The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 27, Image 27

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    i -
Severe Decline of Seventy-Five
: Cents Thle Week Startles
. the Local Trade.
Jipinatd Agiln In ? Tin Market lor
TMn..-.nt i r. fir. rt...11 f nitlln. n
r imir intran iirafluativ aonmw iu
. m
! th; Viw of Miller. Who Art
Talking f Advancing. -
Be Hrmaa. H. Cohen.
' ' riant Btret. May 19, p. m. Tna pnlrerpal
feature ei tba Portland wholaaala markete tb
- peat week were
agar break Urged la hlatory.
harp ria ta aiaaoa fralt J are.
aonon pecker aatnmed with 1
. Tread of wheat market la np.
Japaneia again la market for floor. ; .
Tanned gooda continue to rlaa.
T'-" lmon and rrange tdranc. t
" Trader tager peeking hop contract.
Cbeee drop: creamery batter flrnu
. No oatsld call for potato. 1
- ' California harry appl1e decreaa. " '
Itreaaad meata rule with mora fayor.
Oraln aag hare hrpeet ria.
Wool T)we farther, apart than arer.
- h Bag gala ta atreagth.
Poultry tone aomawhat weaker.
Trade I Xart y
Wblla It cannot ba aald that baalnaaa eondl
tlonf were dull during the taat week, .tha gen
eral trend of the rarloa markeu waa eooaM
arably -alower than the prarloaa week. I I
meaaura thl waa due to the nnaettled weather,
tha rain acting aa a damper upon baying op
eration, ev pec tally la produce. Trade with
Xallfornla polnto enntlnnea qutta heary. al
gg-a,!, tun. hn.KM. th.l cm. Ihft
reral waaka la being taken car at by
reek Largeat Is Blatory,
Tba break In the aucar market 1 tb largeat
in blatory of tha. incal...tcada Oa-Taaredey
. tha traoa waa atartled by tba anaonncament ay
tha weetero- Boiar Bednlng company of a da
1 cllna of Tfte la tba price. - A few mlnntea later
tfc eama cot wea made by tha California and
Hawaiian company. Tba etroetton In tha qgar
market la aery badly mined at tba momaat and
tha trade la not baying any mora anger than
wiu carry it ever for a few day. Tba- aa.
-f aooncemaat made today by tha California and
Hawatlaa rennery that "It had rat tba differ
'. entlal betwen W. A O. beet anger and tha cano
, prod act from Sue to 10c created farthar talk
in tha marketer Walla en the anrfac tha laat
. annooneamant look Ilk aa adranca In tba mar
: ket, there ara atodca that the Bawallaa com
' peny la really eelilng tba cane product at tha
pnea named for beet. It thai la tba caaa tt
t urn aieiael I
u aullaii I0i pi i
hundred noonda. BapraaeatatlToa ef tba rano
" arlaa any that tba decline waa mad la order to
ad)nat tha price to ootaM eoadlttooa, bat If
rrthl fcf no tt Is the aerereet ad)astment that ba
arar bee made and one that will not likely
do any good to tha market. While It la true
that local eager prlcea hare beam tar beyond
" tha figure that ahoald bar been quoted, tb
.' aharp decline quoted fn the market thU week
-waa ancalled for at tha time. - The corning af
the-fralt eeaeon alwaya caoae tha ragar mar
ket to take onward atrldee on. icoount of the
greet Ineraaa m demaao. ,
. Iharn Adraaoa la. Trait iara..
' Just contrary to tha action af tha angar mar
. ket waa the aertooa adranca made the latter
nart of tha week In the price of rrnit jar.
Local jobber were aotlfled by afaeoa jar maa
. afartarer of a aplrtted adranca af from fl ta
II. TS per groa. tba ant Bgnr Ming tot in
nlnta and anarta and tb latter for half-gal-
loo. Reaeoa for tha rlaa la gtren by menn
fartorera that they ware lodng money oa tha;
: opening prtcea and m order to atay la balneaa
they war compelled to adranca raloaa a they
did. Ia any event yoa re caagnt it yo aioa t
bay be for tha rlaa.
Belmaa faakarg Batii&ed Wk Prioe.
Oolnmbta rirer aalmon packer axpreaa tbenv
aclree aa aatlafled with tha prlcaa made at tb
opening af tha aeaaoa. While tha Paget "aaad
nrlce ara h la her thaa thoae rating oa the Co
lumbia rlrer and' while the latter are noted"
4 for beat quality, packer aay they would mnch
. rather aell their product at a alight redactloe
. thaa keep It for a year or aa and pay storage,
Ina ranee. Interest aad other charge which en
easily pile aa- Thee, they ear, there la no Indi
cation that the market la going to iia later In
tha season. Tha fact that Alaska nah wss a
cheap early laat eeaeon canned many easterner
ta 1111 np with eappllee and tha reealt t that
rr although alwh of thta grade ar pTsetlcaHy
out ef Bret hanoa ua- large no ere lav tha aaat
are ertntocked
1 Prospects for tha catch la tha Column! ara
ahowlng eome alight Improvement, although there
were but few 1Mb caught tb current wen.
Tb higher water t attributed ae th principal
, rsns fur the sinsller isii'B. racker say they
-expect a decided Improramant after th watara
bar u balded.
Tread af Wkeat afarket I Vf.
Tha trend of the wheat market kl again np.
'Ptocka are fast dwindling down to tha bottom
aad demand 1 Becoming mora pronounced aa tha
prorraaaaa, timing th wash there
a decided improrement In the nrlce of wheat
throngbont tba world. Crop report from
abroad were not ap to expectations and tba
i reporte ef east, In the great belt ef the middle
west hare caused trader to become Tory eare-
-ful In their aelertloB af tha abort atdar Prices
In thhr wrahW-le! higher- thta; -
- week age," .' -
The tour market la atm rather quiet, hut
there are Indication of aa early resumption
of demand from tha orient. Poring the week
quite a number of Inoalrle were received from
Japan, Bat aa yet boyera there are. set willing
to pay the price aaked and local seller a a
ml will not let ge ander the preeant market.
The view ef buyer and eeller ar coming
rloeer together. The recant advaneee In tha
wheat market ar canalng millet to talk of
edvaarlng quotation. Thl letter la very likely
la local brand, bo aay the aalam.
. Canned Ooada Oeattaaa Advaao.
: The canned good market la gaining- In Arm
nee, enippiie ha most line a re getting low
and some dealer are already quoting advance.
peaa ara affected aa account of tba abort pack
and future parage received a good boost la
th shape of a SAo rlaa today.
: The bean merhet la very firm, with mller
stork a. pVim auppue received from Mlchlranl
ved nnaattaraetory to tha local trad and It
not llkalr that fnrthfr purchase will p
lie there- hT thl city.
.Dried trult ar followihg closely JtxrMr foot-
afep of canned roods and additional rises are
ahowa In several line during the paat week.
Dealer Seeking Hop Contrast. ....
: Hnfavorahl weather condition m Kurop and
lh t for th hop crop canaed a greater de
mand for contracts oa th coming crop daring
r-- the paat week. The ,trde I going a hoot this
- .ry anletly en a not to alarm producers. Prtcea
offered are considered toe- low and little- beet.
rea resulted. Among the trade there waa con
siderable specula t ion aa to tha probable course
rf th market at the opening the coming eeaso.
: Mnch depende nnon crop condition, hot If there
, to fort hoe damage In New York and England
tha low price ao freely poke ef by bear an.
: era tore .for tha coming crop wU be nearly
IT OuUld Call for Petatoo.
For pn'atoea there wa practically an arMe
rail In thla nwrkt during th week. Offering
v by producer r very hey, but bnyera ara
hard to and. Report from th eoulh ay that
stork there are quite beavy.( Trade here w
' Onhwa ruled very dull during tha week. A
car came In from Tia In qnlte good ehap
during the- week and found a fair demand at
a pound. Home alight Increase la anted la
appllea af aew Callfornlaa. y
Cheeee Sropai Creamery Sat tar Firm.
' While th cheea market we not ahimplng
during the week, tha tana waa enmlderahly
firmer and price at the close are about la lower
thaa tb prerlou la fay. Eecelpta are lav
quality I hurting
Oondltloa of 'trade fat creamery tetter how
Improvement. Baealpt liberal, bat ther
n earplea ul Um praMDt price mnii satis
factory for a, in aay more.
. Kgge firmed up considerably Owing the wek
win t tb miIIh supplies. . The price ad-
vancaa asoor H rent.
A WHkn feeling U noted hi poultry. Re
eelpta during the week were ellgbtly increased
aad prlcee dragged s trill. Ma changes were
shown la toe price, eat deeiers anticipate
drop tha coming week. H price ehlckeue aad
dock ar coining aura irmly. Tba larger alaaa
ox in cornier ara in pener aemana.
- Waal Ylaws farther Apart.
vlw f wool man ara farther apart than
vr ana in eoneequenee mere waa practical
aa eaalo in tola Una during tba week. Grow
re ara awaiting aalea dare tha flrat ef which
will eccur at Peodletoa Tuesday before letting
go. They generally believe that dealer ara
banded tngatber to sold prlcaa dowa. ' Tha fob
owing are lata .view of tba market glren by
"Buying la tha west la Bractleaccr at a stand
atlll. tht-l,--oxoopt. la laolated case where
tB 'grower la Trilling to accept a iesaim.H4
ftgur. A leading Boa tba nan. In an Interview
wile tea ailliii nasally mMi 'We will
TiqiCUIOUB prlCQS HM, and W Will
i -.iii'ty-t- -i -- " - - i f , ,
I wan uutu i nrj era jowerea Decor taxing aa
wooL' What II ther ara not lowered 'Wa
will let them keep their wool. We ara-ant
fool, and eonsenuentlr do not Intend to take
bold of a thing, that wa know will be aura oa
ta Be. I The .prlcee that we ara wllllna to nar
tb grower ara ana allowing ettbetantlal profit
ro nm, dui wa nave ear limit, xne cup nought
late laat aeaaoa -ehowod -aa- proflla to -dealer,
and bow can w pay higher price thl rear
Tha abor atateinent represent tha view of tli
eatir trap, ana nniaoe a radical, chance
eemnmeni among ina merchant appeara. or
unieea me .nepmn modify their demand.
inah (bouah wool will Tie allowed to acS
eamalata at the wee tarn potnta, or ha ahlpprd
bar on eonalgnment. Howerer. when heorlu
4 going oa generally," and the flcoceo ara piling
niv. price onerea oy. prospective-nuysr amy
lank more attractive to tb grower."
The trade pay the following price ta Front
ltrct. . Price nald produrere a re lee regular
CAmmlealona: "" ' -v- m .i. l..-....-.
commie ton:
Grain, Flaur aad Teed.
WHEAT Club. TSc; red Buaatia. Toe; bhu.
Iltio, lac; vaiiey, iw,
BABLET Peed. 1 24. 00; rolled, S38.00a3a.00
hrwwlne. tM 00. .
CORN Whole, (M.hO; cracked, $28.60 par
RYE 11 BO ear CWt.
OATS Prodncer' price Xo. 1 white. SSO.OO
flHOOt); gray. g2.AO821.00. . -
PLOCn New saltern Orernn natsats. M an A
S.PS; tralht. 3.0i88.6V): export,;
Btmtimnt, tm saw.- waHWHSIj
AT5: rye. 80. .00; bsle. 2.T8.
MiLlStItKS Bran. 817.60 per toat mld-
nimga, imi.w, enorrs, country , fan.ooj city,
iWiiwi enepi siw wtsi
T Piuitutill1 III II I 1IUIIMIII. WimBUll
valley, fancy. 810.O0iH12.00: ordinary. 17.00a
,0H easts-. Oregon. le-Ooaifi,On; mixed.
.8O.004-clover jAa.Q0IL0U; g"'", a "fj
.w, caeaii.
' areTtterTgga ani Poultry
BUTTER FAT T. a. b. fort land Sweat
cream. lSH; aour, lHe. ,
BUTTE a dtr creamery, SOe; aatalde fancy.
wr; nraieary, iiac score, laae. -EOOaK-Na,
; 1 freak-, Oregon. ; candled. Jt 't
CHEESE New full craamr flat,: llflUVic
xoueg aaenra, isjiyc uuiorjua Bate,
POrrLTHT atlved rhlckena 11tlU w Ik
faacy heaa, MHainc lb: reoetere, eid. laaiHe
per - io ecage, ia per id; rrya, 20c
broiler. Sbo ner lb: old duck. ITc nor lb:
sorica ducks. 1800 per lb; gaeas. loailc
per lb; turkey. lDc per lb; dreeaed,. 22i823
pernio; "J"". a-P0Jk.0w per ooa; pigeoae,
Xopa, Wool aad Ride. -
HUP9-ur3hntreli." 1 WJ "CrtJ il r"1 Oge 1U a !"
w im vrvaon, liu 1 or.
WOOL KM Clio Vallev - enaree to aaedlnia
aori nne, aor: eastern urtgon. . aufju.
MOHAIR New. auc.
HEEPRKIN'B Shearla. 1BV each: abort
wool, tftaeOc; medium wool, aOSTae each;
long wool. 76cesi.O0 each.
lilMW- Prime, per U. IK Sac: Ne. I gad
in in 1 at bibs-auaie per lb.
RIDBB Dev. No 1 Ta the i4 an HUfl
17 U. A U. K Arm fe ST. 1 K IK W. 1 . .
urj can. o. k. anor a in, lac: aitea nioe.
a'eers, eonnd. 00 lb and ever, lOatllc;' cows,
etkajsMc; tga aad bulls, sound, oare; kip,
18 to 80 lbs, c; calf, aound. ander IB lba, 11c;
green, hnaalted. le leaa: culla. 1c ner lh leaei
KHTseniuee, eaireo, eecn, i.wni.7o; ary, eca,
fl.00Ol.80; colt hide. 26fc5oc; goat skins,
com moa, ' each. 10a loo; Angora, each, SocO
r a-raita aad Tegetablo.
POTATOBB Seat anrtaA. Bne nee aukl m.
ducer' prtce for car lot. BOc per cwt; ordi
nary. TBejiKK,; prodursra' price, 60c; new
- OMONg Jobbing price Ore (roc. No. 1, film;
prodncer' price. No. 1. 82.28: No. S. 82.00:
Texaa, 4 per lb; new California, 8c; garlic.
owe per lb; onion acta, Te. '
rBESH rBUITB Annies. HUMItmi
oranaee, inncy navel, ) 7oci.oo; aeeaiing.
A73; Hedlterraaaaa. 88.16: baaaaaa, 8c per
iu. irmona, CBOIC. .(lJ4.0O per Dux: rac)'.
Bit rmK QK w. k. . 1, 1 n.
A. w. n. m. , um, BHITH. 1 1.
l"?:taogerlne. a. plneapplea. I lorldlu-84.00:
naweiiBn, ao.ov: lire son irrt woerrjea. luio;
1214c per box; California. 81.00uri.o0 dot erete:
gooBroernee, enioc per lb; cberrlea, gi.ooai.2T.
r-. r. i a oi.rv lurnin. new. too ner aara :
carroU, 0t7oc per neck; beeta, nociOjgl.OO per
bbcb , vregon rauisnea, auc per oos; canoag.
allfnmla, 82.00 per cwt; bell pepper. lnX2nc
Mealcaa toinatee. 82.2Bai2.fid: Florida. 83.7:
psreuipe, vucoii.uu; tnng bean, loainc
cauliflower, 81 per doe; California peaa, 8i36e
per lb; Oregon. '8c per lb; hereeradlab.
02 Te par. lb: artichoke. 78e per doa: hothouaa
imaeei fi.anwi.ta par box l erauberiuo.
Jereey,-14 00 per nbl; Coo hay and Tllla-
(10.001 eepaiaaua. California. Te
per lb; Oregon. nOejone per doa bunch ear Walla
Walla. 81.26 par boa; equaab, US eplnnch.
Too-per boa; green onJora.Oraa,.- 12ac
per ao nuncaes; uregoa cacamaera, pi.Kisj
e'F per oos,
DRIED rRCITW Annlea. - eve nor a rant. tXel
"18c- per lb; apricot. 18aiBe per lb; peaches.
wiajiswc per id; aacaa, H per IB lee; prunes.
80 to 0. THc; He drop e each lxtnth
amaller alee: flga. California black, 6aTe lb;
CeUfomla white.- B- pes--lb; (.i, rrlflll. tc
per lb; tarda. $1.88 par 16-lb box.
Ororla, Nuts, Etc,
TtJ Itsr-inrstaCtibe.- an. JO. immUraiT:
88.16f fruit granulated, 86.00; dry granulated,
tVOft; conf. A. 86.0S: beet aranalatad. w astern.
84.88; Hawaiian, 84.8"; extra C, 64.66; golden
M.48: D yellow. 84.66; bbla. loci . U bbla.
26c; boxee, 60c advance on sack baala, lee 2IK
per cwt for cash. 16 dare; mania. 146x16
per lb. "
Alvertoippl66a1efa than
car loU. Car lota at special price eubjaet ta
Surtuatloee. ..
honey per crate.
COPTEB Package nraad. t14.m. ... . -
ALT coarse Half ground, 100, 87.00 per
a; table, dairy. 80. 611.00; 100. 610.T6: Im
ported Liverpool, bob. 817.00: 1000. 811160:
224. 816.00; extra tn, bbla. 2a, 8a, 10a. 84JMia
B.6o: bulk. 820 lb. 84.0Ora8.fXi: sack a. 60s.
SOeTMe; Liverpool lump rock, 618.60 per tea;
60-lb rock, 8T.0O; loos, s.Tr.
GRAIN BAOB CslcuttS, pvaioe.
RICK Imperial Japan. No. 1. 8c! No.' 8.
8J6Hc; New Or lean head. Te; AJax, 8c;
Creole, one.
BBANS Small whit. ' 84.80: laree white.
84.00; pink. 83.00; bayoa, 8&.00; Uaua, 8.oo;
aiexicen reoa, Te.
NIT-Peannta. Jumbo. c per lb; Tlrgtnl.
per lb; roaateg, ettoH per lb;
Boejsue per aoa. wamuta. laQia
per lb; ptnennta, 10Q12c,c per lb: hickory nut,
0e ner lb; cbeetnut, eastern, IflQlnc per lb;
Mraall auta, 14c per lb: Slbart. 14Q16 per
lb: fancy pecan, 16Val6Hc; almoaua, 14HO
iH- . . . ...
rami, veai una, axe.
BOPB Pare ManlU, 144c; ataodard. 1IV4:
lal. lie. ...
-COAL OIL Peart Aatrsl -Cea,-lVkt par
gal; water white, crop .bbla',. 14c per gal:
wooden, IT per gall headlight, 170-degc caeea,
'Agoi-ld-dcg. case 14Ue per gaL Irea
bbla, lc per gal.
BENZINE 68-def. eaeea 26 per gal, tree
bbla 18V4C per gal .... .
TURPENTINE la cam 8a par gal; wood
bbt 08c pr gaL
- WHIT1 LRAB Tea lot.- pep - 600-lh
lot, he per lh; lea lota. Slat per lb.
WIRE NAIL Present bail at. 82.68.
IiINNEFll OIL Pure raw, la 6-bbl lota. Rdc:
bhl lot, 63c; raae. Me per gal; genuine ket tie-
hot led. case, 80c per gal; 6-bbl lota. 64e: 1-bhl
let 86e per gal; groa a 4 cake, eer lota. 820.0)
oa; leaa man car lota, xao.oo per tea.
It eats, risk and Provliloa. . .
PRERB MEATB rrnnt street Beef steer.
44)6 per lb; cows, 8i4e per lb; bog, tsaer,
8e; erdlnsry, tatt; poor. T07H per lb;
boll. SarHc per lb; veal, extra. Te per lb;
ordinary. Ac per lb: poor, 6o per lb; mnttoa,
fancy, 6QaVaC per lh: lamb, be. -
HAM", BACON. ETC Portland pack (loralt
ha ma, 10 to 14 lba. 14 per lh; 14 to 18 lba.
1414 per lb;, breakfast aeeoa. 16e820e per
lb; Blcalc, loc,c per lb; cottage, 1c, per lb;
regular ahort clear, aaamoked. 10, per lb;
mnked. 1144 per Ibt clear becka, nnamoked,
10U per lh; amoked. 11 He per lh; CaM butts,
10 to 18 Ibe; anemnked, 6c per lb: amoked, 8
per lb: clear he 1 1 lea, anemoked, lie per lb;
amoked, 12c per lb: ehoeldera, 10H per la.
LOCAL LA8D hfettle leef, 10. 18c per
lb 8a, 1H Per lb; 60-lb tine, 12V, per lb;
atoam raadered, 10. Ian per lb; aa, UVk
creaatag very (ut, sad
the orle.
. ssakw. - -e?S- nana,, .a, Bjaaigh V L VI
Urriatllla County Growers Share
Suspicion That Underhand
Work Is Done. -
Prices Now Offered Are Lower Than
Earlier lh the Season and Producers
Say Buyers All Over Country Are
Acting: in Unison This Season.
Special Diapstrh te The Joaroelt
PrBolrtoaOr- kUy 10. Umatilla county
woolgrowera ara sharing the euepldoa which I
gcaeral In eaetarn Oreron , and other wool.
growing aectioua, that a comblnatJoa haa bean
xormea ny too wowuuyin; srsaa vi cos ma.
try, for tha purpose of keeping dowa prlcaa
during the remainder, af thl aeaaoa. Ia . view
Of the fact that the flrat wool-sale date will
occur at thl place Tuesday, snd thst virtually
th entire Up ef th county will b pleoeo
oa aal that day, th matter oaa ef local
irtsnc and hs pee th lahlert of mark
uei uIbuuii.
Th bails for ta Belter that bbcb a combina
tion ' exist I that in various section of th
country h prices now offered are lower thaa
tboee tendered earlier la the eeaeon. Alao.
there la evidence that In certain loralltlea. it
least, the bujara ara acting In anlaoa agalnat
tb grower. At- Biwlln, Vyomingnt waa
found -that a wool trust existed, aad atapa
were taken to counteract Ita Influence,
There ara Instance In eaetera Oregoa where
Suyar now offer lee than wa given a year
ago, aad seia lsss tha th going prlee of.
fared earlier thl
Ther mar be other reaeono for low price
ihahrkiiattorTMbmnoMrirror-wBioh u
being laveatlgated In th dlftereat aecttoaa.
Over pound or wool t bow atored
the Pnrnlaa warabooae la thl city and
la arriving dally. Owing te the Immense
amount of wool which I coming In tor le
data, which baa been eat fo May 22, It la al-mot-lmpo1bl
to get ft all tn tb sir ware-
Chic o.' Mar 18. Cattle Recelot. 400:
Bfearf. heevM 84 10.9 eo HwIhi ... ful.
ere. ia.pnaS.Oo; cow and heifer. 81.7646 5.
ho neceipi xooey j i ,imi: atonnay. aa,qui.
rah: mixed aad butcher. M.80x.66i rood
to choice heavy, IA.ita.M; roueh heavy, tn .20
an so; light, a.wiB.a.; put or sale, fn.o'(2
Flieep neceiprs may; eneep.
28; yrUng,. 86.80186. 40; lambs, 16.604
t it Xansa Oltjr.
Wmftmmm rife. Mft.. Mav IB Tttl. atna
1.000: market ateady: native steers. 4.2.14tll.!0:
Blocker, end feeder, 63414.60: western caws,
62.60ift4.60; wee tern eteera. 88.7606.88.
Hoga Receipt. 4.000: market. wek to a
shad lower; bulk of sale. 8O.3ecM.86; heavy.
g4.86gf6.40: packera, 6.8016iMi plga . and
light. 86.40I.nO. T T
nheep rteceipis, i.tiuv, mir, eTeauri mw
na. 64.601(6.23: Umbe, l7.70; raoxe weth-
era, $y.246.50; fed ewee. 84.76(38.
- 1 ,
At Omaha. '
Omaha. Web..' May 1". Cattle Receipt 800:
market unchanged.. .. - .
flnaa Receipts. 7.600; aurket, shade lower;
heavy, 68 2VI'i.484 ;. mixed, 8 8244648:
light, 8d.30ad 40; balk of aalea. 6.a2i,d.aTV
Hheep Receipt 8.800; market Arm: year-ring.-
6.nfHtt.6: wether, 86.804)6; ewee, A4.I6
axo.OO; lamps, eJMi. 1 ,
w . l tl.ei IS TaT.1 U laaii a saamS.
tnrf and wmmfh. BtHlftini, 22Q2ci ate
I.. A.M1M.MM IA. IU.
CANNED 8ALalOr--betuaU river, 1-lh taks,
II. ao; rib tall, 82 78; fancy, l ib flat. 61 On;
U lh fancy Sata. l.l! fancy l ib oval. 12 75:
Alaska tafia, pink, SOtlOOc; red, fl.60; aomlaal
2a. tall. 1200. ...
nun Hock ead. ft per lb; Snendar. Be per
lh; halibut. 6c per lb; crab. 8160 per do;
striped bee. t2H per lb: catOsh, 7 per lh;
salmon. Columbia river chlnook, ae.per lb;
eteelbeads. 7e per lb; hetrlag. 8e per lh; eoire.
6s per lh: hrlmp. 10c per lb; parch, 6e
Ik nlab ea f. nee lb: torn cod. 7c
liver melt. 7e per lb; lobsters. 16 per lb;
frssh mackerel. r per lb; craWSah, 36 per
do; ahad. 8c per lb: atorgeea, lOeper lh.
4TT a Hooaiwata Bey, per gai, a w;
ner sack. 88.76.
CLAM Hardahell. per
alaava, $2.00 per bss. ' ,
... v - "
as, 100, taaar
May Acts Quedr In Chicago and
Loses an Eighth Cant During
- -trptha Day's Trading.
July and September Each Gain Half
Cent Market NowToUovrintfVery
Closely After Weather Reports and
Crop Damage. ' - '
Oilcsm. Vsv It It 1 deddedlr 1 we ther
situs t km for tb whole grata list, but epectally
for wheat. The mutterlnge about dry weather
and crop damage which have come from many
were empbaalaed today by tha discoverthe t
the man for the greater part waa dear, hot
and dry. The market for next week 1 eertsla
to be regulated by tb absence ar presence of
a good rainfall. ...
Aa whaat. th general" volnm of -trad -to
corn waa greatly enlarged for th day. Any
Increased "movement of conr rannot now be
nerienced be for. next week, and tba dry weath
er- amall Blocks and light receipt may possibly
mult in further game.
In today s trading tn action or may wueax
peculiar, that option being the only a
low any"decidd weakness ndVloa
the close of the cession. cam ud down and thl was felt
Bere "In thr earty-fld.' WeaThsf-euiiilHliiii
rule th mrkt iatr. na in Juiy ana btb-
tember good mcreae in trade wa saown
here. At fbe rlnelng today Mar waai He err
hlle July and September wr tt aurnoe.
Official quotation:
" .61
' .80
.48 H
.48 -
.47 J
.Mac ARB. . ,3
M .84 : .82'
18.60 16.60 . 16.80 16.80
16.60 18.60 18.68 16.67
-few Tork. May 16. -Bolton fnturea cloeed
quhrt aad eteady. ll prices:
' leln ' nta.
January ........ lO On Angu.t 10 1
i'ebruary lo.oiinepiemisn- .......
March 10.731 iictooer ., iu.w
May 11. 44: November . , 10. M
Jnn ........... 1 lecenioer ....... iu.u
July "-"I . ;
Bin yavmi-i' eotiv
aiHeton. Or- Mar 10 A. C. frledly yee-
tardar aolil hu big ranch In Juniper canr.m
toR. H. Haydea of Idaho for 616.000. this
farm rootlet of t,6nr arre of wheat and 1,100
acre of atimmer fellow. Harden will take
poeeeaaloa at oar tad will eoodeet th farm
blmeeif. -
X Since tha laat. report conlder- X
able prog-re haa been made by 4)
4 the wheat crop of the Pactflo d
4 northweet. Rain hare been en- d
4 era throughout tha wheat belt a
4 and have been a wonderful aid
d In " etralarhtenlng up dropping e
e atalka. Weather conditions have. d
e been Ideal for tha crop tha paat
week. Durior tha dry spell tha
4 fall araln atood Its around, tha d)
spring araln being th only ona
4 that lacked, sufficient moUture. e
... f '
1 CTSe CToai ' CloM O
. st rr) 1P06. " Hat.-
July... J . .821? .87 H .OOtZ
September.... JtO'A .60H M ' : ,O0V
May. I .8S
July 62V
Sept .80
May.U. .48H
Jnly 47 ft
Slow Trade in Local Stockyards
During the Week Changes,
in Price Few.
it t
Packers Still Filled Up With Eastern
Stock Buying Is Curtailed oa Ac-
count of, Tranaferring of Union
Meat Company to Swif t.-i-r-.J
' Br Hvmaa H. Cohen.- . -
f Portland tlnlnn 8tockrarei hlavl. .- B.
sj. Livestock receipt: :
1 Hna. Cattle. Sheep.
Thta week.t: i.'.. ....... let f 7 8.068
Last week....... .HIS 1.383 . 8.11
Mooth -ago. . ; ... -t28 4t -1. 1 16
Veer . ago ..1H2 1.8J4 .'4.646
' Th week Just ended waa not hv an 7 mean
a lively ona In the llveatock market. Receipts
In no line were s great a th preceding week,
thl TlkelfT-to- 6 th renlt of lh heart-to-heart
talk given throngh Th 7oornal bj Secre.
tarv Plnmmer at week ago. In which he aald
that shipper should star ont of th market If
poaalble hecana of the belief that the various
lines would be coagaaud If an great number
Hog Itarket I Weakest.
- While there-waa so great change In tha
market values during the week hoge slid off
Sfte oa the vary 8rat dap of the- weehr-ewlng
to the lack of demand. Up to that ttni th
rrirla had been verr hevy nd packer were
taking full advntag of th iltuattoo bj hold
ing oa tn their mooer and leaving the market
a loo.. That this wa their poller " during the
wehh evidenced hf the amsir" purcbaae
msds'br them. Everrooe seemed to he Sited
Bp with hoga and with arrival of but 248
pot bold Its own. - The weaknees . tha early
part ef the week- Wa Ast to th eongeatlon
caused by the recent heavy arr1vale .of- eaat
aaerssr re tare enst very naeiy
had much
to do 'With the alowneae of the
market and tb wkn
of hog was that
en of tb 4edlng pack Lna houees of the coast
Is being transferred over to tb Swtrt.-- While
at th task of taking tork, operatione la all
llaea ars being curtailed. Tha final trsnsfsr af
the Union Meat eempany'a plant to the eaat era
pecking .firm I ached 11 led for the first of the
month. After, that there may be something
to the market.
- Oattla Coming from Moataaa.
Tata this afternoon abont 14 rer of cattle
were reeeived from Bed Bock. Montana. The
rattle msrkst waa rather alow thla week hut
the ton wa slightly Improved ever the pre
ceding lx dy. To fact that present ar
rtvala ar in quit good condition ha been a
wonderful help to the market. Half-finished
ted te begin te aeetes shestlp,
Then kmk out.
' Sheep and lambe Olaaa Up.
While arrlTala ef theep and lamba were not
as great a the preceding weak, aeane 8,068 bead
came in the yard during- th all day. Tha
clipping of (beep haa been under full head
war for two weeks new and th ahcep r
coming to market a fait tranaportatlon can
b secured for .. them. ... The week' market
showed a fairly good tone far both sheep snd
Iambs and last week's price were mslntslned
la their entirety. Aoordlng to Secretary Plum-
mar tb first few dare of th weak I th tlm
to get beet result out of ebp and Iamb.
Official llvctock price 1
Hogs Best eaatem OiwnB.- 87.00:. bkx-kerl
and China fata, fS.25; atockera and feed
era, 86.0or6.2S. '
rattle Beet -eastern Oregon ateers. 84.001(1
4.60; beat cow and heifers, 88.60; light and
medium steers. $.1 00i light cows, 12.60; tock
ers and feeder. 68.00; hulls, 62.60.
Bbeep Shesrlngs.8i844cl lambtzJVie6c, .
7 irrtvJg--tte-Weakv .-
fhrrtng th past week the following arrival
Wre shown In th yards:
Sinday fl. D. Burdtrk shipped la cows, sheep
'boss from Bhedds; La Miller of Mllhjre-btn-g
came" In with two carload of sheep;
Bogaa ak T arrow had In on ear of horses
going to Seattle. Washington.
Monday R. B. Dixon of Rosehurg had en
I rai uf cattle orr tb luiiket: Iauklu a, 11
Pomeroy. Washington, ehlpped In on carload
of h"gs; W. B. Simmons. Walter Payne. TA
C. Allen and rrasler McLeea aU had la
horse, which they ehlpped oat on the Northern
raelfie railway; Qeorge Brown came n from
rorvallla with two cars of sheep snd J. N. Mc
rsdden -ess la reuiu the. game place with two
1 carload. D. H. Looaer had in ommtlk
cow from Jefferson."" - - , .
Tuday B. J. Meeker of Alhanv came In
WITH one Tlontile-aeck of ttecny-s. Lr-mrertm
of Roivland came In with one car of- cattle:
J. C Sabln of Harrlaburg brought la two ear
of theep; Chart Batler acoempanled two car
of - eheep from- The lellee. eoaelgasd -ta L.
Coodarra at victoria. British Columbia; Daa
Saveg ef Wlllamln came In from Pherldae
with one carload of cattle; W. p. Holtman
"had-Ta-si'ine ! gAtng, to Seattle, end A. H.
Boye nr McMInnvlll came in WHirn -ct
ef hoga; R. A. Kord of the asm. city had la
on ear of abeep and hogs mixed: A. H.
chamber of OlympI, Washington, - w - In
the yard tmrlng hogs, sheep and cattl. which
ne snippen sot.
came In with' two car of cattle; B. O. Yoang
It Co. of Oakland.. Oregon, aent in two car
of eheep; Falrrhlld 6; Ms riot t of Tien oner bad
in on car of sheep snd rattl mixed: J. W.
Beddo came in from Dhanlko with two ears
of horse, which he is shipping to Los Angeles.
California: A li, Whaw aept la eoma horeca
from Corvallls, gnlng to J. . Broekwav st
Tacema. Waablngtoa: U B. Waat aent In three
care of (been and veal calve from Willow.
California, gnlng to the Crten Parking pom
piny at Tamme. Waahlngtnn: C. f. Vehra
of Lebanon brought In two car af sheep and
bog mixed.
Thursdsy o. B. French hid In a traneh of
horse from Cngetje. - They ar going to Ta
poma. Waeh. ' B. 1. Totmg A ra. of Oakland
had ta on car of horses for rrasler A Mr
ln. Rubin Norwood ram tn from Marrl
bnrg with on car ef cattle. S. L. Overtoa of
Hantsrmrg hronght la one car of cattle. V.
Miller of Roeetmrg hd two good cars of
ahp a rhe market. J. C. Iv1 of Hhedds
cam in with one car of sheep. J. L. Pact ley
shipped In from Drain two car of cattle. J.
K. felster of Gerval. cam In with one car
of rattle,, eheep and hog mixed.
Friday K. n. 8m1th bad In hnreea from Ia
Angelea, California, going tn et(t Weah-
maron. , Sllaa negan ef Bad Rock. Montana,
came la with 14 cere of rartl. which he 1
ehlprdne to Seattle, Webrntnn. M. B. HotcSi.
is csm m rrom Ken Boca Montane, with
two ear of cattl to he cold on thl market.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
T, Oranda, Or.. May It. KPTort ar
araln being made in Union county for a
divlnlon of the county 0 a to eetabllab.
a county eaat at Union. Patltiona have
been circulated In Union and .VJolnlty
to this effect, and tt la also petitioned
that Qeorge Molmea become a candidate
for tha legislature should thla divlalon
ba made. ,1
Two year. agoMha 'Iroanty' a at of
Union county wa tn the' town of Union,
where tt had been for years, but the
vote of tha county was In favor of La
Oranda, consequently La ; Grande has
since been the county seat Since this
time there harben a strong! right for
tha divlalon of the county ao that Union
might strain become a county seat, .
Blrms of atprtaf.
from th Hons ton Chronicle.
Spring I 6doohtediy here."
"Hv yoa beard tb nightingale at Bight I"
"e bat I re heard the grapaopa.''. ,
X What- rJo-you-thtTiBT-rjf -th 8-e
d tabllnhlng of a rraln xchrige
.in Iortland? Thla queatlon la d
d 'aaked of ata,ln buyera. of thla
4 atata. A number of local dealera d
d believe tha aatabllahina of an ex-
- change hero will mean conildara-
bla to this market In tha way of d
d new buslneaa and stable values
everyone knowing Juat what a'
d certain fads of wheat Js .worth J
d on a certain day. , Your opinion d
d .la solicited by- the commercial e
d editor of The Journal at once. d
, 1 "
Wholesalers of San .Francisco
Looking. forPlaceto. Settle
Strawberries Move Higher.
(Bpectai Dhipatch by laed Wire to'Th Journal)
San Fnanclaro, May 18 Tha. ateamer Han
Juan today took ut only 1.4W1 barrele of 6our
and moatly for Central America. I'onaideriug
ealetlng renditions th ainurt trade record for
May will he aa good aa could b expected. The
socel trad I of course much below tb normal.
Oral apecu let Ion will be resumed on the 'JSo,
on which date th Merchant Exchange will ia
open for bualneea. llay and millfeeu ar mov
log enly .la a comparatively small way,, but
trade In these products will pick up before lonil.
Butter, cheea and egg remained at th pre
ceding dajT'e quotations and trading waa light.
No aalea were made on 'chance. Dealer ar
Juat now giving much attention to tha queatliui
of future mention.. Ia th coming week prob
ably omthlng definite will be made, as aer.
arsl proposition bar been under conalderatlen.
J Strawherrle Moving Better.
1 The fralt market howed llttl more ni-
matlon toward tb'clo of th -week. Toaef
t ra wherries meead 8T wetT'st dvweed peleee
Tims nm auiue fiuiu mini. auii'U tuiu n
tl to 61.23 pr erat. Ch err lea were doing
fairly wall la price, considering the free np-
Iess grap rrult. 0 Orl'i Bold a I f2.60 per-hor.
Ilawallaa bananas ware Quite plentiful, but
moatly green, and1 were alow eale at weak
prices. There I no way. aa- th fruit wharf
to Tlpen the artificially.
Apple Getting Scare,
App4 are getting scarcer. Soma aoft-nUd
walouta were offering t 16s to 17e per pouad.
also ford e -ohea dense, t ha tatter were
In too limited quaatltr ta quote. .There waa
nothing particular In- the vegetable line, price
fenerally running about the earn as on FTldsy.
a ner asparagua enld rather high. Can ner
picked np anoi held etnrk of green pen low
le per pound, fancy atrlng lieana from the
river auld In, a email way little abora the
outside quoted price. Rhubarb wa - ecarcer.
There waa very little demand for poultry, an 1
not much offering. Prlcee were largely nominal."
- (Special Plspatrh to Th Journal.)
Weaton. " Or., May 18. Twenty carloads T
timothy hay have been shipped out from this
section recently by IXve lavender, who la buy
ing tb hay for export to th Philippine. Four
horee teame bv been engaged In hauling the
hay down -from the. mountalne for- eome dey.
Moat of It Is being brought down from the
Blue mountains. . "
tiverpool. May IB. Official cloee;
Wheat July, Oa. Ttid, kd lower.
Com July, unchanged. - '
' (Special Dispatch lo Tb Joornsl.) '
Xg Orsnd; Or., My-1.A-heevy beet bar
veet le expected In I Orsnd thla eesson, aa
lie acres re of beeta la far larger In the
Orand Bond valley than ha ever been In the
lilsturv of 1. tirsnd enger factory. It I esu
ma redrh t t. !IT-bttv are plained 111 bee's
In th vicinity of li liramle by Individuate and
by the company. 1.111 In the vlrlulty of In Ion.
40T at Allcel and 3S0 acre at Cove, making a
total of 4.613 In tha valley thla year.
vrvr toxx bavk statemekt.
Bank ftatemcnt:
Amount. Increae..
Loana -rr.rmvxr.$1.00.TXI.100 $ 16.071,000
llepoalU , . , . , . . IHMIB3 mill 12.27H..VH
Keaerv. ........
Reserve, leaa C.
- ai.8P6.wiB
. 16.Hfll.ai6
1. 80S.
bam S-wl
Hew Tork. My 10. Monetary -rite: Prim
mercantile neaer. 6i)nu ner cent: sterllre ei
chsn. easrat ka-MW for demand, and at
14.82 for OOidaya. Poetal rate. 84 Kl and
84.MV.. Commercial bill, ll..! Its.M.
' MeUl ktarkat TJnc hanged.
New Tork. May 18. Copper nd toad mar
ket quiet and anebanged.
. - .
lew Tork Silver afarket. -fw
Tork. May 19. Baf gllver, eTKcxMei!
lean dollar. 63Wc 7"
- (Special Dwpatch to Th Journal.)
- TllUmnnk. Or., May 18. Th temer-Bl-more
took out 1.000 cases ebeeee, the seek teat
portion going to th Sound. Twe (mail lota
went to California. J. B. Aren hae man
her buying for the Sound. The prospects for
th next two weak ar that eonaiderahl of
th output from here will be ehlpped away
from th etat. .
(ajpeeml SleeateB- ta Tba Joarast..
Tha Dalles. Ore.. May 18 Brigadier
General Finger and I.lcufonaJit-Colonel
Poorman have been for the. paat. two
days Inspecting; rifle practice of com
pany D, O. N. O.. and Thursday night.
after- congratulating . tha . officers and
members upon their efficiency,, awarded
aharpehooter - medal e te-Captain O. K.
a a ,.e . ji n
evJr OlfJIII II V T . I.". I y
Bgrspstif W." A'. Mmire. Cuiuuial Blur
man. BUllwall. Private (K. K.Hobinaan
and marksmen medala to Corporal Jamri
Huntington.- - Sergeant R.v !.- Maxon.
Pr.lvate John Stanrk, John Oudaa, John
Pott, Ed- Bmlth and John Schercr.
' (ftpeetel Dispatch te The Jon real)
Enterprise, Or.. May 16. Th annual
convention of th Knights of Pythias
for th eleventh district, comprising the
counties of Union and Wallowa, will be
held at Enterprise during the week be
ginning Monday, July 21. It Is the pur
pose te make thin, convention a eumrner
outing, arid to thla end a program cov
ering the entire week la being arranged.
Th -corner stone of the pew 1 1 8.000
fraternal building at thla place will be
laid at thla time. As Wallowa county
ia nuch an ideal place for a aummer
outing a large crowd la expectt
Chance Now Thati. Delayed
Spring Advance in Stock A
. Market May Come to Pass.
Vsjiderbilt Said to Be NetotUting
for Chssapasks A
gamated Stock Likely to Be ' Ex
changed for Ajutcondav
BalUmnr ;.. tW.Bwklya w. U ?
Canadian Jt. Chea.peak ....... g
Colo. Fre-ll ....... Wl-oularill C
rocoroottV. 1. . . Ui )j L. S. Steel . Vb '
Fed. Suwlt. pfd.. i,j do preferred
- - ' : - m:t-i.oxsva , t
Atchloaj.r..:' itmeiter tt
Erie 4,Mlaeieri Padfie... U
N. :V. Central....
Centra! Leather.,
Befdlug .........
Vi Ont. A Western...
.: Southern Pacific... Va '
(Special Dtapatch by Ld Wlr t The Joaraal) .
Wall Htreet, New York, llay 18 There le a
thane that tb Ion delayed aprlng advanc
In prlcee may yet com to pas. The mtla- -tlon
st Washington Is disturbing trust ta a I
considerable degree, but the situation has it
bullish featuree, a wall aa Ita discouraging ones.
The atrlrtly Wall tret point of vlw I that
th legislation forcing railroad ' to aever all -connection
with producing companies Is going ,
to result In more money for tha capitalists In
teres ted In relireed. hut In herder time fog
th peopl la amall romomnitlee who ar de -Ientunot
therllrod for Impossible for railroad eompaaie to
promote local enterprise aa they have dona ta
fldn"ln lhe""Tuiure "U
a multitude or tork
compnlc Thla will furnish mora busreee for
tn Broker snd banker ud th neonle) wIlL
e-cnurc. luia-tg pay t':tnuiil:,'";;
- Kadmg StlU A4 vanning.
Another pecnllar result of th glttloa M
reflected In th dvartne nrlcea af Reedlse
took.- which keep pace wltk tb decline a
rennayrrania leeuea. financial aathorltlea aay
the reealt of th new leglalatloa will ba te
concentrate manufactories in the eaal ragtsa.
Thla will furnish a hsadr market f mb.
a Uryer frslirht rweetme er the ralltoada
enjoying thla business because the rata oa man
ufactured product . ar hi her . than oa . low
grad freights- Th Reading haa a bonaaza In '
thla reapect. ant aa local bualneea develop
iHMlaeee la ether center will decline If theory
provee correct. . . "
Belief tnT thltrhenr 1 On. nf -ih.
fnr th eontlnuoua liquidation ef Pennsylvania '
stock. The mare of aew eecnrltlee tutu w
IV... A. .. . . '
All thla Bhltlnt of buslne centae. ariti
mooey from Rump snd furnteb cheAp call kM .
for tb early summer. The Ineldere are pre
paring to take advantage of the presence ef
thhvwjonay to force ah upward movement.
' nnmner or nar of atoca eold today
wrli 8lnn 011,808 the aam Say leat"
JLh?Jtot1 " vara of bond sold today wa
WTT.OOO, .g.tnat l,T8T.00O tb earn, a Zt
Amalgamated liven Day.
A dar of dnlliue 1. k - -
left price wlihoni m.lZ,:.LlZln
eniiveiwd by additional deuila sf the proposed
liZ., . '""'a tock for Anacioda:
The original annonncament made oa thl peg .
" i-". n.meijr. rnar .IB XChng
n to be shir for ahare: Thla L- u... .
of the 825 par value ahare of Anaconda to te
be turned Into a 6100 ner Min. a 1
'"mated. At the present price of Amalgamated -
... 10 is mean a price or 440 for Anaconda.
" - - n4ri!t Want 'Or tT 0- T '
Accordlna to s renm t n a...
the Vandcrbllt Intereets ara negotiating with '
Pennsylvania latereera for empd .u. n..-.
apeake ft Ohio railroad.
-There was lltlje.eatare abroad. London anil -Part
were firm and Berlin dull. mma.
wer eesy at Loodna. although thay advenced
at Parts. Americans at Londna 1 wer. a.
Keadln wee the ..1, u
-R-aarly-rramonT gain-it cloeed with a amall"
mss.- nion i-scme moved within narrow Hmllj -and
closed with a slight decline. Copper waa
particularly qnlet and closed unchanged, while
Anaconda regained all of Ita ar1y lue & ever -
Official qnotatlona: .-
: ST
0fclal qooutlonai
Am.l. Copper -Co. .
saac aa I aaili sa
Airnisnn, cm...
A ox. 8 afar. 00m,
lasK.iae;. lasiitaa
I . . I ...... I 1 ... .
Am. 8mvlt.. eim
i 116614
f4 10T
naitimore at Ohio. com.
""I 1 .10 41100
Brooklyn Rapid Trenail!! x2 ic
aa'.! waci
!BJ'ac!n'c. eom,.7)ta Hn-
loo neo
if Si'lfi
Chi.. Mil. A St. Panl.
Chesapeake A Ohio
Colo, roel A Iron. com.
6a 14
6a a
4j en;
artiif .itT
Loutavlll At N'aabvlll. .
Mkaourt Pacific
146 146
83K1 Bftai
Hewrarr tbi rerTrtf.
l.-Jttc. l.'Wt,
uotron Oil
Central ' Leather
Locomotive . ,
Am. Woolen
Norfolk As Wcotera. com.
H. T., Ont. A West....
Pennsylvania By. ....
Ree dl ag, com . ....... .
Southern Pacific.........
tnlon Pacific, com.-
. S. Cteel Co., com...
do preferred. .
Federal Smelter
82 88
48' 48i
70 I ANU
8Tt 87V
601,1 60H 40',
im VmaiaiUiV
1x1 4T
140 jl484fl48t,'l4a'i "
vnl aotlt 40l 40
ok I bo V I so I ee
ToUl aalea for day,. 161.8H0 share. .
J(w York. May 18 near Raw. ateady t
fair reflnln. S 20-82I3 15-lnei renlrlfunl. tnt
test. 8 13-3293 T-lrt: molaaaes anaar. 2 41 82.
Refined, eteedv: 1 crushed.
1620: powdered.
84-00; granulated. 84.60. .
Xew Terk Dairy atarket, -!w
Tork. May 18. Butter. . quiet) street'
prlcee. extra creamery, tor. ( 'bee sc. arm. (tat
full cream, large, beet, 61,14e. . Kgg. ateedy:
unchanged. .
Mew Terk Caak Coffee. ,
- New fork. May IS. Caak cuffee; H. 7 Bla,
t'Ac. .
(Special Dierwtch to The Jonraal.)
Milton.-Or., May 1. The northwest'
conference of the Seventh Day Adven
tlats la being held In Milton, and will
continue until May 28. The attendance
la good, and It will be one of the moat
succeaaful meetings ever held by the .
Upper Columbia conference of - the
church. There are now about 10 mem
bers of tha church camped u the
ground. Over 86 tenia flare bead
Among the prominent worker preeant
arei Klder A. J. Breed, of College Place;
Elder Xi. B. Daniela, prreldrnt ef the
general conference et Washington, D. C,
and vlc-prldent Elder A. Irwin,
besides sll elders of the conference.
, .VewBerf FnpS ran "sat,
Newberg. Or.. Mr 18 Th J
senior eUe of I'arlflij college r
reception and bannuM at Hie r
of Mra. C. K. tpiilllcg t '
Ing. Covers wer la 1 1 f-r 1 , 1
evening was moat sr.. v