
ate lines from Spokane .to Pend d'Oreille
lake. The' terminal grounds at the lake
are the aubject of the controversy, the
Spokane-Pend d'Oreille Rapid Transit
and the Inland Empire eompanlea each
claiming ownership. -
The weberg .property, was sold sev
eral months ago- under contract . t the
Prairie Development company, an aux-
llle,ryef -tha. Rapid. Transit for. 1 41,00(1.
to ald V J.?' Vf
a..ded .wduld. be.glven.. The payment
due May 1 was by mutual consent post
poned until May It.
John Kleberg alleges tHat the money
was not forthcoming on that day, the
contract bad lapaed and accordingly he
sold tbe tract to F.'A. Black well bf the.
Inland Empire company. -
R. A. Hutehlnnon. manager or the
Spokane-Pend d'Oreille Rapid Transit
company, aays that beyond doubt bla
company holds title to tne tract or
I. TOO acres and holds the deed to Black-
well for tbe laland Empire company In
valid. ' -
-We will sue Lleberg." he said today,
for apealflo performance of contract.
We had the money at the' time set, but
they did not come for it.
We have brought suit against Mr.
Lleberg for 115,000 damages, and will
proceed as soon aa we can get service.
Our rompany ewne every foot of Squaw
bay except that owned by the Washing
ton Brick Lime Co., so we will not
lack for terminal grounds should we
lose thia traot." , ' . 1
I - - - ..... - I
Crowd .' Crowa Enthusiastic ' and
Cheera Every Mention of Word's
Name Meeting Held Under i Aua
' pices of .Traveling Men's Club.7 .
' At the ODeri-alr meetlna in Chanman
equal's (the south -plasa) last- night.
lag Men's Tom Word club, Henry E.
McGinn . spoke to an enthusiastic au
dience en "Why Tom Word Should Be
ReeleoUd.'' - He- was - introduced- by
Charles W. Ransom, and said in part:
"When -Tom Word became sheriff
there were It gambling aaloona in Port
land,taking in more than 1740,000 every
month. They were. running in violation
of -the law. but the authorities were
collecting, fines monthly 'and allowing
these' men to go on doing business.
Within IT days after Word took tha
oath, of office ha had closed every gamb
ling houssr-in Portland and they are
still closed.
"The question of' law enforcement la
the one most prominently before tbe
American - people today. .: Labor has
coma to know that it has not had ita
hare of tbe riches it produces because
tha law .have not been rigidly en
forced. 'LaFollette was made governor
of Wisconsin because he enforced the
law. Folk was made governor of Mis
souri because he enforced tbe laws.
Tom Word is preeminently ttaslaw en-
rorcement man of this state.
Crime Carnival rreveated.
L "Had it "noVbeen forThe workTaone
by Word we should have had a carnival
of crime at the Lewi and Clark fair.
He beat thejapr9t.ot J?.oo.oot!ey
VQiflaaiMfe nin in linilaa iSi in li
for that reason th gang is going- to
stand by Stevens, The gamblers and
three-card monte dealer bave 'come
back from Tonopah to support Stevens.
Every dive in tbe north end had a pic
ture of Stevena behind the bar until .1
mentioned . the. fact a short, time ago.
and they -hMta-jtoca hssn tsknn-down.;
Tom Word took their gambling para
phernalia from them and kept it till he
had secured signed statements from all
of them that they would not gamble
here. His promise that ha will do better
In -the-futnre-than- he" has done In the
paat means something.
Had word taken the money the
gamblers would have paid him for im
munity he could have retired from of-
But they oulrt .not buy . him.
When he was elected -he promised he
would treat ayery one alike. And when
ever we aee a man in a local office
Who ha d6n MS duty it IS "our duty
to see thst he remains there. When-,
ever gambling run in violation of the
law eome public official Is getting a
graft. ' There , is .no such' graft here
now. Conditions are infinitely . better
.than. the.y,were two ..years ago. .
"If Bob Steven were elected, the
laat year of. his admlnlatratlon would
make Portland a paradise for gamblers,
or I am mistaken In the men-who are
supporting snd counseling him. But
aftar-thaelectlon a week f rom Monday
Stevens will go back to his "position
aa cashier of Ladd Tllton's bank,
which he held Tor IS years before he
became a candidate for sheriff.
The meeetlnglosed with three cheers
for Word, followed by cheers for Mo-
Uinn, - . - ... -
Conductor Who Shoots Man,
Holds Up Train and Rides
' 7to Safety.
(BpecTrrlpii- or le(l WTpi te The JonrTTT
Jiminea, Mexico. May IS Joe Larccy,
an American paasenger conductor on tbe
Mexican Central railroad, hets just msde
one or the-moit "daring esrapeB-from
this country ever known. He shot and
killed a Mexican at a dance here three
hta ago. . lie fled ut 'the Mexican
Central track six miles, where ' Be
nwxned a iwthboand- pasaenge rSan
1 .. Six Mexican police from Jlmlnet were
on-tne xrain expecting. ne wowia at'
tempt to make hla escape in such man
ner. They ordered Lareey to surrender
but Instead of obeying the command he
drew hla own revolver upon the Mext
can police and ordered them off - the
train. They got off and walked back to
- Larcey took possession of the engine
and cut It loose from the remainder of
the trauvand Engineer George Dempsey
waa forced to remain at the throttle,
The two men then began a wild ride
toward the Texas border. 170 miles dis
The train dispatcher waa advised ths
engine waa rum Ing wild and the track
was cleared. Running records on the
Mexican Central were smsshed. Larcey
took to the cactus-covered deeert at
point south of Juarea and Is supposed to
be safe on the other side of the Rio
Grande by thia time.,
' (Rperial DiptrS te The JoarnaL)
Pendleton, Or., May t. Attorney R.
J. Slater of this city haa taken an ap
peal to the United States circuit court
ot - appeala in tha . eaae, of ' Columbia
nd now serving a sente
ntence bit McNeil'
After Judge Hanford denied a writ ef
habeas corpus for the convicted Indlsn,
Mr. Slater determined to carry the case
further, . For a time he considered the
question of filing a motion for rehearing
before Judge Hanford. Thia step, bow
ever, wss not taken and Instead the
case will be taken to the higher court
at San Franclscov
'-'-' tapeeial Dtninti W. Th Joorsal.t
Athena, Or., May St. The Caledonian
plcnle which haa been held here for two
days eloeed tonight. It waa one of, the
beat- ever held In Umatilla county and
in highly enjoyed by large crowd a
from all parts of eastern Oregon. Scotch
songs snd dances with able addressee
proved especially Interesting. Today
was candidates' day, all candidate mak
ing talks to tbe assemblage, -
7 7'K:'' r) Iff; ewflV:c 7-
What Are You Looking", For ?
If you're looking: for good clothes, turn your gaze right toward this store. You'll' see here's
1aTgeStrpply"Of thrHaTTifchaffneToTManr suits: Alr-wtKnilKgh Spe
for outing, for any summer,
$12.50 to $30 $10 to $20
: Saml Rosenblatt m Co.
"Continued fifoinITi Dn-T"
terest irt the flotation of the new and
greater coal trust. Reading stock
is rising on account of this new move
ment among the coal properties, but
in addition its price is being forced
up by a powerful pool. - : . -
The publicr-tt-ia astumedV-wilLbe
tet-in-wherr the merger-of theeoal
interests is effected," as tt was when
theteeLtrustwas ilormed, and Is
expected to contribute an ' immense
j n-'--- -rB
av I iw- dlit
i CT1 t. " ' - Jraii
ITT - t -t
i lip r1! 17
V s-t fc-TSa. sX'3.'' Oi..'X
I '. l
I U I . i X"N : J
A I i V -A f
T a VSU . Vvlr 4aa.. w sV
Copyright 1906 ty Hart Schaffher &
hot weatner wear, we guarantee
amount of excess in capitalization of
the greater coal trust over the entire
market vahie of stock of the seven
railroads which own63 percentof
the anthrscite iieldii
The -railroad companies control 98
per Cent of the coal output and bave
hitherto, through the medium of the
Temple Iron company as holding
company, constituted the coal trust
If Wall street has sized tip the situ
ation correctly the buying of stock
ofthe. coal roads by those .who . are
interested- in tha Bergcroi- the coal
properties is done in the belief that
iFthe pubTTc can be induced to Invest
$500,000,000 in the purchase of coal
7" 'And jrou'want to sit ton jrour porchryouU T X
ti .1 a j e
I cxi uie ncea
Here is one
foot 6 inches
All -
your full satisfaction.
properties from the railroads and yet
leave the same in stock for- the men
who now own and -eontrol-the-eoal -
fields 1n connection with the Tailroads,
the hnldm nf the big blocks, of atock
mously . .. 4 ,
- Knox ea the reaea. '.
Senator Philander . C Knox haa not
given any encouragement to the) move
ment started by his . friends to give)
him the Republican nomination for gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. Though the con- "
rentlon la- not far distant the BepublW
cans of the Keystone state stilt appear
to be up In the air ' aa regards the
gubernatorial candidate. ,
Whcn.lhc Nice
Summer Days Coizz
01 a goou, : ,
Comforllafe .
Porcli Kceticr !
rocker, exactly as pictured, 1
made from hard maple, rush seat, slat back, '
S feet 8 inches high, 2 feet 2 inches wide,
deep; . colors, green, red and f.
maple. 7 Regular price anywhere $3.78. .
Wcq!i - Spccicl"
j .. - " - - - .