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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
HIS ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. ) MAY 18. , 1SS3. Fill OEST PLACE Aid Society Will Ship Them to ; . Ranches , Whenever ; It : I ;le Possible. , ..' NOT 80 BAD FOR THE girls; EITHER gMllIOOVSH MnUl, Moral and Physical Develop ment Better in the Country, Sari '7 Soclety-Iflfliiencea of ' City"' ife Not to Be Desired. . , " : j " Thar tVe ' f arriTle the Wt ple to - WMetojrBhirfbe j - decided bjr-tfie , Bora' and Girls' Aid society of Port ' : land. ' Hence the officers and members of the organisation propose to send all . brethatconuiider4helr-cAaTge--tQ some farm, when It ia possible to do so. . Tho society . taka .the aland that 'on ; 'the farm or ranch the boy Is removed from ; the temptations - andr-delelerroue f influence that surround him In a city, He Is taught how to do. good whole . some labor, profits physically by .the outdoor exercise and , fresh air. . has .ample opportunity to secure a . good ' education In the country, sehpola and ran. develop Into a better man physical ly. mentally and morally - than ha ' la apt to- ender the Influence ef elty- sur- . rounmngs. . . - . . The society held Its annual meeting and election of officers last 'night Be. parts were received- from varloua offl- rials and the problem of dealing with homeless children . waa discussed, from "Various standpoints. It waa this dls- aaslnflhatTeOCIMlclualojaiiaX i armns-the "best place for the boy and probably the clrk too. The elec tion of officers., resulted lit. the selec- non or -j. c Ains worth, w. B. Gilbert and Robert 8, Farrell as trustees, and Miss Helen F. Spalding was t-hosen to ili the pnnlton n-rt vacant hV TTra resignation of Mrs. w. A. liuchanan. The -repoi t ofWPTardnarrHsuperi ttendent pf-therBoTa- an fJttrts" nom -j Shows that the society has placed 48 .--orphan- children in- good frame In- the etates of Oregon, Wsshrngton-awoViaahOr Of thla number 19 are girl that have been fclven home in. Portland. The . children ar constantly under the super vision of the society, a" competent saent being employed to look after them at all time and report to the so ciety. Nlnety-nln children have been -received from, the Juvenile-criiirt and cared for. "ElgTltypef"cent onhe "cases' of "delinquency In . children' that have . to be dealt with by the court, the re port say, la directly traceable to the idurti -A-tabulated report - appended-show! -thst" durtng-the past year III children - have- been . cared for by the society - In one wsy and another; Four hundred " and iwo ware disposed of and a total of 41 were handled by the society.. 4T of - these being on hand at the' opening of the--year.--Therei ara now IT children at the home.- . . T J.- C. Alnsworth, treasurer, reported -that tM14.II had beet expended during the year, but that SU.OOOwas on de posit In a local bank-' at 4 per rent In terest. - Addressee along the lme-'of work -being -done ;were mane" by Rev. AJ Montgomery, Prof.. ICR. Wine hell -and Judge A. U Fraser. ;--Kansas rroUbHloaists. - (Journal Special BerTKe.t " ' Sterling;. Kas.. 1 May 14, Pursuant to the call of -Chairman B. R. Delay, the The Odlden Eagle, Occupying the Entire Corner pf Third and Yamhill Streoto, ..Owing to the increasing popularity of the "Golden Eagle" as Portland. "LADIES' "shopping center, we have decided to aell our entire stock of MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. l When w opened this atore, two months ago we'anticipated taking more and larger quarters than we now occupy.- In consequence of unforeseen causes, we cannot, at present, obtain the additional room, and we deemed-it advisable to sell out our entire stock of Men' Clothin g, to make room for a complete line of Ladies' Ready-to-W ear- Garment and- Dry Gooda. ' ,,,. We will sell out the clothing at what it costs at the factory. Of course, every buyer and shopper.knows that all retailers have their own' private cost mark. We wili not only tell you what each' garment costs, but will have the original invoices on display in our Clothing Department, showing the name of the maker and what they coat us. We will sell you these suits at the exact lactory price; jwe losing the freight from New York to Portlandr-The'gannente we carry are all Fresh Spring Stock of every fashionable fabric in every correct style- and his is an opportunity to secure men's up-to-date clothing at exact Factory Cost, an opportunity which has never occurred in the history ofnerchandising and which will probably never occur again We will start this sale tomorrow at 8 a. m. and will continue it ONE WEEK ONLY. The clothing must be sold at the expiration of one week. The balance, if any remaining has been contracted for by a local dealer, and will be cleared out at the end of next week to .make room for shipments of dry goods and ladies' ready-to-wear garments now on the way from the east. Takeothlng for granted. Come and see the invoices for yourselves. Suits purchased here during tins sale wiu pe rntea to your lorm, xree 01 cctarge, oy inorougaiy expcnenccQ xauora w our buiwm Aauormg.ueparnncnt.. AND THIS IS WHAT YOU .PAYNO MORE;- LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL INVOICE whoiSie 3.75 1 1 $5.35 1 1;$7.50 1 $9.65 10,50 You know that all clothiers get a profit of 100 per cent. Come and save this profit I Purchase a suit of clothes at Factory Cost Fitted to your form free of charge, at Factory Cost. Portlands-New Department Store The following are a jpecjgfcfor tomorrew. "Few"- crowd-bringing A J Ann' f nrrriH- tn flnq uOn V HJIJKL IU -morrow- is-Thursday, one of our- Double Diis-- Ladies' Waists--A" sensational special," which - yoV souldTtakeadvanUgefWhhe7lndia linen Waist, embroidered, lace and insertion - ; yoke and collars, button back; regular QO -price $23. - Thursday's PriceiT 5777x01 BOO pieces of Embroidery., beautifully made onr good cambric and muslin, attractive new pat terns and well made edges; regular 8c f and lOcraear-ThursdayVPrice. . . . DC Don't WorryWatch " Special Double Discount:' ; WIth Every Purchase e ? Ht A Basement Special We will sell tomorrow (Thursday onlyj the fIfTtstlm!tat!oriat7aiasseins large bowl and 6 small ones at .... TVTV S. I aUlll" Xeweeeee mmm 4 I Eortlaridle Departmerit-Store- The following are a "Few" crowd-bringing special for tomorrow. And don't forget to-morrow- is Thursday, one of our Double Dia- count Days. Ladies Collars and Turnovers, sold everyother day at 20c Thursday's 1QC : 600 pieces of Ribborvfancy, in grayrblack nd white, all the latest shades and combinations, i 4 inches wide, all silk. - . - Thursday at. . . . ... eta r ma . lw kg-4-Bleacbed-Sbeeta,? worth 6SeifeVl Thursday. i. .. . . , ..,tUW 8M2 Pillow Slips, worth 15c A Thursday. tJt ; . , ,',', , . .M . . , 1 U3 v7 Prohlblttonlsts of Kansas aasemblad in state . convention here today. " A full state and conajreaalonal ticket will be placed In th field and Jlans discussed for nusnlnaithe moat vigorous cem- palsn in the history of the partyHn tola atate. : j . -. ttt- . Toaaf (Journal awial Sf1ee.) Paris. Mar Tha thlra eonferonee of the yoriaaJounajyomtn a Christian Association opened In thla city today with a larse attendance of delefmtes. many of whom had Journeyed from dis tant part of tha world to witness or participate In . tha procaedina. The sessions wtll last five day. THE OLD FOLKS AJ HOWE Are : Never Without ; Pe-Ai-ria in the Home for Catarrhal Diseases. MR. 8. D. FOBS, ll8. K.-th street) Minneapolis. Minn., says: . , , . "I wish to oongratulata jou on your medicine, reruns. I have Been a sufferer with catarrh" of the stomach for Aver two vear. hut since I have .com mencea o is so your remedy I have been steadily , - improving until now I can safely aay I feel no more of my old trouble, and course, I will elwiys A GOOD -WORD FOR -PE-RU-NAr- m a mauer ui have a aood word for reruns. 1 recommend It to all my frlenda." , Mr. Maadalena Winkler, - Route. .4, Westminster, Md.. writes: - "I thank you very much for your ad vice. I can aafely aay that Peruna and Manalln have saved my life. "When I wrot to you the firat'tlm. haaklna vour advlc. my - condition was . so poor that I did not aspect to live through th winter, but now.-1 am perfectly healthy. I cannot praise your medicine enoua-h and 1 raeommend It to others. j T. T. Markland.. a well-known busi ness man of Cincinnati, O., wrltea from 1100 Woodburn avenue, follow: PRAISE ' : FOR '. PE-RU-NA, "I find that In my case Peruna I flesh builder. ' I am now at work every day, and have sained ten pound. I took your . Peruna- accord ing; to directions, and the result waa mora than I- expected. breathe With ease, and I bad It for - GAINED JO LBS. IN WEIGHT. "1 can now also my cough is stopped. six month before-1 took down "with th grip, - ' - V.: -' .- ' ' ! . -t , "I took no. other medicine but Peruna and It aocompllahed alt You told me In your first, letter that -.Peruna would eur me and It has. ' x 1 sm 7f years old ahd ean attend to my work and business as usual." - Mrs.. - Theen. Mlkkelaon, - Brlgham City. Utah, wrltaai "I wish to thank you for all tha good Peruna. has done me. I am- entirely free from the cough which nd to bother me go much every wtnter. "My. kidney ar also In good eondl- tlon. and I feel stronger , and better alT over. For all these I give - th credit- to your excellent - medi cine, Peruna. I -am pleased to recommend GIVES. PE-RU-NA -CREDIT."7 ' ' bVBYMXS POmarrUl "For a number of year requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Peruna be given a alight laxa tive quality. I have been experimenting with a laxative addition for quit a ' length of ttm. and now feel grain HM 40 annbunre to tha friends .of Peruna that I have Incorporated such a quality In the medicine which, In My opinion, can only enhance ita well-knowa beneficial character.- - . ( ; .. - - -u- . B. HARTMAH M.,D.-. iriJURED ITHO FilOHEY; ALOIIE I Woman Refugee Spends Three 2 Weefcs in a Portland Hotel ' Without Proper Care. PRETTY YOUNG WIDOWS - IN CRITICAL CONDITION Found and Befriended by Salvation Army Though Suffering From In ternal Injuries . She Goes Twenty Days Without Medical Attendance, Suffering ' from 'Interns! Injuries re ceived In the disaster at San Francisco, eKypOlftpaaiaii -e'ietotverr-e, etewoa-- rapher, ha been In a room in tha Oak hotel at Sixth and Oak atreeta for three weeka without medical aid. Her .need becoming known to the Salvation Army local corps, a physician was secured for her thla morning and her Immediate want are being supplied. Tha girt Jain reduced circumstances and In need of caret uL attenllunaMdaubsTttnTlaTrBnrr: MrY-netcnerwaa-n paDliir atenoc- rapher In the Call building at San Fran claco. When the earthquake oame she waa asleep at her boarding-houae, Th building was partially wrecked and1 ah waa buried In a-pile of debris. Some men paasing th place and hearing her. can lor neip rescued ner irom tn debrla and Aided her .la getting to th park where the homeless populace was taking refuge. Although bruised by the falling material of tha - house. - Mrs. Fletcher did not think ah had been in jured to any extent and at th first op portunity took advantage of transporta tion to Portland. Bh thought aha waa able to work and succeeded in getting employment, at which aha worked for two days. She secured a room at the Oak hotel. On th third day she wss suffering so she could nonreturn to her labors. Bine that time, - three weeks ago, ah haa been confined t to her bed constantly. Person tn th hotel learning that aha waa without money or any mean of providing for herself have been paying for her room and providing such neces sities of life aa they could give her. They did not know, however, that ahe waa suffering from internal Injuries; it waa only when those who have been looking after her found It impossible te do .mora and reported tne matter to Major Waite of the 8lvatlo Army that her dlr need for medical attention waa discovered. The major wanted to have her moved at one to the Balvatlon Army Rescue home, but the patient waa found to be aufferlng o much that ahe could not stand the trip. This morning th woman condition was brought to th attention of Dr. Sarah Whltealde, who ha volunteered to attend to case of thla aort. Dr. Brown and Jeffords, also helped. . An effort will be made to move the alck woman to . more comfortable place, where ah can receive propr.r car and attention. Mr. Fletcher la aeeklng In formation regarding Mra. Henry C Robertson, wife of & Baker City- mining engineer. She la aura Mra. Robertson will help her, --7 - - POLICE CRUSADE IS BRINGING., RESULTS Th police eruaade against pawn broker, second-hand dealers and Junk- shop owner haa so far resulted In th arrest of five persona and, complaints against six mors were filed by th . elty attorney thla morning. Detective 'J. A. Meara, who haa been working on such cases under tha direction of Captain of Detective Bram,reported to his supe-1 rior officer late last night that he bad secured evidence against Ave additional Junkshop men and one mora second hand dealer, and that their arrest ware necessary. Meara saya that the batch of men soon, to be .rrested have paid no atten tion to tha city ordinance which makes It necessary for pawnbrokers, second hand dealer and Junkmen to keep 1 register of all' goods bought by them or pawned to. them. , The following are the persons agalnat whom complaints were Aled thla. motnlngM - ft. Marr, sec, ond-hand dealer at ill Front atreet; W. Fox. m Water atreet: H. Cooper, SOtH First street; Welnstetn Blanka, Mill and Water streets; B. Bohaltaer, Mill and Water streets, and Jacob - Smith, (SI Williams avenue. The Ave last named are Junk dealers. . CALLS CHEAP 6AS SCHEME SOUTH SEA BUBBLE AttorrifarwMal icism of Thomas McCusk-.-- ers Proposition. Sharp recrimination waa -Indulged ' in by the representatives of two rival con- cam seeking gaa franchises ln-lh olty yssUrday-beforater-speelBl-meeting nf the atreet committee of the city coun cil. : - ' B. 8. Pague, speaking-for what Is known aa th Colson franchise, called Thomaa McCusker'e , S-cent gas a "South sea bubble," and Mr. afcCuaker r .plied In kind. . - Meanwhile the members of the com mittee hinted that both concerns wanted franchises In order that tha privileges might be aold to the Portland Oaa com pany, ' ' ' ' " - The two ordinances ' granting fran chises were returned ' from the execu tive board, to which they had been sent that tha compensation to the city might be set according to the charter. The compensation - placed upon the . fran chise sought by R. W. Colson. A. J. Farmer, Joseph Closest, Theo. A. Gar bed and B. 8. Pague was 1 par nt of th gross earning lor tha aefand, S per cent lor the third and 4 per cent for each year thereafter, Mr. Pague declared - thie prohibitive. - He 'offered an amendment that tha franchise should become void whenever Ita ownere ehould conaolldate with the Portland Oaa 00m- pany. 4 Both McCuaker and Pagua, declared the rate of th Portland Oaa company excessive, but Mr. Pague hooted the Idem of McCusker's 5-eent gas. He said, however, that If the MoCuaker franchle war granted ble company, .would with draw from- the-field, as there was-no mom for three companies In the elty, Hta franchise calls for a maximum of Si cent per l.ooe fet,- After a long discussion the colson ordinance wss amended to read exactly that, aame aa tha McCusker measure, providing for a tax of 1 per cent upon the gross earnings, and both want back to the executive .board for approval. FUNERAL OF J; FISCHER - IS HELD AT SALEM (Iprclal fitapateh te The Jeoraal.) Salem. Or.. May II, -Th funeral of tha lata John Fischer, who died at Eu reka, California, May I. took place In thla elty front th residence ef T. "J. Kress at t pi m. yesterday. Mr. Fischer was the manager of the well-known Margarita Fischer Theatrical company. He leaves a widow and two daughters. For many years the Fischer family has made It home at Silver ton. Th de ceased giso leavsg a mother, Mra. I Csrea Kldaay end C!sd dcr C230Q808 la Every Perm CI any Pocplo i end Do IJot Know It. HOW TO FIND OUT. It fa thaftiBetleBof the kidaey. to flltet fani pwify the) bleed which ia oeaitaaUy iMlna; through them. . J Whan the Wdaeva arc oat b ordar the other, orrana are affected. Immediately sod ye ma have gynptoss of heart trouble, itomach and liver trouble, and ether ailments, which are all owing te the kluBeya being weakrand out of orders If yen are alck Feley'e KMlMy Cur will etrengthea and bnild op the reta et dhin ( the kidney so they will act properly aad the cymptona of weakneea, . heart, . stomach aad . liver trouble wm disappear and yon will he restored to perfect health. ...r : ' . HOW TO FIND OUT. Tm oaa eaally determine It your kid aeya are ont of order by letting aside (or 24 hours a bottle of tho nrlne paaaed upon arising. . If upon examination It la ekmdy or milky or has a Srlck-dait aad Iment or smell particlee float a bent la It, four kidneys are diseased and Fot9f Kidney Qurs) aboald be taken at one. Feley's Kidney Curt) la pleasant to lake aad acts directly upon the parti affected aad you begin to feel better atoaoe. .2 It correcti alight disorder! la a few days and it has cured many obstinate cases after other treatment had failed. - Decten laid He Would Nil Uve. Peter Prev. of Woodruff. Pa writes: "After doctoring for two years with the beet physlclani in Wayneeburz. and still getting worse, the doctors advised mo if I had any bnslaeaa to attend to I had bet tor attaad to it at once, aa I could aot poaaibly live a nether month, aa there waa bo cure for me. Foley 'a Kidney Cure waa recommended to me by a friend, aad II immediately aent my son to tho store for It and after taking three bottlea I be gaa to get better ana continued te) ln prove until I was entirely well." y- Two laea, e aad tlM. t:U AI3 RECSU.CZC.ED IT Wee4ed,v Clarke ' Oc, and Sktdasare Drue? co. - Fischer; two alsters, Mra. T. J. Kress and Mis Anna Ftscher. and a brother, W. H. Flecher. The Woodman of th World, th Knight of Pythlaa an the Elks, of which Mr. Fischer waa a memJ bar, attended the funeral, t sawbui otujiTTuio ooaopajrx I SAtnas owtrimium oomwawx A number of pretty Waists is essential to the : summer wardrobe variety Jn: style and mm terial is greatly to be desired and our offering of new models, both in smartly tailored and - mqredabpratelir)geri ample -opportunity for sdecttoirof the latest'dc -at moderate prices. Especially attractive net: and lace Waists are being shown Waists designed to be worn with princess and eton suits. Cash or credit -same price $1 WEEK New hand-embroidered silk . Pettfcoats in all -the popular spring color effects . $1 A WEEK We sell the best 90c mercerized Petticoat in . the world. Black and all colors -all sizes . 90c The season's latest novelties in dainty wash, gilt and fancy leather Beltay moderately priced ' Eastern Outfitting-Go r The Store Where Your Credit le Oood ' , " :; Washington and Tcnth i WALLPAPER STYLES - . There's as much ityle in Wall Paper as in anything else. TL!a eeaaon'a atylea lean decidedly towards,. striking desiini inj r r ' ' ' color offecta. Keep your walla in style. Come in and let bs r ' yon what tho atylo ia, and how little it coats you. We a!-- ' JTAXXT "TaTAT WOaTTf OOaCB OF, aad VABaTISXnS fee T Portland Paint & Wall Pr- 171 fcCClJ I rtrarrgig-cotoaiB yaoer tzTtrzzx Moaanoa axd tat r