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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1906)
A I- .. Si ,, I - .' ..' GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation 2 Was 2JS2L HrLV TH-WKATHR- XShoweri tonlgbt41 and lFrWiy; . southeast winds. 4- J1 " V VOL. V. NO.. 62. 4 . PORTLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY ; EVENING, MAY Vh i906.-,-SIXTEEN PAGES. . V PRICE TWO CENTS. Vt&??SE! i ; ; mm mm illillliill i'. ' ' M . , , 1 Sixty Millions Cashn Hand in Bay City arid AlbBusiness-Wi I l-Be -Handled-Prdmptly iCitjBondsto Be - Withdrawn Which Were Recently Voted Rumor of Insurance Failure It Not Confirmed. " - ' (Jovraal Special Berylee.) ,.. ..sure rroru .larger institution which are becoming exercised over ths larg vol lima of bunlneu twins' diverted from this city SIT commerclst bank nave decided to open May 23 with SM.000.000 on hand. and; ntrfear (a expressed thar t he banks 1 will ba able to handle alt business, which ' . offer to MV all demands, Car"Bcrvice la twins' rapidly extended. two additional Ultra belnar opened today, Tefi deaths due to the earthquake and - ftre wera reported to the coroner yester- day. ' ' At II o'clock this morning the fen- nii lajuiun rouimuiH oi ma un- derwrlters-board went Into executive f oaten-' fr tmv wui'poaa of 'Continuing the assignments of losses to subcom- ' vmltteea.. .About on ., hundred assign. - ments were made up to noon. " r ' The committees axe rigidly adhering to the policy of considering only losaea where six - of more companies are In : 'voire. -It la as id that several com- ; panlea . are rapidly settling smaller 1obts. Persistent but unverified rumor la to " tne effect thannfes companies hV been unable to withstand tlje tramendous v .- drain on their resources Snd hava gone to ths wall. .,,,..-,...-... The commit too on special session of tlre-lglliHire- hag-dcldcd to ass: for the withdrawal of 1 J, 000,090 of the $17,000,000 bonds recently laaued by the . rity aa the attempted aala would weaken . , (he value of new bonds to be issued for i emergency purposes. . The Union Trtist coaapany and Welts. Vargo banks -will open their doors for bualneas tomorrow. ... HEMP. CROP SHORTAGE --; tS4)UE4-0-XYPHOON (Journal Special .Serriee.) Manila. May 1 1. T he d lsat roua r fecta -of the typhoon of last September upon the hemp crop ts now evident. ' It resulted In t aerloua loss. . Exporters , who hvs complleJ reports from th -aouthorn provinces estimate) the short' age at 100,000 bales. T MIZNER JOINS BRITT'S T7?TRAiNlGQUARTERS . (JoarasI Special Srk-.) - Naw Tork. - May 17.-Wllson Mlsner has Joined Jimmy Britt's training quar ters and hopes to regain his health that , ha been shattered by hotel life, - - "It la all off with Mr a. Terkea and me." said Mlaner. . "The reason Is pri vate, but we've parted."., ej DEATH 'SENTENCE OF V T ) "WOMAN IS COMMUTED ' (Joaroal gperlsl bVtW.) Trenton. N. J- May -11. Ths death sentence of Anna, Valentine has been commuted to life Imprisonment . , r i United States Engineers Emphatic in Asser - 'V tionsof Depth of Channel Jetty Already! rtrr r Built :1s ;to:Be Completed.: - 7: ' filial MtpatcS te The Jeerasl.t , AatOrfa. Or,, May 17. United fltaUs engineers are emphatic In their asser tions that the Columbia, river bar Is not shoaling... strongly Intimating that jI1 reports to- the contrary are given with an ulterior motive. . To provs their assertions they will make a csreful survey of the bar Just ss' soon sa the weather conditions be. corns fsvorsble. . The engineers explain that the sound ings will be taken and completed by the middle of next month st the farthest. TThe mlnimnm depth of water on the ' barjs a feet;" aald Oerald Bsgnell to day, tile t'nlted States engineer wito has rhsrge of the fovernment Improve ' ' ' i-! A SUGGESTION FOR CLEANING-UP DAY. CRUSADERS A I BEAUTI ONS joun bourne: : A POPULIST UP0 : , mm mimu ;Oritdiilan,-Mrl.18. 2 rT,tu to in. inuorHmvni ui JONATHAN BOURNE by the Jpopullst executive committee a- lesjllatW--ewndldater-Mrr John C Youna, chairman of the Vopullnt .state central commlt- i " te, said -yestardayrlt ls not quite right... to - say .that any made. There Is no doubt aa to where Mr. Bourne stands on the money question. . He Is as much of a Populist, in this regard aa any one of our party. And Pop , tillsts ran Indorse him without, -fear of stultification.',".. , PEACE INDICATIONS : 5 : JARE NOT FAVORABLE IJmm.1 anlal Bvwl t ' Springfield., III.. May IV A Joint con vention of the Illinois miners snd oper ators convened today. . Indications are Unfavorable to a peaceful settlemenf. ments at, ths ncouth af the Columbia rlvr. "Tee bar has not shoaled In the least Sines the last aurvey was taken. Data, will soon "be produced to prove thts sutement t '- " . Mr. BagneH ssys (hat all of ths rock delivered there this1 season will be uaed for giving ths Jetty sn additional height of from 'four to five' feet, and no ex tension to tbla atnicturs will he made. Ue believes that ths 1600.00 t made available for this season will, be audi dent to complete ths existing Jetty to the hettflK dea-tbed. At present. It lacks nearly live feet,-ot coming ut to ths mid-tide point, ths 11ns to Which tlio trme f ths contract call lor Its cbm- ''Down With These. - BoB.v - "r if FU L" TO B LAU & HT TOM O R ROW Fight;Agairjst Dirtiahd sanas ot ocnooi Lnnaren, 10 Vommence ai t One o'clock! in the:;AfternWri and Con iliihueUJntibAfter Hosts of crusaders .enlisted li- the cause of. clvlo cleanliness . wilt' carry the banner of the "City Beautiful", to Victory tomorrow wv war of extermi nation, against, dirt, snd filth. . Every thing la In readineas for the. fray nod wnrn the captains ef the "clean-up' compunlea give the command to charge at l o clock tomorrow aftrrnoon, the onslaught will commence anLwlU. not TEoaao" untlT'every visible accumulation of unsightly trash and dirt Ms van- quieneov Attired In proper costumes for a fight against dirt and armed with brooms. shovels, rakes and hoes, the army of men, boys, women and girls, will labor from early afternoon until the dying embers of countless bonfires In the evening mark the complete destruction of tons of rubbish gathered from public streets, private - promises and - public grounds. A spirit or unbounded enthu siasm Is manlfeated by those who have been "enllstd In the clean clUr move ment and success cannot but crown ths efforts of the workers. President Fran els I. McKenna of ths Initiative OnO Hundred, under the direction of which organisation the crusade Is to be msde. Is lted over the prospects for the suc cess of "Clean-up" day. He declares that the activities that . will be wit nessed by the residents of Portland to. morrow will mark , the birth of s new spirit of pride. In municipal feallniss snd beauty; S spirit that will be lasting and will result In making the city what it should be the most cleanly, and beautiful one on tho Pacific coast. ''Workers Axe OrgsaUed. T '"f" In prepsrlng for the work tomorrow ths. subcommittee of the Initiative One Hundred have thoroughly organised the workers and , provided ample facilities for thercollectlon and disposal of all trash and dirt A superintendent, has been named for each ward, who will have charge of all work In his district. The school .children hve been organ lsedJnt"COtnpfl'htrs tinder tho leader ship of captains elected by . the .pupils. The - principal - woin of - the afternoon will be 'done by the children. '.They will be aided aa much as possible by their parents. - After working hours In ths evening- all men who ars Interested In the "City Beautiful" movement will be expected to Join foroea with the chil dren and labor hard.. The captains of "clean-up" companies Still report at 1 o'clock to the superintendent of -the ward In which Jlhey live and he) will direct their movements. (All volunteer companies of men. women and children are aaked to report to ths superintend ent of their respectlvs wsrds snd jwnrk according to his, directions. . They , will b ennerled to elean tin their own brem lata first then, turn . their attention to - " - - . EG I N ATM - Filthedbyhou - vaoant lota and streets snd -other pub lic places needing attention. . atrast Departmeat Will Kelp. "Arrangements have been made with ths street department- to furnish -men and.' wagons for each ward to haul away tha litter that la gathered together by the workers. Volunteer wagons are called for snd many have been offered by-those feeltngan-lntereat In the movement. "Air wagons designed to be used for disposing of unbumable trash will bear placards carrying the Inscrip tion In red letters. "City Beautiful." All combustible material Js to be piled In the streets and on vacant lota where it -will too burned in ths evening. Htm . (Continued on Pags Three. UNDER SEA . (Jeoraal Soeelal RerrlcS. , Washington, May 17. A ' submarine boat -wltrja speed f it knota an hour will be offered tns government or tne United Btstes. "' This statement, which startlea those who understand the de struction a submarlns boat can inflict, waa made upon the- floor of tho house today. i .. . The navy department .has not been publishing ths exIetemMrof such an In vention, but an official, of ths depart ment wss so indlc'et ss to mention I tn a congressman. , Ths Invention has not been embodled ta a full-slssd boat, but trials, have been had of a model representing in-miniature the eubmarlna wonder and . has been bold In tank at tho navy yard In this city. snd It Is reported to have been satis factory- - -... wA small Tret of submarines capable of making it knota an hour could jd stroy the most powerful navy any na-tlon- -could assemble. ' Tha submarine torpedo boats now available for use in our navy can make, one type, flvs and the otftVr seven . and a half knots n hour, but with -suhmsrlnea of suffi cient rpeed to overhaul . warships. tn- efficiency of this type of vsssst H greatly. Increased 4 ; . . . i SPEEDY I- miti-mLD proves . . MaJiel. Carrier, theActress Be . comes th) RrlrlA rf nanial . C. Heidthe JTrustro-, -QtprrWhileiAbroad ". 14. (Jourasl Special grvlce.l 7 " 4' ' New York. May 17. The friends of Daniel a. Reid, director In li of the largest, corporations -in thseountyr-or-ganlser of ths tin plate truat and com modore of ths Atlantic Tacht club, ars snxloualy awaiting his return . from I-'OndprwhereB.waamarrled-yesUr- aay to a young-woman reported to be Mabel -Carrier, - the' actress. - Mr. and Mrs. Beid sailed from Liverpool a few hours after having cabled the announcement--tothetrNew York acquaintances. Whother-tt-4a-MIs-CrHer who Is ths third wlfo of jthevmanytlmes million aire la merely1 a matter of conjecture, but friends of both are confident, suoh la the case, ss rumors of their approach ing marriage has been In the air for a longtime.-, . ... ... - u . . - Some Urns sgo Reld took occasion to deny hs waa engaged, but It was only a short time later that ho sailed for Europe, where tho setrens was playing. Reld's second wife, Clarice Agnew, wss also an actress.- He saw her from a box one night and after having met her,, through friends, ha proposed mar riage.. Phe accepted and after tha eero. mony ths couple went to Paris, where the former .Miss . Agnaw .completed her education under tho beat tutors money could secure. i RAT CAUGHT IN TRAP IVEHT THROUGH 'FRISCO FIRE Biy - Gray Rodent- Imprisoned , During Earthquake and Dis - aster Following Rescued. ',' (Joonial Special Service,) 4 -San Francisco, May 17. A big gray rat tht Went through the Are and was today,, aftor being watered -and. fed es caped from Its rescuers, who had In tended to keep it as long as possible aa a curiosity. " , . The rat Vaa found In the basement of a building on ths west side of Du pont atreet, between - California ; and Sacramento, streets, ... It . waa. securely caged in a big wire trap, the wlrea of which ahowed the effect of th heat and so did the rat, ; -- - Ths tray -had-been sst la an old fire place over the open space at- ths bot tom of tho flue and ' tho falling; . walla had closed tho opening with a pile of bricks and mortar. There tha rat had passed through all the heat without food or water. When rescued It waa weak .and emaciated and " lhsrhatr singed from Its back, ons aids and its tall. MOUrtfTAIN TRANSFORMED -JNT0lLAKEBY1AQUAKE (Jesraal Special Barries.) ! Manila. May IT. Reports received from " Bang-tied, the capital - of the provlnco of A bra, Luson, state that on May I the eminence knownif as Mount Detula settled outright and a lake of considerable slsa formed In the plooe. During the transformation there was a terrlflo noise snd. an earthquake shook the surrounding - country, It la not known whether any lives were lost. Fears arc entertained for- ths lives, ot many natives who lived on tho mountain side. At present -tho natives In that vicinity are In a state of terror. Mysteriously Disappears. - 1 (Special Dtapstrt to Tse Joonial. t - Olympla. - Wash, - May 11. Albert Grayson mysteriously disappeared a few daya ago from tha Hanlev oyster farm, about 11 mllea north of this city. . ! WHY WE S UNDA Y JOURNAL ',' " . ' ' ". " . , ' .- . . .'"-"- . ' ' . The Sunday Journal has no peer on lhe Pacific coast. It prints sll ths news; Is fair, honest sod fearless In Its Editorial Comment: ha a the latest and best from ths Studios. Stsge. Music-rooms and Bookshop: covers ths entire Field Of Sports and given eapeclal attention to the Amateurs; devotes more spsi-e than loe nr olh-r paper to Woman and her Work, Fada and Fancies:, and 'spares no exrx-nse in Provide Heslthy Knti tainmeut . for ths Young. Mothers enjoy a holiday when the -Boys and Girls get the "funnira"tn The Birn.iny .1 Among the handsomely Illustrated literary Fen Hires for the- coming SaimUv are: Nn"", -j-a Zenda Short Story by Anthonly Hope; Queer Worship of Jyer People; MsrrlHce- of a l i' : Effect of Luxury on American-Character; I'nlverssl ftuffrase In AKtrm. For the Toung and the Old, too, that Inimitable fnnmsker,. ' 'turn; Leander Just Misses Marrying; t ud paises her M-I..l"iifc t-l lir ' edness: deae ll H""v Woollaan h" ,ny Ad-enture; kittle Jimmy ei I Four full pages of Color. Fun nn ' e t : Railroads and Rogers Defenses Answered by Corporat io n Commissioner Chandler Defends Bailey and Offers Proof for-TexanSenateRefasesto Mah'e G a s Pipe rCarrier Earthquake Decided Canal. if " . ;. (journal Special Senrice.) . . Wgshington, May 17 Senator Bailey today "presented to the senate documentary evidence tending to discredit the published statements that he, had acted treacherously to his Party and attempted to prevent effective rate legislation. .Chandler 'furnished Bailey a copy of the former's diary memorandum in which Chandler says he did not give the resident assur ance as to Bailey's attitude relative gsmepecause he had not seen Bailey, TUlman had said. : -. - . Commissioner - of - Corporations - Har ry A. Garfield's -full -report- regard ing tho Standard Oil and railroad rela-oni-wonTroT?o ident without comment today. -The doc ymentconslats of 25,000 words- It pre sents - evidence of - rebating and secret rating by which the- Standard has-been able . to crush competition. - Osrfleld In a special letter answers tho Standard's defense Issued shortly after tha publication of the original summary. . Ths . report shows that-ths New England roods wars asked by the Standard not to - pro rate, deaplts ths statement of . Rogers that the roads were blarmabls and not tho .Standard. The Whiting Indlana : andx East .St. Louis rats Is held by - Garfield to be Interstate, as the shipping point' la not in Illinois, as the waybills show. Garfield's letter ana were tho railroads which replied to the original allegation. It shows where the special rate which the Pennsylvania road said ; had -fttr been a secret had been printed on the order. "Not to bo posted." .-,. Garfield takes up tho blind billing, which the Pennsylvania ceased after G&rfleld discovered It. , The Chicago A PREVENT judge FrazerJakes Steps to KeepiChildren's Parents - and - lheir Breaking the Laws "TCIrcuirjUdgs'Arthnr Tj. Trsser hss sent word to employers of -cWldrsn within thsscnoorsfrsnd to th par enta of . ibeaaxbildrenlhftt lfthr1s ws srenot 'compiled with charges wiir. be preferred against both employsrs mid parents. These chsrges will allege that they are guilty of -contributing to the delinquency of minors. . According to stats laws, all children over t years of age and under 14 must attend an Institution of learning' during school hours. All children over 14 yearo of age and under 10 muat not bo em ployed unless thsy-are given-a permit by ,the stats labor commission, and this permit csnnot bo given until ths child hss reached a certain grade in school. T OFFICER MADE BAND FLAY RAGTIME AT THE .4 4 SOLDIER'S FUNERAL (Josraal Special Servlee.) Washington. May 17. Complaint has been filed at the navy department agalnat Captain H. , I. Barss of Peru, Indiana, who is slleged to have ordered tho band of the marine corpe at Olon- gapO, Philippine Islsnds. to play "Always In ths Way." a ragtime air. at tha funeral- of W. L Lawrence, a private ..... I ine; Common: to the so-called railroad senator's andoid not feettjaorurett Alton, the Burlington and Illinois tea trar Statements are refuted. . - The house passed the naval appropria tion M II , amendment , allowing; centTreferent1al tor the PaolfhJ coast:" ship builders In competlng.for bulld-, ing new battleships: Tho senate today - refused 'to make gas plpltnen -common' carriers. The San Francisco earthquake waa an. Important faotor In determining the sen ate, oommittee's"iTrote , for a sea-level 'canal. The main report aays that tha . Panama Isthmus la not--exempt from1 earthquakes. A wall, necessary - for locks, would of far good material for the shocks to Injure. , . ,. ; ;t : . . 4 ' . i . '.4' ENGLAND WITHDRAWS f i : TROOPS FROM CANADA 4 Victoria, 4JB. C-vMay 'IT. British troops? were formallj- withdrawn - from Canad8blmorBlngLwhentoe.RoyaL. Garrison artillery and Royal, .engineers marched out'- of their barracks and sailed on tho steamer Charmer en route for England. The works at this point are now in possession of Canadian troops. .- CHILD - tmpioyers - rrom: on. During the past few weeks Truant" r Officer White and Detective H. H. Haw ' ley have been Investigating thachlld labor .problem In -this . city. and have ,w. found that In- many: ease parents havo-rr sent their children to work in factories when tho little ones were only I or yeara old. Hundreds of esses wsro found where children ' between and -14 years of sgo were working, regard less of law, while, the officers were sn- ' able to discover one child between 14 - and ' IS-years old who had a permit from ths labor commission to work. Judge Fraser, who Is tho Judge of the Juvenile court, aa welt as a department of tho circuit court, believes that -ths education lawsof the. state should be enforced. ' - ' who was drowned In the performance of hie duty. - Tho order' fs reported to the depart men to have almost eauaed a mutiny In the troops before tho band finished tho tune, which wss played over the pre test of tho bund master. - Barss received his appointment as sn officer In the marine corps on his record In ths Spanish-American war. t IS P0PULA Hi v.