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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
THE OrwEGOIi: DAILY: JOTOMAi; PORTLAND. TRIDAY ' EVENING, z MAY 103 15 V. : . If if : 1 - - a bst, PL nothing Letter tkan R DDOIXJU 6 e cause ;.maJc;;iITiey:knovitlie cignt-aav malting process am V - . i O X. -Key" Understand ance of the perfect purity and cleanliness ox tke. Palst 1 i exclu five m .,.. n p roccss ot k rc wi n 4 Tkey knqw t iehe alt h fulness ol w - tne leer .-.A duced- . u i v ran Pakst process, People, and sterilized, to prevent " any im especiaily doctors, demand w purity or uncleanliness. Pakst "tkal everytkind'tkey eat and Beer is noF fermented in open "drink-kea&joutey- but" in ipecial "Palit JttrnuticaJJy itaftcl tanlsTinto wKIclt no air, except urt ' fiJtertd arr. ever ' eaten. " Palst Blue Riblxra Beer is not cooled, as u ttgual, in roomg wtere men wall in and out, but it u cooled in pecially constructed eealed. cooler wbera no XanJs eun. touch it, no ireatk ot foul "air canfcim it. Only gteriKxed air ie tued to oxygenate it. It ia tten atored in bermetically eealed ttoraga taolj until science and tba test of time pronrmnea it farftcthcer ia age, purity and BtrengftL YVhcn Orderinii. Call or Pabst Blue CHARLES KOHN CO PORTLAND GAINS irr EXPORTS Official FigureaShow Increase - in Shipments of Bread, :::::::r8tuff8. i 11 VALUABLE CARGOES , y SHIPPED TO ORIENT 'Fortunes In Flour and Whest ,Snt - Forth From Port of Portland New Vor Vf i Fl wret Jxceed-Portland's by Only Small Amount. ' From the figures embodied In the re port of exports of domestlo breadstuffs, 'etc.. Issued by the department of com merce and labor and received by the custom-house officials this morning, Portland shows a tremendous Increase over, last year. For the ten -eaonths ending April SO, this year, there were .exported from this port M5J.101 bushels of wheat-of the value of 14.273.080, During the corresponding period tn 106, 1.451.301 bushels, valued at tl.lll.tll, ) nn : rF Mori JJil (OJUJJ LU W.ilJJ.C rTho Perfect Food'' -In givinggood healli nootEer--food compares witMdtayita - the-perfect whole-wheat food. This is because Malta-Vita, rich in nutritidn, is so ' easily digested and assimilated that all its valuable life- . giving food elements are .quickly taken up by the blood. No other food so completely meets all the demands of " the body and no other is so good to lat rBaked crisp and brown, every grain of the malted wheat a little wafer flake, Malta-Vita U always appetizing, delicions and satisfying! , Try some today with milk or cream. You never tasted anything quite so eood. All grcttrs c:U HaltaViU, H . ' Lean IBeer ysicians have said tkere is eeiLasatauzui tkeHr 1 mow Palst: Palst Beer - i d always and wkolesome. Tke TT lmtjort- trewery it r -I . ware shipped, showing an Increase of over - 10 per eent. Flour likewise shows a substantial Increase over 1(05. Up to the end of April there had been exported S70.6BI barrels, valued at II,' ISMOt. a against 4,ilT barret of the value 'of I' i0S.Hl . "During April the export "of wheal amounted to 12,87 bushels, valued at 25,21l, and the flour shipments amounted to t,0Jl barrels, valued at tS.!4. The total value of bread stuffs exported from Portland during the ten months was S7.M9.622. New Tork shipped .M2.9l bushels of wheat, which exceeds Portland's fig' uree by only 864,8 bushels. The wheal ports tor ue ten, months w 7,7r anii bushels, valued at 5,62,017. and flour exported from the same district con sisted of 1.711,940 barrels, of the. value of l,020,SS. TOWER WAS SMASHED. Volnt Arena, xaghtboase Keld Together fcy Iroa atalroase. capumwehrttcnrl6riighihouee ihi spector, received a letter this morning fromCaptaln.-Mayo oftH twelfth die- trlct with headquartere at San Francisco to the effect that the Point Arena light house tower had been broken In several laces by the great earthquake of April It and waa only held together by Its own weight and the Iron atalrcase. The light has been temporarily discontinued and a lens lantern has been Installed on the top of the fog signal station. The Mare Island ltgh,t station and the East Brother light station, both In' San Fran cisco bay,- were, considerably damaged and lens lanterns nave been installed in place of lights of the fourth order for, Pabst Blue mo tow it is clean Pakst is as clean as tne cleanest litclen. In ; tke : long process'oflrewmg, ; Palst keer never conies in contact witk :Z - "anything unclean. Tke tubes tkrougk wkick is run, from tke time pg-grm: masked fe.! ! """ " tf""i ,m4 wwiwr,,Br lit until tkT keer is ottled keg- :or ed. are Ribbon Beer CORNER THIRD AND PINE . . 'Pliong Mam 460. - merly used. The safe In the San Fran Cisco officelocated In the Safe Deposit office building was broken to pieces by the shock. Temporary quarters have been opened in the Columbus Bank building on Montgomery street. Cap tain Mayo mourns the loss of a valua ble watch and several uniforms. - Captain Wehrlich also received Infor mation this morning by letter of the death of Kanaka Jack, for 20 years keeper of the Johnston's Point light tn Puget sound. He was a well known character. , - JARRACOUTAlMOVES; ameOtfuZXeidedr rranolaoo Tonight. . The steamer Barracouta moved from the-Aineworth-to-the-Alaska dock last night to finish discharging her cargo, 8he calls for San Francisco - tonight loaded to the rails with a miscellaneous cargo and will be compelled to leave several hundredtons of goods on the dock owing " to the - lack ' of space. A shipment of 10 tons of water pipe from Oswego Is Included mher eargo;r She encountered exceptional seas on her way up and on several occasions fears were entertained that she would turn turtle. No damage waa done, however, and the heavy cargo did not shift. J- POSTPONED AGAIN. lgk Winds Frevent Attempt to the Blder. Kalse Owing to the prevailing high winds at Ooble no .attempt was made to raise ths George W. Elder this morning, as had Leen the plan. If the weather mod erates by tomorrow the pumps will be started and It Is expected that within two hour) the vessel will bo clear of the rocks. Bne win do towed to a sheltered beach near Ooble and an ex amination made -to ascertain If aha will stand the long tow to the dry dock. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Chief Engineer Anderson of the steamer Grace Dollar brought up two Interesting relics of the San Francisco Ore for. United Statea Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller Wn donation to the museum of curios owned by these of Aclsls consists of two glass vases and three glass pitchers picked tip In the Emporium. They are partly melted and distort ed and ahow.tho effects of the Intense beat. . J Albers. Bros.' Milling eompanyhas ten dered a bid to furnish 13,tno tons of forage to the government , They agree to furnish 4.100 tons of Willamette timothy hay at 110.41 a ton and l.too tons of oats at On the entire amount they will furnish f.100 tons of timothy af 111. end 1,000 tons of Ore gon oats at 117.11. Inasmuch as the specifications call for Seattle delivery tt Is doubtful If the local firm will be able to compete with the Puget sound bid ders. '.":'-''.-. Balfour. Outhrte Co. have chartered the British steamer Tottenham to load lumbar for the orient. She sailed from Manila on May It and will arrive here In thamlddle of next month. The gasoline schooner Berwick railed test nhtht for Rogue river with 100 tons of tjilioollsnootig oar go. She will rotura - - '" '-' i ' ' WIMCB1E FIS TO r TAKE DECIDED SIAOD ican Nominee Brand of Public Ownership Belief to City and Another to Farm ing Districts I. Jamen WltKyaombe Is hsvlng trouble with the public ownership question. 1 A the nomine of hie party for governor, he was expected to expreee his views en this Important Issue without lfsor.ands. especially It view of In fact that his opponent. Governor Chamberlain, had ai 1011 or imtn mat lerx nffT floubt as to where He food but thus far these- expectations have not-oeen realised. Mr. Wlthyoombe.ln hie open Ins; speech, first placed himself In op position snd then qualified until It seemed that he had. almost disappeared in a mist of uncertainty. The, result of this Is. that reports are now coming; tn from various parts of the state that the voters are wondering- lust where he stands. Particularly, Is thle true'of the farming communities, on which Mr. Wlthycombe has been counting for h du4k or nig vote.; v ,. Two Breads of Opinions. f- Portland hag been given one brand of Wlthyoomb opinion the . rest 'of ,tn state another. Here, according to' the copies of his speech furnished the Port land press, he opposes the public owner ship of publlo utilities "with but few exceptions." Copy furnished papers out side of Portland had nothing to say of exceptions. . , Therefore the rest of the state 'is expected to get Us understand ing of the Wlthycombe opinion out of the Unamended TVllh combe speech, which read In part as follows: "Publlo utilities. I believe, are beat administered by private Interest rather than by publlo servants, for in JJe lat ter case self-interest, the greatent of in- lacking, and thriftless and ke i methods will eueely ee iiipvsM tne people should reserve control over all publlo utility franchises -to the ex tent necessary to insure the. greatest efficiency of the public service at the least expense, subject onlytq the right of capital to be justly .compensated for Its Investment. I must not be taken, however to have a lack of regard for vested Interests: our laws should and wisely-aorOtecrcapnar r lis Invest ment." Going further, the candidate spoke of the fear of legislation that would fright- 816 REWARD WAS OFFERED F0R:BIII-PR ' Robbers Captured'and Now" at Kamloops. s ; lpeelal Dlapsteta te Tne JeernaL) ' Vancouver, B. C. May II. The trial of. the train, robbers Is proceeding at Kamloops. , The men wLU receive their preliminary 'hearing and will bo sent up before the assise court. The elder of the robbers has been identified as Bill Miner, known all over the country as a stage and train robber. There is a ret ward .of more than $26,000 hanging over him He tallies with the description sent outby the -Pinker tone,- even to tattoo marks on his arm. , Colquhoun, one of tha robbers, feels his position keenly and refuses to make any statements. Shorty Dunn Is the most Insolent of the trlo Ha was shot in the leg at the time of his capture and stated to tha police that It was a pity the bullet did not go through his head. The police believe he has served time In the penitentiary at Walla Walla, Washington. DEMURRER FILED IN CRIMINAL LIBEL CASE filed a drmurrer to the information from the Linn county district attorney's office charging William 8wope with criminal libel. Before announcing that he -would file a demurrer to the information Mr. Mendenhall asked that - Bwope be - re leased on ths grounds that there' had been no proper return on the writ, but this contention was overruled by Pre- sldtng Judge Boars. The questions wereJ argued during the habeas corpus pro ceedings brought TjT Bwope In his at tempt to keep from being taken to Al bany, Oregon, and arraigned on the charge named. Deputy District Attor ney Gall Hill of Albany and Deputy Pis trlct Attorney Harry B. Adams of this city appeared for the state. Judge Bears took the question under advise ment. MAKES SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST HER HUSBAND Charges' of a serious nature are mad against Morris Knode.o by Ll1a Knaitoen,' who has sued f s dimes. Bbe declares that only Are dare after sr marriage Unadaca swore at her. ' ' " ; " "." The eoaple w.r. mairleit at Or. son , City Dwwibtr n sad Mrs. Kbuoms says Id the eomolatnt that on December SI her hnabead eemandad that so give blm a ring that she was weannf- sirs. n. mtjm that ah refused to grast th demand of her haaoane. bceaoa ah had already given bln two rlnsa, which b pawned. She svers tint pnn her reruaal te give np tn jeweiry s.r basbasd rhok and alapped her an wooUl bare killed br if there kae not beea other people In th nona. Mrs. Knsan aara u siiomb repaateaiy thrsatenad te kill her. . at once and Is scheduled to make several more tripe there this season. Kogtie river formerly dealt exclusively with Ban Francisco, but. Is compelled on ac count of the fire to send to Portland for all supplies. t .. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. May II Arrived st snd left Up at a. m, steamer F. A. XII burn, from Ban Francisco and way ports. Balled at a, nv, steamer Despatch, for Ban Francisco. Arrived at lone a. m., steamer Breakwater, rrom Ban Fran cisco. Balled at 10:10 S. ra schooner Halcyon, for Altata.- 8an Francisco. . May n. Arrived, steamer Nome City, from Portland. Astoria, May II Condition of tne Mr at I au m smooth; wind southeast; weather cloudy. Fref erred took Oanned Oooas. AUea lwlf Seat Brand. for Governor -G i yes One en away capital. Every tow and then throughout his speech, he suggested distrust of the people. The leaning to ward corporations was evident. They, and not the peoplethemselvea, were the best judges of the needs of the common wee Itlu Even t he reservation by the people 1 of contioi over pubtto . utility franchises had srsftlhjr to It. a string fhaf might" Unit re and Ttaoa every time the people attempted to assert their rights. Bo hedged about are his views that not even the, most exacting cor poration could object to his candidacy. - In the speech to which attention is called. Mr-. Wlthycombe In defining the duties of a publlo official said: ; "He should take the people Into hl confi dence." In this be was In. accord with the voters of Oregrfn, and that Is Why they are now ' wondering why he has failed to give them a more definite Idea of what h would do If elected to the high office he seeks. . Incidentally, they are comparing his suggestions that the people arsnot to bo trusted" wlttrthe opening .speech of Governor 'Chamber lain, who after declaring that franchise grabbing should be stopped, said: r. Opposes psrpetnal Franchises. . ""I'atrehuously oppose the granting of any perpetual franchise, and if limited franchises are given at all It ought to be done wlth strict limitations and for short "periods only, and io lhat "absolute control and supervision may bo retained by the people themselves, and whatever franchises are granted ought to be taxed at what they are' actually worth) so that the beneficiaries may be compelled to contribute a Juat proportion of the bur- o lie ownership and control of publlo util Itles, so that the state and the several municipalities may utilise them, not for profit, but at the lowest rates compati ble with tue public good.? ; .a . Governor Chamberlain's utterances are direct and to the point; Mr. Withy combe's are, for the moat part, vague and evasive. Both are before the people, and as daily- discussion emphasises the difference the strength of Governor Chamberlain Increases, making his re election a certainty.- : - MAINLY PERSONAL Hoiu CL-- W. Tallmaae of Tillamook J-ounty Is In the city today. ' J uage- W CenleT-f Hr-ttt,- eratlo candidate for Joint representative from Yamhill and Tillamook counties, is in Portland today. .Milwaukle Country Club. Memphis and Louisville races. Take Sellwood and Oregon City, ears at First ana jnoer.- -- -m ..FOR.. EXTRA Ladies'' Vic'i Kid, Low Heel, Patent Leather Tip OXFORDS In ; all " sixes and widths, value $2.00. SATURDAY .... SPECIAL Little Gents9 Lace bordered calf, all solid, sizes 9 to IZYt. SATUR DAY SPECIAL - BARON'S SHOE STORE - - "Money Savers " 7 1 n Footwear.' 230-232 MORRISON CT., Near Secorl SaMay -Die -Watch-Dog, in your i::.::VestPfc:': TT 17 OU can buy Health Insurance) flow; ' T ... Several - jood " Accident " Companies sail it. Sixty dotfari 'per year will brjng " yott : , No, they act like Exordia ' on, lh f2$Q per week, for every week you aro Bowels, Instead. - - , . , Sick. - - - - They sUmulat tha Bowst-Mugcloa to But, your rims along may ba worth far contract snd propel ths Pood naturally mora than that. . ; past th Bttle vmlvea that mix Dtgeativ "And $200 per week might not pay for T "Juices with Food." . your suffering.' Thai's why "Cascaret" lnruranco which prevents Sickness, ! worth tea times as much money as other " Health " Insur- ance.;""--- . ' : '.Yet "Cascaret Insursnce" will cost you lass than Ten Cents a week. That gives you a I'Vest Pockefl Box, to carry constantly. . -. -.When your head feels dull, dltsyi ef . 3 ''""'"achy.-: v . OTrypartlally-mgoated - r- ., "Constipation" means food retained In the body undigested toe long. Mil it decays. It then supplies the poisons of decay to the system, la place of the nourtshrnent-r t might hava supplied, J ' ' Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth Insuring against? ' ' - , JrVhat does It, cost to Cure Constipation , or Indigestion, with their train of small and great Ills, and to Insure against a return of them? Not so very much. : One lOeentboaofCsscsretsper week, ai most, perhaps half that. On candy tablet night and morning! taken regularly for a short time, Is war ranted to cure the wore! esse of Constlps- , '. - .. One tsblet taken whenever you suspect -mmmmA i. in.,... .nin.t on tt cent of s)I other ills likely to attack you, Becsose 90 per cent of these TUs begin 111111111 HWESTIGATD If yee a violated th law of health end ere toasctons nf-n- eunstast -Srsts which la esdOTttilnlns rear arataia. cam to ns btor roa becoox a nervoas ssd peysleal wreck. If yon at weak, gloomy sod deepondent, hsv bad drvajn. depressed, lack asibltloa sad onrgy, snabl to eoncentrate your tboafhta. lark vln, vigor and vitality, eotn te ns at . ooo; our treatownf will atop all drains and overcoat alT vwtmm and posltrraly reasar yon to atresstk and ksalts. We hare cared tbonaasds of weak am. t THOit WHO HATE BE KIT OISAPrOIWTZO BT tnrSXIIXZO BwejCIAUSTfl III ZABMxsTtr BiatrisTiD to iirvsiTioTg otra mtthod and tebmi wtthovt "' DELAX, WHICH HAD XHKT DOS! Ul XHX tOIHmO WOULD HATX SAVKS XHXM IlatX AHD HOSXT. A LIFE LONG ' CURE FOR blood roraoir. sktv sisxaixs. soxzs. trtczBS. stbictttbz, taxicoctxx, imxo. cxLX. vxavoxrs picluik. wxAuxsa, bulks oa chaomio biskasxs or rax xxd XKYS Ago BXOSTATX. aPKCIAL SISKASXS Newly-eoatraeted snd rhronle cases eared. All twmihig. ttehtug snd Inflammation stopped tn M boor.; rare effected In 1 dara.. WX COVES THX XX- Tiax yiELB or arxciAi. ahd cxaokio, sxebxatko, comfxioatxd pisxAsxa. We oo not offer yon asy raXX THIAX. TaXATstXHTa, XXICTXIO BKLTs, WOBTH IZSS CXATONS, or otbr esles methods of treatment... Onr a da are our own, and while other mar eon. them, they cannot ttnltat onr auneiior method, of treatment. WX ASS THX LOMOXIT LOCATED AXD OLDEST SrECIAUSTS IB POSTLAHD, savmc koen . . a oil TX'a Ass. su mA mane f levsk akanan n IsifanaTwt nVwanat aoaaM khM -la. awu. "ill th Tntt tai w jwmrw r Trpsr rajswi leuie, WSJ aflW "OU OttT klH"atxrti- stTrliity J tmM. wkiIi m.v he natit In anr war the Dattent dealre ii'n itii nit vt til ill Tf CASK IX OVX HA BOS TOV ABX BUBS OF CAB BX OBTAUEO ABTWHKXK. HOUKS e s. m. te S p. si. Kraalnga, ST.tOUIS UED1CAI AND SURGICAL rOOaHZZSXCOf ABTAIOIILI, Dr. V. Norton consists nf " an association of eminent physicians, experienced surgeons and expert apeclallsts, with abundant capital, established for the purpose of treating AX.X, OVaASLS BTHDICAX, ABTD airmaicAx. sxbxabbb ahd sxromscxTTxs or kbv. rThey" wlir accept" no - case" for treatment except certain that they can effect a cure, nor will - they make any charge In case of failure. " iu sraBr70va, hood, s ABTD BBXCIAXi OlHini ' . "' ' BCU or i . ? . . . . I nrougn our vsei experience as rpeclaJleta we are able tn make a full and early cure In these trou- - bles In the majority of Instances "where the' ordinary practitioner falls to relieve. . STOMACH. HEART, LIVER. KTPNET. BLAPDER. THROAT AWO NERVE TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent cure made In all curable caeeev We tell yon frankly If your ease is Incurable. We will have no person's money except for benefits received. - - . You Can Pay When Cured ; If you wish yea can deposit the price of a cure In eny benk In Port lend, eald amount to be banded over to na when you are etirod. , Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments If you prefer. All Medicines Free Until Cured ' A pereonal Interview Is desired, nnt If you cannot rati, write ss, giving your symptoms In full. Consultation free. - Our home treatment la euoeeeaful, even In com plica tad cases. Strict eet confidence observed. plain envelope need In all oorrespondenee. Omoe hours I to I. Sundays end holidays ! t 1J. Dr. W.Norton P liesAtng Specialists of the Oiucee in Van Noy IIoUl, htk Third f , In the Bowels, or extit through pool rw-4Uosj. ,.r-..,.z- -r'r.rr". z Caacarefa 4ol purge, dent weaken. don't lrrltats. nor upset your stomach. ' They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles by exercising them. J. '' The time to take a Cascaret Is tha Very 'minute you' suspect you need one. , When your tongue Is coated a little,' When your breath Is- not above suspicion. hit yotthave eaten ioalaartih too rapidly When you have drunk more than was good for your digestion. ." ' " When you have a touch of HearW bttrnrCas-belchmfTAcIS-rlslng-tn-throat, ' or a Coming-onold. ? j V " " ' - r Carry the-"Vest Pocket" Boa where tt belongs. Just as you Would your Watch,. . Pocket-knife or Lead-pencil. ' - It costs only 0 At any druf. - rb. ; ! - Be gureyoii get the genuine, msde enry by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC" . , mg TO OPR rKHMfPwr- ( - T we wast is sena tb ear menos a oaan'ji nardHnuune1eafc ' leresslng table, Tl uui.u-ria i ui ounoun au,. colsra. It is a bessty few tke an cants in staans Is aakae as a ef ceajl hnb is4 Is cover cest el Caatarets, with wMdi TOus dainty trinket to leaded. no ? A aw - f- - II I ss slsnmn s "Ktu.f u-iT fp..,, o..p ntw Tsrk i . . e e AN D e e e ' . .' V' ' . Wc Are Established 25 Years in Portland CONSULTATlON-FREEa- WE WILL TREAT ANY" SINGLET UNCOMPU ... CATED AILMENT FOR $1240 FOR THE FEE. Absolnfe Goarantee r No Pay Unless Ccrei -Come today to the SUCCESSFUL Specialists who number their PERFECT 'Cures by the THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT Curat We can ACCOM. plish iT.-.-gE:i:iz:i aiijivanj ttx - TTiej iivjejiiuPviiT or snamr XABrrsxnxMaBT r " "tnaf TSrerffaT' ' f'nT ' at Ttl V. .IITVIBTIOATI OUX- METHOD! TO BK.Ain WRM TOV PLACE TOUB OKTTIXO XHX BEST TBXATKXXI THAT T te I; Bnadays, S a. a. te 12 noon. ," " DISPENSARY - tTXXET. BOXTtAJrOOBXOOB Davis Co. Co. .J Cj. rtibt'Hd it'. i'ottiand, Cr, . .. a mV . - , v4