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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
1 - -sy ' - - -f 7 " 12 -.".v. ' r THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY IS. ,1SC3. MRESS IS DISINHERITED FOR ELOPING JVITH.RIDING -;- Z -T- f MASTER . f . Y '1 Will IQ 3- , , W r - . v t 1 H ' 5 (- . i - fKoeeiiit Dlopatrtj f ne ornL) f Boston, Jlut., Mjr H A ieiiwtlon Vlias been created in social circle by the elopement - of . Miss -Julia - Lincoln. duiltr.xtJklUUMilirft.JMai-tiU Lin coln, snd George Mills, a riding master at Durland'a academy in New Tork, . A secret wedding will probably mean that the wealthy merchant will cut , his Mist Julia Lincoln, the Boston. Heiress, and Riding Master She Eloped With. womsn'sToye for her husband. After the interview Mr. Lincoln, said; -.. "1 have been bitterly opposed. to my daughter . marrying this man. I . still object to it. Jou cannot puttht too . . - ays that he ' has - nothing; against -the young; personallY-but the marriage Tor a daughter of one ef-rhe'liesrtainillBS of the Back; Bay to a .riding master 'galls him. :TV.'7T-:7 -,--. Angry Meeting Occurs. ' An angry scene occurred at the. first meeting between the bride and her -father at which-parental affection-Tat-" tied for supremacy against a young strongly. iTiave argued, with her ana" J K tried to make her see things in the -proper light. I know Mills; . he comes of a good family. I. have no objection to him on that ground." , '' Mre. Mills then sslrt- "My '" fsther help It. I love -my husband.- Be Is not welthyt but he. Ja..anstiniahlw.honeat. strut ghtforward man, and -1 ; hno w we shall be happy.. ; ;., : .: v. :"'rtejidUdy gkooked. : Mrs. "WTilte,-keeper of the boarding house at No. 110 Madison avenue, where the- former Miss Lincoln stopped, yes terday said she wag shocked by the af fair. "1 wouldn't have such a thing happen 'in my house for 110,000; and I shall certainly require Mrs. Mftls , to remove her effects." she declared. . The statement that John 8. Browning-, "son- of Ihe senior member of Browning, vorce is erroneous. Mr. Browning knew Miss Lincoln, end it was said, paid some attention to' her. Mr.-Browning's law yers wlBh It declared emphatically that Mr. ; Browning Is not - Involved in'" any" tiw inn my i e is no ivgut USECIIURGIIES FOR Grow Strong Campaign to Be ' Aided by Portland's Fore-1 "''"!': most Pastors. .; ; PHYSICAL CULTURE CLASSES ORGANIZED Practically Every Church in City Has Consentetto Establish Either Per . manent or Temporary Gymnasiums snd Urge Members to Use Them. Physical culture classes, in many of the---ehutiei Portland -with tabllshmcnt of srymasiunrln -several la .the probable- result vt Khe movement in tbla city to place physical culture in the churches on the same basis as it la in the Y. M. C..A. . Classes' have already been started at the White Temple, and a temporary, gymnasium has been tabltshed. though those who desire reg ular gymnasium work will-roe required to become members of the Y. M. C. A. . The Innovation in church., work la the result of the efforts of Earl Fly'nn and Mrs. Louise Mclntyre of Chicago, to interest the people of Port land in their system of physical culture. It IS' announced that practically every church In' the city has consented to organise and conduct classes and estab lish -either permanent ; or temporary gymnasiums. The work will be In cooperation with that of the T.vM. .C 'A. and the Y. W. C. A. Training and. instruction In the classes will ' be under ' the direction of leaders- from ' the two organisations Members will be "selected '. from each isss 1 toTTSntinue "the Wfjsk' wlieir Flyft.and his aaalatants leave the city.' Ti'fetf who are selected to continue the wojf permanently, will be . carefully coached and trained and some or the most' prominent men' and women-in-the tween the - pe ir.- t rouble lift- MAINLY PERSONAL Willis Ireland, Republican candidate for county recorder of Washington -county, la in the citr. - N : George t BiiighsmBalem-aatorneyJhuh Classes will be I .1 and go on the, to mm x a a . si l i ai.ssr'e - jssj ssm m m m ... -via the- ASTORIA 4C0L1LTI A Few Hours' Ride Along the Banks of the Majestic Columbia Ive Udon Depot-8 aeZmeAfe Leave Seaside - :5 p.-me: Amvc Portland 9:50 me A SEAT FOR EVERY PASSENGER TICKET OFFICES CITV TICKBT OPPICB; 348 Alder . 6treet UINIOIS DEPOT ly will 1,. nnvnrl ltr In.lrn Brougher.jystor. .ot. tliHi .Wh has volunteered servlc as- lnstruoi tor in ease a more suitable mndtdato- is not found. . Mrs.' Bronjher VUl likely train a women's class. In the church movement for physical culture that has Just . been started the Whits Temple. 'and Grace Methodist held in both churches on 'regular after lioona and "evenings of ' each week. There -wtll beclaases-f or -boys gtrls, young men. young women, old Ctn and old.womenand.-Jnfact, people of s.ll ages. , The greatest attention, it Is said, will be paid to those who have passed middle life.- . v. r- Announcement was made today of the tlon willbe given: ." ' "Wo"men wCI meeTTiionday.TS ednes'35yr and Friday afternoons at Z:1S o'clock at the White Temple. : . Women will meet at 7:30 o'clock In the evenings of the same days at Grace Methodist church- . Men will meet at 7:0 o'clock in the evenings of the same days at the White Temple..-. .;. , The same exercises and dates will be duplicated in the other churches in the city, if present plans are carried ouVi - 1 . 1 i. i - . . , 1 i . 1 A ' ', DISAGREEMENTXAUSES-X . CANCELLING OF DEBATE fSpeetsl Dtapstck te The 7onrnaL " - Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., May IS. The debate which was to have been held Friday evening at Colfax -between Pearsons academy and Colfax high- school-for ., thB , Intcrscholastla championship' of the Inland empire, was called off yesterday - afternoon. (There has been considerable .disagreement all along -infsxranglng for "the contest,' Pearsons conceding many of - the de mands of - ths-lfax--utorittes,-- but yesterday afternoon the local authorities received -a telegram from thCoi fax principal that resulted in the cancelling of all further negotiations. This may mean the breaking up of the inland empire league and will certainly leave unsettled the championship - race this year.-;-- 1 " .' i . . ! The Pearsons team Tarnell, -Camp-.nd "Pimiik, mb mi f inui ii nirapnuimea',1 as the members had their debates all prepared and . even Had - their material packed zreadrz tor Jtakarto-Cotfax ; thla week, . . :- .' , ' HEINZETOCONSTPUCJ SMELTER AT DIVIDE arcfilslI6hesCVrrFrickrthou he denies that he. has any fear of further molestation f rem Berk man,! hsA,- it is believed. . taken steps to have the an- archlst closely watched tor a time at least. It was during ths excitement Incident to lha Homestead strike that Berkmaa attempted the life of Mr. Frick in the offices of the Carnegie Steel company in -this city. The would-be assassin shot - him -t wice, once - rn the -neck- arid in the back, and then endeavored te complete his work with a dagger, . EXCURSION TO SEASIDE. L-K'.:. '. sttmday, Stay 1. .Another popular II. 60 - excursion ta Seaside via the A. C R. R. will leave the union depot next Sunday at t a. m. Ticket sales limited to seating capacity of train. Tickets on sals at 24S Alder street during the week and at the union depot-Sunday morning. For- Informa- f ilslaesjons Mi Stswi In aseilL' Main S06. -- . - M . ' - ",- - . Pj.UL - iii "1 -VoUOKE ; . Phone East,J44 WE - ASSURE - OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION : REGARD r (Suei-lsl milch tn Tbg JnnrnM ... Suite, Mont., May U If is currently reported ""lit local mining circles ' that a smelter and concentrator . are to be erected within the next 12 months near Divide. Montans--by .the Xte.vls-rialy.Es. tale Copper company, a subsidiary cor poration to the American Consolidated Copper company,- of which Joseph A. Coram of Boaton is president F. Augus tus Heitif e . is said tot be Interested . In the move. It is stated that the deal has not yet - been fully consummated, but that considerable land In ths vicin ity of Divide has been tied up. -The unlimited water supply 'from the Big Hole river renders the site . most ad vantageous. Although the grade Is heavy,' the haul from this city would not be long, and ths number of proper ties now being developed in Butts bids LfHlr to make another smelter-a neces sity. CATCH CRAWFISH BY - " : THOUSANDS AT AURORA (flpeeUl Dlspstck to Hie Jonrantl Aurora, Or., May 18. A. H. W1H and Mallcarrlsr Jake Kauffman, In a few hours the fore part of the week, caught 1.020 largo crawfish within two miles of the city. This 1 the record catch in this section. This season the craw fish are very plentiful, and every day a catch of 200 -or upward is made: For several years crawfish in Mill creek nd Padding . river -have i been. scarce, but this-season they bite on anything, and fill the traps in a short time. . . PRICK'S ASSAILANT IS RELEASED FROM PRISON (Joarsst Special RcttIm.) ." Pittsburg. May 18. After having served 14 years and ' months for his attempt to assassinate Henry C -Frick In July, 1192, Alexander Berkman, the anarchist, was released today- from the Allegheny county workhouse. Berk man has been spokfen of as the succes sor of the late Johann Most as the head of the anarch Istie propoganda in Amer ica. Just whit his reak plans are he refused te state today beyond saying that he is prepared to put In the rest of bis life In educational work along an- mm wmwm QLU Here Without Becoming a Friend of the Store Scores of come-again-and-tgain customers testify ' : - to this. - The only reason we can give for this cloth-! - ' ing store loyalty is that our, suits wear longer, fit- - ' r Utt7looKr dressier tnan other stores fer, the price ; $7.45 to li ii TO- I RIFIES; WATCEES v A AND SKATES WITH COYS' I ' CL0TEING IF NOT RIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIQHT ... -1 - mm MORRISON f 1 . : .. . . -I -