The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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- f -
I Tc;vn Tczlzi
' . w"""""'""ssasaBBjBaawaaw-a,.
Baker ,
f """Irs
Ores .
...... "rMe garl"
.Toe World''
'Mies Uwtfn, tM Wair
.,."Tfc mim orr
, .. .. VaaaerlllS
That the Initiative On Hundred ha
, failed to Improva upon tha . f ranchlaa
," ordinance of tha United Railway eom
- pany regarding tha Front atraat fran-
chlaa queetion la tha opinion of Coun
oilman Shepherd of tha fourth ward.
Tha organisation' proposition la 'that
th. Aitw i.b. vnaif tinoti Mar
mant of tha eoat f eonatrueUon wlthlj
' par cant par annum intsraat. Mr.
Bhepberd holda that tha city la given
-'-'far -mora -liberal term 1w th-franehl
ordlnanca, of th -company.' According
t-thl measure, tha prlc to ba paid
by tha city a to ba datarmlnad by ft
aboard of arbitration. "Th actual eoat
of construction 3 tight ba far In azocaa
of th actual value of tha line at the
. tlm of acquirement br tb cltyL and
t add th further Item f 4 oar-oant
lBCli' year would oarlalnly na making a
poor bargain for tha city," aay Mr.
' Shepherd. , v
r--Thainambara of th Portland" Admn'
' laaaua will meat in to chamber of eom-
. marca room tonight for th purpoa of
perfeetlng arrangamanU for tha opening
of tha Made-tn-Oregon fair, wnicn wiu
be held In- Portland, May It to U. A
tbla la th laat meeting before th fair,
the effloara of the league are dealrou
that there ba a full attendance. There
ar a. number of matter of ImporUnce
t be attended to. - rVwretary-Freeman
will be preaent and will report tha prog
-r reaa already made. Friday will be pa-
- rad day and - very member of th
- league will ' ba expected to b In line.
; .," Carriage .will b provided for alL
W. Kaah. woh raeently earn from
Nebraska to locate In th west, haa Just
purchased four one quarter block In
Hawthfirna s-venus, where ha will erect
building. . He haa already prepared
- plana for ft two-etory building with flv
storerooms underneath and modern flat
atiflve lfr. Nash is a hrethar of Z Nali
of Naahvlll.. He Tlalted many of tha
cities In th northweet before deciding
t, ana- setemg- rwweno
J n
a. Ba wa ftbowt .
adidy hair ark
frock-coat, alii, bat. gra gWaa n
---Coatmxa of 'Vamlt lmtot.-
fUIT nULNCIBOO. May L-aafey de
poatt - fcoaiea la eererej big Institutions
that pro Tide theaa fireproof receptacles
for the public, war mad aooeastbl ye,
tarday. The reulta opened war those
f toe Union Treat. Crocker Woorarorth,
CaaeiMan Bank f Commerce aad lies
oanUle Truat institution. Bteel aad as
baatoa bad performed their trust welL
All th eontent of th steel boxes war
found Intact. Nothing wa harmed,
OpyocM Komovlns; Circuit Court. .
aUM rRAJfCWOO, May l-Judga tfar
rew. stttl- t the Ted , r
- : , - : ry -7--
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank
la aoMk
seMiV .
tSixth end Wtiiiastoa :
Htye Jhe most .modera
on th Coatt.' Secure a box and have your '
papers and valuable tecure from fire , and
burlafi. ' --v v; .
20 Pounds of Dry Gramflatcd Sngcr for Q 1 .00-ToIio AdvcntD
Meier d Frank's 1
Play Clothes for
Suitable clothing for play and
morning wear; style tor boy
and girls; the largest and most
complete stock in th city. ,
Allorer Suits for children,-2 to
7 years of age; a combination
. suit of blouse and long pants,
' made in dark wash-. XO
able materials........ JVw
Children's Rompers, ages. I to 7
.years, made of blue or gray
chambray, neat , white trim
ming; blue nd"pinki '9 Xefa
ZTtheclced. ; ginghams ., Jv
Girl' Ovrallof-bhia-denimr
. red trimming, ages 1 CAm
to 6 years, all sizes . . .Jvw
Boys1 Khakt Suitsy best styles '
complete stock, suit $1,25, $1 JO
Boys' Wast ! Suits, immense
stock, all styles and grades.
Boys' Wash Trousera. .- :'
I'VyClamette" Sewing Ylachi&ga 15 Modelt-Pricea from $16 to $33Stccai Tlztr
Tnmtt and Traveling Eag Lgrgett aid Beat Stock om the Coaat - Third User
The Meier
' ri i i irnT wrr
Mon's Furnishing Goods Specials
Special lot of 200 men's Chambray Pajama Suits, in tan, gray and blue,
mad military style, with white frogs, all silt, nicety finished through
. out; great special value for a few days at (see window) ,,,,,... 1.18
5,000 pairs of men's "Shawknit" Sort, in plain black, tana, reds, "strineM. and
-fancy effects, in large assortment, air sizes; value extraordi-, 1 gs
- nary at. i pairs foT 50c, pair... ............................. 1 V
Men's extra quality Flannelette Nightshirts, extra full site; best '0
styles and colorings; regular $1.00 values, JprilA, ,i,.J...ti.Oe?-
- Men's Madras aifid Oxford Overshirts soft attacned collaf, blui,rtna
and ,fncyUipesU-;-Jnequaied-aiu, at this special . 7-3
low price
Cooper'a Form-Fitting tTnderweaf for men. Summer weight, all ,
shirts and drawers; pink, blue and salmon; $1.00 value, on
sale for a.few days at this low price..... ...... ..'....;......Weafe
New,' Neckwear, Shirts, Hats, Underwear, eta. J complete stocks. '
I 1 uuun a locatloi
I . .betauaa It had .man? advantage aver
tiii ctrintir" 1 1 Ta
la Interesting nubile session of .th
Democratlo county central committee
waa held laat night at th committee
headquarters. 1 IT Seventh tret. - B
laidaa .th members of tha committee, ft
jpumberofthe .candWfcteaJoreev.i)tX
o'fflcea and ft oor or mora other party
worker wer praaant. Working plana
In th different warda were, dlecueeed
and ft number of abort poach were
tnoroitghlyorgftnlaed ... ftnd... fteU v
work will be don between now and th
-awuyuar3f ef
rubral t ted to. iha town council at MtlJ
' wauWaUst aighU Tha building will be I.
two atortea and 400 feet In else. Th
hall wlU contain apartmente for the
fire department, ft council chamber and
, offices for th mayor and other munic
ipal bfflcera. The second story will
be completed at present. About t.0
will b pnt at preaont and tha re-
malnder of th building will b finished
' - wben there I money n band. -- . v
The first "mtmt of th graduating
claaa of railing school wa yes
iardax jnd offlcera elected. A peculiar
featnra-ia connection with th claa
and on of which the teacher ! aatd
? !) specially proud t that P
crat ef tha boy la U clas are newa-
. - . w.ra elected aa follower
-L-i. av!.. president: Myrtl Akin.
viprntr AmeHft-Hepf.r.-cr
ury, and Uftvft Cohn. treasurer. ;
. Th NaUonal Mother' and Bt?;"'
- Kan Francisco relief committee hes
wife t th- govarnor t t manage
, tt.!work lTThl. tat Mj Cbsm.
terlain U on of th patroness of th
uSatlon! Bh 1. ending Mt ft lt
tr" the We. and mother. In Ora
k ,. for aid for the Ban fran
. hlwTvSifv.r. mad. orphan.
- by the great diaaaterv
. . v-jinaa.srr of
Aatorut Columbia
-V"rr d. -California, to
SSilj; ia?m.QiL arrtred WW
brfn ftj ,nral man-
tnnd yr".r. 7k HnTlton
haa cnn" - -
this atate.
a. Eastern. Tortland,
7.ven,ent point for naen
denca. . ','
er of th iWUsa wmmim..
VlZ it-arrneriirmi,
' . . , mt- m taft ftoctoa sum'
n " .k1 th. -inh to
aw ihatt DTiaW saawi J- .
carry out It bftlldlngl plan
ItI7oT tha entlr. sum required to, the ground, erect and. equip
bifidlng? w'u bTaubrlbpd by th
nd of th prwssnt week. a
1 '
1 ? 1
refugee and from them secured small
sums of money- Thorn peon was modest
in hi demands.-asking not more than
I casta from a sympathiser. It. hap
pens that Mr. Tbompeoa ts well known
x prls Bvembar lite local Cblaeea gift
gang. Tbompeoa) eouia mo aacnr an
rraaclsco credentials, but he had ft
lodg battoo. r'"" n b Tanel of ils
coat, which waa hi principal stock In
trader 1st addttlow ta a plaadlng toagv.
Patrol maj tHe Nalsoo aw- Tbomaaoa
approach W. C Aldorsosi at Beeond and
AUtr street laat might ftad get S
t cents from the Utter. Ttm "refuge
Xwaa Tllowad-JyNi
gin shop BeconaV wber n waa ar
rested. ; """ ; '
Tb Graham -trlng quartst gar ft
recital to an apprecu
rnltarhuk chapel at Bevenia bj
Lh .Z... iZiti.hlht Th me.
Th- auartet are: Mr Shar-
t.w. William Wallace Graham.
rerdlnand Konrad. KmU Thallhorn. The
KIIT? VT.rTr Helen Ladd
Corbett and Solomon Hlrsch.. .
Tn party of Korthem PUclflo nd
Great Northern official who left St.
Pal for Portland week ago win ftr
rw Friday. la -the party ar Howard
-wjuottr Lours H1IT an K.X Horn.
- Tbsr nmaJtln th trip toapect
rosres of work on th north bank
fin of th H1U road and to look vr
- th situation ory the peninsula. -
. emintv' annual hors how
wUl b held Jutt I and ) t CorvaUl.!
Th official n "iw
xlUUon to wgnttrt t tll Portland
Icomnwrclal club and ft number will at
"tend. Benton." OOUhty Jla b56lnTa
mou vr-th state- for th fin road-
ater and draft boras that ar bred
jh the vicinity of CorvaHi.
Kit TI10mpson, aged 50 years, suo-
cowled yeserda In making several per
tSon bellere be waa ft Ban Francisco
Cotd Pccp!?I
The bent paying hotel In
thl ' ey. Watting J5
per cent on ses price.
Tnr prlo and partlctit
lar addraa Q i0. ear
jqurnftL . ..
Orecon rhaoter. United! Daughters' of
th Confederacy, wul hold it regular
ht-monthlv sseetlnc In th elty hi
committee room tomorrow craning. Thl
being Tenaeese day. th program, will
cormiat of sketches of the state's 11-
tory and of th men and women of the
tat who won distinction before : and
after th day of th confederacy. Th
musical part af th. program win be
ender tha direction, of,- Mr. - W. Boy
Hamilton, and other Tennessee women
will act as hoeteeses. Alt southern men
had woman are invited. '
. Since th disastrous fir at San
Francisco, th Portland dealer hare
been selling large amount of good
to people in th territory strpplted by
tha California metropolis. Th Meier
ac Frank company ts carrying adver
tisements In tha San Francisco paper
and t selling large amount of good
te Ollfornift. - - . ,
-Early Rose. Dont lt th' bog
soolt your early rose. Get ft hand
prayer and ft can of Fir TreeOU Soap.
lEaulnned with this II outflU you can,
with little trouble, keep your roaebnahe
and plant free from. Insect all summer.
Porttand- Sed :-C. Ft-on and Tamhlll
street. Phon Mate 473.
Ansel K. Clark, a Portland boy. who
I a, student at th Kansas university,
ha been chosen on of tn debater
for th sonhomor claa In tha annual
eontaat with th freahmem Mr. Clark
spent a year at Corvalll before going
to Kansa and will return to Oregon
after hi graduation. ;
Wktar through ho Tor sprinkling
Varda ar ldewaika. or washing porches
! or window, must be pal for tn advance
and used only between the hour or a
and S a. m. and and S P nr. It must
not be used for sprinkling street. If
used eontmry to the rules, or waste-
full y It will ba hut off. -
Loop th Loop. Excursion to Corval
ll a, via Albany. Sunday. May zo. by Proa-
1 pact cm trip. No. 140. W. O. W. 1 Train
I leave Union depot I a n. sharp. Bound
; trip fl.60.- .
Tho Horn Tralnlnsj association will
1 listen to--arr.addree om "The Period of
AUoleecenoe Boy and' Glrla." by Br.
Mr and : Mr. - Charles Jenninf .
Charles Jennlng of Portland and Mia
Ida Van Hoy of Goldendala, Washing
ton, were married at OoMendal May Z.
The young couple wtll -reeld nperoa-
ently In Portland and ar living at
111 Multnomah street. The bride and
groom are well-known young people.
Mrr Jennrng ts the son or Henry jennlng.
-1 - sizca and a good assortment-
50c to SI. 50
Belts 25 c Ed.
Special lot of women's Belts and
Girdles, in plain pleated and
shirred effects r black. -white.
T hrv. '" gr"i
of styles; 50c to $1.50 values.
Kaino- tin at the ridien-
loutly low price
Special 'lot of Burnt- Leather
Munc koiis. assonea aeiEn
qrtnr irr"'
Special lot of women's seal and
walrus handbags, in black,
brown ,. and - tan,' fitted with
caracase ana ran .puis,
Vienna handles; regular $1.50
values, on 1 QC?
18.65 Eaciii
Special lot of 50 Afghanistan Brussels Rugs of elegant quality, Oriental and floral deaigus. in the richest
colorings; size 92x12 feet; every rug in the lot reg. $25 val.; your choice at this low price.. f 18.65
Great bargain in floor Oilcloth, of extra heavy quality almost as heavy as linoleum; immense as- AH
sortment of patterns, in all the best colorings; vaL extraordinary at this special kw price, aq. yd.. ."WW
Five cents a yard extra for laying.. Mail orders promptly filled. . . - '
PAmfAr4Alt USpecial lot full aize silkoling-eovered Comforters, best patterns.Vhite ? C 1 tt
VIIllOrXCra lanated cottba-fillcd; great special value at ;...y MsJJ
ticking; regular $4.00 values, on sale for............ r;?s...ff
Sale f Ul r rsn fl V HUM ciUZ
1L II n eV TV-f ST F v tew w twwv u u r w 1 w . . 1
Margaret Qalglty. tomorrow afternoon
at t o'clock, la th committee room in
the city halt. Every mother Is asked
to make it a point to bear th discus
sion. Children will be cared for tn th
uuiseiy. :
Earthcuake coma too' thick and fast
tHt2tnfornuV to suit W. M. Brandes,
so he cam to Portland from the Golden
State. Soon after hi arrival In "this
city Miss Mary Mabel Wright followed,
and last Monday afternoon Judge Pra
ter performed the ceremony that united
the' two. They made ft honeymoon trip
down from the courthouse to th corner
of Third and Washington street, where
they boarded ft streetcar and proceeded
to their, new home. 1
?KERCTOFSvr Priced
Fjyejots of women' fine VaL
lacejtrimmed Handkerchiefs alt
pure Uncn;-dainty embroidered
corner deiigns; oaly a small lot
c,f each gradeJso,beltercotme
early if you want the best:
$1J0 value f or......... f 1.39
$1.7Svaluea for,,JLf
$i50aluetnfor 2.19
$Z75 valuea for ..'.,.....f 2 3
$3.00 vmlues for.....;.:.f2.4
Large assortmetiFef aU-eilsTPiP
low Cords, in red, emerald,
black, blue, pink, white and
other good shades;. XO
" great value.. .. . ..... . tT,V
Special loUf-liemtitchedland
fringed fancy cloths, all pure
- linen ; 15c valuea 1 1
for .. ... st at
Lithographed Pillow Tops, large
variety of designs; 50c, 65c
values, on sale at tWi lQ
iow price ay
Special lot of 30 doin Long
Black and White Umbkhi
Clove 1 3-bntton length ;
tlztt 5ft to 6M; tfclt teon'r
root detlrtble ttyle Every
pair guaranteed to gfrve iet
Itfictory eervtceRey. 3
vlqe Choice
ComsJU stock Of lt-berttow lugtll
KM Clov In Mack, wmt. color
Pcrrin' ceJebrfd mat
1,100 yard of Awls and Cambric All-Over Bmbrotdai y- pretty slgM la
1 larg variety; vaiuss up o . yxu. tj
nrlca. vard mall oraer nuea
Embroidered Shirtwaist Band 4 to t inches wide, and Bwls Embroidery
to 14 Inches wide grand styles; values op eeo - Qc
sales,tthllow jrtcaperyard jsst- .tt
1,100 yard of Coreet Cover Embroideries; Rwtas ftnd' eftmbrte;
value up to 70 ft vara, on sets in iau ivw iw
1000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. -'--Q,
0 inches wide; values to 00c yard. for. yard i,7fc
Round Thread Val. Lace ftnd Insertion, datntleat designs; value up ia.
.. to 8Sc dosen yards, on sal at thl low price, doses ...--y
, White, pink, bio and lavendw net Robe. 110.00 value .J..i,. ,eT.29
White Net Robes, regular ifcoo values, for thl low price.... .....f 4.
Desk Blotters with leatherette
ewners, v.
run tvui
Initial Playfng Cards, fin mam
eled cards, gilt edge, with your
initial on back;
'Panorama of FortTaod,' com
. : olete view of tha city, in col-
cits. 9x40 in.lreadyl Of-!
to mail; great value . . A
" "Weis" brush tube Mucilage, for
fasting everything ...... 4. Z$
Postcard Albums, cTotBovefedr
holding 224 cards; regular
- 75c Values, cm oale
Tally Cards, large variety,
in all colors, dosen....
Razors Off
lEntirt -lbWicf ; "CenVL Safety.
Razor on safe at M " regu-
; lar prices; every razor guar
anteed. ,utotivf" genwin norehide
razor strops, with Cl
rtr.wnra0rtptirlntjsjafeaf r
' ' Shaving supplies of all kind
on sale at th very lowest prices.
Complete stock of Scisor,
Pocket Knives, Manicure Artw
cl. Lowest jice alway. -
Waterman Fountain Pens in
all styles and grades. . "
Portland Railway Company. Com-.
menclng Tuesday. May IS. tha Broad-
t wMgaraticrTTfnfl . ntfo"ni
hUl street, and alternate with the Ir
mgton car. Commencing on th same
data, awing to track repairs", the Van
cottver. Woodlawn, Alberta and Russell-
6 barer ear wlQ cross th rrrer east
erly orer th steel bridge and westerly
over Burns Ida bridge until further no
tice. . ... -.t-.-T" . . ,.. .....
Colonel Eraat Hafer who wtll b at
Coos bay nat week, will mala aweralfday aftsrro
spcechc for th Republican ataaa
ticket before he returns. Former Gov
ernor T. , T. Gee ha consented to
end 10 day la campaigning before
th ejection and will speak in an th
larger town of th state. Walter I
Too will malt several speeches - tn
astern. Oregon and C. Jf. McArthurwlll
speak at Eugene nemt week. .
tCounty Clerk Frank CT1 ysstrt
Harold Wilde, th structural iron
worker who wa badly tajnrwd oft the
new Wells-Far go building yesterday
mornlhr. has a fair chance af recovery.
Aa ooeratlom waa performed on hi head
yesterday at BC Vincent's hoapttal.
which relieved th pressure sa th
brain. At 1 o'clock thl afternoon ha
was gaining strength slowly.
Charles V. Galloway, Democratlo can
didate for cogTSB from the first dis
trict, will speak tonight at Grants Pass
and" win maks an address at Medford
Thursday rrening. He will apeak at ft
meeting ac Ashland Friday night and
a. Rosehurg Saturday night HI Itin
erary for neit week ha not been ar
ranged v.
Beeretary H. W. Bton of th Toting
Men' Christian - Asportation returned
thl morning from .Belllngham, where
h ha been officiating at the dedication
o the- new T.- M C. A. buUdlng. Tfala
building 1 to be th finest T. M. C. A,
home In Washington, win gymnasium
hatha, nlunge. dormitories - and all
modern equipments,
Tha Ilttla son of Professor W. C. A!
d arson, 'who wa badly burned two
months ago. ha sufficiently recovered to
be able to be taken horn from th
hospital. Th skin grafting operation
wa ft complete- aucces and th little
hov la now able to walk, about th
bouse. t
'Itav. Dr. B. I House, Mr F. Eggert,
Mr. E. W. Lnckey end George H. Hlmes
represent Portland a delegate at th
Congregational association which meet
atiLo Angeles today ana tomorrow,
watehea. diamond ftnd Jwlry
easy payments. $1 down and 14 cents per
week. All mainspring t; all watoha
cleaned It. Matsgev Co. Ill fllxtn st.
Amhro Beard, lndloted In th full
of 1901 for unlawfully Inclosing gov
ertiment land; In Wheelor 1 county,, w.i
iftrralnd, bsfoaa United atatsa Dlatrlot
Judge Wolrerton thl morning and
pleaded guilty. He wa sentenced to
spend on day In the Multnomah county
tall .nd tA nay ft Una of 13&. Beard
tlon furnished by Special Land Agent
l w. TMxon. but became of th crowd
ed condition ot the calendar and th
new land fraud ease he was not ar
raigned until thl morning. Ths trial
f these ease marks th effort f Dis
tract Attorney Bristol to clean up all
ct tha old dockets, . , .." ' "
books, after th name of Si, I $. voter
had been, recorded on their pages. This
1 111 mora name j than appeared an
th book ar th closing time two year
ago. Of thl number 1740 are Re
publicans, 4,221 ar Democrats, while
1 tie ha lone to other nartie. Ths west
sld of th city waft represented by 10
II voters, th east stda by .7Se, ana
14T4 resldo In country precinct.
Butsr- lawn fertUlser Mhivenate
th habby Uwn: hi sweet pea and
Uwn grass got gold medal at th fair
Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor.
Arthur Gretahofcr, New Ter bust
ttcs man. who I to marry Mis Hilda
Prauenthal of Seattle on June 0, arrlred
at th Portland thl morning.
Wadding lnvttfttlon. lriinnjonne
ait. nalllnsr cards, ate Proper form
and latest style. Alvln aV Hawk CoJ
Myk TWro, Btre-i.
TJa wenr real estatsj for aftlft with F.
.Kh.m at 111 Second street. He ha
on of th best locatlona tn th city ftnd
h get buysr. :
Toung Men's Non-Partlsan Political
club mas meeting. T, M. C. A. tonight.
Good speaker. All, young voter m-
rvrted." ' r "
Wa ar still selling eye glasses at II.
a perfect fit guaranteed or money rm
funded. Meuger m .ew m "
rnel ell and sasolln for t-e and
ntm,.' us. Phon Main 4SI2. Red
Tank Oil Co. Ill Flnrt strwt,' ,';...
C E. Walbora. furniture revalrlng, pol
lahlnc. Backing; shipping. Tel. East 0101.
Tmetlea Roads.'T Portland Road Oil-
tag Co 441 Sherlock buildlngv
U ladles' Oxford for It; 11 style.
Mark Shoe company. .
Fourth street..
Panama Hattsr. Ill
" Milwaukle) Country Club.
Memphis and Loulsrill races. Tsk
gcilwood and 9rfn City ear at First
I4mtUd allotment of stork now offered. 11 P cent gnaranteed. - ghovld
. a . .... hW a.Aaa aM all established. -
yaf . ' aw I' ... - .
5r-l(LjNiri5:CENT STORES
llad Offloaav OAXXAaTB. OAU. VftM avtag Mat aur.'
K- B. WOOD, acaaagaav Wmw Tee OStoo.
jll ilna All rnimaatsattra h Oaklaad CrSo.
cox. j. b. nun, ir id o, sow. varesxAV ,
K eUtfasv - -
capt. a. a. OAzn. insor
CftpttallaO ana ghlpawmev, eatMa,
wzuoAie emocnen, ti e.
. c rrAT-mxvs, lMtvstov,
Affews. arornarft yaein
Manager wanted who can Influence capital, f har of profit and salary
, to 'right party.
vnov uthm liix au
Baker Theatre ttSJ?,
The tiome et- iIta- leal Stark - rvarteetme...
this wrrK t.rand orr.yiso or th
le Hk-berd Mamfleld'e Sarewa, - - - .
Rrentng Cerlate. 0'IX: Metlneea, -. 1
" Breriaeai Sanirdey sod suter. KTMg
fi-e. JR. l. SS. vVr MftTi, 1 1. 2
uf w 'th unu jfiexgiaa.
I , . . . ...
IM ssd Morrkew.
mamwasT aV rmitmmmm
lWgfci m4 Alt Hi. wovIjwT1M Mf
A taanfiml srrlref mt res greng M stay.
TV etory ef two saeilepherM. fvwpiafe ere.
iforttee. enelleet eMnnany. Malhiee Hm'nri.y.
vestos. IS. 9K. SOr: rrtnm. 1", IS, 15e.
Wkl wxek ' Xasi irni"
Week ef Vf Jt lews laes, - -
A. J0llf g Jtii, Bale.
CALLAMV 7,ini Tit -"Ptorxf
aTsslsr Xeteld : staff.
VI XMOW." I ftTSBileim
' atTsTMIB yniCKft Beramsa, Snaesy
sa helMer 10c. We sail SOc( SMttseas,
lAff tV tlfr aTaMlt 'Tt fvOfaW.
and Alder.
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Children's Hats
Special One fourth off to reduce ttock.
School Hats straw; all colore ; regular.;. .25 to f 2.00
' Napoleon Shapes Soft chip and Milan; re?..? 1.75 to $4
- Girls' Milans High grade, correct shapes ; reg:,SJ1.85 to $4
;" Giris" Leghorns Large assortment, rmtrimmed ; regu-
ular . . ,,,,...... .50 to J2.00P
Girls' Trimmed Hat Leghorns and fancy straw:
regular .fl.OO to ?4-50
Girls Silk and Chiffon Hats, white and colors ; reg.f 2 to f 7
Girls' Wash Hats White Swiss and embroidery, re T
movable from wire frame by untying bows ;
. regular f 1.75 to .75,
Child's Wash-Hats White and colors; reg 25 to $1.50
On Fourth
Formerly Becker v
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..Ssasftd WsseV - - :
Stxx Stoclx Co.
badi r vntxa ainv cnrxiss.
P Ceaaeettea Wit OeeO veltie tnl esd
View ef ths Re rreeHere 1 re.
Bery Aftsrsssa ssd Seeelii iirUesr tae
lar Steeli gaaa. o .-
Taw) Weak Beval Melisrssie, ' -
Ills Checker &V th Vc
nr Tnai Arr.
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