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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
- . . s- ' THE REGONPAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, EVEWINO. : lAY '18, 1905. - i ' r -h' 1 i Monster State Industrial EMil --- - - -: """"" ' ' - - . : " .. ' . . ' , . - : ' r -. - 'i ' We render to our foster parent the gratitude of our hearts, and we pledge to her this ' L "Lmm S. of Jl'l f '"' 1 t.-" liXr store's highest endeavors to advance her interests and keep her reputation unsullied: -r To ! : !l . ' lAfTfl k I niTtflwf sOT "I IsTsOwT If WlffsVC 'Vjt'Clsr Oregon's manufacturers and the product of her mechanics the source-of the laboring man's - Willi 0 XjOl III MCll yl All Vqi. 1 UlUCJ r-': 'T- wealth and .happiness-we' rUHVppnrt.-- -: . ; -"v tIi ! r-gjr -ti-t. - -- t.- i ' ; "r. i ii '-'-'- ' '' " '- -.-:r-.T: , . -!fMA'i.a u iiiii imii r-i , I Kii nr nwwmiw w iipwibii WTf , rl " ' - mMMM m . WM,w. - - y 1 ' ' : I : Tl . - - . Exposition Specials U ' ' ' ' '' s'--'j 3 r I , ' - BssuslUaa psslals ltrfr-S2irrrr I 7T f I T This Store Marks the Opening of the "MADE III OREGON" INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION TOMORROW WITH A GRAND SERIES OF EXHIBITS OF MAM UFACTURED PRODUCTS "MADE IN OREGON" IN THE WIN. OWS ANDEMONSTRATIONSTHROUGHOUT TH&-t'BIG- STORE. IN ADDITION WE SHALL HOLD A GRAND BARGAWFESHVAL and SALE In EVERY: SECTION Ever been to the New Orleans Mardi Gras? ' Utter throwing off of . restraint jo jr reigning unconfineL It's half social in its aim. Over . in Germany they have their tun at Jatir Markt the yearly market. Streets are festooned with banners and ; signs that one seems to be approaching a fairy washday. Every conceivable sort of merchandise is exposed in street booths. There's music of every sort, and there are scores of forms of amusement.7-Nobody gets angry at a little confetti and all is merry as a marriage bell, well we ve transformed this great store into a vast Jahr Markt. One thing we did not translate exactly. In ordinary street fairs things are sold none too cheap. In Lrthis immense Olds. Wortman A Kmg Jahr Markt" there are less than w;-4-r..BBtial prices. A big eyeful today. - Read -MAXta x obboob- onroro dat. r - Bxposltloa Speciala for Men of Dressy Proclivities AHB HABITS OF TXXITT. Woll-frroomod - mn wlll abar tb values In tomorrow's rat featlvala o barcmlna with' their wivea and mothara. slaters and awaetharta, who ions aso formed the habit of saving by buy Ins at this Store. BCXV-S) sraozAxs. - : Men's BOfl i ynderwaai1 .......... .3TH Men's fleah color Balbrlggan Underwear Shirts with finished neck and molra , ribbon fronts, drawers faced with ' aatean, and doubla seats; resulsr lOo values. Special at 37tte Kaa's T5o ' Vadarwsa eaHo. . Men'a lihtwelehLjmturalwool, L'nder- waar. extra workmanship and rlnlab; I best - 0c value. Saturday. r Bfeai's SO tocklags ISHa. -A-line of -Men's - fney-aeamla- Hom In - black and white, red. whits and black embroidered; regular value too. Special . .......... 12Hs - Men's lOo Xandkarohlef a So. r line, of Jvlen's whUemercerliedhen)r -tltched - Handkerchief a; extra good 10evalues. Special Saturdarrrr. .6 V: T rrr Women's Jaunty Covert Jackets at Half-price Handsome $8.50 SiHrPeiticoatstM -GBAND-8AL0KS .BBCOND FLOOIU- READ THE DETAILS. Women's too. 00 to 879.00 ShUU a One Third Off. J0O lnth chpoalng On SpecUl Sala tomorrow, The aneortment Includes every new model and faalilonable coloring, all wantedmaterlala "'In plain : ahades and smart mixtures, all made In the peerleas workmanahlp for which the garments of Thla house are so justly famous. Some" In the severely tailored atyles and - othera trimmed In the very latest and moat favored effecta of 190 fashion., Beat regularrvalweajn America at tJO.OO to $75.00. your choice on Saturday "at ............. .......... ...tnni .- . . .OaTB" TXXBD, MDUOTIOST. obxat srsciAXi om or woarEani ootxkt jacxzts wr nuoa. Tomorrow we shall place on'Sale our entire stock of tight-fitting Covert Jacket atJDNE HALFPRICE.-CoatB that represent the beat regular values shown in .'"..Portland at from 15.00 to $25.00 a plenty of" values betwixt and between In this aals -mi ,-imr. ...... . V, . ...... ...... .TOUSlS FOB BAI.T. A remarkable offering, - The styles are all of the neweat, too varied to allow of detailed description. Suffice to say the largeatandllneBt tock of the Zsmartest Jackets' shown brny Portlsnd houee. ..r,,r... .AT XAXr PBIOB. - $8.50 BIIaK ' PBTTIOOATS! M.08. Ws place on sale tomorrow morning a lot of handsome Silk Taffeta Skirts, new, freah, ruatllng beauties. In plain and changeable effects of greena, bluea, " royals, lavenders, roso and-plain-black. These Petticoats have, accordion plaited flounce with -lnoh tucked ruffle and dust ruffle. Best regular $1.50 : value in the city. Special at .f 4.98 'scAsa nrOBoosi!iouriBODAT Exposition Specials in Women's Underwear & Hosieryisl Floor BOTS VniBWSAB AJTD OXZXiDBXWfJ BUSmvDZB OAXTKBS. OPXBTaTw mass - nr - obboov , hat. ' Bxposltloa Showings sad pselals la New Wash Dress Goods And Table Untns FIRST- TXJOOKZ Bew Wbits Oooda M ase Tars. 8,000 yard Embroidered Batistes, Dotted Mulls, Mercerised Madras, Embroidered Etamlnes and Fancy JacnunrdH. Special at yard..25ei Bsw $li0 Tableolotha SSe. $00 fancy drawn-work white damaak Tablecloths, 2 yards long, 1 H yards. wide, seaorted patterna; reg ular value $ Special, . each . . .-.98 Bew BOo BoUeaaes Mo. 811k finish tkillennea In black, cream. evening end alt street shsdes; reg ular value 50c. Special, ' yard V 38s ,Bew Shirtwaist Uneas. Rlrhardson's Shlrtwalat and Costume Unens. sll widths, rough snd smooth finish. This Is the third shipment this season. Sea them -'at. yard .......... .40 to 92.50 KA9B x " obboov " ' orsirnra BAT. Bxposltloa Bpaelsls la Small Wares Shops , TOTXBT JTIRST FLOOR. OOOSS ABB TXOITXBT. TA- 10c 7-Inch metsl back Dreaslng Combs. Special at ........ v. . T 40o whits bone handle Nail Brushee. Special at ., 25s $1. HO extra, quality bristle Brushes. Special 98e lOrt bos of Shlnola Shoe Polish. . Special , 74 Ao roll of Toilet Psper. Special. 2 Vi 12c patent package of handlfold Toilet Paper. Special at. ......74 EOo cabinet box of Japanese twilled linen Wrlttng Paper. Special. 25e SBe Irish linen Writing Tablets. Special . .......15e 25c crepe paper Lunch Sets. Special . 17s) 60o heavy net twins Shopping Bags. - Special t.-. r. .v-.-.T. ....... .3B (Oe large heavy Pocket Knives with two blades. Special .3Bs fMADB IB OBBOOB" OPSBTBO BAT. V . Bxposltloa Speoials la ' . RIBBON AND LACE SHOPS '" Beastlfnl Bew mibbons. ''."'." A lot of pretty sll-sllk taffeta Ribbons, all colors, black, whits and cream, I inches wide." Special at, yard ....25e Pretty fancy Ribbons, $H to 7 Inches wide. Special, yard . 25e XiSoss and tnserUoas A Sals, Black Chantllly Laces snd Insertions, white snd creanv Point Venlse band. . A lot of handsome web top cream laces, up to IS Inches wide, divided Into flvs lots 25c. Special, yard.....,.....' ............. .9 Special, yard., r..... , 184 SperIM, yard..,., , ....384 Special, yard .484 Special, yard , . . . . i .084 Lot 1. values to Lot I. values to 50c. Lot I, vslues to $1.15. Lot 4. values to $1,507 Lot 5, values I to' $3.00. woibti snrxacBB irreBBWBam. - Wanen'B Bl.BO ITnlOB Suits White "Merode ' Union Suits, gause weight, half wool, half cotton. longOT short sleeves, silk trimmed. Made of soft yarns; regular $1.60. Special SI. 19 Woman's aa.85 Union Salts LBS. Silk snd lisle Union Suits. The "Merode" meke. Low neck and without sleevea, knes length snd crochet self- -- trimmed; regular $2.1STvaIue. Bpectal , t., , . . . . .91,69" Women's Boo Tests lBHe. WOKiri ABB OBTT.DBBB'B BOBZXBT.- BeautifulSummer-SlLKS and Smart Suitings rABRICS-rOR-GOWNINO SALONS FIFTH STREET" ANITEX TTJtST - . FLOOR. ' BBBVOTZOBV-I BXTBAOXSIBABT TAXUBS IB - SSe Colored Taffeta BUlk SSo Tard. -Thousands of yards of Remnants at. n . . . OSTB -Qy AB' 1 ' ' "ANNEX FTFTH STREETS-FIRST-FLOOR. : ;', .Regular tc aJl-allk taffe lnall colore whits, J Tory and Trearn Included Special, Saturday i. ..' i 68s) . Silk Remnants In every weave. length snd color st 25 per cent less than regular remnant prices. Also Colored Dress Goods In all weaves and colors, also 25 per cent below regular remnant prices. -Z HtfOBTABT "BXPOB3TX0B BAXB" OT XCABBSOl SUlTUfOS. 1,500 yards of new Spring snd Summer Suitings In neat cheeks and stripes. The new Panama Fouls, and Chevron-weaves, in color range embracing black snd white, white snd black. Queen's, grsys and shads grays , Regular $1.00 value. Special, Saturday, yard.'. ... , 844 Regiilsr $1.25 value. . Special, Saturday, yard. Regular $1.60 value. Special, Baturday, yard Regular $1.76 value. Special. Saturday, yard, i.'. b? i., .............. ......... i.oa 1... fl.23 1. ...$1.46 X OBJBOOB " OPXXXXO BAT. Bxposltloa Specials la a Oraad "Tip to Top". Sals of Children's Millinery and Shoes A Xnndrsd Chormlng- tl.BO Bats. at 91-09 Sack. Our expert Milliners have been "buay " as " bees' thpaer itmble fingers have Women's BOo Boelerr 33o. " - - - - - - Children's 400 to B8o Xoslery for S3o. Children's fins brilliant lisle Hose, extra fins quality, with "finished foot and double sewed; regular values toe, BOo and tSo. - Special ................ ...'.... ...........334 -Women's TSo Pad Supporters BSo. Women's whit ' TOngfrTwrtg"1 Tin-riBbsd fsBric. nsst trimmed; regular value 20c. BpeclsJ ........... .12H4 BOTS. SCX OOIj. WAITS ABB.. StnCsfBB VBBnWBAB.- ? Boys' SSo Shirts o Drawer lSe, .- Boys' natural Balbiiggan Shlrta and Drawers, slses 24 to $4; regular I60 value. Speclafl ..........194" " BoyirBoosIstarsBS. " Boys' Blouses in medium snd light shsdes, prettily striped and figured meteriaia reffUiarLuc iuo. AdiTrahle-tVoTit-Pad-STipr'ortere. fine nHsrrryrall-shades igrnT-TBysfflanspocia ,jul... T - -, - - 004 Children's 60s Baspende OarWs peolal BSo. Th"ColUmbtte"- Suspender Garter for-Chlldratt has all the advantages of the shoulder snd belt supporters, but Is without the bulky, objeotlonable belts; serves soma pur- pose and la much handler, than that of the belt and shoulder suspendersl "These sre In black, whits and" tart, " In all slses, snd regular BOo value. Special. ..334 HaU are BOT like oat. 1 fairly flown, and the results are the dainty conjurings ws offer you ' tomorrow Chil dren's Bsy--ln the MUltnery Salons;- a hundred Hats, made In Oregon, at Oregon's leading Store; charmingly pretty Hats for Oregon las sies, sll fetchlngly trimmed. Soft straw shapes with trim- mtngs ribbons snd flowers. Stylish and becoming models for young misses who range In age from t o 1 years. "oTrtngs te mate4i aoy-dreeev The best WBiartrglvsJuoBr Special Forenoon Sale of GIRLS' AND INFANTS'; SHOES MADB - OXBOO B !L: OPBBTBO t B AT.: Exposition Specials for Hometitters and Hotel Folk-Fourth Floor StrlCXJBX BOMS TXTTXBOS AT BrKCIAX, PBXCBS. $T.BO Blanksts BA.TB. All-wool Pendleton Blankets In mottled gray; regular 5 value $7.60. Special ..... 85.75 j - t B9.7S baos Curtains LH. Flnewhlteolt1nghamUHainsnnBniS8e1srnet,-Irlsh-' point and fishnet effect; regular value $2.7$. -; Special . ..'.W. ........... .$1.85 , green. red and .83.45 BfiO Indian Shawls $3.45, Fsncy Pendleton wool Indian Shawls In blue; regular value $5.60. Special ...... . Xnnralew am Xawralna. Handsome Bungalow Rugs in beautiful floral andyOriental -affects, at special prlceo,-Saturdays " Slse $ x ft.; regular $2.25 value. Special. .... .81.65 Hiss mil ft; regular $1.76 value.. Special SI. 25 Else J x f ft.; regular $1.15 value. Special. 854 - i - " BtABB "TTsT OXTJOOst OFIIUCI BAT.J .'' . . i Bxposltloa Showings and Tempting JEWELRY Bargains ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. . . . .. Values such as told of here should keep the salesfolk in the Jewelry Shops busy ss ths prov erblal bees waiting on -throngs of pleased' pa trons tomorrow. SBo X.S Taller Besk 1-Chains aso.-r La Valier Neck Chains, vsry popular this sea ' son. an assortment with oval and -pear-- ah aped pendants set with amethyst, garnet. "' sapphlrs, topas. oliv ine, squa and tourma - line, rolled e-old DlatS chain and catch, regular $59 value. Special, each. 294 65s Wire Braeslets 4B4 Adjustable Wlra Bracelets, set with turquoise; regular value (Be, Special . - ....454 ' -':" 40e Oriental Brooohes BSo. An assortment of Imported Brooches, In various designs of Oriental colorings; regular value 40o. Special. each ......'..........294 Bo Bead Beek Chains IBs. Bead Neck Chains. In garnet, topas, emerald, etc; regular value 25c Special, each 194 ! 1 r Portland Tlas Mas. Msde of sterling silver, a variety. of colors In bsst hard enamel Imall slse; regular value J Sc. Special, each. ....194 Large else; regular value 60c Special, each ..394 s ii.:-rSHJ " 2CADB -TB OBXOOB OPBBTBTO ' DAT." Bsposltlom Specials la the Janlor Shops. Children's Hats a Third Less I t:.-..r .' JUttU Xrftsades BOs Skirts SBo. ' '' ;f SECOND FLOOR BABT-TO-MI88 SHOPS. L. Children's Hats of fine Iswn, lace, chlffom ribbons snd flowers. In dainty styles. In Infahts' Wear Department. Regular prices from $1.50 to $10.00. Special from, each.... 9 1,00 to 86.67, or OBB TXXBD OTP. Children's White Cambric Skirts,-full circular flounce of fins csbrtesr-wltt-foltthtste'" to 4 yesrs; regular pries 60c Special, each. .......394 ' Handsome, Serviceable $4.00 Petticoats i ANNEX 8ECOND FLOOR. , ." " Ladles' Petticoats of fins black Italian doth. This gar ment Is cut close fitting st ths hips from a sevsa-gors pattern, which Insures ths Sams accuracy, and fttkaa a dress skirt; deep flounce, three rows of deep piffles with fancy edging; regular price $4.00. Special, eachV. 92.417 ffr. Shoes that fit young feet and teach 'em how to grow. Values that teach young minds the Importance of saving and polntr-them where to-comer for good -Shoes at less than usual -prtcea. Special for-' aSaroay 4 a. am. to 1 p. so. only. Oiiu. Girls' black kid lace Shoes, patent tips, neat extension soles, mat top or bright kid, spring or school heels, "made by Williams A Hoyt; regular value $2.60 Slses toll. Special, pair 91.24 Slses lilt to S. Special, pair... ..81.49 Misses' slses, 2H to . Special, pair... ........ .91. 79 : - Infanta' Shoes. . - -- r Infants' champagne Shoes, patent with velvet top, black with fancy scroll lacs stay, hand turn soles; values at $1.15 to $1.76 ----- r :- Slses 6 to $, spring heel. Special, pair.. 894 Slses t to $Vi. no heel. Special, pair .....694 Girls' $l.r Skoso'Sl-OS. ... " A broken line of Girls' black and tan lacs Shoes, good style, with spring or low heels, very little extension; regular value $1.76. Special, palr..91.09 BAT. xb oxxooB orxxrxa : -BxpoettlOB Speolals and " " " r: ' BARGAINS in BEAUTIFUL CUT GLASS CXXBA ABB STLTIXWAXX. . " '"THIRD FLOOR. 6-lnch Nspples; regular value $1.60. Special. 9I.OO 6- lnoh Handled Nappies; regular value $1.60. Special fl.OO -inch Nappies; regular value $1.7$. Special. 91.25 -Inch Handled Nap plea; regular value $1.76. Special 91.25 S-lnch Handled Napptes; regular, value $2.76. Special -.-t . . . r. , . ; . ". . . : . . . .92,00 (-Inch Handled Nappies; regular value $1.26, Special 92.45 -Inch Unhandled Nappies; regular value $3125. Special 92.45 4 H -Inch Comports; regular valus $1.76. eplal ....81.25 10-Inch Vases; Tegular Value $$.(0. Special. 2. TO Vinegar Jugs; regular value $2.76. Special. .82.00 7- inch Plates: regular valus $1.60. SdsqIsI. . .I2.4K Celery Trays; regular valus $a.7S. Special. .92.65 Water Bottlee; regular valus $4.00. Special , ; Quart Pitchers; regular value $6.60. Special Sugars asd Creams; Tegular valus $4.00. Special Sugars and Creams; regular value 00. Special -Inch Bowls; regular. valus $4.00. Special. .,.. a-incn Bowie; regular vaius $s.oo. Special 1-Inch Dishes; regular valus $6.60. Special 1. stj.OO II4.SO II3.00 I I4.SO ,.f3.00 '4.74 4. OBBAT SPXCIAX. UU OT BABBSOXCS CKXXA. - " - - A CXXABTX0) XX , SXX.TBXWAXX. - . . A ".closing out ot discontinued lines of Table Sllverwj at one hs't, usual prices. Extra Al Oneida Community Co, Silverware coffee Spoons, set of six. Special , " ' Drange Spoons, set of six. 6neclal Tsble Spoons, set of six. Special Forks, set of six. Special Sugar Spoon snd Bvtter Knife. Special, pair . . 7 -