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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
THE OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OKAY 18. 1906. "3 GALLOWAY'S DRI6IIT PROSPECTS FOR E LECTION TO CONGRESS Predicted That Democratic Nomine .'Wll ,Carry Yamhill by 1,1 Several Hundred . Vote Main Flfcht U y.ln .Marion land ;.' u-Clackamas Counties Whirlwind Campaign.- , DOGS D HORSES EATEII III SERMAHEf.TPIRE Canines' Favorite Food In Cer tain . Sections, of the Fatherland. LQcpjc Charles V. Galloway. (Special PUpate b to The Joerast.V ' Oregon City. May 11. 't'liarles V. ..Galloway .will, carry .Tamhlll county by several hundred vntea. and In wo county of the atate will flawley have auoh "plurality a "Galloway will" receive "In TMaTamfinr. HlapIUfaHty-liera wilt mora than offset the vote that Hawlejr will r't In Linn. antfTie la going to be -elected aura.; The main fight la In Marlon and - Clackamaa, and thla la where Galloway la going to Spend tha final -week or tha earn pal gn. -- - Thla atatcment cams from a promt- Rent yamhlli county Democrat. who waa In tha city yeaterday. .Ha la just in from a tour of almoin tha entire first "congressional"- district,' anaaara "that tha flection of tha Democratic nomine for contre may ba regarded aa a cer. ifatntXcz Hera- In' Clackamaa a- large stated that they are going to vota for . Galloway, and thla la especially tma of the younger Repuhl leans. - Tha Democrats are confident that tha coun ty will go for Galloway and they hop -- for a duplies te of the epeclaV electtorrrf threeyearsago.whenRcaines turned the county over, carrying it. against . Hermann by mOTethanH0 votes. In the -rrrerrt Tirlmarr election. Hawley re- retved a few more than one third of the ..Republican vote. ' .. - Mr. Galloway will make aeverat "apeechea In, llackaman " Burtngtne final round -up. Ha will -talk at Ma; la He, and will probably speak at Canby. - Chairman J. J. Cooke of the county . central committee la now arranging for a rally In thla city Just before election day and Galloway may talk at that r time. : The date will probably ba Satur day evening, June I. r Jour aal' Special Service.) Washington, May II. Consul Harris of Mannheim In a report to the atate department on tha price of "food atufra and the meat' shortage in Oermany quotes an- Interesting article from a local newspaper on the increasing use of horee and. dog meat. Tha article eaya, 'in part: "While the number of hursea slaughtered in the 'fourth quar ter of 1904 amounted to but 44,(69, and In the flrat quarter of 1906 amounted to but J5.. 1t roe in tha fourth quarter of 1901 to 12,614. ,'Moat of these horses were consumed in a few north German lenburg.Btoelua were alaughtered 19 steers -and 1 la- horses r in If mab 1 tllUM .. i rrr -- horses slaughtered In south Germany la com paratlvely amall, . aa also In . Saxony, where only about half aa many horses aa steera were consumed. On the other hand. In the. matter of slaughtering dogs Saxony took, aecond place with 1.4(4 head. ' . . : .. "A almllajr condition waa ahown Only In Anhalt Vlth 119 doga alaughtered for- food.. Ia- the -ether-German atatsa tola epeclea of flesh la leaa valued. In Prussia only 2G, in -Bavaria 111. and fn Baden 1 dog were slaughtered in the last quarter of' 1905. To be aure. here are reckoned only the common species of dogs, which under orricia Inspection were compelled to give up their Uvea and allow themselves to ba eaten. Ac cording to official records there were 1,406 doga alaughtered during the fourth quarter of 1906, aa against 1,713 dur ing the same period of 104." e NEW PASTOR INSTALLED AT ftav-Andrew C. Mclver Is Duly DOC n U Tlf The UNITED Shield L, 'is a sltfii of the times J. -r-tiood times. . ' It 0 . O 0 I n rt n naa-aem - C DOC TIT Watch our window O ,. ill posters they" tell a little story ! livery day. i ii nil n ii w in ill ii I I 1.(1 II I iV- llttiA .tnev' WrV A,- III II lill I U ' U . "flip j i (Of EMM. TOMWJW J U fl Dili o new store in For tland at 301 Washington Street. theicrdwdelMii Follow A Good Clflar to Try PALM A de CUBA CABALLER0 4 for 25 ds.; Box cf St. mt rtSpeciaMnducements-and Souvenirs : : : ' . : - -i . . . - Placed In Chargsof Pres. 4 Dyterian congregation. SdcUI "W.MtctT te" The" eernal.Y '- Ilwaco. Wash., May II. Rev. Andrew C Mclver waa Inatalled pastor of thai Democratlo-nomlneea for-count yor- flcea talked last night at Macksburg and Eagle Creek, and. the forager meet ing waa enthualaatlo. The prosparti 'are-brightening dally for the success of the .Democratic ticket In Clackamas, Meetings wlir be held tonight at Mls- aourl Ridge schoolhouse and George, and the week'a tour, will end Saturday afternoon" at MolaJla. and In tha even ing at Beaver Creek. - Galloway la making a tour of aouth ern Oregon, delivering speeches at all tha principal town.. He leff - Oranta Paaa yesterday morning for Qolj-Htl addreaalng a large audience In that camp yesterday afternoon. He apoke in. uranta lasa the night before, - and went from Gold Hill to Medford. Mr: Galloway la drawing large crowds at each place end -I winning- many aupporters. Hla views on all lssuea of the campaign are especially pleasing to thla section of the state, aa they bear directly on the development of thla aeo tlon, such aa the opening -up of railroad landa to the miner, the establishment of forest reoervea on-lose -rigid HneaJ- and tha allowing of equal privileges to owners of large and small flocks of feheep, la-thematter ..of . range Mr. Gallowar Is frank In the eapreeelon of hta vtewa on-the tariff -and -confeaaea that he la neither a proteetlonlat or a atandpatter." I Mr-Galloway make, no- attack "upon hhr opponent,- and ta -making good hla promise that the campaign, ao far as h. la concerned, will be a clean fight. The Impression he created here' waa a most favorable ana Presbyterian church here . Tuesday night. By appointment of. the presby tery of Olympla, Rev. A. M. McClaln of Caatla Rock presided over the meeting, prfhrt the, rrmnn and propounded the constitutional questions. Reirrmt McKenale offered the installation prayer and delivered tha charge to. tna-congre- Ixse44 f laoutldeJlTeMdhe . paator. The service was very ' Impressive throughout and waa flltlnglyoaed-JypofJwhere be has Uken up hla real " rraferrea anoak Oaaaed Ooota. Allan aVXeiwla' Beat Brand. a eolo by Rev, Mr. Mijtseii, wno naa only recentljr come from the great evangelistle meetings In Philadelphia, where he waa engaged aa a singer. Tha church at llwaco haa taken on work and it la especially fitting that he should be Installed aa the permanent paator. The church' recently expended 11,000 in remodeling Its house of wor ship and had scarcely finished that when ateps were taken to build a home for the minister, and about the first of the ) year Rvr Mr. Mclver moved hla- family Into a comfortable manse coating over 11,000. . . In February last MrMcIverwaa aa alsted in evangelistic service, by. Rev. J. K. Snyder of Vancouver. and Rev. A. MHcClaInOf-Caathr-oclt At-the. close of theea meetings the membership of the church waa practically doubled and -tb.CongTegattn extended- a- call to Mr. Mclver to become Us permanent paator,. which waa finally culminated In the Impressive service of last evening. GRAND R0N0E BAPTIST ff 0: COMPANY 5c -W- r-' f-T- U mrs n 0 DC BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY OF CZAR ISiOBSERYED (Journal BpeeVaTfrvM."r elualon Bf th imperial palace atPeter- dence for th summer, the csar passed his lith birthday todayv The' quatern ary official observancea of the anniver sary were held and during the day the foreign dlplomate .presented . mesaagea newjlfealncegr Mclver came to the Uflgangtulailfm In behalf of their ra- apecttve rulers and governments. Flaga were displayed on all publlo buildings In the capital and special services of thanksgiving were held In the churohes. Owing to the tendency of tha anthorl- IteaoaappreaaTlflyTuBllggatherliig'or ' demonstration of whatsoever character, there waa no popular celebration of the -day; : : WELCOME PLANNED AT: CONDON FOR GOVERNOR - . (Special Dispatch te The Jeoraal.) V Condon, Or, May II. Extensive prep arations are. in. progress by the Demo ereta for the lecepllon Of Governor Chamberlain. wh la to apeak hero fiar urdaynight. Borne of the local leaders have planned to meet the governor at - ' AnUncqndcd Offer A set of ODrltnout tlf yalae TtBTrt for 10. Palnleaa .extracting, free, with thla etffer. Kxara-- ' Inatlon and consultation free. Crowa and Bridge wora a apeoiaiiy. sxiraotmg, aa centa - WISE BROS.. Dentists TMXMB AJTS WAMWXMOTOm. -rr- Stala SOat. Opeat av.alaga aad Budaye. 4 Arlington and escort him to thla place. Poatera are out. arrangementis are fine, and it la that a large "crowd will ba present to- greet hint when ha anrtves. County" Judge Iann, Attorney J5, W. Snow and Dr. J. T. Wood have the arrangemeata la hand and detail ia having' attention. Cheapest - accident ' lnsurano. tr. ' Thomaa' Eclectrlo Oft 8 to pa the pain and heala the wound. AU drugglata aell it- - ' . -i ASSOCIATION AT COVE , L- I I " I J J 1 - Li 'r:V;---. : X . ' : ; ':.,-lif.: - pM4w 1 :;s ...... -----Sf ' ; , - , i . . ...... : .- ' i (Specta! Dispatch to Tee JoeraaL) - Cove.- Or.. - May . 18. The . Ud annual meeting of the Grand Ronde Baptlat as sociation opened Its .four day, session i in . m with fttmrif church at Cove. Tha- otttcera are Kevv- J r Brnwn, caaer iniv. moderator: Rev. Pt "Walts, i laketlCltyclerkXlRaTlJ-'O.'Maxwelirt Haines, treasuer. Delegates began arriving yeaterday and It la likely all the churches within the -Jurisdiction will, tie - luuy represented, beeidea the vialting delegates from the Prat churchln Raker City and Grande. Fy arranrfment at Haines a year a ill -- - ' " ' :-v;- - ' -': - . . - . - II THE IUA3T GALL, 2 ; TOMORROW. SATURDAY. SOME TIME BEFORE MIDNIGHT,"" WILL- FOREVER END THIS GREAT, " THIS MONSTER. - Uifeirwirfcirs9 Flire &fe llyfvFt2TI vTK "THIt. TTTI tTT f7? T7TI jTl - (OTT CK jfrr II - WHICH WE HAVE BEEN DISPOSING OF AT PRIVATE SALE. IN ORDER TO SRTTT.te tn Airvirps at" I " The Best $3 Hat in the World BoarsThis" Label" LEAPINQ HATTER with Bethel church. North Pawder was . . i . i . . . . i . . w . j iv nave- wfawwiuui iuw uu v i on learning me imporxanD-queauon mat unification ot all Haptlat- churches east of the Blue mountains would tend to double the usual attendance. Calvary waa appealed to and she promptly, re sponded by extending the Invitation to I meet at Cove, which Ja amply able to 1 successfully entertain on short notice I a larger gathering. L-The following la a list of towns hav- Ing church representation here: Baker City, Burns, Cove, Klgln. Enterprise, Grouse, Haines, Mount Pleasant. , tjforth fowaer, uniario ana ,rt ingviue. r- FROM 20c to 40c ON THE DOLLAR ..OFTHE. ACTUAL WORTH OF THE GOODS UNTIL THE STORE CLOSES TOMORROW NIGHT YOTJ CAN BUT" r.,-jt.T. .rz - - .. , - ' - " w wa nswit I VV W1 b,JI l A $12.50 Suit at $4.85 A $16.50 WaT$I8lT$M Boys' Clothing CHICKENP0X ASSAILS' : PUPILS OF AURORA (Rpxtal Dlapatck le The Joora !.) Aurora, Or.. May II. A teacher-at the publlo acbool here lately discovered ( that one of the pupils had what ahe thought was chtckenpox, and sent the j boy home with a not. to hla parenta to j Quarantine him. It waa chtckenpox- but tha pupil would not stay quarantined and went back to" achool. The erhool dlrectora conaulted a doctor about the i matter. The doctor advised that thej i pupil be allowed to attend school on thet ground that he ban aireaay imeciea tne avholam. and sure enongli he had, and now half the children IA town are Itch ing and acratching. . GRAVES TO CONSTRUCT , - ELECTRIC POWER PLANT I . . 1 '." . . 1 - - - (gperial Dleastcb t. Ta. Jaara.1 ) Spokane. May la Jay P. Gravaa. president of the Inland Umpire Railway! company, statea that hla company will spend 70.000 In" the development of a power site 12 miles northwest of 8poj aana on the Spokane river, supplying power to tne company's electric ayatema ! and' Invading the electrta field tn thie i city. The company clatma water rlghta ' for si miles along the rtver and will erer-t a dam feet high where Deep i creek. enters the Spokane river. The' I company claim a water, to the extent of! 8.000 cublo feet a aecond ana aiao tne I nae f the rivet bed. banka and landa ad- . Jar en t to the storage reservoir. The ! work etarta immediately. It la planned: ta -develop 1.09 f-horsepower at a coat : "$3.t Bov' Suits $4.00 Boys Suits. . $5.00 oya Miits ...f 1.39 ...f 1.95 ...f2.65 Men's and Boys' Pants $1 .50 Mrn a rant.'........';.?...;....... .T9 $2.00 Mfti'i Pnta . 98 $2.50 Men's Pants. n.nnnii..i. .$1.29. $4.50 Mens Pants........ $2.89 Boyat $1.50" Lonr Pant : . .... ti.. 9 Boys' $3.00 Long Pants... .......... .1.T9 Boys' 50c Short Pants... ..........19a Boys' 75c Short Pants... .494? Jllen's Furnish'g Goods "Men's $1.00 Shirts. ,..M.........;.......-9 Men's 15c Sox..... .' ......8a Men's 10c Sox ... Mens. 50c Ties ....19 -Men's. 25c Bow Ties...... 4 50c Sumnier Underwear ,......... 50c Suspenders 25c Suspenders ..............13d1 75c-Negligee Shirts.. 39a 23 t o ...... Hats All tha $3.00 Hats in the house at only.. $1.89 Mens $2.50 Hats .7. ...... . . ....T7. .... $1.19 Men $1 .25 Hats . 7 . t -. . . ..... . ,49 Men's Crath atv4 Canvas Summer Hats; - 50c qualityfor 19 75c Crash Hats ...29 $1.00 Crash and-Straw Hat .49a Hoys' Straw llats.!Iixy,J......10t) and 15a Men's and Boys' Shoes in velour calf or Men's $2.50 Shoes vici-kid at -..Wu.. ... u ........ .W 1-.4 9 , Men'a $.100 Shdes in several styles ot leather' and cuts; very strong... Meri's very fine Dress Shoes in velour or box calf, vicf- kid; tan or patent leather; -$5 00 value at' xjz.wa Boys' $2.00 Shoes; extra strong $1.29 Boys' fine Shoes; $3.00 values, at. .....$1.69 "Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes "American Girl.' the "Queen B the "Usonii and the!Wh4te Hoase," W have all these and a good many mora. Here are tome of the. prices: - - - .r- - - -.....1 $200 Shoes ........... ...... ..........$1J $2.50 Shoes .. $1.49 $J 00 Shotrv. $1.T9 $4.00 Shoes .... ....$2.9 $2.00 Oxfofds ...... ....... ...... ....$1.19 $3.00' Oxfords ................f 1.T0 eUlSSES SCOES $2.50 Misses' Shoes .. $2 00 Misses' Shoes .. xford fl - .fl.09 .l.30 50c 75c S9 CEILD2S SCOES Children's Shoes ... fLlI J 4T1 $1.50 Children's Shoes ..k. ,.. And ao on through' the entire list of Men's. Youths' and Bora' Clothing and Men'a. Women's. Misses' sod Children's Shoes. IT IS A CLEAN SWEEP OP EVERYTHING ON THE UNDERWRITERS' ACCOUNT, and if you do not get your share of the rood things offered at these . great bargains, then do not blame na. EVERYTHING IS JUST AS IP THERE HAD, NEVER BEEN FIRE OR WATER IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and as our damage was by water and smoke onlythere being no iire on our premises it will be readily- seen what ridiculously low prices will prevail tomorrow. BUT TOMORROW WILL BE THE LAST I If 70a do not take this warning, therefore, and call tomorrow, you will not gt bite of the bargain pie we have to o(fer you. " Don't Be Misled by Fake Advertbcnieftts This Sale Is Conducted at No. 207 FIRST STREET, i 1 n: MilID In the Middle of the Block Store C :vT: -rrcv Cvrrirr Vr.'ll 11: ;not exceeding 1t per horsepower. J