The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 18, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    - Store Open 5-
Tomorrow Kl&t' Until
9:30 "
Store Open
Tomorrow ISg IfctJ
500 Mea's Suits :afc $10.15 the -Suit
If I A. f,ijw-
500 Men's Suits at $12. 1 0 Suit
Batics In the Men' Clothing Store Is lamping ahead -t a tarprUing
rste-WUe men have overcome the old-time prejudice about buying
clothing in department storeEiTience hee taught them that we
tell clothing of the bett style and quality at a eaving of fally 23 per
cent on what the exclusive clothier sk yon for garments of equal
.... - . - i" ' . 11 ' '
grade Investigate these offerings.
'eorriuuMT. urn vr
. ma sua, a co.
v i
r500 Meh round-cut and double-breasted Sack Suits in fancy tweeds,"
Selarassortment Ali sizes Marvelous J 1 1 C
values at this : Iqw . price Take , advantage : p y 1 .'
500 Men's double-breasted and round-cut Sack Suits in fancy wor
steds, cassimeres, and fancy cheviots Best styles and designs
Handsomely made up with splendid linings, all sizes Suits '
the exclusive clothier - asks $18.00 for Our-. C I O I f
-jspedal sale-price:-;
1000 pairs of men's fancy Worsted Trousers in R 'V-'TV-neat
patterns Regular $4.50-$5.00 values on sale at V f
--.-..-v-:-.e---; Men's Clothing Department Second Floor -w
Meier &FrankCo.
-Doy's Suits
Boys' Norfolk Suits with knicker-
bockcr trousers, gray and brown
- mixtures, ages 8 to 15 years; all
new up-to-de mits selfinfr regu
i larly at $4.50;. your 7 C 1 C
choice at vean
Boys' r all-wool 2-piece" Suits in
7 gray," brown and fancy mixtures;
t pamsarefull rmear-Tegular
Great special value in young men's
"Suits. age5to-ZO yearsrngle:
or . double-breasted sack coats,
. new grays, fancy worsteds, fancy
' chevjots, fancy tweeds; very lat-'
', est styles selling' regularly at
... $22.50; your choice,.... 18.6?
Boys'- Clothing Dept. 2d f Floor.
Sale of Trunks and Traveling-Bags
36-inch canvas-covered, waterproof painted Trunks; hardwood strips, steel damp, heavy 'eel-ft 1 it
corners, clamps on top and bottom, Brass lock, set-up tray wun nai dox; reg. vaiuc .
Heavy canvas-covered Trunks, waterproof painted, hardwood slats,- fastened with jleLilamps4-nevy-
-.-II . .11.-.. 1-: - . ... -J-. i.. J. i.. -l.i...
ittrl rrrnari, top andbattornj execloior Wit, rlath-'hnrdreti i Hp tray aiH txlia tlit itti sltff77TT
3U-lneil, IS.'IS VHUe.l . ..f7.4U 3yincli, ll vsius tor, eacft.. '""irilft
23-inch full cowhide -Suit Cases, figured linen lined; $7 values; each.;.;.....,, J,
24-inch Suit Case, dull leather-moire; best $10 values for, each.......
liilMMIf till tM 9 J . ft
Women's Tailored Suits - Are Reduced
iOOO Women High "Grade TaMored Suits - at great
special dlitcdbns
usual imnortance to every woman havinjt need for
, newj-ipto4atapparel --This-season'VTy-bett
F - ' mm' ' .1 1 I "
moaeis in serges, vouei, ranims aouw, nomwpuns,
shepherd worsted sEton-styleSr-fancy-gimporbuttOB-
f trimmed and circular skirtsPony, semi-fitting or tight-
fitting jackets, self strapped or stitched Colors Include
grays, rose, reseda, navy, Alice blue, black, checks and
fancy mixtures All sites and an immense variety to select
from Match! ass values at the following low prices r
$20.00 Tailored Suits $ 14.85
$27.00 Tailored Suits $ 1 9.85
$32.00 Tailored Suits $21.85
$50.00 Tailoreduits36.45
$55.00 TaaoredSuit$38.25
Mall orders for the above suits will receive our very careful attention.
BpHcit in stating what 4s wanted, measurements, etc4 order at once
great. special values at
60-piece set for ( . . $3.09
100-piece set for
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets decor-
ated -with--pink-f lowers and gold
prices . .; . - :.
60 pieces, 8 valuer i ;;f 6. 4P
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, lilac-
riecorated and gnlH tippUH
60 pieces, 18 value, for..f 6.24
100 pieces, 12 ralueriorTTrf 9.3ft
Semi-vitreous Dinner rSets, green
- floral decorated, great value
60 pieces, $7 value, set. . . .4.Q6
100 pieces, $1.75 value, set..fT.98
Semi-vitreous . Dinner Sets, pink
rose decorated, gold edge
60 pieces, tg value,' for TTT-f 6.49
100 pieces, $12 value, for... f 9.84
English semi-porcelain Dinner Set,
green decorated, very neat
60 pieces; $7.50 value, for..fS.49
100 pieces, $11.25 valu.r for.S9.14
English semi-poreclain Dinner Set,
pink rose arid .white marguerite
decorated, gold edge
60 pieces. $9 value
100jieces. $13-50, value.,. ,810.45
Great Bargain in
100 dozen women's. finCraheer-Unen-'-
Initial Handkerchiefs, hand em.
on sale today and f
tomorrow""at ....... .".'."1".".' .
Soecial lot of fine Swiss Handker-
chlefrnemstitched and sea
Hoped ;
einliiuiiknu tdus, inular 40e
- and SOc values on sale '
- today arid tomorrow at.. .
Handkerchiefs; regular 10c
values on sale at....,.'..."."'
Women's 35c-40c Hosiery
at 23c' the Pair
' j .' 111 iii ' .'
'For today and tomorrow, 2000 pairs of
. women's fine Hosiery, in a large variety
..'of styles, to be sold at an extremely low
'"' price; embroidered boots, lace boots and
allover laceblack, tan, brpwtj.n white;
u all sizes; regular 3c and. 40c. values: on
sale at this special low price,
. . pair ; ... ................ .avJC
;Misses and children's.-fine-ribbed - Hoe4
. "Shawknit"; all sizes,' best 25c 1 Q0
vahtes; on saleatrpair: . . a rv
ized "li"ileHQ5e.iiast color? all -iea
" Dest joc values; on sale today
. and tomorrow at, pair. .....SJC
irrss"es'.'lia"wknit,rfine"ribed Hose; guar
anteed fast black; all sizes;, SOc
. vlues; on sale for; per pair... . .svi C
. Compltte. stockr of white and tart Hosiery
for women; rnisjes and children; all styles
and all grides. ,
$25 Rujgs for $18 . 65
Portland'! greatest carpet store places on sale a special lot of 50 Afghan
IstarrBrussels Rugs of elegant quality- Oriental and floral designs in
the richest coloringsr size 9x12 tetV, every rug regular- C 1 Q (C t
$25 value, your choice - . ......... V UJJ
Special sale of ldlOOO yards of Floor Oilcloth, extra heavy quality al
most as heavy s linoleum.. iiimiiii sssorluient of pattefilsl" in aU the"
"Testcol6ririgsr unasual value at this low price, cut, sq. yd...
5 cents a yard extra for laying. Mail orders filled.
Women's silk mixed Swiss ribbed
"low h eck and iil e e vele Vest i . alt
sires, best style ; regular Afff
60c values on sale at.. ., tl
Women's lisle thread, knee length
tights -in black pink and bhter
the best SOc value on sale at 41f
Women's high-neck, long sleeve,
- fine mercerized vests, in white
only, all sizes; 7Sc values AQn
7 on sale at this low pricei.'Tw
Special lot of 200 men's chambray
Pajama Suits, in tan, gray and
blue, made in military style with
white - frogs,- all sizes, nicely
finished throughout; greatspe-
-eiaHvalue-forTfew days at
See window .1.15
"3000 pairs men's "Shawknit'' Sox ,-
jit plain black, tans, reds-Striped
and fancy-effects,- itt large-assortment,
all sizes; value extraordi--Hiary
at, 3 4rs. for S0c4-pairlTf
Great Speciaialejol
Lace Waists goes on sale today at
temptingly t low prices-Beautiful
styles in -very large assortment -Cluny
Lace Waists, Baby Irish
-over-Lace W aists trimmed -IriPPlatt-VafenciennesT-
Venise, M echlin and
Maltese laces Waists for dress and
The"valucs arejy farthebest ever
presented from regular stock Take
advantage of these low prices : -
$ 7.00 Waists, each $ 5.25
$ 8.60 Waists,- each 9
' lAulH J I ---
$ 9.00 Waists, each $
$12.80 Waists, each 0.05
$18.00 Waists," each $14.45
$20.00 -Waists,-each $16.25
$21.00 Waists, each 9 1 6 . 65
$22.00 Waists, eachTSl7.25
$27.00 Waists, each 322.25
$14.00 Waists,-each-ll25-437X)0-Waists,-each-f28.25
$18.50 WaistsceachlSS
Special Values In Fine Lingerie Waists Second Floor
h.k.r. FJ.?!..
ITmnlr. 1m TV una
Lr&UH,.lWi .Cbkw th. W.
...."Tli sum n"
few places you but eonvlnc your
self on a. first-class stock of John Del-
1 wll mmmt m. A u. Milt In
IN 1 1 . W v ------ -
comparlsoti with any oth.r stora's price.
TV. C.IT7 ZU11 hicviiuq i iiron m ni.v
boys suit-, hats, pants, shirts, under
.Mr m gnr 11 n of -hi -bt
mrttrun1. nf " Jnim 1 r"comnirniTtTihiirrliHkH ftr'lhft " til reft
tllrr 1 im II rim trv ami ww
TMrd-atrtt. , . , ,
r t.yrlc.jwkk.AfefcaAjg
mar. ...............
. (irutd .............
" Rlnht Rt. Father Ollbort FrancsJs,
uperlor-rnoral of th. conreatlon of
th. Holy CrOssr-rriv In th. lty -last
tht and Is th. 'guest of the faculty
of Columbia university. H. la acoot
panled by Dr. Andrew Morr.s.y, former
, president of Notr. Dsm. university.
" Father Francals, who la th. highest of
ficial of his order In th. world, has been
stationed In Franc, and was In that
eountry durlngIl th. troubles over
church property. H. 1. at present Bib
In a tour of America, visiting all the
Holy Cross communities. H. will re
main in Portland several weeks. Dur
ing hla stay In th. city Dr. Morressey
will' probably .deliver two or three lso
turea. 7"", ' ; .
' Th. annual banquet given by th. cltt
' sins of Portland to th. visiting mem-
bra of th. Oregon' Pioneer association
will b. held at the ArmoTy, Jun. 14,-at
4 o'clock. Th. Women's auxiliary of
th. Pioneer association met yesterday
afternoon at th. horn, of th. president.
Mrs. C. M. Cartwrlght, and arranged the
"details. Th. annual banquet la en. of
the most attractive features of the
Pioneer association meetings and this
yrar th. women of th. auxiliary asso
ciation are determined tt shall Surpass
all former" efforts.AU plon.ers are In
'.vlted to this banquet and th. badg. fur
nished at th. meeting will b. th. ad-
mission card to th. banquet hall. 7
' Orton Wheeler, the Orand Ronde ln,
"dTan charged with assault upon Lassie
... Roberta, a -yw-old Indian girl, was
found guilty by the federal Jury yes
terday afternoon. This Is th. f Imt cas.
' In Oregon where a conviction has been
secured against an Indian for this crime.
Th. attorneys for Wheeler attempted
to take th. esse out of th. United
... am hm MtinA that Whfteler
0lalvB rum. v.. ..... - - -
' was a eltlsen. but on District Attorney
. . . I ... .1.
Rrlstors ciiaiiviis tfuuw . w iwn
lowed the cas. to go to th. Jury. .
At the meeting of the Home Training
association yesterday afternoon an ad
dresa on the subject. "Th. Period of
Adolescence Boys and Olrls," was de
livered by. Dr. Mary Wood Allen. Dr.
Allen contended that th. old idea that
at this period girls demanded mors care
ful attention than boys wn wrong. Bhe
contended that boys need the most care
ful watching, j
After reading th-advertisements of
every special inducement on nrnn s
boys' clothing, d not invest the first
Th. Redemptorlst Fsthers la a new
organisation that wtll establish Itself In
Dtl.nil irrhhllhnn Ch Tint la hla -
algnad them to that portion of the east
side north of Ainswortn avenue ana esse
of Oreely street. Th. community Is to
b. ctabUshed by Rev. William T. Bond
and Rev.-Joseph Bell of Bt. liouls.They
for THEM
SOLD AT. : ' ,
DENNY ........ ?5.00
STETSON.'.? 4 and fS '
ALLEN ........ 4-00
CHESWICK . . .f 3.00
Hewetf, Bradley
& Co.
!3 Washington Stiitt
have been visiting Rev. Father Wattt of
St. Francis church for th. past two
weeks and are her. for the purpose of
establishing the community.
- The Are committee- of the executive
hoard - yeeterdeyafternoon, agreed to
piece of Are -apparatus uaed bjrhe
sx position. These have been offered for
110.050, which wlU be a saving of I WOO
over the cost of new apparatus. Daniel
C. Shaw, captain of hose company Nol.
has resigned from the department and
lieutenant I J. Gardner of englna com
panv No. 7 will-take hi. place. A.-M.
Crewes takes J Gardner's plaie.'T."R
Proudflt was ordered dismissed from the
dUtr-- -f ---
At a special meeting of the Fulton Im
provement association last night It was
voted to Join with Portland In the gen
eral clean-up movement and a committee
waa appointed to take th. matter in
hand and see that Fulton la glven a
thorough cleaning. The- committee Is
composed of J. J. Webber. J. McNulty
and A, H. Burkholde. Just aa soon as
arrangements can be mad. the people of
the suburb will turn but In force and
Clean, their settlement. , , m.
A public debate on the subject of
woman suffrage wtll take place tonight'
at Grace Methodist church. The speak
ers wtll be Rev. J. Whltopmb Brougher
and RevDr. Clarence True Wilson. Dr.
Brougher will advocate th. light of
auffrag. for women and Dr. , Wilson will
appeal for those women whom he desig
nates as '"our mother., wive, and sweet
hearts." "At the conclusion Of th. de
bate th audience will take a vote to de
cide who won th. debate.
Th. Portland realty board held a
melngla"t.venlng and appointed a
committee to solicit member, to th.
number of 7S - more. roll
has .7 J names sori charter membership
the constitution adopted at a recent
meeting win"be6rh-blnmng-andtne
whole organisation will go Into effect
Another meeting will- be held next
Thursday evening to hear the report of
the soliciting committee. - "
Local Norwegians gathered at Arlon
halt last night and celebrated Norway's
natal day. . The celebration was under
the auspte of the Norwegian Singing
society. ' A' program of music and pa
trlotle addresses was the feature of the
evening. . The Arlon Singing society ss
slsted in the musical program. Solos,
both vocal and Instrumental, were ren
dered. "': . " " '-,
Governor Chamberlain spoke at Union
last night and la billed to make an ad
dress at Heppner " tonight. The west
bound Ot" It-a H, Co.'a train today le
seven hour, lata and arrangement, are
being made to get the governor to the
Morrow county town by special train. . '
Falrvlew and Gresham have decided to
hold a joint Fourth' ef July celebration
this year. Each town has appointed a
commute, to cooperate with that of the
sister settlement In preparing a pro
gram of entertainment for the occasion.
It Is expected that the Cedarvill. branch
of the O. W. P. Una will be completed to
Falrvlew and that the flrat-xar wlll-ha
run In that plaa. .n July 4. " . i.
7 iA. Bel gh seere t s ry of th e local
board of -civil service examlnera,an
nounces an examination for June to
secure an eligible for appointment to the
position of engineer-fireman In the cub
tMllsn ssrvloe. - The puepeee of- th.
examination ISTJO flir. Vacancy" Injthe
local poatofflce. The examination will
beheld Jnthejostofrleej)ulld!ngi
. The Portland Chinese Christian young
people-wilt give av concert this evening
in the Y. M. C A. auditorium for the
benefit of the homeless women and chil
dren of Ban Francisco. On the program
are numbers by the "Made-ln-Oregon"
quartet, composed of American-born
Chinese, and - about SO-othernumbere
by talented young Chinese.
Another of the Multnomah Rod and
Gun club'a weekly banquets was en
Joyed by the members of that organ
Isatton last-night. Covers were- laid
for 10 and a most enjoyable evening
was spent Between- courses those pres
ent entertained . each other with fish
stories , and tales of the hunt Soma
thrilling yarns wer. spun.
: Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, or washing porches
or windows, must b. paid for In advanc.
and used only between th. hours of t
and a. m. and k and I p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully. It will be shut off. j.- .
ralgned before Judge Wolverton- this
morning on th. charge of assault with
Intent to kill. "He pleaded not guilty.
Last fail he attacked Jacob Johnson, an-
other-Indian, at th. Sllets a gene y.-and
a fight ensued. Falrchlld Is supposed
to have been drunk at the time.
Ther. will be addresses by Rev. Dr.
T. B.' Ford. Mr. 0. Bpenoer QHapham of
New Zealand and Rev. -Anha- H. Shaw
at the Equal Suffrage meeting to b.
held In th. H.lllg theatre on Sunday,
at :8 o'Clock. Mrs. Mary C. C Brad
ford of Colorado will conduct a question
box. " -
" First annual Coat exourslon to Mar-
tin'. Hl.ife Bnnil.T. M. v in. lSdiS. riven
hi the Oesterrelch-Ung.. K. U. Vereln.
Steamer Beaver, win leave root or uurn
atd. street at I a. m. Tickets, fdults
7 sc. children i5c . - : ' ' V
A dramatlo entertainment was given
last Monday evening In the ball of trie
Sacred Heart church. The drama pre
sented by local talent was the beautiful
and Instructive play. "The Heart of a
Hero.' ' The music was by aa orchestra
composed of local musicians. . The hall
was well -filled.
If you suspect that your ayes are
being strained, or overtaxed, com. here;
consult us now; delaying la dangerous.
-we examine naiuc irunizij',i"
Ji. 111.1
Rubensteln,- MS " Fourth weet. near
Yamhill. "
- Bishop William - Horn. ; who presided
over-the Evangelical conference' held at
Salem, will be In Portland Sunday and
int speak :sf the . First English church
on the corner of East Market and'Kagt
Sixth' streets.
A-BeantifuHnower-Bed Bhv a doaen
or two of our flowering bedding plants.
A'smalJ lhvestment will give you beau
tiful returns." Phone Msln 471 or call
Portland Seed Co., Front and Tamhlll
' Loop the Loop. Excursion to Corval
Ils. via Albany, Sunday, May 20, by Pros
pect camp. No. 140. W. O. W. Trains
leave Union depot I a. m. aharp. Round
trip 11.60.
Watches, diamonds snd Jewelry on
easy payment Sr II down and SO cents par
week. All mainsprings fl; all watches
cleaned It Metsger a Co., Ill Sixth st
Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenates
the shabby' lawn; his sweet pea. and
lawn grass got gold medal at the fair.
Ill Front between Tamhlll and Taylor.
' "The Responsibility of Leadership, or
Precept Versus Practice." is the subject
of Rabbi Wise-, sermon to be delivered
at Temple Beth Israel tonight
We are still selling eye glasses at $1.
a perfect fit guaranteed or money re
funded. Metsger a Co.. Ill Sixth street
Acme OH Co. sells the best snfety oil
and fine gasolines. Phone :East7l(
"Dnsttens-Roeds." Portland Rosd OH.
lng Co., 44S Sherlock building. 7
For Quality. Quantity and Quickness
go to Morris" restaurant . -.' '
Marks Shoe Co. sells I3.S0 Ladles'
Oxfords for S3.S0.
Dr. E. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Mirquam.
Experienced Panama Hattec 111 4th at
Tom Word Club Meeting.
There will be meeting of the Trav
eling Mens Tom Word club at their
headquarters, tit and ti Lumbermen's
Exchange building. Second and Stark, at
11 o'clock a. m., Sunday. May 10. By
order of j
Th. "regular meeting of th. Oregon
Equal Suffrage association will be held
tomorrow at I p. m, at ll Sixth street.
Borsre Jones Jr. the reaas whe ula
sppured frw SirUsd Ut Sa tarday-sight'
it Ittll ewweg-th l Ne tlew tw ht
wher.bMts hi bii' ecura Df" 114 TKBliy AT
I rleads. Berjr efnjrt Is being " pal f"h
to leans snme-littnrnnMoa-thit -would" 1es
to bis tocstton.-ad h parents ate w heelitS
that they mUl be able to get some .sews
wlihla e few- oaye. '-
- Mrs. Jones Sr.r sbeV sjlsaliig rosag
aian. said this swrnlng that they had learned
poellelr that-Jones was smb. -in Portland
ea Suiulay awralnf. Hha thla was- Srat re
ported It was doubted, aa no sonnlte Informa
tion could he temred. Since then the parents
havs Joealed s friend of tbe yoaog mag who
knowa that Joo'a waa la the Ictr for a while
en that Sar. What neeasie ef hlaa sfterward
no one seems to know. At Srst the parents
were slanned lest some Sana had befallea htm.
hut sow they in la hopes they wlU he able
ta knra soon that he Is safe.
. " " ts r '
Mrs. A. Read of the "east side Is looking
for s protector. The bogey-maa has no mure
charms for her now tbaa In her chUdboad, and
In her qosai-terror she has heea toaalnc sbovt
vartons plana for securing protection. Her has"
band Is aa ample protector when he la st home,
bat he Is s commercial traveler and la swar
three slfhla ef the week. The problem ef
secnrlng the rln-ht safeaaard has heea e mam-nmth-ene.
another man eeald sot be fcarbnnd
except when her ansband la st home, snd the.
he la not seeded. A dog weald frighten the
mistress of the hoes wane Uua any anbtddea. "
prowler; the arerafe worn., would only en
courage her In her fears snd trembitnss.
The plas sdopted m to adrerttae for s girl -who
hv emplored onrtng the da j sad to (lea
her a raom. The U aha he s belligerent dam. -
ael, theae ienilftx-lea will not hu noleaaaal I
nuntTe.rtrt nrRe--oi j'Hmi a'nd ryeT TOSIblT!
called Iht eonTenlent use at sight. Mrs. Read"
Is thoronghly aatlafled with thla plan, for If
the eiakJea he- not warHk. tM will ba good
company at any rste, sad-tlist whsrane
caaoxi mrmaiw. ... .
When the eoaacll meets Wadneaday evening
la special seaslo. tt ta- probable that the street
committee will recommend some changes ta the
railway Hne ef the Pence eempaay. which la
asking for a franchise tbreagh the northern
part of the city asd oat to Lhtnton. City
gnaineer Taylor has suctested s route treat tli
Twenty-fifth a tret autraace to the fair grosses
to Vaughn street;- thence to Twentieth, to
Raleigh, be Fifteen th. to Hoyt, to Keren th.
Here connection wlU be msde with the felled
Railways rompeny line, with which transfers
will he exchanged. The county laemmlaalimais
hare granted the Pence company the right W
lay tracks swng the county road to Llnntoa
and. following a. examination ef the mute pro
posed wlthla the city, members of the street
committee are apparently agreeable . to the
rrof erred snook Ceas.eel oeda.
Allen Lewis" Beat Brand.-' "
Always ;
Reliable Ifi :
1. "p
1-2 FOOT
Saey naymeate If desired
eld aaaohlae la snok.age
esoMBw WTmAT smna bozsov
aad hear thesm demuasuslsd.
They are snore dlsttaet aad
aataral thaa aay Mm ansae asaw
ehiaek .
aad we wtll give liberal stteweaee ea yem
Written ruaraaSee wit every aaaeaiaa, ettheg ls. e eyllader, fress the
Columbia Phonograph
37 1 IV. '
I m - , m. m 9