The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1906, SECTION THREE, Image 33

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-1 fl'
. ' TV .&VS i- 3 f . ness.
LialwlSlPSt I fltSi (fete
":' left tt. Suc& MftM&to'Jwfien - A ) " l Z ,
. . if hi jtw. i . -jtw . v.i . , renin. v ri nm-.r. i .
Not. ftry. Amusing to be s jYu ttr&n
. Tin CtLszi'on.'' '. '. - . -
ItPMflVTi It ti 'tttittintltt
aa.xr a-. . a . .. .... ,
-the -fake expert- always
uses t the capital ' letter at-"
quires sufficient confidence in his tricks and his
Jfollying abilities to face an audience, he be
Tgintto giver publicexhibitionscWith - the1
profession this is known as 'going into the
-This remark is made by Thomas I. Min-
-a nu T- . " " .
nock in beetnntnr the second article of nts
'. um f V rr..,w.,f " "
series, The Confessions of a Hypnotist.
' a a M m .aflt
Minnock has been, tn turn, a "hypnotist, c
'magic healer," a ''human pincushion," "spir
itualist mind reader" and the wonder-arous-
ing subject in a "buned-altve specialty.
' " Jia ttnlt " ittt rnparv rf Ant It?
lOW, he States, I. am Weary oraomg
t 'sleeping act in store windows, of being
buried alive, Of Permitting myself tO be punC-
..t jl , i ' . r J.
tured With needles and StlCkpmS. . indulgence
in all these fakes has injured my nervjous sys-
tern, and made me almost a physical wreck. 1
have no hesitation in exposing the game' as tt
is played throughout
out the land ' X
aTER I had finished my cour of training In th
so-called hypnotlo art under one of the leading ,
professional men of Franoe, and had eealated blm
In exhibition alven In I number of Europeaa
cities. I came to America to aet op In business for myaelf.
, J. Naturally, I did not know how gullible New York was
the town'a very bigness acared me so I went Weet and
became .a human plncuahldn In a, small traveling enow.
Sooner or later, I wag bound to drift Into the ehow buat-
Th pincushion gam wasn't exactly my suggestion,
but It looked good when sprung on me. You eee, I had ao
trained myaelf that I could, bear 1thout flinching pin
So I became a human pincushion, and-w several -
VeekrTaslabbed"and prodded.
enjoining my wtmna m !... " - :
aom an Miinir-auppo - we mat
wasn't hla actual name, nor the name he sailed untier.
I do not care to use real names In this story. Between
us we did fire-eating and absorbed pins, to the amasement
of the "ten-centers,' until we grew tired of It. Then we.
began to -look about for a- field that would respond -to
our talents. -. - ,
"Let go to New York; we can make a hit there,"
anvs fire-eater one day. "All right." from me; and so.
- we Jump for Wallstreetburg. ' t'
Soon after-we landed in the . metropolis, we wergaput
wise to the fact that ona man, and one ma! alone, could
I fix us for such an engagement as we bad been longing
for. fin we heeded for h la office.
wu l warm afternoon, ana, as we learnea jaier.
the guy had
id been up nights working out a proposition of -
When we entered his office, he waa alttlng at '
with his feet 'up. ..Clearly s -
Mia- own.
Vita Aaalr '-with Vila feet tin
fc 1 ... ; "If you can hypnotise me." be aaldk. after he' had lls -
tened to' our spiel witn. a cyncai smuei wm. pet you
.. 1 - . ;
in teffiu ranee-
an engagement on one of the best roof gardens in town."
well. M - a - ehaiieei - MOftt - tooked - at - me - nd -
winxea. iijon ne compcsea air. i;onnaeni Kn in a re-
rrmat i attltiid, kair.n trt n.u kl.
ad-rnurmurwra-thehlle-4n-low.oothln tone
Th. ...n- .nvthin. i .h., - u . -h"
j n ... . - "
3ct"Tiatheanwasniicepy Wn out and we know
that too. Pretty soon, under the Influence of quiet and
the gentle' breexe from the window, he fell aound asleep.
"we were scouting format" We took oft Mr. Confident
. Man', .hoes, removed his coat, collar and tie and dlaar-
rayed him generally. Then we awoke him. '
"Where am IT" he asked. When a man start. In by.
BprlcglDg4httt queatlorwyou
"we hypnotized you put you tojleep. You thought you
were a Brooklyn Bridge Jumper; had prepared yourself
f for a plunge, and wero Just about to leap out the win-
dow when we caught you and brought you to."-"
. Now, would you believe ItT be swallowed that yarn
whole. Jonah', gulping act wasn't a marker to his. What
did he do but put on hla clothes, go out and get us an
'engagement at a first-class roof -garden ehow.
That' where I fell down. I was fooV enough to do
the six-day sleeping act and supposed hypnotic spell as a
starter. The act took like vaccine virus; I "slept" for
several day, and my partner took in the money I
, learned afterward that he gathered to his bosom some-
thing like $1000 as our share of the proceeds. All I got
. waa a new suit of clothe, and three glasses of beer.
This sleeDliiB act. thla act of belna- burled alive' and
remillnlnir eral dava without anvthliur to eat or drink.
If as simple taking candy from a child. The only
me I aot Sonlerl on it. aa 1 hurt wapic. waa dur
lug an exhibition at New Haven, when the Yale student,
got my partner drunk, and ha gave me th sidestep.
i-- -
In- the first place the: subject feigns a deep.' hypnotic ;
trance. Now, such a trance Is nothing but deep sleep, so
that on does not hold himself rigid, as Is generally sup- -Dosed,
but twists and turn aa one does In natural slum-
subject I usually have been that
chump In the show m which I
to hypnotic sleep in a store win
B "rave, several feet deen. t
watchers uk station, about to
la g kl
have engaged composea
window, on a stage, or even
(Several doctors and other
see that no food or drink
la Da nod to him.
- After several hours" of guard, however, the vigilance
cf the watcher, wanes. It Is easy to attract .their at
tention to something els; and then, with sleln .if -hand
. dexterity, the assistant slips to th subject a bottl of
milk, i banana or some other" food. '
This I. the hardest trick to teach beginners. They will
stand for almost anything le. but when. In a test of this.
k)ndi hry ftt hungry good and right, they are apt to let
"t "rlhcrtlfm5 th ur" th bow n1 rlht '
It ha been said that a sucker Is born every second,
ana it taxes thirty years ror rum to aie. aiayo xnai
why there ar o many sucker In the world. I hav never
., Au? th0
in crop snort, or even inreaienea oj aij .un or
teechlnc the "myslc art" to others
urpiised- how many bite at that bait but
ot tMt i pmpo
to ten later. t
however, help th fakir In hi show
iauin. a .mu 1
oata mo net V advartis a .how, so th plan
of a failr la to hare some auacepUble guy do all that for.
him; to advertise like biases and let him reap the benefit.
It la done In this way: You get some chap Interested
In the gam and teach, him the 'ubtle mystery" through
. correspondence. After awhile he reaches1 stage where
yon pronounce Mm readjr to enter the show business on
I bis own accounts . ". . .
As a rule, he is only too eager to graap at this. The
funny thing la that nearly every such "come-on" wante
to make hie first stage ah In his own town. He adverr
Use liberally that he la going to giva a hypnotlo exhibi
tion, and, of course, everybody in. town U primed to come
to the ehow. . '
-Well,- he knows he muet have a -eapatele assist snw ma
yj-Mnd to the correepondence echool for a capabt man.
-na tBt i, usually me. I come, and he puta on tn enow.
. ham na dtfllcultv In DUttlna- me In a
so It appears-and he geu the loua banaciepe ox .pjir.v.-
tlon. ' j"' - ' '"' v
But after a while the time arrives when he la to
awaken me.-Ha trler and I don't Awaken. Trlea again:
nothing doing. ,' . V . .
- ,t then he begins to get acaredL"My gracious.'! be says.
"I have really dohe it" something he never expected to
do.;. Then my hardest work is to kiep from laughing.
At any' rate. 1 refuse to come out of the trance. The
amateur works over me In vain. About thl time a con-
TederaU f TBtBriiauBlly-ywtfB. arrl vesn great etata-
0f excitement,' accusing the hypnotist of all sorts of at-
. .- M,t.hiinf lnneeltv. f
tempted crime, and. certainly, of incapacity., , .......
As a rule the fellow is so scared by the time that "he
kee a quick aneak to the depot and slip out of town
by the first train. My wife or confederate comeeto me
ake a7 few passos, and lol X awake.'
-By now thewhole town U wild. -We aay to the crowds,
- The chap who tried to give an exhibition la a f ake. We
are the real thing; we know how to do It. Tonight, at the
; opera house, we will give a genuine exhibition, or the
, hypnot lc art
Th.ralw.ya catches them. We have a crowded house. ,.
gtt the btnent of all the ttth-r f-iiw -vorti.tne-r ana
KHBWlmel fjtfflB Uttl'l 111 1UWII Dufun Umt guld
Bt .raort of .w graft wa. i th. good old day.
before-the-pubUo-got-wlae-Now-thera-ara too many
There was notntng ituu me taae.nypauu.i wuu.u
attempt I have seen, men with broken arm. brought to
aroressoiwwisni6TamrToHh is th streets or a
village. The arm was probably done up m splints, but, at
IM "tmrliTr'of the f aker-heaajar4ali1en,.oft.
'Now,'Ti would aay to the sufferer, "your arm I. a.
good as ever." Probably the removal of, the splints gave a
erates of the faker would eelae the man,' run him around
the block and contrive to throw blm over a garbage heap
When he goUipr they would persuade him that the fall
broke hts arm again.
it's an in putting up a front; in being a "quick josh"; eran Traveler. io nis mtna tt reaches the
liTHnt-aTana-iE rfrasrBev-r;,OTI Qf luxury awheelyet some Jay "doubt-
lose .your nerve In "th Jake gamkWUh a MooA address, i . . 'ti .- - .. 1 .
knowledge of a few medical terms and a fine line of talk. ICSSJltTVm VeSUrpOSSCa.
the faker can pull -oft suoceaa doe times, outs at ten. . . : . - ! ,
Very"ofenr to make both ends meefthe hypnoUo"
faker In hla travels has a promising aide line like love .
powders that he sells, for Instance.- It s. surprising how
many people win buy love powders. Here Is a special
amulet that haa made lots of money for ita inventor;
Eight drope of blood from the tall- of a blind Cat
Three hairs from the tall of an old gray mule.
Two .pinches of powdered enall e-hell.
One prayer breathed into It by the "doctor."
' This powder given to the cold or reluctant lover, ac
cording to directions, and the lover Is guaranteed to be
come an ardsnt Romeo. Charm bags of similar material,
Inclosed In green -or red materials are to-be worn next
the heart of the person desiring to be loved.
Upon reaching a town Where hla exhibition, are to be
given, the hypnotist always aeeka out some local fellows
who will act aa his conf ederatea. Theae people are eaey
to. pick up always some "rummy" who want, to earn
Yau have to spend several hours lnatructlng such fel
lows, but they usually do what you tell them, and you
pull oft" a succesdful show. Before the people gut next
to your game, you quietly blow out of town. v..
Some years ago the world heard a great deal of the
wonderful feats of a mind reader now dead. I was 'with
him during several of hla tours. I shall say nothing of
TismereodsrurTTisyB-aene giraiiaT woirndrthinr
how i aid iu
Suppose my performance was in the opera house 6f a
large town. Before the doors were opened, I would visit
- ,he hill wltTTaneleTtrlclan, and have wires run f rora cer-"
ifsTan'tiS SLtTS -
'. - V A Crt.a'"Prdi. J?T!?fL7
"ei "T, Jll J!L1!LTZ -
iQiworeUA or my hhihmiiii in mo krucit. a iiv answer
7- .- . i. I. not hoard two acata awav I ranaat
la given iie. It is not neara two scats i away, i repeet
.it in a low tone royhcad lowered so ..that myvolce ilL
strike full Into a little telephone arrangement in the breast
of my coat.
t ha t art sncemene
' clothing, runs to my shoe, which has- a metal projection
on the aole. I preaa this projection against a similar pro
jection on the floor under the seat and lol connection la
established with the wire leading to the gallery.
I say to the man In the seatr -"What la yoor ad- ina. The tables are varied In else, some .eating two and"
dress?" at the same time completing the telephonic con- " others four persona. -
nectlon. He replies; "115 Uouth avenue I repeat thla The chairs are not fixed rigtdry hi place, norare they
"softly to him, as if I didn't understand. Almoot imme- in any wise different from the chairs which could be aa
diately the clear reply comes from my confederate In the lected In any first-class furniture houae.
- gallery she also has a receiver at her ear, concealed by These things have much to do with the transforma-
her hat or hair "113 South avenue." tion of the railroad coach, and Its final perfection and
I move on several seats and try another man. His re- simplification; but In addition, there are many other
pllea are also repeated from the gallery. Wonderful Mhe innovations, ell of which contribute largely to th ob
people think. This la mind reading telepathy to beat Ject sought th elimination of everything suggestive of
the band. Nothing of the sort; only a simple trick.- the typical 'railroad coach.
I have repeated the trick of locating loat article In Improvements -are--also noticed.' In the dining-room
a room. It Is tne o o anme 01 niae ana seea amnunea.
You know, when a lot of children play hide and seek, they
cry "hot" or "cold," Just aa the seeker Is near or dis
tant from the object sought.
It', the samo way In thla mysterious Io -article
trick. The seeker, blindfolded, always grasp tb wrist
of on who know where the article la concealed. Then,
as he approaches It,' he can. tell. If he be skilful enough." tha quickening pulse beat of. the arm in hi grasp''
whether he is approaching the hiding place,
" " Control of heart action ha enabled me to swim over '
a good many financial whirlpools. Once 1 struck a doc
tor In New York who had a pipe dream that he could
-cure heart dlnce 1y hypnotic suggestions. He got hold
ot me, "and I had my heart do a good many amusing "
stunts. But, in the end, I always calmed the organ at
lap command
H hecame so enthused, that he had seven other doc
tor In his office at one time to witness hla triumph. For
several months I lived like a lord at tne expense of this .
-man. I-
l never iiaea 10 mi up wua ukuji, ry mui, ,iw-
ver. One w had .a special count for them, but w
.had to cut It out. They mad It too rough on me. try-
lng to learn whether hypnotism could oe made a substi
tute for anaesthetics. They were all the time Jabbing
needle In me, sowing up my lips and doing other things,
and I get tired of It.
Considering all my knowledge of this game," do you
wonder that Ftako a qutef enteker wMn I e any faker
-announcing himself. In big, bold letters, aa "Th Oreat
. est Trance Medium. Psyohlo and Clairvoyant In th
World," or-as "considered by th public ath greatest
marvel on earth."
Not one of them could undergo th physical torture I hav Isalned myself to withstand. Th whole
" thing la -a faK; there I nothing to It I wish I could
get th "guya ! ..who ar ao willing to spend their money
to understand this.
. Next week I will explain th syetem of teaching th
"mystlo art" by correspondence and soma of the way
"suckers" hav been graduated from one "school" a
"P. M. H Psychlo Master of Hypnotism"; or "D. 8. T..
Doctor of Suggestive Therapeutics."
' It was great game, and many hav profiled by It.
.But, then, aa some wis guy, baa remarked, "Ui world
U tuU ot suckers.'
A VE you ever ridden in a reali'hoteL
, on wheels t . - -.. , :: "...
'.:' For years some railroad trains
I Jtm M M MMtM ' jmlFA A It rf -ife au Iiiitff A m t are sr 9
-"J " " "."'
nm unm recently inai me ierm was any mm r
btf jjj an Maggl'TlUtOn. It U ITUB thbUgh
now and the "hotels" are hotels de luxe too
Upon these fast trains all Of the Hotels
-rrnnhmirrargnoledfor steed one mav find
, tnt, ,nA,r- TUu J
all the Comforts OajnOderntelrXiheXA
nave inetr oaroer shops, Dams, ciuo xars, pa
latial dininr and ' drawinrlfbom ears libraries'
. 1 1" ! ii"" 3. :":-. -K,er',i:ii''a'ii'Miiseiiiiiiiii..iiii,iii.iMiia
a even meir rainsceuers.
-Whatappeals , to a man - of the world,
the rati, more thai: a rathskeller Ort XVheelSf
Equipment recently tloced in commission I '
on a western road ts a fcvelatton to the yet-
i a II A il.W HI 'li'l'i iMielaUai
T !! All not been eo many year si wee the rathskeller
was an Innovation in American hotels, but It
popular from the first
Increasing travel on the great railway lines oe
mands'lnereaaln, comforts Every popular Idea of hotel
- 5qulpnt that porlb.. of adaptatfon tobelng mm-
,uA Hf1t rif rail mail tourlata.
Teiitmiimii of ihfl fsr were stumbltna: totockrto-Talty
J?or a long lime limuntions in xne anapq
rational Style Ot lurnimmi, men m m "
hm - hotel.
- . . . w j ,
Car designers seemed "Mohave notton-tht couldn't
be rooted out For Instance, It was difficult for them
whih nriainated in the earliest coaches, and which, In
i. ,,v trow in nam tines. i m ' aeai
turn, had been adopted from the carriages of the day.
But they have broken away at last, and very effectively.
In the design of the latest rathskeller cars, the archi
tect has adopted the features of the Vienna room of a
leading Berlin restaurant, regarded aa the moat pleasing
Interior of 4ta-KHo in iam wutu-
an the rhararteriatlca of the railroad car are miss-
car: for instance, ercecuvrneaa ot utur,nu naa wen
-added tn very materially by the plat rail, containing
apecimens of fin crockery and steins. Over the doors'
and windows are similar rails. Th-everlty of the Illu
minating fixtures Is displaced by art nouveau effect. In
verdtKTlir In entire harmony with the elegant Interior.
Tb general effect of the woodwork design In on of
" thes car is that of a high watnacoatlng, topped oft:
The Phonograph as an
HAT the phonograph haa been, an active agent In
th spread -of civilisation. In assisting xploration-
and In substituting peace for war, la shown by
th history ot th talking Instrument.
CbToneT-C6lI6'Hardtrig,-th ; English xplorrof the
. txmA aim-nwiaa imnnlhal
ds of. Central Africa, had many difficult! smoothed
from his" way bythl rnstrument-Part'Ot hi. projected -
journay through Barotaeland and about tb headwater.
of the mighty Zambesi river lay through a wild country
peopled - by blacks, who objected to th passage of a
whit man', expedition. t '.t '"" 1 '
King Lewanlka, of that country, approved of th x -peditlon,
but th difficulty waa to transmit hi. wtsheg to
th thousand, ot hi. subjects In th remote corner, of
his dominions. .
Tb phonograph was brought Into requisition. Tb
Pa rots sovereign uttered hi command Into th Instru
ment and In this way record war obtained la which
th monarch exhorted all hla subjects to aaslat Colon!
Harding In every way.
Armed with the records, tb explorer set out upon
hi. baaardou Journey. As h penetrated Into th coun
try, th native chiefs displayed unmistakable sign, ef (
' hostility, pa such occasions, th colonel simply set tha
" -a m.M'n r
i"TrsJI'---T ..-J-1;.
ta! II M .', . I
nu: :a;..rrr ..Mr. r -l
1 -ikm,-
rf'iu : .
pay v
with the plate ralL The color scheme Is biowu and
Two private dining rooms, one at either end of the
car, are also interesting Innovations. Kach of these
rooms' has two tables, with a totar seating acconunoda-
tion of six 'VV,
bleth. private
persona. j ney are quite roomy, ana reen
ste rooms to be found in many restaurants, i
The cafe-smoker in another new car on radical lines.
if ts meant" exelustVGly lor, men, ami la comiiarahle-to.-
the mn"e room In the rathskeller.
mm vara ""' muni im m kiikjixth iu ui
smokers than ever before. Their compartment la mora
. . w i . . a
than twenty feet in lengtnrand Itlhe fun width of th
car. The remainder of the car Is devoted to a buffet.
imnmnrrai in - irs i nrf-. ine ..cnaira i an. W.-1I1HI1.-
about, to milt the pleasure of the Dassencers. Tables of
different sixes scattered around add to the comfort of
xueetai A seml-clrcular divan at on end add to the)
elegance of the room.
"A striking feature noticeable in tftew
new carat
I th extreme simplicity and richness ot the Interior, tn.
comparison with th car. of twenty and twenty-flv ,
year ago.
One of th marked Individualities of th former epoch
- wits th use. or misuse, of yards and yards of,.Jut- ..
catching plush hangings, with littl excuse, or none at
In It. microbe-harboring mission thla material waa
' heartily aided and abetted by glmcrack wood effects.
At that time the struggle seemed to be to. load th -car
with useless devices adding nothing to th comfort
of th passengers.
Today th effort lit made to throw out everything .
without good reason for existence; while, at th earn
time, adding all the comforts and convenience.' on,
might find at borne or In a flrat-claa. hotel.
Truly, th world -moves, and the swiftly moving
railroad coaches are being mad to keep pace with tb
: progress of th ag. - . - :--'
Agent of Civilization
phonograph In action,- and the unsophisticated natives)
were almost prostrated-by-.etror-when they heard the)
tone of their august monarch proceed from what tbey
termed th "speaking Iron." ' .
Thy looked at th Instrument in aw and with gap
lng mouths, expecting vry moment to behold -th form
-or-splrit of Iwanika to Jssu from th Wheh thing."
When they heard th royal eommaada tbey wer very
obelaant, and proffered their advlc and aseistanc with
th utmost prodigality. - "
In this way Colonel Harding traveled ever 1000 mil)
' without th slightest molestation, and never had to us
his rtr on a sing! occasion In self-defense against ths
, blacks., "--
Wben 'th American wer extending their occupation
ef th Philippine Wand., th people of a certain ove
Ignty manifested a disposition to rebet Th Sultan
rnducsd to visit a warship, and. while tn th c
eibln, was antertalned by th production of a ;
. graph.
So greatly wa he pleased with the ltru
'h agreed to sHsn a treaty and "b gootl ' If 1
i graph wa presented to htm. This was 6mn, i
wss signed. n.nd th Sultan departed tn !.:. i
HW treasur