The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 22, Image 22

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. . 1 . . r- ; . . ' :
- . ' -i rettiat of All Portland' nanrba. '.
... , , BIO IrfT AT tXTTIJi niOIf. Z "
.1, : - Sew arfia tt oered. ITMtlrt . V
7 iso ' $150 tt -
- - I I ' ePIUV 3.0O BOWaT. S3.00 I
I I ". - WOVTX. ; ; I - ..... ',lmi - - I H
1 I ' rime Yew KtMT U Beal Batata. Safest of All Xaveet- j .
i: I I meat. St eeaaot IVI. .VM A WAT, OB BB ITOLM. I ft
' BvT raaiemoe Im ., ; , . .. ... I ''
l.:A '1V00DMEKE
., Tk art. est rtwtt i Aider its. y j
- ... 1 ''" ,iuj raiiiag "d 'W 3rrr
.'. ' -; -e- ' Always oa ,4b Oiwaai-r .
- i
' Elks' Tempfe,329 Stark
Farm and; Timber Lands, City
Covering half block on East Burnside from Union
to Grand Avenue the very best investment in the
-oity -can-W-had-on-good
ticulars see ; :
210-214 Abington
The Lafayette Realty Co.
' - kooms IT and X, I.aayett ldg,
An Old Story
The sis wli re rt for tea years sera
taarlr 1a ltml " ef the property ..aod
, la swat eaaee tae appreriaiioe m xumm
tb liimft ee tee lnatmeat. .
lIT inn ku the Boat HOMES,
! bea rae OBEATKST eepalatlvB. ta OROWINO
5?.' tenet RAPtOLY. and Ue OaBATKB
tjaTLASD ML'ST a WILL tie there. -
r ffca ceosraphtnil mtt ef tbe eltr,
fa tae MMat
t DRHISAhi.B rMlOrace nmrrirt.
ef. thla will oai awiismii
D aut eTrrlook tbM FACTS
kaa Biaklne MTeetnweia ana ran ana in-
. tnet tbe proper"'. tor eln ta belle Ting.
Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company
Sty Third at.. Koora ' 4. Pertliad. Oregon.
City Prpperty
"Parrish, WatHlns & Co.
nnd In$uranc0
250Mdcr Street
Tary ta ft-reea Oetta-e) ea Mnrrta, rr
rwvrrul (tict. M.Mlora la rwf war.- a'l
taimu baaraieat, enorret aldrwalka and
etoua, saa. hot aad enkl water, hatb, all iwmI.
era. Cot 11I wltb l-fwt allefi sraell
trvet aed all laiprTawnt Is and pd tor.
HM nlnb4 ta mrly r aoe the Terr hmt
. nf warmaebj. riee Ttew e rier and
aer tbia b rwtalaly a bargala at tbe price
kr-ealy 12.1U0. ( . . '
Henry O. Brown
ail MaKAT BUM.
"""" ""t
Investment Co
St Phone Main 1279
terms. For further-par.
.ii'--106K Third St.
West Side
tOklOO. corner Water and Clay streets.
Full lot with three buildings, on First
street. Income 76 per annum..
C ?22,000V
Aflnft Aw0"f ' orr prllt bftlldlng. In-
come i,uu per annum."
East Side
Half block on Union and Grand avenues,
dose in.
One whole block facing Grand avenue.
$12,000 .
Quarter block on Union arenue, with t
story building.
T $10,000 - V
Half block on railroad track and Ira
proveo street.
Three-story brick bulldlna. Income f 1
(00 per annum. Thla ala Includes fur
niture contained in 2 rooms.
Quarter block on East Morrison street
Quarter block 100 feet from Hawthorn
160 Acres of Land $40 an Acre
Two miles from Tents. This Is a bar.
gain and open for a short time only,
1,100 Acres of Fine Fruit and
Grazing Land
1 H miles from railroad, near Chelialla.
Will sell for S per. acre on easy
Lambert, Whitmer & Co.
107-10B Rierlook Slog. : 404 a. Aid St.
...The Healthf ulness of
through its- excellent
drainage and an ample
supply of the purest' wav
ter is assured.
- ; Take advantage of our
installment plan , and -acquire
a lot where tlfere -"is
pure air, pure water,
plenty of breathing room
J and the most healthful
surroundings. : ' . "
' .100 feet square, for
$300. Easy terms.
Portland trust Company
Soathaast soraer ThitA aad 0K SU.
New traction Hawthorn avenu Just
opened up. Only U minutes' ride from
heart of city. Twaaty-av lota sold la
two" wak.. Ttc" f50 to ttW. AH
lots level and In lawn grass. Streets
graded .and sldewalka to fee laid. .,
Handsome Homes Already Built '
Ko aaloona. stores or chops can b
built In thla tract. ' Building lino tab
ltahedli feet from front of lot. Beauti
ful altes at most reasonable prices.
Terms easy) 10 eaeb and (IV a month.
Taka Mount Scott or Mount Tabor I
Reservoir car at corner First and Alder, j
get off at corner Hawthorn avenue and I
East Thirty-third street and
See for Yourselves
If you are hard to suit and want to
pay , more money . for a home, let us
enow you torn of the choice. quarter
blocks and lots that we have for sala in
Irving-ton and Hiplladay'a additions. - A
few very choice "modern houses, ready
for occupancy, may be had In these da-
utrablcrestdenrw- aerttons: 8ome ars-orr
terms no harder than paying rent.
Jtorocs lit thr West End
The most desirable "of . all residence
sections lies north of Washington and
west of Twentieth streets. Look over
our long list ef modern homes 1n this
part of th city ' at prices which wlU
suit the purs of th salaried employ
as well aa the wealthy bualness man.
2,650 Slat N., rooms; I too cash.
4, BOO Everett, near Jlat. 7 room a.
f 4.7BO Owner will aell his house on
- Lovejoy sU. near 24' '
$5,000 Flanders, bet . Hat andTZd;
7 rooma. lot 60x100.
$6.000 Hawthorne av. and E. ZOth,
100x100 and modern 10-room house.
$7,500 Kearney st;, near list, beautl-
OOO Hawthorne ave. and E. tn
t.. new house, cost l&.ooor acres
land worth 11.000.
$10,000 J4th. st. N.. lovely modern
horn on corner: facea east.
$13.000 Everett St. and 12d. large
nouee, oeautiiui grwunue, mu
bloc. . 1 ,--,---, 1 1.1.
First-Class Investments
Ofeoto niaoa of waterfront on th east
side, improved and bearing good Income;
jJno a goodly tr.lP.J'r st. John.
basgaaa tm wtmut mill gangswg
close to Washington. The only piece on
the market In this vicinity. Can be made
to pay excellent Income on the invest
ment:....... L-'....
. BoalBMa utopwuy at less man au.uuv,
bearing I per cent net 'Income. Is worth
looking at and inquiring about. .Don't
you think aoT
Warehouse sites between Belmont
street and Hawthorn avenue and west
of East Second street are advancing In
value. Better get one .while you can.
All that we offer have trackage facili
ties. Can sell one lot at $6,000 and half
a block-at 11O00. 1
lb wis aua lobksTar Into th ru
future. Buy a lot on York street at
It, 100. A corner on Pettygrov street
with a good Income can now be had for
I $.000, - ; .
Three ehoioe lota one block from East
T1H st.afTIBOxtO(rrencdriHarninrnrf
shade trees. Thla la a bargain at l.oo.
71 AJewiChoIcelBaralnsiiZ
SSOO OAm and balance In easy month
ly payments will give you a nice horn
L on on of the choicest streets In the
fashionable northwest section.
$300 CAM will give you possession of
-a new modern home In Irvlngton. Tou
cannot afford to let this opportunity
. - pass. Some on will ie It and grasp
it oulckly. ' .
$2SO OASat. wilt Tut. you In vlrtnal
ownership ox a S-room cottage near
the corner of 21at and Kearney sta.
If you don't want to live In It it will
Py over 10 per cent income.
In Arbor Lodge
Ten lots only two blocks from the car
line can be bought for I1.Z60.
If you don't. And what yott-want In
this ad. don't think It's all w have to
selL but com in and talk with na about
your needs, If you-have anything to
sell bring It In. We can sell It If anyone
can. . ... ...
Hartman & Thompson
Ohambsr of Oommaro. -t
. - Fhon Frivat Bxohaag 10.
Bargains In Real Bstate
lrai onehalf clearedrconvnlent
to city and clone to car line. Pric
12.600: half cash. - ,r
aores Near Ients. acres cleared.
with S-room bouse. Price 800; half
" cash. ; - -
a acres OnEaat 14th-streta-good
SOU acres Near' W'oodlawn M.ROO.
34 acre 2ii mlles from Oregon Ctty;
14 acres cleared, with 4-room nouae.
rash, balance at & ier cent.
ISO acre a With 1,000.600 feet of choice
timber, within b miles of railroad, for
ISO aores in Tamhlll county, with
8,000,000 feet of timber. Price 11,000;
nnir cnan. .
Souses and lots In all farts of th Clt;
on eaay payments. - -
A eholo porner on Madison, close in,
122x100. Price I1.S00.
Desirable residence lot within city
limits and convenient to ear. Prices
.. 1250 to 1400, on payment of I2S down
and 110 per month. Thee lota will
Inoreas rapidly in value.
Aa Ideal plao and equipment to make
money other boslaees compels owner
to sell at onoe.
225 acrea-i-100 In cultivation, farm
well fenced; new barn S2xS4 feet; 100
tons hay, H head cattle, most of them
Jerseys; span horses, drove thorough
bred Berkshire swine; complete st
farm Implements, one new 1100 cream
separator; fine mountain creek on 'irm.
four large springs, one minion re.-t nf
fir timber, TO-foot water power: good fi-
room bouse. 7-acr orchard, dryhouae.
.,Ilastur-and-plQW land to auppoxi 40.
cows; s nines xo un-f on vuy, is mues
to Portland, splendid roada, half mile to
school and store; might trade for first
class Portland property: good terms. A
big snap. - investigate at once.
B. B. 47BOBS. Oregon City. Or,
Three Acre Home
All In high state of cultivation. House,
barn, poultry house and yards; well
fenced; bearing orchard; pears, apples,
cherries, etc.; also variety of . small
fruit. (Why llv on a town lot?) Prlc
ta.OOO, on terms.
T. J. HAMMER, 616 Commercial Block
I 11,3007 half Tash. 1 , 1 L
1144 acres 15 acres cleared, convenient
Own Your Own Home
I can aell you a new modem (-room
house for 12,000, or a -oom modern
house' for 12,600; on East Morrison' St.,
near !th st. 8unnyslde). Small pay
ment down, .balanr amnll monthly installments.-.
"e T. 7, Xaauaer, IK
Comoterclal block.
! . - . " v '''.''
... . . I
dence district of the
whole peninsula It
fisUBuK Rtmrmter
Portland publicschools;
Colu mbiaillni versity
wide boulevards and
scenery that cannot be
surpassed anywnere
Its- higL elevation above
the nvers its gravel!
drainage make natural
health conditions of the
highest; degreeThere
is employment for all
.... t.
the miUs- factories and
shops There is a
heavy ..demand for
medium-siied houses at
University Park -Tfeere
are no vacant houses
If - you - arc - a - builder
come to University Park
and Bulla houses to sell
or rent If you are
kekmg archarmingjor
to University Park
Easy monthly install
....... il,:
:r...-. --.d
('.."- '. II ! , l'.. k . I
My Bargain List of llom
$1,150 Splendid C-room'' IH-atory
. plastered hquse, and lot 41x111 feet.
Fine solt and beautiful, unobstructed
view in Beauvolr Heights, Woodstock
car line; 1450 cash, balance $10 per
S1.250 175 cash and balance 115. per
taontlCTiOTntfefrr9r lueariha-weirsTil
built 4-room cottage; wood fiber plaa-
ter, two-lota,. 400x100; In- Wodatcs
$1,350 Neat t-roont cottage and lot,
west . side, near Montgomery at.; half
' caah.. .
$1,350 A modern new" 4-room cot
tags, with bath, pantry and wardrobe;
'near Highland school, I blocks from
- Union ave.: has all the conveniences:
various kinds of young fruit trees,
berries and flowers;, a .cheap . buy;
terms. .;
$1,650 Near St. Johns, 4-room plas
. tered cottage; ground .100x100; ail
kinds of berries, fruit trees; a nice
suburban home; terms.
$l,T50--Cholc suburban home,- 7-
- room plastered houseL. pantry, bath,
fine cistern; good barn, poultry house,
woodshed, etc.; 13 fine bearing fruit
trees, various kinds of small fruits,
- garden; everything In first-class con-
dltlon; ground-100l&0-laaa than 10
minutes to car. ' 1 " 1 .
cuniTttts basement, nice lawn, garden.
several young fiuH ' trrrm poultry
house, storehouse;- near Mount Soott
car line, on ' Section Line road; one
third cash, balance on easy terms. ,
$2,100 Ori ' Market at.; lot 30X100 and
a. nice -room reaiaence;- grouna is
more than worth the .price asked. ' .
$2,700 For a very- modern "7-room
nous in central jiiDina; oesi - 01
plumbing, bath,- gas. etc.; - nicely
tinted; brick basement. This Is
' choice" good term s.
$4,600 A beautiful 7-room residence,
on uvanon St.; nas moat 01 in moo
em conveniences; a profusion of flow
ers and roses;' a fin home and a good
Investment.. - .
$8.000 On half block well improved.
only 1 Diocaa rrom Dusinnss center 01
St. Johns; 3 good residences;, all
klnds of fruit, berries, flowers and
-rones; fin anil and garden; concrete
walks; ground alone 1 worth 1 7,000.
A bargain, . .
Lots and Blocks
$150 Only a few more lots st this
price, in Hoauvoir Heights; nign ana
sightly, right 'on Woodstock car line;
-ir.n . 4 'iin- ht it, the ntv;
small amount cash and balance I
per month. Agent on ground Sunday.
Get off car at-Howe station and In-
- I IslBl A s si g a atuBABBBBaK-'.
$225 This la a snap; a fine lot in
North Irvlngton on East Ninth' st
well wortjh 1375;! 1100 down, balance
110 per month. .. .
$225 Two good lots in Arleta Park
on Mount Scott car line; easy terms.
$285 each 2 choice lots near Haw
thorn ave.; cannot be duplicated in
"""this vleinfty'ror less than 3frO;HOO
- cash,- balance per" month. : - e
$ 6 5 O-Forja hlghrslghtly lot. close' to'
car liner ohAlbtnarve.TTwnerJre
fused 11.000 fpr corner lot same
$2,000 Several choice lots In varl
. oua parts of South Portland. -$2,750
A choice lot on Kearney st.,
neai Twciuj'Hiliil. " . 1
A BNAP at $3.650 Fin quarter
block on East Davis and Sixteenth;
- Improved streets, cement walks, sewer
- and everything paid for; a bargaln.
Suburban Acre-: Homes,
$1.850 Worth. 12.500; owner leaving
.... country, hence this price, ior 2 acres
. . well improved. S blocka car line; good
6 -room house; 7 barn, - chtckeq house
and other outbuildings;. half " acre
strawberries; all kinds fruit, large
and smalt. ; Good buy; -
$2.600 A- beautlfulatiburban - home
of 12 acres, near Oregon City, on elec
tric car line, overlooking the Wlllam
en at a grade of 150 feet; good soil;
partially cleared; 20 young fruit trees
variety; abundance small fruit;
good barn and chicken house; fine
spring water piped Into house and
barn.Abargaln ; . terms.
$5.000 An Improved suburban home:
. 4Vt acres; good soil; a fine i-room
modern houae fin lahed la cedars full
concrete basement; good barn; wind
mill; plenty of small -frulU -"land Is
"-worthprtce-TiBlced. Abargalir; in
vestigate. J. Frank Porter
223 Washington St., Cor. First,
XvrJValUng Station.
HawthorneAve. andrEast
Thirty Tgighth strrrf- Vrry
choice residence lots at rea
sonable prices. Cement walks,
sewer, gas, eta
Chas. G.Strubc
616 Commercial Building
Sundays, 1 134 Haw-f
"T-; r tliorne rAvc "; "
pro A $5.00 up. ' ;
.Designs made from your own
sketches and with skill and taste.
. KRONER, Architect
108 V4 Third St., Portland, Or.
The irreatest Investment opportunity In
the world. Large or small amouhts. ' If
It la a nod enough for Kockefeller's and
Hsrrlman's millions -it la good enouarli
for you. WrlH for informetlon to KN.
t, 1711 1'lne street, San Francisco, aX
If" "r 7: - TT
1 .;;a.ffr
' .. The gateway to Portland's' harbor, situated on ,.
the; beautiful Penirisiila7boundedbn"the TwcstrtyIII!
the magnificent Willamette, on the east by the jm- " ,
mortal Colombia, "Where, rolls the Oregon, and . ,,
hears no sound, save its own dashings." ';
fr The two . transcontinental railroads, that now
"penetrate. ST. JOHNS, its miles of deep water
front,: its adequate steamship, river steamers and
street car service, its close proximity tq the inex- ,
. haustible timber belts, the boundless wheat fields '
and .unsurpassed, fisheries, considered with the con- v
"venienrlay" of the-land makes it the most desirable "
irt The world."
Peninsula' offers; the natural elevation of the land
the, refreshing breeze from the Columbia, the plain
view of Mt.J Hood, Mt. St. Helens, the various foot
hills and the yillamette Heights,-the rapid "growth
and development of the myriad flowers and, green ;
Ja wns, re great, inducements the - hpmeseekerr
In the last two years, the population- has in"
creased from. 300 to ; 3,000,' its assessed valuation
from $300,000 to pearly $2000,000, and the monthly
pay roll of its industries from $500 to $30,000. The
largest manufacturing and business concerns in the
World have secured, and others are securing, sites
in ST.. JOHNS, is safe to say that in the,
. next three or four years the populationwUL increase
to ten or fifteen thousand people, and the pay roll
to $1,000,000 annually; .1 ' -
For further particulars
Lots, Block and Acre
Th LNewEAddition
From $250 to $500
D. E. KEASEY & CO. f
Exclusive Dealers in Portland Heights Property
Office Opposite the" Observatory' on the HEIGHTS
1 ' .. ' - Phone Pacific 437 ,
B . . . aM, afanaaar.
- Fine qnnrter block on-Tenth street -
Oood lot, 60x126, in Albln
' New S-room house on Union avenue
.New S-room house and rot. C3.OO0tch
New S-room house and lot, Alblna,
Choice cre tract on Oregon City
reasonable prices; $10 down and. per month ................
Alao from 2 to JO-acre tracta near car line, at .Woodstock, at,
per -acre .sJTOO to
SI acres well located on the Peninsula,, per acre
. J7H acres adjoining Peninsula Add.,
tStt acres in same locality, per acre
' : FARMS k '
W have the most substantial list of farms of any agency In the
atate, from a few acres to large ranches, and will send lints to any In
terested inquirer, -
The Shaw-Fear Company
' ' " " . S484 STABK TmSXT, 0TX.aW, OB. ' ' '. .' '
&f all tR?
tions the
address or call upon the
Tracts Favorably Situated
on tht HEIGHTS-
. 50,000
K2.800 3
(i ..r.............iifooo-B
Iment payments '.f 2,500 B
oar llneflne location,
per acre
......... 4
.. . . ,r.
U- J i
on. 9
800 S3
900 3
750 g
' 9