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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1906)
-uWl IWd Circuit II i ' i ii II A-ffW X I 1 J I 1 I I XyT - -VvX W MM M J r J. VST" II 1 k Ml .. . r II Shower tonight na sunay; uui- 1 1 v -y 7 v-e--? Yi'i "S-Siiir O - 'v V V ' V , J crly wlndi.,,,, ... . . . .. -: ;. - ---as-,- - ' -t rggTT fer" " ' . ,. ' ; :. "j - - VOL.. V.. NO. 64. M' -li' 1 1 . . ' . . 1 - VARIED PRODUCTS OF liSlilili -Exhiblts-mhowrWiridqw lion Interesting in Extreme and - Speak Eloquently ; of; i Oregon's:- Progrts? and -. i,. The .Made j ln . Oregon exposition 1 opnd. a&4 lor. on:wtfc:iha manufac tured goods of this state will hold swsy ; -Mlnda were -drawn from the .show wln- dews of prominent stores they -disclosed -tastefully arranged exhibits of the va rlotia mills anT manufacturing planta of -TornahT andthe tale. Some of" the - exhibits ara really unique, and all of them aUnd aa a. testlmonlsl of ths rapid-progress that Oregon- had -made In her lite. -While not all of the exhibits are in -place-thls-morning, in t eat Ht-ml gnt r said only few are arranged when the great number to be dlsplsyedls "-considered, there wag nevertheless sum-lent-to-glve-onea-good Idea of, the else of the display. It will be Monday i before the real decorating and arranging i are. completed. While a number of the local manufacturers have arranged their -t exhibits those from outyof -town- did "nnt- irritt' turrit- today and """ win "be devoted, warranting them to the !)ow wlndowi. ' "Ti T" - r BzUblta Are Xatereatlag. ifXTUeway in. which some of the mnu 'facturera have arranged their exhlblU " ta Interesting- In. addition to dlaplaylng - the goods made In their mllla they also - have In the windows, amall card giving Intereatlng facta regarding the manu facture of the article exhibited. In aome casea iheJnanuf acturet give a the num. ber of hand employed In hla mllla. the amount of raw material uaed and the Fred Bufe Fatally Injured and Bulwarks of -UnitedStatesJender-Arago.Cru 1 " 1 - . ... - a a m m " " a . . -WhenSheerlegs With a creaking of tlmbere and' a crash, the mammoth aheerlegs st the w-ii.. H.n.ptmont nf the Willamette Iron J street, toppled over at 11:S o'clock thla imarnlnriaUUy Injuring Fred flube and crushing in the bulwarka of the United States Engineer departmenfa tender 'AragarTAn l-tonboHer in donley en- graer eonstructed for the Eastern West ' ern Lumber company, waa being lowered to a barge at the time, but waa not dam - - aged. - Employes of the boiler works and the crew of the Arago had miraculous asrapea from death. Two Immense logging engines had been . constructed for the lumber company and one had already , been -lowered in "aafety to the bsrse- Tha other waa lifted fiom the dock and was within two feet of the barge- whan suddenly , the back atay cable pulled out- and the ' monster sheerlega toppled over. - Th . gn.foot timbers of which It was built crashed over the bow of the Arago, which was moored- alongside the barge, breaking off the roast of the stesmer and atavlng in bar bulwarks. The immense-timbers snspped offJlk,a plpe atema and over 40 feet fel Into the river. The logging engine landed on tha barge with a thud, but anjtxam- ' Inatton shows thst It la uninjured. x number of workmen were on the ' barge at the time and all eacaped In---Jury with the exception of Bube. - The unfortunate man endeavored to rush to a place of safetyi --but was struck on the hesd by one of tha sheerlega and auramened amt the injured man conr Veyed to ft. vinoenia noapiiai. An ex . amlnation by the surgeons at that In MM FEATURES OF THE BEST PAPER ON THE COAST Ht" MAN INTEREST That Is the thing 'that has made The Sunday Journal the moat notable newspaper success In recent yesrs. The news section contains all the happenings of the day, nothing worth printing is omitted. The magaslne is the. best published In this country. It Is filled with matter that' appeals to all "classes. ' ; - '.' " " The Journal Is giving considerable attention to the entertainment 'and Instruction of the boys and girls of'the Oregon country.. For their amusement and for the pleasure" of their fathers and mothers too dear -' old Happy Hooligan- walks abroad;" the. mule Maud eludes capture; Leander pursues' t,ulu, and Mr. Batch enjoys . , single blessedness all in fine . color; and there are stories, pusslea, games and tiidks to entertain and amuse. . the young. Other fine features of thla best msgaslne on the coast are a. capital short story, by Antkony Hope; two pages of fssblons and health and beauty hints for women; a trip around the world with W." J. Bryan; '. confessions of hypnotist; fscts about earthquakes-, among r the men whs worfciavlth hand and bralji; bowing, to atrange gods; tha degeneracy of las luxurious, and many other splendid articles that ran .only be found. In vvThe Sunday Journal. ( "- .. . . T ' " ' ad5ummiHe(H?unctuQtfig-rian value of the product.. By auch placard. $ngpsth-vlBitora1o-thecitr can gain aome Idea of the acope of Oregon's In duatrlea. --J1---i- -.r-" The' number of dlaplaya- la eo' large and varlel-4hat Ife would be-tanpoaoible to' give an extensive description of each. On the moat unlfint finil trlh'fr that made by Allen Lewis of White River flour In the atore of the Ooddard Kelly Co.. at Sixth and Washington atreeta. It represents a field of wheat and In It is a high mound of pure white flour so shapedM torepreaent .snow covered " If ount "liood. In connection with this display -the company haa ar ranged a contest. The peraon guessing neareat the correct number of pounda of flour- in thie-miniature. Mount Hood will receive HO.The second beat gueaa awarded ft and there are quite a number of other, prises. All guesses are to be left at the. store lh which the display is irwmwi "WiaAamk'Tail af Displays. Olda. Wortman King have In the wlndowa ef their . atore. at Fifth - and Washington -streets - possibly- a larger number of displays than any ether atore in the city. Th dlaplay of woolen goods madebyth Portland Woolen milla is quite extensive. It 'shows the process of manufacture from the time the wool la sheared from the aheep until It leavea the mllla aa finished broadcloth or in blankets. Another-notaMtfwoolea dls- (Contlnued on Page Three.) uive Way a stitution showed that be had auatalned a fracture of the base of the skull. Ow ing to the nature of the Injury little hop la -held -oulr f or his ietuery. ; A. Amundaon, a deckhand on the Arago, was standing In the -owoflhe boat when the cable parted and miraculously escaped, injury hy runnings a ft.- W illiam W.-C raw ford, engineer of the tug Reo- lute, waa on the barge watching opera tiona, .and one of the aheerlega passed within an inch of hla head in falling. Several other equally aenaatlonal escapee from death occurred. The backstay cable which parted waa i Inches In dlamnter. It paaaed clear over the building and waa fastened on the Front street . side. - Superintendent Humphrey of the Willamette Iron A Steel company la unable to assign any cause for the parting of the- cable. TH feet that one of the engines had already beerr lowered -and machinery-weighing to tone had been lowered in aafety few days ago demonatratea that - the cable was not defective. Captain W. 8. Buchanan of the Arago eatlmatea the damage- to the vessel at 1130. She arrived from. Fort Btevena this morning. havlngJn 'tow one of the government bargee " Wed for hauling wood and machinery. After leaving his taw at . the governmentmoorings he docked at the foot - of Davis street. Anather trip was necessary to the moon ing -and upon hla return ' he tied up alongside me oarge at-tna nouer works, If he had docked five feet farther up tha river the falling timbers would have struck the steamer squarely amidships snrm-nnaoTiwsaTT-mrfiwrTifrT- crew waa. Immediately put to work to clear up the debris. . PORTLAND; OREGON, SATURDAY.- EVENING, MAY 19,- V IP Scientist at Stanford Say That Disaster - Was Caused by J Sliding of Santa Cruz -r Mountains." (Joaraal SpmUI Sarrlea.) - San Jose. cal.. May !. Dr. Brenner, vice-president of ' StanfonK university. attracted a large audience at the Congre gational church yesterday evening when he lectured on the causes of the recent earthquake.,. Ha aald tha hlg aarthnnaka uauaen ur m latotai supping fault on the Santa Crus mountalna. After the earthquake he traced the dlaturbanoe along the fracture. He found the lateral flipping amounted to about iiJ-feet. There wae no " perpendicular movement. "'-rte -explained the abseio-of a tidal wave by saying that tha motion waslateral.- If it had been a vertical displacement there probablywouldhavebeeij a.da atrucllva tidal wave. Hs made no at- tamptt'ij'ivtilij,y paHiim if h quakea, but based bis connnence on tne act that the rock formation had been sobroken up. by past disturbances tht no great strain can accumulate Thest small shakea are an indication that th atraln la being relieved. ' t " In the vicinity of Santa Roaa the earthquake caused to dry up springs that for yeara have furnished . great quantities ot water dally and opened up new ones.' : , ; Hood's Hot springs, a famous health and pleasure resort 14 miles west of Cloverdale. a- gusher for many-years. In absolutely . dried Bp and no trace Of water la to be found.- At tha yaaamg station, Santa Rosa' municipal -Baxter syatem, there is more- water than usual. In fact the pumps are not capable ot handling It.- The increased supply waa developed by the earthquake.- Previous efforts to obtain One . quantity of -water dea'red have failed, although large sums of.' money have been spent in sinking WellS. r ' : V L, When the earthquake occurred' the city had -a contract for the develop- ment of a. 14-lnch-well at the atatlon to a depth of possibly S.000 feet, but the earthquake accompliahed what re-peated-egorta on the part of well borers failed to, and now the well ia not re quired by the city. . , " , ' GIRL- STRANGLES MAD D06 TO - SAVE HER 7 BROTHER Heroism Shown " by Seventeen Year-Old wersey CjtyMaid to Protect Child. (Joaraal Boeclal Strrlce.) New York. May 1. Anna Winters, 1T years old.- showed heroic qualities when she strangled to death a-mad dog which-attacked her little brother In the yard-Of their home-at-Jeraey-Glty yesterday. The dog waa a pet In the household of John Winters, snd. little Harryand"the animal were Inseparable. While clarlnr the yard -the dor - made several attemptg"ttrbtta the-chtld-, who- became frightened and 'Jumped on top of a box. The brute leaped up after him and the chlldr screamed for help. The sister, who waa at work In the kitchen, ran out of the rear door, grabbed - the dog about the neck and atrangled it to death, and then beat its hesd against an Iron tube to make sure of him. . TWO ARE KILLED BY " jL0C0M0TIVE EXPLOSION - (Joorsal Special Srrrlee.) ' Reno, NvM May It. The engine of the second section-of yesterday'a South ern Pacific No. exploded at Cedar, near Wells. Nevada, at 3 o'clock this morning. The boiler' waa -blown from the track and the engineer and fireman killed. The cause M .unknown. RELIEF FOR DISABLED MINISTERS CONSIDERED (Joaraal Special BerHee.) Pes Moines, Iowa, Mayl. ThePres Ryterlah aaeemMyTdday consTilerM the question of relief for 62 disabled min isters of the organisation. 1 - ... . - tz 3Titfxri7Anp I -1,, A A, 1 t-n .'iv 1 ""-: if-r-- I I , , i i iii ml "T t " -BOURNPS-RECORD-AS-SIIOWN-BY-THE-OREGONIAN-f In 1 denouncing;the MitchdLRepublican faction of "which t a leading spirit, the Oregonian '-.... "iL Legislative holdup, involviiie the defeat - -of SenatorDolp4wad-o-"cpnornical legisla -tion.- t-rV30re?at,'ration7of thfrFTanlcHume'MintOT - 3 The-black-disgrace of -the-Republican - " primaries and. the scenes of violence and fraud "4 The attempted rape of Convention." ; . 1 ... 1 I4)wweee g i nmmQWi sm o me TO TAKE ACTIVE PART IN UnMpected Rassageof - Rate Bi I U Revives the Hopes of His Friends There la how a poailhlllty thar Serf ator Oearln will return to Oregon for the Closing week of the campaign. .. Tester day morning it was believed that he would be unable. to leave his post, even for a brief period, but since then the rate bill, which-was . keeping him In Washington, hss been passed, and his friends ars now of the opinion that In response to their sppeals he wrtl come In time to mske a few speeches on the Important Issues berore tne voters. , It waa the rate bill that caused Sena tor - Oearln'a - declalon to remain In Washington. Thla proposed legislation he deemed of greater Importance than anything that had come, before congress In years, and. If need be, he was will ing to sacrifice his chance of election rather than desert his post. Because of what aeemed an endless succession of amendments he thought -thst the bill would not ' reach the . final -vote until late 1tr June,- but there -was a-sudden FOR EtftRA TERM OF -A COURT AT EUREKA - (Joaraal Special Sarrlr.) - Waahlns-ton. May 10. According to tha president. If the bill providing for extra Terms of " the federal court at Eureka, California, which waa recently vetoed, - be reintroduced and repassed, Roosevelt trill sign It.. . . BUILDINGS WRECKED . BY POWDER EXPLOSION (Jearaal SpeHal srvit.)' .... "' Kenosha, Wis., May 1. Five build' Ingsof the tnin Rand Powder com pany, aix miles weet of here, were blown up by an exploalnn this morning. No Uvea were lost. The property damage Is greatT'V" r " m"' ' PAUL JONES INJURED " ; IN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT . (Journal Speelal ara. Arjlngten. Or..Alay ,11. Paul.. Jones. 1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. I J 1,1 eT IV X X. f mm - -- TJigpIajr ontheTTortland 'C6rdagCdTE ' n of May 26,. 1896, thus summed '5-r-SpJiiin . "e Nomination of Ellis" by a -dirty-" political - LndeaL money question "8--Management" of the Republican party placed-in the- hands-ot-the free silver element. "9 Fusion with the Populists under the leadership of MR. JONATHAN BOURNE." the Republican -; ; -:- . i . - Senator - John - M. Gearin. a prominent' stockman residing three miles south of the city., sustained se rious - Injuria In a' runaway accident lMtghuiaexJtMJbjskfn.jinilJ was badly ' brulned about the body. Jones wss well known In racing circles as the breeder of such horses as Mls'y Price. Forest King, snd Rlmrock. He Is resting easy today." SCOW IS CAPSIZED TWO ARE DROWNED 'Joanal Special Servfce.) Ssn Ftanclaco, Cal., May II. A rfcow schooner, . owned by the Aden Qoodall" company, of thla eity, la reported ta have ' overturned off Tlburon last night. Two of the crew were drowned. -1 EARTHQUAKE SHOCK -l-IN WESTERN MICHIGAN , . (Jnarnat Sprrlal Harrlre.r ' Orand - Rapids, May 1. Weatern Michigan flt an earthquake shock enrly this morning. No serious damtxe la reported., . , . . . , ' 'S L AA ! PRICE TWO I Jonathan bourne Jr was then- up its charges:. the party, ratified br the state .AnrL-AncrrAcafrWiat nvenfirmtr- " - ' " X -r : ' -'-- ..-- . r "7 True sentiment"' of the . party on the- perverted into z doubtful and- x ManyMessagesUrging -His Return Are Being "SnWTngton change snd ths 'mguTe:rasPaSea' yeaterday with Senator Gearin voting in the affirmative. On all the amend ments that came up during the weeks of debate hs cast his vole in accordance with the dictates of his conscience, and surh an eminent authority 'aa Senator LaFolUtte of Wisconsin, has declared thst Senator - Oearln jJookJherlght courae at all times. Now that the rate bill la disposed of there Is a general demsnd for Senator Oearln'a return to the state before the campaign ends. He- haa long been a staunch advocate- of : the election - of United States senator a by direct rote, and the people desire him to discuss the merits of Statement, No. . 1, which pledges legislators to support the eholc of the voters. Today telegrams from all over the state urging him to corn back and take part In the campaign an being sent to Washington, and . his friends are hopeful of receiving, a fa vorable answer. ---- - TOOK PdlSON WHILE IN TOP OF TALL TREE ' "(Joaraal Kpeclal Rerrlm.) Berkeley, CaL. May 1. "There la very little room in the world for an old man like me." This was the explanation made by George C. Wilson, a resident of Merced, who made a aenaatlonal attempt to commit- suicide" last night . when he swallowed 10 cents' worth of -morphine In the top of a eucalyptus tree -and fell 10 feet to the ground. Prompt aid saved hla life. . I - KILLS HIMSELF RATHER THAN FACE DISGRACE --'- i llJeeeBal Saeetal Servtee.l ;" T Norfolk. V., Mayl. Irwin Tucker, aged 40, president of the Newport News Savings bank, charged . with being, a defaulter to the extent of I20.AOO, killed Mmaelf In the bank aa the chief of po lice "ppned the door to arrest him. .He threatened to kill himself If a' totnnt was made to arrast him. j: X .v.:y -urri and fc!r'",7. CENTS." V&vFtinUEL Hundred Square Miles of Northern Michigan Laid Waste by' Forest FiresWhlch Still Rage Six-Thousand-People-Womel and Suffering for Necessities Lumber Towns, Sawmills, Logging .Camps . tmd Home steads Destroyed. - , - (jooniaj gpaHal gervlea.) " Escanaba. Mich. May 1. A hundred 1 square miles haa been swept by forest Area In northern Michigan. It ia lm- been lost or to estimate the damars done- on account of tha fact that eom munlcatlon ia lacking. It- le sttmated,- that ,009 people are bojnelesg. . Three trainloada ef homeleae have ar 1 rived, horesnderlng from the' necessK ties of life. The fire ia sweeping north ward, dying out in aome places, but rag Ing fiercely In others. The fire bound-, arles are Oooao lake, on the north, to Escanaba and as far south as Peshtigo, In - Wisconsin, west to Stambaugh, Mfehlgan, and east tothe"Alger county line. Railroads, lumber companies and homeateaders are heavy losers. , The lumber towns of Qulnnesec gehaeferr Balpnss Balvole, Cornell. Wood-lawo-aod- Talbot have-been entirely de stroyed by the- flames which are raging -through an immense tract of land along the Eacanaba. and. Ik Superior -road, in i Michigan. .r-- - Th toss will probably total hrtw the millions. Fifty square miles of standing timber were destroyed, many sawmills -and other - buildings, immense piles of. cut timber burned, and it is feared that -the famlliea of several homesteaders In the burnt district have been lost. Several logging - camps have been completely, wiped out.' Many- other towns ... are threatened. - Flames are sweeping pine timber unit -In northern Wisconsin. ' Many amall -towna have been - wiped out, Daggett Powers and other towna are in danger. Mora than 100 realdencea at Stanley Wlsconslnhave been destroyed by a, other tire, entailing a Toss of 1300,000. - A dispatch from Marquette atatea thai 2S farmera famlliea nave reached there -In a pitiable condition on account of. the) -forest ftrea. -, . ,r CHARRED BONES TELL STOSf ; OF QUAKE'S HORROR Remnants of Human Being R- veal Tale of Suicide to J Escape Suffering. iitnnml H portal SerrW.V San Francisco. May 1. Down amonff ; -the-rnina of the Orniond hotel Oft Eddy" street. In the remains of the furnace. the-charrad Jrasmanta ot a. Iiiimta bedr were found.. . The bones are apparently thoaa of a Woman of small -else. Tha story of Jier - death wlU-never- be- toll, and her identity will probably remain . a mystery. - - The remains were found by Watch- . .. man McCarthy. .-While Investigating . tha ruins, he cams across the bones of a leg and further search revealed among the brick and ashes almost tha entire -skeleton. . Near the little pile of bones -waa.. found. ..a.-bottle-on . which, half - erased by the intense heat but still leg ible, wsa the word. "Poison." - Ormond. saya that all hla guests are accounted ' for. so. there is ho crus by which tha Identity of - this victim of the great fire can be learned. - : - .. : It Is thought the unknown, hemmed In by fire, sought refuge In the big fur nace, through the narrow entrance of . which she could barely force her body. In the hope that the brick walls would protect her from the heat. With a , deadly drug aa a last refuge she wetted,. snd aa the heat grew more Intense, with all hope Of escape cut off. she ended -her Ufa with the poison and the fur- nace became her tomb. POPE PIUS STRICKEN W1TH-HEART-FAILURE- 44we444ee4 e -.(Journal SiwUI Rarrtre.Y Rome. May It. The pope was stricken suddenly with heart fall- d ura this morning. Restoratives . were spplled. Dr. Lapponl or- w ders the pontiff t tske a com- .. plets rest. The pope.'' fever Is greatly In- d creasing this afternoon. Ills en- w tourge d greatly alarmed, and his slaters Inalat on being si- lowed to nurse htm. ' - BLOOD POISC.'.'ir.'G f.'AY ; KILL f.::::!AZL CAVITT '' (-nrail S-H"I F -rf t rubltn, my ii .-'...mi. -l t aufTerlnig fr-m bl-vxl pnla.f rKl a bjii r,lhU , A ( I I: