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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MA" ' 18, 1ZZZ. " ' t t,. a TJO DELAY TO NEW -RlllLlMcLlflE: Eastern Meo Will Supply Capital -V-for Earlv Work on Road . , ar to Waldo Copper. . FINAL SURVEY IS MADE . AND TERMINALS BOUGHT Right of Way Secured Tarough Pur- chase and Condemnation and Ma . chlner.r1 on Way to Begui Construe . Hon Work" Early in Month of June. -tSpactal PUpatc. je thFIwrnat; r nr.n Pau. Dr.. May 16. T Though the proposed railroad from Grand Paa . to Crescent City. California, tapping the Waldo copper mine,' la engineered by the California V Oregon Coast Rail- -way company, a Ban Francisco corpor '' at Ion. It ha been learned her that the ,Uy th bullditig of the line, a the cp- , m Hal will b supplied oy eastern men. - Chief Engineer Draper, who has Just mad a trip of Inspection over th rout of th proposed road, state -that con '. structlon work will begin arly la June. ' There haa been some delay in th ship- . ment of grading and construction' lm- pLenients, But th right of way for th .' line haa been secured, terminal grounds purchased and . a ' final survey made. . A contract ' haa also been let to th '. California Construction - company for th building of th bridge across Rogue end Applegate river. " -i A number'of farmers and rancher along th - rout of th road refused .Tlght ot jray andjefused Jo ell atat- ' Jsfactory figures. Condemnation pro- . ceedings were had In the last term of th clrrult oniirt, and all raae -settled, . Kvarythmg Is now reaoy, so Chief' En glneer Draper states, for the grading . machines and scrapers. . T A SHEEPHERDER SisiiaiiHii w John Connelly Before Dying Said He Had a Brother Located "V" --: " at Salem. 1 '- '- (Splil Dtopatct to The Jocraal) ; Pendleton. Or. Ma It John Con; Belly, who wa shet .Monday at -Fin City. Morrow county, was a sheepherder and hi remaina are being held In "Pen dleton awaiting lnatructiona from rala tives. . - Otl McCarty.of Echo was th un : willing alayer of Connelly and before . shooting be. twice ordered him to halt and throw up his hands. This th man J alledtodo but instead jntlnudiQ walk toward JacCarty. with on hand on -: .hi waistband a If intending to draw a gun. Search, "resulted In no weapons . being on his clothes. ' Th pose of vwhleh McCarcy. waa a , member brought!- the wounded man to Echo, but he soon expired. After being snot conneuy declared himself aa Inno cent man. , Before dying he said, ha had a brother in Salem, who waa a member "'of the national guard company-at that place, and gave hla nam as Thomas .Connelly, but bp to the present tlm he ; has- not been located, Th coroner's Jury ' ine man round burned to a crlap In the boxcar t Foster on the morning of -the shooting caused the. posse to be out tn search of two men. who th officers twllev have Vnowledge of him. and as " Connelly answered " the description of en of them, he waa called to halt. ( . One of the two men 1 now being held .a. prisoner In th county Jail, while th . other 1 being eagerly aought oy Sheriff Taylor and his deputies. Private Wll v 11am Wilson Is th name of th prisoner .and he. was In charge of th car which ,waa consigned from Fort RUey, Kan .aa. to Colonel 8 it. , Totmend. . Washington. There r i port to th effect that tb man who i Burned to death waa a hobo hn - tt iiawn anew noining or ni being there. I as he was riding In th caboose much of ,. tha.Ume. . As lt-jow stands the ease is vary complicated? ; . - - - . YOUNG WOMAN DIES WHILE PLAYING ON PIANO (Journal BpmUI garvW.) J. Philadmpbls: May -. Whll - pei rormlng on a piano In aid of th San Francisco sufferers at a charity con cert, Miss Bertha Carson dropped from "the piano atool dead In the Fiftieth -Baptist church here last evening. Her , tragic fate did Jiot become generally known until the Inquest today. Mix Oars on. apparently in the best of pitita. jlayed. brilliantly when about ; the end of the performance those in the audience saw her suddenly reel forward jand fall to the. floor.In an instant th audience waa hushed and a doctor car Tied the young woman to a aide room, where she waa pronounced dead. .V " " ' " alent Will Calebrat. (pedal Otapstch to The Journal.) Salem. Or., May It. Salem will cele brate the Fourth of July. The joint . coromlMe appointed from the Com- lub and the Rualuusa MprTt - league met yesterday and chose u fol lowing officers: B. A. Densrooor, chair- " wan; 35. 1. Rlgga, secretary, and K. T. . Uames, treasurer.. A thorough canvass ' of the city will be made and all possible plan will be put on foot to have a 21! ilebratlon worthy of the Capital City. Sarsaparilla i Pnriflee snd enriche th blood and buiidg np the whole gystem. It radical enrea all Wood diseases, from pimpled to acrofala. . .. p It ie -the beet 'remedy for Catarrh, 'rbeamatiam anjlygpepaia. 4 r t 1 . At all time of the year It la the in oat widely naefal medlclno. - 1 Theee gUtemente eje Confirmed dally by cored men and women.. " , Over 40,000 teeUmoniale received In two year an nneqnaled record I , ' ... In tablola, as Wll aa ia-nmal liquid frnj. . 100 Doeee One Dollar. 1 Hood's GEAR1H -UPO.'I -RATE- ISSOEj (Continued from Pat On.) Senator La Follette today in explain' Ing this amendment atated that our of tZfAaaea-wtuoh- sad been-appealed to th court from th commlaslon it hsd been reversed because th railroad com panies In court ' had offered testimony not before adduced and that this course- was pursued by th corporations pur posely to discredit the commission. He had sought to avoid this and aire the commission power to modify It decree In th light of new evidence, so aa to prevent th case being bung - up ' In court, and thereby, through delays, th relief sought be not granted. . Th La Follette amendment substituting far, section 11 a provision empowering th commission : to nams a maximum and- minimum .rate, tuid as well as to control classifications, waa supported by Oearln. ' This, Senator La . Follette averred, was absolutely -vital to th suo oesa of the plan- to ., regulaU rates; otherwise, by simply moving a commod ity from on classification to another, a corporation could evade th effect of th eommlsslon-mad rat. - n rTTh La Toilette amendment to prevent ) federal judge from alttlng In a rate regulation ease, wnen tney ceia siacss, bonds or - otner securities' in railroads und accepted or procured for other passes on railroads, waa also supported by Gearln. . ,.;...';.';'',-.": '.: ' ". Against th Baflroada. The ilcLaurin r .amendment,'"- stronger than th foregoing and for which Sena-1 tor La Follette voted, provided for th am thing. Oearln voted for It also. . When th Daniel (Virginia) amend ment to strengthen th commission with respect to th taking of.testlmony went over ant U Monday, from last Saturday, La Follette offered a substitute which Bern tor Hal Immediately moved to table without giving a reason therefor. For this amendment Oearln voted. -'- La Follette amendment providing that th actual value of railroad property-should be ascertained before th rat basis should be decided, a measure designated -to. aqueese water from th Inflate -railway stocks of th country, altbouahiabled on motion, by Hal. Oearln supported, a th Record howy lit t Oliett amanameni - prvviuins th block system of signals, a measure admittedly, in the interest of safety for the employes and passenger,' Hal moved, to table, and Oearln, -who wanted It adopted, voted against tabling It. Jfridly .. La- Follette-samsndmeat making transportation corporation liable for Injuries when proof wa that th re sponsibility n the araatar nart with I th corporation or - some otner agent thereof, Hal moved to table and Oearln voted against -the motion, being ready to support the amendment. - Senator Gearin'e " attitude throughout the unprecedented aituatlon of the past few week ha been commended by close friend of Frealdent Roosevelt, and his standing - among executive - departments at all times ha been that of popularity and of constant granting of marked evi dences of favor. He la on good term with th administration and witnar n- Joy popularity with -hi part; ates such as few-sena tore -have-gained during thetr flrst-'yearr-theraenat.' LIARrSHOUTS BAILEY.' (Continued from Pag One.) that ' among all newspaper correspon dents, most of whom' were aa "honorable aa the senators, the two chief cuckoos were correspondent of these, papers. "My suspicion was aroused that th story proceeded from th Whit House. I hope not from the president himself, who ought to take step to prevent "The miserable wretch." he continued. "who communicated the Information to the paper In the effort to slander me. no- matter how high hla office, shall loseTilrplacs, even if h be lneplied by I Ms cnier." Tillman today made publlo a letter re ceived today from Chandler replying to the president's charge. Chandler t re affirms th essential truth of th state ment he made Tillman, which Tillman repeated In the senate. It reviews ths conversation with the president and ends by saying: ..-.'.. I ought to consider myself fortun ate. If th old imperialistic days have been Xuuy revived at the White House. One whom I consider one of my best rrienda, LiOdge, upon demand, would t to the president on a charger. I could have spoken no more. Mow Z at least fKgyotnrToWe-r nr Btnen. Bur i ahaii never use It again aa a missionary from the president to the Democratic party. Tillman bad the -. letter, read in -the enata - . ; Bacon'. amendment, to th.rata bill Arohlhitlnar aanatora anil renreaentaflwea. federal , -judge .And.executive.0ff lciala from accepting or using free passe waa defeated. F1RLAND YOUTH (Continued from Fag On.) their effort to discover .whether or not Jones wa murdered list Saturday night Th city baa also been searched without success. Horace-B. Jones Jr. ,lwrTrltnown rn rortland. He-te a-aergeant-rn Com pany A O. O. N., and bear an excellent reputation as a soldier and citlsen. lTtll a year ago-young Jone waa em ployed by 1 the Blake-Mc Fall company and wa considered a trustworthy and valuable employe. After leaving the employ of this firm he- moved to Fir land, where his parents - had : built a modern cottage. The missing- man is t feet I or inches tall, clean shaven and welirh about 171 pounds. Horace XLlonea the father of . the missing man, J a welt known newspaper man hnd moved to Portland with hla family from his mining property near Med ford, Oregon, three years ago. .. 1- ELECTRIC LINE TO SOUND '(Continued from T Ont.) line from. Seattle to Portland" are not sutflclenUy advanced for of flciai - an nouncement. Within a ihort time there will be Information of a more definite rharacter. The laying of. Interurban lines between those cities will mean much grester progress for them through the building up of the country and the general Increase of the traveling popu lation." . . ' It Is believed her that the Traction company and the Centralla-Chehall propositions will eoeit be merged into one company mat will build a through line from Seattle to Portland, passing through Tacoma. The- Traction com pany Is now laying rail south to Amer ican Lake, 14 miles distant, which sec tion will be completed by August.- MINERS REFUSE ALL" ' . ARBITRATION OFFERS (Joemal tpeeUt aerrleej . Indianapolis, Ind., May If. Th miners todan refused any and alt ar bitration offer from the operator who have not signed th ltOJ seal. t i Retailed a! Dealers IThoIc- i sale Prices NOW IS THE TIME TO PUY A NICE HIGH-GRADE :::ry--.;'i -:r PIANO AT A' BIG SAVING, ir It, is not a question of being forced out of the retail business on. account of not bein? able to Dav our rent.' but 1 because we -have sold our business to Sherman, Gay & Co. ; of San Francisco, who will take charge July 1. ' Consequent ly,' we want. to reduce the stock as much as. possible and are Xsatisfiedjoeljhoii small margin above factory cost..' ' t alTARElSOSIEPmCB PIANOS Former price $500 ; now.". . .... . ; . . .$390 PlANOS-Fbrmer price $475 ; now... . . . . . . . . .$368 ,.p n t'lAlNUaformer price '450; now. ya-ao :PJANOSFormerpric $400 j now; J. .r.7.T.".!.?29a';'V PlANQSFormerr price $350 now.... 258 , PI ANOS-Former -price $300; now;. Tit!... V. .$215 PIANOSFormer price $250; now... ..i...... .$196 : " When 'you 'can buy pianos "of the quality represented" above at the price named, there is no use to investigate fur ther, for the pianos and prices duplicated, and we are sure you will not have an opportunity to secure one again at the orice named AH the new pianos purchased by our a successors for their opening, which was to have, taken place Jthciirst stthis month, are included in this sale, so you have v X- the finest assortment of tip-to-iate stylesfhrbestTnakes-r t to select from. We also have W m . e . ''. and used pianos that we will, You will find them ranging in on our easy payment plan. If chasa of a piano, do not tail to OTeWGflBeWR . CORNER SIXTH eSM4 FRANCE SECRETLY PREPARES TO FIGHT GERMANY Republic Steadily Strengthening Defenses and Moving Forces . of MerLbyJNight. : . . - ( Journal eSnaclat aerrles.1 London, May The latest Issue of Reynold's-oewapapef aya ..that .infor mation haa been received 'from a relia ble source to th effect that France Is still steadily strengthening her defense along the German frontier. During the paatjl mouths or ojmany garrlaona Jiave been considerably added to, and In some cases almost doubled, while new guns of long range and the most modern construction have bepp installed lnall the crlaclbal forta Vb aecretly ha this been carried out that the majority of people in France have no Idea of It, but the villager along-the frontier tell etrang storle of strong bodies of armed men marching silently at dead of night, all bound for unknown destination. The French war office la well aware that n the archlvea Of the German headquarter staff there are elaborate plan for th dexsent of great armies upon Frencn ou at ne mwiuem war la declared. or even before, but' It I bv no means certain, concludee the correp"T'dent, that they would .have anything like the free ana uninterrupted, passage that they believe jwould be th OIL TANK EXPLODES ;: - -AND STARTS BIG FIRE L1Z1 (Jouraal 8put gerrles.T t ... -M -J: Un 11Thi t.B of an oil tank belonging to th Stand- . j : nnaupftaJT : big w tiff - thl moro lng and I now biasing. The explosion jarred tne city ana .uum me v10' who thought an earthquake -had-oo curred.- OU In adjoining tanks la being drawn off. NATIONAL SOCIETY TO STUDY TUBERCULOSIS . Washington, May H. Medical mn pf note are here from alt parts "Of ths in attendance on -the second annual meeting of the National Society for the Study and irevenuon or luoer culosls. which began today at the New Wlllard hotel. For the purpose of facili tating the work the convention ha been divided into sections, each on of which 1 to conduct a special line of inquiry, to Include sociological, patho-logloaiand-bactarlologlcal. Surgical tu berculosis In children, clinical and cllma-tological.- President Roosevelt and s President Cleveland are among the hon orary vlce-presidenta of the society. CHURCH CONFERENCE TO .BE HELD IN PENDLETON Pendleton, Or., May 1. The district conference of The Dalles district - of th M, EV church will be held In this city May 11-14, -and arrangement ar now being made for the meeting which will be held at th M. K. church. Min isters from all the various churches in the district will be present, aa well as many lay members, e-gM-- Chooislg. f DMJravcs' Tooth Powder Dentists say "It is the best den tifice and antiseptic in the world for , the teeth and gums leaves the enamel white, and: gleaming; also leaves a delicious after taste," - ia handy metal eaas or beetle. Sg. Dr. CrtYca1 Teeth Pcri:r Ca. t mm aV H' a large stock of. second-hand .. ll close out at half their value. ' price from $50 up and all sold 2 . t If ll you are interested in the "pur- . T call at once. AND MORRISON. , J 44 w CHAMBERLAin PROTECTED (Continued from Pa g One. - ment-to th constitution Th people of th sUte should hav th right to avail themselves of the referendum clause in th constitution -4n-Jl those except those clearly intended to be embraced within th exception quoted." . v- - .. amCtem-aaBW-gi--- ' Following word with deeds Gov ernor-Chamber lain vetoed all measures sent to him that contained an unneoes sary emergency clause. . The opposition ; party-bad an Immense majority, but th , Justlc of bis stand' gslned him sup porters wno were not of his political faith. Still- the conspirators - persisted In their attempt to circumvent the law. GovemorCharoberlain kept hla peaJway knocking out "emergency" measures and forcing legislator to present their bills la the proper way. .. - The last and greatest effort of the oonsplrator waa made Jut befor the vasrtesgloni!ndd.-They-maiised i- gum' oer or tne large approprlatlona In one bill and added the usual emersancr clause. This bill contained the appro prlatlona for the necessary publlo in stitutions, besides miscellaneous anoro- priatlona. The conspirators held the measure back until the last day. fig uring that the governor would not dare to veto It and thua leave the state In stitutions without money for two years. At this critical . time the governor ahowed hla mettle. In a messag to th legislature he called attention to the . fact that beside providing Jtor lba maintenance of state Institutions the bill . contained approprlatlona for the support of " the - UnlversitT of Orenm. the AgrTcuTruraTonegernne"!!! mal schools, the state biologist and the repayment to the several counties . of th stats the) expenses Incurred by them In support of the non-resident Voor. Then came a clear exposition of the law and e firm declaration te obey It Th. governor . said; .. What th Governor Said. Ututlon' of h statlfprovWee that law making appropriations for th salaries of publlo ofllcera and Other current ex penses of the state shall contain no provision on any other-subject. Under this provision it aeema improper to in clude therein any other appropriation than those necessary for fhe support and Improvements of th Insane asy lum, penitentiary, aoldlor home, 're form school, deaf-mute aefcoor and Wind school, all Of which ar tat lnstltu tiona An emergency olaua can, with propriety," be added -to a bill which pro. vlded for the stat Institutions, but It seem to me Improper to include In thl appropriation bill th other Insti tution and items above mentioned, and Improper to add an emergency clause to any bill that haa for its object the ap propriation of money for their support Teeo Three affective, , V, "Ttn th hop that no obstacles may be placed In the way of the proper mainte nance of the Insane asylum, penitentiary, soldiers' home, deaf mute school and blind school and their Inmates, wards of the. state, beeauss of a misunderstanding between your honorable body and the executive, I hav felt It Incumbent upon me to suggest to you without any dispo sition to be disrespectful, that if the bill passe In Its present ahap I cannot conscientiously give it my approval, no matter what the result may be to the state Institutions .Uk-whlch I have re ferred." '-'Thl message settled the conspiracy. The emergency clauae waa dropped., the bill wa signed and th governor's via- torv in his great fight lor the referen dum was complete. If he had yielded Will overcome Indigestion and dyeep- la: . 'gulat th bowels and our liver and kidney complaints, it i ins- bst blood enricher and Invtgorator In the world. It la purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use Jt If you are wise. R. N. anarews, eauor ana man ager Cocoa and Rockledge News, Coeos, Fla., writes: "I have used your Heroine In my family and And It a most excel lent medicine. It effect upon myself hav ueen a marked benefit Sold by Woodard, Clark at Co, c i ... i i -- ar ... i Weefclkd S 1 milllG TABLES No. 627 42-inch Round Pedestal Table,-6 feet . long-, golid oak, weathered finish; regular f 18.50. Week-End Sale price fi3.7S "rNoryHMinchRcd-TaWertenda-to-fefy all hard wood, weathered nnitn; regular eek-End Sale orice No. 3Ci 6-foot Table, 44-inch top, weathered fin ish; regular $12.00. Week-End Sale price. S.T5 No. 4104 -6-foot Round ' Table, 44-inch top, .perteatal Ta, weathered tinnh; regular yillll VVeeK-gud 34e iiilce ....... ...f No.-36J-fc-Mi3sioTable4ontfc-toii rWei- Sduc, wratnerea iinisii; regular -Week-Enct Sale ptke . iNO. 00 0-1001 x-eaestai laoie, neivv ciaw lect, 7" full quarter-sawed oak finished weathered; regii- ' - " lar $33.50. Week-End Sale price...... f 25.50 No. 3934 S-foot Weathered Oak Table, 54-inch top. pedestal base, -with massive carved feet; -regular $57.50. Week-End Sale price.. f4BO No. 457U-foot Golden Oak Table, full quarter- ; tawed and poUshed JVJf pedestaV bMewith. claw feet. 60-inch top regular. S7&5QU - Week-End Sale price 65.00 .No. 704 Golden Oak Pedestal Table, 44-inch top,-' y polished finish, " extends to 6 f eet; tegulaf- $22 SO. Week.End Silo nrire J "Tfo2I0-foot " Golden r Oak round top, full quarter-sawed and polished; regular 422.50.. Week-End Sale price. -16.75 No. 124 6-foot Extension Table, golden finish, 44-inch top; regular $15.00. Week-End'- Sale price .f 11.75 , CHINA CABINETS No. 41 Quartered Oak Cabinet, two-mirror back, , bent glasa ends. golden- finish, regular $34.00. Week-End Sale price ....w... ., .26.50 No. 693 Weathered Oak Cabinet, strictly mis sion; regular $26. Week-End Sale price. 10.50 .HCad- qnarters -tor-Office-; Furniture Here to Stay STEINWAY a-b. oman, - im PIAINOS naaro naiiai. There never will - be a time that .he above instrument will not be repre sented here, a the better class of peo ole and all good musicians demand . the beat make, and ar willing to pay a legitimate price for same. W cannot Sell below cost but a advertised w will cell our present stock of pianos and organs at th lowest prices ever quoted on same make. Before you - buy aome . cheap make NEW PIANO see om of th HIGH ORADEL allshtly uaed one w have, a the rhain. new nlano will last only few year, whll th other will last you a lifetime and retain a tone satisfactory to you. ' zDUNDORE PIANO C0f 134 aiarth att- Oppoalt Orogoala Bid Victor- Talking -Machine Sheet- Muslo th referendum in Oregon,-Instead of being a vital force, a It I today, would already, be moribund and . doomed, to the limbo of useless thing. . : After Supper. our ltorea are well lighted and the who desire to examine our piano ana organ and hav not time to do o during tha day can call thl-evenrmrrr our tnrea are ocen for business from In th evening until IS at night Beside, In th evening w ar not so crowded and can glv our oustomer bttr and mor cartful attention, suara nano uous. TWO CHURCHPACTIONS AGREEON INJUNCTION " (Jeeraal fleaclal S.rrk-a.) Decatur, 111., May J. Attorney rep resenting th union and nonunion fac tions of th Cumberland . Presbyterian church hav agreed to make application for an Injunction restraining the gen eraj assembly, which meets Thursday, from voting AO merge with th Freeby- terlan church. - Court proceeding will begin Friday In the circuit court anq argument win be mad ao that a decision , may . be reached during th meeting. - - PRINTERS VOTING TODAY -r FOR NATIONAL OFFICERS Indianapolis, Ind., May lit Th membership of tha International Typo Jraphtcal union, the national headquar ers -of which ar in thl city,' cast their ballot throughout th country to day for uw officers. Th leclon 1 , W .call GOLDEN OAK VJERTHERED ORK MAHOGANY, .i.ia.'-i. : No. 0287 Golden Oak Cabinet, full quartered and polished, bent' glass ends and fronton -mirror in back; regular $48.50, -Week-End Sale price .............. ...37.50. No. 218 Golden Oak Cabinet, bent ends and .. front. noliahcH finish' rrirular $31.50. v Week-End Sale .....I2.50 3 No. 61054 Weathered -Oak Cabinet,-bent- glass ends and front, fwrrr i""tTt1 .Week-End3alcprice: jo.. f28.SOr No. 489 Golden Oak Buffet, quartered. sawed and V - polished, full " French legs and French bevel mirror; regular $26.00. Week-End ' Sale orice . ... ; ,2l.OO 'No. 46? Golden polished, canopy Jl: $39.50. Week - ZNo.j9 ffet, hevet mirror ' $29.50. Week-Etxd No. 440 Golden ... , . rr llT.Ofr hshed. - - bent "Table," 42-incir Week-End Sale price ........ ..i.. 46.50 ' No. 804 Buffet, .weathered oak, shaped French bevel mirror, bent glass front; regular $33.50. " Week-End Sale orice ..28.00 jJSo. 456r-ombihationJByffet and China Cabinet, weatnered oak, Dent glass enas ana mirror dsck; regular $52.50. Week-EndT Sale price.. 43.50 -- No. 33-Weathered Oak Buffet, oval French bevels ir. mirror; regular $37.50. Week-End "'-" Sale, price . . . . .-. . . 1. . , , "iV,-. . i .V.T.50 ' JTo." 471 Buffet, -weatberedoak; shaped. FjreniUi bevel mirror; regular $38.0Q.. .Week-End . Sal price ..530.00 v jv ej v x X I " -;."V- zrri jls f : .-L- 1 1 v'rh'JAy'tVy r "' ' The Best $3 Hat in the World - Bears This Label . v BEmsEmmm LEADINQ of a perfunctory character, aa President J. M. Lynch and tha other present offl-1 M71 li v;;.J:.;;"v;iss': price ' . . . V' .".24."50 ' i o; 1 WeatneTCrrOalrrcitmnet, missiun pattern, ' leaded glass; regular S4.uu. . Week-End Sale price ....31.00 two mirrors in back, one glass ;f3.50 BUFFET? - Oak. Buffet, quartered and-"! top. full swell front; regular End Sale orice..... 31.50 golden quartered oak, French and leaded erlass doors: reeulaf Sale price...... ....24.50 Oak- Buffet. chartered - and - ;ls - front, and side,, anapca , teftcTiTeveTTtiirrotTgniar-s33.w.---r ? Complete line : Lawn and Porch j Fnrnltnre HATTER I cer of th organisation ar without opposition. J) ' "' ' """ ' V! a' A.