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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
THE . OREGON - DAILY - JOUKNAU - PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINTJ, . MAY v. 18," 1E03. PACIFIQ UNIVERSITY'S INNER CIRCLE STrVUDS' DANCE -aymg omxlb or raw cvaro by sa. wa- Plans Dangkter Begma se Oala :- x " -i'i --:"..:.yri.;'"i ': - ' -:'7 '" v':,':' T. " Ajiothes - CK "i. i ' - . - ';V ' A: v 17 Most tf Whom Have Been Suspended by the Faculty for Playing Under Wrong Colon. HEARTLESS POLICE MISTAKES - SPELLBINDER FOR ANARCHIST Policeman Wanless placed ' William "Horan juoder .arrest Usta4gV-at- S : "o'clock at Third and Burnslde etreeta. Jwti.tb jMg'nniprJtftlUiuTltt under arresu publto speech to crowd or 500 or mora people. Mr. Horan la on of the Drai . oratio nomlneee on the legislative ticket, and the meeting ie part -of- the plana he county cential roinmltteo to have "' nf """--'- pflfl""" in differ. nt parte of the city. la the evening. Iaaae Swett ga-crowd at 11 First and Clay streets,anl word : . aent him by the committee to Join Mr. ' : Horan at Third and Burnslde. Ha went , to that place and made a speech of thrnt v quarters of an hoar to a large and en ' thuaiaetlo audience. When he concluded Just about equal the bulk of the water used every day, Every minute the SAme torrent Is pouring; through the io miles ot pipe tine from Bull Run. In 10 hours it would fill a tank the same also aa the Dekum - building as it stands no eight atorlea 1I0 Jeet-hlglw. and 10 0 . by 100 feet on the around Mr, ll"r rV-yaO-fDOKft a 1 TKwee I0 rU rn era supposed KncQ ruroiuun w tnim i ta . he Introduced few mlruites. w made his advent on the scene and placed Mr. 8 welt accompanied, the policeman and the prlsoinr t the polio station, where . Horan waa promptly released. The speakers then returned to Third Horan finished tils and Bunmlrte. when ited andTwiaMniaUrmcTirra-B: arrivals. . Patrolman Wanless Is said to have given as his -reason forhreakln irLir"-"iCta Pool .11 your. Horan for an anarchist. The police authorltlea have given assurances that the - Democratic nominees will be al lowed to continue their open-sir meet ings during the campaign. P0RILANMJSES-200-GALL0NS OF-WATERtPER-GAPITA-DAI L-Y4 ng with those t' allone--ef Bull Run ' charged with every dar-tir-the-yeai - Don't nee to gallona per day? No, you don't actually use all that water, but It la a fact, nevertheless, that 200 gallons for -every man, woman and child . cornea to . the city every day - through the long-pipe line.' -1 usr a little lese than 1,000.000 gallons every -hour-tn-the- t tr- r That's enough watr to floet a battle-- shlp a couple of 'am. In volume these 24.000,000 gallons used by Portland every day can ba used la some- Interesting -comparisons.' Jit meana J.208.W cubic- feet of water." Suppose the Dekum building was IT stories high Instead of eight. It would )Ww 1 Wouldn't Yon Like a Snil Like Tfiirfor mm .If you really knew how good our Ten-Dollar Suits are how well they are made how well they fit you certainly would come here and get one. -: " v' . - - - -Youan-getrwierof theseTeh-Dollar Syits in any of the new spring patterns, in either single or double breasted styles, and in any size. 1 Among the . collection are several new arrivals in the stylish gray, shades, of worsteds and cheviots Suits that are really worth from $12 to $15, are selling here for $10. We would be pleased to have you see them. . a; MOM : GiislCuhnProp9 f . "",' ' ''.;'.''' r-' tWe'v Everything f Wear for Men and Boys Co ?' 168 AND 168 THIRD ST. 7 MOHAWK BLDG. Tusk at Osoe mat Zs law Well and Happy. Children are doubtless punished many times at school for not keeping still or for dropping things when tho trouble Is really chorea, or Bt. Vitus' dance, as It is popularly called, e So common is this nervous disease' In childhood that In some schools one fifth of all the pupils have been found Buffering from it In one form or another. Before, tho, preaenci of the disease la betrayed there IS usually a disturbance of "the , general health. The child shows llstlessness and inkttentlon. ' .Then It becomes restless snd twitching of the muscles and Jerk. Ing -ot the limbs end body follow. ' Often the patient loses flesh and bO' comes pale and bloodless. A remedy that cures fit. Vitus' dance, and cures It so thoroughly, that no traee of the dis ease remains, is Pr. Williams' Pink Bills. K recent cure is tliat of Oeorgts, the 40" reaTlddaughtap-of--Mrsv.JX--M, Hesm of Conemaughr- Pennaylvanuw Mre. Reitminaysr way 1 cans e he- to drink and get away with one or another would. fill-40 coal ol market. Just Imagine yourself disposing of 40 oil cana full of water every day. Tou could drown yourself In that much water without any difficulty whatever. and of have even 8S"!1 cana full every day It own. - As a matter of fact, a. good many thousand gallons of the 24,000,000 are wasted. Several millions overflow from the -receiving tanks at the reservoirs. Some goee down the Tanner creek aewer from, the City park reservoirs every day. "More flow tbeough the Sunnyslrte aowoti.i Into, thoTW.mff rem - Mount Tabor reservoirs. It Is only at times of -extreme heat and extreme cold that the supply coiu- of mains about the city Is Insufficient. When It's cold the faucet Is left open thst ths plrv fr .nH ui lenaH of gallons are wasted Jn a jlliht When warm" weather "comes It Is cltea per to ret the water run than t buy. ice.' AH this Is against the regu lations of the water board, or course, but the water and the faucet are right (Special Dispatch Tbe Jooml.) . - -- Forest Orove. Or., May II.' The plans for the new dormitory or ladles'., hall at. Pacific university haye been decided upon by-th committee The building will be three stories 'with fronts to the south' and westr The first floor will ba arranged for parlors, dining hall and musio rooms and perhaps a few othor rnmm Th. Mfnnil n thlr.1 floor. will -make- tip-the -student roome and will ba arranged especially for that pur pose with latest improvements. An architect la now working on the details and they will be ready In a very short time. The committee wishes tj I-have 'the .building imder way before commencement and finished for the fall tmt Thle-hall -will -be-eoual-ta-lha standard nf the hi leadings schools. of the municipality la not' Bo the wat runs to waste. . Portland uses more water per capita than almost any other city In the United States. New Tork city la charged up with 100 gallona for each of Its popu lation. Tho 1 average "consumption - In citlea over 25,000 population Is 111 gal lons per head. DECIDE ON PLANS FOR NEW HALL AT PACIFIC 'When Oorgla started to school last year the haa itomaen iroubie anir after ward her mouth began to twitch. She would shake all over and could not be till. After a few months her mind be came affected. She waa tinder tba care of two doctors for almost four months. When she had been sick for about seven months we heard of a case like Oeorgla'e that-had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills., It wma In the latter part of February that she commenced to. take the .pills and' they mads the greatest change Jo. Jie-They not ; -only- cured every trace of tho St. Vitus' -dance but helped hap in over way.. She never waa very etout untU after she took the pills, but now she haa gained In weight. Bhe goes to school every day and Is well and happy. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills sre worth their weight In gold." . Dr. Williims' Pink Pills build up jth to carry health and strength' to part of the .body. I key hava cured severe cases of Woodlessness, In dla-estlon. lnf luensa. headaches, tun Up. .clnHra, neuralgia, nervousness. blood spinal weakness and the special ail ments of girls and women whose blood supply becomes weak, scanty or Irregu lar. They are sold by all druggists or will be senfrtty mall, postpaid, on receipt it nrlce. E0 cents pei r box, six boxes for trfig Mraieineli company, Schenectady, N. FEARSDROVNED YOUTH MAY - - BE HIS OWN SON - Wealthy Bookseller Unable to Identify Body Which Has Son's Assumed Name on It. (Joerml Brtil SrTk-e,V - New Tork, May IS. Whether the body found in. East river yeirtprrtay was that of his son, Lee Dillingham, a Cornell graduate and convert to Socialism, is the question that is worrying. Charles T. there on ther spot and the representative 1 UllllEKham. a wealthy bookselter-of this If you make our store the basis of your clothes operations, and the Hart SchafFner & Marx quality the foundation of .your ideas, youH be. as well' dressed as a'man can be Here is a 'Variity Sack Suit, double breasted! that's built on the right plan ; we think it ought to oe on you. We have lots pf other styles. ? Three Piece Suits 'y V 7 , in ii m. , a. m a i seps s 'a -w m i m TV . I 11 . . Cin Co r.Tlii r J and Morrison Cdpy right 1 906 by Hart Schaffner & .Mux and had a strong growth of hay on the ed. about three ;year g" mvt-niwl-unt th. rnmMnY ni build hart haa but a few acres and since he has proven It a-success will rngnge in it's raising and-growing on a large scale. It was grown on bottom land and seem ingly grows best in such soil. EARTRQUAKE'AND"FIRET DESTROYED THE BRIDGES -(Speelel Dlspateb t Tbe Journal.) Grants Paes, Or.. May It. The steel bridges that-Were In course of ccinstruQ-4 gomery J tlon In San Francisco by the California Construction company for the railroad that la to be built from Grants Pass to Waiao?wer4.;detxoje4i)y.eArtiiaufc wooden bridges Instead. - The iiJiaoterTftonT Tliey Inspe led the Albany plant .. delays' the beginning of work on the new road fully a month, but at least IS miles of the llne will be built this summer. . , . , TRAfcTION'CAPITALISTS ! MAKE INSPECTION TOUR (Special Dispatch te The Jos rati.) Albany, Or., May II. W. W. Mont- and S. D. Slnkler. of PlrUadeiphla. thx capitalists who are heavily interested In penxc:MduBic;irfjye day from. Eugene on a tour of In spec. and from here drove to Corvallls, taking the west side train into Portland. They contemplate building an electrio line through the valley as far south as Rose- burg. . Will Olve Sociable.' '' The Ladles' Aid society of the Wood, stock Methodist Episcopal church will IvQiSn ins m son I a his ,titta avealne.. If the weather-Is pleasant, in the beautiful-grove adjoining the church, other- iOTrtef wWTlrnfiecfi u rchT owltlvete- neighborly - friendship. The object Is fo acquaintance1-end- city. Cards on the body bore tho name of "Michael Dlelon. The father heard aometlme ago that his son had taken that name by application to the Call' fornla legislature. ' Dillingham, the father. Is a cousin of the late George W. Dillingham, the pub lisher, and has tried to persuade himself that It Is Impossible hie eon could be the drowned man. He said a week ago that his wife received a letter from him. sent from California. - The youth hae been on the coast, for two years. The body, which la now in the morgue, le badly decomposed and Identification la Impossible, and - the father not having seen his son for two yearsTTe unable T6diyti-aaywhsYhef it Is the body of his son. ALFALFrVFLOURISHES IN COUNTY OF LINN COMMITTEE WILL-LOOK -AT PORTLAND PAVEMENTS (Special Dispatch te. The Jaaroal. Baker Ctty.-Or:May"ir-At a insets ing of the city council last night the Hues1!OnorTOSltylebfpa Yemen r!d be used In the Improvement of Front etreet was thoroughly discussed. Representa tlvee of the Warren Construction com pany and the Barber Asphalt company appeared before the municipal body and explained " the merits of the different etreet materials. At the conclusion of the meeting N. C. Haskell, William Pellman and C. C. Hellner, three of the largest property owners In the city, were appointeJa. committee of three to visit Portland, Tacoma. Walla Walla and Boise and compare the different paving. The ex penaea of the committee's trip are to be borne equally by the two paving com' panies. "The committee etarted on Its irlp this evening. (flpeeist Dispatch te The JoarsaL) Albany, Or., . May 18 ThaV alfalfa can be -successfully grown In Linn county Is no longer a question. Fred O. Blumhart, who resides in Linn, near Corvallls, brought to Albany a few days sen roots that were four fet long Mul e--T e am bo:r 7x Will redce Whiter Cleaner Clothes COURT CHANGES NAMES OF BROTHER AND SISTER (ftpeelal Dispatch te Tbe Jnnrsal.l Albany, Or,, May II. The county eourt of Linn county has granted a de eree changing "the name of William George Frey and Johannah Frey to that of William George Amoa and Johannah AM os. For years they had gona by this latter name, assuming it when children, While -qiilte-email the mother of these applicants married Dr.-Amos,and her two children, came to be known by that appellation. Dr. William O. Amos, the applicant, practices dentistry in Leb anon, and a sister resides in Portland. The attorney for the applicants in formed the court that the alster would again change her name very soon end assume the matrimonial relation with some resident of Multnomah CQun(y- WILL COMPEL PAYMENT" - ' OFJNSPECJION FEES Olympla, 'Wash., May IS. Stat La bor Commissioner Hubbard announced today that be would ehortly bring euite to compel all delinquents to comply with the factory inspection law. A large number of concerns have re fused to aAytthe 110 fee as required hv law to eoVer coot of Inspection, which caa be secured In no otbsr manner, : Ia Yer Laundry Tkam any ether article Aad with less labor 20 Mule- Team BORAX .Will Cleanse Every Article .. In your Kitchen or Dinintf Reem And make it Bright 20 ' -JL- M u 1 e - T e a m BORAX - n aaiTstni Will Sterilize All Articles ef Clethini, " r Actiafi as an Antiseptic and Preventing Odor from Perspiration - laiilt n 20-Mule-Team Borax.' II four dealer hasn't It don't buy adul terated bores. Write to us, tell ue bie name, encloeias; 5c-, and we will mail you a packaf will also send yea our flfustrsted booklet, "Bores in the Home." Addreea, PaclBe Coaal Rorat: Conmnr.' Itacee Sanding, T -OaUaed, CaUferala, , , , T li J rrvTU U L nAJSJ T 11 r---w -m : m , 1 .. ... s B- s I - I II II II. II 11.11 ' - a re . - "."V I lit tlnrmltnrlcs nt, the -M . 1 1 1 1 1-1 1-1 1 1 1-1 J--l I V r M-4 .BVT.:--r-l i.M-.-. . - I - I I II II II - --,. it - - I I t If I PORTLAND'S GIGANTIC- -AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE The largest and finest amusement retort west, of New, Yorkv. ' With neater natural advantasea than any other Dark in America. Aa.Expoaition of Modem Amuaemcnta on a wonderful scale, built on new and up-to-date- lines. T - - - A A 1 I xl. -SAA AAA 1 ft A 1 s . t . a . 1 'a Illuminated -with -100,000 lighterimrlucUnrhe-beautifttl luater from the late Lewig and lerkairT Fifty decided novelties especially planned and constructed for the coming season. Beautiful groves.-tlower beds, lawns, picnic grounds, lunch houses, "with innovations in tomfort and conenience unsurpassed. - Double track, the beat of car aervlcer 5 cent f ar e, nd transfers from" all "car" linesT Office First and Alder Streets Telephone) Main 336 Office Hours o to la; s to 5 S. H. FRIEDLANDER, Manager mmwF We are advertising this great offer in over one hundred newspapers, and are selling it in all parts of the state, and everywhere it - is sold r it-gives entire satisfaction. The People Know a Good Thing An expert operator gives instructions to all who are un-T familiar with sewing machines; besides, a book of instruct tions accompanies each, machine. ( . - . . . -ALL ATTACHMENTS GO FREE I You get the same attachments free that go with the regular $60 machine sold by the sewing "machine trust.- This is the anti-trust machine. Step in and examine it, whether you are ready to buy or not. . -...-r--:..-, . ... $1.00 Down,, SOc a Week ' r 'GEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS." 1 , ' v ' : ' 173-175' FIRST STREET - ' ' , , 819-227 YAMHILL STREET t