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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
GOOD EVENING -Journzil Circulation ; THE WEATHER. Yesterday I Showers tonight and Saturday; south to west winds, - - - - -- Was 253 VOL. V. NO. 63. PORTLAND, OREGON, '-...FRIDAY EVENING, , MAY 18, '1906: TWO SECTIONS 24 PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS.'- AVJ' fcSPoE3 m ra aT n i PREPARATIONS COMPLETED FOR EXHIBITION OF OREGON MANUFACTURED GOODS gSd DISPLAY Vindows-Arc-Being-Decorated Prettily Throughout Business: District Many features Planned Tor Great Indus- tnaT5PaTadetommineesltusys ''Made In Oregon" week will open to morning, Seereely-e shew win dow of any store In the business dl trlot of the city will be without a dls- play of goods actually manufactured In Oregon. The. display will range from steam engines to cheese." In fact, nearly everything Ona can imagine" will - be wmwn. "Tlig -f xlilMttoii-Twontlaaa-f-a a revelation to those who are not ac quainted with tha products of tha atate. Soma of tha display are being arranged today. - . " . : While tha week haa been planned prU -marily-ae -an advertisement for Oregon-4 made goods It will not be without diver sions and many pleasant features. . Ona of these will ba the bis free entertain ment Tuesday light, the" masquerade . carnival Wednesday evening andtbe parade Friday afternoon..' , . ... QohirAWSaeta.--- " ' ' AH but two of tha queens for tha parade were selected last night. . Tha Judges. jrevlotyV-JiaJecte4 18 young -- women and last night these 10 met the : Judaea at tha Portland hotel, where tha qualifications of each, were seriously studied. No announcemcnt-waa-made-of the relative beauty of tha candidates. Tha choosers aald that each waa se lected because aha waa tha flgHmralglTt for nte-tfaitibn ahe lsto Tjdld and- had other qualifications which they did not care to discuss. At this conference of the candidates and Judges It was de cided that the young woman chosen as Queen of Industry should also ba the reigning queen of the day. This posl TloiTfenrto'Wlaa Oertrude "Woodruff of 407 Eaat Grant street. She la tall and slender and of striking appearance. She la of tha Spanish type of beauty with a complexion,. The other queena to reign over floats wara chosen,, with tha exception of Miss Columbia and Queen of Peace. They will probably - be selected at - the re hearsal on Sunday at the "Lewis and Clark expoaltlon . or tomorrow.Jha eiieens selected were: Indian queen on Mt. Hood,' Miss ATK Porter; tloral queen. Mlsa Rtath Burkhart: queen of O resort. Miss Leone Vay Willie; queen of progress, Mlsa Elate WoodttjftJJaca htwea,. Mlsa ant Tall: ftrst maid of honor -to quean of induatry. Miss Ada Rhodes; second maid of honor, Mlsa May 'Strain; This morning -tbejudges (Continued on Page Two,) A. X f '. r Here Is a GangNof the Street-Cleaning Department Which Is Doing Trojan Service-" in the City ' Beautiful The Driver on the Nearest Wagon Is Paul Rothman and the Others Are John Mu- rCampalgn. Today. ; chow, J. Wr Long and John Snider." aflh. mm 'mm. m. dm mm m mm, m m I ---in RentCotroversy WilPBitHout- " a Job Through the President : 7" (Joem'tl SpeeUf SertlceT UJrJ :wi lihln gton; Ma y i . 1 n fermat ton from outtioe thjsVhii ou-e lio thT effect that the SpanisU .treaty claims eemmieelon will -not. have. Its leaae ax- " tended after-September When tho commission disbands ex-Senator William - Chandler who la now the central figure -4eMhe-nillroad rata-eontrovereyr-wUl e without a -Job. '.- . m It la not Intimated that tha death of the commission ia connected with Chand lers 'relation o It. but tha fact remains that the president haa six times grant ad It a run of six months at a time, Ita original grant of Ufa by congresa having been two years. TRIED 201 TIMES TO KILL HIL1SELF AND SUCCEEDS For Ten Yeart John Rinaman . . . . r-zi 1 rtewsoiiipDuiiaing rryaocx company, ZlWa Unsuccessful n tttortt lleKlnr the shipbuilding company did to Become a Suicide. (Jearnat Spectal Service.) ' ' .1 Pittsburg, Pa., May John Rlna man, aged 4T, succeeded when ha made Ma 'tOlst attempt to commit suicide For 10 year ha haa tried almost, every method known. He took an overdose of poison and U waa pumped out. Revolver ahota always struck a belie and glanced off. ' Ha attempted tha gaa route, but It only caused Wm te awell horribly and spoiled hia appetite, rmauy na waa sent to an Insane asylum, where ha waa kept In a atralght Jacket.'' . - Thla morning ha manufactured a rope out of tha straight Jacket, out or whlcB " ha managed to wiggle, and hanged him self from a window-sill. When at tendants found him there was a seeming smile of contentment upon his distorted countenance. It waa the first tlma at tendants had left him alone, night or day, for many yeara, and ha Improved i tha opportunity to end his life. . . TWO STEAMERS MEET J DISASTER IS PACIFIC (Jonrntl Seeetal ttrtir.) ' London, May 1.a German mall steamer, from Hamburg to Tokohsma. was wrecked near Okinoshlma, Japan. The passengers and crew are safe. The British bark PHcalrn Island. .fronY Wel lington New Zealand, to London, was burned In the paelf q ocean. Nina of tha I eraw are -mltiiagt , . "TbeTast grant'frora tlia 'vTlTtta Kouaa wanrtven March-It.- Just daya before Trrysaieri Tlrl1ltcW'Bw'nnlli'rw Ident on tha subject of lininarttp the Democrats to support the admlnlstrs tlon. It Is said at the White-House that Oia president has no thought trf i moving Chandler from office because the commission will die anyhow..." Tha senate today eliminated the words In lt Judgment". In the rata btU'pro vlalon authorlxlng the - tnteratate com merce commission .to fix "Just and rea sonable rates." Thla upsets one feature of the "Allison compromise" of the court review amendment adopted.: Captain Charles 8.- Sparry waa today nominated to be rear admiral. - - - -T r ' ' SHIPBUILDERS SUED c BY PACIFIC MAIL CO. (loornel 8 peel .1 service.) V.. New Tork, May 18. The Pacific Mall Steamship "company haa begun in the United States circuit court a, suit for IS3.S00 damages against tha "Newport NewaJBhlpbullding Drydock company, not construct the big transpacific liner Siberia- according to specifications. Tha Siberia wis turned uw In November, 10I, at a cost of over tl.T6O.0OU. In tha summer of 1904 It waa discovered, according to tha complaint, that she' had a defective stern post with badly flawed steel castings. TOTAL BELIEF FUND IS : " NEARLY SEVEN MILLION i -1 (Joorn.l gseelaL.aervke4 San Francisco, .May 18. -The total subscriptions for relief purposes Is l.51S,233.48. Tha Massachusetts Re. lief association contributed $270,000. Irate' Father of Eloping Son May Prosecute Man Who Swore . ; Falselyas to TharX""" Breakers-Chdahoaia are ahead in the happy. bontymoon.3oyaga of -Mr.-and Mrs. W. J, Seufert, who were .married' in Portland last Tuesday morning, hav ing eloped from The Dalles on an early morning-'traln.i-The3. parents of tha groom' objected. The, jnarrlage of Mr. Seufert- Jr. to Mias -Esther: M. Beck, both partlea being ' prominent In The Dalles, was the result -of a love match that began: Auguat 11 last."-.."" ""7 TWem6rnTng"Countr ClerkFrankB. Fleida receive! a letter from-F.-Ar-Seuf Ten, t ii' weaitny ' rufiKerymHii ot"i'Be" Dalles and father of the greom. that- be speaks a rising etornhiTheHfpistleol- lowa: .a,-J.',U 'LJ; "My son, w. J.-Jieufert, a minor, waa given a marriage licenaa at your oftlce en -t he 1 (th- by soma one In your ofnee. Aa the kid did not have hla parenta" coijaent,"" I wish "to -have tha names of the peraonsor ; person-who swore -that they knew he waa of age. - ' Perjury teem to be rampantln the land and if I can aid to atop some I will spare no expense to make an example of those committing it in this case." Vr. Fields Informed the Irate father that ' George- B. Rico had sworn that young Seufert waa over II years eld. ForcesL$fjityBew , saders .Wage War, Against -r T7Trash7tirt. aneffitthr t : 77 !" Today : .'C-l J r Portland is getting a scrubbing and c leaning. up-this -after noen- euclt-aa -ft haa' never had beforeHn. the history of Its existence. ; Hosts of workers In every portion of the municipality from center to circumference are " buay - es bees In i hive Dirt and filth are flying as- tliey never flew before, before the brooms takes, shovels and hoea of the crusaders -against trash. . Everyone en tered ' Into the laborof city cleaning with the spirit thai conquers, end when the workis -complete an the eeeumu latttme of trash T-rmromed by-g-thouaand twjnril'PS tnrilgllt," P0HInawnTI66k"Trke' i" youngster thalTisa Just hsd a .bath and donned a new suit of - white -dm-ir clothes. - :-." ' --,. New - that - the eHy la being made .(jGotrtlnued Pag Taro - BLAME SENATE F0R7---FILIPINO UPRISING (mira.l Sperlsl Hervieo. ) ." ' Manila. May 18. The opinion la freely expressed by Americans and many Flliptnna that th present disturbances among the natives are due to the action of -the- Vnlted- 8tates-eenate- tn-regard to the Philippine tariff bill. For tha past five yeara the northern provinces of Luton have been the most tranquil In the Inland, but during the last two montha there haabeen a .marked change and the; situation ia tha moat, critical the RUTcrnracni na . nau ( iim ior nve yeara. ". I TORPEDO BOAT CAPSIZES AND SEVEN MEN DROWN f Jmtrml SpeHal Servtee.t Carvera, Spain, May 18. British tor pedo boat No. B capslsed last night here. BeveiL men were d FREEDOM FROM RING !E .. Oregonian, April 17. 18. 'Chairman Carey of the free ' silver Republican faction atated ' In the convention over which he ' presided that It waa hla inten- . ' tlon to appoint a -city and een- -ty committee ' that - ahouldae- -neer-the people end freefrom-X ring . inuuenoe. -inm aa tne names of P. I Willis, W. T. Hume, James Lotan. Sol HlrschT JONATHAN BOURNK. C. A. Brandeg,- J. P. -Ward, John Woods. W. E. Burke, ' David Morris, W. H. Moore, T. C. . Powell and Henry Chapman fell -from hla Hps In gentle and per-. auastvetonea the audience smiled," aa did also the entire body of people Who read thla roll of names of men near the people and - free from ring fluenre In the Oregonian next morning." - Dr. John T. Tigert. Once a Cro- ceis Delivery Boyr Is MdtTZ "ChurcK Prelate by Meth- - - Jf4'odistJConference (Journal Special Servica.) -Birmingham, Altt.7- Mayl,FrOin driver of aV grocery wagon to a bishop In the Methodist church waa the mark established when Rev;- Dr. - John T. Ti gert -ef -Louisville -wag'; elevated 'toth episcopate by the Southern general con ference. He la tha son of a pump con tractor and' early In life wss forced to abandon hla schooling to help support the .family..: For five yeara he deliv ered groceries. BieanwbHeattracting the attention ef Rev: Dr. Rivers." then pas- Jtor ofthJroadway-Street: Methodtat theboy'a-earnest neesr- gave him- a pri vate schooling and prepared hlmJfor entrance into V'anilorbllt university. - Hls alms, mater made him a professor snd ha eloped "with the daughter of Bishop McTyelre, then accepted a pas ture teand - took -up--literary . work, at- ta-mjngmuolraklll-in tha latter Una. For the last few years ha haa been ed itor of the Methodist Quarterly. ScnatorzWill-Not-Return-to MaRc His Campaign Bccaoise" His Vote Is Needed by the People at Washington on Kate 1JH&lssDedntaiementNumbepOR? :iWashf,gton,,! May ia. Senator ''jojiii M. -Oearin-ls-new-ef-the-eplnlon that -he will be unable to return to Oregon to take part In tneTampalgrr which pre cedes the coming election. It Is evident thatlhe: railway " rate bill wllf not be definitely disposed of for severaiweeks RflanatoiagfTriTseciJeir lo"Tre maln at hla post while It la before con gress. in. response to numerous I quests to part in the campaign, senator uearin Is the most Important Issue In the pres ent election. - I aubscribe to It and have alwava done so. Before tha direct url-. cj?njatgQjegon. and take I mmry amendment was adopted by the- peopla of Oregoa.Iwas strongly for tha electlongfUnited-Btatea senators- y direci vote of the people, and I believe har responded "to thoaa maklhg request as follower devote ao 'much time as'- you may be able to spare to seeing tha people and offering each arguments as may appeal to you as valid. In favor of my election; provided, however, you can do so with entire freedom and In belief that it will ba for the good of tha atate." "However, the Important consideration fs-JtoL my election or Mr". Bourne" elec tion at this time. The thing of Im- pnrrknee is for the votera of Oregon t ilClaT.S..bX..t.h.eir..sote that it is the duty of the legislature to 'ratify the choice of the people for United Statea senator as expressed at the polls in. the June also Uoa. , ---t - - . Statement munber One. "BUtsmrnl f'liiilin M ' ir j-Tlr-"!'- Xamalns to Tote. . ' 'It will" not be possible for ma to go to Oregon prior to the election. Having, therefore, left tha conduct of my cam paign to thoaa at home who have been kind -enou ah to -urge -my election in June. I would" appreciate if If you would! "It would behlgnly "plegslnir 'ttr-ma.'" tnereiore, lr you would present mis iaes that the present primary law. If honest ly Obeyed, - will accomplish' much In bringing the authority of tha govern merit back to the people, where It waa the dealgn of the fathers of the republlo that It should rest,. vigorously to the people of your section and keep it before thels minds by eueh -means as are within your power to utllixe. I ask you to do this' for me because I have-been kept In Washington, during the consideration of the railway " rate bill, tha most Important-measure which turn been before tfta- country tor J many: years paat." ; . - . Bodies Found and Identified Now Total Two Hundred and Seventy-five in Addition to f ; Hundred and Eighty-five Unidentified , (Joora.1 Special Settlct4 i Ban yrnnolsoei May Is. - trmrlTry-trtirnor". SM00T CASE POSTPONED - UNTIL NEXT MONDAY (Jaeraal Spertal srrtce.) . Washington. D. C, May IS. Consid eration of the flmoot case before the privileges election committee in the senate waa postponed until Monday. The belief-la growing lhat the whole case may go over until the next session of congress...- . FRANCHISE GRABBERS ACTIVE IN DENVER DenverMayH, Before tha promised contest could be - Inaugurated by tha Municipal Ownershlpvand Honest Elec tion league the- corporations who have been granted franchises on the face of returns in Tuesday's election have com pleted necessary atepa to secure the franchises which have been algned by the mayor.. The election commissioner and mayor gave ready aid to tha corporation. TORTURER OF WOMAN IS KILLED BY ASSASSINS ir turee f Marie Bpli lilonotu, warahot ana killed today by unknown persona. - WrnnrwhoThaa eharge or statistics" and casualties, reports- that the present list of identified dead includes lit names. In addition Its unidentified bodlee have been found and buried, making a total of "W0. "Ha la keeping a list of the miss ing, - but - considerable difficulty is en countered IrTobnUnTngyttrtng-aCTrrate enough to be ef value in the matter of the total, as some or those who have been found have not been so reported. The list contains less than 109 names. Only four cases of death by shooting are authenticated. - There ia an Impres sion that the Hat la considerably greater, but army officers are unable to get accu rate Information of any other caaes, al though they. ha t'4 n vesicated. aava Since the army began te take account oft ha- food d I st r lbu t Mm the number of - rations haa been reduced from SQ0.O0 to i,000. The number of aupply sta-.. tlons haa been reduced from 29 to te. The change from the distribution ef raw . . food to community kitchens ia expected to still further reduce the number re-.. calving aid. Twenty kitchens are ex pected tupply -the needs ef the whole "" city. These ara to be In operation with in a, week. 'The scarcity of bricklayers haa led the Masons' and Bricklayers' association te announce a raise of wagea from IS to 17 a day. It Is believed that higher wage will attracts skilled labor from outside:" cltlea and haaten building operations. WILL ESTABLISH MUSEUM TO STUDY SMALL BOYS ' tJoaraal Special Berrlei.) Willis. Tex.. May It. A boy museum -lis being planned by MlsaBtella 3. Tellar, a woman mining prospector- orxnis place. Her--planie to eetabHhrt-Vat-j Dashing Youngs Husband of Mr, -r Yerkes Has Final Quarrel -.t and Separates, v '", paralso, Indiana," a farm where boys Of all nationalities may Te brought together and studied for tha advancement of sci ence. She will guarantee the education of" such boy a aa may come under, her care. In law, medicine, mnslo or trade. She la now trying to locate suitable boys In all countrlee. - - Miss Tellar haa enjoyed auch proa perity in mining ventures that she has deetded to devote part of her earnings to philanthropic work. . j .. . . Awa)tlaT Stork's Ttolt.r,.r 1, . (Jnomal Sperlsl Service.) , - BerllhT May II. -The court ia'.ex peciantTr'awainng the itork'a viiit lo Crown Princess Cecelia. THE CHARGE OF THE MUCK RAKE BRIGADE ".';. " " ' ,- -. ' MIZNER LEAVES BRIDE FOR , PUGILIST'S QUARTERS s (Jnarnal Spertat Hinli..)- ' -i New Tork, May Wilson, Mlsner lg a guest of "Jimmy" Brltt at the train Ing quartara of the pugilist at Coney Island. Mlsner aaya that he cannot get used to the eastern climate. Asked If there were any prospects of a reconct!!a tlon between him and hla wife, tha fore mer Mrs.. Yerkes, M liner aald: : ' Thre'a Tmthlng lojng Jn that dU reetton. .ae far aa I know." Alter several seiwratlfiaand reeon cilia tlons. . closely following their mar ' rlaget Mrs. Mlsner went to Chicago two months ago. ' Mistier followed a few days later, but a new difference arose between them and Mlsner temporarily, dropped front view, . When Brltt started out for hla usual run on- the road early today Mlsner went along. He "worked out" with the lightweight boxer and wasn't toe tired afterward to put on the gloves and haf v a abort mill with Sam Berger. ALLEGED RELATIVE OF :. CHIEFJUSTICE f!.V" - (.fonraal Snelal Sr' . Butte. Mont.. Wv I. was hRna'-d this notf ler c( llMrry J. Hl. . Fuller " relationship t 1 V niwt r - a '