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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
tllE-OREGON-DAlLY-; JOURNAL PORTLAND.-RIDAYEVENINO, .MAY IK : lv3, t I I, I , ! 1 1 "T- -,-- ' ' . ," 1 " ' '. - , 'I' . 'l I I IViaUC III Uluu j - At any time of day i or night simply scratch a match and you have any kind of fire instantly Made in Oregon T ' : - -' . - ' . " - ' ' ' . '' ' ' ' ' ' ' Hi iM n' Will do this, but: a coal or wood range never did and never will permit of such instantaneous Accommodation. -The GAS RANGE not only dbes everything a woodor coal rangewill do, but does' itwithout labororcoaxmgr V :-- "; - V y -2S5 - ALL-pAS RANQES and OAS WATERHEATERS Purchased 1 T " Us Delivered and Connected Free of Charge V P1 -Until you take the step that insures a clean, comfbrtable4ustles3 kitchen all the yeiar round. Put in a GAS RANGE and-GASWATER-HEATERr-With this step you are assured comfort," be- sidcs no kindling to splitno fires tabuild;- anowoodzoroco-carrynoidelay UEIbTlfOIl-GOOfflWG-AWID.-H " " ' 1 " ' 1 " 1 , , , , J ; , -j I .. ... . . . . . . . : i ttt- - , -: i : - -S- Por-tland-GasLGom -.JS- - : .-MadeinOregon-l ,: , . , Fifth and Yamhill streets ;- ; Made in Oregon . """''aWliMHBaWWaW " -.w.,Mi.i.ljii,tnx m. fiT.-...rr n v j.. M- t utt , t r g 1i H Hi i Tii M II i. - 1 1 i'i miii i i -in iiimi.i. iliiii jiii -mh iii . iwmn nn an ii I i iirr-Tn-iii iii i !' II nil iimaiiinii iV ' "" " y.."1 "' "" '' -. PLAN TO REBUILD AT EARLY DATE Board of Regents of Idaho Unlvorsity MeetTom6rr6w to Consider Matters. REBUILDING PROBLEM: IS AN INTRICATE ONE Proposition for s Group of Structures Ji Opposed by Student BodyJWho inlldundInlTkpTici --Insnrtnce Money Soon Avsilsble, . j . . . (RmcUI D1kmI to Tk tanil.) Moscow, .Jda., May II. Th board' of . Ronti or tho tnlverilty of Tdaho ar -- niMUni Mra toair-- It la bauavad tbat . the tnaurahe carried -rm the burned aDia ana tne wore or reouuainc can te rjJannednd . eonitrucUoaataxtad. aa . , aoon aa possible. It ia learned that tha . , inattranea companlea hare made a thor ough lnveitlratlon and hare examined . tne walla or the standing bulldlnsra. ex Z.. parta beinx employed for that purpoae. They found that none of tha walla .above the meln foundation-were auf- f lclently uninjured to be mad avaii ... able In rebuilding. It la auppoaed tha foundation can be . utilised ' and probably moat of tha cut atone over the doors and windows may be--worth--using.- but It Is now apparent . that the salvage will not be nearly aa great as waa at nrst supposed. Tha problem of rebuilding Is an IntrU , . cats one, and so far as can be learned here the regenta have adopted no plans as yet. although tba subject wss gone over Informally at their meeting here directly arter the lire. The proposition of a group of -buildings aeemed td find ' most favor with them then. ' but the alumnt and atudent body are very t- naclous for the duplication of the old '- building as it stood before the fire. -Governor Gooding while here ex- riraaaed himself, aa favorlng-atata aid in ha way of deficiency warrants, and If ' thla plan la adopted by the state board, ' tha matter of rebuilding will be easy. ' Tha regenta will then be In a position to adopt almoet any method towhlch they - are inclined, as 4Btlm tons of subetsn tial help from private sources have been received." which promise to materialise at an early data. - : LEAGUE AND W. C. T. U. : : .TO MEET AT MILTON ' j,.M T--J 1111 ' ''-'. - Mllton.t"Or.. May Is. The Umatilla win veraoma Indigestion and dvsnsn- aia: : -gulete tha bowel and cure Aver ana Mianey rompiimn. ii ine pesr blood enrloher and Invlgorator In the world. II la purely vegetable, perfeotly harmleea and ahould you be a sufferer from d!eae rou will use It if you are wise. ft. N. Andrews, editor and man sger Cocoa, and Rockiedge Newa, Cocoa, . la4 writear '1 have ueed your Herblne In m v family and And It meet excel lent medicine. Its effects upon myself leve een a marked beneflt. Sold by Ueodard, Clarke a. Go. . . I county W. C. T. it. will hold its annual convention Friday, Saturday and Run day next. "The srsslons wlH"be held In tha M. . church south, and -among other apeakera . win be Mra.-, Lucia Faxon Addlton, the state president - E. A. Van Veenkln of this place Is attending tha general assembly of-the Presbyterian- church at Pea Molnsa as a lay delegate from tha Umatilla prea- bytery. .-..HVi.-. ; " Elaborate preparations are being made for the entertainment of the Umatilla County Development league, at thla place on May IK The following committees have been, appointed: Arrangements, chairman. 8. A. Miller, H. I Fraaler, A. M.Elamrracaptlon committee T. Btewart, ' Ar'-BvPearaoar'0.--Rr-BaHoTr, William Anderson, Oi J,: McKensle, H M. Coekran, i ! rn- IM iPIIII INQTITIITinU n 3nii:niiiiunk-inuiiiuiiviir - .(Continued 'from Preceding Pag.) ' : MADEv IN OREGON WEEK inttnued2from3PjclngrtfeJ tltloa with goods of outside manufac ture. The incalculable value :of -proper publicity - has been abundantly lllus tratsd. . . .. Tha permanent benefit from thla af fair ahould be an annual celebration. The-nuoleua of a moat worthy-and -com mendable organisation has been formed by th determined young -eltlsens that -.,- i- .ii.ih.- . . . th 1 ""ir-Jnfl-P-P--'Br-l-i-1 i..n.iir-irs- rj.,.t rr.,i backed ana encouraged at every Oregon-made goods w Ill-serve- show rh ieiUsenaOf Ithe statalwhatlla ac. tually being accomplished In tha dlreo tlonl of ""homsl manufaotufesTIAnd Tt must bo remembered that every dollar paid out - for- Oregon-made goods mains In tha state, and forma a portion of "our permanent assets, to ba used braneffof "home industry or for general circulation, within .the onf lata,. of , the atate. - Although the ''Made in Oregon' move ment waa well under way . before die- aster wiped out San Francisco, that calamity" has added Importancs to the coming exhibit. There will be a greater demand tharr ever for -Oregon-mad goods. Factorlea will belch forth their smoke. The hum of wheel making goods for tba markets of tha-world-will fill the air. everything I being don to make Portland a center . Of . Industry. Financial and commercial foreea of America are aeeklng representation in thlUi aturdy city of the Willamette; great trunk lines of transportation are centering hers, : ships of all nations. argosies of Imperial riches, from the fabled Islands of ths orient, from Aue tralasla. from fr-off Iddla. from Oer many. Franca, the - British Isles, He at the docks of Portland, striking evidence of her growing maritime Importance. Portland and the vast area included in It suburb, from Oregon City on tha outh to - Bt. Johns - on the north, vis destined to be a manufacturing center of boundless activities. To the manu facturer seeking the moat advantageous location, Portland, . with, ita . Increasing commerce, cheap power, and multitudi nous natural resources, beckons with the tnslstDcrot a command.. Ths popularity of "Made In Oregon" hs- already established Itself. Manu facturer both In and out of the city have mad request for plenty of space. The wlndowa originally donated were early found to be too email, and addi tional wlndowa were secured. Now that the list ef exhibitor ha closed Snd ex hlblte are Installed In moet places, visi tors to Portland for the next week will find . all the main thoroughfarea a con tinuous panorama" of Oregon handiwork. Tha farmer who visits this display can understand what a diversity of farm products. can be disposed of j the man ufacturer within the limits of his own state;- dealers will learn how much of home-produced merchandise he'ean earrv oiThts shelves, and ttW onsumer will tha great variety of 'Mad in Ore gon" commodities within hla reach, and com to a realisation' ef ths tremendous sdvantage to himself aa wll a an aid In building .an a vast Industrlsl common. wealth lies In hi individual patronage f them. : . i would have th community more pros perous and possess mors opportunities for steady employment, on aure way of ' promoting ' that desideratum la - keep th money at ' horn and buy Oregon-mada good. '. ' . hi-aispUyrTur-TnaKOf:glttf eaW far from being complete or even fairly representative of th greater industries which bring millions Into ths state. An -nnspeakable catastrophe - In a sister stat ha operated to a certain extent to prevent many-firm from carrying out numereue plan that had been mad for dlsplaya. Th exhlbltlov I a medium between producer and Jobber new oonnectlone hsve been catabllshsd by tha interces sion of thla organisation, .which baa in aome cases, persuaded the Introduction atep by the Manufacturers' Association of th Northwest and th Portland Com mercial club. Th way hss been pre pared for an annual exhibition of the manufactures of the state upon a large scaln. with appropriate accompaniment of publicity and educative -efforts re garding the state's facilities for manu faoturlng and recording Its Industrial progress each year. - Undertaken In thl way for th entire state, and not for Portland. Interest alone, the Mad ln Oregon annual fair will-find a ready response and support from every town and hamlet in th stat. t . WHITMAN STUDENTS ELECT THEIR OFFICERS (SdwUI P-Dstch to ne Jimrael.1 Whitman College, Walla Walla. Wash.. May II. The annual election of officer for the Associated Students for tha year 19U6-1907 was held yesterday afternoon. Thoae elected were: President. W. Oalu Oreenalade, ''07; first - Vice-president, academy, Ralph TXralck; second vice president, Lillian Merrill, '07, by a ma jority of two over Eledlc Paddock, '08: secretary. Thomas Dutcher, -'OS; gradu ate treasurer, IV M. wlnane, '04. Th -race-for secretary also oromleed t6 be exciting as three candidate were running,, but Davenport pulled out of th race several days ago and yesterday Sella withdraw, leaving Dutcher assured of election.- , For theadebat council; which must be filled by those who hav represented Whitman tn Intercolleglat debate - or oratory, tha three following, were chosen: Oalua Greensled, '07; Roy . Wolfe. - '07: Walter Rells, '0. Tha other candidate were Harold Kill and Roy Perlns-er. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and CUldren. Tin Kind Yea Bin Alwayi E:svbt BhiI th 61,tBTOt I Let us fit you up before you start Our NEW PLAN of IT'S SO EASY TO TRADE WITH j 1 -x i r-m T-!T- IWrJL rr .-- '- .. .. I.;. JVl - assje. . mm - - . 7. ....-. j; ;r ,-sT;. i m m : .. W r . - mm 51.00 A WEEK WILL CLOTHE YOU -WEEII 'lMkes itQ:easy:toress iweiilan cvcrrfcelthencostnydnfi Any way YOU can, and fo small sum you may be elegant ly attired from head to foot; : THEN Jf 0U PAY.. US ' SOME TO START VTTD AND THEN . A DOIliUl ONCE A' WEEK W hare already clothed a nksOittle army of aplendld gentlemen and thera'a not a "grorl" to b found In I ha ranka of the entiVe party WESELI SUITS AT $10 TO $25 And If You VIII Select One of ..These and Buy From Us You Will Not Be a Qrumbler, Either "', "1- ' OENTEKU CREDIT PLEASANTLY GIVEN TO EVERY CUSTOMER f ' T'- "T'i'T JT:'V':'t. S. BROMBERCER, Manager Clothing Department ' SEE OUR YAMHILL' STREET , WINDOW FOR DISPLAY 173475 7 III w. . r . I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 r II I I ft SH -Z . , II I I X. "1 I I I I i SW . in rife? f i ir(-vv ii - 1 1 j i r. i i f - tr l,v yi r iy i !;.... '. . : v ..... .. , ... ... !. . t :.. . ..... . .