iREcl THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY SO. 1808. 4 THY WAIT HOUSE WEEK AFTER NEXT? YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A JOURNAL WANT UJ ' FOITIIENTHOUSES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORM. BOOM1NU- ' HtF8. ETC - - -PORTLAND YMU8T to. OF MM. - Ml Js. 4WHIi--- t . ' has at 112. - . ... fist. - Mississippi "i,"'.' sww and moclera. x-minuu car 7 - fim W. ML Tsbor. amdera. .el... r:r- Kith, good. .;.;. Utile home, bath hot 'I.JkVli ydtotalST to t2CTt4 bridge. .r. "nd willbT peimed thtwagbout; good , Jsrd. he ee meat, etc.. (20. roeias. 441 Felling, modern. rlen " Modern, le.rlr new. 'J nigral 4 roots km flat. (72 ' BIm; V r.aad tborwjgbly modem; ( ?" ,S?:J2ini booM. KM Mill it., modern. I Sd - te car. splendid neighborhood. (- l-esom house. 4W Market t., (JO, : i1 8-room homve, 62 Market. ' r- so-mum memtnfbwii aide aad P-room uppTTTXl EofoUa'nTy'moaerrr; goodTrerT .11 conveniences. 831 Qulmby ll-reoa) roomlnf boiua, Itih lid rtaBdsri, Store mom with nrx-d a4"" ' ' "grUlm' far rVt ebop or Ilka eccupatloB, $10. ; 1 good modern store In a aew tinlldlng. . -rsnd eve-sad East TlV uli" T building wan ranted: terma. - 1 ; . i Store toon, 233 Market '-?" Bl ood earner, 82x40 feet; waU fitted fof ar- Wtn'wll COMPANY OF OREGON. . . B. Oar. Third and Oak. Pbou Exchsags T2. ' - 4.a-m PMlrUftM 01 1 nwnm, EDWAED8 COMPANY. " Bnuawfuralebera. -. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. ; H.a aoBtampUta nvrring. cell 1 and are , W. u n aara tha awat eoaiplata llaT of ncul ktoaaaa la tbacltf.fat rtBt.ToUowla U m partial 11a t: r WEST B1DB. at., (as auian. Booth Portland...... ...10 ...iia aonaa, Kortk Portland. ,uuti -.Iv) aania. JlJt. ftyjJbjj loaaa, aw, cloaa to . t. North 7th . . .1 . 1,.-. or i-ortuno HHIH. " Una Tlaw T rooai Bat, aaodara. . ... .... x EAST BIPB. , 4 mom eortatc. nw, jard... 4Vrooai boom. Eaat 23d. food R room boaaa. Baat llltb, a T room boaaa. Mrrtla Park, a 7 loom booaa. "t" ear. naw. . a-mom bona:EaJt Salraoa room cotUfa, Eaat Ta.fart at...... tnrarnattaM raa.rrltna ba (lraa arv pbone. o ff lea . a at, 4 5- w lfte-m Flrat Stt HOUSES TO BENT A TinootiTor aaa., epper rooma. rr.tio rill :::! :::!? Taaowixr- -- T1S Eaat Iltb at.. rooma.. ' Wllllame ara aear Euaeoa. B rooma. 472 William, are., t rooma dftO Eaat Mtb at., i roooia " 1f2 Roaael! at., atoreroma. ..,.t.,, BR Wnrtb With afc S room.... 10 Eaat 1Mb at.. T mom.. . ' 820 Faat Ninth at. fonh. T rooma. ... 'BO Ba Blatb at.- North, T rooma. . REETJ. FIELDS TYNAN CO.. 102 Second at. Pboaa Mala 7004. A3) :1s :,3o T BOOM modera houee, price 120. . door. 84 Eaat Stark at Eey next ' rOB ' KENT Howaor- bare, chlrkm beuaea with feace, w.roa abed, water. 736 Llaa are., Bellwood; 27 . per mooth.... $12 rURNISH ED-Bonee foe rent; room bonae, nicely fornlahcd, aood bara, fratt for family - wae. sooo ptace tor hkiim.-- vu Pbone Bellwood 14. EW d-ROOlf bonne, nicely- faralahed pUae, bath, gaa. Eaat Jtwi. ro j. rOR BENT for the eeaesn. at Elk creek, new B-ronm fnrnlahed eutrage. Inquire 64 Eaat " 1Mb el- Portland. Phone, Beat ami. TTEi.L-rt'BNISHBD flat, areet aide, and 4-rooia ' cottage, eaat aide, reaaonable; fnrnlahed bmtae- keeplng-rooma caeap.- a(ui, m aiinTiaoau SEASIDE cottage to rent for aeaeoo. Phoae Saat.JaVKJRtL.. E. MorrlaoB. m. p r VT .-room enttaae. (10: all enlencea, tUS Fourth at., aoutb. Pboaa Part Be 44. B-ROOM cottage, comfortably furalabed; gaa. Breplace, large yard, berrlea, cara, weet aide. Mala 4.tS. 0R BENT Swell, modern. 7 room raaidence. (24. No. S2S Eaat Taylor at., or tequila :i 22714 Waabugtoa at. Phone Paclfle B52. - rOB BENT A aaap Take 8 car eouth to Iaaa at. and yoa will Sod a bran-new houee. . with a Boa net alew aad Bower gardea -7 llnowa 1a; man te- attead free -charge. . Phone Paetae 245. a nonir cottaae. 42S Sixth at.. (25: houee, 2I8 Colombia. (2fl; 11 -room boaaa. oT Mirahall. (45; B-room cottage, (11 Tnloa are., SK: a-room Set. U0H Corbett. (12.90. L. E.- Taompaoa A Ca 22S Third at : Beach, for rent for tbe eeenn. or for Bale. U E. Tbempaoa at vo.. rjm mtro . rB BOOM ctitlage; all modera. M Maeabalt JfOB RENT A sew furnlebetf boaaa. T rooma. Tabor Helgbta, cor. Eaat View are. and Baae Una road. Pboaa Eaat 6o7. JIOt K8 for rest; eery brrge Hat. BS Sixth at. Phone Paclfle 66. M. E. Lea, d BOOMS for (A per 411 Eaat RaaaeU at. nth; water included. BOIIHB FOB T' 'i 1 RENT; furnlabed. 871 Eaat FOR RENT FLATS. ITNB apper flat of 6 room, la a new flrat rlaaa building. Mlaalaalppl are. aad Falling ' at., algbtly, T-mlaute car aerelce; a place that would divide well for bom and office: " all modern pmmblrar, gaa aad electricity. (14 par anonth. Portland Truat Compaa of Ore .Boa. 1'booe Exchange 72. MODERN ( room Sat, tncladlog gaa and atael range; abadea ea arladowa. SOB Halery. BROOM flat. Including bear merit, telephone, wa ter, (12.50; ae email children. fi2ft Mill at. rOR BFNT Two s-mom flafa ar one 10-room with electric light, phone and hath, fur alabed ar aafaralahad. Phoae Eaat BOM. ' SMALL flat, cooipletely furalabed for bonae . keeping: piano, phone, bath, baaement and . yard; reaaonable. (28 14th. Pbone Mala SbeO. MODERN a-roem Sat, Inc lading gaa and ateel a-wiaaowa-jajw as.iaey. MODERN flat, perfect order, rloee to aualaana . . dlatiict..'. Apply 502 Commerctal- blkv f-ROOM flat, new, modem, gaa, Brenlaer-. ' porrelata bath, etattmary tub. window tiaaemeat, attic, Sag view, reaaonable. ' 4M. a dee. Main FLAT of 4 rooma. In, private bouae: gaa. bath. rloaeta, wat InrUlded. for (11 Buntb. 4ti nay. Phone Parloe HTo. FOR 1 RENT STORES-OFFICES. orrica furalabed ram. aad eamale Oaedaeagh bldg. .Apply ele irFICF. FOB BENT Roaaa foe rent by day, - week or month. Tbe Banana, 291 H Morrleui. Oood little 2.12 Market. 2ni40. equipped (or .tare or aarket; a . Si per moata. Bea thaj plaei . Traet CeatBany ef Oreffoa. -P.ea T2. - bargala at , rortl.nd aeee Exchaage fW balMlne' Morrta at. and Mlaalaalppl va. ' Stare a gruaad flonr. living reoma above, ea - tire bulldlag (30. Tbe right place to atari a eee auitneaa. Port I aad Treat Compear ef .OtteMfa. laeaal Xacbabs 12. - : roaaa ' -raoai ... a raoai uwiMiJAMai 7-rwMB ...ji r 114 w... 118 ana 122 M) .... ' .....13 Note Wa , boa aaa eaa - bonrairom 10 U 11 i ,.'lJ.., -.. EDWARDS COMPANY. I ... ,J :f... ritVZBooaafurnJabara. j. .. FOR YOUR FRIEND'S FRIEND TO COME AND . LOOK AT YOUR f FOR- RENT SyORES-OFFXCES. FOB BENT Wall loratad apaclona atoraraom, Hood for anj kind of boataaaa. fM par aaoalU. ' t. rarba, 146Sk rtrat at. PA BT t aaop to raat. aalubla for palatar a plumhar. afa roartb at. ' FOR RENT FARMS AS I am laaTlnt tuara. I will aM my laaaa of l.lo arraa. 15 ailautaa walk' from carllna. ale crrbard. 10 arraa andac plow. -coou booaa. barn; Juat tha tlilnc for d.lrr or rblkan ranob; rant par niootb. . A 4. - rara Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES. DO TOT WAJCT AM INTER E8T IH . . A MONOPOLY t ir Tor cam pi-Bivisn ttrst. n.ASS RFFICBKNCFS AND HAVE FIKHT-CLAHS BI'SINESS ABnJTT YOU CAN BFCrHR FOR J0 A. THREE-KOrRTH 1NTFBL8T IN ASH TUB MANAGFMKNT. Ifi TUB - rTT - OF" Wfl-TNOMArt. Of - -VROW-TT THAT- IS A-MONOPOLY " lCfT PPM ANPFIt "TrT At IS I'ROENTT.Y BEQT'KSTKD. A MOHB PROFITABLE AND . .HONOBABLB BI'SINEHS OPPORTrNlTT HAS KFVER BEEN OFFERED IN ORKOON. -ADDBE8S K 12B. CABE JOLHNAL. rOB BALE Hardware and boaaa farnlahln tnatnaaai caatrai aacatioa la. ooa nuimi Iowa; larta aouatr trada. Addraaa K 112, rata Joarnal. . YOB SALE Eatabllabad nawapapar and Job of. Bra; tarn raaaonahia. fo a, aiaraanaia, Oragna. , - DON'T oaM hara flrat, bnt doa't baa yovr iT pro party, fruit and fardaa land, wbaat, ator or dalrf raacbaa antll roo aaa aa. North. Waat Land Co.. 2nd Ooodnoaitb bld(. P. B. Wa alao bar. boaleraa of .11 klada. aad caa kxata ran rlcht. M. W. L. Oa. LABOB ar amall roomlnt baaaa. ' for aala oa tarma by H. H. Blflcy, room SO. 22TH Waahlnatoa ati" - POBTLiND mborbaa drnratora for aala. Ad- araaa . eara joaraai. . - : BPOT CASH. For faralrara and bmaahold (rood. PBONE MAIN B8M. WRITB a. onlct aooafrerent tmportaat " Talrannimta ef the limit .innmatli gtrltrb 4 I nirnal 00.; nay .tor. or rare oil aarance. I. r. narat A Oa., 801 MnKay hldf - 3n0 BUYS arocery atora clearing . at Morrlaoa at., room 4. rOR BALE Stock of merchandtoe In a amall country town: will Invoice about $2.BO0; Brer are ealee 140 Dar - day; good location- for a lire, up-to-date m.n: eaay term.; cue. of aelllnf other baaloeaa Inraatmeuta. K 110, cart journal. - - a FOR BALE AT A SACRIFICE The Borne Ylata ferry, lncludlna 10 lot... SOxldfl. with email dwelling. Price (1,000. Will aell ferry aad one lot for (io. Can oa or ad' j, vr wnrar Burn. m..- or. BEI.IABLB partner wanted: will pay you (2ft weekly; f-.vj reqntrea; experience unneoea aary. Call 24 H Rtark at. LONO-ESTABLISHED ateam cleaning and dye ing plant for aaie enean: ooing goon nueineet; Ill-health eaaea for aalllng. Addreea. U. (Is care Journal. - RAI.r Intereat la groand -floor real aetata and employment atace; eneap. auoi Momaoa, room 4. FOB BALE Confectionery, rig ar and Ice cream atand with reetaurant In connection; will aril .11 or a part to .ult. - 2U2 Beooad at., -The Iallea, Oregon. ..... - . WBO IB M, O. MOBOAN Cat' rOB SALE Oeoeral afore In good Tallry town, doing payfctg -buelneaa; real eatate and atork about gio.onu. Mitet ecu on account ox iu health. Addreea H 107, care Joarnal, . SMALL 'INVESTMENT will make yoa rich. Bnv" alldee and film of - San FranHaeo earth- quake and Ore. Newman'. Motion Picture ' Machine Co- 14BV, sixth, rbooe facing -gag. FOR SALE One of tbe beet confectionery; ire cream parlor and cigar etoree la the city for tba money: good location; low rant. -Inquire at 82BH Flmt .at. SMALL glutei y, cheap rent, llvtng-roome; raan or trade toward boa and lot; no agent. - Addreea X 46, care Journal. A eoOD chance for the right max; half later, eat la eatabllabad Aualneee ' for (100. X 50, care JourBaL OFFICE mm can make (MO monthly a. partner; (7n0 lequlred; beat refereBcea; particular!, 248 14- Btarka . (SAO PrTS a nice reetaurant on Flrat at. ' at 206-4 Morrlaoa at., room 4. Call HACKS. Two backa, rubber tire and In . flrat-claa. condition. , (2no for one aad ISO for eee, or (soo for both. ' Addreea A SO, care Journal. WANTED Maa with (dOOO to Inveat-which artU be aaeartd tn hi. tntlre eallafaetlem aed whe-haa ability--to handle. an .agency torcc employing 50 ageaclea and 200 agenta, caa become connected with a live corporation. Addreea for peraonal Interview - B 1,- care .. Joaraal. ' - PERSONS dealrlng to take aa overland trip for either bueineea or plea aura, call - at Com. - mardal block, room BOB. - CIRCrMSTANCES fovea aa to aell a block of Mcola coal and coke .bare.. Adore. A 88, Jum uaj. rOR SALE, CHEAP Nice reat.arantr leaaa; WANTED Someone with amall amount of moaey to Join me In developing gold and cop. per mining property near rallro.4 aad .rolter. - Addreea A 26. cara Journal. . 28 ROOMS, rant (00. clear 2100 month. 20 rooma, rent 11. near Hotel rartiana, 20 room, rent (100. Waahlngtou at., cloee. 4 room, rent (BO, weet aid, corner. IS rooma, rent (40, good for money. 20 rooma, rent CW, central, corner bona. 8ft room, rent (RB, corner, large Income. The above are exceptionally good. Special price, with term. If deetred; tnveatlgat theee; title, guaranteed. Beet A Yaa Foe era, 2U1H Morrlaoa at. . . roB SALE t ' Beautiful air at baae or Portland H.ignta; fine view, aplendld location for large real, deaee or apartment.; T-roora houee ea It; (5.400. - , ., f lota. 50x100 each, aide,' cloaa Inj a . good bay for reeldenc Investment; ca.h or temB ; convenient to c.rllne. 4 Int., Wood mere, 50x100; 1 block from car Una; clan or term.; (200 each. EDWARDS COMPANY, - Ural Eetat liepartmeat. - - 185-191 rirat at., Portland, Oregoa. FOR SALE Oood-paytng grocery, whole or half mtere.t. A 7. cara Journal. PRACTICAL bnilneee maa with about (lS.OnQ i caab and .crvlce wanta tome profitaol anal. area propoaltloh; would prefer city; agent. aeed not anawerr - Addraaa A IS. . Journal. CENTRALLY located cigar w.r for aaie, doing Sn caab buatneaa; Inraetlgatloa ee . lldted. A 8, care Journal. CONPECT10NEBY and vaHety .tor at ta , voire, In town of 8.0O0. Addraaa the earner, ' Box 201. Oregoa City. WANTED To eell good paying reel eatat bnalnee at St. John; going eaat, will aell entire bueineea or half Interest. Addreea Box 233, St. Johae, Oregoa. POR SALE Real estate ofoc. Sne locarloa, good llet of property, low rent, ground floor; will give immediate poaaeeaioo; ail goea for (75; a ana p. A 14, cere Joaraal. BRARRS la a good eornor.tloa and cash for a good eingi driving rig. .A Id. car. Joarnal. S PER CENT dividend, guaraateed, paid eeml .usually ; Investment safe aa government bead. Writ or call tn National Ftnaadag Co., 90S Maraaam bldg., Portland. (1.200 AO-BOOM moaning houee, brick corner, full of roomer : MO. 12-roAm flat full .Ian) mast aell quirk.. Edward., 221 May rtw t. . k ' 11 .if 1 (100 BUYS b.lf Intereat In. 'butlnee. paving rihH Bda, Adoraag A to. cars Joaiaal JUSINESS CHANCES.- Business Chances Which Will Stand Your Closest Investigation Cnnntrr uotal, In llvalf rallrnadV towai building ground and folly qulppad; I.4(H. Grocarr and boma bakara, Z UTlnf-rooma, (haap raut; fTOU. untrr atura; troond, bnlldlnra, inarrbaa- dlaa, poat and aspraaa ofdoa; rlaafitur orar 1"0 mouthlr: oa food tradlna point; 12.000 will baadla It. Dras .lor. Tha only drag atara la T.ii-r miraa town: teflon. If 70a. want a food paylnf bnalnaaa, amall ar iarga. aaa F. rtJCBB, 1H rtrat mt Lt'Ni'H. roffra aad waffla bnalnaaa; Bna com arj - will acoapt iMatoffu Muo4a- Alall-llabW Stark at. CONFECTIONERY and rbrar a land, rood loca tion, central, 3Tb. Alaord AlTord, lad Morriaon at. FOR SALE Bcataarant. frolt atand aad caa . fctlonary atora, comblnad; 71 mllca from Portland: rood location, aawly renoaatrd land an to data! KalDU krrrira S8 to (13 aaiij. luuixoaya aaa aaanaaa wwnwi aw rnaBtli: bop. aaftapawlll brtna Ml proam WILL akchanr. a proflt.bla manqf.rtnrlna boat aaa. for city lot, worth at Waat SHOO. 0 10, car. .JonraaL . -. WILL EXCHANGE a pharmacy for raal aatato In? or near dty. worth SLAM; or will aril for aaah aad raal aatata. A SI. car a Journal. GROCERY Tha. boat baraatn yat at S800; part. oara doa t acrea. call aariy at atara at. AN opporronlty for noma bnatllna nn or womaa with SROO. to maka - a profitable lb - vaatmaat aad a.cura a paylas poaltlon; aafa and Irfltlmate; Inmtl.ata.. Pur ipartlcnlara addreat A 2d, cara Journal. BAROAIN la a rosmlng-bouee; BO rooma, all In. oa bnalnaaa atraett price SVttW. Call tJ room la. vac Homaoa at. Q BOTE BY and batcher .hep with (nod Urine rooma ana rorjuiow rent; nice reeinence aie- trlct; aplendld hleb-cl.aa trida; will eell at - Invoice, around II. GOO. Borne Land Com pany. 146 Va rtrat at. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Sine office en f round floor; la on of tbe bet unm-be-of ortland: earnlnga from (200 to (400 per month; I "muat leave about Jon 1. X , car Journal. - - DON'T MISS THI8I During Mayl pan nf the aliak I ewa Hi tha lie " wfll elt at Swtteh all- will be taken. Apply W. J. Curtla, Commercial blk. Phoae Mala 5S84. 215 PART of the atock I ewa la Hurat Switch ; company goea at 50 centa on the dollar; thla month only; be quick; atock aelllng faat. - W. J. Curtla, 215 Commercial blk. Phone Mly 5(84. . .-.---:-,;- . - - -.- FOR BENT Stor. ArdeTHItrTrconTid and Third, sultabl cigars, rruit .tana, .butch er-ehop. lunch counter, grocery or wait. Ing-room; all 8t. John. car. .tart from front - or no.- xamura im tang.- r. u. nva.: rOR SALE A naw atork of grocerl; aa ex cellent location: good bargain. Owner re tiring from buatneaa. 616 Jefferaoa at- A RESTAURANT, and 21 rooma for rent; mar fab ground, where factories will be located. 8Bth and Wleolal, eimilli iiauulil dltlou-, centrally located, doing big buatneaa a enap. (2,000. 00 rooma, central, alw.y fulL (4,000. ' 88 tooma, good location, big moaeym.ker. (4.000. Inquire 12TU Waahlngton - aLj- Toont IT. . Phone Paclnc &2. . --s. . REAL ESTATE bueineea S00 will - place you In a good reliable otllce; win n required to attend -office aad ahow property; full paxlig. .Blare 248 Si Stark at. POR SALE Loag-eatabllBbed tallor-Bbop. cheap; d)ring good bnalnaaa; 111 health cue for wil ing. 444 B'.ablagtoB at. I WANT private detective work to do. - H., P. O.. Bpx 47. ' FOR SALE F.mlly hotel of 100 room., clear ing over (000 per month; very high elaaa. Thl. would be . good bny for a buatneaa " woman to manage.' Furniture of the very beet: modern apartment": muat be caab. For - particular addrea Q 2O0, car Journal. ' : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAP (650 8 lota, B-room bona, frolt and . berrlea: one mil from Oregoa City. - L 116, ere Journal. POR SALE 4 beautiful lota, 50x100, Columbia , Height.; fine orchard,. 4 -room tankbouae, well . and windmill; newly fenced: Ideal aubnrbaa bom; excellent car service; (1.800; mortgage - ro," S year; (1.200 net, part caeh, part trad. - Owner. Addreea K 104, care Joarnal. ACRE TRACTS! ' OUR SPECIALTY IS ACRE TRACTS! - Full-deed etroets. - water to-aart xcr. TEHVf3 lift PEB ACRE CASn (10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. Yoa g to - tbaa acre, ea the earn. car. I ay th earn 6 fare rbe lot m.n pay. The ot man Is , your neighbor, bat . he Is re- - itficted tn majority ef featare that auk - a tra n bar baa bom. - - Opaa Wed need ay aad Saturday e-eolnge.. Jw CCHTRCIfTLL A CO., 110 Second L INU. ae- Fntatr Ca. Eaat aid. property . .perlalty. 407 nawtbCToe are,, near Grand. Phone Eaat 1007. (4. aro HANDSOME bom, brand new, well ar- ranged. .11 -modem Improvement., Sn. cor ner. Ninth and Brbnylee. Hnlladay'. addi tion: beet Mr on market at nrlce. 20S Fourth. Ihone p.ctn. nHi,.-e M.i- anno. l.z Nice saw 4-room cottage; nam, fee and electric light.. Mable .treat be weea Hamilton eve. and Seymour, I block from . car .ad school. South Portland; terms. Inquire 2n8 Fonrth. Phone Paclfle 2124. : Residence, Main 8960. A FEW ACRES cm Penln.nla line, anltabl 1 for planing, by owner. 21T Allaky bldg. - NEW It-ronm modera cottage. 2 lot. (1,100; Mt. Scott car. Stewart. Aak at grocery for owner. A. J. Mnrphy. (2.2O0 8-rnom hen. 100x100 fret . of grnunl. garden and rrnit. well loenteq, near William, eve. Miller. 714 Chamber of Commerce. (850. SOxJno feet oa 25th t..- ne.r H.n cock et. 1 lot and afreet graded: -cement; bargain: eab or term. B M. LOMBARD. 514 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRFS So. 1 1ndl mil from electric line. 10 mile aa of Portland: tula la No. 1 land, lay well and av to clear: tlfVr M no rock or gravel. I will aell 5. 10 or 20 acre at (tut per acre en very eaay tarma. t 106, care Journal. 20 ACRES. 4 mile annrb of Greeham; 12 acre in nne -.rare or entriveuoa. ba lanca caa be cleared reedv for the plow for (10 per acrei there .re BOO near tree. T veer old: thu la very fin fruit or potato land. Will aell for (1.200 on eaay terrae. or will evchaag. for city, aeonerty. P 108, care JearnaL OO today and ae that beaartrnl (room hone on L'nlon av.; modern la every way. Includ ing fireplace, and rlrhlv ttntdt eaey term. ' See owner today." (S2 Caloa av., N. Phoae Eaat 24M. BAROAINS. - - Wbea dlagueted with old real eetet men, give tbe live ooee . call. W bar cigar .tore. (140 up; grocery afore. Invoice; re. tauranta. lodging houee. .11 alee aad price. ( all kind, of land and lot. YOPNO A DEMENT. t (42 Madlaoa at. FOR SALE CHEAP and 7 -room aouassi anod. era; part cava. 870 Garfield are. Take Weodlawa ear. Pbone Eaat (Ml. (-BOOM bona and bit 50x100, ea Feet 14th t for only (80O. If yoa want a enap, look tbi ap quirk. D 180, eara JearnaL I MOBC new 8 -room enttegea. all complete. Brat cleaa, f8ftO; (lot down. (20 per month. Alao new barber-shop fr rent; choice build ing lote for aaie nn Inatallmentg. Be owner. Joe Nash, Naahvlll atatloa. Mount BcoU .. carllo, la the whit hoe, - . FOR-SALE REAL -EST ATE. (Kf.LWOOD I.OTfl,'6 dowa aad ( a mootkl from (78 to (2U0. Bellwood Toaraalte C-. u. P. rlmr. maaeger. raoae Eaat STO. PB0YCR. o rtTar from Portland. Loratod aa. dar . r. LnrKatluf ditch and oa ar aorta bank railroad; fruit foaa oa tha markat tbraa waaka aarllar tbaa la .ay otbar aactloa. com mandlna blahaat prlna; dally ataamara from Portland. Bala by tha awaara. iisrar Laad Co., llfr. waaninftoo. I CAN eell hemee cheeper than aayoa; vaeant lota en Broadway gad Ualoa area, phoae Eaat 4B18. ' FOR "ALE 4 room hooae. lot BOxlOO, price z.uoo. nm. 33a r.rge .t,, near Lnwa are (2.000 - Fractional lot - ea west aide, pica - anrroundlngai look tbla Bp. Addraaa .A (1. Journal. ' 850 Axioo feet oa Eaat 28th at . near Han cock at.; lot and .treat graded;, ceaaent a bargain: reh or tarma. ' B. M. LOMBARD. - PSI4 Chamber of Commerce. :. ' MODERN 7 room house, baaement. cement flonr, t. Jobna car to uenver av., a owcaa emu to 08 Carpenter at. - . A NEW-madara house for sale, ( rooma, bob and cold water, bath, pantry., iw ooria wlok at, .Take L rear. COR 8 ALB Corner -lot. modern room cottage. Bunnyalde addition; price inauirs owner. 1170. Beat Madlaeo. eoracr 8th at.; take Bawtbome car. (250 CASH, then monthly payment, will get a modern n-room houee ana rine Mt m oanuy aldA, Patter ua A IS t. war L. 1000 H Belmont U VACANT property of all kind, la Bunayald for aaie juat a lima cneaper man, ue oiuar ioi low. Patteraoa BUwart, 10UOH Belmont at Kon't forgt It. . Lot boi 1 0O1 aire 544 1 Kaat 22d at.. south. POR SALE 43ood Broom honM, with barn, lot 50x106, located at Bunnyald; pne fi.ouu; term. - 2. acre, chick es reach. 8-room bouae. bam, ciilcken-bouseoung orchard; all clear; price eieju. Nearly new B room cottar at Bunnyald. all modern. lot 60x100; a fine horn; price (1.7S0; term. Oood T-room house at Mt. Tabor. lot lOOx 100; hot and eold water, bath, bannt; prlc (2.100: term a. - 20-ct . farm, located near Sandy poet, dfflre. to exchange for city -property. MO acre, or gooa txno nr .aieotoru -tor (2 per aer. R----SAwroRD A COtt rnpMra" - room. !. 8 mn wilim hiai Inquire owaer, 66 Eaat 18th t. (2.000 T-ROOM bona. Cam t her. at.; Hty wa ter., bath, etc.: fruit; term. Hagemaoa A Blanchard. 61 Fifth at. WB bev on BOxlOO lot on earlln In th etty " of St. John for (250 caab which " be resold tonce; owner leaving for the eaat. Iiagemamr ea aumcuBfu,..r4 r ivu - . MODERN cottage. 5 room. ea.y Walking dl taace. weet aide, can b bad for only (1,600 on good term.. Bagemaaa A Blinrhtrd. 81 " Fifth t. , " ' - ONE 5-room. one 8-room, new modern bouse., ' Highland.' Bee owner today, 472 Mildred arc Woodlawa -or Alberta r. (-ROOM house with bath, two full lot -fetOxlOO, - br -ewaer; price 11.200. 647 Eaat 14th, ooraar HOVER HOVER HOVER HOVER HOVER , Faataat growing town on tbe Columbia, up river from Portland; only six months old end only few line bnauwa not represented; price -town lots and flv and ten-acre fruit tract W!U be agala advanced In abort time; Ilea - under K, P. Irrigating ditch; good acheola, - cburchea. atorea. err.t alao have aeverai tbou sand acrea of r.mou Hone Heaves wheat ' land tor "ale; easy term. Hover I -and Co., CTrnera, Hvr. W PortUnd. FOR SALE A lot on Commercial t.. Bear (829. Knott; a good location, and tbla lot la choice. rr term pnl PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY . .1 OF OREGON. corner Tblrd and .Oak ate. . eovEB - ' . : on . - THE - -- : "COLUMBIA. i l"p river from Portland, dally it earn era: ear liest frult-produrlna eectlon In the northwest. two to three weeka ahead ofny other teg bin; .. pest., sen wing Town on tns uoiumms; norm - bank line of N. P. R. R. sow bulkllagt grad ing crews In town; price town lots and flv and - ten acre fruit irsrt -eooa -toadvanei move quickly; don't delay; get In now; to morrow may be too late; big N. P. Irrigating dltcb gives perpetual water rlghfa; sure crop. ana nig ones every time. Bold only by men, Hover Land Co., Hover, Wash. COME TO CANRY. - Garden spot of Willamette valley; equal Hood River for frwhenie; beet potato In Oregon: emit, bay and grain can t be beat; laad cheap; 23 mile, from, .Portland, quick "market. Let m bow yoa. - Q. W, Dlioa, C.aeri Oe, WOODSTOCK Lot 100x100 feet, cheap. McKay bldg. Main 626. SOT ELEGANT quarter block, cor. Eaat Twenty .ninth, and East Conch. Very dealrabia Joca. - tloa. I squire 233 Waahlngtoa at. PAEON PARrT la now on the marker; Inc. at acreage price, according to Improvement. Iot 80x200 (too. (710. HW J LbtTfai2nfnwt210i228 " Lot 200x2004880, (420, (400 Theee lot are mostly In cultivation, level I ,. and. aiKatlj. -OS ..-good, graded atrsst, sloe, to good- -lo-roonv school at- Lenta; fic fara-ta gar bart ofPortlend: water freel terma. O. R. ADDITON. Owner, Lenta. 0rgoa. Take Mount Scott car. 6c HOUSH with garden petch. also barn, roof cellar, etc. Addreea W. D. Batteries, Ooble) trregoa. j . BAROAINS IN LOTS. (800 80x100. Cleveland av., aear Shaver. - (1,00040x100, cor. Knott at. and Oaa- tenheln ave. (1.000 60x100, cor. I. 27th aad X. ai ton at. " (1.T0O TExlOO, aackamur aekr E. 23d Borth. (2(1050x100, cor. Carsoa and Broad at., Mt. Tabor. (T9&0 100x100, car. E. 28th aad B. Boyt ais. . : (480 lOOxlOO, E. (th north, near Frttsont gtreet. , , l (1.500 100x100. cor. E. 18th and. Iron ita. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY, , . 1 Stark Street. A MODERN bona la Holladay Park, fnrnaca, cement walka, gsa, electric light, fireplace. - oa eaey term. See Kroner, 106 Third Bt. (600 (ROOM cottage, mU stable, fin law a ana run lot: Rest sib at. aorio. a. u. sir rail. 202 McKay bldg. (750 FINE vacant lot. eloa In, Weak Irving- ton. A. fl. Birreii. am atcn-ay mag. (2,800 T-ROOM modem house, fnlf lot, near car lin. na i oiocg rrom nrooaiya acnool. A. H. Btrrell, 202 McK.y Bldg. II.BOO 4-ROOM rottag. pantry, closet, bath, patent toilet; lot ooxiiai; auoaysiae. A. a. hlrrell. 202 McKay Bldg. (l.TAO 6-ROOM cottage with all new carpeta, linoleums anq winnow anauew; largs lot; ext. Tabor. A. II. Blrrell, 2i2 McKay Bldg. (8.200 aoxlOO, new T mom hone wired for electric light: all ether modera fmprove menta; good nburb; 5 -cent fare; 16-mlnut eervlce; (,ve; remainder S pee cent, HOTCIIKI8S VVOOD. SEVERAL fin boa .ad vaeent Iota la aO part of .th city. - 628 Lamber Exchange. 10 ACRES near car line and at. tloa, good gar dea ground, apnng on riaee, BY, snjlee rrom Portland. 10c rare) (126 per acre; will di vide; term. W. 1. Bay Co,, ,85H FourU at., room SB. , ROOM houee aear L'nlon av., 50X100 lot. large hearing rrult treea, fkrWera, ehrah bery, etc.; (1.100; terms; a bargain.' W. a. ! v, iK'A Wfuttk st, roooj 88, -, . -FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' Special Good Buys This Week ai.auv rati lots cioa te ateel hrtflga. (l.BOO Lot OS iNorthruu near Both at. -, - (l.ouO Moa eara. U fakers from. Mate naon Driage. . ' (2.800 Nice corner fof reeddeso at Bats. - eloa la. west tide. 1 (l.OUO Lovely home, flae fruit tree, mod- era s-roem souse, ea M aartuiea. esse 10. eaay lerma; great snap, - (a 500 Full lot- T-room modera eurtae. -cement baaement, furnace. Blxth at, weet aid, cloee la. . . (d.OOo Strictly modera aw (-rooxa house. swan pari or city. 18,600 run lot ea Park .t,, with reeldenc, Acreare in City Limits (2 6005; acre of th cboieeat land. Its peaunrul ana wiu make a apaaadld bom. r-( 10 acrea of tbe beat gardea land. e sera m cuitivaaou. a Diocms w ee car, fayestments (10.000 NIc central coraac ea Tark L, - an roe nat r Dual nee a. . 118.000 u bkx-k sa 12th sr.. eenrral. (22,000 56-foot front, with (story brlok. . central, oring gooa income; a ana p. 424.0O0 Hplesdi eorsar ea - BUtk si aL, a tew BMekl trosa anloa depot. for good home ur laveatmeata See r nuiyg, neik rim .1 (100 DOWN and (10 a month, new a-room mod era aouse ana nui est, Diocae ear una. call xuvk Morraioa at., room 11. (900 NEW B-room bouae. nicely nalnted. 1 duck car una. s lota fenced, very cheap at J nee aaxeo. ; gsoo oown, gio per montn. w, . Bey Co., l6SVk roorth aL, room 88. B-BOOM hmwe, K.t Yamhill; gaa aad bath; bijmai; ioo to MO eaaa, paiaaca montaiy Installment. Modera TNroova bouae, oa East Taylor; full cement basement, cement driveway, aplendld para; thla 1. close in for (S.nooj good terni. ; - otto m vhwhilti:? 1 S46H Wuhlagtoa at. . 2 ACRES, oa St. Joan earlln: price (2,500; cash, balance coed term: and other good property la and about BU John; all auauv w urrr1" 0TT0 fT0 . CROCKETT. - 246 Vi Waahlngtoa at. B-ROOM house, pantrr. bath, toilet, baeeaasat, rruu; vi.auu; a-AAl caa a, paiaBce xe per mootn. ' 0TT0 CROCKETTi 24&tt Waahlngtoa at. 0CKLEY GREEN T-room modera bouae, fireplace, apimdla enrmundlng. ale lawn, good aehrhbarhooa $2,000; ternj. - T-room house- well built, splendid ear soundlne-a! 81. TOOT tarma. - ' 4 lot, elegantly located and tmfuied. ax. be bought reasonable; terma. OTTO A CROCKETT. ' S ll.JHJ BUS nwa-B . a llli iu Sinuui bu.i niorx rrom earlln. la wooostoca: term (2.100 buy (-room house, oa a fall block. In Woodstock, close to carllne; term. - (3.250 buy good modera bona of room, Un lawn, oa fully Improved trt, oa Eaat Brlmou. near 23d at. (2.100 buy a good B-roora bona," 1" block from Reservoir earlln. near 48th at.; lot - 60x112.- bath and bBaement. .pple freea. -2 prune - tree,- chirrleai b Bir,--f plum, t Bartlrtt pear. 1 almond, ah rubbery and jut tbe place for a borne; laveetlgate. -88 .800 bare a fins new 8-room modera house. only 2 blocke from bualneee center, at Sunny- aide,- IO0 feat to the carllne; tue property, only need, to ba aeon to be appreciated. (4.600 buys aa up-to-date T-room bouae with ail modera. la irvington; Beat ox an rr wan ing; will be ready to occupy la a few day a. Call and see this. 1 AMBO lBHOH l Phone Piclfie 1848., . Room 100 .AMngtoa, FOR BALE flood lot oa eaat aide, only one 94UU. Diocx Trom gooa car una ana not too far to walk to business section of the city. We can sell for 10 per cent cash and balance (10 per montn. PORTLAND TRrST COMPANY OP OREGON. 8. E. comer Third Don't Overlook These - (aoo 50x100 lota la City View Park. . (A2B 50x100 oa ..Eaat Flaodera at. (XAO 4 Bne lot oa Willamette boulevard. (8,200100x100, one T-robm. one 11 -room boue. Dodern, finest corner In Irving toe, -' ' J. H. HEILBRONNER A CO.. - - Hood River and Moaler rrult Laada. - 618-10 Lumber Exchange, S. K. cor. Second aad Stark sts. Pbone Mala 4436. H0VEB, oa tba Columbia, ap river from Port . land; prettiest and busiest tows oa tb liver; towa lot and five and tea-acre fruit tract for sal by th owner; Northern Pacific Irrt- Satlng ditch supplies perpetual water rtgbta; ally steamers; north bank railroad building through town; best opportunities m stats; - doa't delay; write or go there now; tomorrow msr be too late. Alao own several thousand acres- of famous- Horse- H saves what UaUs, greatest wheat producer In the weet; eal oa aay term. Hovr Land Co., Hover, Wash. BOMB BARGAINS IN HOMES. (4,arW) b'w (-room bouae, - Johnsoa at.. Beer 28d. (8,100 ( room - bouae, William are.. Bear Halaev. - (2.20O Nsw-5-room eottage, Commercial -aear Falllnr. v- - aeer Benton. ' ' "T (3.860 New modern S-mom houee ee . , - .. ,,k, .. n . , Mu,l.u ,.,,uee, cw. m. iiuit iuihci, lucyMvt ota. ' . . . . $4,750 T-room new bouae, oa Nob HI1L Job neon, near Upth. .. (l.Too 5-room modera cottage I. Tth rat., n. r " e - .' . . ::t (d.OOO New. modern. " T-room houee. oa Broadway, near E. 18th. Very fin bargain. (2.0OO8-room bouas. oa Tillamook.-hear aat. WESTERN OREGON' YRrST COMPAN Y, . 2U1 stark street. (-ROOM -aplendld cottage, half block - Wood lawa carllne; 60x100 fine lot, fenced with Ivy and rose hedge and la bearing fruit treea, amall fruits, alee lawn, and growing J.rdea: ealy (1,350) (760 down; furniture (160 extra. Bom Land oumpany, 146V Flrat at. - A BRAUTIFtJL borne with lovely ground. . (100100), 7 room bona, with beet beth, brick . bflaement (cemented on eutalde), airy room. and hall.; honeysuckle, and climbing rosea - on th porch: (3,000; term. J. B. Boa mar, (10 Allaky bldg. Mala 8186. DO yon want a Willamette valley farm 100 acres) at a bargain 1 It', a peach at (6.000; (2.000 down, balance at 6 per cent. -Be J. E. Iloamer, (10 Allaky bldg. Mala 813d. C1101CB BARGAINS IN BOUSES; TERMS, shi 6 o room, xionravuia. (1,1005 rooms. Highland. (1.: .2O0 d room. Mimfivllla, I : I1.2V1 T room. Bunnyald., 61.2764 rooma. Highland. , gl.eOO 5 room. Upper Alblna. j (2.000 rooms, Mmtavllla. , 12.0(10 S roome. Bunnyalde. (2.200 10. rortm., Bunnyalde; map, 2.0006 rooms, 13.200 8 moms. South Portland. ' ,700 B rooma, Engene at. (4 2V S room., Hollad.y Park.- - - (12(1 Lot. Alneworth see. We build houses on ssay term. CITY REALTY BUILDING CO., Main 1640. - 612 Oommrei bldg. WAREHOUSE SITES. TRACK AGS and ACRR- AGE, any amount ta suit, oa O, W, P. end - Southern Pacific, can be bought at a figure that will prove a good Investment. Tbe Con tinents! Co., 248 Bt.rk at. 1 1 BOMB .plendld acreage on Mt. Beott line. Bear Powell v.ney roaa. as in uoauneniai ve., 24S Stark t. f RACTIONAL Mock of 4 lot, on ef tba finest rlvsr view m neiiwono, ai.atai. (1.800 California cottage, S rooms, mod ern; lot 100x100; tbi I. very che.p. W. Ft. MOREHOUSE, Pboaa Bellwood T4. 1670 Eaat Mtb at. FOR SALE (4.000 80 acre farm 28 or 20 acre cleared: ev car service? on good macad amised road, 10 miles -r ore heert of city; terql ro ult pnrcbr.16,Inqnlr fof particu lar, room. BnO and 210 CommerelsL bid., est. Bseoad aad Waah, , Ctaoaa P.cUIo X-.(. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." -ROOM boss, lot 100125. close ta. Mi TJbloa . are-i fruit end hruhherys street Improva- aaeata paid: price (2.8U0;' terms. , - KEST A VAN fOHHEN. A ulw Uurriau IL CHOICE Iota hsfwaaw Kaat lUth and Mtb Sts., adjololng liaw Uiorne av. price low, term ' BEST A VAN MM0,J 261V Morrlaoa at. , FOB, SALE rtne waterfront mill alt, close ia. within dry rlmttai rallrosd through Itl can t os oast; ir you want a mm lie. com qmrs. Call room 615 Marquam bldg. J. S. Taylor, 10 ACRES at Beaver ten; II well, aoll N. ll aear terms : uvics XA.V). - - 10 acre between the city aad Lenta; easy xerme; fl.zpu. . - 1. 92. COMPTON. r PaciB lia4B.- - -. lOO-Ablngtoa bldg, $8.800 BUYS new atrlctly modera (-room bouee a Diocva rrom esvlln. st Asat Anaenr ant 22d: 82S0 or bras doarn and (12.50 monthly oa principal, Intereat 6 per cent. Blaf ap and arrange to ae thla property. (2,000 T-room bona, la Brat-class condi tion; barn, woodshed, chlckea-eowee. all kinds of fruit and Sowers, grounda 100x128, Midway Station, on Oregon TTtyTme; easy terms. . 83.600 Modern bona with furnhe. In walk ing dlstsnce. oa East Aider at.; fU kit. Paclfle 1848. 100 AMngtoa bldg, rOR BALE a acre, all clear, as Oregon City ear, near Courtney station; price fi.sw Box so. MUwsukls. ' TOO caa pure has the Hunt Switch atock ' at so cent oa th dollar thla monta eniv; com qilck. W. J. ourtla, BIB timmerclAl pia. r-none Mala oaea. WEST BIDE Corner, 60x100, with two Brat- claaa building, earning 12 par cent oa (12,006, caa ba bought for (10.000: laveatlaat. . UAQEMANN A BLANCUABO, (1 rifth at. - - 48A ACRES, Sne dairy ranch, ea Cbtambla river auo acre bottom. Balance upland: un acre) meadow, rood new aoaa. tare hara: .very- Thing Brat auua; boatlaadlng; prlc (18,000, aert ca.h. 40 acre, all ta cultivation: will make tw flnc horn: near achool, church and carllne; aa extra chance for a good home; (135 per acre; (1.500 cash. Wa havs-avsar B. TO, , 1.-rH,TSI ap tn 1,000-acre farms from the cheapest to ths beet In Oregon: call and see ue. get our - tnice ead term before buying; we have had 20 yea re experience in tbe lana one nee and think w caa satisfy yoa la location, term aad price. ' 100x100 adjoining terminal ground; an nual rent (1,248; price (17,000, term.; Bne Investment- ' " teoxioo.-ldth- at.- ta wsrebouee dUrriett rent for- (72 per month ; this property KOxloO-btt. eood B-room bouae. Bne location: - tt. - - w for amall ranch JUL. Kixllal lot on Eaat 28th St.: Ilea line. cloee to Mount Tabor ear, only (1,260; (2604 cash. - ' 60x100 lot, with tw houae, reefs foe (86 par month: rented tor 5 year.; rent guaran teed: price (8.000; (3.S00 rash; building In - good condition; Bne tavestmetit. - paying mh 1H nee eertt. 50x100 Bne lot. Eatat STta at., (350; (10 h, 110 par montn 1ne" new houee. Eaat Alder Bear istn It., aV 9,m- t.rrt-l . Good f-room bouse. Fast Taylor near 84 th e. it,,-- - ( il a - - I ga m a aad MB B a fat MB 1 aBaBaaM 1 is WT .j B (J 1 1 nj aEIIP, "Ul.T we ltwasmPT"" wibij laajaafl Lota In Park View Extended.-Boise's se dition and Eut Portland Height. (10 cash. 10 per month. - CHA RLESOIf A NE1LI . (1 Allaky. bldg. Phone Pacta 1198. - FOB SALE 4 beautiful highly Improved birg. BOxlOO, woodlawn; Bargain, vwner, aaarwee WHEN tn doubt, ro re Hover on tbe Columbia Town lota ana rrult truer I or ssi or in owner. Hover Lend Co.. Hover, Wash. Also ewa aad will ssll severs 1 thousand acres femou Horse Heaven wheat lands. rOR SAT.rX-eond lote; S bloek from earltna. 860 to (126. nesr Highland, with graded atreata. ." city water, grewl -ear service, fine ' echool and only 20 minute from . , - your baatnese: 10 per cent down v and (3 per month nd title Insured. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Or ORROOW. B. I. corner Tblrd and Oak its. VERY DESIRABLE enburhan home.- Etcellenl 7 -room modern cottage; two or more wta; east Id, north; near car lin and school; good elevation: grand view: good sollt city water. - Reasonable for cash or oa easy terma. A 46, car journal. HERB YOU ARB. New T-room etrietly modem bouse; ale lot, 48a 188: one block from Wllltsm .vs. Prlc only (2.650; terma. E. J. Gelsef, 221 H Mor rison et. . . . : BARGAIN (1,000 buy. 5-room hone. ( ale lot, garden, in Bearing rrnit tree; 6 block from electric car. Call 221 M Morrison at.. room v. rtNsr SUBURBAN HOME. 8 acree of rich soil, all In cultivation, new 5-room plastered houae. barn, chicken hosee. ffrnlt tree, lrwherr1es, 8 acrea In grain, freah cow, IS ehlckena: ihla place la only block -from car Un: price (2.300: termA E. J. GEI8BR. 221 Vk liorrlaon at. . - SMALL- r AHMfl. ia..Aerr all clcarrrt.. gnjifl honai. Bare, ana- an spring, .4,1 54 acrea, good lead. 22 la cultivation. .11 feared, (6.000. 7 IS ere nice, smooth, level lee J ' .n cleared, large bars, sm.R houae, some or cnaruv gooa roes, em. wax . 28 acrea, ell cleared, fine honee. bars - fruit of ell kinds, good road. (16,onO. All of these trade of laad ens lusl axil llde of fba city limit., ne.r ear line and ea good road; good term eaa .be give. - i. L. WKLLB CO., 64 Grand av. TWO 5-room cottage and eaa lot 60x120 ea Morris St., near union ava. Pbone Main t. (228 BUYS yoa a lot In Porte mouth ee.ouu ours you 2iu acrea or nice uiiahie land, good building., 18 acree in bop. - f 100 for a lot la Mt, Tea-e.- , Houses built on Installment. E. 8. MCCOY. 60 Fifth It. GOT a house to Mil. new. 8 roome, lot 80x100, food location, Bunnyald. Uo yoa, want It ost you (8,000: better look at It. Patteraoa A Stewart, 1000 "4 Belmont at. (7,000 A WNLL-IMPBOVED corner lot ea 10th It., near namaon: n.rgain. (2.600 8-room bona and tw fine lota, corner, on Eaat Ankeny carllne; easy term. (2.8fla 8-room modern house, large lot, on Union eve.; (260 cash, balance monthly; cement- walk. (1.350 New modera 8-room house, roll lot. West Piedmont, nesr car II nee. , ' ( New B room bona -and lot. West Piedmont; (160 cash, balance same aa rent, ' (AT. BO per acre Well-Improved 12n-cr farm, ea.t of Oregon city; very easy terma. (1.80A Small chicken ranch. H mil from cltv limits: money-maker for right party. (750200x62 feet of ground, .treat. Im proved, near Montavill. carllne. . - GRUNDY-MELRATH CO.; 245 4 Morrlaoa at. ... POR SALE Seaatde, overlooking ocean, B-room rottag. rurnJ'neq. inquire 663 Eaat Taylor. rnon -Ec aw.. - FORCED bargain of (-mora rssldeneef modern. lot rtxi4l, all una nr large and amall fruit, mall barn, brick basement. 2 block Sunny, aide carllne, (2. TOO; (1.000 cash, terma on balance. Owaer, 1226 Eaat Taylor at. Phone Kaat 8686. IOOtIOO, 16th and B. Stark ....(2,808 inoxioo. untb and E. waahlngtoa-.... ..II, 500 TBvKiO, 8 2d and B Ash ( noo foxioo, 14th and -K. Oak (2.000 40x60, 18tb and E. Bnrnsld. ........ .(I.Ono T-room bouse aad bit, 20th and E.-Aab. 42.600 - 22 acre Ml O. W. P. carllne: 6 sere clear, II fenced, running water 1 (2.000. Call (81 Eaat Oak, or phone East B40S, HERE IS A OOOD BUT. 100x100, Went Irvington. (1.100; idwlk and street made; pledid location; only (l,100,aw.p.t 4y A ctv, 18814 Fourth t., room (8, (0x100. AMALL hnnse, ta block (, Point View addition, at. eonns, nn new rrom carllne. Apply ) property, Oswego at. BRAND IV. -bnalneee property. Bear Washing- toa- It. I steany rsnsnr. .1 UC.NKLB A HARRISON. v BIT AUuftoa --t r-- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 10,000W1LL buy 60x135, centrally heated. Income (2.100 per year; pay. per cent on (.WJ.OOO; thla pnoperty should treble In value In tbe Beit 10 year, being better sscurtts ben any bank, and three lima better than - loaning money on real eatate. lira. Bounds, 2U8H Stanton, corner Commercial, Alblna. Ccixipellecl to Sell IN BT. JOHNS. j- - - 1 block, eloa In, overlooking tba river, . 10 lot at 128 Per tnt, cloaa fa, t' t IN PORTLAND. ( bouses In different locstioo for salel (126 down, (10 per month. 1 TUB HOME BBOKKBAOB CO., - . Boom ( Breedea blds Third aad Washington. .- BOOM kouss, Bne full lot, (I.80O1 (300 down, (1( monthly. Pboaa Eaat 676. , - FOR. BALE Let la Arleta Park No. t, (1361 (78 papering and painting, belanee terms to ult; wurk la St, Joans. Box 70, St. Johns, Oregvsa, FOR SALS No. 821. or. of Clay aad l(th sts . Portlsnd. Oregon; ae agent. Paalel Gaby. Vaneoaver, Washing toe, li . 1 FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN " a an itoca. range, otalnlni about 280) sorest sll under fenesi situated hear , vara- uregon. ss a. r. a. at,; tbta t one of the beet atock ranges la ths eosatyi I else ava . aother good .tech rsage eoetatnlsg 1.420 acre, wbloh wlU be aoid at a vary law feto. - Pur particular addreea J. B. Butbev - us. ewxexr. Boooborg. Orsgoa. -, FOB BALE Houm and lot at Mount Tahoe. -Piwttymaa atstloa, (8.60O1 amall caab pey- "erit balance la 1"0 equelaionttlly my. 1 T1' 7n.miau'lsffuquu-yo CbumbsiT f Commerce. FOR SALB 0-roota bonssi a ana. laqutr owner. U88 Eaat Madlaoa at. TWO . corner lots and building, end to and, "Ox w . inmiiDs naitr ana aronc etA! price (15.000. If eold quick; new rellreed he. bought bloek opposite: soother eoruer eold -thla week opposite. . rine ilsrge 8-room house, modera. fad lot 0x100. 1 finely finished, nn Grand eve good location; aee ah; price (8.800; terma. A, good T-room boa., modera, lot BOxlOO.' TO feet from carllne, oa eaay terma; ale to school; price (1.700; Eaat Hoyt at. B-room house, plastered, lot BOxlOO, aa Union av.! good buy I (1.800. terma. T-room house, befh and pantry, -baaameeit, ' $2 00a" WMt id' " l ot OMa Prlc T have a numhec of eood snA CtnA real J -deuce aad Tmalneaa propertle in all part or viiy, at niisrent price, r leaee can anq examine Hat If yoa think (buylag lt wlU pay yoa. - W. W. ESPEY, Boom (18 Commercial bldg., 2d aad Wash. FOR BAUD it a bargain, new 8-room eottage. run tot. wood nnrs plaster aaa an eompiete, . (OOO sash; must self at once. Owner, M. B. Brown, at NBTlMeUU-9.th4lMoant Bcott earlln. CHOICEST comer. " naw thorns Park, walking aieiance, improvements iu; oargaini ay vaeesssea) 1 a at aara deurali . . .FpR BALE A Bne residence lot en Mount Tanor lor aaie; en carllne, inquire . or . owner. Phoae Woodlawa 138, a. FOR BALK A few fine reside nes lets tor sale on Installment plan, oa carllne. city water and Bear acbooL Inquire owner, phone Woodlawa 186. HIBK ARB JNVWlTMENTa-ATJTJOH:S- 8 lots (3.000: rlvsrvUw S 5. per cent ou- . county lor eaan. 12 lotA (1.800. , a acre. si.irati. 3 here, (2,500. S buslneae lor, 28x178 feet, .cheap. - E, C. HURLBERT. 10SJ4- Jersey at, St. Johns. FOR SALB 8 lots. 8 room boas, oa Hoyt t.. i.iwut term, lionss, mt, pain, etc., down. - T acre." B-rooro house. (1.800; terms. WlK 'H Hiin inline. II.eBin . hi J. Prlc, 17 H First St. room 12. (2.80010 ACRES of onion bind near Milwan- 11. with " room aouse. Hagemana m Blaach srd. 61 Fifth il . 800 FOR beatrrtfnl lota, near St. John 1 xi. siiii.a., 11a vBanuuer wa FOR" SALE A beautiful corner ta South Port. (3,(00. land, only on bloek from carunei lot 80x100; noun roocna. fait baaement. We can maka terma. , ' ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY v Or OREGON. - '' ' '. 8. X. corner Third aad Oak ata. Jtee:Spedai:Mgatos : - 1.6)0rlo100, :o6omcotrxg, foli base ment, hath aad electric lights, city water, fmtt. - aoware, -ate.; - Bear Piedmont; easy term. (1.20060x180, new 8 -room eottsgs, wffh bath, amall fruit. Bowers, etc., 1 block from car. Be fars, good Berries; (BOO cash. (l.OOO-rjajl acres, about - 20 mile from Portland: 2 acre u' cultivation, 108" "frulf" trees, (mail comfortable houae. SO ' acre -of good timber, 1 mil from aawmlU. walled -aprtng and creek, eom good bottom land, 1 mil front acbool and church timber worth more thaa price ef property. Watch for our three special bargarae each week.-which wilt lnc lade all kinds aad , claaa of property. rOR NORTHERN HILL property, tncludtnf th! igntiy traet knows a wiiiumnia, ee t. a. Benehaw, Northsra 11 IU Ms tloa, call -mp-Woodlawa 108. - ... LOT 40x100 feet. East Third t.. Holladaye - Addition; street Improved; sewer, water and - gaa ill ra sna psia; guou socsuun; few. Also a corner lot oOiOO, location same a bewai 11.060 A leu, 2 TranTAnaT lot, each 00 feet anna re. on Bchnvler. between Unloa are. and Eaat lltb; tha corner for (760: th Inald bslf lot for (560, Culver, 828 Chambei at Commerce. (8.000 INCOME propexty on Xamhlll rt.. i.-).tsi u diocx on noyt i. ciose aa. 110.000 I4 block, with 4-story brick. 1,8665 am at MootsvUla; clesrsd. noteLot oa Sell wood at. 18 6.1 B.nno Fine seat eld rennenee. ,000 iBComa property; st iU pag J Bar at. WILSON A ROWS, , 227 Chamber of Coxnmaraa. T" (900 VERY GOOD 4-room bonae, full lot, Bne. large rruit xrase,. vans biocs sswuavae eer line: snap. (T.800 Elegant, nearly new, (-room ..faag'. near Belmont at., Bunnyald. $2.800 Hplendid new modera 8-rooea bouse, lot BOxlOO, Morrison St., Suruiysld. 18.260 or (400 down bnya xnlsrut new T-room residence; Bunnyalde. (2,060 That neat B-room cottage ea Oorbett It., lot 50x108: lot of fruit. (8.400 for that alee, nearly new T-room houee oa1 Montgomery at.; a bargala. 8TAUB A ROSS. 227 W..hlngtoa .L, room IT. Phone Paclfle 682. (778 WILL BUY my newly completed 4-roera- nungBlow cottage, jarg rooms, ciouiew reoru nd pantry, large bungalow porch and two' lot. Mount Scott ear. Pbone Eaat 2702. rOR SALE New, modera, 8-room bouse; aome- thlng fln. t en and ee 11. mm aaa aataer at.. Upper Alblna.. Part cash. 82x100 EINE corner tot, not far sot, half block rrom car, oaiy foroj terms. Aaaress A 48, cere JoumaL $70086x100 -ON- Bancroft - ave., Seeifb - Pore. lana; nne eocanon, vary aigniiy, wmrn mei. Inqutr 418 McK.y bldg., cor. Third aad' Rtark (g. -. 7: - - - ' FOR SALE Lot! en Hawthorn iv., (380 and up; (26 down, balance 110 per month, in quire of Conklln Bros., (IT Marguerite ave. WILL sell at a bargain my new S-roota be us .nd corner Kit on east aide, near Hawthorne are. 1 muat be sold thla week. A 48, care Journal. BARGAIN Full ' corner lot aad Bow 8-reora modera eottage on Aims ave, near ear. . barns; Improved (treat; price (1,800; Part cash. BoxlOO lot, good ( room bowse with wood shed, on Mount Bcott carllne; prlc (600 (208 1 .ere, aft In bearing fruit and well fenced, nesr Mount Bcott earlln; . ealy (860; eaay payment.. . . X. J. COWLISHAW, 4 f2 Commercial bldg. Pboaa Pacific Hi . BARGAIN Choice - lots near r, boulevard lad a ateMon; terma. Call Whit cot tag Block weet Arbor Iidge atatloo, St. John car. IMPROVED ACRE- , . ' . Ct.ntelna variety err-rrrilt treea, malt fruit, nlc garden, I 4-roonj eottage, water Piped is sous. Aasiita, 3U Jfttt lad 1,