The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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MAY 83. lt.
' .',
Burned Out in San Francisco,
: They Are Expected to Make
: Journey to Portland's -
Evidence sustslnlng' ths rumor that
a UrM percentage of the Chinese mer
chants of Ban Krancisco-ar thinking
' of establlahlng bualnesa houses In Port--land
was received thla morning in a
iiTi t taller ito Thr JrmriiritlT"r)
Ury of the Chines Bit companies. Ae-
cording to thla official of tha all-powerful
organisation that ruled Baa Fran
-A-'te'S- Chlnatowsv mattsra ara atUl tn
an unsettled stater ffera hava tew
mada by tha Chinaaa of PorUand to In
' due their icountrymen, to coma to thla
' city and theaa offer ara. now under
' conspiration. '
Twfn Wo, tha wealthiest Chinese In
Portland, la now ta either Ban Kranclsco
Sor Oakland.; having gona to- California:
- on business about tore eM ips
he has long been on confidential term
r .- wim tha Chlneae consul at Itan. Fran
cisco, who la Inalatlhg that the destroyed
'Chins-town be rebuilt on the old alte. If
U believed that Twin-We ta- ualng-huv
Influence to bring . the merchants to
Portland In eaaa the eonaul falla to carry
polirfc-yha-watura- of tha; indues. X
menta offered la not Known. di inrre
la little doubt that It Is Twin Wo who
la conducting the negotiations,
; Trie letter' front the secretary of tha
Bis Companiea reada as fallows:.; -'.-rr
- -Oakland. -Cal. May Jl. Editor of
The Oregon Journal. Portland. Oregon.
rT "- . Th f hlnt-ne Six rnmnanlca.
-behalf of tha t'hlnaaa colony of Call
fornla. extend to you -and the kind
rrtnayin 1 oremtir TtiBri 1 neeiwfit ;gi'
4uee f-or the help mulcred to tha-jgjrM
Tiese people here in toe devastation 01
the earthquake and fire, and assure you
hat It win not be forgot tea. . ' ; - -
The Chlneae people are' bow occupy
ing twa temporary Chinatowns la Oak-lend.-
but will- remain-at Ban-Francisco
If they can siren re for their old ouar-
to go ta your city, and If Ban Franrleco
refuses to allow them their old loca
tion, they will, tske - up a Chinatown
either In Portland or Seattle,
f- 1 ""Youig Try truly, " l77"
: - -. if w. mino, -
jBecrstary et Chines Blx Companies.
'-- ' -A Fowarful Organisation. ' "
Whether Portland or Peattle: will re t
k tne immense investments-of "ICa rlcli
Chinese merchants who were engaged
-V""- In 'business In San Frsnctsoo may ulti
r'r tnately depend on the action of the Six
7 (Companies. " Thla " organisation could
m with a word send millions of dollars to
.'this city, for in the event that these
merchants are refused permission to s-
! I! thetneetveaa rairrin ths guarters
7 "T ' from wh ich they were drlveri by fire
-'they will look to the .Six Companiea
to 'make arrangements ' for their ' ra
- -t moral-, la a clty-whteh will -not- dls
. . criminate against them. Portland Chi-
7 .nese would welcome tne exiled mer
7t;!Z chants, but Jt Is believed that Sen Fran
cisco will prefer a new Chinatown on tha
old alte to losing their Investments
and their aid in rebuilding tha ruined
CJbarsal Rnerlal BOTrlce.t
.' KewTTork. May JI.Hearing of the
, motion for a new trial In the caaa of
Albert T. Patrick was ended today by
Lthe .recorder directing that brief a- be
. tiled on. Friday.
-Zl ' nioniql in Prntfoctf
. The Oregon "Equal Buf frags Association Intended to appeal for votes
atmply because it is right and Just that women should vote. However,
In a recent protest, the corporate Intereata.- acting with a few multl
minionalre-womnn, ha ve ajTayad themplve against tbe-EoualBuffraga
zlA mendment. : This Is a direct blow to t he wa g -ea rrieribf Oregon. Th aTIT!
- most powerful defense of tha people Is the Initiative snd Referendum,
and in the letter asking for signers to this protest these ill-advised
womeir attacked the initiative and referendum, for it ta the- increased
7ote of tha Im boring cttlsena that tha
-This protest waalealaned to frighten the average -voUr upOB-the
I ground that equal auff rage would
limit rauroaa ouuaing aiMl acare timid mveatora.
In denial, we submit to the common sense of Oregon men the fol
lowing facta, taken front the United States census, showing that In all.
the states wliere women vols wa ges have advanced, population In-"
creased, agricultural and manufacturing lntereats grown rapidly. The
percentage of Increase Is ss follows: ,
TrrT -.- ; ' Population.
Colorado . ...JO per cent 14! per cent. 1 SI percent.
Wcomlnrn 4percent. II percent 431 percent.
I'tah 1 per rent. 137 per cent. !S7 per cent.
Idaho in per cent. 117 per centJ9 per cent.
.,' Oregon 0 percent, 11 percent. lOO.percent.
From the above It will be seen that. If the opponents of Equal
.Suffrage desire to hide their selfish greed and prejudice under the
guise of an appeal for Oregon's prosperity, they have used a boomerang
which will give to Equal Suffrage- a large majority vote June 4th.
Business men. working men and farmers can atudy these conditions to
advantage. In the four equal suffrage statea the value of manufactures
haa risen per capita, while in Oregon during the aame period It haa
fallen from 1133 to $112, an average loss of $30 to each person In the
state. ; ;. , . .. t ' ..."
Maanfaotarlng Tains Increased for Bach Person.
,i:tsh. .
:' Idaho ,
..Thaaxej:ag.ejSarjpIpgar. greater, ln.quaeLijafrjlaatate.
follows:, . . 4 . .
L CflVorad i i -i -i ittiti irrTrn tTf iTm tm f 1 1 . 1 e
; Idaho . ....... tll tl ' ;
Wyoming, ..: I1I.S4.' - '
-c I'tah 1 ,,617.21 t. i-
, , Oregon ................ 483.4 .(only!) '
...... . . . v -
::,ffl do. not' claim that the prosperity of these states 1 duer wholly '
to women suffrage; what we do fay la that tha charge made In the
protest, of. the. corporate- Interests s 4alse -snd founded upon prejudice
of self-interested eapltallata. . .' - ,
By referring to statiatlcs of wage-earning women arid children,' we
find that while Colorado haa a population of 100.000 more than Oregon,
f at In Colorado there ara only 71 more women working for a living than
n, Oregon with Ita smaller population. A larger number of children
' work In tha factories of Oregon and at f. lowsr ago than In Colorado.
No stats can afford child labor. .Thla la race suicide in Its worst form.
Tha' above showing should bs a rebuke to tha capitalists who ara
'trying to control for their selfish snds the Interests which should bs
of mutual benefit to all Oregonlana. .
- Do yaur ahare In protecting the right of tha people through tha
fnltlstlve and Referendum by putting "X" between 101 and "Tee", on
your ballot. -. . ' - ,i
. Tours for Justice, l'
Large Enough- f orLaunch to
Navigate Through Its Prin
cipal Tunnel. . ' "
Eitimatea Prepared In City Engineer'
Office Call for Reinforced Concrete
and Three Rowa, of Brick in .Walls
of Bi Tube. , . ' .
navigate tha mala tunnel of tha Brook
Ivn aewsr when It is completed. SO-
oordlng to tha speclflcatlona drawn by
the city engineer omue. . i
r The tunnel of the sewer win do, i
ft 4n diameter., built or reinrorcea
concrete and three rows of brick. Its
total coat has been sstlmataa at .
to. . It will be the largest sswsr in ths
city. ' - ""
This estimate of a dtiarter of a mil
lion dollars will provide for tha. d raj n
aga of l.(T acres.-eoarrng-practlcall'y
all of tha southwestern portion of Port
land. The lower end of ths big tuba
will ba In the aiougn oacs; 01 i"
-...Pniiiuii mill at the foot of Eaat
M1U street, and tha main tunnal lUelf
m K ikoO feet long.
A sewer of proper aixe ana pkui
officials and of the resioenis. oi xne
dlsulct. affected f or tne psst s.x; or
seven-yea rs, -aistimaies nv -w -
the city engineera otrice
working on tha survays and specifica
tions. .. ' .,
At. tha meeting of ths city council
im. v,nlng rnsolutlon-wUL-Probably
ba adopted setting fortbnbe routs or
the Brooklyn drainage canal and -Its
t rmma rtes I II -detail"' as- a leead yt- 4ra wa
nn-'Bv-maa'rDertgnlft City Ergtneer-T
lors department, una pram
nest meetlna It will ba possible to pass
an ordinance providing f or -tha conatruc
tion of tha sewer. Thla will preclude
contests to break the validity of the
ftBtpatflBr6r'lt - '
The north brancn or tne so-caiii-a
ruerlta-avenue at Hawtnorne avenue.
thua-iothmr-haBannrsldse: ewe-
This ls outsldo the Brooklyn neighbor
hood as are other ortlone of thejlralrv
as surveyed.
-It Is p'robabla" thaTbfltlde rontract
ihgtlrma wrtij aubmltirtdan the work,
the largest to alot by tha eieoutlve
board this brJ - - -1
(Jesrsal aeeelal aerrlee.t
Waablngton.-.iIay:2J. The, senate
finance committee has authorised a fa
vorable report-n- tne free alcohol bill.
General Freight Agent W. E. Coman
of the Harrlman lines In Oregon, left
lsst night on a trip to Pendleton.lle
will return tomorrow.
C. II. Smith. traveling passenger
agent of tha Indiana, Illinois A Iowa
Railway company, Is in P.ortlandoday
on a business trip.
Tsngled "for the lsst 18 years, tne.
situation In the HepublIcSnTfan1is in
Delaware-IsTnOTff -complex- than-ever
slnca the regular Republican state com
mittee ha reiterated Its demand that
the preaent -legislature" fflT the United
States senatorial vacancy before the
regulars -will agree to Join with - the
Union Republicans In common prima
ries to reorganise tne party.
mlHlnnure clauses fear.
hurt the buslnees Interests of Oregon,
Manufacturing Agricultural .
; .oo """
a eo
30.00 loss.
JContinued from JPaga Ona)
turned state's avldenoa and In order to
ssva himself ha turned over a mass of
Information to Francis J. Hsney. tha
government prosecutor. It was through
thla Information that Important convic
tions were subsequently obtained.
. When It became known that Futer had
turned Informer, there was panic among
many of tba wealthy eastern tlmbermea
who bad 'had dealings with him, Puter
waa quick to sea bis opportunity snd
opened negotiations with C A. Smith,
ths millionaire lumberman of Minneapo
lis, whose lmraente holdings of Califor
nia and Oregon Umber had been acquired
largely through Puter and by methods
that attracted tha closs attention of the
government officials. t-t -. - - r
Smith paid Puter IT.000.Th money
was paid hara In Portland amd waa de-
oalted in a local bunk to inters crcgii
for ths time at least, but' all avenues
of legitimate employment were closed
to him and he began planning new
Ithoagh tlll W UB--
derro sentence under his conviction, ana
though other Indictments were-hanging
over his head, ha undertook to get title
to several thousand acres of state school
Isnds through dummy entrymen, whom
he procured to make perjured appllca-
Butte land Agent OawaldV Weat
tected tha fraud, and the attempt waa
nipped In the bud. But Puter only
Bought a now mesne of getting money,
dishonestly. He began the systemsHo
counterfeiting of state school land cer
tlficstes and soon gathered sround him
a number of his old confederates. Tha
torv of their ODerations Is well known.
Amotig their victims -were Hiram Ood-
dard. Hyakell Wlthee, Henry saiser ana
Fvfl.. Tiff any, all wealthy resldenta of
La-Crosss.-Wisconsin, snd Wade If.
Richardson, whom President Roosevelt.
nominated several months ago fqr post
master of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
, Operations on Mugs oala.
- Ths operations of tha gang were on a
extraordinary daring. Finally tha sus
picions of Ststa Land Agent Oswsld
reatl sttorrhtrtt?1da'
They were even more apactacular than
PuterV earlier frauda in government
lands. ThTesu was-antndlcrment
by a Marlon county grand Jury and tha
Institution of a vigorous search for the
swindlers. Foa months tha state -tu
tnorlt.e. .. rtlng Inconcert
with the government in me enori 10
apprehend. Jnjter and hl confederatea.
ww a Bsntenoea si vnoe. . -Puter
la at last at .the end of his
rooe. It was announced thla morning
that-ha-wtir-br brought back to Port-
land Immediately for aentence under tne
conviction obtained a year and a hail
ago, and that hawlirUso-ts Irled on
the other rndlctmehts pending against
Plstrlct Attorney Bristol states that it
la ths purposs of ths government tc
press all ths charges against ths arch
swindler. No promises of - Immunity
havo been, given and escape from the
penltentlaTyRQWseems impossiDie. -
In addition to the trouDie wnicn awaua
Pater at -tha hands- of- th government.
Tne 'cats ntsviiui iiicb tuvv uru wmw '
nrnucuti him to the limit of the law.
Governor' Chamberlain has declared hie
Intention of seeing that Puter Is made
to psy the penalty -for his school land
frauds, and tha evidence gathered by
BUts Land Agent West Is believed to
ba '.- amde to ' aecttre - conviction,--- w
trlct Attorney McNary of Marjon county
laid this evidence before a grand Jury
of that eounty and It resulted in two
Indictments, ons of which - was made
mihlln for tha first - time through ths
coHimns of The Journal the day after
Puter' a recapture; : r .
Swindler Was About to Qive KlmseU
Vt to Kelp Xeaey Out.
- - - RiMtal DlMMtrB to The Journal)
San Francisco. May 11. Today S. A.
DPuter told at length how he came to
be here and in company with Mrs. Wat
son and Merle Ware. He insists that he
cams out here to arrange for an Inter
view with District Attorney Heney to
offer to become a wltneea In the remaln-
lns land fraud canes. Puter said:
I rnmr ttut n" 1,1 n ".-',
I wlthHeneyand-ndevored for a. week
prior to mysrrest to arrange a meeting
with him. In fact, my wife had put In
a Jona dtatanoe telephone call Sunday
m"ornlng. but wa unable tojlnd Heney.
I -we-eorrv-17-dl4: not ape him before
my arreat, aa I would Paveprefcfrcd. it
to be a voluntary act on my part.
. "I was Jointly Indicted with others In
the rovernmentr land fraud c . Borne
nf these cases had -tfltut to rlnl-and
wswthe government's principal aid. It
waa while the remaining casea Were
nendlnr that I was mixed up In s deal
In ths Oregon state school lands with
some esstern people, snd fearing prose
cution by TBcmrTUffiped"tnrr-to-avotd ar
"Of course "this action was Hurriedly
tsken and upon thinking ths matter over
after my escape I felt I had done a fool
ish thing. My departure and continued
sbsence had of courae left Jleney In the
lurch In regard to unfinished cases, and
I finally decided to return and If Heney
were willing, to resume my- status aa a
witness for the prosecution and ao an
that I could to assist tne government
In It.
! ' arranged a meeting w!UiMrs.
McKlnley at tha city park. Alameda,
and It waa while on my way to ths
place of meeting that I stopped a
woman to Inquire about local trains.
I suppose-tha officers following me
mfttook our short talk-for- a-prear-rsnaed
meeting. I had never seen ths
woman before."
Finds That Typhus Can Ba Com-
"Tlnurilcated 7 to - Persons ,
Through inoculation.
' (Joarsal SpeHl Service)
Kl Paso. Tessa, May 23. Lr. Ignaclo
Polto of Mexico City has made a dis
covery that will make his name famous
In the snnala of medicine.. He haa
found the gsrm of fever.
He has succeeded in establishing be
yond doubt that there Is a germ, of
typhus and that the disease can be com
municated to healthy, persona and to
snlmals by lnoculstlon, but he says
there la a small number or things to
ha cleared up, among them a, specific
for tha germ. He thinks he haa dls.
covered this, and is experimenting with
success. Demonstrations hsva beeh
given in tha presence pt the medical fra
ternity of Mexico City and the phyal
'(dsns ara gittbuslMUo over tils suo-
Snaps -Lett
50 Cents
on the
;-- If "ybu can use a good used
"or second-hand" piano" in fine
condition at a- price ranging
fi OTn"3W to$150, do notTfan
to call at once, as we have
1 just r what yqu jvvant. and you
f w11rte"saving-at-1east $100 in
the transaction. We have ow
erA-tha.tare slightly, used, but
can't be. told from new, that
ran ge a tJittJecJugher. in prices
stock of new pianos, the litest
productions, beautifully cased
in mahogany, .walnut and oak,
in desiens to suit anv furnish-
ngf-sachllknWft mak
Fischer, Ludwig, Mason &
.1 lamlin, - Conover, Packard,
rftrnith & . games. Kingsbury
and others, all of which must
be closed out before July 1,
when our successors take
to say that you can buy one
- - , . . , i
ijrOTrgffaqeHt-0-now I
natBsef" margin of "profit
than you will ever do again,
"Yotr krro w there is- no -scheme
in this. It is a bona-fide sale
in-order to reduce stock, and
:tjCT .t-tiajia. In addlttonto-aba-uta-aihloa--tha-
rr - .
share in the bie savinellyou
olease drop in and look at our
stockr and -especially afteryou
have familiarized yourself with
-pianos- and - prices at other
places, and we are satisnea you
will deil urith lis "Knf PPlI,"
investigate and be convinced.
Allen C, Gilbcrt-
Ramakcr Co.
Cearin Proposes an Amendment
That Har Approval of In--
terior Department." "'
(Wsiblngtoa Bnreaa of The Journal. I -Washington.
May 23. Senator Oearln
today proposed an amendment, to the
sundry Civil appropriation bill, to ad
Just ths" claims of 4he Sherman aounty
settlers. Oearln has been -working lii
cooperation with the secretary of the
interior on the Sherman county let-tlers'-clalma-andhls-amendmentThas
the sanction and the indorsement of ths
interior department. -
- It nroDoaes an appropriation of $260,-
GOOo fee jald aettlera jipon Hanna-
i"g prjhsr;
Dolnted by the secretary of Ihe Interior
to investigate and determine the claims
of aettlera for landa made under tne
wagon roads grantJn-l7-whoBs titles
to- land - from-tne W nl tea o tales nai
failed. The amendment carrlee also
112.006 expenses for investigation and
settlement of claims.
It is believed the Q'srln amendment
WTlt "isravatt -and a -settlement of tha
claims be effected,
I Vashrngtonr-Msy23.-Authorlty has
been granted to tha reclamation service
to purchase, under competitive bids, the
neceseary crushing machinery for con
struct Ion ot the 'Klamath Irrigation
project. ' '
( Journal pedal Berrlre.)
Rome, May. 23. The International
postal congress hss approved the propo
sition of raising the limit of weight on
letters to one ounce. Madrid gets ths
next session of the congress.
Spring Ailments
Finiples, boils,' eczema - snd other
eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired J
feeling, fits ox biliousness, indigestion
and headache, are some of them.
They are all radically and perma
nently enred by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
This grest ' medicine thoroughly
cleanses the blood and restores healthy
functional activity to the whole system.!
It makes people well.
" I have been using Hood's 8arsapa
rilla as a spring roedioine for ten years,
and have never found anything better."
John Flemings, Campbell II all, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for , .(
Hooid'o Sarsaparilla
Insist on having Hood's. Get U today.
In liquid or Ulilet form. 100 Doses $1.
Distinguished Party of Court and
CMr Officials CoT to 7'.
Party VftSl Be Lodged at the Palace
of El Paxdo. Where The jr .Will
Spend Six Daya Before the Cere-
mony. . . . . ... . . : .
. 1 ... w .
(Journal Special Bervlce.J
-B(trW MT-I. A large and dls-1
(leers, civil officials snd court digni
taries, have proceeded to tha frontier to
meet Princess Ena of Battenberg, wno
Is to make her entry Into Spain tomor
row to become the bride of King Al
fonso. Tha ' prlnossa will ba met by
members of tha British embassy, who
wlU make tha formal presentation of tba
future queen and her suite to tha Span
ish authorities. Thla presentation may
be regarded as ths first official act of
tha journey. , As soon as It Is concluded
tha royal train will start for Madrid.
At all the stations en "route Princess Ena
wlU receive ths respectful homage of the
loys) authorities and the innaoitanta
Aa a special honor aha will ba greeted
tha ealute accorded to
The princess and her family will ba
Judged at tha palace of El Pardo, one of
tha magnificent seats or mo Bosnian
royal family located soma miles fram
Madrid. The palace Is a large - and
stateIyBulldln andrwnttlngaJiy-Ta
moua works of art. -
Princess Ena" stay st tha Pardo Is
fixed by precedent at alx days, during
:lwhlchhe-wHLrecelyt official visits
from all ths.authorlUes.jbt prncsrs or
tha king's household, the cortes and ths
senate. During tha week preceding ths
senaie. uunna www prnuui,
weOdtTft.Jlie.Vi !"' ess'tioussaan -..will bo
shown to the publlo In tha senate house.
and her Jewels, which will slso-be shown,
will be guarded by -tha-king'e- halberdiers.-
: ' : :
- Madrid's preparations for the wedding
ara going forward apace, ' The decora
tions ara rapidly -nearing -completion.
wedding procession will -follow, many
other - streets are being profusely
adoxredwUb-flssjin4, bunting. The
facades of many houses are almost f la
den by long stretches of red and yellow
cloth snd their occupants have hung;
multi-colored carpets, silken tapestries
many of them beautifully embroidered
and' other auch -objects from tha win
dows and' balconies. ..Festoons of ever
greens.' In which variegated fairy tamps
fuiiu isssbads. ass strstnhsd irrnsa IHn
streets from Imitation pslm tress, and
bannerets flutter, from countless Vene
tian maats. Ths national colors every
where predominate, with hero and there
a British union Jack flylnav .
Method - Perfected - by- London
Surgeon of 1 nclsThg With o ut.
- Leaving a Visible Mark. ,
(Journal Special Serrlee.) !
NewTork. May JJ. Tha Sun'g Lnv-
don correspondent says: Soma of the
hospitals here ara employing for opera
tions an unnamed surgeon,:wha per
fee ted a method of incising the sun
wlthout-Jeavlng.-a.Jlslbls.Bcar.; '
Hla success Is mainly attributable to
his skill and experience, but his methods
are based on the practice of cutting the
skin slantwise instead of at right angles
to the surface. He uses hollow-ground
scalpels, msde after his own designs.
Hla share In ths operation consists
of making tha first Incision and In Join
ing tha edges of the skin after tha op
,atlnn. Perfect contact of the edges of
the skin Is obtained under a lene. Then
a-Tlgid dressing Bapplie4n-aueW a
manner as to prevent tha skin contract
lng. Conetderable pressure is employed.
Bomettmes massage rorma a part ot me
I heallngtTea
na TlBlmed-that old scars from praH
vlous operations can ba removed by this
method, which. It Is asserted. Is ons
of the most Important advances In Bur-
y pcn w1' y swr-ssV-1"" "
Lata Manager of Barber Asphalt
Company in Portland Dead
i of Consumption
(joamii cpeci.i bwtki.i v
' Denver. May SI. William H. Reddell.
recently general manager for tha Barber
Asphalt company at Portland, Oregon,J
and for 11 years manager of ths Denver
club, died in a private sanitarium In this
cltv yesterday. Mr. Reddell had been a
sufferer from tuberculosis but a abort
Mr. Reddell was born In Providence,
Rhode island, of English parentage SS
years ago and his first position was with
ths Bnrber company. Ha became man
ager for the-Denver club Boon aftsr it
became a large and permanent Institu
tion and remained with It until leaving
to take chsrge of ths Barber company
Portlsnd ,branch-.and . lor-ine western
territory. There ara. surviving hlra hla
wife and his father, William Reddell,
both of whom ara In Denver now. Ths
funeral will ba held Thursday aftsr
noon in this city. 'v -
William II. Reddell was one' of th
best-known pavsment men In thla dis
trict. He left Portland few weeks
ago on sccount of hla health, returning
to Denver, hi former home.
Battle -Ground, Ind.. May tt. Two
cars loadsd with veterans couiosd on
tha Interurban line today. Thirty per
sons wer tsken to tha hospital. Fifty
old soldiers were injured, on seriously.
The motormsn on on of th ear
will die. ' -
Myrtle Creek Mall: Tha.prun crop
Is safe, so It doe not matter aaucli
wblala W7 tha election goes.
the Stomach
- Nothlntf will cure- Indltfcstion-that
do9sn't digest the food, Itself, and. give
the stomach a perfect rest. -t
You can't reasonably expect that,
any -weak stomach will , retfain its ! ,
strentfth and get well when it is
rL compelled to - do the full work that a
sound stomach should do. r - i r p
You wouldn't , expect a sick horse
vr.j to get well when it is compelled to do a -full
dsys work every day of the week.
' - Your stomach must have rest
ir But it Isn't necessary jto starve your -
self in order to rest your stomach. :
Kodol -Dyspepsia iiCure; ism pelfecfE:
dlgestant It will digest all of the food
you eat regardless of the, condition .of
' your stomach. ..v ;'. , 5". j., ', '
1 . For '.Indigestion. Dyspepsia, ; Sour;
Stomach, Flatulence, Headache, Water;
Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis,
Heartburn" and all troubles arising ,
from indigestion and non-assimilation
of-the-food. , ' ' i
i - I had dyipepsla In Jts -worst form iwi r
duccd In weight to 113 pound. After using two
and one-half bottles of Kodol. 1 wes completely.
UM ee u U.
Mil, r M mb dM.
-I -vi h-nrcT i i in
Has opened a new first class
"tJERS are oromismp- to be
CHANTS LUNCH 20f. Steaks and Chops served at s
'all hours. Only the highest grade Coffee used with Pure f
Cream.' Fruits in season. Quick, clean service'
C. : Ms ANDERSON, Proprietor
rAn UnequdediOfferl
A set of our famous $1 Falsa TEETH for f 10.
TaInless aitractlng-fraa with thla offer, zanvt
t 1 nation and consultation free. Crown and Bridge --
work a spaclaltyr- Extracting, 60 cents -- -- -
Txxms Axn WAaamiOTOir.
r . m i - t . , i
The Best $3 Hat in the World
Bears This Label
iT.-.-r.-T, .r-.::--
-Attr-At-iwt asburner-TeaV.
st tk. L.k- "
r..i t I"
a mt-:- 39a strK
business. Our DIN-
the best in the city. MKR
Open Toalags ana unaays.