.THE. OREGON- SUNDAY JOURNAL, POTEXND73UITOAY toong- Men who Work with Hand or; Brain The Week's ' Progress. It? Uw ! Mcat IItucm la ScUac T -,- aa Uitutry. . : . ' ,,': BL'NDAT. MAT 10. 1900. They y they hav eeen theetberealbody. on of man's subtler bodies Interpenetrating ' ' tbe dens physical body. The Ithral orlentala hav long claimed ,-w g . to hav seen- it with a higher ivi vision nd th occidental UIM. ' r B0W ,nc it by the aid of Instruments. In being sbl to see theekel etonof a live person by ROntgen nay we he ve 'von far to aurmount difficultlea la making out thaahadow of the ethereal body. A hasy. ml-traaipernt-ma.xurrounda ih hnnea -- In a ek la graph which aaamotolnvltdaflnl- tion by almple method of raaearch requiring X44e"ttFe httRkree f UAeePe(eKia,ef Ye offices of the different rare of llxht to give a. ailmpae et the maa-ihai eurvlvse th.-- mortal casement. The ethereeJ body, erro ' neoualy termed the oul, eeema to be a com ; pound of thoee eleotrlo corpuecle of which matter la supposed to consist, with thoun known principle of animal life, and It la oh-' ---vlooaly a connecting link between mtnd and matter. A discovery of thla sort la calculated - to revolutionise jhe mental science an cor--rect many erroneou Ideaa. It particularly. v. la Important to aacertaln how the ethereal "body acta during. Ilfr.Many doubt th x-. Utenc of any Inner form of thla kind. But ' 'J It Ir an established belief la the eaat, espe--n dally in . India, handed) down from ancient daya. It la difficult to a how their knowl edge could have been, ao complete, evenin "Tcluding the fact that the ethereal body nvey grew old after attaining maturity, uniee they had been able to Catch eight of the Inner form. ' " , ....... , - Even the eternal rocka ar being mad to ordec In 1008. The Germane ar having an 'artificial pumice atone made " - of aand and clay which t Artificial supposed to excel th genu- Pamlc In article In durability. .-, There are five different a1"?" ' a ooare grain and uaed for leather, water- ytTt:r-w'-tl'ia m . - . . innusirr. r in aecona can also ba eunniifKi - hint w tft T h..nuiii.li...i.- iu-?..9.-i,w.bmw J'Th-tmly--t1me-he-n1d1nehotini mainly uaed for atucco and culptural workj , t i.. ...m ht. also for rubbing wood before painting. Th third I soft, of fin grain, and la recommend ed for polishing wood and tin.-. The fourth. a.PinP3umajanel gnq gives wood the right polish before being finished with oil. Th fifth I hard and of fin grain and Uaed for polishing atone, espe cially lltbographlo atone. The manner of using I the aama as for natural pumice tone. For wood It t first, uaed dry, after wards mixed with oil. Thtrt 't """" f 'he aitv In- terlor.' It I beUeved by Mr. Brford In--- OS8IBLT It wouldn't beth worat trad-i -----gram, a physlolst of England. - 11 In tha world If th matter of bourr- Snhtr that the earth embrace thre Y salary, and chancre for employment rv Wltklst eoncntrle aphsrea, or three - ' . . L . . w . . - PDntrvs wiinin mvamrwm, a n aoii nnelena he aoppoaea to be between t.OOO and T.000 mile In diameter and thla to be surrounded by a liquid sub- siratim, outside of which la th cruatva. . rlousfy -estimated at TO to 3,000 mile In thick- ni. More than two centoriee ago a similar theory, Including "th low rotation of the Inner solid apher on a different axle from that of th entire glob, was held by Dr. Ed mund Halley to account for th changes In the earth' magnetism. Th axis of tha . nucleus was thought originally to hav been that of the entir globe. Theaarth'a Internal heat. It Is now pointed out, maybe accounted ' for by the friction of tb differently rotattng bodies. - -7-; f Oat, peas, bean, and barley grow better. It appear, when they hav been fertilised with cure sulohat of man- -ganeee. . Th-email quanXU MhBajfga- tlre of manganese shown by Salpkdtd chemical analysis in animal grtuir and vegetable aubatanoes . hav been looked upon aa acddnitaland un-.necaryp- Recent Investigations, howeverr hav tended to prove that th metal I In-- dispensable to the living cell,' and MfYBer- randV-aITrhclCfxprttnMecifonnd Jlitpui e sulplisle uf limine ineg ha a marked fertilising effeat, an application of about fifty pound to th aer giving an In- crease" of 22.B per cent Id a Crop of oat. The crop from tho manganea fertlUaer, howt ever, ! hown by analyls to contain no -oT-t he- -metal- A ha in he-crop from -t her sollr - the plant aeemlng t require a certain definite proportion. ; ..... . -Wl!l-th"oystr-workt B he In jeat or isrneel. sane, on. unsound, ther la on ;,r7,,ri w "Pcs to dlsplsc gasoline motor pow- T w"h n Pleura's friend. th bivalve, Mr. Qreetiburg believe that no animal ia. Fropostd , 0yitr Fowr. "brtler muscled Or more Powerful for IIS weight -than the oyster. To put thl power to praotlcsl purpose ha ha experimented for a number of year, and now state that he can use it for locomottdn. The principle whereby th device works 1 that ot tha ex-. panslon an contraction of the mufcle of - the 6yt'er7-Bymeans of n electric current th muscle of the burly llttl animal may be mad to contract and to expand, anda scheme ha been devised which at leaat for the prea " rnt la a aecret.' Th movement of the oyster : drive a piston with sufficient, foroe to run c r a t good rat. "Tartou sorts of Oyster can be used, and those grown on th coast of. .India, weighing aomeUme 800 pounda, ar suggeated a especially uaeful. . Decimal Weights and measures are In order for Uncle Sara after July 1, 1008, according - to Dr. A. O. Bell, who haa " " pointed out that all civilised Httrlc ' K'uniiic. mna in; fiopuon .lm - of the United State and t a ; Britain and hercolonle hav adopted the simpler and mor scientific deci. mai.jygtemi .Br refrenc loahardjTO.r: - system of oolnag Dr. Bell ba provldedcon- vincing instance or the althpHflcatlon posal ""bl with ft IS th corfverslnn of Unit, and explained that th United State, when It changed from the old system cf pounds, shil lings, and penc to dollars and cents did not sdopt th metric System of weights' -and-measures because the latter, aa we know It, did not appear until after the -Amerlosn coinage set of 17OT. The fact that our whole system of arithmetic la decimal, that no T Moult y whatever. Is experienced by ordinary -workmen In th us of the metric system- provided ther I n question of converting their measurement, ana mat tne use or the mi trie system need not mean th use of new. oole were all clearly explained. ' John' A. HowtAiro. . m L . Gutting Corners' - on Clocl .-. ...... -- ",'r1. ,1 Business Man'sWew System; Py Louis mi CHICAGO buslnes man. who baa bad '"" f remarkable aucoeaa In a field In which H"mBr other men a naturally bright a and aa anbitloua a be have failed aacribea hi aucoeaa' to a aystem which ha call "cutting th corner on th clock.'.'. , u ' v . . . . . ,:. vj Any man who. follows hi system cannot fail to have greater success 1A whatever Una of endeavor he ia engaged ln. The lyatem' la simplicity iteelf, can be used without the payment of royalty, and la neglected prob- ably because It ia ao obvlpu that few peo ple think that such a lmple thing can have such beneflolsnt result. .. , ' The man who ha almost doubled hi In come by It ut and who I enthuslaatlo In Ita favor aay It la baaed upon th truism that time la money, and eonaiate of coining money out of time that under ordinary eon- -dltlona Would not be used for the purpose of forwarding hi buslnes Intereata. .. . ' " A Mlnnt H.ra and Tfctr"' " lln bsgha milk sn llslssi ksanlilad la , utilise for the purpose of setting ahead u i.tiayv 1 vrx llITi V U I yvtW V mw i isn ax iivau dar i eiaa"' ..".' ' . . . . . - - ; the nlsrht before, 81 no the Installation of hla. new system ha never tries to get more than elsht hours' sleep. Any physician will wortl and so Mr. Business Man not only hat an : extra hour to give to ht working day but ..he la In better physical trim. - - ; - - He used to dawdle over his bath. Now ha Worst Trade in the World Is Wall Paper Color Mixer. . I " wer tojbs considered a offsetting the .V, - ,kM . . i. - . n-. ln ' uuuia mv v uimmw wvufw..i,a unpleasant The pay somsUmeertma as hlrhant woik. ' ' s aa $100 a week. Tha hours run on an average eight an one-half a day. Th trad la ao far from overcrowded that every com pet en tr ' mart In It Is known to practically every em- " ployer In the eountry. Every man In It I o 'aura of work, if he etaya in the localities where his trad la of use, that Ufa la to him one grand, sweet eong of employers trying to hire him from each, other. The demand al ways exceed tha supply. And employers treat their men as considerately ; as they do . customers.. BUT It Is ths worst trad In th world, jusrthrsam. Th favorable .thing men tloned do not eompenaate forth unfavorable. TeaTurea ofThr toUTIl economic eondl- tlon of th worker In It aa a claa mayP"nung wan paper wora mucn naruer ana properly be considered a near to th Ideal aa thl mundane apher offer to any wage fmifg.. But the actual work that tha man engaged In thl trad do I so dirty, ao foul, o unwholesome, and so generally repulsive to th normal human being that It merits th title that knowing onee bestow upon It:.; Th worst In th World. - Th trad U that of tha wall paper color mixir" " dntliet7rftMtlliiUttr-:U "MVfHtMiC ptO? M Girl Milliners Make Hats of Ghiffon'at $1.50. ItK woman who - covera for herself a "wife TiarTfamawlth carefully ahlrred- chiffon underneath, and seWt a plrr " flat " of atraw to put over th top," usually drawg a breath of relief whan sh I through and feel that sh has accom pllahed a good afternoon's If not an all day' - Ltoh. That sh thinks so Is beoauae she does not know mytui,,, about mechanical millinery. Mechanical millinery, beginning with th to wear M hat. descends ths scale to it. , irimmi nMttni rh.naiui whirh furnlahA fw mall mi lwn... In hun. dred of dosens. What U offera to th wag, arner, with good luck and a place where th help la treated generoualy, ia that .hat Ilk th on described ar paid for at th rat of $1.50 a doaen. Tha same rough mus lin covering to be first stretched and sewed an over the hatthe lama crown of ort straw to be sewed round and round and tacked over, and th same shirred lining th only dif ference being that Instsad of having to do th shirring herself th professional receives a plecs of chiffon Into which th thread ar -run by machine and are all ready to draw up aa it la put ou th hat , Yet there ar thole who ar making what . they call a good living out of thl kind of millinery, th year around, and other who use It through th busy see eon as a means of learning th .". trade." Ther ar still oth- era who become such expert human machines as " copyists " that, with short lunches and a large amount of night work, they can earn -during ths season as high as $26 a week. Bow th llBgr Warlg. - , If you were to g Into Oh or these placet as a beginner you would be set flown at a long table loaded with trimmings snd fur--Mshed with 'spools only to be described as life else, and ther would be banded out to you a lac or chiffon affair ot whit which" looks aa if It had n It beat days, which after all Is not wonderful when It Is seen how It I matched, purloined, and begged for by eager copyists. Tou also would get a roll con taining flower, ribbon, and ktc for copying, even down to the) scrap of velvet for cover ing the bandeau, much aa you would at a " hat party." -? .. ' With three you would be expected to make an accurate copy of the model, and each day you worked you would begin at and stop at ft, with a half hour off for lunch , . - " - ' Weyer. clip three minute la that function of taking a ahower, and b feel better In oonaeQuence. Six mlnutea he haaUmlnated from the time he used to take for bfeakfast. If glance over hi paper at the breakfast table, and read It thoroughly later la the day. In th elevated train h workaupon buslnts com- putatlona Inetea of gaalng out of th win dew. He doe not use the amoker no w on hi way to work, and finds hi bead clearer a a t aha wilt ba too old to enjoy the fruit of her result. A heavy cigar after breakfaat la a labor. Her value will not decrease with In oporlfle that be I better off without. creaaing yeart A a suocessful hotel mana- Hia ofn.ee boura.ar not chanced, and ht hour for luncheon remain th eame. But In stead of lunching with a crowd of ' good fl- lowa," as he uaed to do tie takes hla lunoh now with men who are engaged In hit own tin of bualnes. He pick up a great deal f Important Information at thla noon hour. . - On his way home at night he reads th pa pers on the car. Instead of losing that time,' and when tie gets bom he la ready for his dinner, a book and a pipe, or th theater; He haa elao aet In motion a system of iV" nd nguraa that each day he eaves almost an . w fcwiay' being lreen peotivpUr. at the 1nie..hftl In. this anmOry- began aa a chambei .j t.-. -.j i- v- vi- ...-! -r natea ao Mewi i waton na Become w -mentor, and, ha haa discovered that while there le nothing ao easy to squander aa time, 'there lattheam time nothing which, aaved 7 up frugally, pays such heavy returns, r - - wuv as aseav v wsa V mil uvu u tu uv - ail they bould.i H eays that there is plenty of time, but the prlnolpat trouble I that men don't aconomia in Its us. -' . . . By William Giles. lead, and colors of any- kind ar " up Mlnfcl In h. m.Hm nf havln tinnUaa. ''. ... .." - .. ' . .., ."" nMI scanty irom rui ininga. For aom Strang reason or other It haa been deeraed In tha alchemy of nature that th pretty thlnga of th world must) spring , "In the beginning from th foulT Th orlght- at color come from the moot deadlyand most loathaoen composition of chemical, etc. Th fairest shsde of Ink or paint mate rial was one In th foulest form of proto plasm. The men who handle the thing In their original form hav work that la' wore than unpleaaant. wore than unpleaaant Color grindrr paint enixer, and inkmak work hard and die quick. But th men who mlx-th color that go to make ink for- - . .7 . , 4 . V ,,,u"" " " ' they quit thetr trade. They hav without question, in youjwtoworai in, xn woria-ana tney aamit it ana curse Decause It I so. m ... ' mm" - Cnbll Fob1bIS Of FomlSt Trad, -Ttitinw -who clean catch basins ha a rflet envt nt eelllnar In Ufa. rr. Tha man etii scrapes IhaTnald of a gaa tank after the By-Gracelacka- 7' Thl l tthat I eavUed learning, and ror " . leatnlng you ere paid$2 a week. During thie tlm, If. yo are half way cleverLTouwtll: make from two to thre docen hata a week. Jn. a jouplJ)t. weeks jrouwtll go on " piece -work." And then, vn with a discouraging chiffon model with a chiffon crown pulled In a honeycomb of shirr, and maddening little straw braid ruffle to gather around the brim, beside" covering of Swle and lac straw "underneath, you will do six or Seven of theeaP IB a day, and hecaus they arodlfneuH yon will get as high as IB oeot apiece for them. Frail of H a4 Good Natar. " I know I can eaeUy make my $3 a day when I get started," aald Marie, a qulckbacka a a only part 'of tha day'a work, la the motloned llttl girl who looked about 18 and only force etrong enough to dig out a salary who waa cheering herself along under a dim- aa high a $15 a wtek from mechanical nul calt problem with crown of spiral lacs edge, -' llnery. - which had to be ewed on by hand. Sh had " Th long table In the first room Is a slftsr BooKKeeper Tells of Methods of Old Days. aveHIS eeema to break all record. C ft. - I Qoodhu ot Michigan City, lnd haa - I been keeping book forslxty-slx years. J and at th age of 83 he Is still at ths Ths number of men of this claaa who never .- . aam kind of work. " . com back 1 much larger Mian the ordinary He tell of a life of accounting that ought-bualnes man would think.-Only the book to Intcreet all bookkeeper and business men. keepers seem to hav an accurate Idea what He say that h commenced handling tha thla claaa of loaaea amount to. Tha man day book' and WAger when- hwaa but-lT who-calhrwth hi money In his pocket and year Old, and rromth days when bualnf 4llowe4 to carry it away with him may men opeVied account to be commenced at fall from any of a hundred different cauaea " hog killing tlm and laatlng until th next to reappear, and yet an honest man. r ' harveet." In that parlod all purchase wer In all of th tlm that thla octogenarian Charged, and settled up with ths gathering accountant haa been keeping books he has of theeropa. - Mr. Qoodhu says that from th earlleat . day of hi bookkeeping experience he has stuck to th custom of keeping his books posted ao that h could tell a man what he owed up to " last night" Hs says thousands of doljara have been loat to th merchant because he waa busy and could net tell Just what amount was coming from a customer, who called to pay up. . " My books ar a lit-' tie behind." ths merchant would say. " Corns . in a few days and we will hav your account radv." v - , Hotels Offer Good Opportunities for M a n yK i n d s o f Wo m e n VZb r l e r s . f T a woman ia aeeklng work that for want of . better term may be dealgnatad aa womanly, where aha can expand and work out Ideaa, aha wilt find It a a house- keeper In a hotel. -. . Many a woman uaed to keeping home for herself, auddenly and through peculiar fore of circumstances haa' been throw on her cwn resource", and pot wishing to enter the Industrial world, succeed in earning a good living aa houaekeepar In a hotel. The expe- rlenc aba ha gained aa keeper of her own homeancw stand her In good stead. '" But,- a with other placea that ar worth while, the aupply la greater than the demand, thourh thla condition' I offset by another fact1 that good houaekeeper are almost aa "icarca aa thrpoattionl." AraT8TeTnTSiiafr said th other dayi . We war In need of a . bouaekeeper, lo ot Inserted ah advertisement , lit a Sunday paper. Monday following we re ceived 100 anewers.. I feet certain that If w had place for every one not mora than flv could have don th work aatlafaotoMiy.; :; ' hi an Izprlnc YahubU.r" Thl work cannot be learned In a day. It la mor Inclusive than it aeema and requirea . raara' of experience. .One. who la working to gain experience need not feel that by the time eh win what h ) atruggllng for ;. ger declared on being queetloned aa to what were th requisite for a tuccefut house- pariTtThat a dlfflcul quaatlon to an- wr. But I do know Jf I had to choose be tweea two Women one Of SS and the other 00, I should give th preference to th old, though they both had th lun kind of abil ity. In this, line of work year attract, not deter. A housekeeper must have executive ability and Judgment, "and I am certain that theee qualities .expand with year." -Many of th moat aucceaaful bouaekeeper' Veglil ss chnlermald and week he4i - up. A houaektepef in one 01 in iirgeai r- --r - t " -v. 77. 7 - , apeoter,- iater-rnaoo-an aaaiarant-.-ann tnena housekeeper. When aakad to what ah at- tributed her auoceas Sh explained: I don't knowthat I have been suooeasful, but If I have r, I suppose Its because I have com In contact Srvtl M a Trained Mrtd. - , Another suoceaaful houeekaeper served a a trained nuraa In a family for many year. that are extremely sickening to the tomach. . Th man who superintend th boiling of -waat greases in aaoap or grease-factory hao a Una of work that nauseate with every breath of Ita foul odors. But th wallpaper ' color mixer iiae the unfavorable feature of all rhre of these trade incorporated In his work, and many, many othera besides.- The wOfKor thScoTor "mTxer la Obvloulirtd mix color. ' Th color that he most mix com to him In many different waya. There ar dry color, wet colors, and ther are other ingredlenta. It la the " other lngredlenta " that count. Their name are legion, and their amella ar " fierce.' They" com In nquw 'torm.-mainiyr anatney muei oe liquid hanoiaa y nana to tnaura proper mixing '..' ' WorK iVTtrrlbl IltaL ttw inmtr unuaii j worn iw mi of a factory. Thl la because the boiler room tn h , paramount factor In fc H preparinx the coarse Inks o( wall pftpr maklng for tn, prOT,. The work of otant revel In- the kind of endeavor at which mixing all is dona in a room where the tern- the foregoing has slightly hinted. He atlr peratur I mora Ilk th oven of a bakery smoky, smelly compositions with bis bars than on In which th average person of sans hands, bends over vata full of eonooctlona Idea tn regard to heat would "pleased tobf decomposed animal and vegetable matter wnrlc " Vets, tahlee. mills, raldrons. and that Blink hlaher than any Pittsburg divorce equipments of many kind are at hand. Th been on piece work three days; th first day she mad $i.B0 doing Leghorn hata that are "trimmed" only and that bring JO centa apiece. The next day aha had knocked off work early and had made only $1, and to- day" Well, I guess I'm stuck today,Trlihe said cheerfully. "Tou aee I got a poor ' draw,' but ItJ will go better tomorrow." Marie haa to take car of herself so It will be neccsiary for It to be better tomorrow. At th iam tlm that you learn merhan saUHnery you learn optimism. Good nature of tha kind that lan't feased by handling materlala and shspes that " you can't get hold of," and optlmlam that refuses to -aee the day In any light but that of the full sum that Is to be mads In ths and, and all aet- By J. L. Graff. followed th double entry system. H aay that in. lat years th Journal bat been dls csrded to a large extent, that th day book or blotter entries are journalised direct to the ledger. He says that few people keep their books on th double entry method. " If you wer to start around th block," he ventured, " and wer to examine all th book kept by tha merchant themselves yoti .would find not mor thsn two who hav adopted that plan... Moat of them ar charg ing on on ld of a ledger page and crediting n th other. f f Anna Carleton. when one day the man aha waa caring for learned that hi hotel needed a new house keeper, lit believed that a aucceaiful nuraa would be the right woman for the place and urged ber to accept the position. Thla woman ( aaye: "Experience In nursing will avail ' much' In teaching one to ba a good house keeper, but I found mylf learning aome- thlng naw every day. Take the almple Ulue- nitration of bed making. Making a bed for w patient la on thing and making bed In a ' hotel la another. It la wonoerrui now aom maid can make a bed In a few mihutea and with enma easy turn cf the hand give it a pItnata"ctfoct Of tnponmaM' I am trying to learn how they -do it, and often when I have a few minute to spar I help a maid make a bad, Juet to aea bow It I done. . The machinery, of notalkeeping la compli cated, and th bouaekeeper la expected to keep a good ihar of It In runntngorderr Bh often haa from thirty to nrty man ana women Vnder her charge. , Thl number lncludea crubwomn. maid. houemo. paliytera, P- ner o.y m vr t ; longaanycneeedeher. '' Hat noca lyOBSlBUiiy. At a moment' notice ah may rcalv word from th manager to pi t suit of flv to vn room ready In two day. Thl mean he must get crubwomn paperera, carpen ters, and maids ready to-Tfurniah-tha-room In two day. When buatnaa 1 rush- Ing sh has many such ultss to get ready In on week a time, an i raaponaioi ur m - appearance of th bedroom and laundry and ha full charge of th linen room. Though -aha la aaaiatad by two or three girl who do -th mending, awlng, and th assorting of . linen for th hou. each week she look after 700 to 00 towels, 800 curtain; TOO napkin a. Unit fm ttDIW CliHh. H I liei buelm h , - nrgTTriilnW ainoQnr of i aa x"j3ffi.W.On th wet h wg1v1J-- 'r;; im -iimiis-"'" J"- "' ..i.2f-..u...-niarit-ii-.rii.u....r'- important wn... ..u, . to hav Bfty napklna tnak a sudden ddaap- pearanca. ( . . . ..... ....... ai ---W -J - Dddt ZurXmi im Family Batolg,weVM -In-tb wlnterr when ther ar -parti. lunchaona, and roptlon day In and day out. her dutle ar heavier. Bhomuataaatnatta equai. en m wmmo -hanqutt room and luncheon rooms rUpr." worker at 60 than ah waa at B. TBch ',w!ln''To70r'VSrTcWeor-a coat ever dreamed of being, dripping from : th vat, caldron, and mills.-And over and" . abov all I th odor which makes lit un pleaaant for the mixer. - l ' a a . ,-' - - rintk.a TMersedad Wis Work Staple Clothai Dlicardad Wha WorK Starti. Coming to work tha mixer. If he be at all Careful concerning hla person,' remove outer and under clothing and. entera M working clothaa-.whlch ar in ihi main eom-, . posed of a pair of over alia. If ha place style above comfort he will finlcaily include an ranging aooorqing M nis anuiiy aa a - undershirt In his wearing apparel .for th handler of colors and ss a producer.- A head day's work. But most mixers are not finical, color mixer seldom receive lesa than $S a Still, ther Is on advantage In the ehlrtprop;- week. He earn a hi salary. H help to oalUop, It Is aslef to peel off an Ink bepat'-iake or break a firm's buslnes. H Is an, tered undershirt than to bath th upper artist In his way. although) he would prob part of the body. . Dut th sleeves In th ably curs scornfully If this were Intimated shirt ar strictly untenable."17!! Is imposslblsto- Ma; H 1 paid for what. he know, th " to drive a sleeve covered arm Into a allmy. men under him for what they do. 'aticky 'maa of oulored Ink and knead andiir doea hot require any particular talent handle it with aa much faculty aa 1 accord- - to learn to do what they do. . Almost any-... ed br th naked limb. From tha Urn th work I started In th morning ihe-woxlc the mixer 1on - soandal. and for hour afterjiour breathea - 'In air that 1 polluted beyond th wildest thaf finds out what ther la in you. As the manaeer telle you when you first come. " It all dtjnd vn yuaisslfi" He aito athat ha can tell what they ar going to do by the corners of thir mouth; th girt working wlth downcast faoe never te up. "--That be haa Dromlslna material I shown by th fact -that -there are thoee struggH rlnth of chiffon hats at 10 cents splece who are good naturedly ready to atop and help the beginner who bopelssely trie to see aom pointnf connection between th model tbtls before her and her bundle ot scrape. , , - '' T - - LIK to Hal Prttty Things. After all, from th point of view of thor having don. certain klnda of work before.' ther is some cause for choerTulne... " I v - tried working a dining room girl." said one. " but ths hours are too long. Tou ar up so sarly In ths morning and get to bed so lata at night. ' And then ther was th fao tory at th Western Eleotrlo. I got fin When Mr. Goodhue commenced keeping ' book ther waa no auch tiling aa ateel pen. , 11 uaed quills, and waa obliged to hav a. specially aliarp knif to keep them In order. "Not, a sheet of btotttngtmP' could b fonnd snredr inrdl," practicing on Thw whit straw -In tha land, tha correspondence and th ledger and chiffon and turning out hi save a doaen and day book pages wer blotted with land a week until he-got back his job. kept In a receptacle for that purpose. All the The question, " How can I learn T" can be - Ink waa Imported. :. . - , . - answered here" with $2 a week whenlearo. In a good many particulars ther la abeo lutely no change In th bookkeeping of today ; from that Of mor than a half csntury ago. . Th book are about tha aam aa they wer then, aave th Innovations-tin the matter of loos leave 'and other almllar features, Book coat about as much how aa then. - -r When Mr. Qoodhu had a commercial busi ness of his own he kept his own books. Ha' has been bookkeeper for some old and well known mercantile concerns, that handled aa Immense business. ;- lit. Qoodhu waa born at Warren, O., cam to Indiana In 1837, and haa been her ever , since. Ha use no adding machine other than his head, and hs writes a hand that la a steady and clear aa It was forty or fifty years Ag ln perfeot order,' ready for the decorator ' and waiter. ' .. In large hotel the household furnishings are bought by sample, but the bouaekeeper ha thla to do in the ordinary family hotels. She buy all the' wall paper, the curtalna and llnene, and thla I no email taak. Bba must have considerable knowledge of ma terial!, for people who live In a hotel, year In and year; out want their apartment aa attractive aa their own boine. They ex pect carpets to harmonise with wall paper " and have Idea when It noma to a question -H ourtaina. ; - . a. nouaeaeeper muei use aci ana jua- menT'wnn-SiaJda. - If th average wOnvail who, kaap Jinusa fin da It no aV tak to gat along wwli two or tlnee. certainly bai keeper fin It a task to manage from twen ty to fifty. Many girl prefer to work in hotela because they have their work planned 'for them, are expected to do ao much and no "mora, and whan their" worki flnUhad , - tbelr tira ia their wa. -- - . " ' - ' , - - Qjr, f rtf ar Hot! Wort." . on 0,uskep,f jd: y,,, w keep their work la, and ar put a tnair nenor and bald responsible. I never aak a maid . 9 do anything I ahould haaltat about do- lnf. Complimenting a maiaoccaaionauyror work well performed aot a a wonderful stimulant for bttsr work." ; - - - J When it com to a question of maid or gueata bh. bouaekeeper often 1 presented with anony problems.-Sh cannot afford t ! insult guests In th house, nor discharge a good mald without careful consideration. - it Is a frequent occurrence tor peopt nvmg In hotel to suspect maid of having taken their belongings, . but to ntn out of tan caeca the. stolen article turn up In a taw day, and th woman axplalns that sh has been mistaken. . . ,r-. - r Th bouaekeeper baa llttl ttne for h nil I ssliniifl ir iflff Oittlaiirgleeted shopping. Her vacation are keep opea.au th year rouno.1 n,,,' .K.-ffSar K , immnsntinriM are 1 -...-.r , , , m Th w M good; may start cn but ,f gh4 u !onlp.t,nt nd p,rt. anced h can command from 7B to $100 a - - te.nKlr I. M w 1 M nj Affra - nw popiano wr.i. -year ar (o hat, favorAll thlnga ing poser. At night he goea out a in wnisu blows with a fac that Is nearer the eolor of rank, sickly aea weed than a healthy phys iognomy, and hi hand and wrist ar .steeped jthrough th Irtn In a combination of rn yeuow, Diaca. diu. eco. xt uw happn to Uy off from WOrkforafew wka , gets this wornoff. It takes longer to take Jth green, out of hi face. . " - a si i -Par Hi!, kat It Id aitd- ''. For doing this be 1 paid from $20 a week to. body can' learn It In considerably lees time than Is required to master thc a geUcJMincirxJUw learned a man practically work, and h should earn ever h works. Most color all ths time. Tou got to It one In a while, anyhow,1 that th guild swears by, tionf belonging to the worst wonu pails on mamaiura. the Dozen. ,wagea ther-$7.00 a week to start, and a, raise of f LEO later. ; But thar Is so dirty that ' girl Juet coma and go my oruy.worcav . "little while and ihen they- can't ltand IV. This i such baautiful wor tr-on can oniy- xo raat enougi-li a smus tiling prsiiy to . work 'on." " irfflnary trade,- Ii 'fT 1 ur of ateadx V7 V $30 a week when- l mixers don't work f I K IV go out and forget . Irlfi .1 " Is on motto fJM 1 1 Even th dlsttne- 1 1 I r trad tn tk I'll' II htltttea for one wtin i has a quick r and nimbi finger" If ah has willingness to work," as th manager says U shown by tho who surv1ve th ' test of th learning room and ar put in th rooma wher batter haU ar mad. Bom gina sirs are ii ousy an law year around, and for aom hata ar paid parquet prioea of zu. ana BU.ina caia (or wnioh tlM a dosen ar paid ar often advertised work that can be done at home." They (u, ,.nt for ul ntMDts br tn, work.r A b h-ftout, m , D,nd They ar don by milliner who hav given up business to marry. .They have learned In the aama school wnd It Is nothing uncommon for them to do a couple of dosen of th " chiffon and straws " in a day. :, ' . a-r-1 ;" Mntlclan MUllnar Out df Jh. ' On milliner married to a musician cam to on of th factorle for work when her hus band waa out of a job. "Why don't you . hav him do millinery, too?' she waaaafceA "What! Him make a batf" said th woman. .-. . : ; "Of course. He c do It," eh waa as- gLby th woman who haa couragoto fas th conditions, a easily as st the more ex pensive ar-hoo:.' Her aa nowhere else ia een In It true place th quick, rough (kill, th clever slighting- romblnat ton which, Is often the hardest to grasp by the woman wfca could afterward design attractively. AndV-a to epeed. without mastering which the moat talented artist car not get 'starterr to making money out of her creations. It l her, wher being quick and being able to eat and live, ar U on and the same, tha: on gat th first Inspiration of Its meantng. Th ssplrant td high elasa millinery will at least not lose anything of th understandlrg of the wider scope ef th work she I unUr taking If ah take th first leeeon In th mechanical part is) th faotorlea, A) at m iii benultigrVy A I- ( t :M-