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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
.,L. S -Tsrr-THBr-OREG0NDAILY3OURlUtORTL"AN mAY-EVENlNw, fAY 13, 15C3. tzammstsssassasmssm l i wai i , The Market BaskeT nujoteT"Pftti market basket! tor two rlvd tram. .. . th sugar trust la having th tlm of it llf with U saw Independet-t refinery, th California Uiwtllu company. Thar ta -ht m In tha lunr market and buyers ar now abl to bujqjsugar thro ' quart rs of a, cant par pound cheaper - than week ag That's -only-th in . . Itlaj movement, according to those who claim to hava. Inside information. win tha berry season Just patting Into swing this-is the' moat delightful -Information that could b ft van at thia time, win , berries likely to be lower than uaual thia season and with the sugar market doing soma stunts that will cauae prices to touch tha lower rouna 01 inr, .... tha housewife 4a Indeed to be enviea. Perhaps you've noticed that there has futon considerable IniDrovament. In - the ' aualltT of atrawberrlea the past wi . vea tha California fruit, which uaually la of very inferior ouallty, haa oome- .', what better taata than uaual. The peat benDollarvarIeiyBnr thes-BTnnucti ' iMlfstl thsV first ones to come, aleunt Tabor fruit . la now coming quite well and without . unfavorable weather prlcea soouia soon rn lower. The larger arrivals of Ore- gon 'berries are' causing .the .California fruit to show a, smaller volume. - io day 1n the retaU markets California , atrawberrlea are 10 centa a bos; best . - Oregon, two boxes for 25 cents. ' It la only tha matter of a very) short time before you will see apricots in the markets. - Reports received from CaJI . fornta. sUte they are ripening very fast - - and. are of very, good juaJlty.TVelcqm to Oregon. V -. - ,. . " " - ' : Recent days have shown' very heavy advances tn the price of canned to- matoeev-T-The rises-are due entirely ,to the very ahort crop in the eaet during aha past season. Th(s caused that sec tion to dfaw very heavily on the Pacltlo ' coast for supplies. The result waa ' your pocketbook tells. According to the crops of tomatoes are asaln in neor condition.; so don't be surprised if va 1- uea advance rapidly inr the near future. On the other hand there are indications that the price of canned corn will be low. ' ' California cherries are now coming to maraei vary rase in ine retail mar kets the best (fruit Is. selling at it cents a pound, but some good stocks can be obtained cheaper. The prices are being held high by California grow era and they are unwilling to make concession, even - if the goods go to waate on ' account of the lark of , I buyer.' There's no relief until the Ore goas eom to. goon, eay tb reporte.- t IS centa a dosen. They are about. 1 if" inches round andare mTcTTToafrt than the lemon, of which they take the place. Their health properties are said to be unexcelled. ' The. .markets are now well, supplied with ripe bananaa, and there has 'been a reduction, in th price. - Navel oranges are nearly out of season and tha prices are up. . . Mexican tomatoes are coming quite lively these days and they have bet ter' taste. Bell peppers from Califor nia are again seen in 'the markets and the prices are going down quite fast. Cabbage Is getting cheaper on account of - larger - supplies; so is ' cauliflower. Local hothous tomatoes are In fine shape., but are -rather high. . Hothouse encumbers from nearby points are shown in the markets at ZS cents each. Asparagus Is slightly cheaper, with the local stun coming fast and its Cali fornia stocks practically disappeared. Borne from Walla Walla, is quite fair. Prank L. Smith MeatCo. 223 Alder St, between First and Second. '.'.;., " ' 651 South First St, near the bridge. "fipng"BeefTrosr : We buy our livestock direct from the country. We pick the choicest of the herd. We do our own slaughter ing and packing. We are fighting the beef trust We sell direct to the people.' '. Boiling Beef, per lb.. ........... .4 Beef Stew, per lb :.... Short Ribs, per lb, ...... . . . ....... 7e Pot Roast, per lb.777T. ,7777777. t Since th destruction of 8an - Fran Cisco this market has been receiving very large supplies of Mexican limes. In California and other-southern-seo- tlon the lime is well known. .but. out side of a few aoutharnera there are few In Portland who have ever used them. II tM M todAr3M -bsst-imar siOlf Sprfo Corned Beef, per lb...............T Chuck Steak (tender), per lb.....8 Rolled Roast Beef, per lb..... ..10f Choice Rib Steak (tender) . . . . X2y,4 Spring Lamb Shoulder, per lb. 10 RIP. RAPP.AIftK prip.f of RAYF8 nnRTdBS' war is " I m oft riMrras PrmklptiipHJR ' mi iiiimrmi i - ' i w i m t ii " m n ILIII I vvli - S ,4 IliJl ia"UUUJiicu hi hi hu 1 1 lililu vv j CEYLOIX! TEAS. Pro luce Merchants Allege That -Trut lr Working to Their. Disadvantage. OMMlSSlOfOSEN: CftX DISAPPROVAL Prlcei"AfeRaised Twenty-Five " Per - "CrothTlMfacture '. - There Ha - Been - an ' Advance In -7 Prlce of Logs and Laborr Fifty-Three - Former Belligerents TComeemberiTttatr M elicaTSocletyl ANCgLQF-PEACE VISITS PHYSICIANS The combine which Is alleged by pro- -- . due merchants to control the manufao- . tura of "boxes has advanced the price of the finished product from 1 to l per cent over th prices that maintained two. months ago. Th new prices hay Just been put into effect and th com' " mission merchants on Front streetsnd others who find Jt necessary to use ' "boxes "'lii their" buslnessfi-Brsratslng-a; Z protest"7" TheyUeclare" thsfth advance . is . exhorblunt and unwarranted. ' The nvarag advinr In the cowtof -boxes used by the commission merchants Is about S per cent .' 7 . In a circular issued " by the alleged combine announcing the boost In prices, " It is explained that such an advance was ' , made necessary by the increased cost of logs and labor. . The commission mer .7 -etiants say-they would like to combine to show them way spruce logs, from which boxes are manufactured, and la nor hava advanced . IS per rent Mr. . ' Malarkey of the Maarkey Commission company said tnia morning: "I hadn't heard that there had been any advance In the -cost of spruce logs at all. - Of course ws all know there Ties been anr increase-tn-t he -price of ytr togs-wnt-theiie are not' -need In The T-jnaftufaetHrerBT' Ihiubb. There may have been an advance In the cost of spruce loss, but I haven t beard of it. and don t see why there should be. As for labor being tnoreJ expenaive. the combine will have to ahow me. The mills pay as - low-as ll--y-for-labor-4n-th'box departments snd I don't see where there 1 anv additional cost that warrants an ....advance of 1 per cent in the costof . j they ciji"stowtne where TTTcosts Tfiem j j - - cents tomannfactnre box that .coat thera-1 cants two months ago I will not say another word, but I would - like to toe -shown PATROLMAN M'GINNIS DISCHARGED BY CHIEF Patrolman P.- B.' McOinnla has been discharged from the police department bv Chief Grltsmacher. ' The action of " 1 the chief 'baa been approved by the po 'llce -committee of the executive board and will probably be confirmed by the board late thia aiternoon. ; The charge again" MoQInnis. ss filed with the civil service commission . Is I that he waa negligent In his duty In J.' paying attenton to a young girl lnstesd , or attending to ms neat. ' McOinnla waa- tried-' recently-on a ' charge of contributing to the delln quincr of t minor ui4 th Jury , dia- agreed. CITY AND COUNTY DOCTORS EUCUEADERS f " Naw officers of the City and County Medical society were elected last even ing as follower President, Dr. Robert iC f Tennejy . Vice-president, Dr. Luther ; Hamilton; secretary, lit. Alan . Welch Smith; treasurer. Dr. J. A. Pettlt; coun cilors. Dr. E.F.iTuekrr Drr Katherlne 3f anion. Xr. A. H. Johnson.. Drs. Hos mer. King. Maroellus, Sheldon, Pierce, CardwelL Labb and Holllster will be the delegates te the next convention f ' the 8 tat a Medical society. Dr. H. W. Cos," the retiring president, who has served for two years, mentioned In his report the admission of 7 new mem bers to the society , VaVMs to Xav Xorpltal. ' R. 'Thornton Langley, a mining pro moter of Ooldneld, Nevada, cam down from a local hospital this morning. and registered at tha Portland hotel. Lang ley earn here Over a month ago and waa taken to the hospital to undergo a serious operation.. He Is "well known .in mining circles. , . After- Strenuous - Combat of Years, Dbctori FalTTJpon" Each" Other'i Hecks and ... Shake Hands . In the -Name of Hannony. ."" - '-' ' Peace has found lodgement In medical circle in Portland and physicians hav ceased the strife that has characterised the profession locally for years It Is said that charges made by Dr. J. N. McCormlck in a - Chicago publication were largely, responsible ,fot,th . new policy,, though the assertion Is vigor ously denied by members of the profes sion. ' In line with the new policy (S doctors, moat of-whom have -persistently - re fused to. affiliate with the medical so cieties of the state or hava been re- " fte3gg wfcpfc iMsg a5a""srs'hej)y 4k 4Bs4eieJ- to forget their grievances snd Join, were' admitted to membership In the Oregon State Medical association at th recent meeting. In the number wss Dr. A.--T.- Rockey, whom -other physicians charged with having Inspired the ar ticles of Dr. McCormlck. Th recalcit rant physicians Joined th society, it is said, in order to create an appearance of harmony In the profession. The subject of placing the society on a broad basis was discussed at tha re cent meeting and resolutions were adopted Inviting other physicians to Join. The resolution was submitted to a committee on Invitation which-visited many -of -the oetore who had not affil iated w1tfch -soeletyr-i-TheTesuli Fine Rpaet- Vealr-peT-lb.TrrrnTOeH Veal Sausage, per lb...,........10 Leg Mutton, per lb.. ........ ,.12 Shoulder Mutton, per lb.. ...... ..9 Breast "Mutton," per7TK;Tr.n-.".".".vl Mutton '. Chops, per lb.'. , . ...... 104 Pork Sausage, home-made, lb. .101 Bologna Sausage, per lb..... .r. ..81 Frankfurters; per lb...i.i.......lOf Breakfast Bacon, per lb. . . , '. . . 1 T y4 Lard, : per lb, .........iaT' Special rates and prompt deliveries to hotels, restaurants and boarding houses. People's larto 1 Crccery-Co. Phone Main 1413 groceries. Meats, pWHOLBaALB-AND-RqTAlU' - Manufacturers of Pur Food Products Phone Main 1-413 PROVISIONS AND FRESH VEQETABLES SPfeCIAL ALL WEEK Lang's Saratoga Drip, qt, bottles 25d Lang's Saratoga," Drip, half gallons. ....i45e Lang's Saratoga. Drip, gallon Lang's Saratoga Preserves, bottles.. ,.;..25d Mrs. Williams' Home-made Jellies, 3 for..25 Van Camp's Soup, 3 for..'.............-..25e 3 packages Crespo , packages Soda Crackers ........20 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder.;..,;;;.;.... 40 6 cans Deviled Rex. Ham.. ,....t,.25v 1 lb. G. W. Baking Powder...... ,.35 Large package R. S. Vv P. Salt.. ........10e 1 qt. pure Vanilla or Lemon Extract..... 6Se 1 pt. Vanilla or Lemoft Extract .......... 0 1 bottle Blyles Horseradish Mustard.... 20f 4 lMtlev'-Baylee Ettirlish11 Mtistsrri iiiviilKe l.can Pond s LimohT.Thguev. . . . m 4 r.-gOd- 7 lbs. White or Ked Beans.. . . ..... ... .J6 7 lb. box Maccaroni or Spaghetti........ 3Se 4 lbs. Lima Beans.... ........ att .7 lbs. Rolled Oats.. ....,t.25 , Jl..atk GoldenDrip Syrup . .". 2Bd 10 lbs. Yellow or' White iCoTnmeaI."7rrr.20d 1 gal. can Grapes,.., .....,...,30 12 bars Elk Soap............,;.;..t...25 3 bottles Catsup, pints.. ................ZD? 2 cans any brand Cream... ............ ..15 ! MAILORDERS Promptly attended to.r Send np a post card; our salesman will call and submit prices. "Made in Oregon" MONARCH PURE LARD, 10-lb. pail, fl10; 5-lb. pail 65 ESSENCE OF PURITY 5 Monarch Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon", per lb. m.ITVJ Monarch' Sugar Cured Hams, per lb .15 Monarch Brand Oregon Butter, per lb.. .20 Monarch Brand stands for Quality and Purity. Made in Oregon. ... Gold Medal Creamery Butter, 2-lb. roll. .. 50 Sim' Creamery Butter, 2-lb. roll ....45 iregoivVegetablei Asparagus, per bunch. .................... .5 White Turnips, 3 bunches.......; ,.5 Head Lettuce, 2 heads............ ..5 Curly Lettnce.'. ........................ ..,5 New Cabbage, per lb.. .2 New. Potatoes. 6 lbs- for,,.... . ..v.'.25 Onions and Radishes, 4 bunches for.... .v. 6 Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Wax and Green Beans. - '- Meat Department Royal Roast Pork. Prime Roast Beef, Choice Roast . Mutton, Spring Lamb, Porterhouse Steaks. Sirloin Steaks, Choicest Selection of Made in Oregon Meats to Select From. Special-Saturday and Monday 20 lbs. Sugar, dry graunlated... ..fl.00 1 sack fancy Burbank Potatoes........ .-.T5 1 sack hard wheat Flour.. fl.OO iS lb.' pail lCK. K. Herring.. ..,.;..... 0 15 lb. pail Mackerel.... ........ .....,..f 1.50 i$ lbs. dry granulated Sugar.;, ... ......f 1.00 With $5 order; , : ' 2 lbs. famous Town Tslk Coffee, 50c value 35 2 lbs. Monarch Mocha and Java Coffee, ..Portland's pride,' 60c value. 45 2 lbs. full cresm Cheese. ....-v.... ...... .25 1 lb. Mbnarch blended Ceylon Tea, 70c val. 45 I lb. Spider Leg Japan Tea, 70c value. ...45 lb. No. 2 Spider Lear Japan Tea. 60c val. 3KM t 4b.0.- . "t ear value OOc , . , . ; ... . ,45 1 lb. G. P. Tea, value '50c... ....25 1 1 lb. E. B. Tea,, value 40c.,...; " 6 lb. box Gloss Starch... ;..,... ...45 2 lbs, White Figs.....;...,.."....,,.,,.,.15 2 lbs: Seedless Raisins. .......... ....... .15 50-lb. sack- Ice Cream -Salt .,,-,,..30 50-lbsack Table or Dairy Salt. ...40' 25double sheets Tanglefobt Fly Paper.. 30 ; - . ; : ; Suburban ; Deliveries ST.. JOHNS DELIVERY WEDNESDAY. ' SELLWOOD SATURDAY. " ARLETA FRIDAY. Note a few-prices quoted below and judge from; this on other and nice. Getthechoiceatat lowest prices in the "city." SUGAR Dry Granulated, 100- pound sack, . . . . . .$4.75 15e Pound Pure Mpl Surar. 40e Sack Eastern Buckwheat Flour, l-pound packas lxJa CraekSra. - 10e . S-pound can' Asyorttd Soup. , 60s- 'r' .11 cans Star Cream. lOcslia. - Sack; Ross City Flour, fancy patent. 15 Can Easle" Condensed MUk. . 15e ' ' Pound Best Shredded Coeoanut. FROM TTHSTGJf DEM jZZrZz Tea to Buy ne Pound Equals Three I . I r.' :,tL.L.: : No,-t:reylon and Inai-t-Hrean, .-TB.--NovS C. and I., 1 lb.. .65 - No-1 Csylon and India H-lb. can, 40. No. S C. and I, H lb...35: -rr; J O L D B Y Jt LVCR O CS R S"- CCI I AiAC West Park and Washington Sts. Phone Main 2596 the aiaoclttion. , Tha .resolution .was as follows: "With the time at our dlsoosal It has been lnposslbls 40 sna everjr quallfladl and reputable physician in Portland not members J of - the " society, and tn " tio sense Is this list to be taken aa an Indi cation that all outalde are unworthy. Soma whom ws .might have seen are out or the city.- others believed to be sul table for membership, were not . suf ficiently known' t-thseoramltte to warrant our-mvltatlon. Others -ln the city could not be lorated when sousht. Some were not ready to make application ror membership. w feel, however, that the committee ha made a sood start In the matter. That there are aa many- more yet remainina; outaide of the eoclety who might with great value to themselves, the society and the pub lie yet be brought Into the Portland Medical society we feel assured.' Rainier Market Best Meats to be had at reasonabla . prices. ( Pure Honey, jar. ...... .30 and BO Fresh Ranch Eggs, dosen, 25, two dosen 4B Finest Creamery Butter .ftO Freh lot Dairy Butter, per roll... 40 J? resn iresBeqvnicaens paturaij. A Fall ZJae of Oamaed Ooods. run : rax stmt wsdithdat ASTO TSbliyAT. . 1 . . A GOOD LINK OF SOAP. BUTTER, EQ03 AND CHEESE o. BZ.xnc Seven teeatk aad S vletr - sna.T acaia leas. 187 Th Ird Street, Near Yamhill Fresh Kettle Rendered Lard r Z Fresh and Salted Meats of All Kinds Veal Sausage Made Fresh Every Saturday Try It Order One of Our NEW DRESS FOR IMPERIAL -10 0031120,000- Cigar Stand to Be Moved to r Make Mors Room in Lobby : Other Improvements. The work of adding Improvements and remodeling the Imperial hotel has been begun by Owner Phil Metschan. The work will cost about 119.000 and will be completed by June 1, when Metschan takes hold of the active management of th hostelry. The present manager, C W. Knowlea, will lesve on tbat dat for Seaalde. , ' The remodallng, of the Imperial will be on a large scale. The cigar stand in ths front of the office Is to be removed so ss to Increase th seating capacity of the lobby. The desk will be moved for ward and Metschan will hare a private offloe built In. New furniture Is to be Installed and the walls and ceilings frescoed in light colors. - The bar on tha corner of Washington and Seventh streets has already been re modeled. In th front, Harry Beck will hav one of the finest cigar stands In Portland. In the rear of the bar. but opening into the hotel lobby alone, will be a Turkish room of luxurious splendor. It will be fitted up as a buffet, with hanging curtains snd small tables. The restaurant on the second floor of the hotel has been cut up, Into' sleeping- BEST CREAMERY 45 Cents DAIRY BUTTER 35 and 40 Cents La Grande Creamery SB TAatXXW STXXXT. Fop Strictly . -Fresh Poultry and Fish... You can feet assured that you can be " "T" " supplied by""'" ' G. Covach D Co. 17S FIRST ST.. WAIN 533. rooms of modern sis. - A restaurant will be opened Just east of the Washington street entrance to th hotel, with an entrance from the lobby of the hotel. Before the completion of the work. every room In the hotel will be remod eled and much new. furniture Installed.1 Prime Rib Roasts of Beef Or e Roast of VEAL, LAMB or MUTTON. Delivery, to All Parts of City. 187 Third St., Near Yamhill Phone Main 413 Large Shad, Each 15c HALIBUT, 3 .pounds. ,rr. ". .... 25e i :1 Flounders, lb. .7". 7eJ I Salmon-Trout lb. . . . ; ;. . .i5 PerchjbjjJJJ.j;lt ...... . .QXOyvten-xtf FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED DAILY- -Don't ro tu Uie west side stores for VoUFlrroceVies anJ'mMti" when you can buy them for less money here. ; .25 Pounds 5ugar for $1.00 "With a purchase of $5.00 worth of GROCERIES we give jj- 5 pounds of. Sugar for $1.0O 7 " Napthi Soapr6 bars for 25e DryTanulated5iiearf2 IbsHPi for ; .81.00 100-lb. Sack Sugar. .. $4.80 -BestCreameryZB utter,- per. roil .-. - The Best .Flour in the city, per sack ,...81.10 A fine FarniiyFIour,--per4 sackr-m; . . 5 3-lb. Pkg. Crackers..... 20 Qt. bottle Crosse & Black well's Oil .65e Sweet Corn, 2 cans. ... ..15 'm eappresTPer can ..... 1 5r 7 ids. Kqlled Uats....,.Z5 Pink Beans, 8 Ibsrfor. GhirardelU's -,Cocoa,-,lialMb c n r rt'tv Ti 20 Ghirardelli's Chocolate, l-lb. can .25 M.-B, Coffee-lb- can .81 Barrington Hall Coffee, 2-lb. can 75 A fine Mocha and Java Coffee I for 25s; try it. , . .; ". . Come and see the new store, it is one of the largest and finest stores in Portland and prices are lower than in any other ' store wemyonuyiarKeturocerv 477-479 WILLIAMS AVE. All Telephone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled PHONE EAST 460 II ATTTTTT -fl II - " - v-;-' ":': . .. . . Plenty of Fresh Salmon Eggs forthf Fisherman Crab Co. '171-173 MADISON STREET '(at the Bridge) Central Market Will hav the greatest ever known in Portland. , .. . Saturday n Just take a look In on us befor you buy your Sunday Dinner , We carry everythlns; you need to make up a fin dinner. If you are unable to come In call up PHONE EAST 411. XTJTDOl SSOt, ISO OKJUTO ATS. A Tired Stomach WOl MOT Fir Telephone, The telephone axchana- of th fir de partment will probably b moved from flrs headquarters In -the Fourth street engine-house to tha elty hall within the next two weeks, following th installa tion of th naw qulck-eervlce alarm and telephone system now under way. An exchange fer aU rlty office has been talked of for a Jong time, but It Is doubtful If th other municipal 'phones Does not get much good for you out of what you eat, for It . does not digest much; it Is wasteful.' Ths best treat ment Is to send your order for SCBATS, RtaT, VXOBTABIJS, etc., to th - Standard Market , J. NUSSBAUER and H. KASPXR. 1ST E. Burnsld Bt: Phone Esst 7S. will be connected with th flr board, as ths Immediate service demanded for a Are alarm could not always be given with other telephones to share the atten tion of th operator. ,' EBXolwell (formerly Parntrr's.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCES SL SSS, SSS Third St., eer. Jeff erase, ' Big Stors of Uttls Prices rotxownre raiois wrx.t sats tov ss OH ITZKT BOLLAS, SVAUTT VAaAVTtXD SCKIILIWO'S BZST BAXIVS V0WDXX Is still, per lh BXT OaAMUXATTD SVOAB, FIB SAOX.SS.T0 SI LBS DBT OXABirZ.ATXO SUOAB fl.OS S pkt MitaolU cleaned eamsts sn S pkgs sew Shttows seeded raUlns SA s ic lb saw S-tiues loose kfoseatels ..SIK I lb esa Borsl bsklsg powder 40 Croase A Biaekwell's she ell. qt bottle. .c l ib pis Arm A Kimnwr soda .....S l-ssj eaatsaey table srnt. ....... ,.,..,. U-Ml a fsaey table (jrap,,, S lbs French onine 35e Sbredded Wheat blsealt, per pkg ,.. ,.,.10 ids LAaiaiane nee sne Isney Barlr inn Pees, par 4os... ........ .sne T etas beet u sardiaes la oil m One orsters 1-lb cent, solid, per dos ...SOe H-O eats. S-lb pkes, pee ,pkf 10 Beet plcnie heme, per lb ,., le Best entuscheais (baseless) per lb... A. nils Shredded eoeeeant, per lb . ............ b..,.lft Hard-wheat Soar. Dee seek Seotek eats, per pkg k., roraa eeresi, par pif i..........soe e oer ...Be '. nee sark ....II In iaea A Moeba enffe (reralar Sne). Sne reu s - Rapths seas. Heat soft-wheet floi kns ends ersekeea (aboat 10 lba) ..&) r.niiiaa pmiim i V. . . . a,,.. .. ine finer Onnpewdee tee fresalar SO) ...1A Broken Jars Coffee, per lb ...10a I'aeeda Blsealt. 'nee Dks..... se Tiger ereas. (10s atsa). ... Eart St 4 DeUrerle Tsesdays aad.TrtUrs. . H0B1 XAIB SOS, V oJleceiyeddai1yJromjDregorl.andLCalifornia lfree from sand. If you are looking for nice ones, phone us.' Fresh Fish and Poultry of All Kinds Vegetables and Frqit - See Us for AH the Delicacies of the Season " ' 107 THIRD. STREET lHONE EXCHANGE 63 Enormous Dividends to Shareholders Limited allotment of stock now offered, II per dent guaranteed. Should - pay over 10 per cent when atores ar all established. PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES CO. , - cxsTQomvoaVAns) i 5. 10 AND 15 CE1NIT STORES FIFTY STORES NOW BEINQ ESTABLISHED ON PACIFIC COAST . Used osteon,- OAX&Ain, OAXbr Val on ftavf ag Bank Blds' -r a. a WOOD, Kaaags,. BTew York OIBoe. . , Address AMI OomstnaloatiOBS to th Oaklaad Offloe. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS COIV. 7. a. TWIMM, Vresldnt, STOaT. Tart2atAir BBXTJIS. . and X-BaaB Ooianilssloaar. OAFT. B. B. OAXJTB, sireeior. Ttcm, Treaanrer of th Btat os vauiornia. , T. X. sTTATBLxm. SlroetoT, . Capitalist and hlpowm, attls, ' Craral Agent, srortharm Wna J- WashlBa-toa. SVailread. T- WZUXABC omooxxxs Slraotor, i ' - Baa maolseo. t-. '".'. -. ' .Managers wanted -wh can Influence capital. . Share of profits and salary .. . . - to right party. . . . PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES CO. tjvxov SATZJras.BAjnc budo. OASLAJTS, 04X. r