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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
iTHEOEEGOM;lDAIIOUltt P1SPLAI 0F OSI AD tfEW AND CO-VOlilULRS WjHO MADE "MADE IN OREGON" For : One - Week - Show From -Steam -Engines Windows to Be Filled B f laS)'Sft W'Wyw wmwqk-v. to Cheese Will Be the 91 . With Oregon's Manu 7: factored Products y. Range of the " In Oregon" Display ,1 Display of the State's Indiis . trial Development Promises to Be a Surprising Revelation- Story of How Made in Oregon WarStarted. - Br H. C. WhltUr.:Who First Suggested , . ... "Mads In Ore gron. .. .. '. All hall, Industrial Oregon! Thou ; , Kohlnoor that eltteat rampant upon the ... diadem which crowna the brow of .. American statehood. All hail! ,' 'Nights candles , ara - burnt out. and 1 Jocund day . - Stands-tlptoa -on-your misty mountain '' tops."' ,The feast la spread .and, tha rnorrow'a dtwn will witness such a revelation of . the development of Oregon's Indu trles as will stagger the, .'.'oldest Inhabi tant. Oregon la about to . ahow her self, and Her .visitors from the farther . most parta of the commercial world who mar be sojourning within the gates .' ' of the Rose City will sea the Immense i and eurprlwlng variety-and gurpeealng excellence" of Ita home-made products. ' It may he apropos at this time ta say " aTew words " concerning" the Inception '"' and progress of the great movement. '- fathered and fostered by the Portland - Admen'a league, that has tad-up ta thla : nrst grana annual ingunnu iuuii. m a- Oregon. .-'- The committee appointed by Prealdent Dssent of the league "got busy" without g out tlia InstmritWwia-M 4 edneaday .following. . March., II. where It met. by appointment, at luncn, rn-the Blitck Room" of the Commercial club, representatives of tha different commercial, bodies fit Jtne ,cityand, state. At that time and place the project was Ing unanimous approval . of Secretary , Giltner of the Portland chamber or com the local Manufacturers' aasoclatton. mercial club, and Secretary Leber off the board of trade, and the representa .'. tlvea of the Oregon Development league. It waa decided to call together tha dif ferent boards, of governors of tha sev- ernl organtzatiojna represented at -the earliest possible date and' "obtain from - thera an expression aa to their coopera . tlon in the forming of a Joint commit tee from all above named bodies. It - was also decided to call a apeclal meet- : Ing of the Admen'a leagi sviiv vnlnr for the numoll of making report' of the aplendtd prog' resa made and securing further aid and cooperation of that body. At thla meet :": Ing. which waa one of th beat attended ""ndrmostentbiralaBtleever held since its formation, an-additlonar"force was added to the working committee, mak- Ing In eJl ten llve,-nnsatng7-Bcttv members, composed . of the following ' peraonnel: President, Bury I. Daaent; chairman; Harry-C.-wnttuer; n. . H""all,C C. Chapman, P. A. Sulllva.v wmium Valm. W. J. Hofmann, C X rrmt p. it. Friedlander and A. L. "" Atnna. , ,it waa announced at this meeting that nearly to of - Portland aleaaing-aner- .hiitu had already announced will "ingness. In fact, had agreed to devote a whnla or a nart of their diaplay window space along "the public thoroughfares for tha. exhibit of Oregqn-maae manu: facturea, during Ithe time of the monster . oown town TKuimnum v - Oregon" products, i, tha first annua) banquet of the ' twin.t Admen'a league, held at the Commercial club March 7, there waa clr- culated among the guests and membera VW, - I lltl .iVl. or the jeague nwi uhm . - nation bearing at the head of Ita title r-t- th inacrlptlon '';i --Journal. t)n t mame - breexy aheet. appeared, a comroumcmnun w.rinr m heading which read," "The -president'! Message." incorporated with in whlcft waa a paragrapn aaioiiows; I; 'The league Is no prodigy, "has don aa remarkable, deeds except to a-row. But. born of healthy parents. with th red-xorpuaclea , of vlgoi nulratlnr through" the-relna-nf know Ar ." it tsnagtontght demandt: recognition from Its local commercial confrere and a-full shara in 4h publlo work for betterment of local conditions, with representation on all committees formed for tha state or municipal weal." Th r aboTa-rara graph expressed a de- termlnatlon which had been arrived at ' by the league, collectively ana inaivia ually, and found expreaslon. , as above stated. upon-ttrrtval at a stage In " Ufa when It felt itaelf capable of carry ing 'dut the resolves to ths letter - through 'tha. channel-quoted, ita . then .. prealdent an ornne wmcn i una me honor to hold at that time. I was pos ' itlva then of tha purpose of the league, . hi,-h bodv made that assurance doubly aure after by Ita hearty. Indorsement ' the Inaugural session of Its second year of existence, growth and progress. At " that meeting, held In the tower room of Z the Portia n -Commercial club Monday evening, March 1. when tha new, pres ent board of officers was installed, the - "Made In Oregon" movement waa launched amid . tremendoua enthusiasm ' and with unanimous Indorsement. The next, move .of tha. committee of . admen was to meet the executive board ' of tha Manufacturers' aaaoclatlon at their rooms In the Chamber of Com merce building, where the objeeta of the movement were told and explained In detall. and receiving tha unanimous - indorsement, with pledges of support. -"ttrthe- limit," from every member pras- ' BThus'was formulated and launched a ' project, tiny at birth aa a snowball dropped from a schoolboy's hand, but ' which has rolled up and added unto i- itaelf power, scope and Import nee In the" field of exploitation of Ore gon'a Industries, backed and pushed by ths combined energy and enthuslaam of every commercial organisation and . business Interest of the city. Thus a fond dream of a body of active publicity pushers, of whom Portland may well feel proud, becomes a living, breathing, tremendously forceful reality, - gaining In power and breadth every hour, from the never-falling quality of merit, and " k'pt speeding toward Its goal by the , dynamo of publlo approval and gtata and civic pride. - ' Tha principal object- of this great . Oregon Induatrtal fair and tha feature to be held prominently to the fore Is the transformation of tha great show windows lining the city streets pto wast show-plaues for tha diaplay of , - &:&nJRTT)im)tt' .: V . .XjDAjJENT ... , ; . . TLETCfHEFv LINN ' i T. f '. Mi ' mms U& Yrs! -;-;-'r-'Tf ' 'III . It-1 V v VI i . -v" ,A ..i n . mil li.W rzv 1& WT. C. goods "Made In Oregon.", and the fea turing in all the city atores of Oregon made merchandise by special exhibits and sales. The benefits to be derived by the - state-and -community will- be tait!nirhdlWaieuTftblerrg6twna: 111 be advertised aa ' never before wherever tha lightning's "flash has "been chained r by "telegraphy-Wherever -th power of -the press can reach, wherever civilised tongue doth wag and willing ear. doth, listen to Its tale. What the Admen'a league tiki now, In conjunc tion with the confreres who are work ing ao nobly and unselfishly for. the sue cess of flits monnter undertaking, is hearty, cordial, moral support from- tha cltlsens of Oregon and her metropolis. There la not. nor can there be, selfish' ness or an ulterior motive In this move, ment.- What benefits- one, benefrta all and, most of all, what benefits most tha manufacturer of a state or nation helps mos t ln the .upbuilding, of that fat nnri nation flsi 1 of 11 all null tn. gether, men and 'women-of -theatat, for all that's-best "Made in Oregop.f Tonight wa stand . " "wrar Tiammefs cTosTng rlVels Andrlnglng atrokes : Oiva dreadful note of preparation." Of the Portland Admen'a league tha world cannot help but say: They-have indeed - bettered expecta tion. "r : And for them I would aay ay nave rougru a gooq right; they Tiave finished thecourae; they have, kept ins iaun. wuo uueiio, mey may aay "I have done the a tat a soma service and they know it." OLD CABLE TRACKS BEING DEMOLISHED Tna 01a abandoned cable tracks on Portland .heights running from-tha-end of the Irestla on Chapman street, that waa torn down last year, to Spring street, are being torn up by the Portland Railway company. f , Thla cable-Una was for many years the scenio line of Portland.. Thera waa a turntable at the lnteraectlori of Jef feraon aWd Chapman streets and from there a treatle Inclined at a grade of almost 48 degrees ran to the crest of the hill. From there on, a distance of about four blocks to Spring street, thera waa a concrete track with a grade of about I per cent. ' The treatle portion of the line waa demolished last year when the new Portland Heights - loop waa completed. ' ; Made in Oregon. The ; "Portland" cooler, the acme of perfection, aold by Adolph A. Dekum Butcher Supply- company, - Is a cooler made cn scientific crlnclDles and the result. of experience and careful study of me nest metnoas or insulation and dry cold circulation.'-- Our patent " sup plementary Inside sliding door prevents tha auction of cold air out and forcing of warm air In. and keeps the air at an evert temperature.-We sell everything In tha line of butchers' tool a and aud plles. buying direct f rom the.JaotdrUa In large qnairtltfea, and our prices defy competition, Jt. Our handsome nfeken. plated meat racks and mapla sectional blocks are being put In ao many mar kets that we find It difficult to keep up the supply. Butchers Ilka our goods and w Ilka their patronage. Adolph A. Dekum, 1 J 1-1 J S First atreet, . between Washington and Alder. ." ODD FELLOWS WILL" - GATHER NEXT WEEK -" Odd Fellows of Oregon-will gather In conclave m Portland next week. . Th aeaslons will commence on Tuesday and continue through until Thuraday night. Membera of the grand lodge, grand en campment and Rebekah assembly wTIl be in aeaaion. it is expected that about TO delegates to the -various chapters of the order will be In attendance upon th annual meetings. Tha grsnd en campment will convese en .Tuesday ' V'Vr-:, f iXv."i t -.vM i 1 1 . XT? i m jmri V. ?b.X. SjS&zJ . vV W. KV .rr -av - wawaawawaaBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaagagaaaaaaan aa rj- jki 1 t-iar ami aw -av v. w aaara '.';. I I f ' r;--.V;i----- SI. P55 J .... . 'j S-- . tm i a ; - ; V'i4-Xy m of ., w . ... Orcgbn,,T:3: -i-The-"Made in Orrgrm" week prcgrmm haa been completed except for a few dntatlst It will be a conttiro ll round nt faatiiraa'atarttng tomorrow Mnrnlnf and continuing until Saturday evening. May' 2.The parade on next Friday will taka place In the 'afternoon' and It oromlaes to be a very' large and credits bla diaplay. It wilt start at t o'clock and rwlll go.over. the. principal streets of the city. The general program for tha week la aa follows: . Saturday, May ' 1 Opening" of all store window displays nf goods made In Oreron. examlnationa and approvala by tha committee In charge and labeling of Oregon goods with official label. Do Caprlo's band will parade afternoon and evening and. will give a concert at tha reviewing stand on Sixth atreet, near Morrison. fiundav. May 20 All ministers of tha city will make references to tha Incep tion of the enterprise aavertisingjre- gon Industry. 7 Monday. -May Ji Parade of bands advertising goods made In Oregon. Dis plays and mualo afternoon and evening. Tuesday, May- II uispiays, muaio and parade of bands afternoon and evening. Meeting of f - Oregon De velopment league In tha afternoon. Tuesday night grand monster free en tertainment and Jubilee by .manufac turers at the Oregon National ouara morning at ArUeana' hall, whlla tha Rebekah lodge will meet at tha same tlmaTrt I." OV U. F. tewpia. i-. Tha trand lodge--will-ee -Wednesday-morning it tha new Knights of Pythiea hall. Thurs day evening tha Muscovites will holi a work meeting at I. O. O. F. temple. Tha work to be done includes the election of officers for the ensuing yea; Little In tha Una of social entertain ment will ba participated In by the or ganlsatlona. The money which Is usually used for this purpose wsa sent to the Ban Francisco I. O. O. F, suf ferers. Condon will boon have spring water. a. voBXTtra jtbobisttt. Having to lay unon my bed for 14 days from a severely brplaed leg, I only found relief when I uaed a bottle of Ballard'a Snow Liniment. - I can cheer fully recommend It aa tha beat medi cine for bruises ever sent to tha afflict ed, it nas now necome a positive necee alty upon myetf. r. R. Byrnes, mer chant, Doversvllle, Texaa, tio. lOe and 11.00. Sold br. "Woodajd. ClvkaC. , . A..Vi. : JOHK MONTAG -h armory at Tenth and-Couch streets. Chorus of 100 voices, vocal and instru mental music, addreaaea by prominent men Oft Oregon Industrlea. atareoptlcon lecture Illustrating Industries, resources and views of tha atate and . sever -J ' MnTlOCUllLSPEAKJ ""DElCRATiCltlS Municipal Ownership Will Be Theme of His Address at . 1 Joint Session. .. '.. ' ' Th Toung Men's and tha Multnomah pemoe ratio clubs will meet In Joint ses sion tonight at tha Democratic county headquarters, . 127 Seventh street. A reception haa 0een planned -to Hon. J. D. Matlock, candidate for state treas urer, who will make an address on mu nicipal ownership. Mr. Matlock baa given much study to the. question and has tiad rorrespondenca with authorities of. too cities and towns where gaa and water hava been, placed', under publlo TJ. X. SULLIVAN Features That TilMndustfiat f WceK vaudeville acts from the theatres of the city. This entertainment la abaolutely free and la gl vent tha txtwiibb' er the- organisation in behalf of the Mada-'in ,WedneadayMayI.i3-r-DiapUwa ..And parade and mualc by the band. Torch' light parade of maaqueradera on Wedneaday evening. Flreworka and red-lira Illumination en the streets. Open air addresses on street corners on "Made In Oregon. Thuraday, May 24 Parades of bands, music. - advertising speclaltlea. Fire drill onstreets by Portland fire depart ment. Red-fire Illumination and fire works. 1 ' Friday, May 21. Grand Industrial parade. Major C. E. McDonell. marshal Parade will form at. Tenth and Main streets and move promptly at 1 o'clock. There will be 75 magnificent floats and the parade will occupy nearly three hours. The floats will represent the progreaa of 7 Oregon'a lnduatrlenr. Tha parade will move from Tenth and Main on Tenth atreet' to Morrison, to Third, to Burnaldo, to 8ixth, to Waahlngton, to Fifth, to Morrison, to Sixth, to Main, to Tenth and be dismissed. The Judges will be. at the reviewing stand on Sixth street lit front of the. Portland hotel. -Saturday, May 20. Diaplay and pa rade and mualo by the band. In the evening a general Illumination and fire works. control. Hon. Thomas O. Halley of the supreme court Will ba present and make m short spim li. BeretsJ.itf:tluijrariritg' dates for. county offlcas will give brief talka and a business meeting of tho club will follow. All Democrats and tha publlo generally are Invited to at tend. - tTha campaign tn Multnomah county will ba opened 8aturdy night at St. Johns. The principal speech of tha even ing wlU be made by Colonel Robert A. Millar. . Candida ta .for. attorney-general. Hon, J. D. Matlock will ba present and win talk briefly. Besides these, E. H. Cahalln and John Van Zanta, of the county ticket, will make abort speeches. Elaborate preparations have been made for tha St. Johns meeting. This pre cinct haa grown faater than, any other In the county and thera la a larger pro portion of newly registered voters than In any. other seotton of tha county. The Oaks Attractions. ' It Is ssld that no palna nor expenae ha been spared to make the Oaka the greatest summer attraction, west f 4 I A J It New Tork city. The natural advantages are supreme, and the spot la an ideal one from every atandpolnt. The at tractions already arranged for excel in JPUmbf r andnrlglnallty .any. in' the count try. This is in a great meaaura dua to -the untiring efforts -of 'Manager '-8. It: Frledlander, who la ever on the alert for' anything that' la - novel: AH that Is latest and moat enjoyable In tha way of open-air amuaementswJJlba seen and the trail will ' prove a great sur prise to the -visitors. With- the ad van tgvfcUlitmliiattngi the ground and buildings with the beautiful clusters that made tha Lewis and Clark fair ao brilliant, there will ba no place In Amer ica lighted In such a splendid manner aa the Oaka. The entire railroad track has been improved and there-is a main station of ' 400 feet In length, both for entrance and exlt of passengers. Cer tain It Is that the publlo of Portland la under a debt of gratitude to the rail ;o0omPmy'-or.- fitting, upao beautli ful a recreation, park, otherwise there would be no place of enjoyment during tna summer months, in addition to th very attractive -building, whtclrtncltiff tha monster skating rink, dancing pa vilion, temple of mirth, mystle mawi, bumps, the chutes, giant whirl flying machine, bath-house, tavern, etc., there la to be tha largest and moat complete rurura - eight -roller " coaster, a.-- new carousal, box ball alleys (a new style of bowling). Japaneae figure exhibit. and a number of absolutely- new tmom. meiit dailies. Thru tlK'ie will im tha tnmat"paTk-fetuTe n nod ' a'Uy pa"y camp and Hindoo temple. - Among the new games la-what-iw known as "TheLay- Ing Hen,'1 most amusing and exhilarat ing, -One of tha most complete penny arcades is to ba made a permanent fix turer-and- a theatre)- la project ed,whr high-class productlona - and vaudeville features will ba sffaesd at iiuuular prtcea-Blnce Ihe closi season, a force of landscape arttata have been at work laying out beautiful -fawns and flower beds. ' In the center of thea grounds Is tha bandstand . and where 2,000 benchea will be placed for tha aooommodatton of lovera of music. D'Urbano'a excellent band, tncreaaed to 40 men, haa, been re-engaged for the season. There Is to be a Urge an.1 popular-priced restaurant in addliion.ta tha tavern, and everything will be done for tha comfort and convenience of tha patrona of the Oaks. AWARDED DAMAGES ' OF EIGHT DOLLARS Judge Cleland , yeaterday awarded William F. Ryan $S damages . from James Barrett Ryan sued Barrett for 1150 because he had broken up. and used Ryan a rock A motion for a new trial waa allowed by Judgr'Cleland In the case, of J, H. Oatman against tha Pacific States Tele phone Telegraph company. Judge Sears ordered that findings be made for. the plaintiff In the caae of J. H. Peterson agalnat Quy Holman, the ault having been brought for the poa aeaslon of an automobile.- - 'The aum of 160 was ordered paid to Catherine Snyder by Oeorge Snyder, her huaband, the order having been made T&lmUBt- iyJtHlge-eSr. i Judge Seara yesterday denied tha mo tion to atrike out parts of the com plaint tn the caae of S. A. Kirk et al.. against Victor ( Coxhead. a ault for damages alleged to have been, caused by the atiacning or ine itonann exhibit at tha Lewta and Clark exposition. --- -,. t Bpseuu Kate Made. '' -The-Harrtman-ttnm have mjidff a "ane- cial rate for tha Pike's Peak centennial celebration; to,,- ba held- at Colorado Springe September 24 to 2. - The fare for the round trip from Ashland e-oltia- and returning via Portland will be tt. SO. Qolna via California on And' Portland the other tha far will be Itl.tO. The round trip fare from Port- land will be ISl- ( September 21 will be the sale. date and the final limit of tickets returning will be October tU Snothea Itching skin. Heal a ruts nr bnrna, without a war. Cures ptlea, -aema, salt rheum, any Itching. Doa.n l Ointment. Your druaaist aalla It Merchants Have Given "Their Show Windows to Make a Not ;.able Exhibition -- of - State's Produce Places Where,5Q0dS- WiltBeShownf The -diaplay of - "Made In - Oregon- - . goods will be made in the windows -of the stores of the city. A list of tha exhibits and where they wiU ba located la as follows: - . . , .. 6lds, Wo'rtman King. Fifth and Washington streets Saddles, Qeorga Lawrence . company r stoves, Portland, Btove Works; newspaper making. Jour . nal Publiahlng company; collective ax-. hlblt of the city of Eugene; brooms, Zan -Bros.; mattresses. Portland Curled Hair eomoany; flou&..J?orUnil.ilill" coropanyiin Meier Frank company. Fifth anil Morrison street Cereal , food. Acme MUla company; coffee and spices, Clos set A Devera; woolens, Oregon City ,' Manufacturing company; wood finer.. Adamant company: ateam engine. Wila-.,. mmettirtrotrjatcejjkgugculptura Mr. Nielsen. - - Ooadtri Xellytglxthand "Washing-, Ton streets Blankets and wooTan goods. Mr. Nielsen. Union woolen Mllla, ' . Jaeger Broil0 Morrison . at reet Sculpture, T. C. Ballard. .- LJpman, .Wolfe Co., Third and Waahlngton streets Blanksta and ' woolen goods. Union Woolen .Mills, leather findings, McMonlea company. Boule Bros., West Park and Morrison PlltteH 1 ware. 1 rtirttaniTTlBrtw ti ' TT III SWIimilllYi Roberta Bros. .Third and Morrison atreeta Working - exhibit of making aprons, Mrs. Beale;. soap. Mount Hood aVap--ieoinnl&i.ii ,-,i,..-imit., iwiTi.ri.-w,j.mi.aii F. Dresser A Co.,. Seventh, and Wash Install stretts Fell. MrJoeTcnr:TTea TUT" Albers Bros.; coffee, Dwlght Edward; - soap, Lucle-Klng CQmpanyi roffews, Cloaeet-4 Devera. O. R. N. Co.s ticket office. Third and Waahlngton atreeta Granite an J euTpttrre,Torth west Granite company? A. at C. Feldenhelmer, Third and Washington streets Cutlery, Barr Bros.; Insurance certificate,. Oregon Life. . Graves Mualo store, 121 Waahlngton street Paper boxes, Portland Paper Bog Rosenblatt Co., ItS Third street-- Coffee and apices. Dwlght Edwards! nla Sllverf leld company. Fourth and Mor rison streets Cereals, Acme Mills com pany; White River flour, Allen Lewis; vtoltn making, TirCTRiderr glass, Povey Bros,; furniture,. Art Furniture company.' Red Front Clothing company, Flrat -and -Taylor streets Working .exhibit Oregon Furniture Manufacturing com pany; woolena, Columbia Woolen Milhv--riC .OllI company. Third and Alder streets Second section of tha collective exhibit of the city of Eugene. ." - ' Gordon bakery, 145"ThIrd street Rica and flour, Portland-Rica Mills company. Portland Asiatic Steamship com- , pany,, Hi Washington street Hams, meats,' etc. Pacific States Packing com pany; canned clgma, Weat Owen. I Mayer Co -14 - Third atreet, cheese, M. Robinson. ' '. .. . ..'.-. Famous Clothing company, 243 Morri son atreet Economy Jara and canned good a, Kerr Glaaa company. ' . J. Pollvka Co 1 40 Morrison street. Metal polish. J. M. Arthur company. . Ben Selling. Fourth and , Morrison , streets Waahlng machines. Hunt KempTbltIng powder. C'H.TIppleyr "" Allen, Gilbert V Ramaker' company, . Sixth and Morrison streets Bricks, Newberg Brick pompany; musical In- )" struments, W. R. McCord; stoneware. Pactflo Pottery company; drawings, E. Hurrle. ' ' . . , . - i Rebe'a confectionary, 210 Washington-' streets Beer, Portland Brewing eom-f " pany. . . - m, - .- liu, pnrtrfiorrTfsimianan atreeta flour, Dallea Diamond ROlleff MUla. Jf V. Charobers A Co.T 11 Sevanth atree5 - Asbestos coverings. Oillam-ChambeiiX company. . i, Wonder Millinery company. Flrat ar -i MOTrtson-streets - Bngraytnga, HlcL' Chatten company; souvenir cards. Northern. Pacific raUway.Tbirl Morrlsorf streets Lithographing. Bu . ong Co. Eastern "OutmCThircompany.TsMJ a" ana -waanington streets Mattiuii Tonalng Broa. Columbia - Hardware company, Morrison street Hop stove. John ' Kinney; bydrsullo ram, Columbia -' glneerlng Works. Tha Bonbonlere. 232 Waahlngton 1m r- s mantels, western Mantel V pany, , . 1 - - R. Mr-4ray.- JT1 Morrison -st"" Soap, Rainier Mineral Soap compa " Leo Selling. 279 Morrison at i Women's skirts. Charles Coopey. . ' A. B. Stelnbach Co.. Four 9 Morrison streets Col lectlva exb the city of Cottage Grove. . : La Palais Royal. Weat Pa. " Waahlngton . Streeta Gloves . :; Glove Worka. v f McAUen aV McflonnelL Thlrt ' , rlaon streets Flax exhibit . f'4 ,. winametie valley; Mount Hoo Honeyman Hardware com Dan- and Alder streets: COrdaae. fasa'- Cordage company; art " rlaaeriJ Bros. ' Glaaa comDanv: tu. " " Weatern Mantel mmiunt r blocks. Columbia Engineering W f I quiwi Bros., William Iaensea if man company; Babbitt metl ,- aietai works; coffee boilers ! A Elroys tinware, American Ca(T'2z? e""t-'ron waahera mil . . LeatH Broe.t: iron gTllt. woi'i wire Iron works and Co' ,. -ft.-Wire A Iron -works: copr)AT AKD Prler Bros.; csmp stoves, I'nent eiira carpenters', aprons, WIMam incurable. Awning company; metal i land Soap at Chemical con Jacks. J. a. Owens 'o. :rl ' Gardner A Viggens. Andy ': A Zimmerman; window sntf 1 Pwt tool fhwrtm boxes and c.- Or yon, various planing mills of ' handles, WeaternHandle, j coy ducks. Wilann Price; UlCU- water bags. Adam An. -painted hooks, Columbia wr" company. trlct- ipondenea. Worthy of a Co Ona vsry fancy beautiful upright figured walnxt c old l"da'. 1 ihl'"ht 1 . ortaaod, C . la tft.'i: It rur.t v at that price on 4 .1