V- ' .... .lr. THE-OREGON -SUNDAY JOURNAU--PORTLANDt-SUND A YMORNING-MAY 30-1908.- . New Laco Chemisettes New Lace Yokes ; and Chemisettes with stocks attached, made of Baby Irish crochet - lace,-v$ry -neat and -pretty. -Ex- ' CftV ceptionally low prices at........;.0Uw , I". Lawn Boleros Q1.50 These Jackets are dainty conceits oi linetv; lawn and pretty French Valenciennes lace -edging, : made- with- either-long -6rhort-sleeves. Something very stylish; gA at only V OX) Giver oof the B eot Valu6o 01.50 Embroidery Waist-;.-"- ings ,85o - ; - Beautiful display of ; Allovfcr Embroidery. -' This lot includes the daintiest Nainsook and - Swiss designs it- is - 23 inches wideband sells regularly at $1.50. Special - OP Monday at. ............. . ... ... . . .OOC 25 b EmbroicTy Edging 15o Large assortment of Cambric and Nainsook 1 - Embroidery'- Edging froni5-to- d'-inches wide, handsome designs ; regular f selling price 25c. . Special MondaylOC ' The1 Reputation of Carrying the Merchandise the People Want and in Treating the People Right When They Come to Buy, It Come in any day and we will' show how considerate we can be of you," and will show you how we have popularized tins' store. You will find that we always carry the goods we advertise 'and at $he prices mentioned. - We kriov what painstaking care is required to build up and maintain an enviable standing. We know that our friends from out of town will visit us this week, and we extend a cordial invitation to all at home or abroad to visit us, forsrfl . ... have many things that will interest you. J ''7. 1 TfL ' ' Z - An Extraordinary Sale of - Fancy Sox 19c IAS- mail, uitih . full fachirkti.H ' fnnt r a 4 .r-et w-- made with full fashioned foot; a great assortment of the latest fancy patterns in stripes and "figures to choose-Irom; regular -25c and 35c values: specially priced Ckg U Monday, pair......,, X 7 w Season'sGreatestJralueiiiJPretty Ne w Wash Cott ons " "To bring this department prominently before the public, it impnrtnrt and worthfulnf jt once underatood and appreciated, means to invitingly tell of its merits and its merchandise, and to offer aluea that will at once appeal to and captivate those interested in the goods represented. All thit Wve done, and most successfully, judging from the great .. business we've enjoyed since the season opened. And now to tell of more interesting news splendid offerings that - at once reflect broad economy, and which we believe to be unmatched. - ' - ---- Our Womens Ready to "Wear Section Is Rife With Bargain Chances "We're Showing You Just Now What Remarkable Values We Can Give Women keen to appreciate unusual values and who share-in the offerings told of below.. wilr-seeure the- smi's best and musi (lcsUaUlC Styles in SUltS. WalSts, Jackets, Skirts, etc. at tar below the usual cost, as our com- 1 parative value prices, which are stated with conservatism and exactitude, show. WE CANNOT URGE YOU TOO tSXRONGkY Novelty - Serge Suitings, - in I4iffhtediimitaWsdark--colJ. those oretty half silk fabrics. it comes tn plain colors, also' dots, ; tigures, checks and plaids; - pretty T and servire- '-ablcilafT only. . ....... . r ors. -cneck -and invisiDie plaid: unequaled .values at, f Ptr yard.. ............. 18 ' Panama ClothCottotrPan- ama clottrtirScotch plaid ef- fects, hiRhly mercerized fin-- hh, pretty for shirtwaists or - children's dresses,- exception al:j?alue at.............50 . Crepeline, . 32 inches wide ... in pretty . Japanese de- signs for kimonos and wrap pers; splendid values at, per yard ........ .20 Embroidered Muslins, large assortment dotted, figured, flowered and striped etfecrv 'tlen4idJ)axgaiiir4t. per yard .... . ....... ..WAt. Mercerized Ginghams.-Large . , i i i ' i variety ciicckcu ana piaia --e ffetts; ' all the " wante4-f-stripe8t-figures and flowe; "shadesTTill sirechecksr best rrr: r. tr -r- vaiues at .tt;..t Silk Chambray One of Corded Madras Cloth. . New line of light madras in cord ed and figured effects. Best quality at,peryard.. .20 New Dress Ginghams. Large variety, all styles, plain. and fancy; unequaled Rvalue' at,; per yard............ lOf New-Scotch Ginghams, in stripescheclcL. plaids and plain colors; medium and light shades; all new pat terns; good quality at.. 25 Lawns Great-assortment-of iancy 'dress lawns, light, me dium and dark colorsr comes 31 .inches wide in dots, effects, also nlain colorsris clal, ier-yard fiTnm 1 "A" lot - of r newest- Jackets -and EtonSufts -ineatif hI-L-S3-8-1 graysr blacks ,anL novelty mixtures; 'valuesd iCfl up to $161.50. Special this week. ........ . . .si) I aVeOU t-Newcst-Etonr-Pony- Jacket -aiidTight- Fittin g-Suits,-iff all the leading colors and materials; values P flfi Ttp to $18.50; Speciat-lhis" week'. ... .. . . 1 0UU iNewEtoriiJackcrSintCcb11arlfssfffectsTshort'sIceves -prettily trimmed wit h"novclty-5ilk braids irrharmonizin , Special Monday Offering in -1 Oood-quality is the basisoritwhich 6ur Muslii , Underwear sales are built, and good quality with us means excellent materials, careful sewing, liberality of size, neat trimmings, evidence of this best .quality for the least money will be found in each one of the following items. THREE EXTRA GOOD OUALI- JIESJORMOND AYLAND JTUESD AYl , Women's Skirts "15 dozen Women's Short. Skirts, made from Lons- -dale Cambric, with 7-inch ruffle; 65c ,value 48c Women's Muslin Drawers 55 dozen Women's Drawers, made from best Lonsdale Cambric, flounce trimmed with extra grade wide em broidery or .wide torchon lace; 65c and 75c- -' iO qualities. '. 40C. -Women's Corset Covers 'A special offering of Women's Corset Covers," made of extra quality cambric, finished with, three rows of torchon lace and ribbon beading; regular 40c fn and 45c qualities. On sale tomorrow at .htyC Women's 1 5c and Ql Sleeveless Silk Lisle Vests at 5 0c We place on sale tomorrow 50 dozen women's imported sleeveless Silk Lisle Vests, genuine 75c and $1.00 qualities, at the extremely low price of 50V .They come in white, pink, blue and . black. Some are ijJain, others'' hare hand-trimmed : lace yokes,' made of fine silk lisle thread yarns and were made to retail at .5c and $1.00. - There are' several styles to choose fr6m. On sate for one day only, tomorrow, Qq .m . . . ' . , ... 1 Great Sale of Covert Coats Always'a staple selling coat, dou bly so when such low prices prevail as are quoted ; below. Each jcoat guaranteed style for at least the next two seasons. These pricesdo nofteH bf inVSkinnersatirTbrnthe fine ' taffeta linings ' the : double -twisted,- hard -fimshedcovertsr and the 'jaunty, nobby styles but-'they. -alonerwilt inteiestyuu. ' : " Covert Jackets, unlincd, or lined, JpxfktcjLoiLsemi--fitted; A -PA worth $a.50... Special... tPtafJl Covert Jackets, "satin' lined, all r; styles, straps or tailor stitched fin ishr worth uplto" S9.50." : PA Special this week .PUuU Covert - Jackets,- satin -or taffeta Jinedman tailored in alldetaiLs,- collar or collarlcss ) worth up" to I Q"rC A $12.50. Special this-week, t....... ........ -.i)yJl nfe have every price in White Lihen, Pique and Nov elty Cotton Skirts. The stvles. finish and. tailoring are most worthy. Priced at $4.50, 93.50, A A 82.25 and ... . . .PI .UU 200 Raincoats Underpriced Fine Cravenctte-Raincoats at-reduced, prices should be jntercstingZl -"Grays, I tans, Oxfords and black, fitted styles, .bo styles and belted styles. Special this week at 88.00, 811.00 and. ..... 813.00 Spring Suits at Special Prices colors, circular skirts,-materials are plain and fancy Pana--mas7lgTay5Pitifigsand broadclothsTahtcstf QCA" up to $nO.OO.Special this week........ wl)iyUU" Special Sale of Silk Capei $4.00 Values for 82.05 omen's Shoulder Capes made of fine quality brocaded" silkstllxicculac-sticsollarJof,plcatcd.salijnLXihhonfc.lace,, and jet trimming; best $4.00 values. QP Priced at .......... . ..... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . $L70 - White Suits ' Our line of cheap and medium price White Suits excel all others We have-. Eton andPony" Jacket styles.with full plaited and circular gore skirtsj?? Priced tp A A from 825.00. down to. ...... . . .)0.7 U YhayTjnpn Shirtwaist Suits with full. waists and- skirts, some pleats, some embroidered." Priced PA at 84.50, 83.50 and. . . . ,. ... . . . ......... p U We have Colored Dresses in all the wanted colors and themewest styles. Priced at 84.50, r 92.50.'-gf-? C; Sl.50 and.....; ..-i-rtrvTyis-.. ... 4) 1 00 I White: and Colored : Skirts-. Skirts at - Special Prices : jCho!ceofJ5-JVaIking5kirts.ia plainwoxsteds iJlFA andjancy- mixtures, newest styles at. wOiOU ce-CU03yalkincrSkirts in fine Panamas and fancy check worsteds, newest circular styles, " ; 00 Qioice of 50 Walking Skirts, made from finest flC C A materials, both plain and fancy mixtures, at..i)lldll Choice" of 25Walking Skirts'" in" finechiffolrrPanama; French serge and voiles, in black and-.new tfQ PA Summer Waists Wonderful sale of Wash Waists7812578l;50r 8100 Fine White Lawn Waistst front designed with :grad- uated r rciich tucks, bwiss cmbroicicry, ,iace insertion and edging, attached collar and shorrst?msf 11 JJ arer lactr trimmed Special thtrTeTcTT. ...... 4)1 LD Extra quality-Persian -Lawn, with front-of - fine-grade ailovcr embroidery, 'collaTndshortBleeves7rlinished" withrifrc ral. lace, waistiTTjf rrrarmnryncrsfyleT Are not to -be had anywhere lor less tlian- f1 TA $1.90 to $: Handsome lingerie model of white French Batiste, extra waist beautifully designed with Val. lace inseftTnes, cm- MoidcrcdJrout.jFrfhch ynkcTand, attached.,collar,.of .YaL lace, demi sleeves, tucked and lace trimmed. AA Special Oregon! week .4) 1 VU IrAll Departments of Our StoreHave z, Specific Attractions 1 - Whether it be the Suit Room,- Domestics," Dress Goods, Sil'is,1 Fancy-Goodsr Underwear," Corsets," Men's " Wear or Shoes, you tee a scene of business activity that surprises newcomers. Customers find company wherever they go no deserted counters and long empty aisles. -"Always Busy" applies to all parts of this store, because we make it worth while for customers to visit every department. ' , Hew Bress G-oodLs and. Silks GREATER VALUES THAN EVER BEFORE ' Never before did such good fabrics cost so little. The bargains that have come from these sections this season have been many and great,, but those which you'll find here tomorrow will eclipse any that we have yet 1 i-1 a : . rt : : 1 1 i - . 11 . " Hen's Hats 92.50 Values for Only . ; , , $1.59 IP Men's fine Fur Hatu, in black, tan, gry and Brwwm; elean-u spririK lines; your size in tome of them: the Robros and Churchill brands, never aolrt for less thaiJ2J5aC f -EQ 23o Women's 50o Imported Lace, lisle and Fancy Novelty Hosiery on Sale Tomorrow at vv s A Hosiery off ering that is away above par in bar , gain-recordsone- that weknow- will-meet with en thusiastic response, x Over 250 dozen of the season's newest and best 50c qualities, every conceivable, style Z. and color. The entire floor stock of America's largest' operatorrconsistinfiTof an immenscassortmentof H that s new. ; - Hermsdorf Xace Boot Stocking's - - Embroidered . 1, T New grays', whites, navy, champagne, red, tans, tobacco browns, over 50 styles to choose from, not a stocking in the lot but what Tetaifs regularly at 50c a pair, not to be compared, with the 25c specials her alded elsewhere whose value is problematical,- 3 but real bona fide 50c stockings at . . .... ,...m0v Our Shoe Departm'ts Are Showing: Their Best Values Now " We are showing more character in Shoes than you usually find at prices anywhere approaching oura. We have ' created manynewnd original de-p aignt that you won't find elsewhere la thia-citjr i oilr atock Js abaolutely complete in every detail, there isn't aixe or width missing' fn our Mala Floor ; Department-We art showing $5.00 styles . at 3.00 and f 3. SO. - I L6i newand up-to-date-patterns in $3.00 Oxfords on special -rsilet ort ondayTa t T . . t : 91.99 -Basement Shoe -Market Women's $2 Oxfords" 1.9TnirIs$T.7rrtPpersT7r.9 Girls' $175 Oxfords.... ? Wen $4 and $ Shoes W all: leathers ...92.88 Embroidered Robes G600 New-arrivals in Embroidered Robes, made of French! tawn. The' skirt is sflaprd and -with-very little alter" ing will fit any figure. For the waist there are 2j i, yards lawn and band of embroidery for trimming. 1 hese robes are exceptionally low priced, only o.uu SnmmerBelts . Large assortment of Women's Wash Belts," made of1 linen"with pretty embroidered design, all sizes, at . 15e, 20 v."; . .T.T... 1.7. .25 Full line fancy Gold and. Silver, Belts; also the Belt ing by the yard, plain and fancy designs. Special Monday at ... .....-.l..M.50tV English Torchon Laces 5o Fine , English Wash Torchon Lace, with ' Insertions" to matchr neat patterns ironr 2 to 4 inches wide. Un equaled value at, per yard...... ................. .5 been able to give. - Prominently- important will be the following: Cream" Novelty ' Sicilians Over a" thousand 'yards of cream novelty mohair, in neat pin dots and small figures. Nothing so pretty for. waists and separate skirts.- washes : . . , t . f t r . ana is very siyusn; regular ocyaiue. special Monday . . . f ; 40 C Serano Serges The pretty new suiting for summer wear, comes in cream with neat-liairlirtes in blue or black, will wash and wear well. Special; Monday, per LJZn yard OOC Cream Figured Mohairs) 46 inches wide, new and nobby. effects in neat small figures, pretty and service able j regular price 60c. Special Mondajvyard. .00C $U5 Black Taffeta 05t . . Fuil yard wide Black Taffeta' Silk, warranted to, wear color guaranteed, soft, nch hnisn; best ?l.za fC d at .7J grade. . Specially price . . ' 95c Black Taffeta 75 - ' :- - - -FulLyard-wide Black" Taffeta' Silk, all pure silk, ahso-lutely- fastcolor, excenent-wcaring- quality j reg- tZ ular JJSc grade. Specially priced at I 0C ( 7 75c Suiting Silks 30 ! An extraordinary offering for Mondayover 5,000 yards of pretty new - Suiting Silks, in neat small patterns, strictlv all pure silk, reversible, soft messalrjic. finish ; also" 27-inch Fonged Silk in all the best colors; rcgu- OQn lar T5c grades. . Specially priced at OsG T ' . ; $1.00 Silks at 60t Hundreds of yards, stylish, new, crisp two toned Novel ty -Messalines, and chiffon finished Taffetas, in an exten sive line of patterns' and colorings, all this sea- Cfn son's goods ; reg. 83c and $1. Specially priced at. js C A Progressive Age We arc living in a-most progressive- agev If you begin to call to "mind -the -many- and - valuable- im- provements-that-have- been made within the-last few jears you will hardly know when to stop. One of the lines in which great progress has been made is shown in the man ufacture of Women's Corsets." In place of the rigid, uncomfortable, pretty much all one shape corsets of past years we now have shapes to fit with ease all forms, whether stout or otherwise, and at,the same : time . improving the figure of the' wearer, A most striking illustration in point h ta manner in which these latest ideas are brought opt t the makers on the new models of the & G. Cor;' v -f- ffr' f7