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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
1 .v WfrHg 'OREGON DAILY ."JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. - FRIDAY -"EVENTO,-MA YU8t-; lCCg.rrr: 19 LOS ANGELES MENVfCTIMS V-.V: OF TWO CLEVER SWINDLERS f T . . "MADE AND '. 1 mm 4 ;f :. IIP Mr.- and Mr. Fred S. Dole. v , The elever pair of swindlers,, who op ' orated fat Portland early In April under .t the nam of Mr. and Mrs. Frad fl. Dols and who -suddenly left thla city owing .- about tl.OOa, have lately been operating J : In Loe Angeles. It la rumored that they are ; now la Mexloov. in the . CallftrnM ' lty they fraudulently obtained about IMC9. At Lot Angeles, Dole save the .''"name of r". 8. McPherson. Hls: -career : ' la Portland .waa brilliant and meteoric. - Heelalmed te be a nephew of ex -Gov -s ornor Dola of Hawaii and alao a relative ' " of John D. Rockefeller. Hla eaay man : ner gained him the good graces of a L number af .well-to-do cttliena and ha aoon- gained aoceaa to the Commercial ' elub. . . - . Soon after hla arrival la Portland. - Dola became aaaoclated with the Ameri can Hospital association with, of fioea In ' the Columbia building. f Thla was In auguratad by a man named Jewell, who waa president. He Installed Dole aa tee-presldent" and "turned ever f oHIm 1.00 aharee of stock, which -the man with ' the Influential relatives waa to par-foe a aoon ae he received an In beritance from a deceased aunt. Dole aunnur onrmnit ooatPAJTrl Chicago jobternby6ufSarr - before the firer- have been -- ..- U L. -1 T T -1 f wat uuugui nn olhemhave"corners cutoutT for iron -beds;- all are - extra - heavy- and - full - size them. The entire lot will .V. sale tomorrow at. CASH or $2.50 EMMERICH PILLOWS $1.75 : ' lowTThe ticks come" ill a variety of pretty patterns. T ornor- (t 17 c" row we offer $2.50 Pillows for,...,, vblO CASH OR CREDIT Eastern Outfitting Co. ? v- The 8 tort Where You Credit Ii Good ' Washington and Tenth . secured 1 2.000 from Max G. Cohen on tha (.000 aharea of stock he possessed la the- American Hospital 'association and borrowed 1100 from Secretary Mar tha strength of an alleged telephone message' -from- -hla) , supposed uncle, the ex-governor of Hawaii, represented) be in Ban Francisco. He said he wanted to liquidate hla debts In Portland and join hla uncle in California. ' He and his wife then Quietly left the city. At Los Angeles, Dole Is said to have sold an establishment known as" the Kona Coffee company on Olive street, which he did not own at all and which waa plastered with mortgages. Descriptions of the couple have been sent to the police of all the large citlea In the hope of effecting their capture. . m .-jjrzir: Beias Tary beneficial. ' (Kpeetel Dlapatrb te The Journal.) Grants Paaa, Or., May 18. Heavy rains havr bees-faiirng here"and-ovr all aeetlona of southern Oregon for the laat- three days. The raina are of great benefit to growing. cropa, young-melon plantsnfrultJ utTuv ouTfmna co Fiaiicisco houe-the-day. consigned to us. They 1 1.. I r . inc loi uas-irangCg many - r thejr ha ve " no " starch ' in lJ DUUVU Ail $2.50 be placed on ........; credit : The-Emmerich Pil A -lows have received , highest awards at all expositions in recent years. No wonder. ; They are made of the very best ster-- i: 1 . t a - t uzcq ieatncri ana a (s- guarantee - of- purity goes with every pil- W A RREN CONSTRUCTION CO. - : DEMAKOIBZi Parliament Adopts Its Address in Reply to Emperor's Speech FroTrrThroner: iMMEDiATE AUDIENCE" . IS THEN REQUESTED Full Politicsl Amnesty Demanded, E(jUaJityof -Rights ? Whhout-Dk-. tinctloiw- Abolition of Death..Pen- -; alty and Suspension ot Execution. " (Joaiaal Special Strrlee.) '. Bt Petersburg. May II. The lower house of parliament laat night adopted Its addreas In reply to Emperor Nicholas' apeach from the throne. The address waa adopted substantially In the form propoaed by the committee and after Its adoption the house adjourned sins die. ' Six members who opposed the unani mous vata withdrew from the chamber so that ne j opposing voice eould be heard agalnat the address, wnicn waa then unanimously adopted. PwsldantMouroateffiJiaB .requested Immediate audience with- the emperor and will bo aooompanled by the special members of the committee which drafted- the addreaa. ' . Full political amnesty la demanded In the addreaa It la alao demanded that no new taxes shall be levied without the consent of parliament, while budget or t.w.tin. . nrolects shall not be altered after Jiavlnc P.n accepted by the IparHa loans also. .- -- -- , .. Abolition of claaa privilege Is also de manded and equality of rights without distinction of sex, nationality or re ligion and the emperor Is asked not only to abolish Ihs death penalty, but to sus pend the execution of all persons sen- eneedt death. - r-- - The parliament will aueation ine min Istry rogardlng-brataUty. by soldiers to prisoner and tneinoiting m ran vj troops. . RELIEF COMMITTEE OF - BAKER COMPLETES TASK (Dedal rstpatrh to The JeeraaL) - - Baker . City. OrM -May It. After raialng and disbursing $l.71 toward ths rellef-of the San:- Fran Cisco sufferers, the local committee of six business men has completed the task asslgnsd It and reported upon Its accomplishment. Ths report shows that In cash the following sums wsrs forwarded to the stricken city: Grand lodge of Elks, $260; Knights of Pythias, $100: A. O. U.-W, $60. and Brlcklayere union. 1100. Local expen ditures for refugees amounted to $29; Incidental expenses, to $11.11, ana pro visions and various supplies, $3,17a.7, leaving a balance on hand of $$.7. WORK BEGINS ON NEW - -CHURCH AT PENDLETON (flveetal Dtaeateb te Tbe Josrsal.t Pendleton. May 1 Actual work was begun today by Mousse A Co. on ths bssement walls of ths new Metbodlat church in this place. Grant A Eden of Baker City have the contract for put-tine- ud ihe'walls of the superstructurs. which win be built vf Baker county rray volcanic rock. Both roc -contracts ana the brick thlmnsy and brick Inside walls and the necessary concrete work on this building will cost $7,000 and will be completed In about three months, Liocal help will be used aa much a -possible In ths employing ef laborers and also skilled mechanics la the construction of this building. REV. D. HUNTER C0RBETT IS ELECTED MODERATOR . tJosrsal fhwelal serrlee.1 Des Moines, la.. May 11. Rev. D. Hunter Corbett, missionary to China for many 'years, was elected moderator of ths Presbytertsn geiferal aaaetnbiy laat tileht on the tblrd ballot, the final vote standing: Dr. Corbett $, Rv. J. 11 Barclay of Detroit $. Rev. J. F. Hendyl of Missouri I. v -T J lb lmitateis good is seldom good and CAFE AND MJSIC-HALL- -WEEK BEGINNINQ MONDAY, MAY, 21 j The Great Kentzfer - CLUB JUGGLERS - And -World's Ghampion . IJ-',-L- Hoop Rollers Fiechtl's Tyrolean Sextette In Opera Scene, From "King Dodo" Jrixeta Serpentine Dancer and ..... Contortionist " - Dorothy EIrae Operatic Vocalist. BelIeLawrence In Specialty- Special Daily Matinees from v 2 to, 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE Program- Changed : XmHy- Entrances at 2iHorthThird street, 21. 23 and 23 NortQ Sec ond street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnside street TIMBERMEN SLOW TO -MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS t-. . . . . . , . i . mtmrtml ntanatnk te The losraal.'t . Tacoma. May IS. State Fir Warden J. N. Welty has sent out notices Ho mlllmen and lumbermen of - ths state stating that the approprlatloa to pay detaity Are wardens is exnaustea ana asking contributions to be used for fire protection during the summer. Out of 00 letters sent out only II replies were received and the subscriptions moiuasa amounted to but llT. The forest warden estimates that It will require 11.000 for the season and under the circumstances he felt he had hardly bean paid for his bait. The Weyerhauser timber syndi cate has offered to pay - half of the SS.OOft. provided timber men. of the stats put up the other nair. MAY ESTABLISH HEARST ' -NEWSPAPER AT TACOMA . , i ffliorUl Dienetrfe ts The JoamaLl Tacoma.. Hey .if. A . movement 1s afoot for the establishment or a Hearst newspaper In Tacoma. - While W. R. Hearet may or may not -be behind the paper the publication will sndeavor to use his press report, as tne Associated Preaa report, both morning and after noon is absorbed by 8.- A. Perkins' Led ger and Evening Newa' The Publish ers' Press report is used by the Evening Times. The people who will establish the new paper, providing their plans mature, hold that there exlats a aplen- did opening for an up-to-date opposition dally, one modeled' after the Hearst, newspaper Idea. The paper, If launched." wtll appesr during the latter part of the summer, and win be sne;ineerei in an aggressive manner and along "Radical competitive lines. - to - riatterlJioiiglrUust as- . - - .. . , - lUr.TrT. 11- II A.Xe. DoYou ConsideiOuality? - - .... L I Beginning May 19 Will Yoa Be There? The following week what the Oregon Man ufacturer can do, especially in Furniture; The con sumer has no business to go outside of this state for anything in the Furniture line. BECAUSE 7 : : ArlMcS Furiiiitiire, Sedding and Stoves arc Made in Oregon V AND CO YELL'S ' See Oar Window Display' never just" P O R T LAN D, When you buy a wagon ? : Does 70 years experience in wagon build ing and the cream wagon stock count with you?.. " " Do you want a wagon thafis made of stock that Is bought one" iday, and made up the next the average wagon? Or a MITCHELL WAGON -That is made of stock that is air-seasoned for 3 to ff years, put to gether by men who have been at the business long enough to know how to. make the lightest iurmlng-wagc;possible.r-A'wagon that carries an absolute guarantee that it is the Best Possible to Build; : In short a .. - t : - MITCHELL WAGON Home Merchant and Reasonably Priced SOLD ON EASY TERMS BY Yod Cel the Girl, .4. .-, 1 --! 1 - ORE G ON Oregon , iiiiir- si . III OR A POOR SUBSTITUTED WiU Yoa Be There? JOREGON Ending May 26 184-186 FIRST We Furnish the Gome