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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
IrilEZOREGOrt DAILY JOURNAUrpORTEANO, -WEDNESDAY 7EVENlN(JvMAY 1B, lS03r TJIIIIE MID' Gffil "IfCDlOlir VVONDERFULSOCIAL RISE OF --MAXINE-BROWSER-D'BULLiPJJPP Merchants to Use Them In Dec- - orating' for Made In Ore Li:.. gon Fair....'. r- v PLANS COMPLETED - FOR JHE CARNIVAL Additional Feature Secured for In ft ' dustrial Parade- Fire : Department . . Will Give Realistic Exhibition,Drill for the Pleasure of City's Guests. - -. - : . . -w h r- -. T r : t (f.iNHiii,.i.innii.....P.i,llM. , -,Jfv -111 I I 11 I 1 J f V It :r-;-:-trr -' UvAln ,: : - . c -v wi r n W n it rrm If- Bra ting for-Made-lit Oregon ltfc hna c.ommpnrd." Tha" first pieces or . bunting were flung to the breese this morning by tbe Commercial club. A force of decorators were put to work early tn the morning U the temporary . home of the club on Alder street, when '-he-memberc Teached-the-Toonis f 01- the noon luncheon they found the window draped in green and white the colors of the' T'Made" In Oregon" " movement . and festoons of bunting -of the-m colors hcnf on tbe front of the building. ITS expected that by tomorrow general decorating, will- .commence and .'several large .business houaes have elaborate .plans for ornamenting. Additional features 'are - being added ach day to the program for the week. The free entertainment at the Armory on Tuesday nJttht promises to be a monster event T. B.. Wilcox will pre sida and a, number of prominent cltisena 'Wilt act as .vice-presidents.' "Addresses Will be made and a number of well known vocalists of the city have offered tbejrjiervlceaJIhe..varloua theatres- of the city will contribute their quota to ViIe'acts.UI,',U'e,,l. by -rvldliig yawle A feature of the week will be the ex hibition - by the fire department In addinon to taking part in the parade on ion of Chief Campbell, will give a fire "drill" on one of the principal streets of l'nc.Hy.JXhurBday evening. tlt.l jrob . all 1 eTfha I arrangt merits "w Ill'emide to - have--th drill Illuminated bym -series of search lights. A fire company will come tearing down the street at high peed. The- engines will be attached to hydrants, the -extension ladder will be run up and the firemen will give a thrilling demonstration of fighting a Tire. Part of the drill will Include the scaling of a tall building with pompier ladders. . 1 A nother float that promises "to, be - nnhjue-wMi rbe-addedto the -parade. - The Italian Association' of' Vegetable Gardeners has arranged to display the products "of their model vegetable gar- -denaIn addition to this float the asso- -eletion-wiil also have In line a uumberf or - decorated - wagons. At the meeting of the Joint committee last evening resolutions were adopted aaklng cltisena and visitors to the city to favor with 'their patronage the mer- -chantswhoJ)aye contributed window apace to the exhibition. .v. Soothes itching akin. -Heals cuts or burns without a scar. Cures piles, ec ema, salt, rheum, any itching. Doan's t Ointment Tour druggist sells It Made in Oregon Suits TozYourtlcasure: to The fabrics are woven in Oregon from Oregon wool knd made up in' the most thoroughly workmanlike ! manner by Oregon tailors: Give us your order for one of these summer suits and we will show you that per- feet clothes for men can be "Made in Oregon." Every stage, too from the sheep's vback to the man's back.. " ! , - J The middle man's jjrofit we give to you. Elks' Building - I , Seventh and .Stark Two Piece t ; -- Maxine,- Before and After--Dental Operation-- - This Is a true story of Maxine Bull pup, whose sudden leap- to the head of the moat exclusive doggish society laat week has' caused so; much gossip in the canine .world.' .' . -, f .' ',-.! ' She is no longer the Maxine Bull-pup of a week-ago, the careless girlish dog who ran around the streets with Addle Terrier and Jessie Better and .Willie Foodie and who took delight in trotting behind a big, black butcher's wagon on a hot afternoon. The little feasts which the poodles and the setters and the -pugs were wont to'hall with -delight Maxlne'no longer attends. - All this ia changed for her, . Now she basks in the sunshine of the ex- cluslves. She fs the queen of them all. and she knows lu- Her name is no longer Maxine Bull- pup. Horrors, no! She-Blushes with" shame when she thinks of the days when she would gallop tumultuously ,,n ,h. ,?lAy frnm whence . Willie I'mUlu wag tall ln. "HI. BilaAlliiniflWS a Juicy piece-of 'eather to chew." She la trying . to fnrgfif threw -unmaldenly axporlennaa For she la now Miss- Maxine Browser DeBull Pup. She hob-nobs with George DeBull Pup, walks on a shady after noon' with Reggie Bpitx. gossips famil iarly with Katharyn Von der Staghund and sups quite of ten, with Gertrude De Lapp Dogg. who hasvreal Spanish blood in hor-veins and who- has the longest silken hair that you can Imagine. Her Blse Staddea. - . Her ascension from the pleblan claas towhtehs"h e "ha belonged rid lhees:. elusive plane of the DeLapp Doggs and fie Von der Staghunda came all, of a sudden, only- laat week. She was sur prised at. .l.therseU.Herfindawere fllnrnnrrrT lr , ., . - Of -courso the exclusive set. that "isT The femalca of canine swelldom, got out their little hammers and - begari to knock, but they might aa well have tried WIFE'S LOVE FOR DOES NOT DISCOURAGE STARR Love for the Holy Roller prophet, now defunet.-rseems powerieso to destroy the remnants of B.'K, Starr's affection' for his straying wife.' When asked about her today he expressed regret that be had not heard from her and seemed ready even yet to. receive her into his a aa Si eyas 1 aa aaassaaslal aaaaiaa ar - - . uvinsf Has b n vu iQ'v fwj c fj u n. i .1.1 1 "If depends v upon . cJrcumstahces whether, or not I will receive her agarn," he , aaidWV'Jf.. she-l'comea la. Jhe , right spirit she shall return, I know nothing more of her whereabouts than any one else, for I have heard nothing and know IS ORDERED TO SEND HIS CHILDREN .T0.SCH00L I Russian Resident Compelled by dudgeFrazera"Hav?jOff-" spring Educated.' Judge- Fra aer- last nl gh t impressed the dignltjof - Oregon 1 wit upon a former sybject of the csa'r of au the Russlas to such an extent that the Slav soon be came of the opinion that It was best for him to be good and mind what be waa told. One Weidenkeller. who -lives la Highland, was brought before Judge Fraser because he had refused to seifd his children to school. Weidenkeller cannot- speak English, but through an interpreter he told the Judge that the children had to work be cause he needed the-money.-. There-are eight children In the Weidenkeller home, the oldest said to be a girl of IS years. She works in a local tin can factory, aa does a 12-year-old son. A girl of-S years stays at home to attend to the housework, while the mother goes out Jo do washing and other tasks. It was brought out that none of the children had ever attended school more than a few -weeks. Judge Fraaer ordered the children who are old enough to go to school to bo sent st once, or the court would see to it, thai the edu cation was given ituspita nf .the father's objections. , Weidenkeller made many promises to ,ctrry out ' Judge Fraser'a orders. ': ? SUPREME PRESIDENT r -y'l FOSHAY IN PORTLAND .'"V . ... t James A. Foahay, supreme president of the Fraternal Brotherhood, arrived In Portland this morning on a tour of . in spection through - Washington, Oregon and ldahorUerwirtbersccampanied oh his trip throngh these states by W. J. Hancock, . state commander of the Fra ternal Brotherhood, and will be enter tained in this city by- Portland lodge 20. of which D. R. Ladd is president. - This evening a meeting of the Fra ternal - Brotherhood . will be held" fn Catholic Foresters' hall. Sixth and Washington streets. Members from all over -t hi a state will bo present to wel come President Foshay. The address f welcome will be made by Attorney James A. Jeffries. President Foshay will respond, giving . a comprehensive outline of the objects and results of fraternal insurance. - James A. Foshay ' has been superin tendent of the Los Angeles publlo schools and an active worker In the councils of the National Educational as sociation, lie Is past grand master of the Masons in California and la past grand commsnder - of the Knights Templar. . He - 111 remain in Portland several days , ... ' , , to forget their proud ancestry aa to have- tried to- stop- the- rapid rise . of Maxine DeBull Pupp. . For Maxine 'bas four gold 'teeth In her pretty, girlish mouth. Do not be startled; it Is true. Do you wonder that she' forgot her old associates or that exclusive society compelled to take her up? i ; .- It was a hard blow for these xirllsh queens who had ruled canine aristoc racy. The silver plate in Kathryn Von der Staghund s fore leg. put in after 'her accident, was forgotten. She - had reigned supreme for - awhile and waa now a close second to Gertrude DeLapp Dogg. who came to Portland with Captain D. F. T osier and whose an feature had derore ted -4h- laps of - Teal Spanish kings and queens , MaxfneTs coming dimmed the sloTT of Uertrude and Katharyn, both T-of whom pointed with scorn to her plebian habits. But George DeBull Pupp, whose grandfather ef many generetlnns pwek TfeTTgToua TeaST TTr Sioux a delicious suceess. declared that Maxim. was-rt-rtgiirrrKtiarrKgrriiig Realfiplts-andeU-theethermale of the smnrt et. t; V " r- 1 Olven OomlngMhiS arty. - So Oertrude and . Katharyn accepted fate And gave a coming-out party for this new debutante into swelldom. It was held on the green lawn in front of Captain Toiler's bam. Maxine came, showed tier old'teeth 'whenever she - smiled, - and won. Her. conquest was-supreme, SJietaQk.th931?s- l Gertrude DeLapp Dog and -filled it with grace. "Her-rule TIds Tair to bo long. - Maxine belongs, to Dr. A. C. Froom, the dentist She suffered with sore teeth and Dr. Froom extracted four of thamJhcaJie ctrefujlrtnade a plate of four golcf leeUv "fitted Tf "to Maxine'a mouth and fastened 1righr-Thworlri waa successful, for Maxine can ch as well as ahe could before her trouble. She is Just three years old DEAD PROPHET.: only what 1 have read in the papers. tng to hear from her." - Mr. . Starr confessed that he had no ground for" thinking his ' wife was in Seattle or anywhere else and he is en tirely, at sea to know what to do to ' l'a'CCt"hlB'fCtlII"ftiPrvHll h0 Bflftirttf" t(J x0"" T sire. He ha a bad no homo alnce her departure. Hls-three-little children, to whom hit was devoted, are staying with relatives in different parts of the state, and his little east side residence is closed. -. -V.--C WILL SPREAD OIL IN EFFORT TO STOP DUST ("pecta! Dlspstch to The Journal.) obv(ate. the dust nuisanee ort the- 0pr kane branch of tha- O,-" R.- :N. lIn tn that system wili pif thcTracks brtweeri iiiit fiiy ivi iir. yti Wfhingtonj a distance of over 60 miles, This Is one of the most dusty sections of the O, R." "N. system,- and lt:1s- believed that- afew applications of crude oil wni .settle It .entirely. - This -will-be welcomed bjr the many traveleraover mis nrannn In tin summer trri, era, nlmcat hftked .whlle..travellng.i by the dense duet . Millions Spent to Make Clean Beer Cleanest Manuf acturins; Process Known Is That of the Leading American .Brewery." - We regard beer aa a food and the business of brewing beer one of our most important' industries. When we tell our readers, that without exception there is no other brewery in the world so absolutely clean In its. process of manufacture aa Pabst .we speak from exact knowledge of conditions. Th monster Pabst Brewery at Milwaukee represents - an . outlay of millions of dollars and many of those millions have been expended to make the Pabst ex clusive process absolutely clean. Pabst Beer stands stone today, the only food product that from the beginning to the end of its manufacture is absolutely beyond reach of even the contaminating germs -of-the air. Doctors - boll - their instrument tn water to sterilise them.. . Pabst bolls his brer In closed kettles and thus ster ilises it. From there It passes through sterilised pipes 0 sterilised hermetically sealed tanks where it is fermented. Then through mora sterilised pipes it goes to .sterilised hermetically sealed storage tanks, and when bottled it !s pasteurised. ' Throughout the entire process it never is touched by humnn hands and comes jn contact only with sterilised air. No other food product known can show such a record of posi tive cleanliness. ....."'. This psncexs of manufacture is tht exclusive Pabst method. It is one rea son for the "always the same, always the best" reputation of Pabst Beer. . The cleaneat beer and the richest beer, Pabst Beer has no equal as a mild, re freshing, healthful beverage. . OXaJaXSS XOnr,fe.OO. ; . Mala 480. - Oorasr Tkird and Staa. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer , Order a Case for Tons Some Today, u . m . ' U. ft- n U At the Sirln-o the-UNITIED o I fOT TTfMtribMLb ! have bought clears for X 0)iViiVU; of U ;0 of doing 0 Tkmlmriiit Qgar Charles V.' Calloway Making Campaign for Congress, on .,. .. .. ....... ssuea HIS DECLARATION - S MISREPRESENTED HiaJrUnda Charga-TTbatHta-Ot ponent Quotes Only a Part of the Tariff Platform and Vses It AgainsGallowsy in Campaign. :': 4 s " Gallows y, Democratic can- Otdate-f orpon gress "from His fiisfdis trtct, is making fats campaign largely on the grounds that he will vote for a Just and equitable revision of the tariff laws. In his platform he. declares: : "If elected to congress I shall vote at every opportunity., to reduce tariff ratea and schedules that grant protec tion to special interests, apd rates and schedules . that by prohibiting Imports decreaae national revenue." According 16 ' the" Cloverdale Courier, an Independent newspaper,. Mr. Gallo way's opponent,. Rev. W. C. Hawley, in his Tillamook county Speech made- a glaring and unjust representation of Mr. Galloway's position. The Courier says: "Ha began by misrepresenting his opponent, Mr. Galloway's position on the tariff- He read from Mr. i Galloway 'a platform as follows: 'If elected to' con gress I shall vote at every opportunity to reduce tariff rates and schedules that grant protection'-rtben . stopped and asked what a tariff was for if it was not for-protection.. He did not finish the paragraph of Mr. Galloway's plat form, which is: 'If elected to congress, I ehalt -vote at -every -opportunity- to. ra duce , tariff rates and schedules that grant protection to special intereata and rates and schedules that by prohibiting Imports decrease national revenue.' " ' "T thus misrepresenting, his oppo nent's posltTHti. Mr. Hawley waa unfair, and waa not following the prlnclplea of President Roosevelt who was the enunci ator and supporter of the pollcy-of-a square deal.' In making" such a mis representation of: his opponent's posi tion we are certain that Mr.' Hawley lost the votes of the fair-minded people who believe in "square deal.' " - r- - In - Mr. Hawley's Yamhill county speech he refrained from making any such misrepresentations and spoke in the highest terms of the Democratic candidate in" his home county. . In Mc Mlnnvtlle Mr. Hawley lent all hia energlea to an endeavor ' to arouse a partisan spirit and said he was opposed to Mr. Galloway "because he Is a Demo crat." - . SPEAKERS ADDRESS T MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ' Colonel Robert A. Miller and Hon', J, b. Matlock were the principal speakers at the meetrhg of -the Municipal league In Hibernian hall Iat night. Colonel Miller aald that In several Oregon cities TARIFF SEVISIOII HIS PLATfORU 1 an oldtfalnfh-tlieWaylts-tfOTie nuuaiCTrsTores CIGAR STORES COMPAWk" KeUUers l the world, the municipal aownershlp of the water system haa been found to be successful established. He said there are so many problems Involved in municipal owner ahlp that - care should alwaya be exer cised in its extension. Mr, Matlock said he hsd given considerable study to the "proDtemaiidhsonettri from the or flcers of 150 cities where - municipal ownership of lighting and -water-sys-tems- have . been sucoeasf utly -operated. He cited numerous Instances where city governments are furnishing light and water at entailer prices than are charged by private concerna and are yet paying a profit into the treasury. Speeches were also made by Francis Clarno, Isaac Swett, WBliam Horan and A. P. Nelson, all of whom are candidates on tbe Demo cratic leg: jlatlve ticket. ' Balldlar rermlt Ar X Farmer" haa received a" permit to erect a two-story frame building to b7rorcuTluyirtg-Tn FngrTirrTitreet 1 uiwmii aim Lincoln. 1M ram will be $6,800. W. R. Stokes a: Co. wUl erect the building. " Other building permits recorded are; Ht P.-rHolmes, two-story dwelling, Qulmby between Twenty-fourth and Twenty- fifth-streets, eoat-4,6r-Mrs; Rows,- onestorir-4wellrng,- Kerby- near Beach Street, cost I1.1S0; E. B. Howes, iatoz;:awfiinngrrCmhswMweTOi Tentn ana tievemn sireets.- cost siou; O. Engberg, repairs to dwelling, Ivy Heart Palpitation . Indigestion eausss the stomach to expand sweHaridpufT lip" against the heart. This crowds the . heart and interferes with its action, causing shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart. Dyspepsia Cure DIGESTS WHIT TOU EAT takes the strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, . strength and 1 health to every -organ ef the- bedy.- Cures Indi---gettibn. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach, Belching, Pas on Stomach, and all Stomach troubles. '' - ' Denors, lows. Tares yaara a(e I was afflicted -with ladlfsstioa so. much that ' I was la coatlnual pais. After estlflf my heart was affected and I had smothering sensations. Two bottles of Kodol cured sue. . ALBERT A eWar kattU caeXsfsa 1H Urn as ansta) as tin trial ef S9. '-r - she. Pnpmni mt th Imbrmtery a a.C.DWtttC,CkagU..A, axzsaiOBB muo ep. Airs v ; ' - woooAms; oxjabkx co. years nut ours is ar Becaaaa w street near Wllllama avenue, cost $100; Mrs. D. Allison, one-story dwelling, Al Bea? Eair wenty-firthstreefrt cost 11,000: M. Haines, two-story dwell ing, corner Hoyt and North Twenty first streets, cost S,000; A. Lentger, two-story dwelling, Bellwood between Bodncy anliTnlon a.Yenue.coJHUS00; Mrs. R. . S. Robinson, three two-story dwellings, Overton 1 between . Twenty first and Twenty second rsrreets; cost $1,654 each: 'Welnhard estate, repairs, corner Alder and Fourth streets, coat $200, '.;.,:-. ...... . ,, ,r. '.' Frsf erred stoek Oaaned ' Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. SALE Do you believe this is aimply an advertising hum- bug, or do you think ,w are really retiring from th . :-rr retail businessPr-; .., - The reputation of the store best answers the x 'question.' Present prices answer the question. K personal visit to the store and investigation of the reductions will answer the question. - The "immense -; number Of fine Pianos and Pianolas, etc being sold ' each day answers the question- You can save at least from jone fourth to one third the retail price if you want to buy a fine instrument now, and then you ; iT- may, take virtually your own time to pay for H. We 4 ' are positively retiring 'from the retail business. C Eilers Piano Hous; Gt Largest and Most Responsible Defers 0 Shiel hundreds new way s yoa bast Frtaoa - Is - Galesburg, 111., May It. Congress man George W. Prince was renomlnatadl for another term by the Republican, congressional convention of the fit teenth district here today. ' II n , - u n 10 m atoniinaaed ,