The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1906, Image 1

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    Journal Circulation
2 Shower tonight and Sundays irwhy-
fusty south to nt winds.
VOL. V.NO. 70.
PPTfTT TWO rPMTfl " ew T till I VD WW
- -
Corporation Files
Deschutes River
About, to Be Realized Fifty Thou
: sand Acres Will
For Domestic Purposes ' -:
Initial steps In a 11.000,000 Irrigation
and power project for Cook county, or
-iron.- hav bn taken byth-oHn-at
Prlnevllle yesterday of a notice of ap
propriation "of waters of " th Deschutes
river. The filing waa made by.K. M.
JUMVQy.iLQt -the.flrm of Forbes tc Ooudy
we wheh la . designed t
water more than 60,000 aerea of land
and convert what la now one of the
most arid and barren sections of south
ern Oregon' Into on of th moat fertile
ami - productive districts eaet - of tn
divide. ' '." -V :
Water enough la Lo btken from the
river to Irritate all th land of the
Agency Plain andHayatack dlatrleta,
to supply water for domeatto purposes
and to furnlah power with' which elec
tricity Jfor light and power purposes
ran ' De ' generat-so mr . uiainuuwow
through thla portion of the country.
The- fiHng -im made Tindetthe-tltle-at
the Madrae Irrigation ft Power Canal
projecult la on of th biggest schemes'
if the sera that has anar nan
taken in eouthem Oregon and promisee
-, to be of great- Importance in th de-
yelpment of that section of the state.
Mr, Ooudy when seen thla morning
declined to dlacuaa the details, of. the
- proJecU but the term of the notice of
appropriation which waa filed Indicate
'the extent, and scope of the cheme..
wui ruing rtovu or. - --
The filing -provides for ,000 -Inchea
, or about t.000 cubic feet iff water, per
econdi It la to be taken out of the
Ijeachule rivar ! at a., paint , north of
the i sc 1h tee lrHUon, ' -rower
" rompany'a district A canal feet In
width and 10 feet In depth will be fed
-- by a flume of like dimensions from the
point of 'diversion of the watera.' At
thla point a -dam. about 100. feet . lo
rVemier Civet Government' Re
- ply .Few Minor Concet-
- siont but a Principal De
-Z mands Refused
.'. (Joernel plt Berrlce.)
"Teteraburar. " MayJC. Premier
Ooremykln av th government a re
ply to the doums's address in answer
to the speech from the throne. rA few
"mtnof nccMloha-are-made, but 'the
principal demands are refused or ig-
When the address waa red, deputlea
made fiery apeechea, charging 'that the
premier's apeech waa an open challenge
to the douma. Hlnta were made aa to
the probable course of the douma. The
rsnreatwaa Incaaed by the rumor that
a deer will be Issued tomorrow-dissolving
th douma. .
Ooremykln announced the granting of
universal euffrage, but rejected th de
mands for full amnesty and expropria
tion of land. ' l . ' ---
M. Nahokoff declared that the douma
had right to nddresa th" cxar directly,
and Insisted that the situation waa a
constitutional Absurdity. He said that
the administrative power must submit
to th leglslattv authority.
Thla afternoon by an almost unani
mous vote the douma voiced lack of
confidence In the ministry. .
t OeorMl IpeeUI a"r
Chlcajro. May 2. "Golgotha." the
laraea painting In the world, to cora
plet. wiilch-Jan Btrlca Jaboeed llyar.
is threatened with destruction. After
being aoid hy.customa of ftclala her for
l0, tn purchasers contemplate cut
ting It up Into, four theatre eurtataa....
r Tle painting waa originally sold to a
Kuropean syndlcafe for 11.0 and
waa exhibited throughout Europe. It
was hrouaht to the St. Ixuls exposition,
but arrived" Im late, and there aros a
Ike. Sunday
Water Rights" For
Gigantic Scheme
Be Affected Water
length la to be constructed for the pur
pose of holding back th watera and
feeding th canal.Th latter la to be
a r rledjjiott h wa r4th roug h-'. a canyon
across th Crooked river and thence
northward through the heart of the
MeraJau-.aillli ramify from lh . ma
canal and carry th water to every por
tion of the district so that more than
(0,000 acreaf wil be reclalmeo.
T ,'wa for Oth'eV Purpoaeai
- Thla water la not only to be used for
triigailon purposes but provision will
be mad to supply the farmer and set
tlers of the district with water for do-
meatlc. purposes and for uae In water
Ida atrfck .. . : '
- At the present time the district is
D Vac t leal ly devoid of "water. The Des
chutes' and Crooked rlvera run through
It but flow In box canyons varying In
depth from 100 to 2.000 feet so that It
is impossible, to get water by pumping
or any jother- iheane, from convenient
joints, The rtlfitrlrt Igtoirlr,, w&UjeJ.
tied at present and all the land haa been
taken up. All the water that la used
there how haa. to be hauled, even that
for drinking purposes. . Owing to the
distance. that th water haa to be hauled
It has been practically Impossible to do I
any Irrigation work. .
" The canal la designed to relieve Jhese I
conditions and supply adequate moist-1
ura lo convert th unproductive terri
tory Into rich farming tanda. Th aolL
It la said J far. better than that. that
haa been reclaimed through the Dee-
chutes irrigation project. It Is of
much the same volcanic ash mixture
that that la, the Deschutes district Is, I
(Continued on Page Two.)
Man Who MadeThreate Ajjainst
Roosevelt Arrested Weapon
iLii Consists , of u a Small- -,.
(Joerstl I seelsl Bervlee.t
Washington. Uay it.
Iewia of Hawaii, who says he came to
this city with the Intention of killing
President Roosevelt, waa arreated here
today. He created an exciting acene
at the.pollce court this morning by ask
ing to see c. A. Massle,- agent of the
PrlsoneraV Aid aoclety He told Massle
that he waa going to shoot, prominent
publla men. and If Massi Interfered or
followed him he would also be shot.
The threat waa written on a- amall wal
nut ahell, which Lewla handed to Mas
sle, and before the latter recovered
from- his amaxement Ie wis . had disap
peared. ,
Four detectives found Lewis later on
Pennsylvania avenue. When searched at
the police headquarters a amall walnut
ahell waa found which he aaya he In
tended to hurl at the president. The
shell contained a small American flag
and a piece of paper on which waa writ
ten: "-
"Kill President Roosevelt without
bloodshed." , r ..-
Uewla carried no dangerous weapons.
He will be examined to determine his
sanity. , .
dlspnt over the customs duties. Dur
ing thla haggling, the painting waa eold
three times, the first two sales not liav
lug been confirmed by th federal court.
Meanwhile it had been on exhibition
here, and attracted much atttntion
among church people.
,. It waa first ald for Sl.tOO t a law
yer. Thla aale waa set aside and It war
next , bid in for list. Thla was re-4
jected. and th laat aal waa made to
two- theatrical , managem.'
i Journal
j '.. , -: ; HOW ' IT HAPPENED. ; " " ';VV
; r,VE A Go0 (TJc teciHouLtA : .
If Mf, '" -M r. V ,, I " rJr-1 - I I 1 1 ... 'I I TV
i v v. -j i.rr nit i v Atr mi i. a nv 1 1 i rr
' ( r'- - ' - 'v- " T J . V2iis ' : 1 T . . w iA --- - :
I 1 ,r. : 'r 'r3I VT-" Xr " v . M ILA f J T" T I
II, -- -77 - " r.---, -v- V iJ s lul - 1IJIrJffIla i
r f- -J: . v s - F" ttcom? . I t.
. ..r- . J j" ' n Crrt .WIS A ss7r .;-,.,r? avj v 7;. 1
it nrrrT-cri a yAss,ou,f:aT"c y iuaocK? ... .r
f --ATTER TUC f-A?M;r - ' t ; 7 ' ' wrr l
' ' ' :7 '. '' ' " - ' : . ..i7
, . T ". ' ' . t -
: Stand and - Confiscates All - Pop, - Soda -
'. Water , : G i nger Ale and Sarsa pari 1 1 a . ;
Uearasl Special gervkw.)
Cisco Is probably the dryeat prohibition
city In all the world-today.' The entire
Hat of things to drink t boiled water.
coff e70f7tea,7 twtiertftn Ilk 7 and gutter
milk. How different' from the other
darVrmL.IaHOji' pissHilllCIea. horn
Th trouble, la that the board of
health haa taken a hand In the teetotal
movement - and shut down son "soft
drinks. Men- along the waterfront, in
the burnt district, nut on the edge of
Mlsslbn park and along the Van Ness
5 : , , . r
- "V . .
Friends In thla city and elsewhere are
endeavoring to locate Paolo Olorxa. th?
noted composer aet heard of In Port
land, whoae pathetto experiences result
ing from the San. Francisco disaster,
have been told In almost 'every news
paper In the country. With the- excep
tion of hia music he lost all his posse
aiona In the great calamity that rwet
away the southern city. ;
. In the evening of his, life the great
composer found himself destitute. - In
every Catholic church In th world hla
masses and hi vespers have been sung
ftaasgMV Blsa)rfl IsW ! a
Jfashngtnn. Jay H. Representative
Rucker fn'siipportlns'llt 'bltTTookTng To"
publicity In the eampaign contributions
charged the Republicans with Insincerity
In treating the subject. He satd: "The
actloq ofthe flections committee In vot
ing agHlnHt s" report on fn bill Justltle
the suspicion that at least some of the
majority at heart are retlly opposed to
the proposed legislation."'
.-7-7-' . Llooraat aoerlsl erte.
Vienna. Austrls.-. May . Rmperor
Frana Joaef Is aertmisly rt, suffering
from Intestinal Inflammation.
With its fine colored supplement foe the young, its splendid library
features, fashions, stories of heart interest, suggestions for those, who
'work with hand and brain, world's news and interesting miscellany is
avenu and Fillmore -and Devleadero
streyta rectlona had until todaysoothed
themselves and encouraged their imag
inations . with such boy-approved re
freshment aa soda water of varied
colors, pop, "ginger nle, root beer, sarsa
parllla, lemonwdc, tonic and elder. But
now even these are goneeven-these
o substitutes " for the ordinary ' bev
erages. The boardof health haa swooped
down' on , sot drink places, shutting off
IS' or-14-factories and confiscating the
stock : found In the retail stores and
booths. ...
for many years. Only last Easter many
bf ' them ' rang with th Joyous melody
of hla "Reglna Coell." and hla name 1
known wherever muetc hr known, -particularly
aacred mualc. ,
With his wife, Olorxa managed to
reach thla city a short time after the
fire In the company of a number of
refugees. He lived here with generoua
countrymen. As soon as his condition
waa learned In New Tork he was of
fered a position In that city, . but
through' lack of funds waa unable to
make, the trip to accept It.
Olorxa lived In Philadelphia for a
Boise, Ida.. May , ?. Clarence Par-
row, the great criminal lawyer of Chi
cago," who haa" been . employed by th
miner of Illinois to assist In th de
fense.: of President Moyer. Secretary
Hay wood and Commit tee man Pettlbon
of th Western Federation of Miners,
charged with th murder , of . former
Oovemor Bleutvenbere, arrived tn Boise
this morning. Attorney of -both aide
aay they are ready for th trial - at
Caldwell Tuesday morning. A stub
born fight la expected over the motion
for. a change of venue. Hundreds of
affidavits have1 been taken in support
and restating th motion.' .
-Three troopa of fnlied States cavalry
and two companies Of Stat mtllttas-wlll
b at Caldwell during th trial. -
A-Where x'tctiyn was fotmcL
B.B, Bricks used by t-obbrrS .
C C lab u gecf (y t-nhpeei . '
D - Vfc i -m s pocket - book
F- Wig c(-ohfi by
.T-fikce: iufe -
v -v- -sum -my. rxzw-a
Literally Roasted to Death in Bath House. ;
:.Steam .Came Through the Floor
(Jesiaal Special Hemes.)
one"of the largest and "weerit West mining
operator of Tonapah and Ooldfleld,
waa found this morning at - Valley
Sprlnga wlth.Jlls flesh literally roasted
from hie bones, having been cooked to
death in a hot spring bsth at that
pi: HWxtdyWHiyTs m!Taira
aon. Nevada. ...7 . ". " 1
Manager Campbell of the Springs
statea that Kendall cam to that place
In . a very Intoxicated condition and
asked for er room. H-waa-glven one
near the bathhouse and Campbell be
lieved he had retired.
number of years and became well-known
among musician.. He came to thla dity
at the opening of thefairto fill an en
gagement, but elnce" "the cloae of the
fair h had- been living tn San Fran
cisco. Olorxa-ls the -only-one left of th
famous composers - of half a century
ago. In hla youth he was Rossini's
friend and In hla later years he waa
cloae to Verdi. Wagner' and( other com
posers of their rank. Clara Louise Kel
logg, Ktelka Oerster. fa riot ta Pattt and
such dlvaa of the past knew him well,
and klnga and emperors have done hon-'
Ttet )
8t. Louis. May t. According to the
prosecutor a new Information has"""been
drawn charging Robert M. Unyder, capi
talist, of Kansas Ctty, with bribery. It
is charged that 8nyder paid tliO.000 to
certain councilmen for the paasage of a
traction bill In IJ.
Unejrael aNla) Serrlee.)
Battle Creek. Mick., May l Frank P.
Houghton, cashier of the National bank
of Battle Creek, committed suicide by
hanging himself tn hia bathroom thla
morning, lit health was ths cause. Rank
offlrhtle say hi accounts are straight. .
ont h&ir-s
e victim i,-
This morning.
where he-found th door locked from th
inalde. He. broke the door open and
found Kendall tn the farthest end of the
room, . where the steam waa hottest.
cooked to death.
floor," and incem recent earthquake
the ateam haa been about 20 degreea
hotter than formerly. It la supposed
that after locking himself In the room.
lirpinH sroped his wsy to the hottest
end of the apartment and there fell
upon the slats. ."
or to the man and hla genius, con
ferring upon him title and decoration.
Hla Jrlend and admlrere In this city
have not seen him for several weeks
and are searching for mm In the hop
that hla pride may have deterred J him
from making hla wants known. Other
say. however, that funds sufficient to
defray hia expenses were advanced
from the eaat and , think that he haa
left the ctty to fill an engagement In
the eastern metropolis.
While In this city he wrote to friend
In th east of hla. destitute condition.
He declared that he loat everything ex
cept hia music and that he actually Buf
fered for want of food.
(Jenrael Special ei the.)
Denver, May 21. What la believed
to be an Immenae mineral depnalt haa
been dlacovered In a section of Colorado
which- haa been traversed: constantly
alnce 1I6 and never . looked at by seek
er for bonansaa. .. -
What la considered the best part of
the new discovery has been - staked by
wealthy men. Thorns V, Walah, the
tytgganhetma snd many men promi
nent in Colorado mining circle are th
largest owner of the ground.
'..7-''.- - " 'i 7 " 7- ' '7 I
Site-Offered - by-That
City for.Catholic Acad-;;
emy Is Accepted by
j' Mother Superior '
Buildings Will - Be Erected Im-.
-"mediately and Twenty Thou-
. sand Dollars May Be Expended
in Their Construction -Jacksonville
School to Be Removed;
The mother provincial superior of St. -Mary's
aradsmy...of this oily today ttlr
gisplieu tu the aetietaiy'uf the Aim
board of trade- accepting the site trn--dered
by Ashland for the southern Or-,
gon Cathollo. academy to-be established -by
the Order of thettoly Name. This .
means the. removal of th Bisters acad
emy now located at Jacksonville to;
AahrnI7which will make the latter elty.7
one of th jiducatlonal centers of th
atate. . . . .
A dispatch from Ashland atatea that
the site selected for the new academy Is'.
In the boulevard of that city, and Is ex-'
tremely advantageous and attractive."
The acceptance of the offer was th'
subject of general-congratulation a.
Ashlamf waa anxtous to add this acad
emy to it growing list of educational
lnflUUlUQJs. It 1 emected that the
erection-of buildings on the sit granted
will beglw--r In the near' future. The
amount tor bo devoted to construction
will not be less than 112,000 and may
(each taO.OOO. , -.,
-Inquiry at Htr Mary's academy 1n this-
city today brought forth th following
statement: . f '"
-W- have 'aceptetj the - Site offere
by the board of trad of Ashland ami
will open aa academy there aa aoon
as feasible. Conducting It on the same '
basis aa our other academies in Oregon
and 'Washlngtoa Aa " to i fh " details -of
erecting new- buildings- and the -ti
llH'vul ' of Hie academy from Jacks
vill w have not yet made -our plana, -but
these matter will now b taken ufj
and decided."
Coldie Mohr, the Former Chorus
Girl, Is Lured Back to ths -Footlights.
Ueoraal Special Serrlee.)
New " tork. May . OoldIMohrT
T6rmeaya7cIiorua 'glrtrB6wthrrld0 W "
of the late AlanW. Wood, th Pltt-"
burg millionaire, will return to th "
tag despite th fact that Wood left,
her s sum believed to be over 1360,000.
When" Mis Mohr makes her appearance
or. fh ataiye wll nor h aa a
When Wood fell In love with her sh
waa employed In a mualc hall on Broad
way. " Finally she retired - from th
stage and began- tSTtrs tn- ftrxnry. Then -it
became known that for a year and a
half eh had been the wife of Wood,
the Pittsburg sieet magnate, who had
been married twice before and had five
ren. on of whom wag older than
hi stepmother.
The marriage had taken place In St.
Paul's- Protestant Kplscopal -church at 1
Tonkera. New York. 81s months later
Wood died from appendicitla. - j .
(Joeraal ftoeelal San lie.)
Washington. May 1. California
members of congreaa have practically '
abandoned the effort to secure legisla
tion allowing California to Import build
ing material duty free. Democratic and
Republican tariff revisionists have re
fused to commit themselves aaalnet
offering amendments opening up the en
tire subject of tariff revision, other -are
ready with opposition on eonstltu-1
tlonal grounds.
Th new district Is In Park county.
In th widely known South Park, a gs
erally rolling region the ' average al
titude of whloh - Is about l.eeo feet
above th sea level. -The miners! depnew
ita are of untold deuih and the sold,
which I fine. Is found In volranlo aehf
deposit, which in msny plsces la cov
ered by the wash of centuries from th
surrounding mountains.
The value per ton t from U to 3:
end It rsn be trested by cyanide
eea. . . . 1