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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
i i 11 a" -F 1- i m v -v.. r v - - ii k. r m-r. v r v -v x w m i m SECTION TWO . . . i .... 1 - i . c ' ' ' i ; . ' ' 1 ... i " i I, i "" 1 ii ,i, 1 1 1 , , - PORTLAND, OREGONFRIDAY EVENING. 'MAY "18, 1906. A -V r.. ... A--- -Mr V ..rr:1 j7' , 3 : 3 Made in . OreftonWceK- a School :zzmr:::r;::: it rqn - Made-1n-Ortcon CommltteBi " "OB on wk 4k peopl of Ortiron r to e whatood r md -Trt-ttirlr aodfaThlii "Is tB ker- tiel lnth nutsbMl of the "Mads, r liT" brg;on'""moverarnt. " It "Is tT be cam palm of education for horns people Just an ths Lewis and Clark fair was a - school for the-world. - What Is to be this school? It la to be. an eahlblt In the store windows of7 the principal streets of the different articles manufactured In Oregon. . Some few months ao Pennsylvania, the hom "of so many Industries, .realised that Jf Its citlsens cnew it could ot articles . made at their door as welfiaa- those Im ported from England. aermanyAus trla and other .. places, Pennsylva nlans would purchase home-made foods ', -In preference to those of foreign manu facture. Such an exhibition was held In Philadelphia. Ths show windows of ' bl stores on the principal streets were riitert with Pennsylvania-made goods. fh advertising-thus-seureA-has-been- of ths greatest possible benefit. It ' took Pennsylvania 300 years to realise h advantase of such advertlslns. - Oregon, barely past the hjilf-century - mark, finds suon a propaganda, im perative, -j. - - - If there was ever to be a psychology lesi moment for the exploitation - of .ni' Oregon-made goodSi- thntmoment hss arrived, it Is now,' It is here. Oregon -f-TWriW has raptured firs prises In alt the e-reat fairs or tne country ana Ore-, -son mills manufscture this wneat lato every conceivable form of cereal food. Oregon wool-anjoya worH-wide rep-"-" utatlon. and Oregon-made ' blankets, . robes and wearing apparel are unex- relied. The world wants Oregon lum-. her, and unnumbered hordes hunger for the salmon of her waters. The people . of the 'world's nations are hungering for the Incoipparable apples of Oregon, are hungering to be-told of hr sun- kissed hillsides, steeped In the gentle rains that, falling like the quay ty of mercy, form a perpetual benediction of . ' plentltude. y The "Made In Oregon" movement. . orlslnated and promoted by the' Port- . . land Ad Men's League.' with the recog nition -and active asslstsnce of - the" commercial organisations of the elty and tate, is destined to bs of Ineatl mable value to every , Industry In Ore- ' gon. The potential possibilities' of Ore-' gon ss a manufacturing stat. are not ; genarally tinrteratood or rl-Mlv apnre. elated, and t' ' ' '!lon of N X a' f f I ' S rr-.- T 7r-r-r 7--r-- yy t If -"7 - - ' r, 3-!L ii . , , ami mil irn ,,mw.- "mhii iii i i ffiDsS flffli' r. TiIlrHit lS" Hill BfcIttL. ' . r 1 B K il .ai'igAWti--&V&.l-l L U J. - iZt ir ym m-mmmim mm m m m i i , !., . .. .AVyAVt&ttkz. - 11 1 1 1 1 iiTew H 1 T-l T JT . M ITM, I H I It T CH llfll 1 1 111 I U II I II liWETMi: 1HI mrt- r- tHUH-r. r v if jL-riu'- . h si in m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tii nti iii i mi m pvi" u n sT - '-- t - 1 1 1 9wunrn n it 1 1 rw i rm i i nrm ' - - if nr vr ii 1 1 5 m m immmmmmmmm wa mmmwm 'iiviiFan-h:-r-zr-. ii xi . u i 1 1 1. 1 1 1 dm w i.. i v . g i i i 1 nil i v&tnvi 1 1 1 ii rmn . ... awii : 't'srfiti ' u.ii r r si w-w. hi 1 1 s . '"""""''" s.v-li -I' si, a i t,-r a - ar m --i fttt-' r ii k i f r" i win '-.""i iiiini i I aJl I U. Taa U i 1 1 ail ,. . M,', VIII m 1 1 1 i ' fl' LfiT aWsI ".1. I I II I I II I slii-4-1 I ' - InlMIII.VI I Should, be anAnnval Institution C. Freeman.. Secretary Mfede 111 Oregon Joint Committee. ;, T NA UOURATgR ty the. Jortlaad: 'Aili I men's league, primarily ' foa-. ths ; lr purpos of exploiting Oregon in-. duatrles and impressing unon tha publlo mind the fsct that all the pracih tfl aeceaaitles-are. supplied by homa manufacture.- the Mad in OreRr position committee hss- enlisted thai '.4A-n"rtv sympathy of every commercial organisation, has secured recognition for Itself at home and abroad, and, by Judi cious and legitimate publicity, has ac complished more for the manufacturing Interests of this state within the past " few: Weeka than haa been, don .for per haps years. Never have local maoufao turers received as much free advertise Ing. An examination of the state press will besr out the statement that no) publlo enterprise that has ever been started In Portland haa been or to mora) popular. . . 'atlonaL attention has been dtrected to the sentiment provoked in thia stats In favor of patronising home Industries. ai ia uciiKuvu idii wnvnvvsr ana wnetv ever the Made In Oregon symbol meets the eye It Is to serve as a reminder to buy Oregon goods. "Buy whst you will ' but, ask for the home srttcle." . The campaign of publicity that haa been carried on n connection with this ; undertaking has stimulated . a higher rltlaenshtp; In every community It hss aroused local pride and hss direct! 1 closer TnveknsatIonsInlo our manufac- ... turlng facilities. The scope of the undertaking did not stop with the exhibition of such manu- factured, products as could be taken . rare of In window spaces in the retail . district, thanks to the generosity of the merchants whose names have beert prominently .identified with this, enter, prise.- It w -ci upon the broad lines of the greatest good to. the areata t number. V It is distinctively educational in character In that It has stimulated ths youthful mind over all the stat to demonstrate the extent of the knnwl eige poasessed by the younger ner.. tton concerning their respective ic- tlons. -' IHipular information hsa 1 semlnated ahout a vaet nu-gOn-made gooila whl i ncn'innmtr r -r t heard rf as c At c ' it i" r