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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
iTHE-JDBEGQN-JlAILYZJQy FN A t, : PORTtANDI FRID AY2 Iff EVENINGLMAX: IS.'" 1806 ALL LONDON IS STARING AT OPERATION AVOIDED EXPERIENCEOFHISS MERKLEY 9 Bh Wm Told Tht n Opwttlon Wu - - . uoTiiDi. now on Bacapva n. When Dhrsicltn tells a woman inf faring wita rlou faminiD troubl 1 that an operation ia DtMiurr. th varr ;THE EXHIBITORS NAMED BELOW have goods of merit on tdisplay and a visit to the X ": " " ' - windows will prove. of. profit and interest.'-.--:;---;vv--v--"-: thought of th knife and the operating table etrikea -terror to her heart, -ana our hospital are full of women coming or Just ucn operauona. PORTLAND STOVE WORKS Exhibited at Olds. Wertman & King's ami the Portland .Hardware Co., 74 Sixth St. '"tv-.. " ' Manufacturers of COOKING and HEATING STOVES and RANGES 3 A1X KIND OF EXTRAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND f Phone Pacific 2Q28 30IZZTrA0' " o26 Hood Street i.... 1 WORLD'S.RICHEST LITTLE BOY IIP i i ' i in !- : i j'rL?J U'.ts Dr-rtf hrti inH Nicfop aava4C-4aBw 'P. r r. ; Having a Jolly Time Sceing-the Sights H - i. 4 & , r If 1 H 1:, 'I f) v -irJ -ctiti , , v 1&M&&&?.. ? WINS' SHIT JR1ISST TW(1 axsliairield'ThlraHurToreg Gwendolyne Field Holding Hand London. May It. Tha-rlcheat boy in the world, young Marshall Field third, la having Y fine time In London with his brother Henry, who is 10 years old, and his little sister Gwendolyne. . They are being taken to all sights and show by their aunt, who Is the wife of Cap Rln Iav1d Beatty of the roysl navy. The happy jwxty are taytng at aridre's JioteL the excluaiv and ex pensive Mayfalr house, and have a mag nificent automobile to take -them to the tower, the "soo or the Hippodrome. Their mother is In Parla The two boya must wonder at .the at- t 'tentlon they attract, for their move r menta are watched by eager reporters .and' photographers wishing to record vthe dolngspftne little muUl-mllllon-I .aires. ' , An Englishwoman, who met the eld- S ,est boy In the corrldor. after laying In ! .wait for him, kissed him, much to hla astonishment, ana saia: i nope, my fhild. that yowlll alwa-ys. maia-good At present nothing has been decided ,ae to th immediate-education of the I Jtoya, Two acbools have been suggested I to Mrs. Field by Mrs. Beatty. One is a private school at Wokingham, where -the boy of Colonel John Jacob Aator was- educated, and the other la a pre paratory school or Eton. neatlTxbrldge, here esMasa i hey wltb n Awasloan FORMENAND i5H EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. toga cuprrs poop of His Aunt, Mrs. Captain Beatty. . motfeerHr-4nciallHs the aona of Ldy Grey Kgarton and lAdy Chcylesmore are beina; educated. j , - Henry ad. Gwendolyne came in for a share of tne ,$160,000,000 of their rand father, the i great Chicago ruer chant, hut jrouna; Marshall will have th greater portion to keepttie-wotf" from the doors of his many realdencea.There la no-great retinue to mark their wealth, 1 Juat a. governess-lot. the two boya and a" nurse" for the little -girt. Bolh thefTtghtto-vote- on the grounda-that-he little, boys are unassuming, as all little boys are whether millionaires or princes, and are quite unspoilt as yet. MISS SUTTON DEFEATS MRS. BURGER WALLACH - ' " fJaetaat SpecUl SrTle. - Boston. May 1. May Sutton defeat ed Mrs. Burger Wallaoh, the New Tork tennis hamplfinyj(!OTjt-A-Jln both gamea... . .. . ' . . . . V. . . Satires to the 1-arm- - SreeUI DUpatck to The Joaraal.) . Sllverton, Or., May II. W. A. Ilemen way Is closing out his stock of general merchandise at cost and will retire from business. He ha purchased large farm In Interesta-neatngeaffTcad win move thsf ee anon ae hie gaeds eea seldi Mfc: - YOUNG - MEN Whether for dress, business or outing wear our clothing is properly cut, de signed, made and priced. Every gar ment carries an air .of taste, re finement and satis faction" Besides, fno ash tjutlajris-neces- sary to indulge J in t h e s e meritorious clothes. You select your - 2 or 3-piece suit, topcoat trous ers, vest and hat and pay for them at the : ''' rate of , A WEEK a- B WASHINGTON AND TENTH J Refused; -RitoVte,Brrng8t etiorFSnd Is Awarddd Dam-"i ages in Justice Court. (pr1IPIptch toTb Joeratl.) Salem. Or"7May 1 .. The case of TsaT" dor Lorenta against Jarhea E. . Towl and ir. A. "Keehe, the latter being, r pctlvaly4kSdlrrtotlthe: school district In which vthe village of Shaw is situated, was passed upon yes terday by Justice of the Peace H. H..I Turner. The plaintiff wa given -Judgment for 1245 against th defendants, Towl and Ken; alao th coats and disbursements In th action.".. Lorenti was denied the right to vote t an election held In th aforesaid ehflot d 1st r lot H h ld-ha-had 1 1 was the head of a family and had a child between th age of 4 and 20 years. The officers of the district held - that since the child waa under 6 years of age tiorenta had no right to vote. The defendant, through their attorneys, have died an appeal to the circuit court Another suit originating In th same achool district was . also passed upon. G. .A-Setterlin- brought an action for damages against James Towl and H. A. Keene for refusing him the right to vote, alleging he had property in the fliaif or upon whtch h-pald taxa.7-Th court dented hla rhrhti of actioar sine the tax roll for th previous 'year did hot show his ownership of th said property. WANT TO DISGRACE TH E -HER0X)rPQRBARTHUR L,- . (JourniT Bpeclil Herffce".! St. Petersburg. May 14. The court maMtalOn General - Stoesaeli defender of Port Arthur during the war with Japan, has completed Ha Inquiry Into the surrender of the fort and. arrived at eonouetona wntcn' eweepingiy-conaemn Stoesael and' advt- hie dianrlgTOtTrcmT th army In dlaarac and confinement for a long term of years In prison aa a betrayer of trust. It Is generally believed that th cxar rwrtr sirpprena 1hrTtn(lrng-ofThe"eourt Btoeaael win probably ba . notified te leave the country. TRUE BILLS RETURNED IN RAINIER EMBR0GLI0 (Special DUpatrk to - Toe 8L Helens. Or.. May II. True bljls have been returned by the grand jury agalnat Jamea-E. Remington, alias th "Cockney Kid";' Joseph Brough, a bar tender of Kainier; C. F. Wilson, also a bartender of Rainier, and A. IX Pierc. proprietor of a Rainier saloon, charging them wltn assault and battery upon W, C Fisher, a Rainier attorney. .. Ball was fJxQd atS1.000 In, each-case. Fisher waa assaulted at Rainier soma days ago and Remington Is alleged to have made a confesafon which Implicates saloon-keepers of Rainier. GROUND TO A PULP-r IN BIG DRIVEWHEEL (Rpeelal Dlipatch to TO Joaraal.) .. -l-tt -Orande, -Or;,- May 1 I; C. - Llrii derman.of Imbler, Oregon, engineer of th bl r4 ennlne ue4 by the Wade ft Robinson sawmill to haul lumber. was today killed by being caught In th engrne. He started thr-maphlnerr to running and climbed up to oil It. when his coat caught In a big drive wheel. drawing Linderman Into the whedU. which; ground htm' to a pulp -from th hips down.' It lived" an hour and a half. Ii leaves a widow and two chil- AVOIDS PROSECUTION BY MARRYING COMPLAINANT (peeUl Dlapeeh t Th Joaraal.) t Eugene, Or., May !. The case against Claire Baker, th young man arrested at Springfield a few days ago upon a statu tory charge, waa, dlemlaaed yesterday upon hi marrying the complainant. Mlas Lulu M. Wright, of Wendllng. Justice of the Peace F. O. Russell of Wendllng married the couple, who will rtalde at rlngflldU. t ,. ... t . . .... ;.(.- . -.-..,. m en n i i e -mri There are casea where an operation lathe only resource, bat when one eon' Id ere the great number of cases of menacing female troubles cured by Lrdia- E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound after physicians hare . adrised operations, no woman anonia en omit to one without first trying the Vegetable Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for adrioe, which is free. Miss Manrret Merkley. of 75 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: ; Dear MnCTInSham: lj ' """ .' '" 1 'Loss of strenEth. extreme nervonsmaa. shooting pains through th pelrie organa. oaartng oowa pain ana runpa -eompeilea me to saek madloal adrice. The doctor, after making an examination, said I had a? female trouble and ulceration and adriead an opera tion. To this I strongly objected and decided ikham's Vegetable Com- au ' r once more strong, Tigorom and welL" rr Female troubles are steadily on the increase among women,, ll the month ly periods are Very painful, or too f re quent and excessive if yon have pain or swelling low down In the left side. bearing-down pains, don t neglect your self : try Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUbla mpounoi. fllSWIFFGllOT TESTIFY- Wilfr Notvevld'eWcwAnsi Husband WHo Committed 1 r Crime Before Marriage. ' interesting; POINTTTvI OF- LAW IS RAISED Charged With Fprjery, George A. L. Winterg Is Safe From Any Testi mony Hit .Wife May Be Able to Give, Though She Is Complainant. Judge Cleland this morning held that a wife could not testify against her husband'' without her husband's con sent, even though7 the - crime charged was alleged - to hav.e been committed when the defendant and the wife were not married. This point was raised by Attorney John F. Logan In the case of George A. I Winters, who Is on trial before a jury In Judge Cleland' depart- mentortnecircuucourL Mr. Imogen Talsed another Unexpected joint In thadtfpaeoC.hi jUent. ,. The lnIormatlonunder.whlchWlnterawaa arrested alleges that th defendant com mltted the crtm of uttering a forged check for $160 in September, 104, while In -th body, of the information it la also stated that Winters committed a forgery The attorney : declared, that the Information waa nnlawfuJL-lnasmuch u It charged the defendant with two crimes. Judge Cleland took this mat ter "under advisement until this after- e noon; Mr Loaaa deolarea that if -Judge CI- I land decide that -the information la a good one, the defendant will be able to how that Winters Is - a victim of -his wife's anger. - Th Wlntera were di vorced In April, 104, and were remar ried in December, 1904. It was duiing-f the period that Wlntera ..and his wife were divorced that the alleged crime was-committed. Associated with Mr. Logan In the defense la Charles J. Sohnabel. while Deputy District Attor ney Harry B. Adams and T. G. Greene represent th stat. SURVEY FINAL LINE TAC0MA TO PORTLAND --(SBecUl Plipatra te Th Jtrarml.V -i Tacoma, May 1. -Today Union Ta clfle surveyors commenced making flnil location of th line of th road through th city, across th tldeflats. and south to- Port landr Tha work Is being don under the supervision of Engineer Rus sell Oh .-' A franchise Is being drawn up for th entrance of the road Into th city and will be preaented to th council net. week. The lin between Taorrme and Beattl-wllV not be eurveyed until the matter of getting Into that city is-sottle6vl;ontructlpn .and .track work will begin from mis city as soon aa the enrveylng la completed. - SAL00NMEN ANXIOUS TO OPEN IN SAN FRANCISCO (Joaraal Bpeelal BerrW.t fl.n Vranclsco. May IS. The boarrf nf police commlaslonere todsy received a petition from th retail liquor dealers asking that saloons be opened Jun 1 and that th annual license be placed St 1400. Th commissioners will make a complete -investigation before action Is taken. J . -r COLONEL MOORE LETS CONTRACT FOR PIER aldv Or.. May It. -Colonel D. H. Moor ha awarded a contract for the onaUucUoa ct k pltt X toe eoeaa keecaj - Displayed at Rosenblatts, COFFE ES THE HIGHEST GRADE MANUFACTURED Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder 66 Made On Exhibition in the Ben Selling Window, Fourth and Morrison Streets vrjvooxQn:sxTinLLAMTnrt on itAaoar nun iauiauo nur o&asszs xTurxxnra 1mrtr1.4jroAJLZ.or bkst. tott bostt wajtt to saas vmzs nxatxarz. Manufftcturr of JVletaU mil ,gneolalt7 ZJaTOTTTaV BTXUOTTraV SUOTmOXTTS 1CTI, I OregonxEurnitiire -Maii'ufac - On nutmn at tne rronv, nrn ana xayior atreeta.. raraltniw nsaa from Oreffea woode at mr factory on Maoadam road. ' Iont forget to watch' for onr float In the parade oa rriaay fad don't forget to ask for Oregon-' nWi fnrnitnre -when .rnrniahttiar yonr nogae."J"' ' "" ,,r ' - rr-"" : - - WesternantleQompanIncr .. .- -itunrrAOTvmaaa or. ,t Incandescent Qas and Gasoline Mantles ': ' ion Aomrra roB mwiiri mnoris aABOxxn-xjkMnr1 Tt3inICtTNDrACTORV8ROrri Pacific States PackinsfCo. 224-226 Sal mon Display nt Famous Clothing Co., Second W have net oaly proven that Oriental. & TENTH AND J0MN80N STREETS DIplayed at . Dresagr Sb Coi SOUII OatXDDA-tIE- lanfBotoretya BrTMbuMonrm bo Tillaca0rg6n7" KAZOB BBAjro XX3TCXO OIAJOI Paokd by Warreatem Olam Oo4 Warren ton, Oregon. DISPLAY wxosnroa ajtd raBTZsa atrrnzBS. imia-m abb nunroa xzitbt btb Phone Main 104. Display' at ,Edwiirds"Fuf niture Store,-! LAblES' WALKING Booms I, a, 3, It and 13, 3SH Third he etore, 370 wuntoum etgeet, . in frint of the Moore hotel to Leander Lebeck of Astoria. Th pier, wilt ex tend Into the ocean a , dlatgnce of 00 feet. ' At the outer end there will b a wharf .100 ieet tlong and 25 feet Wide, wi.ich will b Illuminated with electric lights. Piling for th structur will ar rlv - next week and th pier" must" be completed within 80 days from the tlm th matrial arrive. o as to T ready for us th coming season; HUGE WALRUS HEAD FROM PEARY PARTY '. ; - . . .-- . r (pedal DUpateh t The Jortil.) Sllverton, Or., May, 18." Adolf Wolf received a large walrus" head by exprees yesterday, which was captured at Green land a few ween ago oy ma son, ur. Lewis J. Wolf, who Is one of the Peary party en route to the north pole. Dr. Wolf shot tne monster animai ana sent th head to New Tone' taxidermists,' where It waa dreesed. mounted and re shipped to Bllverton. The head weighs nearly 100. pounds.. It la highly prised by th recipients from the fact that the' animal was raptured by a, Oliver ton boy while on his fsr north trip. ?&-aV leue, roavft. xrein,' ur Plight Edwards Co Third and'Morrison, and Sigels, Washington, hear Fourth t DBPENDABLiB .'. SPICBS A i n O regon l at Sale m . METAU Metal on lahttition With the Journal KgnlMt at Olds. aiTAUl IW IU klnag of nvaoMnerTl Furniture -Made- In Oregon AT TKX SOIWIUBI, 338 WAaXZVOTOw ST. BEEF AND PORK" PACKERS Street saeata enred la Oregon are aa feed a Refined Cocoanut - cSe" O WEN nlilioi AQENTS: AT 348 WASHINGTON aoooa szLXTXBBD raoacmT to au vabts or 271 Front St, Bet -XA9B IB OBOOBBT CHARLES COOPEY & itr, northwest eomer of Stark, VPSTAZB8. Displayed at & gelUng : Jiti..;i . t . . Wolf stated that'th party waa pros pering, well and still proceeding north ward with great hopes of achieving the purpoa In view.. !-. CUBAN NATIVES' AND, -BLUE JACKETS CLASH ; fjoerait gpeetat Bervle. . Waahlngton, May II. A serious fight Is reported to ha vy occurred, at Ouan tanamo, Cuba, on April St; between American aallora and natives,' In 'which one American wss shot and II others wounded. The sailors, who hsd left the naval reaervatlon, were attacked by a large band of natives, who used ma chettea with telling effect. The bluejackets had no weapons, and, although outnumbered thre to one, fought with fists until all were disabled. " ralrbaaka at BlrmUgham. (Joaraal Special gfevlea.) Birmingham, Ala.. May It. Vice President Fairbanks has arrived as a fraternal ' visitor . at the . Methodist church. Bouth, general conference. . lrrljion frewr right eienav .." ' : -H 1' ; ; ' r EXTRACTS I IN THE NORTHWEST WORKS Dealera In Sheet Metala S Wertsmi ft-Ktteer- UAal:aul' bar. dron and win u a. Tt-TS TOTX nOOsnMITKZarK ' Portland Oregon : and MorrlsonTSts; these e el tsrtsi Phone Main 643' I Butter FlEE SAMPLES ' STREET" bbxas x araoiAxrr. T na orrr.- Madison and Jefferson I 89 Firs t-Street- SKIRTS SOiNS You Want GOOD COFFEE Poos coffe la worse than non. Did you ver realise what a dlfferenc It make JbrTotrr feelings sit day wheth- er you drink a.rnpmr sparkling, aro matio coffee or aom' of the poor lmita-Ii; tlons thst paaa for such? .7, Red Cross Coffee and Pal- : ace Car Mocha and Java - moderVT'o,' '"nt' M! l Your dealer handles them. - . If h doe not, end ua your nam and ' w will ae that-yrm-ar supplied -Our coffee are roasted by ourselves ahd In our own factory, and are genuine dry roat. th only strictly dry roast In t ortiana. , You are Invited Jo eome down to out Wadhams;& Kerr Bros. B07I Street, hex. roarth aid rift. Italy Cabinet Beslgaa- 1 'Home. tjy i The cabinet- members tendered their reilaUora todr - A V