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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
Tim-OrrOrrDAlLY-pUItllAU -rOnTrANDFniDAY EVENING.- TAAYm. Detective . Hartman .Say Con fession of . Rainier Slugger 3 Will Convict Him. ' - EVIDEUCE AGAIHST 7 , "COCKtlEY KID" 9U(k THREE SALOON MEN v HAVE BEEN INDICTED Grand Jury, Acting Upon Confession, f Returns True Bills Against Men Af Remington Alleges Employed Him to Attack Fisher and Kempl , "" Cltv Detective ' T..' r Tlirtmin re. turned from fit. Helens last night, where he had been two days as a witness Jn fames B. Remington, known brutally beating W. C Fisher, a reform -jeaaer or Kalnle.- ' Hartman said this morning- that the case against Remington was a sure one. oecsuae or his- confession last Sunday, when ha gave the authorities the names of Rainier saloon .men who he said had mrea him to do the slucctna. - Associated with Rev. H. O. Kemp of Rainier. W. C Fisher made a vigorous crusade against the selling of liquor on Sundays. Fisher publishes a weekly - paper and printed scatchlng articles do nouneing unlawfulness In Rainier. Rem - ington . claims to have been- hired In - Portland to go to Rainier and slug both . r isner end Kemp. He administered severe beating to Flaher two weeks ago and was arrested for the offense. Rem- lngton says he did not have time to stay " and carry out his orders regarding . Kemp. Jbast Sunday, It is alleged, Rem- Inatoo-made a confession .an&told the names of the men who bad employed ' him. because ha failed to aret 1200. the lis mo ttiU:lxoajilJiiYo."Irficeld- Xo Jlal work. It Is said In Rainier that Reming ton was promised Immunity from pun . Jahment if he would prove traitor to his employers. He was taken to fit. Helens. the county seat of Columbia county, and f yesl fa i'd In SwhJ?S?reSiUue?illBTi were returned last night against Joseph Brough. af bartender at Rainier, C. E. .JFvjIson.i a bartnnder employed br" 1 tpeHa at FUler,-eif -AT4rrcc.: saloon-keeper of the same town. A true bill was also found In Remington's case. Detective Hartman said, this morning - mat the people of Rainier were greatly . . worked up over the matter, the majority . sympathising with the anti-saloon work . . - ers. He further stated that the ."Cock ney ma - oia not implicate any saloon . man or Portland in the matter and post ,--tlvely denied that he ever said "Mys lenoua uuiy umith was in any way lnteresTea.Hirtman saya that no evt. 'dene can be found which would war- rest even a suspicion .that ' any saloon - ; man of Portland knew of the contract -Remington had with the Rainier ealdon-4 keepers- ..Detective Hartman did not - A deny that- wiany person's . In Columbia i . L. . county believe Remington -lied - in his confession and made it because he de- sired to escape a serious charge. DOG POISONER IS WORKING IN CITY i" ' Judge Cameron of the municipal, court iJJ reported this morning that ' there la a deteatable dog poisoner abroad In the . city who does not confine his operations vi to any particular district, but always se lects prise dogs for victims. Within the ' last two days Tour valuable canines were poisoned In the vicinity of Twelfth I and Clinton streets, near the residence, . or juage Cameron.. -Last night , i St Bernard dog was 1 poisoned.- said the Judge, "and yester day the pet of the neighborhood, a valu 'able collie, wes found dead With a cola. , oned piece of meat bealda hlra. The . poor collie was the friend of every child ' In the neighborhood, and the little ones burled -their friend lata ia the -after-1 noon. -. - u , "' ' Complaints from all parta of Portland Larebeingreceivedby the police con- - cernlng a miscreant who seems to de light in killing dogs. The fellow has ' not been seen and the police believe he , works only late at night Last Sunday 4 three fox terrlecpups . were poisoned v near Fourteenth and Montgomery .-..streets Monday! morning . four dead dogs wera discovered In ysrds of their ownefi In the "Ttcliilty-of East" ElKhth 1 and Beliiiinit slue rsliutmeii n MBI'f besrranT-r an three'rellefa. Tiav hun rnatructed to watch vigilantly for the 7-potsoner and arrest him without war- ra "t- i . y- , L.-- - - - -. 7r Devert'; Golden West.zr Always 7n-thT(w1nT.niTWaysp1usKrirg Oregon - end - Oregon-made - goods, will be found the old reliable houae of flna-et-A Devers. -If -ytro ava-eveF tried their well-known : Devers' Golden West coffees, teas.- spleen, baking powder or extracts', you had better make an Im mediate start Satisfaction or money refunded,, - Preferred knock Osaas Sooda. Allen si Lewla1 Best Brand. , It Is onething to put forth extravagant' claims it's quite another thing to "make good? Newspaper space is open to aU who have the price and word juggling is an easy matter, but this great . tale of Men's Clothing at Factory Cost has aroused the enthusiasm of Portland's "well dressers," and is evidence that our announcement has been accepted in good faith. When we opened this store two months, ago our Mens Clothing invoiced $48,000.00 and althougn our stock has been reduced considerably we have an unbroken assortment ot sixes, styles, zaoncs and patterns, .me factory, i Cost Prices will prevail until the end of the sale. ; . . . t : ,'-f. '.' ; " . ' '';' " " ; '; " r-:-: . "'-' .r -r r r' -. - ;7" ";. " J . ' V. . ;. r80o Fancy Silk" and Satin Jeck- wear, four-ln-hands, t eeks, bows and Aa. cots, Saturday, ' Ell $9.65. r Men's Dra and 1 Oolf Shirts. Gold and Silver brand, II. oe ' and 11.69 vals., Saturday at SilR Shirtwaist Suits at $12.48 " These Suits are made of good quality Taffeta; waist , made with pin; tucks forming pointed - yokes, short sleeves, wide girdle, full skirt, . plaited back and front, folds around bottom.;: This style comes in all beautiful shades, and colors; marked price $18.50. - CI? vift 1 Saturday Extra-Special.. 4)IyT:0. i:l. Jap Wash Silk Waists. $2.58 'm T:'.l 1 1 ' ' mi i ii " '. .T JfyC l-"""- " lircP'JJlt " -a,P -rSpcclal Discount With Every Purchase Don't Worry Watch - Us Qrowr Mlrlat ak( tt1VV PllitlQ llla nA c1pAV .AaU, V v J essaAS J v av w wr A A A A A A A. A. A A. A. A. A. A A. A A. A A A A A. A A. A A A A. A A. A A. A A A A. A A A A A A. A. A A A A A A A A A. A A. A. A. A A. A A. A A A A A. A A A A A A A A Ai - II llliliiVU WIUI pi Vli I ai. law. 9 gvuuuix, ex.w - ' t " , . - - r r-- . -valuesr-Saturday-Extra C?- C C XMADE- IN-DREGON' EXPOSITION MAY 19-28. Be sure to see our "Made in Oreeon" I W . 1 V A. " .- , , . . .Special. Val. Laces, Very best designs,, values Hp to $2.0J per dozen yards,: for, dozen . - AfiA Ejtft-sll'lail-fcWeeVsaaiaV 750 Short wing sleeves and sleeveless Ladies' X Swiss Ribbed Vests, rtt pink, blue and white, silk ribbon ' taped iregular 20c values. 1 Saturday Extra Special r.rrr. . . . .. 1 UC ' Capites' Imported Lisle Thread Split Foot ; Hose; either plain or Jace ankles and' allover lace "weaves, all full fashioned; splendid val--v ues at the regular price, 35c. . OA A Saturday Extra Special , , , ... i , .;. . txi f Misses' - fine black : Ribbed Tforyjouble"" . knee, genuine ,Maco 1- foot, Hjrmsdorf dye, an sizes; regular zoc values. ... Saturday Extra Special. ; . . ....... qC " X -Window orr Third street? Have you seen It will be worth your while; the dUplay is mostiriginal and Unique. 'the Man in Overausr' .,. - . - ,.rv: ,!.'rv : ' l " immm ; Jfresistiblevaluia,in:White Wrist. Bags; 850, 75cpin(f5xrTahies7re4tf:i Side and Back Combs, gold trimmed, with" - AUover-Laces, Cluny-Valenciennes" and fig- , ts, in a very large variety of attractive trgi New Low Shoes for Women ured nets v Saturday. Special., L:ii'-r,,,iiiii"'rf " Newest models, and individuality in.every detail. ; Women who wish to dress stylishly at moderate "German -Val. Laces, all new spring goods 15cr grades atyardV-TrrvT ,-r . , , . ; . . . . . .... i C , highly polished ; were bought to sell .1 i. for-25e. Saturday Extra Special..... cost appreciate oui 'Women's $2.50 Low Shoes, made in patent colt and tan- r Shoes.' Yni'l't Mlllllll tttt h"r,r 1,ht an! heavrotes.Yjtturj j Extra Special for Sat-1 - . , ; - T - rurday-pnly! WMM flD J 1 1 f AW I i Jul M JUiUJ vvatai Aja,m atjuuamiw ati saw t Mil ,We-place :on 'sale ;Women's Black Vici X Kl(T UlDSOnI ies in our vioiet .v-qat y -'!t. 1. A M l": tnrwarf .-1.1 1 Ilk.M hlc . I large eyeiers,-wiae iaccs,- au sizes, new spring''06 creations af the Saturday Extra Special m-r ' AAAAAAAAAAAAAA fl.OOO Pearl and.Amber Bead Necklaces; single, .double and -triple strands, at a low. JA price for today. '. .i, I Bargain Specials in our J IEcoomy-Bament- AiarKei .isasiceis Annleintby-maIUsnsier-euUthesam& " 1 and w make the same conscientious effort to please you. Parcels can !-Checked Free bf Charge During the Eosltion-WeekT f ap-PQfeafd-8ik-BTOshesr. each ..84! Blackshine Shoe Polish. ........... .8 . 25q JIandled .Shoe' Brushii.', . .1 1$ ' MMMHHMtMMMMM c REALM FEMINIME By HELEN HAWTHORN A few years aro the idea of a woman holdlns any resoonalbl.. position in bank wouliTTiava been a matter tfr be ridiculed.' Now It la different. Nearly every eastern bank, particularly those -fthat hara a department-Tor savings. have a department for women, ana 1s In charge of a woman. At.. let two Portland banks have such departments and In quite a number of other financial institutions of the elty are employed women as stenographers and' In minor clerical - positions. . Women have .." dera enptra ted their uaef ulueas In many llnei hla dais ita iUIis a plaae Is the tandnnsrrofrths'rpeople'a-eavlns's.-Jop-- HnT Missouri, a town that baa developed a number ef clever women one of them the other day being admitted to prac tice law before the Uqlted States su preme-court baa - not only , women in Its banks, but has enebank that 1 en tirely managed, from cashier" to" dfllc rlrt r-fwner,. by woaaea. A.- man la presidentrf this-4rMrtltutlon(-but svery one else in the bank ts a woman; The head declarea -that- he . haa discovered that a woman rfs a eashler can turn down with tact an undeelrable borrower so as not to make the borrower dlssatla. fled.- He adds tnat-throughout the- whole establishment he has found that the tact and business ability displayed by his fair staff brings better results when r ; 4 . r; Rheumatism ' '- ' 1 1 - .. . : Chiropractic adjustments make it possible for nature to cure this terrible disease without the use pf drug. What is the cause of rheumatism? Your physician will tell you uric acid in ihcbloddr Very true; but why is the uric, acid in-the blood? Does.not nature, under nbrmal conditions, provide for-the .carrying away of this uric acid through the natural channels?.. Then whyn?ccilhelinclcid assimilate in the btcWd SlmpTy because ;yoti have pinched nerves in-the kidney's, so that theylare interfered with and, can not perform their natural function, -Then the thing to do is to re move the cause, which is the luxated vertebrae,- caus ing this pinched nerve condition. When this has been done nature will be free "to perform her functions normally, and the uric acid will pass out of the body through (he proper channel, and in a very short time you will have no rheumatism. We have cured scores of cases that we can refer you to. Remove the cause and the effect must cease. . , EXAMINATION FREE Those bringing thia ad with' them we will givt a spe cial .rats for one month. We teach Chiropractic Office Hours 9-12 130-5:30 7-. - DRS. BRIGGS & STEWART '310-311 STEARNS BtDb.' -'TEL. MAIN 6799. ha refrains from interfering. This is no -small-bank as can be udged from the fact that the government reports show that these women tellers, book keepers and cashiers handle as much as $100,000 a day. During the years that the women have had practical charge of thla .bank the business haa Increased 10 times verWhat lrwartirasya-when men filled all the offices. It Is not sur prising that women have made a sue txeas-pf-banKIng' They are in many re- snects peculiarly fitted for such work. It has been a saying for-a long JUne that "women ara born financier71 In most homes it is the mother who con matters. Many huabands have been saved from unfortunate-tn vestments by acting on the advice of their wives. It Is the wise man-who taTKsWf Bis money mattera with his wife. It is the mother who plans-the spending and the saving. The aversge wife la called upon to makers slim nurse go a great way. Women ara also possessors - of that - tact so - essential where personal Intercourse is so neces- saryasln a bank. An Intelligent woman "has mastered alfthe various aaaearffamiy-'aillT is uuallWed make stanch business friends, therefore that women have-made a euceees in banking shout not h a -oceaaioo: f or surprise. "BEATTHE POLITICIANSc Mies Jessie Fernald f Kittery. Maine, baa Juat beaartOTJoiMJhra bitter fight for reappointment as postmlstresa of that town, - Bhe haa held the position for five yeare.?and has given perfect sstls f action.- but-sone-ona -else -wanted lbs position and trouble ensued. The only argument -which they pra- aented aaalnst me. said Miss Fernald. -was that I had held the position long enough and It was time I gave some one else a show, and mat I was a woman. Miss Fernald haa practically grown up in the postofflce work, her uncle having held that position 10 years, tine saia that in spite of tha long hoursfrom 6:41 ln.the morning to S o'clock at night she finds the work fascinating and loves It. Since Miss Fernald has been postmistress tha office has been raised from fourth to third class and her re appointment proves the satisfaction ahs haa ptven the government.- STRAWBERRY PUDDING. ni .rin.h strawberries throuati a sieve to make one tsupfnl of Juice.- Heat to boiling polna and add one cupful .of ., 4ia of .one half a lemon: add two tablespoon fula cornstarch - made - into a thin paste with . one tourtn cup coio water: add Pinch of salt and turn into hot Juice; stir to prevent lumptngrwhen transparent tisra onto stiffly beaten White or four eggs; turn mio a lancy mold or basin, the side of which line with split lady Singers; set on ice to chill and when serving garnish with fresh unhulled strawberries. Imperfect fruit which Is not suitable for table use can be utilised in this manner. Berve with plain cream. FASHION FRILLS." -1 1 . .. : v .. r . uaenn'a fanclea la lace sleeves matching bodies gsralshmente In thin summer rrocss. . - - Every complete wardrobe this summer ill have a linen blere which Is em broidered and lace-trimmed. - Borne -of .k... lutirtM. mrm sleevrleaa. but tha ma jority have very brief, flowing sleeves. , Walatcoats or white pique, ornamented ( , t, a.Knu. AHAfltal nhniMFV M affected by Vienna dressmakers in soma oj tneir smartest mwi'i", duty where 4 bunch waa ones demanded. DID YOU LOSE SIOIiT OF YOUR BARN "": When. spring honaerleanlng lime csmeT Keciiry tne error now oy gettm line we brook no competition, as. we can meet all comerr In a fair field and win - wlth- palnt excellence . and- paint prices. " r " . - ; ; -r-r- nm n rant iwit ,., RsheriThbrsen & Co; rmOVT AJTO atOBBISOsT T. One- huge amatlon, a eoupla of gigantic roaes or this Is the lateat conceit a vivid blue hydrangea ara - tha. popular blooms.: But flowers have attained such dimensions that a single blossom: often makes aa much show as a cabbage bunch. - Pongee weavea are atlll popular, and thia year, at last, are going Into both aim pie walking Suits and elaborate visit ing gowns. The pongee man understood femininity's lova for beautiful colors when he brought out hla fabric In a full range of fashionable tones and tints. Oyster-white coarse pongee Is especially attractive, and It la practical aa well. since it cleans so readily. A SPINSTER'S MEDITATIONS, From the Philadelphia Telegraph. A wemin may agree to an argument beeauie she can think, of nothing else to say, but Inwardly she still knows aha was antlrely in the right. : It's quite funny how easy it is lor a man to think a gin loves mm. When a man has lost a lot of money he Jiad no business to lose, he makes It tip to himself by saying, "What a dead game sport I am. anywayl" . Men are good at figures, but there art some which always fool them. , A man never calls it flirting when h is telling his wife all about it. to be on the safe side, ' Al A Rawlatfosi of Effidewc J) As- 25-r- 25 y i SV" M aVeeare 1 FSrc sale ADJUSTRIENT CO. UNITED FIRE MARINE SALVAGE AND CORNER FIRST and SALMON tm.11 iiiiiiiwiiniennu.i'ei'nwwMKfiini wiiwii nani'w n v,mamifSXar3frl LA'YJf i - I . f i As this paper was, going to press A SoM Carlocd of-TJcrcIiaiidis . 'ai? '' mM ItmJS1? n.- 'I 4t,fm Arrived Today EROAt SanFrancisco TOO LATE. TO GIVE PRICES OR PARTICULARS. We will work on thia immense shipment all" night so. we can have it read for sale - ' SATURDAY MORRIMG, 9:00 WCWi The Southern, Pacific Bill of Lading now tn Ihe writer's hands states thai ther& ls: j.. - 'w 6 CASES OP MEN'S CLOTHINO. to CASES OF CALIFORNIA TOMATOES. 8 CASES OF LADIES' SHOES. 6 CASES OF MEN'S SHOES. .j. SI CASES OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR. -.4 CASES OF LADIES' UNDERWEAR. CASE OF. LADIES WRAPPERS. - -4 CASES LADIES' SHIRTWAISTS. 2 CASES OF LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS. 1 CASE OF LADIES' DUCK SKIRTS. 1 CASE OF LADIES' SATEEN PETTI--..- COATS.- ..' 3 BALES MEN'S BLUE OVERALLS. X BALE OF WORK PANTS.. . 4 BALES WOOL BLANKETS. 3 BALES OF HEAVY QUILTS; 1 CASE OF LADIES' HOSIERY. 1 CASE OF MEN'S NECKWEAR. 1 CASE OF MEN'S SOCKS. J 3 CASES OF MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. " 1 CASE OF. MEN'SLNEGLIGEE -SHIRTS. -a CASES OF MEN'S DRESSVSHIRTS. 10 SACKS OF SUGAR. OUR ORDERS FROM HEADQUARTERS "TURN THE GOODS INTO CASH. Oaf cUenii need1 the money. Close .put this carload wholesale and retail." , . , . AT lOc TO 40c ON TH E DOLL A R Accordinc to the condition of the merchandise. Send Oakland exchange for receipts of this carload as soon as you possibly can to MARTIN KANE, Manager. . United Fire r::ic2 Selves end Adjr'-"" - OAirtAND, CAL.IPORNIA