, - I.. THE OREGON - DAILY- JOURIIAIJ, -PORTLAND, : FRIDAY -EVENING,-MAY--18, -1808. --Tr--- ---- - - ' m tce-oi mc m wr uo m Customer of (lliie IPorflaM (Geiaeral Eaeetrie Co. ' - We Will Deliver FREE OF CHARGE an Electric Flatiron ot Such SI vie as You Desire tor Thirly Days -Tri -Saves Your Complexion Saves Your Temper . Saves Your Clothes, Saves Your Heal " Saves Your Money am-iiiur-i line- ' ----- " " - ; " ' ' ' ' ' ,T l: '"v'-:iv y:----.. i, 1, ,,) .in),,,, i .it 'iiiihiiiiiihiii im 71T : .v ,v . ... J- - - ; y .-,y .- - $ . . - Mr- 4C 4M if 1. ELECTRIC FLATIRON IN USE. - Decide Flallwn t:---1;---- ---nT- - ' Electric Flatiron 5 ftit mnv U tkt plif, u( it U . 'I S. )-"TT V '..'.'';'" T" . : TT ' "t " - nmt ta tit pim. aa4 n la ine yreavesu Mouseiiom toMemeii Uniform-Tcmperafaire No Scorching, No Dirt Is Never Too Cold Is Never Too hoi Is Always Ready ledso:Relieatiijis f No special wiring Js required. The iroa maybe attached, by the cord that goes . ' with it. to any Electric Lamp Socket in any room of your house. - The acme, of convenience and comfort is realized. ' You may entertain a caller without delaying your work, for there's no discom fort, no steps to be taken between the ironing board and the fiery range, no addition- tathe temperature of the room, no annoyance, no trouble, just COMFORT." T 77 : ST YLES AND PRICES OFIRONS 1 Style No. 1Regular household 6-lb. Flatiron . ::. . . . ... ..... . . . .-... ........ .$100 Style No. 2 Nickel plated, 3-lb. Smoothing Iron for dainty work. ..' '.$4.00' Fill in the coupon atUched, specifying the -style of IRON, you prefer and mail to us AT ONCE. : .;:"": - 1 V'r ' r - - , Your selection will be delivered promptly upon receipt of the coupon, with ABSO LUTELY NO EXPENSE TO YOU. . . . CUT- OUT-COUPON PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. y: Seventh and Alder StreetsPortlandVOr Gentlemen: You may deliver to me one Electric Flatiron, No. which I agree to try, anoV if unsatisfactory tq me, tojreturnrto you within 30 days from date of "delivery. If T do not return it at that time , you may charge'same to my account at $4. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 days. .J:j:TZ : .;. , . --r ' v '"' " ' Name........ . .... i ....... W DEPT. C Address . , . . .'. . . . 77... . . ... . ... rm mm mm Hectric Flatiron Tart aerw i k plr. 4 It la . t&f t or tM . mwk wimpay SEVENTH AND . I : ' - TELEPHONE ' EXCHANGE 13 STREETS 'TJadc in Oregon w Exposition, R!ay 19 to 25 irV" Ecctr:: r n tm'?t 1 I