EGOffAILVJOURNAUTOrvTLAND. fcrTHURS'D A Y-EVCNINC WAY-17ir: 2. REPUBLICANS ARE fPRAiSiriG 17 In Address, Judgs -McGinn Says oneriTT vrova) rarBsuea r ,n I V From Portland. V:- Made promises and .. j . , ; KEPT ALL OF THEM If the first day of the sale is to be a criterion the dealer who has contracted for the men's suits remaining from our suit sale at the end of next week will have very, very few suits to take away. t LuThe manner in which Portland's economic buyers grasped the opportunity of securing a suit at factory cost proves conclusively tq our satisfaction that; our' advertisement of this sale has at Speaker Exhorts Republicans to Be Sufficiently Patriotic - and Broad " (Minded to Scratch Ticket In the jName of Decency and Morality. r tracted widespread attention. The fine stock and at factory prices has made a record in selling of clothing which has never been equaled in this city. Not more careful were we in the selection of merchandise, when buying stock for our new store, than in the selection of the language in which we clothed our. announcement.. The latter reflects the formerboth dovetail and meet your unqualified confidence. We tell only of what is here and as you'll never an overdrawn statement,ev"er an inflated valuation always the truth about the truth. Every statement made we hold ourselves as responsible for as we do for the merchandise we sell, repeat Take Nothing for Granted! Come and look over the invoices on whlcn the goods were billed to us by LJhe i manufacturersjind convince yourself -that 'you can buy these splendid bench tailored suits made for tms spring and summer trade at Jf ACTOK x wUa iv Ooese wholesale prices will prevail CThtt Toml Word ..was elected hrlfT othej!nd of this sale, which enable you to secure Men's Clothing at factory Cost, : wh meansjme half of the usual pnees paid; - - - - -- - t. - -.r ' . 0R0 H' a . A i 4 7 n i . I'A V Jr il ;7 ' a A i I ; t ..... gambling eatablialunsnta in this city through . whoa, bands 1 750,O0 . piuwl T year. . Word promised to enforce the laws, but It waa aald thla could not te done, yet within two week after he lied taken the oath of fflce all of theae places were closed., And they hare re mained closed. , Judge -Henry E. MeOtnn 'began his aBech last night at the-Artisans' hall, at Front and Uibbs streets, with thta statement. "I am Republican," aald Judge Me- ' dnn,'- "and 1 ;nm'- speak In a to Rjub ) leans, but when It comes to the lection f local officer, with rne It Is a ques tion of merit. All of you know that .when gambling was running men who aspired to offloe had to go to tha gam bling houses to aet the nomination. The gamblers and their hangers-on dictated the nolltica of the city and county. "I am not saying a word agalnat Rob ert Sierras. He Is an amiable kind of a mtn, but stop and look at those who a Islsjasj i I amabf J ar. Jum I at, si SSJasssrw Sawgai earr stgo, in ji, speech .that Stevens" picture adorned every disreputable house In -this city. Orders went out next morn :" Ins for all 6f these pictures to be taken ' out and today not one of them remains. ee how quickly the dtvekeepera obey "tBPir mipr. ravasltea rroaa eitsv '"fotn "Word is tb flrst aherlff SfxittH Hemah county ever had who drove the -"parasites from the cltyT'Slncs he came J lnto office the Portland club. Frits' s. iyilrs'' and EfIckson"sTreOmor-r-j ("" remark-, waa mad -- to, me. the other day that' Tom Word baa fed more - people than any other man In the city. r-. uw g thatr I asked. The reply was: ' Because mora men have gone home -on T7 Saturday nlfhts with their wages than ever before in the.hlatory of the town." r . .Judge McGinn' ridiculed-the Idea of carrying politics Into a fight for. com mon decency and foe law and order. He agposed the fallacy of the attempt of , some csndldates to get Into office by rrrrr-hangtng oa--tberpopulartty-t-of-r - Re-J , .publican president and other good and papular Republicans. - - "The other dsy." he said, "a- faro : dealer stood on the street and whined: If you don'tjrote forBob Stevens yoa will bo-going back oh old Abe Unooln and Teddy Roosevelt.' Thla Is the alie '. of the 'arguments that are being used rlnst Mr. Word.? .. i . ' t lv ' aambUng-alouses Meaa OraTI. -t "Whenever you see a. gambling-house ' Running open In defiance of the law, ... Jtnow ye and know It well, some officer of the law la getting a graft. These 'flagrant violationa of the law are being Lpaldforand paid for In money." : . . - J. Judge - McGinn, closed by again, ex iortlng Republicana to bs sufficiently ' v patrlotlo to scratch the party ' ticket . . in. the name of decency, and morality: - i "1 am a Republican." he again aald. Butwhenint Kepubiicajispegitrito ".V $3.73 i island for lhr sDeclal Interests and theTTniur PorttindS ShOWrnjJTTby favored few I do not know whether 1 1 r:. l Vilvin . r aiw-r r i jjuj w tit - -. favored t am or not, Preceding.. Judge McGinn. Attorney Miller Murdock made a short speech. advocating the election of She riff Word, t Mr. Murdock Is also a Republican. 1 ; . The meeting last night waa under-lhe auspices "of the Municipal, league. At .the close chairman McAllister made a ' few remarka on tbe queatlon of the pru- , posed amendment to the local option law. Ha opposed the amendment. . How to forca property-owners to glvo the correct cost of a contemplated build ing when "they ask for a building permit la the problem - which - the health and police committee of the city council will try to aolve soon. . t "TThaiong been- thora In the side of Portland boosters that BeatUe's building permits showed a greater fig. yry.low. round-trip rate to New ,Havn4uaahaiiortlaj4aAjid1ltJajBiWBia :iar xqb juuidu ioiuniDUB con vention. Tickeu will be limited to : days and good for stopovers. Dates of i , sale May J, ift and is. ror ruu panic "Excursion Rates East. .Til Canidlan Pacific has announced a ulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, r r, fe n a, rortiaaa, ur. 1 SWIIee) - araaaa. - and Mra. Edward Triplet of Morrison street, there was roMr? tt Esst born. May 14; one daughter. WATCHES ON EASY PAYMENTS Pay us a small amount when making your purchase, the f - -; balance - ' . - -. $.00-A WEEK and well put you in pos- session of a fine watch i at prices far below those asked by any other jeweler selling ;.V-. . .'i:v vforjcash.Y r-: i-r' . "Give 11 Trial", MARX & DLOCII 7f THIRD STREET . For Men That Dress Well , : 500 Doaen Fancy, Silk and Satin, Neckwear, 'including the latest cut Four-in-Hands, String V'Bows, Tecks, Shield Bows,' Ascots and many Z other styles that are sold -by exciusiyiTdealers' for 50C; Sale Price . . . . . ; . ....... 16c yfn'a Faney Dfg anrl Acompl Golf-Shirts of the famous Gold' and Silver & 3 manufacture, that are origi i " nally sold by exclusive deal I al 1 tfT. i " - 1 $5.35 1 1 $7.50 1 1 $9.65 .f$MD.g0 sisaiBaaBmmmsssmBBssssBBsaBBSSB mmimmmmmamammmmmmammmm f aHMinnannHHnaH - BBfnBBBnm r i? Doret WorryWatch Ladies Furnishings Special Discount SEE THEM IN ; OUR WINDOW; Trunks and traveling Bags before. These s attraCtivie, "Speciala will make it worth your while to visit our store tomorrow tmMHiMIMMIMM MMMMMMMMmM Batiste 1 Embr6idery, r Allover Embroidery; 3.50 and $4.00 values, at... V....... flS - rJatiste tijribroidery and Laces, 0 Pieces. . wc value, at.... 45a See-displayin-Yamhill-Street-Window for Friday and Saturday. , . . ... ' .... .. I d u ua.aii. ouver, uoia ana . uun Moat oeoDle like the best for the least cost. If vou are one of them the best thine vou can Z . mtai ir. mm , T-ds- is n rai'thM hrlfht. utMwlaetoreour"ir"eT"Me w 1 home here know what it means when. we. say beUei viaefl ana. Leuei seletuuiu Uiaii tci I Harness, miririrs; air vanmTT, ,m a.f . Harness Buckles i 25c value, stTTTTF. . .10$ A fine line of Trunks and Traveling Bags just received from New York; $S0O anil lltV values-Specil.T.T7T Up Japanese Bamboo Furniture -LADIES' SWISS RIBBED SUMMER" -VESTSShrt, Ang and - sleeveless, silk ribbon taped,' wen finished; good - values at ped, well finished; good OA 50c Special... .. . aC4C . Our Bargain Basement . peciai i . Offers for Friday tnese exceptional si bargains: Ever Ready Safety Razors, com plete let in Morocco case with seven extra blades, fully warranted rsdldTi or Cf-Ajf $5 regularly. Special Friday..... sDlsUU Which we bought for a song, we will sell at the. same time. AT LESS THAN COST. . LA?lf?' DREUSS SKIRTS-plendidly tafl- novelties - in fancy mixtures. Choose from plaiq coloringa in hlachr navy, hrmwna, trt Alivmci KUVHa u-lllOH-is.yusvifcu..u.uiie a v leii, ii wiu j vu, 7 SIZ.50 and $10.00 VSlUeS.: tO EO Just the tlUng for the .Bungalow and Cozy Corner." and w make the same .conscientious effort to please you. . ERITME COMBER TfiMSB ARID YMML 2.50 and $15.00 values,; to go . 243 at BEDSPREADS Full sized Marseille UJO-Value. at..... $1.40 Value, at...:.... $1.19 Fringed; $1.75 value,, at. . . .81.40 BUILDERS HURT CITY'S REPUTATION Building Permits. Ihe RE ALM FEMININE .By. HELEN DAWWORSE Stationary? fiK-kTS rarrTtarra MOT It ' Satea. BarlkeH', (Vase's. ev ' Vccd2rdfa2rRe&Crje been known hat the practice f builders and projwrty-owners pt (ivlna less than the true cost waa responsible for-this dlstaateful fact. . " The matter was., discussed, at the meetlna ot the counoll last nlahtr Ceun- oilman Sharkey Introduced a new build In brdlnance tir which riarratr 11 for . each-permit-waa provided - By the present, bulldlna ordinance 1 1 la to be paid the city for each SI. 00 of the cost of tbe structure for which the permit Is Issued. "Mr. Richardson' of the Oregon De velopment league telle me that while Portland is doing twice aa much build ing aa Seattle our permits show that we are doing only half aa much." de clared Mr. Sharkey. ' "It la the custom to save a few dollara by understating the cost of nearly every building "for which a permit la laken but, I would auggeat that. a apaclal committee be appointed to revise the building ordi nance and compel, proper, valuations to be given." . ? . i , Mr. Shepherd . Is Chairman f the health and police committee, Vnd itv slated that the ordinance be 1 referred to that committee. Shepherd's committee will find its hands full of trouble .before the prob lem is, solved, for the custom has bsen employed so often and for so many yeara that various councilman end spe cial committees have wreatled In vain with the question. f MANY ARE ANXIOUS TO BE FOREST RANGERS - ' (Sreelat DsnMteb- to The Journal.) 'Im. Orande, Or., May IT.' The follow Ing Is a Hat of those who are taking examinations from superintendent D. B, Shelter,, who la In La Grande. .They are being examined ror forest superintend ents shfl'rsngers: C. C Coollge, Tom Williamson. A. J Webh. Jsmes M. Smith, George Smith. l Grande; James-F. McLean. WllUam McOee, Wallowa: F. J. Toung, 8. M. Bryant, Echo; J. B. Candal, T. C. Mack. O. N. Hubbard, r. s. Klnaey, J. M. Sill- 11ns. D. S. Dary. Prairie City; C. T. Crane, C. H. Cosad, John. Day; Calvin Bushby, I'nlty; J. W. . Sanders, Orsnt county; Henry Psrksr, North- Powder; Rey Moss, Baker City; Fred Henshaw. Baker Cly; H.' W. Harris. Wallowa county; W. A. Fay, Wallowa; W. T. Masters. Baksr City: H. J., Woodward. MllWn; C. W. Avery, Walla Walla! A. It. Burnat, Walla Walla; James B. Actonl Wallowa county. ' , ' The -examination papers will be marked '.hursday. - A . ,,7,'W 'if Si ' JUlea Ltwla Seat Brand. , : . . The wonw who balk ln- tha marriage service at the word "obey" have scorsd victory in the Paesbyterlan church; for In the 'new book : of aervlce of ' tha church the word that has cauaed worlds of discussion has .been omitted. This victory will no doubt bring Joy to the maids or Oregon Who favor equal Bur frage. No doubt many of them will avail themselves -'of-the service which omits "obey," for If they do get the ballot the will not have to listen to the commands of their hUebands to vote "certain ticket, - When ot "howeverTcon alders Of what little importance that one word was In comparison with the lm portance of the other- marriage vows. the victory la of rather trifling moment. Take ..the flrat vow,that toJoyeher proBpecriva"TniIband aa "long as ' -she lives. Is rather a aeriouaundertaktng. Tr promlss tff tovsras- liig ss-yon-ahatl live is undertaking to fulfill a condition which the clrcumataneea of life or of personality may render impossible some day. Many good women- have learned how love can change, or rather how an altered life, either her own or that of her husband, has made Impossible the love she promised at the altar. Tha second vow, according to the old routine, was to honor." It Is another matter, rather outalde of mortal scope. Tbe promise made of honoring a m ls undoubtedly the Intention of -every woman when eh makes that vow. -Time goes by and it may happen that that man may become a drunkard. He may prove untrue. ' He may te mean, or scoundrel who has neither principle nor morality. Surely honor cannot be given to such a man, for where a woman feels contempt she cannot give honor. These are two vows given at tha marriage altar which frequently run into conflict wrth human nature, wnne obeying is almply a matter of will, i Therefore, the reformers have abolished something every woman could control and a' thing that has seldom, if ever, proved a bur den: yetthey leave to be given vows which may sometimes become Impossi ble of fulfillment... STARTLED THE-FACULTYr The girls kt Barnard college. New lork, the other day. presented their an nual play and ' In several Instances startled the faculty. Flrat, by parading the stag in disguises they-aatlrlsed tha faculty and other university dignitaries. The real atartler occurred in the second set At thst point Of the play which had been reserved for a ballet, the lights In the theatre were suddenly ex tinguished. Imagine the horrified gasbs and ssniamationa in tha audience, espe cially from members or the fsculty. when a spotlight suddenly bronrht to a loimn ncassxTT. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 daya from a severely bruised leg, I only found -relief when I ueed a bottle of Pallard'a Know-Liniment I csn cheer- ruliv recommend it aa tna beat merit. cine for rule ever aent to the afflict ed, y It has now become a positive neces sity upon myseir. u. m. yrnes, mer chant. Poversvllle, Texas, I5c, (Oe ana ii.oo. Hold by woooaaa, utmra Co. c vlsw what seemed to be eight pairs of bare legs dancing merrily , to tha ac companlment of a ragtime tune, r - - It-was -mystery that needed explana tion, and the girls fully expected they would have to. give one. It came, when the Ughta were again put up. A piece of black cloth had been drawn across the stare and In aome manner Ihe girls except the supposed legs.- -They were not legsJhowever only arms. Each email hand had been fitted tightly Into a allpper and long practice after lec ture hours' had enabled the. irla-4o keep accurate time to dancs music with their arms. ' A PROBLEM SOLVED. - In reading aome papers I came across the following, and while I ' have not tried it I hope soma of my readers will and let me kndw how it works- In these days of thin shirtwaists and delicate neckwear it ia sometimes problem for the TipusewLfA to know ttt bowiito'trearuie wal?tTan3"Jacea ao that they wilt not bo too atlff. I have found the following rule-an excellent oner xnssoive a taoiespoonrui or gum arablo In about three quarta of water and dip tha articles to be starched inte thla. liquid. Wring but and dry.-After drying sprinkle 4hem. roll them up nd iron as onal;- The gum aratHC-wll stick to the ..iron and it gives to-the muslins and lawna only the -same amount of atlffneaa that la found In new goods. " . . "Once tried. It Is found much superior to starch for delicate fabrics. The gum arable can be bought for 16 centa per pound, and much cheaper at the whole sale druggists. An Inferior grade ia as good for this purpose as a high-priced quality." SWEETBREAD SALAD. Cook the sweetbread i for' 20 minuses in salted water, to wnicn naa seen added a tablespoonful of lemon Jutoe; then place It Jn cold water to harden; break It Into small bits and mix with It one half its quantity of diced cucumbers pour mayonnaise dressing over all and serve on lettuce lesves garnished with slices of hard-boiled eggs. ". NOTES OF WOMEN. . Mrs. Charles J. Corbett of Camden. New Jersey, like ner husband. . la steeple Jack," and a few daya ago went with him to the top of a 16-foot chlm ney In CamdenandelpedhimtQtear it aown. ' - Miss Josephine TXirand. daurhter 'of the British ambassador, r la" an ardent horsewoman., and. frequently spends seven hours in the saddle galloping over tne good roads near Washington. . . queen Wllhelmina la expecting th birth of an heir. A report to that ef fect was confirmed In court circles the other day. 8arah Herring Sorrln of Tucaon, Arl- snna, has been admitted to practice in tha supreme court of the United States. She makes the twenty-fifth, woman ad mitted to practice In the court BUILDINGS WILL BE : ERECTED AT HERMISTON (SpecUl IHspstes te Tbe JaareSLt Echo, Or., May 17- Government build ings will be constructed at" Hermlston within tha next SO days, to bs. used Cor work on the east Umatilla Irrigation project. There will be a residence, of fice, cookhouse, wagon shed, storeroom and granary. AI1 preliminary work la now under way for the construction of the big ditch, and actual work will soon I ba in progress. ' . " I ,4 , . The Kind Yoa Hare lwayg Bought ftnd which has been w use iot oTor iw years, has borne the slgnatare of sua naa been made under his per. jjgjfTM sonal saperrlslon since ltslnfisncy. rCewl9 AIlavnAmia tAnalaem l.l. - All Oounterfelts, Imitations and Jnsttsgood are bat -Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ijtotQtnd rhlMifejExpcrleaoe agaOmt-Experlmentr' What is CASTORIA Castoria Is m: hannlcss substltti Tor Castor OiIParflN Coric, Drops and 6octhlnsr Syrups.--It is Pleasant;-It contains neither Oplrun, Morphine nor" other-yarr-ntlr - enostance. . Its age Is Its gnarantee. It destroys "Worms -and allays Forerlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wlndl -ollc-It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reyulates the Stomach and Bowels, siring- healthy and natural sleep. The Children -3 PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. ' cEriuiric CASTO R IAayo" Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bonght In Use For Over 30 YcarcC A - BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IKON FENCING Barbed )vire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST., Near Third MEN Otkm Trwt, Sut Ws Car. T ska Tj Wk.a Ound. Ka Dwllng ai4 OarM OnafsatMS. Tk. 014 B.II.W. Doctor 014wt la As. ..a IniMl UM. A Kralar OnanaU la MwlU aia. uvro as Xi Piles -herToretehtnirher inl aching yaricty are exceed-, ingly troublesome Pond's Ex tract should be taken internally (a teaspoonful three - times a day), and ' also by ,:: injec tion, either in full strength, or half Pond's Extract and half hot water, night and morning. Bathe the parts freely and often with Pond's Extract.; The -pam-should-be: well imeared" witH Pond's Extract Ointrnent. Wuttt Hmmtl u ml tbt tmmt iking. On analyiit f Jtvtnty - tampU$ tf Witth Hmntl $frtd mt" lb mm thing" fify-v murt ibrutn n etnlmin trio ifcotial vrformaMwhydr tr both. Jwid danger tf finning POfiD'sTjcfRAC Open for the Season Park Inn FAMILY SUMMER GARDEN Waahington Street, Near City Park , . Entrance. Strietlv firat-clatf manaarement Fine line of Liquors, Beers, .Sand wiches and Cigars.- -"v r CH AS." PILTZ, Proprietor.;. Hotel Eatoh oo a. Koaaitoa- a unsi taxx bts. .NEW rpprooi, sr. ninnw wmtm rroa o.iri . . anoppios ana. tmaiiuu district, su Irr. oot.lrtB rooms, atmor h.stnl, letrl nsnta.. trvpaoa la mob iMMamt. .te. I Lrs s'Spos. kmaglns, sswkl.(, wrltl.f. hr m.u or t.lrnkon. Wntt saulsss aiMta tralaa aa4 stassma Roomn $I.OO 19 $3.00 a Day fiuii una s oaauBOTMat Mm. XII. VAX EAT0V, (Panaarl ct Bote aiapata, Spekaaa.) mmmt,m an Ysan' Bpacuri rnatias. aa aa4-ZaawtosM- Ars CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND PRIVATE : DISEASES rarM "n.rliio.i sm mmrf rfaa4. ChsrgM low. io tmtloM rrnm hmlmw. rstlonts S Sltttscs trtt.4 - kr mall ni wtproas. 0 4V.0OO r.M rarvd., Rtal. Jcmr u4 sras . for trrma. Consultation ttr and ronMenilal. Mraonallf nt r tar, BS. X. . fUSOS, H Tkirs StnaV twiUni Oragsa. GIFT? Af ?orrtiT 1 UATKXa rim 0VZ SLAM 0t It st . Woodard. Clarke & Co. JOURNAL WANT ADS- , BRING QUICK RESULTS - i sy