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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
1$: mm flOLAri AS :USUAL WAfJTS Nelson's Manager Insists Upon V Twenty Per Cent of Purse .... - fornis Man. tc-S". WILL WIN FOUR THOUSAND WHETHERUOYINS OR NOT Ing Everything and Refused Propo- r sition to Box Herrer. Wjnner to - Take All The' Conditions. (Journal Special ier.le;) Los Angeles. May .18. Th; recant flash between Billy-Nolan, inuir for Battling Nelson, and Aurello Herrera. the Bakersfleld Mexican marvelT who la to meet Nelaon tor a 820.000 purs and " the" llghtwelghtchamp1nnBhip1--of the , world In this city on May 25. over tha division ot-ih moving plctur receipts haa sauaed a decided coolness between tha two training campa. Herrera made ft proposition to- Nolan -tha other day that he and Nelaon eonteat on a "winner Uka all" basis: '. . When the meeting was- first arranged rygttlOnSTi'tgq -I"-Helena ha glirnm id per-cent of tha puree for signing- tha articles. "That 1a the ;vsual-champion' percentage." aald Nolan to Herrera, and 'tha Mexican waa. forced to arree to. thia nr Inae i hane to battle for " TB rwfnilniilili. Twenty p thta wln-or losa or draw. Tne remain- Jtot JIM00 wilt bo apHt on a tO and 49 tier cenrTSalaT henthe clnun came Miwmn non - and Herrera-and-lne - lawar niaae mm nropoml to box winner take all. he 1n- terpolated a condition -tff the effect that - the M bonua ahould be thrown in - anA, lUi6.iJlft0!l.S!ll!,!?.?!?'-,'l Winner. , r . "Not for me." aald Nolan. a oira Tn tha hand la worth two In the buah. Wa irt 4. even if wa lose, and there is ..' alwaya a chance to loaa. The beat men n the hualnaaa, aacaptJte Jeffries, have been whipped. 1 believe that Nelaon la tha touaheat lighter of hla weiaht that re atepped Into the ring, but aoma one la gning' ta beat- him aome day. I don't think that It-will ha tha Maxlran, hu-U -tUl.JiehS , good chani-e, and t4.00 la a lot of money uTihrow back when It la yours. Not for mine.- This money will be divided SO and 4 per cent and N-laon will take the .00 .bonus." . -Thia wrangling over tha business end of the arrangements for tha bla contest haa had the effect of making bad blood between the two campa. until now It would be hardly safe for Nelaon and Herrera to meet; by accident In vnbe. Herrera 4S training forthls Tl-as " ha haa never trained before, and he means to win or quit tha game. -The-championship means, something - Ilk tSo.000 to Herrera If he can win it. BatUing Nelson haa made that much out of tha title since ha won It by da 1 sating - Jimmy -Brit last -September. Th winner of the contest will receive - a email fortune In itself and -the loser will get anougn to onr nun - :fur of cowa-anov-cn;- --. ranch to keep them on. ASHINBTON'S OUTLOOK ON FlttDNDACK Puget Sounder's Victory Over H Whitman Has: Not Raised, jI---, Hopes for Future. : "r" 7gr.t niEiitra ta tub JuuiusM 4 T-nlveriiltv of WaBhlngton.eattl, May 1.--While the unlveralty won an " easy victory from Whitman college Ural.- - Bturda-y,-he reeorda made, wun a Tew, were not auch aa to cause BONUS ; : anr-jor- among-thaaudnta.oach -..m.. realizes that . Captain Smith cannot be called upon to enter. In so . many different events - Aftea essy de- featlngToyWh4tman lnnhft180-TSra , dash, ha entered the high and broad - . ,-.,,,, -,, then bealen-by-Co'4" -i. iil..j ilaah. - Smith 'hoped to ; break the university record of 22 feet , in the (ttroad lump, but tha beat ha '( could do waa 21 feet inches. n - - ' S la Parker and Watson the university .i..-.L ),as a.-air of -Utance.runneraihat ahould make an excellent ..ahowlng in ; .1.. ri.r.riiiir meet. Both of these men ran the hsH mile last Saturday under 04. breaking the prevloua univerauy record of 2:04 H held by Dick Huntoon. jinlveraltv Is weak lit th hurdles and weights an -there aeems j to be no . . possibility Of strengtnening iw iwuin, but Tom McDonald la now turning out 4 for th weights, so these events will be ". X well represented. 1 . 1 rh oold. rainy Wea.thr Is a-great h.nican to the men In their training, - as thare la no suitable placs to do in- ' door work. -. r -ATHLETES HAVE NOT " i . HEARD FROM PORTLAND Special rttapatra to Tb Joorntl.) : i" rseoma. Wash., May 1. Arrsnge meJita arnearly completed for the ' Quadrangular High school field and track i -meet-to . b. held Jn Tacoma June 1. r Of tha four cltiea eipecal to partioi- pat Portland a-lona remalna to be heard from. Kpokana and Seattle having ac ',. - ceptad tha terms submitted by tha Ta U , coma High school. Athletes her are certain Portland will be favorable to H th proposltion,-th3r claiming tharTh Portland IUgh ecljool - track team man ' . , ager waa th first to propose the meet. : - tnowixt som An raura - - Mra." Josl Sumner. Bremond. Tex., writ. April 15. 1MI: "I hav uaed Hllrda-rinow Liniment In my family for three year. - I- would not.b with- ' out it In the house. - I hav ubm4 tt on tny llttl girl for growing pain and erhea In hr knaea It cured her right way. ' I hav also used It for frost bit ten feet, with good success. It la tha best liniment I ever used." 2e, 0e and 11,00. old by Woodard. Clarke at Co. - EDITED, BY J A., HORAN VI A I v - i $ . fiat nmmi t v mi I w .ft Vf ts , .A.' 'W Alfred C Gilbert, Portland Student st Vsle, Whrt Ta in Athletic T-fme. Tight WILLAMETTE- ChemawaBraves sOutclassthe - Salem Collegians in Well-r-- Played Game. INDIANS WIN OUT IN THE NINTH INNING With Score 4 to 0 in Payor of Che mawa at Beginning of Eighth, WiT- "Tamette Tiet Score In Two Innings, Then Loses Out in Ninths i i- (8pcU jphjpatch' te Tfc Journal. V Chemawa. Or., May Is. The Willam ette university nine went down to defeat to the Redmen of the Chemawa Indian Training school yesterday afternoon by a ot , to 4 ,n an -xcitng and faat gamt of-palt BotmeamSTtlayedr good. straight ball up to tha eighth inning when the scor waa 4 to 0 In-favor of the Redmen. ; In tha last two innings the university boys touched up Poland for five hita meant four runa In the ninth the Indiana promptly filled the bfts and a two-bate lilt by-TTaaey eudedhairgame.-.brhiginglln "two r men. Two-base hits were made, by Jertnin. Ba Knell, Poland and Casey; and ba.sea were stolen by Rear, Bagnell, Casey, Coleman and Bashear.- Poland made eight men fan air, while King had aeven to his credit.:. Both pitchers were cool and collected throughout the game. Tha game waa witnessed by about 600 people. - CHEMAWA. A Br R;HPOr-A; fiE . 0 0 0 Poland. 222J0O 10 1 .0 o - o - o : o Maunders, lb. Sortor, If. . Casey, 8b. . Tea bo j! c. Bnimell, ss. Brtgnone, 2b, David, If: .. 1 10 0 008 01 12 0 10 0 -2:6 Totals ...........41 f 27 17 2 ""WTLtAWKTTK. A"B7'H. 11. 1'O. A. E. Colitmari. 2 b -4 u J 210 Nace, sa J eriiinn; b. "rr-a Kader, cf. . . . . Long, lb. ...... Bushes r, e. . . 4 6 0 S 2 2 4-0 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 1 0 2 4 0 0 It Matthews, If. jonesrx King, p. - Totals SCORFB BT Willamette 0 Hlta . . ........1 Chemama 0 , Hits ....0 4 1 .t .4 I 2 22 INNINGS. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 24 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 S 2 0 0 1 0 10 2 10 9 10 11 21 -SUMMARY " Struck .ouf By Poland, 8: by King, 7. Left on bases WHlsmette, 5: Chemawa, 7. Stolen bases Bag-nell. Caaey, Cole man, "Bashear. Double' play Brtgnoh to Saunders. Two-base hlta Jermsn, Bunnell, Poland, Casey. Sacrifice hits Teabo, Sortor. Time of , game One hour and 40 minutes, empire H. J Campbell. ; ' -- -. , ., PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. m r- San Franrlaco Ixis Angeles v Won. - 17 2S ,.i....l0 Lost. 7 10 . 12 II 21 PC, .70! .897 .65 .81 34 .384 Portlsnd . Oakland 4 r"resno . " . Seattle . . .7 .12 11 z lull's Oood wort. (Srerlal DlrMteh to. TL Jmtrnal.) Seattle, May 1R Hall held th Seals torn to two lonely hits yesterday. The score: : . . 1 , - - R H E Seattle ........ .0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 7 1 Sen Francisco. . .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 2 J Batteries C. Hall and Blankenshlp; Henley and Wilson. - Umplre-KnelL .. . ' Angela Wta Again, , (Jmjrml Spdkl Bervtea.l Los Angelea, May is. Loa Angeles, with fewer hits, mansged . to defeat, FVssno again yesterday. Tha acor: . V ' . R.. E. 1st Angele , ,6 7 0 Fresno . ,....2 1 1 Batterlee-SLGray and Eager: Walters and Hogan, Usiplre McDonald. -1 ; - Wortaweat Iag-na, ha games In th Northwest league, chduled at Tacoma andjAberdeen, were rvntd yeatardajr oa account of gain, 1 P . i a ...... E A . . '. , . 4 . OT THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; - PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. - MAY 13, PORTLAND BEATS Sweeney's Triple In the Eighth Scores Three Men and. Cinches Game: "- CATES WAS EASY FOR , THE LOCAL GIANTS sr and playenr Skidded Around as If .Wearing Roller Skates- French Held Oaklanders Down. Portland Oakland 4. : . ' Batterlea French and McLean,. Cates and Hackett. : The Olanta - turned -' oiit- to - b fin mud horaea yesterday and won out in a canter. The diamond was aa slippery as ice and th players akldded around aa though they- were -on - ekafes, - Uia re sult being -that tha Commuters got tuck in the mud every few minutes and then aomething happened.- - A small crowd of th faithful turned out. to see the fun, threatening weather seeping ui iiguree. aown to me mini mum, .and -contributed - their applaua to th occasion. Cates waa In the box for Oakland and harm's way. Cates waa never a win ning' pitcher and he experienced -all sorts of trouble when Liater, Sweeney, Donahue and Henderson mad connec tions with th ball. . In the second ln- ,h- fnnctt ht- H-t drive Llster rallODed home. Donahue landed one safely- a aecond later -and HehdeFBohailid.'"in. "the" third Port land annexed two mor by- good safe hitting by McHale, Liater and McCredle.- . In fho"rxhrraX)aktand rushed on across on a bas on balls and two safe hlta. In tha sixth Oakland., rushed an-, other tun across. In the seventh Kru gert SmlthDevereaax and Hackett. .hit. In aucceaalon, making a peculiar combi nation' of hita which only netted th visitor two runs,' tleiag th acore." Id the eighth th Olanta became very bsy wfth - Mr.- Cata. With ona Juwy Henderson singled and so did Donahue. French popped an aaay one to right field. McHsle got hit on hla "craiy bone" by on of CaTea' poor shoots and Sweenejr-sent them-alt horn with a corxing triple to the center- ild f enoe Sweeney com bom a second later when Hackett dropped- a throw to tn4 plate. This mad tha score 8 to 4 in Portland's favor end Oakland waa snubbed In her chance In tha ninth And the day was done. The score: PORTLAND, lAB,R.KpaA,B. .421201 McHale, cfT Sweeney.. 1 -- e Mitchell, If. 4 10 2 4 0 1 1 Mcc.dle, rf. Liater, lb. . McLean, c. . 6 0 2 10. Si-fi 4 8 2 2 2 8.12 1 . Hridersof06"7t7. ijnonus, o, French, p. '. , Totala -tt , aa a 0 10 - - JJL. Wi-rrr-. M-HHMI-1 OAKLAND. - .; AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Van Haltren, cf. Krager, aa ' 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 T 0 3 2 0 0 0 Smith. If. 2 6 1 2 20 .8 0 2 18 0 0 Devereaux, ib.f". T. -Hackett, c... Bliss, lo. Graham, rf. . , . , Markley, 2b. .... Catat -Totala - :3- 10 ?4 11 .1 SCORE- BY INNINGS. Portland . .......0 3 2 0 0 0 0 4 8 ..0 4-8 0 0 0 1 8 11 . , ......0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 4 Hits . Oakland Hlta 0 Z 2 0 1 1 4 0 010 . SUMMARY. HtrUCK Our Rv fMn.h - -n balla-piT French. 2; off cfatea, 4. Two- """r """"""erson McHale. -Three uncjurj. Sweeney, McCredi a "l.n banos Mc- Credie, Sweeney, Mitchell. Hit by pitch - ed ball By -Catea, 1. Left on bases Portland. ; Oakland. 10. Time of garni One hour and 40 minute. Umpire AMERICAN. LEAGUE.- Won. Ixiat. P.C Philadelphia Cleveland New York -, Detroit -7-.-Z g rrl- -JI91 J 3.11; 42 .642 ....1 11 IS 22 Ht. Louis 14- Washington ..12 r,10 .. 6 .4X0 .48S .186 t.nicago , Boston . At rhlladalphia. Detroit ..0 1 6 w"T,r':J'.v.":Jtlll,n -nlraln.; " ' - - WIB Ut.NI J-g,. At WashlagSom. H R Washlngton , . ...... Chicago t. -.Ir. . - Batterlea Smith. 2 2 2 12 1 Wolfe and Kltt- redge; Patterson and Sullivan. i ' 1 Atirw Ta:--- St. Louis ............ . .. i , . 8 E6 Nw York . 1 1 Batteries Glad and Rickey; Chesbro .4 At Bostoa. . -v " r TT w Cle Bos eveland . . . 7 12' 1 ston . . : 4 i t Batterlea Hess and Clark: MurHa ana urinam. M'GOVERN'S ACTIONS CAUSE FRIENDS WORRY (Journal Special Servlc) New York. May 18. A friend of Ter ry McOovern Is worrld over the lat-.j ters mental condition, and haa freely predicted that ha will never enter the prise ring again.--II Is -scheduled-to fight-Jimmy Brttt May 2 and la un. poaed to be' In activa. training for- th battle. For two day,, however, he ha been missing. He dropped away from his training quart.ra and waa finally rounded up at the racetrack. . Special Rates East.' On May 84. 26 and 20. and en Jun 4. . t, 28 and 26, and Various other dates throughout tha summer,.': th Canadian Pacific , will sell round trip ttrketa to eaatern point at-very low rates. For descriptive matter and full particulars call on, or address F. R.' Johnson', F. P. A Portland. Oregon. , COMERS ill -- - - 1 Lfi ii o IWllUt 85-87 N tiwa.-iaa. K3.N.;y: . ' '-'1 j .-...'.',. A,7f VtT.T,.:i - - -1 E b-"i'?.:v VV.-Sil .-T-r,-.ww... ,,,.!. . I I -.-vnww-- t'.-.-fl)0f., 1 t,..All . ...3.......-...--- II V:-?i.-dlt::A it'-Wl'StA V rWATCti Q EUGENE TURNS OUT FOR JUNIOR EXERCISES Large Crowd on Hand to Attend "CeTemonies-andta Witness- Track Meet. (aaectal tMspateh to las JosrsaL 1 . Unlveralty ot-Oregan. Eugene- Or May 1 8. Th members of th track team from th Oregon-Agricultural col lege arrived in Eugene J net evening and are in, fine condition for today'a meet on the Oregon 'varsity oval. A light rain fell laat night and made th track a trifle heavy but it will In no way- hinder eonte good time being made in th several events unless a heavy downpour falls this afternoon. t Tha day la a. gala one for th students nt th ,f"-, "nlvaralty, for thia mnrn- 1 lns" th young men student put in their timer improvlngth campus and building a cement walk. The day la Junior day at th college and at noon th young ladles gave an elaborate din ner In the dormitory to the workers. pf -thsvtsltorslrr-theTttT bes ide track enthusiasta are the baseball team from The Dalles who are to play the varsity-slftelo'mrorsw-rt.fn6dh. The 'manager of The Dalles nine Is a former Oregon student and to show-hts-loyalty to nls alma mator brought hls team down a aay Derorenana and will pay th expenae himself so that tha young men from Th Dalles can see th track meet between th two . leading lntti tutlons. : u NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost P.C. .....25 9 .725 Chicago . . . ....13 9 678 .16 12 .556 14 ..632 Pittsburg . . . Philadelphia -. - Ht. luis , Boston . . Clnclnnstl Brooklyn . as 1 o 19 lot 12 18,42 . . .11 20 .365 8 ' 22 .2(7 At Pittsburg. R. H. E. Pittsburg . . si . v .... .1 ..-.-. 8 -7-0 New York . ; 0 8 4 Batteries Leaver and Gibson: McOin- nlty and . Bowernan. Umpire John-, atone.. At Chicago. R. H. E. ..8 7 0 ..161 Chlcago . . . Philadelphia . . v . Batteries Keulbach and Kllng: Pit-. tinger. McCloskey and Dooln. Umpires Carpenter and Klerfn; Jr-- -At SV &)!, R.H. E. St. Lout . 8 8 1 Brooklyn ....... ..... . . ..u . . . . ..2 8-1 Batteries Brown and Rabb; Strlck- lett arid "Bsrgn.- UmptraCon way. At Cincinnati. 4 R. II. E. Cincinnati.. 2 7 2 Boston J .-.... 0 . 2 0 Batteries Welmer and Schlel; Llnde man and Need ham. - . . ' sporting gossIp. Though the race in th National league im biit a trifle over a month, old, expert critic ar already picking th pennant winners. That'a going aoma.; ' . , - "---Alfred C. Gilbert of Portland, who Is ons of Yale atar athletes, in th recent tryouL,vaultd II feet 10 Inches, H whn the event sgalnst Princeton laat wtelc by going 11 feet 8 tnonaa. ' QUbart 1 When to sell 1 Oregon - . :l No one" tele as Everyihmi Is looked upon as a sur winner against Harvard on Saturday. Gilbert is alao entered In th Intercolleglat events, schednled-at- Cambridge on, May 24 . .- a -.. - It la mor than likely that James R Keene'a Sysonby will soon be In condi tion sgaln to compete in aom of the big racing event. Keen Wated several daya ago that his horse waa rapidly improving-.-; Sweeny's trlpl to th. fence yester day, which scored thr runs and won the game,' waa greatly appreciated by th fans. - -!.-., ...,rms .; Shonld-Ju-Smlth- b- In-trim when he arrives helwilL;joiitJJhJJlanUat one. HUNT CLUB MEET WILL BE . ON JUNE NINTH ' At Board - Meeting Last- Night Encouraging Reports on ' Meet Are Received.: - - As -exclusively forecasted In yester- days Journal, tho-dlrectors of the Port- la J XJaaM gliiW a- m til Sift 1 1 flaT Ifltlt AVaUW XTBTifJg flHIIC S,84Ib SSI a iBiasssaiSii S1SS si w sj !' lng declded to hold the annual spring meet on Saturday, June , insteaa or on June 2, as waa first proposed. A full meeting of the board was present: President Downing. J. C. Muehe, A. H. Tanner, R. H. Jenkins, C. H. Leadbettcr and Ed Sterling. Reports from the dlfferentcdmmll teea were redd and every report showed that unUBual Interest was being man! fested inth-comtng nieet on June . The directors were assured that every race, would be, well filled and that tha dat -would be thoroughly-satisfactory to sii,- - j , FACING AT LOUISVILLE AND BELMONT TRACKS ; (Jownul Bptelal Bervlce.) . --- Louisville, May 18. Yesterday's . re sults; , . ' . . Six furlongs--John English won, Sal It B. B. second, Skyte third; time, 1:16. Seven furlonga Th Pet won, Fox Meade second, Adesso third; time, 1:28 4-6. - Two-year-olds, colts, four snd a half furlongs Warner Qrlswold won. Fair Fagot second, Timothy Wan third; tlrn. 0:60. At Belmont Track. 1 (Journtl Rperial SerTlcs.ji New York, May 18. Yesterday'a race summary; , Six. furlongs, main course Guiding Star on. Rossbett second, Samson third; lime; 1:1m. Folir and a half furlongs, straight Jersey Lady won, Charlea Edwarda sec ond.1 Dumfound third; time, 0:62 8-6. Mile Old Fslthful won, Woolwich second, Gtnna third; tlms, 1:40 2-6. -. Th Vannea stakes, six snd a half furlongs, straight Mandarin won, Mln tla second. Lord of,th Forest third; tlrn. 1:18. , Flv furlongs, straight Mexican Sli ver won, El Fall second, Laros thlrd, tlm.. 0:68 8-6.. Mile Tha Quail won. Von Tromp sec ond. Bad Nw thirds Urn. l:l l-f. "I suffered hshltually from tonstlpa- tlnn. Dosn's Regulate relieved . and strengthened the bowels, so that'" they have been, regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Spring,- Tex. 1503. I MlbWirlfilil THIRD STREET Wc regret that there is no ready-to-' .7 wear clothing : KereWewill it. ; We are for Oregon and made goods first; last and all ? ' the time. r - i-- or two Oregon mills manu factures the-variety-of suitings re quired by a store with such a clien- ours, whose demands are for the fines t and most up-to-d ate cloth Ing m a n nfn fitu redin the United ttes'rhat-is-what- our"toclr composed of today, but irjDrri7nowma5fewebe-able : tcT say : frIN -OREGON.": YESTERDAY'S RESULTS IN MIMR LEAGUE Hawthorne Defeats . Highland, -Ockley Green-Beats Clinton - Kelly and Mt. Tabor Wins. The rain held off long .enough, yea-erday--to -allow- three -game -In - the Grammar School league. Clinton Kelly lost to Ockley Grew 8 to at Davis and Twelfth ' streets; Hawthorn , downed Highland 29 to 0; Mount Habor trimmed William av.nue 7 to 8. Th lineup: Clinton Kelly. Ockley Green. Schwltchenburg ...C '. Brown H. Trogen... ...... p. ........ Johnson C. Sad or . . . . . ..1 b... Deed y B.-Bdef . 2h. ... . , ..-Hopkins Wood ". . . . . ..3b. . Vosner I Switser- . ., 1 , Edner Dahl Grasamuller E. Trogen.. r;lf : . .Tr:Blddle ,cf . . rr. t 3hristenson .rf... Smith x Hawthorn at, Xlglilaad 0. Briggs ihiiuh.i,, p mitiTii: Miteheti Herschler Lawson Graham freitn ......... Munde Holden 1,.ls.uJSjjt,lf .jjjLtuLAttlebery Kellogg . w-rrmrrr.ct ,-TnrrrrfiaicmHlr Turner ............rf. ......... Fisher . WUlasas Aveau 3, Kouat Tabor 7. Williams ......... .. , ... Moody Mitchell ...p Graven Morris,.,,. Olsen Brady 2b 1... Wood Gleason .3b. ..v. ... Van Zante Joetnan ......... .as. ......... . Garner Serv ... ...If. .......... Young Trauf ....,., Thomns Miller rf Long Y. M. C. A SCHOOL LEAGUE. Won. ... 8 Lost PC. 1.000 Ockley -Green-Mount Tabor .t . . . . . 8 0 1.000 0 1.000 Brooklyn 1 Hawthorn.. .......... 8 1 .750 Highland . : ........... 2 Clinton Kelly . ......... 2 Williams Avenu ....... 1 Ladd . . 0 Atkinson . r...... ....... 0 Couch . 0 . . - .000 .000 .000 SNOW FALLS IN THE BLUE RIVER DISTRICT jgpMUl Dirp.tch teTfce JmnSKJ T' ' Eugene, Or.. May 18. W. S. Standlsh, who arrived down from th Bin river mine yesterday, reports a foot of snow on tha level at the mines and. about 16 Inches on tha summit Tha snow fell Tuesday night and Wednesdsy and waa th first for nearly two months, th ground being entirely clear of old snow. c.. ciartt lb.... hui - A V .... . . t 10. ...... . ..Allison .1. -3b. ......... Pealer U . v. . v. . ss. v. : . ... : , Hvmr OOO ENTRIES CLOSE ENTBR TSfOW Get entry felanks at HUDSON'S, an a m .af be the first ten years OF COMPLAINTS TO BEGIN AT COLFAX Washington State Railway Corns isston: rwpajingorSesirr: sions In Near Future.1 . . (SpeeUl Dlspateb te Th Joannl.) Olympian Wastw May -It. The-ralH-road commission today -officially - r quested ah opinion from Attorney-Gen. oral Atkinson aa to the proper definition of th term reciprocal ' demurrage a uaed In tha railroad commission law Of thia state. - Attorney C. C. Ooa la In Olymplg today conferring w'th th railway comt mission regarding th complaint fileit som month jigo by th. Walla Walla business oion wherein -they- demand en jwi,ifiiib raie xor hat rltv Th. w.ll. Walla complaint la to be made a part -1 ... .urmg 10 ocgin at Colfax within th next few week and which will In clude ail matters of complaint not 00 fll with th railroad commission. It is XPectd that thm ha.rln. Ill laat thrse-os-fouS' weeks -.nit-uari... l ti,,romml",lon "r "kely to be held at Colfax Walla Walla, Spokan and OlymptaJrTho-datailarortha; umaa eompiant-agarnBr-thrranroada will be sinca-wiinia-ev-ww-day;- : PLAGUE OF WILD BEASTS" QERRORIZE SETTLEMENTS (Jonnul Special Sen,!,.) Orovtlle, Cal, May 18. Renorts from mountain camps state that th heavy blasting .'operations of th Western Pa dlflo railroad are driving th wild anl rhals from their lairs into th. mm settlements. At French Creek th pao- pia ar terrorised bv mountain Unna. who, deprived of their, usual sources oi tooi. ar ready to attack humane. Numerou lynxst and wildcats sr re ported In the Ineighborhool. At Big Bend the people ar threatened by rattlesnakes driven from th ravine and canyons. : . T - . WILL ADJUST'TROUBLE OVER JAIL: STEEL WORK- r"fpirl PMpaten to Ttie Jonmsl.) . Walla Walla, Waah., May 18. Mam. bera of th stat board of audit and control and representatives of th con tracting firm installing th new cell -work at tha penitentiary arrived In th city yesterday to adjust differences be tween in noara ana contractor over" tn way th new steel work la being put in. 1 no wot waa suspended about two months go. members of ths board." claiming that th contractors war not following th original specifications. A satisfactory adjustment of all dlf. ference is expected to be reached In a day Or so and th work started again. lit Third street," or from -Secretary . asa aac r- SHOW - . . ' rraoic Jk. wautins, son Aiacr street. ..' . .Y ';- .... "Vft.- - r . -1 1 'I. ... . ' ... . . -..